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LogoName Σ Ingoing engagements Outgoing engagements Employees
Metalor Technologies SA Metalor Technologies SA

Since 1852... Metalor is a Swiss-based global independent company (part of the Tanaka Group) working in the precious metal fields that was created in 1852 with subsidiaries in 17 countries (in Europe, Americas and Asia) and more than 1500 employees; the company has 3 business groups, each corresponding to a group of specific markets: Refining, Advanced Coatings & Electrotechnics. Our mission is to provide high quality products and services that exceed the expectations of our customers while applying irreproachable ethic principles and promoting sustainable practices all along our activity. In this respect, one of our basic goals is to ensure …

Type: SMB Activities: greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 0 0 645
Bjørn Thorsen A/S Bjørn Thorsen A/S

Local distributor... and truly global solution provider! Bjørn Thorsen A/S is a privately-owned distributor of Specialty Polymers, CAS materials (Coatings, Adhesives, Sealants), Composites, as well as Solutions for Construction, Bitumen & Road marking. We are distributing a wide range of products from leading chemical manufacturers (e.g. BYK, Celanese, ExxonMobil, Lubrizol, Borealis, Cabot, Sun Chemicals, Venator, DRT and others) to Northern European & French customers active in diverse end uses in Automotive, Coating, Construction, Industrial, Medical, etc. For more information regarding the distribution portfolio, visit In recent years, Bjørn Thorsen Group (BTG) has increasingly acted as true solution provider, leveraging …

Type: SMB Activities: manufacturing Technologies: New Materials

1 1 0 50
IPC Centre Technique Industriel de la Plasturgie et des Composites IPC Centre Technique Industriel de la Plasturgie et des Composites

L'innovation au service de la filière plastique et composite ! France’s Centre Technique Industriel (CTI) de la Plasturgie et des Composites, known as IPC, plays a key role in promoting innovation in plastics and composite materials and processes. With its expertise and nationwide network of experts, IPC actively supports industrial companies in a wide range of fields, from the study and establishment of protocols to feasibility and technology transfer. The IPC technical center plays a crucial role in supporting industrial companies in areas such as research and development, innovation, technology and skills transfer, regardless of the production technique used. Thanks …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech industry 4.0 Technologies: 3D Printing New Materials

30 18 16 149
Pellenc ST Pellenc ST

Innovative solutions for the circular economy. Waste sorting and quality control. We can sort it! Depuis 2001, Pellenc ST conçoit et fabrique en France des équipements de tri intelligents et des services connectés destinés au tri des déchets et à l’industrie du recyclage. Avec un parc installé de plus de 2800 machines dans le monde entier, Pellenc ST occupe une position de leader reconnu. Elle compte plus de 280 collaborateurs et un chiffre d’affaires supérieur à 85 millions d’euros. Pellenc ST has been designing and manufacturing intelligent sorting equipment for the waste and recycling industry since 2001. With over 2.800 …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech industry 4.0 manufacturing civictech Technologies: A.I.

36 17 17 260
INEVO Technologies INEVO Technologies

Design, industrialization, optimization & amp; Digitalization of liquid processes, powders & amp; gas. Inevo, a subsidiary of the Orano group, is an engineering office specializing in industrial processes that implement liquids, powders and gases. We operate in the fields of design, industrialization and process optimization. We carry out projects and expertise for half from our offices, or directly from our customers. Our customers are industrialists, of all types and all sizes, in France and abroad, of: • Specialties chemistry • Pharmacy, fine chemistry, biotechnology • Oil & amp; Gas, petrochemistry • cosmetics, agrifood Pioneer of the factory of the future, …

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

10 2 9 76
IMRA Europe S.A.S. IMRA Europe S.A.S.

