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LogoName Σ Ingoing engagements Outgoing engagements Employees
La Coroutine La Coroutine

Create, learn, share Coroutine is a user-friendly Lille coworking space where you can find people (nice, it seems), coffee, an internet connection, a ping-pong table, agile methods, less agile jokes, some plants and offices on which work, study, draw, ... coworking, cooperation, and third places

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech hrtech

6 5 0 4
L'Obs L'Obs

Inform, reflect, debate, act 📌 Follow us on Facebook: 📌 Follow us on Twitter: 📌 Follow us on Instagram: 📌 Follow us on YouTube: 📰 Subscribe to digital obs: ✉️ Receive our newsletters for free: Written press and digital

Type: Media

58 49 50 283
Victoires Populaires Victoires Populaires

For a victory for ecology and social justice in 2022 We are millions to want a real change. This is why we are organizing popular primary in the fall of 2021, an independent citizen initiative for political parties. Faced with economic, social and ecological emergencies, 2022 is a crucial election for our future. Our goal: to allow citizens to bring out a gathering candidacy, winner, around an ecological, democratic and social project. An unprecedented citizen designation, to give the floor to everyone. On the basis of the work carried out by the young people of the meeting of justices on …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

8 5 0 14

The Compagnie des Thirds-Lieux is an association open to all those who wish to contribute and who aims to represent all third places in the European Metropolis of Lille and the Hauts-de-France. The association has defined its object according to 5 specific axes: . Press and networks the third places on the territory of the MEL and more broadly in the Hauts-de-France region. . Create common resources shared by network members (digital management tools, methodologies, legal porting tools, financial tools ...). . Support holders of third-lieux projects. . Train and professionalize the collectives that manage these places. . Observe and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

34 13 24 22
Doctolib Doctolib

Ensemble, construisons la santé dont nous rêvons tous. Together, let’s build the healthcare we all dream of. Since Doctolib’s creation : We power health professionals and enable them to have a better work life. We help people to be healthier and have faster and easier access to care. Santé, Internet, Innovation, Rails, health, Scale-Up, e-health, telehealth, Frenchtech, online appointments, healthcare, technology, data protection, and security

Tags: FrenchTech120 Type: Startup Activities: healthtech it services Technologies: SaaS Data Analytics

185 114 55 3,319
Social Media Club France Social Media Club France

If you get it, share it The Social Media Club France is a circle of reflection on social media, bringing together journalists, publishers, communication and public relations professionals, entrepreneurs, researchers, bloggers, marketing managers and, more broadly, any professional passionate about the media and their evolution. The mission of the Social Media Club France is to connect media professionals who use community logics in the creation or dissemination of their content. The objective is to share experiences between professionals, identify, formalize and disseminate good practices and thus advance the social media market, promote standards, encourage transparency and the ethics of its …

Type: Media Startup Activities: martech

40 6 36 5
Wecan Wecan

We believe it's time to move into a new era, the era of the Internet of Trust. Wecan Group offers blockchain-based solutions for secure compliance data management. Already adopted by over 100 leading financial institutions (Bitstamp, Pictet, Julius Baer, Lombard Odier, Edmond de Rothschild, etc.) the company has won more than 12 awards in just 3 years. Learn more about us and our innovative solutions at: Suisse, fintech, blockchain, DLT, Compliance, and Cyber Sécurité

Type: Startup Activities: fintech it services Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

11 6 6 40
Internet Society (ISOC) France Internet Society (ISOC) France

The Internet Society (ISOC) France is the french chapter of the international NGO Internet Society. The Internet Society is a global cause-driven organization governed by a diverse Board of Trustees that is dedicated to ensuring that the Internet stays open, transparent and defined by you. internet governance

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

17 3 11 10
European Central Bank European Central Bank

We are the central bank for the euro, Europe’s single currency. We work to keep prices stable and banks safe. The ECB is the central bank for Europe's single currency, the euro. The ECB’s main task is to maintain the euro's purchasing power and thus to maintain price stability in the euro area. The euro area comprises the 20 European Union countries that have introduced the euro since 1999. Monetary policy, Banking supervision, Macroprudential policy, Financial stability, and Market infrastructure & payments

Type: Large company

148 87 29 4,787
Harris Interactive Harris Interactive

Impactful Decisions Faster Harris Interactive is a full-service, digital consultative custom market research agency that combines sector expertise with award-winning research design. We work internationally out of offices in the UK, France, and Germany. Our activities span both business-to-business and consumer markets: specialising in telecoms, media, technology, entertainment, financial services, food & drink, personal care, automotive and business services. We blend focused sector expertise with award-winning research designs and innovative tools and approaches to deliver tailored solutions built on industry best practice. Our engagements range from tactical one-off projects to ongoing strategic tracking studies. We have in-house expertise covering all …

Type: SMB Activities: martech

110 61 38 179
The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project

Equipping a global network of investigative reporters & publishing their stories so the public can hold power to account The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) is a nonprofit investigative news reporting platform for independent media outlets around the world, publishing more than 100 investigations a year. By developing and equipping a global network of investigative journalists and publishing their stories, OCCRP exposes crime and corruption so the public can hold power to account. OCCRP was founded in 2006 by veteran investigative journalists Paul Radu and Drew Sullivan after they partnered with a number of media outlets in several …

Type: Media

11 5 5 132
Grande Ecole du Numérique Grande Ecole du Numérique

Digital talent accelerator The large digital school is a network of 500 training courses in digital professions whose ambition is to meet the needs of employers in digital skills and to promote the inclusion of people far from employment and training. Digital transition, social inclusion, economic development, digital training, Gen label, digital talents, digital skills, Gen network, digital talent recruiters, priming subsidy, and labeling Gen

