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LogoName Σ Employees
Chalmers Ventures Chalmers Ventures

FROM LAB TO MARKET WE ARE THE NORDIC #deeptech INVESTMENT ENGINE A Nordic leading Tech Investor and Venture Builder. Taking deep tech from lab to market. Focus on #deeptech #impact and #sustaintech Investment, deeptech, impact, venturecreation, and sustaintech

Type: Incubators & VCs

26 36
Visit Skåne AB Visit Skåne AB

Visit Skåne AB promotes the Skåne tourism and event industry and strengthens Skåne's brand Skåne's regional destination company, Visit Skåne AB, will strengthen Skåne's brand internationally and promote the tourism and event industry. The mission includes working to ensure that major events, congresses, exhibitions and fairs are held in Skåne. It is also about developing Skåne's tourism and event industry with a focus on sustainability and innovation, and increasing the destination's awareness and attractiveness internationally. Visit Skåne AB is owned by Region Skåne Holding AB and was formed in 2023 through a merger of Tourism in Skåne AB, Event in …

Type: Public Activities: martech

9 77
Amplifier Game Invest Amplifier Game Invest

The most ambitious and indie-friendly equity investor in the games industry. Amplifier Game Invest seeks out and invests internationally in the most talented game teams and game studios in the business. The goal is to, by contributing game development experience and expertise, build long term success for the companies, and better, more successful games. Amplifier Game Invest is located in Stockholm, Sweden, and currently has 17 active game company investments in the Nordics.

Type: SMB Activities: games

2 19
Myndigheten för yrkeshögskolan Myndigheten för yrkeshögskolan

On 1 July 2009 the National Agency for Higher Vocational Education was established to develop and oversee a new form of publicly funded vocational education at post upper secondary level. Higher Vocational Education Courses, HVECs, cover a wide range of vocational areas, but they have one goal in common, namely the provision of advanced vocational education, tailored to the needs of the labour market. In HVECs a modern approach is taken where theoretical learning is integrated and blended with vocational practice at the workplace. HVECs are needed as they are intended to serve the needs of job seekers and industries …

Type: Public Activities: edtech

1 143
LTU Business LTU Business

Welcome to LTU Business - a change agent for regional growth. Based in northern Sweden. We create growth by combining leading methods and cutting-edge expertise from our unique position at the intersection of academia, industry and the public sector. We are also the TTO and subsidiary of Luleå University of Technology. LTU Business is TTO (techology transfer office) and a subsidiary of Luleå University of Techology, Sweden. Business Development, Commercialization, Internationalization, Training Programs, Innovation, and Minerals, energy and environment

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

8 43
Krinova Incubator & Science Park Krinova Incubator & Science Park

Skapar morgondagens företag och samhälle Krinova helps to build a thriving business climate, a Sweden of the future where entrepreneurs realise ideas and reach their full potential. Krinova ́s profile area is food. We strive to be a strong voice for innovation and entreprenurship in the food sector in Sweden and in the Nordic region. We offer business support for start-ups and scale-ups, incubator, meeting venues, offices, co-working spaces and events. Livsmedel, Food, Innovation, Hållbarhet, Sustainability, Utveckling, Development, Inkubator, and Incubator

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech healthtech

7 26
Småföretagarnas Riksförbund Småföretagarnas Riksförbund

works to create a safer, simpler and more profitable everyday life for the country's micro-enterprises (1-10 employees) The Swedish Federation of Small Enterprises is an interest organization that focuses on micro-enterprises, i.e. small businesses with 1-10 employees. Our goal is to create a safer, simpler and more profitable everyday life for our members. Through active business policy commitment and valued member benefits, we therefore work daily to improve the conditions for owning and running a small business in Sweden. As representatives of approximately 30,000 small business owners, we are a sought-after player and strong opinion leader in Swedish business policy. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

2 14
Svenska ESF-rådet Svenska ESF-rådet

We drive development and innovation for an inclusive labor market. The Swedish ESF Council is a government agency under the Ministry of Labor. We manage the European Social Fund in Sweden and in Sweden. We have approximately 130 employees in eight offices around the country. The head office is located in Gävle. Through the funds, we change the labor market by financing projects that work with skills development, employment measures and integration efforts. Follow us on:

Type: Public

1 132
SVID, Swedish Industrial Design Foundation SVID, Swedish Industrial Design Foundation

SVID, The Swedish Industrial Design Foundation aims to improve the awareness within the private and public sectors of the importance of design as a competitive tool and to encourage the integration of design methodology into their activities.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: uxtech

7 26
Livsmedelsverket Livsmedelsverket

Everyone should feel good about their food - now and in the future. The Swedish Food Agency is the central government agency for food issues. Everyone should feel good about their food - now and in the future. The Swedish Food Agency works to ensure that the food produced, sold and served in Sweden is safe and honest, for a society where it is easy for people to eat in a healthy and sustainable way, and a secure food and drinking water supply in everyday life and in times of crisis. Our tools are knowledge, advice, regulations and control. Most …

Type: Public

2 570
Tale Content Creators Tale Content Creators

We help our clients reach their business goals through content-driven communications and content marketing. By combining strong storytelling with a data-driven approach to distribution, we take a strategic approach to helping brands think and act more like publishers. Tale is part of the Diplomat Group, one of Sweden's leading providers of strategic communications consulting, brand development, and digital strategy. content marketing, native advertising, social media, public relations, and digital distribution

Type: Media

9 14
Kulturrådet - Swedish Arts Council Kulturrådet - Swedish Arts Council

Alla ska kunna ta del av konst och kultur av hög kvalitet. Det är grunden för vårt uppdrag som statlig myndighet. Swedish Arts Council (Kulturrådet) is a government authority whose principal task is to implement national cultural policy determined by the Parliament. The Council is responsible for: The allocation of state cultural funding to theatre, dance, music, literature, arts periodicals and public libraries, and to the fine arts, museums and exhibitions. Providing the Swedish government with the basic data it needs to make cultural policy decisions, by evaluating state spending in the cultural sphere, etc. Providing information about culture and …

Type: Public

1 129
Svensk Scenkonst Svensk Scenkonst

Svensk Scenkonst är bransch- och arbetsgivarorganisation för företag inom musik, dans och teater. Vi representerar över 250 teatrar, orkestrar, operahus, danskompanier, länsmusikorganisationer, produktionsbolag och andra verksamheter inom den svenska scenkonsten. Svensk Scenkonst verkar för att skapa så goda förutsättningar som möjligt för medlemsföretagen att bedriva en professionell verksamhet, både nationellt och internationellt. ------------------ Swedish Performing Arts represents over a 250 organisations and companies in the field of theatre, music, and dance. Throughout Sweden, we serve orchestras, opera houses, dance companies, theatres, regional music associations, production companies, as well as other entities active in the performing arts. We strive to create …

Type: Media

1 17
Ystads kommun Ystads kommun

Ystads kommun - Municipality of Ystad, Sweden Job vacancies are advertised at: The film about Ystad: Municipal facts: Municipal service

Type: Public

1 1,073
West Sweden Tourist Board West Sweden Tourist Board

The West Sweden Tourist Board is Western Sweden's communications and destination development company. The company aims to stimulate entrepreneurship and economic growth within the tourism industry in the region. The overall orientation of the business has a strong focus on strategic development and marketing communications. The goal is to become Scandinavia's most visited, valued and most profitable region. turism, besöksnäring, marknadsföring, projektledning, utveckling, hållbarhet, destinationsmarknadsföring, and destinationsutveckling

Type: Media

2 34
Kommerskollegium | National Board of Trade Sweden Kommerskollegium | National Board of Trade Sweden

We work with foreign trade, trade policy and the EU's internal market. Here you can follow our work and our workplace. The Swedish Board of Trade is Sweden's authority for foreign trade, the EU's internal market and trade policy. Our main task is to improve the opportunities for international trade in various ways. We provide the government with analyses and other information for negotiations and discussions in the EU and the World Trade Organization (WTO). We also act as an ombudsman and SOLVIT center for companies that encounter trade barriers in their foreign business. Private individuals can also file a …

Type: Public

20 111
Svenskt Näringsliv Svenskt Näringsliv

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise is the collective voice of companies in Sweden. The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise is the representative of companies in Sweden. Our mission is to increase understanding of the reality of companies and to work to ensure that all companies in Sweden have the best possible conditions for operating and growing. We represent nearly 60,000 small, medium-sized and large companies. These are organized into 49 industry and employer associations. The associations constitute the members of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise. Here on LinkedIn, we give you tips, news, comments and reports on current issues that affect …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