challenge toward the future IMRA Europe is an independent research and development firm dedicated to the alliance of technology and sustainable development. We belong to the network of AISIN Group, the world’s 3rd largest supplier of automotive components. IMRA Europe is a world leader in Research & Development of new technologies mainly but non only for the automotive industry. We conduct research to overcome today’s technological challenges and develop breakthrough technologies which turn innovative ideas into the solutions our future generations will rely on. Our 2 research centers are located in France and in United Kingdom. Activity: IMRA is a …

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech manufacturing transporttech Technologies: New Materials

30 19 9 26

Advise, train, transform Center for the training of chemistry and processes: learning, work -study and continuing education throughout life. #Formerputransform As a historic partner of the process industries, we are committed to improving the industrial performance of our customers by acting directly on men and organizations, through professional situations in order to target measurable results. This definition of our mission expresses not only our ambition but also our lines of history and development. As you do, we think that training is a powerful lever for the performance of the company as well as for its employees. We consider that our …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

18 0 17 22
Next Technology Tecnotessile Next Technology Tecnotessile

Since 1972, innovation, research and development for the manufacturing sector Next Technology Tecnotassile (NTT) is a research body set up in Prato in 1972 to be the reference pole for technology transfer, innovation, support for research, development and training activities for companies in the textile, fashion sector and meccanotexile. The over 40 years of activity in the sector, together with the numerous participations in research and development projects, have made it possible to structure a large network of ties and collaborations, in which the most relevant industrial realities, universities, research centers and companies of Service operating in Italy, Europe and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech it services

10 4 4 27
De Smet Engineers & Contractors (DSEC) De Smet Engineers & Contractors (DSEC)

From Engineering to EPC Projects: Bio-Based chemicals, Decarbonation, Proteins, VegOils, Sugar&Ethanol, AgroNutrients... Worldwide supplier of Engineering and Turn Key projects for the Bio-Based chemicals, Energy Efficiency & Sustainability, Food ingredients (Alt-Proteins), Sugar & Ethanol, Edible Oils, Fats & Proteins and Agro-Nutrients industries. General De Smet Engineers & Contractors (DSEC) is a privately held limited liability company incorporated in Belgium in 1989. It has an established reputation as a general contractor (EPC Contractor), specializing in the agro-industrial field where it is a fully-integrated world class provider of engineering, procurement and construction services. It brings a compelling business offering that combines excellence …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech

4 2 1 327
German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research

From the molecule to the finished product and its market launch, DITF conduct research and develop products along the entire textile value chain, always taking into consideration the corporate processes and business models. This makes Denkendorf a unique location world-wide for innovations in the textile industry. Founded in 1921, today the research center employs about 250 scientists, technicians and laboratory assistants. On 25,000 m2 research and production area the DITF conduct interdisciplinary research and development projects involving chemistry, material sciences, process technology, material technology, mechanical engineering and plant design and management. The scientists utilize the latest findings in fundamental and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

6 2 3 105

Security Consulting: (French) The creator of the company has 16 -year -old IT experience including 12 in the security of computer systems and networks. For several years, he has been exercising an IT security expertise activity with his current company (HP Center de Competence France - HPCCF). From a technical point of view, he first worked as a developer in Wintel, MacOS, and HP-MEU environments. He then turned to a specialization in a network and security, then in Wintel technologies, before evolving towards an IT security expertise. This expertise has applied itself in recent years both internally at HP and …

Type: SMB Activities: fashtech Technologies: Cybersecurity

6 3 1 132
JTEKT European Operations JTEKT European Operations

Monozukuri by JTEKT: placing innovation at the heart of our strategy to stay one step ahead! JTEKT European Operations is organised in 3 operations interacting with each other. Automotive operations JTEKT Europe designs and manufactures state-of-the-art components for all major carmakers: steering systems, differentials and driveline systems, hubs, PowerPacks and electro-hydraulics systems For additional information regarding our Aftermarket catalogues, contact Bearing operations JTEKT Europe Bearings manufactures bearings for the automotive industry as well as for the general industry. Machine Tools Operations JTEKT offers a wide range of machine models for all kinds of manufacturing jobs ( Steering Systems, Bearings, …