Type: Public

127 49 71 56
Steeple Steeple

Help Your Teams to Feel 100% Onboard Thanks to Our Phygital Internal Communications Solution Steeple is a phygital internal communication solution that allows companies to involve their teams and create a link between employees. By digitizing the paper display panel of companies thanks to large touch screens, Steeple makes information accessible to all including the least connected employees. The solution is also available via web and mobile applications. With Steeple, employees no longer miss any news from the company! Simple and very intuitive, the solution makes it possible to communicate better on the whole life of your business: ✓ New …

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech Technologies: Cybersecurity

25 16 11 109
Ars Electronica Futurelab Ars Electronica Futurelab

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

17 7 3 28
Game in Society Game in Society

impact by gaming Game in Society is a design and production agency of fun, beautiful and educational experiences. It is led by Olivier Mauco, Game Director of many serious Games, teacher at Sciences Po in Game Design, doctor of political science and authors of works on video games. Gamification, serious game, Fortnite, UEFN, VR, video games, metavers, digital communication, mediation, pedagogy, culture, tourism, science, medical, and game design

Type: Media

13 2 6 8
Evolukid Evolukid

Release your potential Educational path to technology (computer programming, robotics) for children and adults.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

18 6 12 29
Préfecture des Yvelines Préfecture des Yvelines

Official account of the prefect and the state services in the Yvelines. Official page of the prefect and the state services in the Yvelines

Type: Public Activities: it services

23 4 13 134
Maison de l'Emploi du Grand Nancy Maison de l'Emploi du Grand Nancy

As close as possible to employment, as close as possible to the territories The Maison de l'Emploi du Grand Nancy, a territorial development tool for employment, is one of the first associative structures in France to have obtained its label in 2005, under the leadership of the Metropolis of the Grand Nancy. By mobilizing public and private partners, elected officials and local players, she leads, with them, a concerted and responsive action program, as close as possible to the expectations and needs of the job market. The House of Employment structures its activity around 3 major missions: - The anticipation …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

45 4 36 24
Inno3 SAS Inno3 SAS

Consulting and expertise in innovation, Inn3 supports the adoption of new uses such as open source, open data and open innovation. Free and open source represent as many unique opportunities as major challenges for organizations wishing to take advantage of it. These strategic reflections and decisions must be based on a complete vision of the legal, technical and commercial interests of the company or the public player, by integrating the constraints linked to the reuse of third -party creations, under open source license or not. Inn3 provides high value -added services to companies and public organizations that use a process …

Type: SMB Activities: it services consulting Technologies: Data Analytics

51 12 38 9
Open Source Politics Open Source Politics

We are implementing ethical digital tools to support participatory procedures that make sense. Open Source Politics is a company under the field of the social and solidarity economy which develops free and open source digital platforms and leads collective intelligence workshops to support public, private and associative actors engaged in participatory procedures. Civic tech, consultation, animation, democracy, and open source

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

42 7 31 24
Groupe AEF Groupe AEF

Digital professional press group and event organizer. All economic sectors today live profound economic, legal, legal and regulatory changes. In this unstable context, where the cycle of changes has accelerated, access to precise, reliable and neutral daily information is essential. It is the AEF group job to inform managers and officials. Information agencies, professional magazines and events (fairs, meetings, clubs) allow everyone to access essential information and to build useful contacts. AEF group is 5 specialized information centers: AEF Teaching-Record: Education, Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Cursus and Integration, AEF Social-RH: Professional training, Human Resources, Employment Policy and Social Protection …

Type: Media

176 55 118 171
Interventions Numériques Interventions Numériques

Training, mediations, support, digital interventions! Training, animations, mediations and digital interventions. / BTS NDRC (RCDD, E5 block, WordPress, Prestashop) / Office: LibreOffice (Writer, Calc, Draw ...), / Retouching of images and creation of logos: GIMP, INKSCAPE, / Video editing: Kdenlive, Shotcut, / Audio: Audacity, LMMS, Mao with Linux, / Web: management of a site (WordPress, static site), newsletter, social networks (management of presence on social networks), / Communication: communication strategy, creation and planning of content, / Participatory projects: projects with a population around places, districts or associated themes, / Creations and broadcasts: creation software (audio, video, graphics ...) with the …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

2 1 1 1

Humor, news and microblogging. Created on June 18, 2013, Twog has become a reference entertainment site in the selection of tweets. Every day we select the best funny and news tweets. "Twitter is serious, Twog either, News and Microloling." Paris, Toulouse, Metz.

Type: Startup Activities: entertainment

19 6 13 4
Entr'ouvert Entr'ouvert

Entr'ouvert is a free software company whose commercial activity was built around Digital Identity, e-Government and e-Voting solutions. The digital identity management comprises authentication, access control, digital trust, and identity data repositories management technologies. We master each of these and we provide related products and services. Regarding e-Government and e-Voting, we offer a set of online services (SaaS) for cities and local authorities. logiciel libre, free software, gestion d'identité, digital identity, téléservices, e-administration, gestion relation citoyen, SSO, Gestion de la relation usager, GRU, GRC, and Python

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

3 2 1 18
Mon Assistant Numérique Mon Assistant Numérique

The national network of digital support. Digital support, a new job The my digital assistant network offers personalized services in digital support & amp; IT for individuals at home and on -site professionals (TPE, craftsmen, liberals, etc.). An innovative pedagogy, a tailor -made offer The too technical orientation of existing supports and services has pushed us to define this new computer assistance offer for the person intended for neophytes as well as advanced users. While very few drivers know the mechanics of their car, we have asked users of IT for years to put their hands in the citch. My …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

40 5 37 99
Monde Numérique Monde Numérique

Every Saturday, the best of the tech news told and decrypted by Jérôme Colombain, digital specialist journalist With digital world, immerse yourself in the best of tech news, technologies and innovation. A clear and accessible approach to the major digital challenges, whether you are an expert or a simple passionate. Stay informed of technological innovations and deepen your knowledge.