24 295
Almi Almi

We invest in future growth - corporate loans, venture capital and business development for companies that want to grow! Almi's job is to nourish you, so that you and your company can grow and flourish. Our job is to support and coach you. Our job is to offer expertise when you need it and fill the gaps in the market. We offer financing in the form of loans and venture capital as well as support and guidance in business development. For all companies with potential to have the same opportunities. Or as we put it: Nurture, which helps you grow. …

Type: Media

12 40
OpenTech OpenTech

Dedicated to making tech thrive - in southern Sweden and beyond. OpenTech is dedicated to making tech thrive, in southern Sweden and beyond. As a non-profit organisation, we are a common ground to unite knowledge, interests, and networks. With more than 120 members from a broad spectrum of tech businesses, academia, the public sector, and civil society, we connect a potent mix of perspectives and experiences to open doors and accelerate innovation. We work for our members’ mutual, but also individual, interests. OpenTech provides coaching, collaboration, and a curious community committed to sharing their knowledge and connections. Together, we represent …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

15 27
Bolagsverket Bolagsverket

We register company information and make it available, which creates value for society. At the Swedish Companies Registration Office, you register your company, submit your annual report or order information. We review, register and inform for easy entrepreneurship and a legally secure business. Read more about us and use our e-services at Company registration, Company facts, Company information, and E-services

Type: Public

1 434
The Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce - New York The Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce - New York

Your Network to Unlimited Business Opportunities The Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. (SACCNY) is a not-for-profit membership organization located in New York City. It was founded in 1906 and was the first Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce in the United States. SACCNY’s mission is to promote, advance, and protect direct commercial relations between the United States and Sweden in all possible areas while providing a broad spectrum of services to its members. Networking Events, Business Matchmaking, US Expansion, International Expansion, and Growth Strategy

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

29 34
Gothenburg Tech Week Gothenburg Tech Week

West coast Sweden's largest tech and entrepreneurship forum Since 2015, Gothenburg Tech Week has been at the forefront of nurturing the tech and entrepreneurial spirit in West Sweden. Our calendar, filled with diverse events, workshops, and meetups, reflects our ongoing dedication to supporting the vibrant tech community in Gothenburg. This continuous model allows us to adapt, evolve, and cater to the dynamic needs of entrepreneurs, startups, scaleups, and tech enthusiasts. Our vision for Gothenburg as a leading tech hub is built on the foundation of continuous engagement and support. We believe in fostering an environment where innovation is routine, collaboration …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

13 1
Invest in Skåne Invest in Skåne

Invest in Skåne is the official investment and talent promotion organisation for Skåne, Sweden’s southernmost region. Invest in Skåne is the official investment promotion agency in Sweden’s southernmost region – Skåne. We provide professional advice and services to international companies considering Skåne for future investments and expansion and attract valuable talent to the region to secure a skilled, diverse and competent workforce in Skåne. Invest in Skåne is part of the department for Regional Development at Region Skåne. investment promotion, internationalisation, business consulting, southern sweden, Life sciences, materials science, Ict, cleantech, food and packaging, logistics, smart cities, advanced materials, talent …

Type: Public

20 17

Swedish Intellectual Property Office The Swedish Intellectual Property Office, PRV, work to protect cutting edge ideas to promote Sweden's growth and competitiveness. We support innovations through patent, design and trademark protection. Copyright issues also fall within our area of operation. By increasing knowledge and awareness we want entrepreneurs and others in the innovation community to understand that management of intellectual property is the key way to increase profitability. We cooperate with numerous IP offices within the EU and the world. Customer support: +46 8 782 28 00 Patent, Varumärke, Design, Upphovsrätt, Immaterialrätt, Immateriella tillgångar, Innovation, Immaterialrättsanalys, Mönsterskydd, Designskydd, Varumärkesskydd, Söktjänster, …