Type: Large company

11 5 7 984
ALIGNED project ALIGNED project

Aligning Life Cycle Assessment methods and bio-based sectors The ALIGNED project will deliver a modelling framework to assess and optimise the environmental and socioeconomic performance of bio-based industries. ALIGNED will advance the scientific field of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) (moving from TRL2-3 to TRL5) and collaborate with industries and representatives from five bio-based sectors: construction, woodworking, textile, pulp and paper, and bio-chemicals. LCA, construction, woodworking, textile, pulp and paper, bio-chemicals, and biobased

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech

13 1 9 N/A

"Creating the next generation of thermal envelope materials for the Nearly Zero Energy Buildings with (bio)Polyurethane" INDRESMAT is a chemical startup that has redefined the thermal envelope of buildings and houses to achieve a 70% reduction in thermal energy demand, significantly cutting CO2 emissions. By addressing energy leakage across 100% of a building's thermal envelope—including windows, doors, walls, roofs, and floors—we are driving a more sustainable construction industry. Our solutions are built around two circular products made from bioPolyurethane (BioPUR), a highly insulating material with a low carbon footprint and 65-75% renewable content: KLIMA-PUR Windows: High-performance, energy-saving windows with bioPUR …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

7 2 5 17
Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant

Accelerating your biobased innovation Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant is a flexible and diversified pilot plant for the development, scale-up and custom manufacturing of biobased processes and products. It operates at kilogram to multi ton scale and aims at closing the critical gap between scientific feasibility and industrial application of new biotechnological processes. The Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant in a one-stop-shop that performs the entire value chain in a single plant, from the biomass green resource up to the final bioproduct. The pilot plant is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment to perform biomass pretreatment, biocatalysis, fermentation, up- and downstream purification …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

7 3 2 157
Syngulon Syngulon

Original genetic technologies using bacteriocins. Syngulon is a synthetic biology startup developing original genetic technologies using bacteriocins. Our team of scientists works in different academic laboratories and our R&D programs involve partners from Belgium, Spain, France, Switzerland, The Netherlands, and the UK. We think of ourselves as a “Startup in the Labs”, meaning that we work directly in the labs of our academic partners. The members of our Scientific Advisory Board are active in Belgium, France and the USA. The mission of Syngulon is to provide genetic technologies that make microbial strains involved in industrial processes safer and more efficient. …

Type: Startup Activities: biotech deeptech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

5 2 2 9
Sartorius Sartorius

A Trusted Partner of Life Sciences Research and Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing | #SimplifyingProgress Sartorius is a leading international partner of life sciences research and biopharmaceutical manufacturing. We help our customers #SimplifyProgress from drug discovery to manufacturing so that more people can have access to better medicine. With this, we are #PartOfTheSolution in the fight against diseases worldwide. With innovative laboratory instruments and consumables, the our Lab Products & Services division focuses on laboratories performing research and quality control at pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies as well as academic research institutes. The Bioprocess Solutions division, with its broad product portfolio focusing on single-use …

Type: Large company

29 11 11 38
Syensqo Syensqo

We are Syensqo, explorers who achieve breakthroughs that advance humanity. Syensqo is a leading science company whose ground-breaking technologies revolutionize the way we live. Our purpose is to advance human progress while cultivating a future for our planet that is not only safer and cleaner, but also inherently more sustainable, driven by the principles of circular economy. Our disruptive, market-leading solutions address fundamental megatrends. We play a key role in the future of clean mobility and bring about breakthroughs in biotechnology, natural ingredients, and circular solutions, contributing to sustainable, high-performance products for homes, food and consumer goods, planes, cars, smart …