Type: Media

31 12 11 1

Management and leadership training anchored in reality. Numa's mission? Have the work practices of tomorrow adopt. How ? By offering you training courses to leadership and management anchored in reality. Thanks to a new rhythmic and effective training standard, Numa accelerates you to better develop your managers and leaders. Companies such as Orange, Spendesk or Contentsquare use our training courses for their managers in order to send their challenges in a pragmatic and uninhibited manner. Each route has a well -defined angle - such as young manager, a long -term hybrid manager, managerial courage - and is made up of …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

165 50 47 87
Efficience Solidaire & Créative Efficience Solidaire & Créative

Digital as a project accelerator! Created in 2017, solidarity and creative efficiency, is a social or associative startup, which aims to invent new solutions to social needs identified in a territory. Innovative actions or devices are experienced, and can be used for other swarms on different contexts. Today we have 3 fields of activity: - Animation of Third Parties, with a multitude of activities related to digital inclusion and media education. - Solidarity communication agency with a qualitative service offer in production of graphic content or printing (flyers, brochures ...), website design and video production. - Training organization with infographic …

Type: SMB Activities: martech

29 4 28 15
Syndicat Mixte La Fibre64 Syndicat Mixte La Fibre64

My daily life in digital in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques! Mixed union Fiber64 ⏩ Emanation of the DEPARTEMENTAL COUNCIL AND THE EPCI of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques, La Fiber64: ▪️ Development of fixed and mobile solutions for very high speed, ▪️Inte the modernization of local authorities by encouraging dematerialization, ▪️nime digital inclusion devices for people far from these technological progress. 📍 Pyrénées-Atlantiques Fiber, THD, Treshautdebit, inclusion, modernization, demand, territory, pyreneesatlantiques, ftth, and ftte

Type: Public Activities: it services

19 5 16 14
Jean Bouteille Jean Bouteille

Only buy the essentials. Zero-debt solutions for liquid products combining bulk and re-use. We believe in Jean Bota, that to make changes in the consumption of French, it is necessary that bulk is everywhere so that re -use becomes a habit. The expectations of the French are strong on the subject, “54% of French people want bulk in bulk, 73% of which for bulk buyers” (Nielsen, 2020). Bulk for Brands was born with this ambition: to guide all brands to a bulk distribution of their liquids to create this new consumption standard together! Zero-waste, instructions, bulk, and equipment

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech

32 9 23 9
Break Poverty Foundation Break Poverty Foundation

Ensemble, brisons le cercle de la pauvreté et donnons une chance à chaque enfant ! Our mission at Break Poverty Foundation is to identify and support transformative solutions against extreme poverty. Our commitment to the fight against poverty is conducted through strategic support for transformative programs, research, and mobilisation for innovative solutions. The programs selected by Break Poverty Foundation focus on the following areas : support during early childhood, prevention of school dropout, access to first employment, and support for single mothers in precarious situations. Visit our english website here :

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

35 7 31 25
Nous France Nous France

Join us! The France of tomorrow is built today! #Xavierbertrand #Sefrance #nf #rencontresnf We are medium -sized plains and cities, villages and agglomerations, of a proud, suburban, rural or Parisian France. We are of all origins, old lines as the first lines. We, France! is our rallying sign: "We, France! "Claims its carnal attachment to a French identity and values ​​that have been cementing for centuries "We, France! "Is the requirement that everyone submits without concessions to the authority of the State and our laws. "We, France! »Assumes: No one will be able to benefit from the tradition of welcoming …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

33 16 2 6
BLOOM Association BLOOM Association

Protect the ocean and sea species By maximizing sustainable jobs in fishing and aquaculture Bloom is a non -profit association founded in 2005 which works for the preservation of oceans and the defense of an ecologically and human sustainable fishing by carrying out awareness campaigns, plea and education actions as well as scientific research. Its actions are aimed at the general public as well as to political decision -makers and economic actors. To find out more: Biodiversity, protection of deep oceans, ecology, defense of artisanal fishing, ocean, preservation of marine ecosystems, and for the ban on subsidies that lead …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

44 15 21 53
Nancy Nancy


Type: Public

77 40 9 316
Metronews Metronews

MetronWs is an online generalist information newspaper that focuses on your attention on the municipalities of Portugal. local news

Type: Media

101 76 44 4
Ko-fi Ko-fi

Helping over 1M+ creators get donations, memberships and sales from their fans! ❤️ Love what you do and make money too At Ko-fi, we're on a mission to empower creators to receive meaningful and financial support from their fans. Creators of all kinds can set up a page - from artists, streamers, cosplayers, podcasters and more! Receive donations / tips, recurring monthly income through memberships, sell items or services, and even make money while streaming on Twitch or YouTube. Anyone can create Ko-fi page and making a living doing what they love!

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: SaaS

25 5 25 94
Artilect FabLab Toulouse Artilect FabLab Toulouse

Artuct An innovative space to carry out your projects and your events. FabLab, event, Teambuilding, Professional Training, Seminar, Events, Innovation, 3D printing, Coworking space, Event area, third parts, prototyping, and training center

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

40 23 10 4
Archipel&Co. Archipel&Co.

