Search 1
LogoName Σ Employees

Climate expertise at the service of companies and territories. Ouiact is a mission company that supports communities and businesses in the definition and then the deployment of their low-carbon strategy. We contribute to the climatic strategies of many private and public actors in France who wish to place climate and environmental issues at the heart of their concerns. To find out more, go to our website: Environment, carbon footprint, climate strategy, life cycle analysis, and eco-design

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech

10 25
Vianova I/O Vianova I/O

The Trusted Platform for Mobility Intelligence to achieve CarbonZero & VisionZero - We're hiring! With the accelerated development of the various urban mobility offers, access to and use of public space has become a major challenge. Some of these new forms of mobility have incredible potential to make cities more sustainable and equitable, but for their development to be successful, cities and mobility operators need to be able to work together closely and confidently. Vianova platform helps cities and mobility providers better integrate and manage shared, connected, electric, and autonomous transport solutions in the urban space, enabling better use of …

Type: Incubators & VCs

73 26
Inno3 SAS Inno3 SAS

Consulting and expertise in innovation, Inn3 supports the adoption of new uses such as open source, open data and open innovation. Free and open source represent as many unique opportunities as major challenges for organizations wishing to take advantage of it. These strategic reflections and decisions must be based on a complete vision of the legal, technical and commercial interests of the company or the public player, by integrating the constraints linked to the reuse of third -party creations, under open source license or not. Inn3 provides high value -added services to companies and public organizations that use a process …

Type: SMB Activities: it services consulting Technologies: Data Analytics

51 9
Data Transport- Think Thank Data Transport- Think Thank

We Improve African Mobility Through Data. Data Transport, is a non-profit organization working to improve African mobility through transport data Accelerating and boosting the digital transformation of transport and mobility . Data Collection, Mapping, GTFS Standardization, visualization,API,Dev. Data Collect, OpenData Portal, OSM_Mappping, GTFS Manager, DataViz, API , and DevApps

Type: Startup Activities: it services transporttech Technologies: Data Analytics

3 5

Drive Less, Do More XYT is a new generation automotive manufacturer that has developed a light, modular, durable and electric vehicle platform to provide taylor-made last mile delivery solutions for profitable and sustainable urban logistics. We have a strong focus efficiency, durability and singularity of our product for a better sustainable future. Our modular & open vehicle platform “PIXEL” has already been tested through a million kilometer & has been designed and optimized to create the best last mile mobility and work experiences for goods and people. Electric vehicles, Modular vehicles, and Open Platform

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech manufacturing Technologies: Batteries

5 11
MiPi MiPi

Midi Pile is a transport and logistics company specializing in managing the last kilometer. MIPI is a responsible goods transport company that puts humans at the heart of the process. Today we are a reliable player in delivery. Transport is a service job where quality and social values ​​are essential. This goes to Midi Pile by: - training adapted for deliverers; - a parity in all positions therefore also on the roads, 50% of women, 50% of men; - the wearing of uniform compulsory by the deliverers to guarantee the brand image; - an environmental commitment. Let us take care …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech

17 47
Floware Floware

Innovative technologies to optimize and decarbonize tomorrow's mobility. Floware offers a new approach to analyze, model and predict mobility flows in order to help decision makers, relying on its integrated innovative sensors, modelling tools and AI. Mobility, IoT, AI, Sensors, and Smart City

Type: Startup Activities: smart city transporttech it services Technologies: A.I. IoT

20 10

Engineering a carbon-neutral future Tractebel is a global engineering and consulting company delivering integrated solutions for sustainable energy and built environment projects. Our expertise is trusted worldwide across multiple markets like nuclear, renewables, power & gas, electrical grids, hydropower & dams, water resources & supply, desalination, complex & high-tech buildings, transport infrastructures, and ports & waterways. By connecting strategy, design, engineering, social & environmental studies, project management and in-house digital application, we partner with companies and public authorities to create a positive impact on people and planet. Backed by more than 150 years of experience, today Tractebel is a community …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

40 6,078
Metapolis Metapolis

Consulting firm in support of communities in their appropriation of innovative technologies Imagine together innovative, responsible, ethical and sustainable, useful and usable daily strategies and projects on the daily users and that improve public services. Metapolis is a consulting and services company specializing in supporting organizations and the transformation of public policies, in the service of the general interest. Advice, smart city, open source, digital transformation, data, data, open innovation, digital services, responsible numerical, sobriety, public sector, communities, modernization, and ecological transition

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

47 48
Cityway Cityway

Smart Technology for your MaaS Strategy For nearly 20 years, Cityway has been developing white label software to help local authorities make public transport and mobility in general more accessible and efficient, and create a seamless mobility experience allowing more riders to take the first step towards a more equitable, sustainable, shared mobility practice. As an expert in Mobility as a Service (MaaS), Cityway develops and integrates the best solutions in the fields of passenger information, on-the-spot or advance service bookings, payment, validation and assistance in analysing and intelligently fine-tuning mobility service offerings in cities and regions. Headquartered in France, …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech greentech smart city cleantech it services Technologies: Decarbonization

35 161
Relais d'Entreprises Relais d'Entreprises

Network of third places in rural and peri-urban areas for teleworkers and agile companies Business Relais is a national network of third places located in peri-urban or rural areas. A third place is a set of furnished offices that allows employees and entrepreneurs to work remotely thanks to ICT. The third parties in business relay are intended to rebalance the territories and to ensure that they become life areas in order to promote local attractiveness through local economic development. Bringing the use of habitat closer allows many advantages: time gains, purchasing power but also of sustainable development performance and above …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

51 11
Campus Cyber Campus Cyber

Together, serving a large cyber nation 🇫🇷 Project initiated by the President of the Republic, the Cyber ​​campus is the totem place of cybersecurity which brings together the main national and international actors in the field. It makes it possible to accommodate companies (large groups, SMEs), state services, training organizations, research and associations on the same site. The Cyber ​​campus is implementing actions aimed at federating the cybersecurity community and developing synergies between these different actors to protect society and promoting French excellence in the field. Partnerships between the national campus and territorial cybersecurity campuses are in development. To date, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