Type: Large company

12 10 3 4,640
Ville d’Oullins-Pierre-Bénite Ville d’Oullins-Pierre-Bénite

Official page of the city of Oullins-Pierre-Bénite

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

7 5 1 127
Forum Labo Forum Labo

The exhibition of laboratory materials and services suppliers Major scientific meeting, Forum LABO LYON will be the showcase of innovations of the Laboratory for 3 000 researchers, engineers, buyers and expected decision-makers from the Rhône-Alpes / Auvergne but also from Switzerland, Italy and Belgium. Forum LABO LYON is a human-sized exhibition, a friendly space for meetings and exchanges, which promotes direct dialogue between all the actors of Research, Analysis and Control for all sectors of activity ranging from academic research, to control food, cosmetics, life sciences and the environment, ... biotechnologie, laboratoire, événement, recherche, agroalimentaire, cosmétique, environnement, sciences, instrumentation, métrologie, …

Type: Event

9 3 6 1
xFarm Technologies xFarm Technologies

The Digital Farming Ecosystem for Farmers & Agrifood Supply Chain xFarm Technologies is a tech company focused on the digitisation of the agri-food sector, providing innovative tools that can support farmers and stakeholders in the management of their businesses. 🌱 📱 It offers apps for farm management, connected sensors, support in Digital Transformation projects, algorithms applied to agriculture and training activities for the whole sector. 🌍 xFarm Technologies supports the work of 450,000 farms belonging to more than 30 supply chains on 7 million hectares in more than 100 countries worldwide. iot, agritech, agtech, software, data analysis, satellite, Agriculture, Traceability, …

Type: Startup Activities: agritech it services smart city Technologies: Data Analytics IoT SaaS Sensors

18 5 7 199

Dry powder impregnation solutions Fibroline is a technology and engineering company based in France, which developed and patented revolutionary dry impregnation technologies. Those cleantechs allow to impregnate powder form materials into porous structures (textiles, nonwovens, yarns, tapes, foams...) thanks to high intensity alternating electric fields. Compared to the classical wet impregnation techniques, Fibroline green impregnation technologies help the “sustainable growth” efforts of its clients by: Suppressing water use and pollution Reducing considerably energy consumption Eliminating many personal health risks caused for instance by VOC Facilitating environmental regulations establishment (REACH...) Dry powder impregnation, Powders, Coating machinery , Cleantech, Innovation, Product development, …

Type: SMB Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: New Materials

7 3 6 21
USIN Lyon Parilly USIN Lyon Parilly

Real estate solutions for rent to support industrial renewal in the city A totem site for industry in the city, USIN is a new model of productive space located at the heart of the urban and industrial ecosystem of Lyon Parilly Factories. USIN offers real estate solutions for rent to support technological transformation and industrial renewal through collaborative innovation. USIN completes the offer of platforms and industrial and logistics zones of the Metropolis by offering manufacturers a unique place of production and innovation open to the city. USIN was designed and is managed by the SERL Group, the Banque des …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech smart city Technologies: SaaS

12 4 7 2
K – The World's No.1 Trade Fair for Plastics and Rubber K – The World's No.1 Trade Fair for Plastics and Rubber

K is the most important trade fair for the global plastics and rubber industry. Welcome to K, the world's leading and most important trade fair for the global plastics and rubber industry. Nowhere else is the internationality higher – as proven at K 2022 by over 3,000 exhibitors from 60 countries and 177,500 trade visitors from 167 countries! For over 70 years, K in Düsseldorf has been the perfect platform for successful international business, groundbreaking innovations and developments as well as visionary impulses. The trade fair sets global standards in the following product categories: • Machinery and equipment for the …

Type: Event

17 6 13 1
Vos Logistics Vos Logistics

The Power of a Shared Network As one of the top European logistics service providers, we deliver sustainable and customer-specific transport and logistics services, utilizing the Power of our Shared Network and embracing Lean principles. By sharing knowledge, new ideas, facilities, equipment, data, technology and resources, we become stronger as a group and as a network of collaborating people, yielding efficient solutions for our customers. Efficiency, speed, lower costs and sustainable logistics are shared challenges that we tackle together. Are you ready to share? We are! Flexible, Customer-specific, Sustainable, Locations covering Europe, State of the art IT, Certifications, Transport of …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