The partner of organizations in their transition towards a more inclusive economy. Archipel&Co is a consulting company developing operational solutions to the societal challenges faced by companies. Since its creation in 2011, Archipel&Co assists its clients in 3 fields of expertise: - Responsible business (management of stakeholders engagement, water stewardship, local acceptability) - Inclusive business (design and implementation of innovative business models with an economic and social impact) - Collaborative business (leveraging collaborative economy to develop innovative models) With its 3 offices (Paris, London, Bombay) and its international partners (Portugal, Mexico, South Africa, Ivory Coast), Archipel&Co is able to intervene …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech consulting greentech

52 8 48 43

The Aliptic: Network of digital professionals in Limousin territory! Limousine Association of Information and Communication Technology Professionals. Aliptic is the cluster of digital companies on the Limousin territory whose priority themes are the development and structuring of the sector, digital planning of the territory (uses section), support for communities in the development of projects and the integration of uses digital. For the achievement of its missions, the Aliptic relies on a network of key players and partners as public and institutional than private. The association implements the 2014-2017 collective action contract engaged with the Region for the development and structuring …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

68 25 52 9

Awareness, train and insert towards +65 digital trades and entrepreneurship. Empower the citizen. Develop the territories. A unique framework to acquire know-how, know-how, visibility and network with a view to insertion in +65 digital trades or in entrepreneurship. Upstream of any vocational training, "10,000 coders" achieves acculture to digital (uses, professions, technologies) and personal development. An acculturation punishable by the digital passport "10,000 coders", sesame for tailor -made support to one of the 65 digital trades presented on our website. On financing of sponsors and patrons, we orient the holders of the passport to partner training centers such as Simplon, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech it services

39 4 33 243
CoopCycle CoopCycle

The delivery that respects couriers and the environment CoopCycle is a federation of bike delivery co-ops. Our vision: cooperatives that are ran locally, with employed riders, united internationally, in order to compete with global platforms. Governed democratically by coops, CoopCycle enables them to stand united and to reduce their costs thanks to resources pooling. It creates a strong bargaining power to protect the bikers rights. Up to now, the federation brings together around thirty cooperatives in around ten countries in Europe and North America. Among the mutualized services provided at the federation level, CoopCycle is developing a full-fledged bike delivery …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

19 6 10 20
Agence MyNeedMySolution Agence MyNeedMySolution

Because for more than 10 years, we believe that collective intelligence and creativity have been the secret of the transformation of society and organizations and that rendering humans their central place in this process is essential, we have created MyneedMysolution (MNMS)! An open innovation agency Stimulator of collective intelligence and creative transformation, which brings together all the 360 ​​° players in the extended ecosystem (public, private sector, experts, citizens, companies, start-ups, schools, researchers, designers, artists ...). It mobilizes upstream of contributing partners by sponsorship, mentors and other supports, thus increasing the potential of value before - during - after the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

14 8 3 2
Le Monde Le Monde

Reference news everywhere, all the time, by writing the world. has been present on the Internet since December 19, 1995, 51 years to the day after the creation of the paper newspaper. The site and its mobile applications are among the most consulted in France to follow the news in real time (international, economy, politics, society, ...) Leading News Website in French. Journalism, media, online press, written press, internet, video, and ethics

Type: Media

612 490 145 180
Académie française Académie française

Académie française is a company based out of France.

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment healthtech

5 5 0 10

Manager agency for positive impact Manager agency dedicated to positive impact. We use advice and communication to (trans) train. We like to think of communication strategies or plans, create & amp; Designer the supports, write new stories, invent event concepts and challenge their impacts, inject "CO" on all floors. We are engaged with private and public structures to promote their economic, ecological and societal transitions. We support (or future) "carrying an even more beautiful world". At the heart of our concept, we have developed the Laboxp. This is our R & Amp; D pole, our territory of societal experiments. Through …

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: Decarbonization

60 6 53 9
20H40 Productions 20H40 Productions

20H40 Productions is a performing arts company based out of 58 RUE BRULE MAISON, LILLE, France.

Type: SMB Activities: arttech

28 6 16 16
Rudder Rudder

Linux & amp safety automation platform; Windows. Create and manage your own safety model. Rudder centralizes the operational management of IT systems safety throughout their life cycle, whether hybrid or solely based on the cloud. Our platform has been developed with great flexibility, allowing you to create a safety model capable of aligning perfectly with the specific needs of your business. We provide all the tools necessary to improve and guarantee the security posture of your IT infrastructure by covering the most critical aspects: - Management of safety configurations to automate and apply safety configuration parameters to all your systems. …

Type: Startup Activities: it services regtech Technologies: Cybersecurity

18 3 13 19
Ecole branchée Ecole branchée

A media dedicated to helping teachers make the most out of ICT by providing helpful information, support and tools. L’École branchée (which means "Connected School"​ in French) is a Quebec based nonprofit organization dedicated to helping teachers make the most out of ICT by providing helpful information, support and tools they need to foster their students’ success in our digital era. médias, éducation, technologies éducatives, edtech, edteq, magazine, éducation aux médias, compétence numérique, développement professionnel, enseignement, and enseignants

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

9 4 6 15

Innovation at the service of all Our group is the French leader in digital development council (very high speed and mobile networks, Smart City base infrastructure) and digital transformation of the territories. He has experienced sustained and continuous growth (uninterrupted growth for 15 years), with a 2022 forecast turnover of more than € 10 million in assistance with project management and engineering in France and internationally. Our current teams of 70 engineers and consultants support public and private actors in the strategy and implementation of their planning project and digital transformation of territories. Tactis is also experiencing strong international development, …

Type: SMB Activities: smart city telecommunications spacetech Technologies: 5G IoT Wireless

71 6 54 74

Donnons du sens aux transformations Consulting & creativity home for digital and social transformations ▲ We diagnose, design, implement and tell about your innovation projects ▲ Social vocation through Les Bouées Numériques, our workshops which contribute to the fight against # illectronism ▲ Being launched: Freelances For Good, 1st freelancers community dedicated to positive impact projects. #InclusiveTransformation #PositiveTransformation Conseil en marketing et communication, Design d'expériences, Programmes d'activation client, Brand Content, Développement Web et Mobile, Social Marketing, Conseil en technologies, Digital Marketing, formation, ux design, ecodesign, and marketing de l'innovation

Type: Startup Activities: martech

7 2 6 2
Digital Satellite Digital Satellite

Let us take off your business by pulling your digital leadership 🚀Whade: Strengthen leadership and innovation capacities in management for TPE and Solopreneurs managers. Digital transformations (including AI, Automation, No-Code) and collective intelligence are growth levers. Sharing insights and practical advice for TPE and Solopreneurs leaders, highlighting successful case studies & amp; Inspiring, change management techniques, for a successful digital transition, and reflections on the continuous improvement of entrepreneurial posture. 💜 This is what animates us at Digital Satellite Digital HR - Digital Learning Migration Council, Transformation Advice with a Business added value in MOOC, MOOC piloting, MOOC communication, training, …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I.