115 75

The Union of Sport, Leisure, Cycle and Active Mobile Filler Companies Professional organization resulting from the merger of FIFAS (French Federation of Sports and Leisure Industries), FPS (Professional Federation of Sports and Leisure Enterprises) and Univelo (Union chamber of cycle actors), the Union Sport & Amp; Cycle brings together and defends the interests of 3,000 companies in sports, leisure, cycle and active mobility. His actions: - Represent and defend the interests of the sport sector and promote physical and sports activity (institutional relations, lobbying, ...) - Propose strategic and technical support as well as export assistance to members (legal, normative …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

108 36

Management and leadership training anchored in reality. Numa's mission? Have the work practices of tomorrow adopt. How ? By offering you training courses to leadership and management anchored in reality. Thanks to a new rhythmic and effective training standard, Numa accelerates you to better develop your managers and leaders. Companies such as Orange, Spendesk or Contentsquare use our training courses for their managers in order to send their challenges in a pragmatic and uninhibited manner. Each route has a well -defined angle - such as young manager, a long -term hybrid manager, managerial courage - and is made up of …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

165 87
Ecole Supérieure des Techniques Aéronautiques et de Construction Automobile Ecole Supérieure des Techniques Aéronautiques et de Construction Automobile

New mobility creator ESTACA, Higher School of Aeronautical and Automobile Construction techniques, forms engineers passionate about technologies, which meet the needs of new mobility. At the forefront of technologies, it offers a privileged setting for a quality student life. Its mission is to train engineers and conduct applied research at the service of all transport players: aeronautics, automotive, space and urban and rail transport. The training meets the new challenges for the transport of tomorrow: respect for the environment, energy control, increasing urbanization. To meet these challenges, Estaca forms multidisciplinary, multicultural engineers who will find innovative technological solutions to respond …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

45 544

Urban Service Operator Rennes operator specializing in the management of equipment and services, Citédia acts in six areas of activity: 🚙 Mobility: C • Park, C • Via, Citiz Rennes Métropole 🏢 Economic development: Citédia Dev Eco ✨ Event: Citédia Event, Ponant, Zéphyr, La Halle de la Courrouze, La Halle Martenot, La Brasserie, La Maison des Associations 🎶Spectacle: freedom, floor, musikhall ⛸️Tourism, sports and leisure: the Gayeulles campsite, the Le Blizz ice rink 🚨Security: CITEDIA Security Citédia is mainly composed of two local public companies (SAEM Citédia Services and SPL Citédia Métropole). Communities (Rennes Métropole and City of Rennes) are …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech Technologies: Cybersecurity

12 70

Designed to Ride, Built to Last Efficient and durable gearboxes for demanding riders. Effigear designs gearbox for bike and ebike applications. A lightweight, efficient and accurate gearing system in one central package. A robust, durable and maintenance free internal transmission covered by a 5 years warranty. Home of the Cavalerie Bikes

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech

12 11
1km à pied 1km à pied

We help multi sites company to identify internal mobility to reduce the commuting distance of their employees. Our optimum dispatch algo finds the best location for each employee to minimize the CO2 impact of each commute. It also finds batch of swaps between employees with the same qualifications in different sites. HRtech, Mobility, Transition, Résilience, Plan de Mobilité, Mobilité interne, Echange de poste, Diagnostic Mobilité, RH, Ressources humaines, Mobilité géographique, multi-sites, Absenteisme, turn over, climat, certificat d'économie d'énergie, Mobilité, recrutement, talent pool, GEPP, workforce management, souhaits de mobilité, voeux de mobilité, and mobilité inter-sites

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

88 14
Nextendis Nextendis

Advice and guidance for your digital projects Nextendis is an independent consultancy focused on digital technologies for telecoms, payment and public transport areas. With both technology and domain expertise, Nextendis consultants are providing support during your whole project life cycle from inception to delivery. Nextendis has an international scope and works with major accounts in France and in Europe. NFC and secure mobile services, Transit Ticketing, Contactless Payment, GlobaPlatform, Urban Mobility, Mobile Commerce, Mobile Payment, Mobile Couponing, Maas, Intelligent Transport System, Embedded SIM, Passenger Information, and Multimodal journey planning

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: NFC

4 7
Ascendance Ascendance

Taking Aviation to New Heights Taking Aviation to New Heights Electrical Aircrafts, VTOL, Hybrid Aircrafts, and More Sustainable Aviation

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

54 128

Improve traveller information everywhere in France thanks to the opening up of data. is the National Access Point for transport data in France. The role of the NAP is to ensure the opening up of data concerning public transport, road and cycle infrastructures and any information enabling a traveller to choose his mode of transport. The team works closely with data producers and end-users to ensure that the data produced and shared is usable by the widest possible audience.

Type: Public

20 10
Carto’Cité Carto’Cité

OpenStreetMap Consultancy, Geomatics and Web Mapping OpenStreetMap Consultancy, Geomatics and Web Mapping OpenStreetMap, QGIS, data collection, RTK geolocation, and professional training

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Geolocation Data Analytics

13 3
Aixam Mega Aixam Mega

Aixam, n ° 1 of the car without a license: sale and rental of car without a license since 1983 Aixam is the manufacturer n ° 1 of the car without a license: sale and rental of car without a license since 1983

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech

10 137
Cloix Mendès-Gil Cloix Mendès-Gil

Since its creation in 2001, the firm has developed and strengthened in order to offer its customers extended skills, in all aspects of economic life, both with private and public operators. Dedicated to the law of public and private economic activities, the Cabinet CLOIX MENDÈS-GIL has a large panorama of interventions, which allows it to meet the most varied needs of its customers, always with the same efficiency. Council and litigation In terms of advice, efficiency and reactivity take precedence. By its availability, the firm supports customers for occasional analyzes, consultations or audits using the most classic means such as …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

8 33
Citiz Rennes Métropole Citiz Rennes Métropole

Citiz is the Self -Party Service of Rennes Métropole, managed by Citédia. Offers adapted to professionals. Rennes Self -Party Service. 94 vehicles are in self-service 24 hours a day in the city center, from mini-city to the utility. Self -sharing contributes to the decrease in the number of cars in circulation.