6 0 1 813
Adisseo Adisseo

Building a better future for animal nutrition Adisseo is one of the world's leading experts in feed additives. The group relies on its 6 research centers and its production sites based in Europe, USA, China & Asia Pacific to design, produce and market nutritional solutions for sustainable animal feed. With more than 2,730 employees, it serves around 4,200 customers in over 110 different countries through its global distribution network. In 2023, Adisseo achieved a turnover of over 1.72 billion Euros. Adisseo is one of the main subsidiaries of China National BlueStar, leader in the Chinese chemical industry with more than …

Type: Large company

27 12 6 1,405
TAMI Industries TAMI Industries

Advanced Ceramic Filtration TAMI Industries is a global producer of high PERFORMANCE tangential flow filtration (TFF) ceramic membranes for microfiltration and ultrafiltration. Founded in 1993, TAMI’s reputation is built on its SPECIALIZATION in ceramic materials and the focus on INNOVATION to design membranes that are optimal for each application. TAMI currently holds 30 active patents in the fields of ceramic material handling, ceramic membrane fabrication and process design. Product developments such as non-circular channel membranes (to maximize the filtration surface/element ratio), ISOFLUX membranes (permeate pressure gradient to delay fouling) and ETERNIUM membranes (active layer design for increased resistance to abrasion) …

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 Technologies: New Materials

2 1 0 9
L'Europe s'engage en France L'Europe s'engage en France

Europe is committed to France, this is the mark of the intervention of European funds in France. What is Europe for? How does the European Union act on the territories? What actions are financed? What are the benefits for citizens? How to obtain funds to finance your project? But also how does it work? It is to answer all these questions that Europe is committed to France. To show Europe's action and inform project leaders. Europe is committed to France promoting the action of ERDF, ESF+, JTF, the EAMFAF and the EARDF in the French regions.

Type: Public

80 20 59 4
Generalitat de Catalunya Generalitat de Catalunya

Administration of the Generalitat of Catalonia Information, services and procedures at gencat.

Type: Large company Activities: cleantech greentech

58 21 6 30,692
Réseau Mesure Réseau Mesure

A Network For Its Members By Its Members The Measurement Network is a non-profit association under the 1901 law bringing together companies specializing in instrumentation, measurement and related activities with the objective of strengthening the competitiveness of companies by responding to their need for development. Since 2002, Le Réseau Mesure has operated based on two strong principles: Members propose actions The Measurement Network, if it brings added value, implements them in a collective framework. ⇒ The implementation of value-creating synergies. ⇒ A source of additional savings for members through pooled actions managed by dedicated working groups. ♦ Helping the development …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

25 7 20 6
La Fresque du Climat La Fresque du Climat

Fun and collaborative workshop to understand climate issues! "The Climate Fresco" is a fun, participatory and creative workshop on climate change. It is based on collective intelligence and therefore extremely educational: it allows us to learn a lot in a very short time about the climate and the cause-and-effect links between the different components of climate change. The Climate Fresco is a 3-hour introduction, aimed at both novices and experts, on how the climate works and the consequences of its disruption. This workshop sheds light on the complexity of climate change, gives us keys to understanding and allows us to …

Type: Media

156 123 28 3,963

Unique corporate guest houses dedicated to professional events in Lyon and Beaujolais. MAPIÈCE is an innovative concept of corporate guest houses. Two high-end apartments: MAPIÈCE Bellecour and MAPIÈCE Jacobins, located on the most beautiful squares in Lyon and MAPIÈCE Fontanières, a unique house on the heights of Lyon, facing the Alps. In the beautiful district of Vieux Lyon, MAPIÈCE La Tour Rose with a lounge and its Mia Stanza terraces, an event table La Table Rose. A large building in Beaujolais, the Domaine L'Arlequin. Unique spaces, to rent for exclusive privatization and dedicated to corporate events: meetings, Codir, seminars, workshops, …