15 0 13 4

Actor of digital inclusion for all! Professional training center labeled Grande Ecole Du Digital which offers diploma in computer science. We are talking to beginners and motivated audiences to fit into employment quickly. digital, fablab, digital referent, digital communication, large digital school, and developer data

Type: Startup Activities: edtech it services Technologies: Data Analytics

5 2 2 12
BGE Hauts de France BGE Hauts de France

Make entrepreneurs succeed in Hauts-de-France More than 400,000 companies have been created in France with the help of the BGE network for over 40 years. This experience with business creators has enabled us to model key success factors for your project. * Prepare well, train * Equip and finance your project * Mobilize networks around his project * Develop your entrepreneurial posture (ability to bounce back, curiosity ...) BGE has a team of professionals in the management of entrepreneurial projects. Near you, they have a very good knowledge of your territory. They are also based on innovative and collaborative tools. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech fintech

33 7 23 210
Contournement Contournement

Learn how to make websites and apps in a few weeks without coding The possibilities offered by the web today are unheard of. In recent years, the public has gradually been able to access powerful, unprecedented tools. This is particularly the case of so-called “no-code” technologies, allowing users to create a website, a web or mobile app, an API, a chatbot, or a virtual reality experience without having to master computer code. These visual-based tools only involve the manipulation of existing blocks. &​gt;Contournement&​gt; is a collectively-led project, designed for those who wish to create their own tools, freed from technical …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

45 10 36 11
Édifice Édifice

Create, share, and get involved Reinventing school with digital technology ! The idea is to bring teaching into the digital age starting as early as elementary school while also helping students become enlightened citizens and preparing them for the careers of tomorrow. Our educational solutions are at the forefront of innovation and are based on creativity and collaboration. Using unique, intuitive, and customizable applications, we help students become active participants in their education. Modular and infinitely scalable, our services can be widely deployed to create a network that connects the entire education community. Together, we can create the technological framework …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech

29 8 20 69
Les Croissants Les Croissants

Your new smart radio morning. Les Croissants is the first app that wakes you up every morning with 15 minutes of content tailored to your interests, your region and at the time you want. Radio, Smart media, and Programmatic ads

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: IoT

10 4 5 5
Agence LUCIE Agence LUCIE

The CSR agency that accompanies organizations to a sustainable transition! The Lucie agency guides organizations in their CSR approach, whatever their level. We are a solutions center to help organizations become transitional players with: - CSR labels based on the ISO 26000 standard or the responsible digital standard adapted to their level. - A Lucie training center, leader in CSR training in France with more than 50 training courses to support organizations in their ecological and united transition. - The Lucie community: 1st community committed and responsible for Europe with more than 1,400 members. Social responsibility, sustainable development, CSR, ISO …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech consulting greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

109 24 57 56
Dailymotion Dailymotion

The video app with an Algo that wants you good. Dailymotion is more than a video application, it is a visual conversation in movement that is based on a unique algorithm designed to expand the horizons of users instead of locking them up in their bubble. We bring the nuance to the debates that animate youth by putting listening, discovery and benevolence at the heart of exchanges to help build a safer and virtuous internet. Our team consists of 450 talents through the world united by the same ambition: to move the lines of the video platform ecosystem. Video Content …

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment martech media Technologies: SaaS

94 27 61 557
Telerama Telerama

Let's cultivate All cultural news: from cinema to literature, from media to outings, passing among others through music and the world of ideas! But also all TV programs and platforms, gastronomic recommendations, online events, cultural prescriptions for parents, crosswords, subscribed advantages ... Culture, television, theater, literature, series, music, radio, children, cinema, media, ideas, society, exhibitions, arts, scenes, restaurants and gastronomy, debates, exit, press, and shops

Type: Media

105 64 36 309
SQYWAY 16/25 SQYWAY 16/25

Take the right direction with the local mission of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and the surrounding area. The local mission of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and the surroundings receives young people between 16 and 25 years old having left the school system, to support them in their socio-professional journey. Services offered: Personalized welcome, orientation test; Listening place; CV workshop and cover letter; Help in job search, internship, work -study; Assistance in administrative procedures; Access to law and justice; Help for international mobility; Documentation; Youth engagement contract; Trek coaching; Financial aid and many others. Come and discover the details of the services on our website or make …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

17 0 8 16
Autonomie & Solidarité Autonomie & Solidarité

Entrepreneur of HDF financed and accompanied thanks to the shared savings of thousands of associates It is sometimes difficult, as much for a business as for a saving, to find the appropriate actor to get involved. This is where we play an essential role: that of link between people wishing to give meaning to their savings and companies who wish to find funding by strengthening their positive impacts. Since 1990, we have funded and supported more than 420 Hauts-de-France companies, up to more than 18.5 million euros, thanks to savings collected from several thousand citizens Solidaires. Our missions: -financially support …

Type: Incubators & VCs

14 3 11 17

Simplon's mission is to make digital technology a real inclusion lever due to the emergence of new talents in digital, the development of key skills and the diversification of profiles. Created 2013, is inspired by American bootcamps and defends a more inclusive French version where training is fully supported for learning them, with a stronger representation of women and recruits of different environments and territories. is a company of the social and solidarity economy approved by ESUS and labeled French tech, "France is committed and the" Grande Ecole du Digital ". Simplon. skills and technical professions of digital …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech edtech