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech

11 1
Communauté de Communes Erdre & Gesvres Communauté de Communes Erdre & Gesvres

Come and set up, live, work, find a job in Erdre & amp; Gesvres! Located north of the Nantes agglomeration, between Nantes and Rennes, Erdre & amp; Gesvres is a dynamic and united territory where quality of life is essential for the inhabitants as for economic actors. 12 municipalities are part of the community of communes: Les Touches, Vigneux de Bretagne, Grandchamp des Fontaines, Treillières, Notre Dame des Landes, Fay de Bretagne, Casson, Petit Mars, Saint Mars du Désert, Sucé sur Erdre, Nort sur Erdre, Héric. ---- Economic development - The community of communes has placed economic development at …

Type: Public

17 87
Hove Hove

Data and Travellers, in rythms Hove puts data into action to boost shared mobility. 110 experts, data scientists, product owners, developers, devOps, urban planners, and project managers brought together to support public transport authorities and passengers with innovative digital products. The products developed are based on analysis and processing of mobility data and aim to improve the understanding of mobility within a local region, orientate the transport offer, track its performance and facilitate the journeys of passengers. Passenger information, Information voyageur, Calcul d'itinéraire multimodal, Trip planner, Mobile Application, Web services, Mobile ticketing, M-Ticketing, Responsive locomotion, Smart city, Open transport, Mobilité, …

Type: SMB Activities: it services smart city transporttech Technologies: Data Analytics

14 97

A competitiveness hub dedicated to developing impactful solutions for the future of mobility ID4MOBILITY has the ambition of supporting local project leaders to design, develop, test and industrialize high-impact solutions for the future of land-based mobility, in all its forms: vehicles, mobility services, transport infrastructure and the mobility industry. Contact: or 02 52 59 59 19 Innovation, Automobile, Mobilité, Machinisme Agricole, Ville intelligente, Engins off road, Business, Performance industrielle, and Usine du futur

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech smart city Technologies: IoT

82 20
Autonomy Autonomy

The leading events and consulting network dedicated to the business of decarbonization. The leading events and consulting network dedicated to the business of decarbonization. Urban mobility, Transportation, and Sustainability

Type: Event

106 25
France Télévisions France Télévisions

France Télévisions is the first French audiovisual group: every day, nearly 4 out of 10 French people are looking at the programs in our channels. Audiovisual public service, the group has a role in social and cultural life in this regard which imposes an ambition and a constant requirement in the definition of its supply of programs. Audiovisual, audiovisual public, French creation, television, documentary, fiction, series, information, education, culture, entertainment, digital, sport, innovation, creation, proximity, diversity, and media

Type: Public Activities: transporttech

440 11,931
Urbanloop Urbanloop

Smart substainable mobility Transport autonome rapide sur rails. Trajets sans arrêt ni correspondance, avec prise en charge immédiate. Véhicules sans batterie ! Autonomous rapid transit on rails. No stop, no transfer routes with immediate pick-up. Vehicles without batteries! Mobilité urbaine and Transport

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: Batteries

27 32

Buy. Park. Sell. Domains With more than 3 million member accounts from around the world, and trading domains in more than 25 languages, Sedo stands alone as the world's only global domain marketplace. Sedo’s marketplace connects buyers and sellers making it simple for individuals and companies to acquire the domain names they need for their success and online presence. Sedo’s domain marketplace is the most active in the industry and offers the world's largest selection of premium domains with more than 24 million available for sale! Sedo offers all the tools needed to buy, sell, and monetize domains including domain …

Type: SMB Activities: martech

46 27

Collection and recycling of your tires 20 years ago, Aliapur started an avant-garde approach by becoming the first European eco-organization dedicated to recycling tires. Each year since then, we have recovered and valued more than 46 million worn tires. We have thus eliminated a number of wild and preserved deposits, on our scale, forests and rivers. Today, our company Maille all French territory, with a hundred collection, transformation and transport structures representing nearly 1,000 jobs. Every 39 seconds in France, tires are recovered from one of the 40,000 professional partners. And our pride is that all of these tires are …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

24 27
CoopCycle CoopCycle

The delivery that respects couriers and the environment CoopCycle is a federation of bike delivery co-ops. Our vision: cooperatives that are ran locally, with employed riders, united internationally, in order to compete with global platforms. Governed democratically by coops, CoopCycle enables them to stand united and to reduce their costs thanks to resources pooling. It creates a strong bargaining power to protect the bikers rights. Up to now, the federation brings together around thirty cooperatives in around ten countries in Europe and North America. Among the mutualized services provided at the federation level, CoopCycle is developing a full-fledged bike delivery …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

19 20

Learn and train in transport and logistics! AFTRAL is the largest pole of higher training in logistics transport in France. Created 60 years ago by professionals for professionals, AFTRAL devotes all means to the quality and development of training in transport and logistics. With more than 500 innovative programs, AFTRAL offers a complete offer in initial and continuous training allowing an operational response to the needs of professionals in the transport and logistics sectors. More than 220,000 people strengthen, develop and certify their professional skills with Aftral every year. More than 6,000 people follow each year in the 90 AFTRAL …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech edtech

52 3,398
Le Monde Le Monde

Reference news everywhere, all the time, by writing the world. has been present on the Internet since December 19, 1995, 51 years to the day after the creation of the paper newspaper. The site and its mobile applications are among the most consulted in France to follow the news in real time (international, economy, politics, society, ...) Leading News Website in French. Journalism, media, online press, written press, internet, video, and ethics

Type: Media

613 180
A + c'est mieux ! A + c'est mieux !

The community of third-party practices of Ile-de-France The community of third-Lieux practices and the commons of Ile-de-France

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: traveltech

40 11
Europcar Mobility Group Europcar Mobility Group

We Help To Change The Way You Move. Europcar Mobility Group is a global mobility player, with 75 years of mobility services expertise and a leading position in Europe. “We help to change the way you move” is what we stand for and brings us together. More than ever, we're committed to delivering simple, seamless, innovative solutions that make mobility easy, enjoyable and increasingly eco-friendly. To do this, we offer to individuals and businesses a wide range of car and van rental services, be it for a few hours, a few days, a week, a month or more, on-demand or …

Type: Large company

6 10,209
BroodMinder BroodMinder

Every Hive Counts BroodMinder is focused on providing beekeepers with innovative monitoring solutions to help manage beehives effectively. Our products are designed to gather data from beehives, providing insights into the health and condition of the colony. We assist beekeepers in making informed decisions regarding hive management, identifying early signs of trouble, and providing an opportunity to take timely action to support the well-being of the bees. Ruche connectée, Capteurs pour ruche, Apiculture de précision, Biosurveillance, Environnement, Pollinisation, Technologies, Digital, Connected hive, Precision beekeeping, Pollination, and hive monitoring