Type: Public

8 474
Dugga Digital Assessment Dugga Digital Assessment

The secure AI-powered exam platform. Created by pedagogical experts. Digital assessment platform developed by pedagogical experts with automatic correction, measurable results and full integration with your school’s learning platform. Dugga is an easy-to-use, flexible and secure digital system for all types of tests, exams, assignments, homework tests and national exams. Dugga is platform independent and supports Windows, OSX, Chromebook and iPad. The system allows teachers to spend more quality time with their students and improve learning outcomes. End-to-end examination system, education, learning, assessment, exams, tests, schools, teachers, students, digital exams, digitala prov, digitala nationella prov, nationella prov, prov, and tentamen

Type: SMB Activities: edtech Technologies: SaaS

7 24
Landsbygdsnätverket Landsbygdsnätverket

Collaboration for development The Rural Development Network is the national network for the common agricultural policy, fisheries and aquaculture and rural development. The activities are co-financed by the European Union. On this page, our rules for a good climate in the comment fields apply. Your comments should stick to the subject and not contain, for example, swearing, threats or personal attacks. Read more about our comment rules here: Rural development, Innovation network, Rural companies, Green industries, Integration in rural areas, Locally led development, Young inclusion, Inclusion of new arrivals, MATtanken, Innovation support, Fisheries and aquaculture, Rural areas, Coastal areas, …

Type: Public

3 17
Sweden Food Arena Sweden Food Arena

Research and innovation for a world-class food sector Companies and industry organizations across the food chain are now gathering in the Sweden Food Arena. A national arena where companies within the chain collaborate on research and innovation for an innovative, sustainable and competitive food sector.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech

7 10
Vreta Kluster AB Vreta Kluster AB

Vreta Kluster is a business park, a meeting place and a development arena for the green industries. Vreta Kluster is a business park, a meeting place and a development arena for the green industries, i.e. for all those who work in agriculture, forestry, energy, food and related industries. We offer networks and contacts in research, business and financing as well as support for business development and application. In short, we create opportunities for the region's and the country's growth in the green industries.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

6 14
MSB (Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency) MSB (Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency)

MSB arbetar för ett säkrare samhälle i en föränderlig värld. Vi stärker Sveriges förmåga att fungera i kris och krig. We work for a safer society – do you want to be a part of us? The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, MSB, develops the individual’s and society’s capacity to prevent, deal with and learn from emergencies and disasters. We work in close cooperation with the municipalities, the county councils, other authorities, the private sector, and organisations to achieve increased safety and security at all levels of society – from the local to the global community. MSB also has important tasks …

Type: Public

34 1,475
Kista Science City Kista Science City

Enabling strong, innovative collaborations between tech businesses, academia and the public sector. Kista Science City is a community, meeting place and testbed for new ideas. Shaping a sustainable tomorrow with the help of next generation technology. Enabled by the creative collaboration between innovative companies, academia and the public sector. Triple Helix Collaboration, ICT Testbed facilitator, Marketing & Communication, PR, City Development, Innovation, Community, and Smart Cities

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

19 31
Sweden Demo Day Sweden Demo Day

Sweden Demo Day is the largest and most spectacular un-conference for the startup ecosystem in the digital realms. Sweden’s largest and most spectacular un-conference for startups,investors and startup ecosystem players in the digital realms displays and crowns the up-and-coming, under-the-radar, swedish tech superstars of tomorrow. Sweden Demo Day is the first 100% community driven and owned event.

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

13 2
Södertälje Science Park Södertälje Science Park

Södertälje Science Park is the meeting place for sustainable production. Södertälje Science Park is the meeting place for sustainable production. By supporting innovative companies and startups, participating in innovation projects and establishing new networks, we work towards creating a more sustainable future. Innovation Management, Open Innovation, Business Development, Internationalization, LEAN Production, Hållbarhet, Hållbar produktion, Lean, Sustainable Production, and Företagsutveckling

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech consulting greentech

4 24
Esbri Esbri

Esbri är Sveriges ledande plattform för spridning av forskning om innovation, entreprenörskap och småföretagande. Esbri disseminates research-based knowledge on innovation, entrepreneurship and small business. We do this by writing popular science news articles on the latest research in the field. We also organise digital and physical events where national and international innovation and entrepreneurship researchers share their latest research. entrepreneurship, small business, innovation, knowledge dissemination, education, research, networking, and policy

Type: Media

6 4
Vetenskapsrådet / Swedish Research Council Vetenskapsrådet / Swedish Research Council