265 138 149 47
Le Journal du Dimanche Le Journal du Dimanche

Anticipate, explain, surprise. Created in 1948, the Sunday Journal is available every Sunday in newsstands, but also all week on Information, media, press, internet, and weekly

Type: Media

211 151 49 82
Le Parisien Le Parisien

Le Parisien, France's leading general daily newspaper - belongs to the Les Echos Le Parisien Group Le Parisien is a company of the Amaury Group and publishes the daily newspapers Le Parisien and Aujourd'hui in France, as well as the sites and Creation: August 22, 1944 Headquarters: Saint - ouen Site Web :

Type: Media

373 264 120 944
Ecole O'clock Ecole O'clock

The tech school that takes care of your future, wherever you are! O'CLock is a school in tech professions, live and at a distance that is based on an innovative learning format: the tele-presential. From bac to bac+4, our training is professional: • Development • Infrastructure and networks • UX/UI design Labeled, a solidarity company of social utility, we are intended to make the digital professions accessible to all thanks to the teleprepretory (the classroom from home). O'Clock training is designed to meet existing opportunities on the job market. Students are supported daily and prepared by an experienced teaching team …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

23 1 20 343
Libération Libération

Another look at the news Liberation is synonymous with commitment. No opportunistic commitment and in tune with the times, no, an original commitment. Because it was the commitment that Libé was born in 1973. Almost 50 years later, Jean-Paul Sartre is no longer there, but the editorial staff continues to make choices. It alerts, it denounces, it offers its readers a height of view which allows them to see beyond appearances. Liberation knows how to laugh, Liberation knows how to transmit emotions, Liberation knows above all to surprise thanks to its audacity. Every day, the newspaper's cuff is a new …

Type: Media

201 138 82 534

Communication cooperative We are not a business like any other, and we are proud of it. Proud because our collective organization is flexible, innovative and reactive. For each project, we mobilize a reference interlocutor and a tailor-made, well-made team, with the most relevant experts to accompany you. This organization in autonomous and mobile project teams is very far from the usual pyramidal organizations. Proud because we are part of a cooperative and collectively carry strong values. Social and environmental responsibility, social and solidarity economy, consultation, social innovation ... Our communicators do not discover this culture: it is part of their …

Type: SMB Activities: martech

19 3 9 11
Mobicoop Mobicoop

Sustainable mobility advice and solutions. We share much more than carpooling. Fewer cars no more nightingale! The history of Mobicoop dates back to 2011, when the Carpooling-Libre association is created offering a commission-free carpooling service, without advertising and free for users whose personal data remains protected. With nearly 150,000 users making more than 100,000 carpools per year, it has become a key player in carpooling. Seven years later, in November 2018, the association became the Mobicoop cooperative. True to the original values ​​of carpooling, the association has made strong commitments so that the platform remains a common good. However, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: it services cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

63 21 46 37

We provide the starter-kit solution for every entrepreneur, solo-preneur, and freelancer with a beautifully simple and highly functional one page website... with a choose your own adventure of product extensions. your page. your way. Identity, Consumer Internet, Social Media, entrepreneurs , consulting, and freelance

Type: Startup Activities: it services

204 43 170 255
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

We Represent, Protect, and Promote Ukraine and its highest value – People 🇺🇦 Welcome to the official page of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine on LinkedIn. We Represent, Protect, and Promote Ukraine and its highest value – People 🇺🇦 Foreign relations, Consular affairs, protecting the rights and freedoms of Ukrainians abroad, Assistance to Ukrainian legal entities abroad, International cooperation, Politics, and Diplomacy

Type: Public

8 5 2 309

The CITC-EuraRFID brings together the contactless technology skills and the existing experimentation platforms in the north of France and the Euro regions (Belgium, UK, Netherlands, Germany...) and is backed by over 250 members and partners. It is a centre for resources, experimentations and technical expertise in terms of identification, traceability, mobility and geolocation... It supports the appropriation of contactless technologies (RFID, NFC, Zigbee and wireless sensor networks), the standardized and innovative solutions and the development of new activities with high potential. Indeed, contactless technologies and wireless microsensor networks have been identified among the most important technologies for the 21st century …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

89 26 80 26
Le Défenseur des droits Le Défenseur des droits

"The defender of rights ensures respect for rights and freedoms" - Article 71-1 of the Constitution The defender of rights is a completely independent state institution. Created in 2011 (inscribed in the Constitution in 2008), it was entrusted with two missions: defending people whose rights are not respected; Allow the equality of all in access to rights.

Type: Public

86 55 21 476
Cynum Cynum

Digital intelligences: innovation, network, skills, development, economics, professions, future, entrepreneurship Independent association created in 2009, Cynum's mission is to animate and energize the digital sector in the territory and economic basin of the Grand Nancy. Cynum brings together a diversity of actors: companies, independent, schools, research laboratories, associations, public institutions that are committed to investing in the development of the sector. Constituted in a network, the association offers a set of services in order to support the development of its members and pilots a diversity of projects related to digital.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

20 4 12 6
Les Rives Créatives Les Rives Créatives

Collaborative hub dedicated to innovation and digital creation 🚀 Collaborative hub dedicated to innovation and digital creation #Valenciennes 🚀 Innovation and digital creation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

35 6 29 19
Educavox Educavox

Educavox, the media of @Tectors of the School The year@é é our associative support. Educavox the media - Question and understand digital civilization - support Promote innovations and resources of all education players - create and participate in events as part of a global project for education in our connected societies Governance, teachers, students, institutions, school, co -education, educational continuity, educational continuum, local authorities, culture, scientific, digital, and media culture culture

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

64 15 38 2
Frustration magazine Frustration magazine

Social criticism for the general public - Web magazine and paper magazine Frustration is a web magazine disseminating mood ticket, politicians, chronicles, reporting and investigation which is common to describe and denounce the major mechanisms of domination that rot individual lives and destroy the planet. Capitalism and its defenders are our favorite targets. What differentiates frustration from what exists elsewhere? We who write it and realize it collectively so that the result of our research is the most accessible and rigorous there is. We leave time to realize our articles and we do not publish them if we are not …

Type: Media

7 4 3 7
Préfecture de Police de Paris Préfecture de Police de Paris

Your safety, our daily life The police prefecture, at the heart of the life of the city, guarantees the safety of people and property in Paris and in the 3 departments of the small crown. Created in 1800, at the service of all audiences, it brings together various skills which are both the mayor and the prefect in the other departments, while integrating the police and civil security services made available to it by the Ministry of The interior.