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Data Analytics

5 4
3Dnatives 3Dnatives

3Dnatives is the largest international online media platform on 3D printing and its applications. 3Dnatives is the largest international online media platform on 3D printing and its applications. With its in-depth analysis of the market, 3Dnatives gets over 1 million unique visitors per month and is currently available in English, French, Spanish, Italian and German. 3Dnatives works with key Additive Manufacturing market players and offers a variety of services such as a 3D printing price comparison engine, B2B consulting and B2B brand content, event management and much more! 🚀 To keep in better contact, like us on our Facebook page: …

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0 Technologies: 3D Printing

59 24
AVELI-Acteurs des Véhicules Légers intermédiaires AVELI-Acteurs des Véhicules Légers intermédiaires

Daily mobility more respectful of our health, our environment, compatible with CO2 neutrality The Association of Actors of Light Intermediate vehicles (AVELI) to bring out the economic sector of light, innovative vehicles, made in France Mobility, sector, industry, made in France, light vehicles, intermediary vehicles

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech

7 8
Mobi.deep Mobi.deep

Dive into mobility Mobi.deep develops and sells an immersive learning tool to encourage sustainable mobility behaviors. Réalité virtuelle, changement de comportements, serious game, mobilité inclusive, and mobilité durable

Type: Startup Activities: games Technologies: VR

27 6
Humbird - Woodybus Humbird - Woodybus

Engagés pour une mobilité heureuse Committed to the energy transition, we aim to turn dreams into virtuous solutions for the environment. Mobilité douce, Ecoconception, Vélo électrique, Transports, Transport scolaire, Transports collectifs, and Innovation

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech greentech cleantech

13 8
METACAR Mobility Systems METACAR Mobility Systems

For more responsible mobility, thanks to cool small electric cars 🚗 -legged in cars! Metacar opens its capital to you! Invest from € 100 (tax exemption) via a fundraising campaign: For the transport of goods / people: how to maximize efficiency and profitability while limiting the ecological impact? Thanks to shared transport and group and optimized redistribution! Like bikes, scooters, airport carts, supermarket caddies, but which does not exist today for cars ... 🚗 Eurêka! @Metacar develops a viable system thanks to the optimized sharing and redistribution of small individual and modular vehicles 🚗, a rupture, technological and systemic …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

23 7
Véligo Location Véligo Location

Véligo Rental Dream to go to the electric bike! Véligo Rental is much more than a service, it's a lifestyle! For you and all the Ile -de -Franceiens who want to move in peace and without polluting. The principle? Rent an electric bike for 6 months for 40 € per month, maintenance and mobile guidance application included. In addition, it is 50% supported by the employer. With 10,000 bikes in circulation in January 2020, then 20,000, Véligo Rental will become the largest long -term VAE rental service in the world. Just that!

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech traveltech Technologies: Decarbonization

30 13
Réseau vélo et marche Réseau vélo et marche

Communities committed for active mobility By merging, the club of cycle and merchant cities and territories and bicycle & amp; Territories write a new page in their history. It is 450 communities, from the municipality to the region, which regroup to form the single network of communities committed for active mobility. Development of cycle routes, bicycle mobility, bicycle tourism, cycle infrastructure, engineering, bicycle services, local authorities, and walking

Type: SMB Activities: traveltech smart city

60 33
servebox servebox

IT development team, we design your applications and tools by following them in their life cycle. IT development company, We design your applications and tools, We support you in their life cycle. Our approach : - Develop your business applications in line with your users - Guarantee the durability, security and maintenance of your tools IT development : - Definition of need - Design of the functional perimeter - Development of your web or mobile application - Technologies: we like Ruby on Rails but are familiar with web languages, it's the project that counts above all! Services : - Accommodation …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

35 1
HPR Solutions HPR Solutions

HPR Solutions offers solutions, products or services that enhance the value of Human, his Potential and his Resources HPR Solutions, for Human, Potential and Resources, is a company created in April 2019. It offers 2 types of activity. - The product activity is development, production and sale of solutions (devices or objects) which works thanks to the potential and the resources of human, for and by respecting the environment. The first product in progress is a urban vehicle with pedals, agile like a bicycle, stable like a tricycle, which carries all its passengers away from the elements. - The Services …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech

8 8

A community-focused approach to trusted data sharing in the mobility, transportation, and tourism industries EONA-X is a groundbreaking initiative in data sharing. We’re breaking silos and setting the basis of a new European data economy. It’s a new frontier, and we are leading the way by building trust through decentralized, open-source architecture. Our ecosystem of partners with shared goals streamlines mobility, transportation (including logistics), and tourism. We ensure these areas are secure and open so individuals and public/private entities can maximize data space for the common good. Renault, Amadeus, Groupe ADP, Air France-KLM, ACCOR, SNCF, and Aéroport Marseille Provence are …

Type: Startup Activities: it services transporttech smart city Technologies: Data Analytics

33 17
Association des Maires Ville & Banlieue de France Association des Maires Ville & Banlieue de France

For more than 40 years, city & amp; Suburbs defends the interests of popular territories and their inhabitants. For more than 40 years, city & amp; Banlieue brings together a network of elected officials of all political sensitivities throughout the national territory to defend the interests of popular territories and their inhabitants.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

33 5
Tweag, the OSPO of Modus Create Tweag, the OSPO of Modus Create

Improving the craft of software engineering. The open source program office of Modus Create. We bring together incredibly talented engineers, who are well respected within their communities of practice to contribute something interesting and novel to each step in the SDLC. distributed computing, functional programming, high performance computing (HPC), smart contracts, finance, haskell, rust, bazel, nix, github, data science, blockchain, AI, and automation

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

6 32
multi multi

The digital cooperative of general interest 🚀 Multi is a multi-disciplinary cooperative. We design and develop digital tools of general interest. DEVELOPPEMENT, ACCOMPLAIR OF SYSTEMS, DATASSCIENCE, CARTOGRAPH, DESIGN, COMMUNITY ANIMATION, HACKATHONS, MAPATHONS, OPEN Data Camps, Product management, Project management, Strategy, Communication, Institutional Relations, Open Government, Open Data, Open Source, and Software free