Statlig myndighet som ger stöd till forskning av högsta vetenskapliga kvalitet inom alla vetenskapsområden. The Swedish Research Council has a leading role in developing Swedish research of the highest scientific quality, thereby contributing to the development of society. Besides research funding, the agency advises the government on research-related issues and participates actively in the discussions to create understanding of the long-term benefits of research. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Vetenskapsrådet har en ledande roll för att utveckla svensk forskning av högsta vetenskapliga kvalitet och bidrar därmed till samhällets utveckling. Utöver finansiering av forskning är myndigheten rådgivare till regeringen i forskningsrelaterade frågor och deltar aktivt …

Type: Public

9 260
Ignite Sweden Ignite Sweden

The Swedish home of corporate, public sector and startup cooperation. Ignite Sweden is a non-profit organization that aims to foster innovation and accelerate commercialization by connecting startups to large companies and public organizations. Our mission is to support startups in securing their first major customers. Since its start in spring 2017, Ignite has facilitated more than 7500 tailored meetings connecting 1700+ startups with over 400 corporates and public entities, resulting in 63% follow-up process and more than 710 commercial collaborations. Ignite Sweden is a subsidiary of SISP – Swedish Incubators & Science Parks, and was developed and established by leading …

Type: Incubators & VCs

34 23
Coompanion Coompanion

The business promoter for those who want to make a difference. Socially, economically and environmentally sustainable entrepreneurship. Coompanion promotes entrepreneurship that meets current societal challenges. We do this by offering free* advice & information, business development and training in 25 regions in the country. The result is cooperatives, entrepreneurial collaboration, local development and entrepreneurship that is good for both people and the environment. Each regional Coompanion around the country is owned and managed locally. *The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Development's funding, together with local co-financing, makes it possible for the advice to be free of charge for those …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

6 116
Uminova Innovation Uminova Innovation

Uminova Innovation in Umeå helps people in the region develop business ideas and build successful tech companies. Uminova Innovation in Umeå is one of Sweden's leading incubators and selected for Vinnova's Excellence Program. With cutting-edge business support, we help people in Västerbotten develop their business ideas and build successful companies. We work to ensure that more people, both in and outside Sweden, discover and engage with the companies and innovations in the region. We do this through ambitious collaborations with industry, large companies, investors, partners and our large network of contacts of talents and skills. Uminova Innovation aims high, invests …

Type: Incubators & VCs

10 27
Skatteverket Skatteverket

Together we make society possible! Sweden. 10.5 million unique individuals who form a community, a society. We at the Swedish Tax Agency contribute to making that society possible. We do it by ensuring the financing of public services. Of roads and healthcare, schools and public transport. We do it by registering people, as the basis for a well-functioning society. Regardless of location, situation or stage in life, we want it to be easy to do the right thing. Easy for those who run a blog or an international listed company. For those who rent out their home or are going …

Type: Public

4 5,669
Skansen Skansen

The worlds first open air museum, founded in 1891. Where living history meets modern Sweden, 365 days a year. Skansen is Swedens first, and the worlds oldest, open-air museum - located in central Stockholm. Friluftsmuseum, Djurpark, Kulturhistoria, Trädgårdar, Byggnadsvård, and Butik

Type: Public Activities: it services

4 308
Livsmedelsföretagen Livsmedelsföretagen

Industry and employer organization for everyone who manufactures food and beverages in Sweden The Food Companies Association is an employer and industry organization that works to ensure that food companies in Sweden are characterized by a high reputation and diversity, as well as good growth, profitability and competitiveness. The Food Companies Association has approximately 800 member companies spread throughout Sweden. We represent all types of food companies – small and large, with Swedish and foreign owners, family-owned, agricultural cooperatives and more. The Food Companies Association safeguards and promotes the companies' common interests when it comes to employer issues and industry-specific …

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech

5 54
Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR) Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR)

UHR erbjuder stöd och tjänster inom kompetensförsörjning och det livslånga lärandet både för individen och samhället. The Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR) is a Swedish government agency with many different tasks in the education sector. It has 300 employees who are located in Stockholm and Visby. UHR’s tasks include: - coordinating admissions to higher education. - producing the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test. - providing support and information to everyone who wants to study in higher education. - widening participation and preventing discrimination in higher education. - evaluating foreign higher education qualifications. - brokering international exchanges. - managing and developing …