Type: Public

60 39 27 2,090
Frédéric Griffaton Frédéric Griffaton

Entrepreneur and consultant in transforming organizations @ 100000e @SGFF #ESS #Engagement #Groecology #Permaculture

Type: Startup Activities: civictech consumer services

12 6 4 78
Loopsider Loopsider

Watch. Understand. Share. Designed for screens and social networks, Loopsider tells and decrypts in pictures the stories that make the news. Share.

Type: Media Startup Activities: media

35 16 27 65
Calendly Calendly

We help individuals, teams, and organizations create better meeting experiences. 📆 ✨ At Calendly, our vision is to take the work out of connecting with others so you can accomplish more. Our scheduling automation platform helps individuals, teams, and organizations globally automate meetings by removing the back and forth with scheduling. Our platform enables companies to close deals, hire candidates, build relationships, and grow their business — faster. More than 20 million users across 230 countries use Calendly to simplify meetings and collaborate more effectively and efficiently. software as a service, meetings, scheduling automation, recruiting, sales, marketing, customer success, financial …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

101 23 88 1
World Design Organization World Design Organization

International non-governmental organization dedicated to the profession of industrial design. #WDO #design4abetterworld. The World Design Organization (WDO)®, formerly the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid), is an international non-governmental organization founded in 1957 to promote the profession of industrial design. WDO advocates design driven innovation that creates a better world, engaging more than 200 member organizations in collaborative efforts and carrying out international programming—World Design Capital®, World Design Talks, World Design Impact Prize, World Industrial Design Day, and Interdesign. WDO has United Nations Special Consultative Status. industrial design

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: uxtech

21 5 12 74
Ville de Villetaneuse Ville de Villetaneuse

Ambitious Villetaneuse! ⭐ Discover Villetaneuse! A city of 13,600 inhabitants full of surprises and wealth. 🧩 Public employer of more than 300 agents, the commune of Villetaneuse offers an attractive working environment, at the service of the population through many ambitious projects. Upped us quickly! Childhood, youth, sports, disability, seniors, culture, health, social, social, housing, women's rights, citizenship, security, living environment, major projects, associations, environment, digital, employment, legal permanence, training, park, and garden

Type: Public Activities: traveltech

21 4 13 120
Apes Hauts-de-France Apes Hauts-de-France

Regional network of players in the solidarity economy. Support and development of the actors and fields of action of the ESS. L'APES - Actors for a solidarity economy - is a network of actors in the social and solidarity economy located in the Hauts -de -France region. The network brings together the structures which recognize itself in solidarity values ​​and practices and which intend to replace man at the heart of the economy, in a process of continuous improvement. Representation, cooperation, from the local to Linternational, awareness, territorial animation, Progress approach, Economy of functionality, Social utility, responsible purchases, local currencies, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

11 4 5 21
StreetPress StreetPress

Stories, investigations and impact Faced with the so -called "neutrality" of a press in which we no longer recognize ourselves, Streetpress has chosen to take a look. Go to the field and tell the company, to change it too.

Type: Media

53 19 45 46

Journal d'information numérique, indépendant et participatif. Seul·es nos lecteurs et lectrices peuvent nous acheter. Mediapart is a French online investigative and opinion journal created in 2008 by the former editor-in-chief of Le Monde Edwy Plenel and also François Bonnet, Gérard Desportes, Laurent Mauduit, Marie-Hélène Smiéjan and Godefroy Beauvallet. Mediapart consists of two main sections: the journal itself (Le Journal), run by professional journalists, and Le Club, a collaborative forum edited by the subscriber community. Enquêtes, Presse, Investigation, Journal, Indépendance, Pureplayer, Journalisme, Media, médias, information, écologie, politique, social, économie, société, culture, international, and vidéos

Type: Media

144 91 62 243

Network Alliances is the 1st network of economic players committed for a more responsible economy in Hauts-de-France. Our ambition is to improve the social and environmental impact of companies and organizations on (and for!) The territory. With our 30 years of existence, Alliances Network federates 350 members and partners of all sizes and all sectors of activity. We propose: - Events throughout the year (visits, workshops, afterworks, working groups ...) to allow professionals to meet, exchange and feed on expertise and field returns of each other. - Training: we are a qualiopi certified training organization and we offer training to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

75 23 59 28
Le Point Le Point

Faites le point sur l'actualité et lisez le journal en avant-première. ⬇️ 1€ le 1er mois : A general information French news magazine, based in Paris, France. It relied on its ability to redefine the genre. It modelled itself closely on magazines owned by other news magazine : Time Magazine and Newsweek. It is currently owned by François Pinault. Presse écrite and Presse web

Type: Media

314 177 189 630
Les Echos Les Echos

Find on all economic and financial news in France and worldwide, discover exclusive analyzes, special files, decrypts, chronicles and large formats.