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

5 37
Atoumod Atoumod

Our mobility assistance tools allow as many people as possible to travel freely on Norman territory. Atoumod supports you in all your trips to Normandy. Whether you want to travel by bus, train or coach, our route calculator accompanies you to reach your destination. Every day, our many partners set up solutions to facilitate your trips. Atoumod facilitates access to public transport by a set of solutions: the Travelers Information Portal, the Atoumod card, the Atoumod M-Ticket application and the connected multi-network subscription. In a real link between Norman cities, Atoumod acts to simplify your trips and offer you …

Type: Public Activities: transporttech

10 3
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Mobilités Nouvelle-Aquitaine Mobilités

Mobility in sharing. Nouvelle-Aquitaine Mobilités coordinates, facilitates and shapes the trips of today and tomorrow in New Aquitaine. Thus, Nouvelle-Aquitaine Mobilités, its members and partners, develop shared services (travelers information, ticketing solutions), create shared knowledge (multimodal study, pricing, open data) and imagine the trips of tomorrow (alternative mobility, metropolitan RER) . So many projects that participate in making mobility a common good; A service shared between users, communities and carriers aimed at connecting rural, urban and peri-urban areas. Mobility, transport, carpooling, cycling, ticketing, maas, integrated mobility, soft mobility, and active mobility

Type: Public Activities: transporttech

18 17
#DigitAg - Digital Agriculture Convergence Lab #DigitAg - Digital Agriculture Convergence Lab

Building an international community of researchers, teachers & entrepreneurs to support farmers digitalization #DigitAg is the French Digital Agriculture Convergence Lab, based in Montpellier, with satellite places Toulouse, Avignon & Rennes , in the South of France. It brings together 360 researchers and higher education teachers from leading French organizations in this field. What is our goal? In a rapidly evolving digital world, ICT must be developped in a farmer-friendly way to help agriculture to be competitive. Digital agriculture, Agriculture numérique, Research, Recherche, Higher Education, Graduate School, Enseignement supérieur, Interdisciplinarity, Interdisciplinarité, Innovation - Transfer, Innovation - Transfert, ICT, TIC, Information …

Type: Public Activities: it services

23 10
EasyMile EasyMile

Bringing driverless vehicle solutions for people and goods to life AUTONOMOUS FUTURE, TODAY EasyMile provides software and complete solutions for driverless mobility and goods transportation. It partners with blue-chip manufacturers to autonomize their vehicles with award-winning technology built on safety-by-design, ready for deployment today, with clear client benefits. Since 2014, the company has become known for quality delivery and real-world deployments. EasyMile’s proven technology has already driven autonomously in more than 30 countries, over 1,000,000km. For material handling, EZTow is a tow-truck solution optimizing supply chains with cross/indoor-outdoor, 24/7 ground transportation at factories and industrial sites. Its people mover solution, …

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: transporttech it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Deep Learning A.I. - Image Processing Robotics

51 211
Comotic Comotic

The customer service platform for today's mobility Comotic is developing digital tools to support the world of daily transport in the digitalization of their communication and, more particularly, their customer service. Customer service, community management, public transport, artificial intelligence, and machine learning

Type: Startup Activities: it services transporttech smart city Technologies: A.I. - Machine Learning A.I.

4 0
Moovance Moovance

S'engager pour une mobilité plus durable / Move towards cleaner mobility Moovance est la nouvelle application qui vous accompagne dans tous vos déplacements pour mesurer et réduire vos émissions carbone. L'application permet de : ➡️Mesurer votre empreinte carbone lors de vos déplacements grâce à l'Intelligence artificielle ➡️Vous inciter de façon ludique à réduire votre empreinte carbone en gagnant des points "moove" à chaque challenge ou objectif atteint ➡️Vous faire profiter d'avantages pour des mobilités douces et durables, ou faire des dons à des associations grâce à ces points "moove" récoltés ... et bien plus encore ! mobility, ecologie, mobilitédurable, and …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: A.I. Decarbonization

28 27
R3 Imagin/able R3 Imagin/able

👉 Reinvent our models // Regenerate ecosystems R3 Group accelerates the environmental, social and energy transition of companies. Specialist in CSR, decarbonization and energy performance. R3 offers unique solutions linking economy and ecology through digital tools and financing solutions for businesses. Strategy, Innovation, Sustainable development, CSR, Sustainable development, Consulting, Business model, Raison d'être, Company with a mission, B Corp, Consulting, Sustainability, Creation of business models, and responsible marketing

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech constructiontech greentech consulting Technologies: Decarbonization

20 21
Cozy Cloud Cozy Cloud

Choose Cozy as a personal digital area for your open source users and customers. French. Different from GAFA. Your personal data is all in the cloud, in the "cloud of others". What if you gathered all your data in "Your Cloud"? In a cloud that belongs to you where you could benefit from services and integration that exceeds those that the closed silos of the GAFA. At Cozy Cloud, we want data to be used to emancipate individuals and not to manipulate! 👉 Concretely, what does Cozy Cloud do for its users? Cozy Cloud is developing a personal cloud, Cozy, …

Type: Startup Activities: privacytech fintech Technologies: Data Analytics

28 20
Mobicoop Mobicoop

Sustainable mobility advice and solutions. We share much more than carpooling. Fewer cars no more nightingale! The history of Mobicoop dates back to 2011, when the Carpooling-Libre association is created offering a commission-free carpooling service, without advertising and free for users whose personal data remains protected. With nearly 150,000 users making more than 100,000 carpools per year, it has become a key player in carpooling. Seven years later, in November 2018, the association became the Mobicoop cooperative. True to the original values ​​of carpooling, the association has made strong commitments so that the platform remains a common good. However, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: it services cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

63 37
Mobility Tech Green Europe Mobility Tech Green Europe

Faites votre part et réduisez votre budget automobile tout en optimisant votre empreinte carbone ! With more than 12 years of experience on the B2B market and 100 000 users of our solutions, we commercialise different car-sharing offers allowing real savings for companies and local authorities, as well as an efficient reduction of the CO2 emissions. We are today at the avant-garde of a new vision of mobility, of a new world. Between the connected cars, the smart cities and collaborative consumption, Mobility Tech Green answers 21st century's real challenges using technical innovation. Welcome to the world of disruptive revolution. …