Type: Public

4 358
Urban ICT Arena Urban ICT Arena

An arena for creating, testing and showing the solutions for tomorrow’s sustainable cities. Part of Kista Science City. Located in Kista Science City, one of the world’s leading ICT-clusters, we are an arena for creating, testing and showing the solutions for tomorrow’s sustainable cities. Urban ICT Arena is a non-profit organization part of Kista Science City AB.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

7 1
Axfood Axfood

Axfood's purpose is to create more quality of life for everyone. Our family of companies includes the store chains Willys and Hemköp as well as Tempo, Handlar’n and Matöppet. B2B sales are handled through Snabbgross, and our support company Dagab is responsible for the Group’s product development, purchasing and logistics. The Axfood family also includes Urban Deli as well as the partly owned companies Apohem, Eurocash, and City Gross. We are proud of our private labels, where Garant, Eldorado and Minstingen are among the most popular brands. Axfood's success story would not be possible without our 13 000 employees with …

Type: Large company

27 8,915
Luleå University of Technology Luleå University of Technology

Skandinaviens nordligaste tekniska universitet med forskning och utbildning i världsklass. Luleå University of Technology is experiencing strong growth with world-leading competence in several areas of research. Our research is conducted in close collaboration with industries such as LKAB, Ericsson, Boliden, ABB, Epiroc and leading international universities. Luleå University of Technology has a total turnover of SEK 1.8 billion per year. We currently have 1, 770 employees and 17, 200 students.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

16 2,297
Sweden in EU Sweden in EU

Follow the work of Sweden in the EU. Account run by the Communications Department at the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the European Union. International Affairs and Diplomacy

Type: Public

48 2,837
Swedsoft Swedsoft

Swedsoft gathers Swedish software in an independent non-profit organization. Swedsoft gathers Swedish software in an independent non-profit organization with the mission to increase the competitiveness of Swedish software. Our members are companies, academia and the public sector in Sweden. Together we work to ensure that Sweden is world leading in the development of software and software-intensive products, systems and services. Read more at

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

6 3
Swedish Police Authority Swedish Police Authority

We make all of Sweden safe and secure We make all of Sweden safe and secure! Working in the police is one of the finest assignments you can have. You contribute to society by making all of Sweden safe and secure. Regardless of whether you work in a civilian role or as a police officer, there are many opportunities to grow with a larger task. We are Sweden's largest agency. To accomplish our mission, many different skills are needed. There are a large number of professional roles to explore, be inspired by and develop from. In collaboration with talented and …

Type: Large company

1 10,172
Karlstads Energi AB Karlstads Energi AB

A sustainable, connected and disconnected life Most people don't think about us. But we are with you 24/7. Karlstads Energi offers products and services that make it easier for you to live a more sustainable life. We make your days brighter, warmer and safer. Electricity trading, Energy services, Recycling services, District heating, City networks, and Electricity networks

Type: SMB Activities: greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

2 150
Ideon Science Park - Start Up Tech Hub Ideon Science Park - Start Up Tech Hub

Where Sharp Minds Create the Future Welcome to Ideon Innovation - the business incubator in Lund that is always working on the next success story. We've been tailoring routes to success for startup companies since 2000. Our passion lies in adding value to your company, helping it grow faster than it would outside the incubator. In our creative environment, you'll receive support from our experienced business coaches and connect with nearly 300 companies nearby, making it easier to reach an international market. Want to learn more about our program? Call, write, or come visit us! NETWORK Ideon Innovation boasts a …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

14 6
Skåne Startups Skåne Startups

We’re on a mission to build a diverse, inclusive and thriving startup ecosystem in Southern Sweden. Skåne Startups is the home of local startup community initiatives Malmö Startups, Lund Startups, Helsingborg Startups, as well as the Women in Entrepreneurship community and Startup Live!, southern Sweden's largest startup event. Skåne Startups enables startup initiatives in southern Sweden that help take the startup ecosystem to the next level. Startups, Entrepreneurship, Community Building, Venture Capital, Events, Talent, and Innovation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

9 1
Stremtech AB Stremtech AB

Closing the nutrient loop in fish farming. At Johannas we grow fish and vegetables, locally and sustainably in circular systems.

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech Technologies: Decarbonization

2 9