Type: Media

653 460 238 1
Agglo Lens-Liévin Agglo Lens-Liévin

Public establishment for inter -municipal cooperation at the service of 36 municipalities representing more than 245,000 inhabitants. With more than 245,000 inhabitants divided between 36 municipalities, the Lens-Liévin (CALL) agglomeration community, chaired by Sylvain Robert, works to build the future and improve the living environment of users. With more than 200 agents in the service of the inhabitants, the Agglo intervenes in the following areas: economic development and regional planning, environment, valuation and collection of waste, housing, heritage, sport and culture, water and sanitation. Join the CALL, a community offering its employees a great opportunity to involve in ambitious projects. …

Type: Public

35 15 28 151

Accelerating newcomers' inclusion✊🌍 Accélérer l'inclusion des personnes nouvelles arrivantes✊🌍 EN/FR Founded in 2012, SINGA is an international organization that accelerates the inclusion of newcomers to foster more cohesive, creative, and prosperous societies. The organization now has over 80,000 members in 7 countries and 17 cities. Since its inception, SINGA has supported over 2000 entrepreneurs, facilitated tens of thousands of intercultural encounters, and enabled thousands of solidarity-based cohabitations. /// Créée en 2012, SINGA est une organisation internationale qui accélère l’inclusion des personnes nouvelles arrivantes pour favoriser des sociétés plus soudées, créatives et prospères. L'organisation compte aujourd'hui plus de 80 000 membres …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech it services

101 46 55 517

RTL Live together RTL is a French-national French private radio station located at 56, avenue Charles de Gaulle in Neuilly-sur-Seine and broadcast in France. The RTL radio center is also made up of two musical stations, Fun Radio and RTL2, stations of the M6 ​​group.

Type: Media

225 100 144 1,076
Femmes du Digital Ouest Femmes du Digital Ouest

1st regional network of men and women acting to encourage #diversity in #digital in #paysdelaloire. 1st regional network encouraging #Mixity in #Numeric, Women Digital Ouest is an association created in 2015 in Nantes. Our missions develop around 3 axes: 1. Awareness of young people to the opportunities offered by digital technology, a domain with many outlets which remains little invested by women! 2. Women in retraining 3. Women's entrepreneurship In transversal: Promote professional models of digital technology, by testimonies of inspiring routes via meetings, videos and podcasts #Wecanbeher, the #FDO Prize (2015, 16, 18), and the show #FDO20 For this, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

63 21 41 2
20 Minutes France 20 Minutes France

The daily media of the French and French Created in 2002, 20 minutes is an independent information publisher held in equal parts by the Sipa-Ouest-France group, publisher of the first paying French daily newspaper and by the Rossel group, the first Belgian French-speaking press group. It is the only major French media independent of any financial, industrial or commercial group. Its audience brings together 20 million readers per month, more than 80% on digital media. Mobilized in the fight against false information, the editorial staff of 20 minutes obtained the labeling of the very limited IFCN Network. The company published, …

Type: Media

136 97 11 495
Sud Radio Sud Radio

Sud radio let's talk about true! Welcome to the official South Radio page! Find Jean-Jacques Bourdin, Brigitte Lahaie, André Bercoff, Valerie Expert, Patrick Roger, Cécile de Menibus, Vincent Ferniot, Jacques Pessis and many others on Sud Radio, let's talk true🎙 Radio, interview, news, info, debate, humor, pleasure, sport, France, program, rugby, journalist, chronicle, imitation, personalities, lifestyle, live music, audio, word, listeners, and sexology

Type: Media

112 52 70 166
Valeurs actuelles Valeurs actuelles

The weekly of the right that assumes itself The right -wing magazine. Now in paper, digital and video.

Type: Media

19 7 8 44
les Républicains les Républicains

We call to unite all the Republicans who have in their hearts the love of France in their hearts. Our project is based on founding values ​​that inspire and guide our commitment: freedom, responsibility, solidarity, our nation, Europe. We affirm two principles to restore the confidence of the French in public action: listening to citizens, acting with them and for them.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

59 36 22 190
Actility Actility

Actility connects the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Actility, one of the co-inventors of LoRaWAN® technology and a founding member of the LoRa Alliance, is the leader in industrial-grade low-power wide-area network (LPWAN) connectivity and IoT tracking solutions. Actility’s ThingParkTM platform, which supports multi-radio connectivity (LoRaWAN, NB-IoT, LTE-M), powers the majority of public networks (over 50) and numerous private and enterprise networks worldwide. Through its subsidiary Abeeway, Actility offers patented ultra-low power, multi-radio trackers and comprehensive indoor and outdoor geolocation services. Additionally, the ThingPark Market boasts the largest catalog of LoRaWAN® devices, gateways, and solutions available. Smart Grid, M2M, Internet …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Geolocation IoT Sensors

48 16 25 125
Garnault & Associés Garnault & Associés

corporate communication & amp; Lobbying Agency Focused On Tech - Cyber. #Pariscybersummit #cybertaskforce Networks Expert, Garnault & Amp; Associates was born out of a commitment to territories, citizens and the desire to support the digital transformation of European society, its culture, its identity and its needs. Swiss influence knife - flexible, efficient and innovative - our working groups, clubs and conferences make it possible to reach the targets of our customers and to effectively share their challenges with the greatest number. The success of action plans requires fine knowledge of decision -making processes and requires a sharp approach to the …

Type: Startup Activities: consulting govtech Technologies: Cybersecurity

37 3 34 2

Housing meets mass production. BOXABL is open to investors, subject to requirements at BOXABL has created a building system that’s compatible with scalable factory mass production. Our mission is to significantly lower the cost of homeownership for everyone. housing, supply chain, and blockchain

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

224 146 22 96
Caf-Allocations familiales Caf-Allocations familiales

CAF by your side Family allowances are first of all a network made up of the National Family Allowance Fund (CNAF) and 101 CAF divided throughout French territory (metropolitan area and overseas). Family allowance funds, better known by the general public under the CAF name, are private law organizations, invested with a public service mission. Alongside families, couples and single people, our ambition is to participate in national solidarity and fight precariousness. Our missions: - Assist all families to reconcile family, professional and social life - Work for better access to rights - Fight against social and territorial inequalities …

Type: Public

134 72 52 78