Type: Startup Activities: it services smart city Technologies: IoT Decarbonization

19 27
Ville de / City of Dieppe Ville de / City of Dieppe

In less than 30 years, the City of Dieppe's population has more than quadrupled. Today, we enjoy a reputation that is the envy of many. Based on the 2011 census, its population now stands at 23,310, an increase of 25.6% from 2006. Here, you will not only experience the developed urban side to our city but also a cachet of several parks and green spaces and more than 55 kilometres of trails and bicycle paths. The number of young families in Dieppe grows every day because of our stable, safe and dynamic environment. Despite our phenomenal growth, Dieppe has maintained …

Type: Public

10 241

Go Together Invent the digital and united city Coopgo is a cooperative, anchored in the Social and Solidarity Economy, which develops digital innovation projects with social and environmental impact. In particular, it offers Ridygo, a daily, flexible and united carpooling service and Carpooling® check, a platform allowing companies to encourage employees to carpooling, on the model of lunch checks. Download the app for free to Innovation, digital, social and solidarity economy, startup, cooperative, mobility, carpooling, inclusive mobility, environment, solidarity, and social innovation

Type: Startup Activities: civictech Technologies: SaaS

15 6

GPS&O is for today and tomorrow! The Greater Paris Seine & Oise, the largest in France with 73 municipalities and 405,000 inhabitants, was born on January 1, 2016. It covers an area of ​​500 km2, both urban and rural, located in the west of Paris (Yvelines), on the axis Paris-Le Havre. The dynamism of GPS&O is based on multiple sectors such as automobiles, aeronautics or robotics but also eco-construction, instrumental manufacturing and even agriculture. The urban community intends to rely on its assets and on the upcoming arrival of the RER E to strengthen its attractiveness and more generally to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech smart city

41 106
Académie du Climat - Ville de Paris Académie du Climat - Ville de Paris

Let's talk little, let's act climate The Climate Academy, a free place open to all, dedicated to the acceleration of the ecological transition. climate, transition, and ecology

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech

64 47
France Mobilités France Mobilités

Mobility for all and in all territories. The France Mobilités approach is in operational supplement of the mobility orientation law, which aims to modernize the legislative framework of mobility, and is anchored in the actions in favor of mobility carried out by the State services and its components.

Type: Public

52 3

RTCX allows for its predictive AI to offer its customers insights on future expectations of consumers RTCX is a solution equipped with a predictive AI which allows the obtaining of qualitative and quantitative insights on future needs and expectations of consumers. RTCX designs and animates community panels and co-creation workshops in order to obtain the reliable consumer. The automation of our study process allows the sending of more than 500 surveys/week Machine learning, ai, feeling analysis, nlp, predictive ai, and market research

Type: Startup Activities: martech uxtech Technologies: Affective Computing A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning A.I. - Natural Language Processing

49 4
Cyclable Cyclable

Cyclist creator 🚴‍♀️ 🚴‍♂️ 🚴‍♀️ 🚴‍♂️ Let's change the way to move 👊 Cycling is a network of more than 70 specialized stores "Vélo art of living": electric bikes, cargo bikes, folding bikes, Gravel Bikes, travel bikes etc. Allow as many people as possible to practice cycling, to go to work, go on a trip, move around with your family or simply for pleasure: these are our objectives. Launched in 2005, our company immediately focused on cycling as a means of travel. This is indeed our core business since our origins because each of us is above all a daily …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech traveltech Technologies: Decarbonization

15 158
PIM Mobility PIM Mobility

Building the mobility services of tomorrow Building the mobility services of tomorrow Mobility, transport, carpooling, expert, innovative, specialized, diagnosis, territory study, planning, social ties, smartcity, and digital service

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech smart city transporttech

19 3
Réseau Mob'In Réseau Mob'In

The network of territorial actors in inclusive and sustainable mobility. The Mob’In network brings together players in inclusive, united and sustainable mobility in the form of regional organizations. The network brings together structures that work as close as possible to territories to support precarious audiences to access autonomous and sustainable mobility. Inclusive mobility, solidarity mobility, social inclusion, socio -professional integration, energy transition, fight against poverty, regional planning, training, and support

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

19 26
Club des villes et territoires cyclables et marchables Club des villes et territoires cyclables et marchables

Spokesperson for communities committed to promoting cycling and walking Created in 1989, the Club des villes et territoires cyclables et marches (CVTCM) now brings together more than 220 member communities representing more than 2,000 territories. Present in twelve metropolitan regions and in Réunion, it brings together communities of all sizes (cities, public inter-municipal cooperation establishments - EPCI, departments, regions, joint unions, mobility organizing authorities). The diversity of the territories represented constitutes the richness of the network and feeds the proposals made to the public authorities. The Club also has seventeen associate members. As a spokesperson for these communities, the Club …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

76 12
Synergie Family Synergie Family

Association committed to equal opportunities⚡️Creation of optimistic experiences with high educational values. Synergie Family is an optimistic association with high impact, which reveals talents by creating innovative experiences with high educational values, at the service of individual development, to allow everyone to find their way. Our conviction is based on the fact that everyone has a talent that requires only to be revealed. Anchored in the field and specializing in educational and inclusive innovation, the start-up offers a real alternative in which audiences, by empowerment, the practice of its passions and personal development, are the heart of the solution. Founded …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

84 226
Imfusio Imfusio

Révéler, essaimer, amplifier les transformations positives des organisations ! Designers of positive transformations, Imfusio provides its clients with a platform of experts and tools to (re)invent their organization of today and tomorrow. We support all types of clients (companies, public sector, associations) by freeing the energies of employees and building more collaborative management and working methods with them. Our most loyal customers are the European Climate Foundation, DAGC, Accor Hotels (in France and Europe), Leroy Merlin, CNES, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Vivendi, Gameloft... The cultural and business transformations we support are based on 3 strong pillars: - Strategic management …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: SaaS

48 22
CVE (Changing Visions of Energy) CVE (Changing Visions of Energy)

French IPP with affiliates in the United-States, Chile, South Africa and in Spain Created at the end of 2009, CVE is a French multi-energy, multi-country renewable energy producer. CVE develops, finances, builds and operates photovoltaic power plants, biogas units and hydrogen production units. Our vision is to produce renewable energy in a decentralised way and sell it locally to meet the needs of businesses, local authorities and the agricultural sector. CVE has been a mission-driven company since 2022, with a purpose driven by its teams: "Putting people and the planet at the center of tomorrow’s energy". With €866 million invested …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Solar Technologies Hydrogen

125 415
Dataveyes Dataveyes

We reinvent interactions between humans and data. Dataveyes focuses on Human-Data interactions. We help people understand, operate and communicate their data. We translate data into experiences, to share narratives, support new uses, and make sense of a world increasingly shaped by algorithms. We design useful, relevant interfaces through our workflow, which revolve around both data and user needs. We connect users to data through interfaces: web and mobile applications, software, editorial content or creative installations. Our interfaces are a game changer, in that they introduce our clients to a strategy that makes the most out of data. Our core competencies …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

20 3
Choose Paris Region Choose Paris Region

We offer free, tailored support to talents considering relocation and to international companies looking to expand A business growth and destination agency for Paris Region, Choose Paris Region promotes the Region across the world, attracts and supports companies and international talents. They contribute to the Region’s transformation and build a positive footprint. In developing the Region’s strategic sectors, Choose Paris Region builds on innovation to meet tomorrow’s challenges such as transitioning to a low-carbon economy and industry, increasing resilience and sovereignty. As a one-stop shop, the agency federates local actors and forges public-private partnerships with an aim to empower the …

Type: Public

202 128

The national network of learning social enterprises SCHURCHTER SCHOOL is a national network of Integration through Economic Activity (#IAE). Our network brings together nearly 750 structures in mainland France and overseas, which are defined as "learning social enterprises". Learning social enterprises recruit people in professional integration, and offer them salaried employment, support, supervision and suitable training, to allow them a return to working life in the best conditions. Society School represents its members at the institutional level, helps them to professionalize and support the implementation of public integration policies.

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech

37 48
Hove Hove

Data and Travellers, in rythms Hove puts data into action to boost shared mobility. 110 experts, data scientists, product owners, developers, devOps, urban planners, and project managers brought together to support public transport authorities and passengers with innovative digital products. The products developed are based on analysis and processing of mobility data and aim to improve the understanding of mobility within a local region, orientate the transport offer, track its performance and facilitate the journeys of passengers. Passenger information, Information voyageur, Calcul d'itinéraire multimodal, Trip planner, Mobile Application, Web services, Mobile ticketing, M-Ticketing, Responsive locomotion, Smart city, Open transport, Mobilité, …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech smart city it services Technologies: Data Analytics

70 97
Ruter As Ruter As

Every day we work to bring people closer to each other so that the big city remains small. Ruters vision is to create sustainable freedom of movement in the metropolitan area. We do this by planning, developing, ordering and marketing an efficient and environmentally friendly public transport and mobility service. We are an important social actor who helps make the metropolitan area an attractive area to live, work and vacation in. To succeed in the future, we must supplement traditional public transport with new services and solutions. We develop these in collaboration with customers and partners. On a daily basis, …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

9 442
OpenStreetMap France OpenStreetMap France

Cartographs Le Monde Rue after rue French association for promoting uses of the free and global project of cartography, OpenStreetMap

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

10 4
M&M Conseil M&M Conseil

Public Affairs - Institutional Relations M & Amp; M Council has specialized in the organization of institutional events and in public affairs council for more than 25 years. Closer to French and European institutions, we organize key meetings between public, private and institutional actors. Public affairs consultancy, institutional communication, Evenementiel, and public relations

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

110 10
OpenDataFrance OpenDataFrance

Federates and supports territorial actors in the sharing and valuation of public data The Opendata France association, created on October 9, 2013 in Toulouse, aims to bring together and support communities actively involved in an approach to open public data and to promote all the steps taken by these communities with the aim of promotion Open data. She gives herself as objectives: - to provide its members with information, advice or other supports necessary for the opening of public data - to promote negotiations with all national or international partners, in particular with the ministries concerned, regulatory bodies and various …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

73 3
Kisio Kisio

Liberating Mobility Kisio helps you shift from an industrial transport offer to a service-oriented approach, meaning that you exploit the full performance potential of your mobility services, through successful travel experiences. Our specialists are genuine mobility enthusiasts who channel their expertise and energy into supporting you as best they can in your mobility projects, whether you are a Public Transport Authority, transport operator or a new mobility stakeholder. With our combined business activities, we offer you even more efficient solutions across the transport chain, and create future mobility together : Analysis&Consulting and Digital Solutions Mobilité Responsable , Relation Clients, Conseille, …

Type: SMB Activities: it services consulting smart city

35 582
Nomadic Solutions Nomadic Solutions

Équipements de géolocalisation, IoT et edge computing Nomadic Solutions designs and distributes a range of connected mobile solutions, to enable professionals to optimize their profitability, improve and rethink the use of mobility of people, vehicles and goods, ensuring reliability, responsiveness and technical agility. Geolocation in & outdoor, eco driving, embedded systems, and Nomadic devices

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech it services Technologies: Embedded Systems Geolocation

16 3
Carton Plein Carton Plein

The old boxes make the new starts Since 2012, a full -form card and has supported people in exclusion, by collecting and re -using used boxes in its workshops and by offering movies and deliveries by bicycle. Each card purchased, each kilometer traveled by bicycle, each hour of training provided, helps to create jobs, to forge the link and to change their gaze on the people excluded from the company. Reuse, cyclo-logistics, professional integration, and training

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

29 46
Prototype Fund Prototype Fund

Wir fördern Public Interest Tech. Der Prototype Fund ist ein Förderprogramm des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), das von der Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland betreut und ausgewertet wird. Einzelpersonen und kleine Teams erhalten im Rahmen des Prototype Funds über 6 Monate hinweg finanzielle und ideelle Unterstützung für die Erprobung von Ideen und die Entwicklung von Open-Source-Software mit gesellschaftlichem Mehrwert in den Bereichen Civic Tech, Data Literacy, IT-Sicherheit und Software–Infrastruktur.

Type: Incubators & VCs

9 5
Innovation Copilots Innovation Copilots

Navigating disruptions? Tired of playing innovation theatre? Industry leader, startup, or policy-maker? We can copilot _ We are a boutique innovation agency working for current and future market leaders. Our craft is delivering tailor-made, actionable strategies dealing with high levels of complexity born from market, cultural or technological turbulences. With a decade and a half of experience in Europe and Asia with industry leaders and startups alike, we have compounded unique perspectives and skills on rupture innovation. innovation consulting, business model innovation, organizations culture refocus, corporate incubation, and cultural transformation

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

46 1
La Rosêe - Le Réseau des Tiers-Lieux d'Occitanie La Rosêe - Le Réseau des Tiers-Lieux d'Occitanie

Animate, support and promote third lieux in Occitanie! Animate, support and promote the network of third places in Occitania Third-lieux, network, fablab, coworking, cultural wasteland, territory factory, territorial manufacture, and communities

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

31 6
Tiers Lieux Martinique Tiers Lieux Martinique

Collective organization bringing together the Martinique third-Lieux community community The #reseaux Regional of Third Lieux, Kesako? 🤔 The GIP France Third-Lieux animates and co-constructed with institutions the tools necessary for the sustainability of the Third Party-Lieux movement. Created in 2019, France Third Lieu supports the structuring of the professional sector by working with the National Council of Third Parties. The extent of the phenomenon and the structuring of the ecosystem calls for a strengthening of its actions: ✅Creation of an observatory of professions and training of third places ✅ Maintenance of a national resource center ✅ National communication and valuation …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

16 2

Transport & Environment (T&E) is Europe’s leading advocate for clean transport and energy. Our mission is to fight for an affordable zero-emission transport system that benefits both people and the planet. Since our formation in 1990, we’ve shaped some of Europe’s most important climate and environmental laws, such as the creation of the world’s largest carbon market for aviation and the EU agreement to ban the sale of new combustion engine cars and vans by 2035. Sustainable mobility, air pollution, Aviation, Shipping, biofuels, CO2, CETA, Vans, Rail, Electromobility, Trucks, Cars, Sustainable transport, European transport, Dieselgate, and Cycling

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

65 198
Wikipedia Wikipedia

Wikipedia is a multilingual online encyclopedia, based on open collaboration through a wiki-based content editing system. Publishing, Writing, and Encyclopedia

Type: SMB Activities: it services

10 924
Vraiment Vraiment Vraiment Vraiment

Really really designs concrete solutions with those & amp; Those who defend the general interest & amp; common goods We are a design agency: we help repair general interest services by imagining and producing useful, practical and beautiful things. We are carrying out concrete projects with those who produce the common good on a daily basis in public services, the companies of the social and solidarity economy, associations, actors of the urban factory and mobility ... With you, we produce: - attentive places favorable to sociability, conviviality and citizenship - new professional and citizen practices that simplify action and give …

Type: SMB Activities: uxtech

106 51

Lozère, of course! DEPARTMENT OF THE LOZERE IS A GOVERNMENT COMPANY BASED Out of 4 rue de la Rovere, Mende, Occitanie, France. Proximity community, the Departmental Council contributes to the development of Lozère and the quality of life of its inhabitants.

Type: Public Activities: arttech

27 78

Less it's better It is by continuously observing the world that surrounds it, by questioning the aesthetic codes, the uses and industrial techniques that Kilow has invented and has been manufacturing in France since 2020 sober, light, robust and funs electrical mobility objects on all Lands. We like to take on our communities at the wheel or on the handlebars of our multi-purpose solutions to reconcile them with driving, reconnecting them to their environment, and offering them a lost feeling in the old world. Make them smile. The future of the movement is a decarbon pleasure, The less it's better.

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

8 5
Ville de Meudon Ville de Meudon

Official page of the city of Meudon In the heart of Hauts-de-Seine, between Paris and Versailles, Meudon (47,000 inhabitants) has an exceptional heritage and landscapes. The city is a technical and scientific innovation ecosystem, attractive in the Metropolis of Grand Paris. Proof of this is the presence of large institutions such as the CNRS, the observatory, the Onera, the hangar recently renovated and reopened to the public, as well as world leaders in advanced industry like Esri, Bouygues Telecom, Thales, Thales, HP-France or Dassault Systems and Equinix. From the first airship to the cameras of the Party Part Explore the …

Type: Public Activities: govtech

50 194
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

Mapping our world together Free, collaboratively generated maps are uniquely valuable to humanitarian work and economic development, especially in places where base map data is often missing, out of date, or rapidly changing. OpenStreetMap is an open data project founded to create a free and open map of the world, built primarily by volunteers surveying with pencil and paper, GPS units or by digitizing aerial imagery and finding and liberating existing public sources of geographic data. Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team [HOT], a US 501(c)(3) charitable organization, was launched in 2010 to promote and support the thousands of volunteers and dozens of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

15 256

designer-fabricator of a more bicycle world Since 2003, Altinnova® has been the French specialist in equipment and services for cycle facilities. We design, manufacture, install and exploit innovative solutions for bicycle such as bicycle shelters (secure, open, solar ...), bicycle parking (arches, racks ...), service stations for cyclists (inflation, repair , washing, electric recharge ...) and also the associated services (maintenance, access control, operation ...). Design, design, manufacturing, installation, after-sales service, advice, experimentation, eco-design, and eco-design

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 manufacturing Technologies: Solar Technologies

53 30
Sharers & Workers Sharers & Workers

Connect actors to reflect together on digital work -related work transformations The Sharers & Amp; Workers regularly organizes events to facilitate meetings and exchanges and stimulate interactions between actors throughout the year.

Type: SMB Activities: it services

11 1
Chronos (Media Mundi) Chronos (Media Mundi)

Des futurs en commun / Sur Twitter : @GroupeChronos Chronos is a research and foresight consultancy providing expert consultation and analysis in areas such as mobility, territorial development, digital services and social practices. Key questions drive Chronos’ activities and research projects: how to support the development of livable cities and desirable mobilities? How do the uses of digital technologies impact our environment? How to innovate in the mobility field in order to improve commuting? What kinds of new services can we imagine to make people’s daily life easier? Chronos gathers expertise from different professional backgrounds (sociology, urban studies, management, media …

Type: SMB Activities: smart city transporttech Technologies: IoT

39 17