Type: Event

18 4 11 8
Lyon Vallée de la Chimie Lyon Vallée de la Chimie

Bringing the Transition to Life Together 🏭 Lyon Vallée de la Chimie is a major industrial and economic platform integrated into the leading industrial agglomeration in France (outside Île-de-France). 🔎A strategic area at the southern entrance to Lyon: 2,000 ha, 14,000 direct jobs in the chemistry-energy-environment sectors, 2,500 researchers. ✅It is above all a regional project supported by the Métropole de Lyon to accelerate and support the #ecological transition of the industrial platform!

Type: Public

37 8 25 1
PNO Consultants France PNO Consultants France

INNOVATION? GRANTED! With more than 30 years of experience in innovation and public funding, PNO has developed a structured approach to support organisations in addressing the challenges of the innovation cycle. Through this approach, we can accelerate your innovation process and increase the chance of success through a range of services: innovation management; project development & partner search; project financing; intelligence; communication; and application. We provide our services throughout Europe to a wide range of clients: from SMEs to multinational companies, non-profit organisations, technological platforms, multi-stakeholder partnerships, universities and governments. To help each type of organization reach its goals we …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

39 8 25 27

Our science for your future SEQENS is a worldwide leader in pharmaceutical solutions and specialty ingredients. The group generates a revenue of 1.1 MM€ and operates 16 manufacturing plants and 9 R&D centers in Europe, North America and Asia. 3,300 employees contribute to the success of SEQENS, among which 350 scientists, engineers and experts who develop tailor-made solutions for our customers. SEQENS is an integrated player offering a broad portfolio of active ingredients, pharmaceutical intermediates and specialty ingredients. We develop and industrialize the most demanding molecules, and rely on our ability to innovate, develop and implement the best available technologies. …

Type: Large company

39 9 30 1,298
Préfecture du Rhône Préfecture du Rhône

The prefect is the depositary of the state authority in the department. He is the direct representative of the Prime Minister and each minister in the department and implements government policies for development and regional planning on the level of the department. The Rhône prefecture has the following services: - Agriculture, environment, development and housing - Consumption, food, animals - Culture - Defense - Economy, public finances, work and employment - Education - Justice - Social health and cohesion - Security and protection of people

Type: Public

56 35 14 229
Le Progrès Le Progrès

📰 Suivez l'actualité économique de la région News and timeliness on the official website of Progrès. Communication print, Communication web, Presse, and Informations locales

Type: Media

173 112 81 764
Millénaire 3 - Métropole de Lyon Millénaire 3 - Métropole de Lyon

M3, the site of the prospective of the Metropolis of Lyon The Directorate of Prospective and Public Dialogue supports the Metropolis of Lyon in its understanding of developments in society. Whether you are agents of public services, consultants, researchers or journalists, elected officials or citizens engaged in the life of the city, we offer, through the Millennium 3 site, to share this approach to reflect the company to better equip the public action. Public prospective, Economy, Society, Future, Science, Political Science, Sociology, Culture, Law, Data, Smart City, Intelligent City, Public Affairs, Innovation, Inclusion, Prospective, Public Policy, Public Service, Lyon, Metropolis, …

Type: Public

30 10 14 2

Insavalor is the research subsidiary & amp; Development, valuation and continuing education of the INSA of Lyon. Active promoter of the research of the Lyon INSA, Insavalor promotes relations between laboratories and companies in search of technological solutions, skills and training for their innovative projects. His role: Identify and mobilize the skills of Lyon INSA laboratories to meet the technological needs of companies: implementation of research collaborations, study services, measures, expertise / consultancy, coordination and assembly of R & AMP projects; , technology watch... Promote the valuation and transfer of knowledge from the Lyon INSA laboratories (products, processes, know-how) to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

46 14 15 71

From Tuesday 11 to Friday 14 March 2025 - The industry of tomorrow is invented here - Eurexpo Lyon #GI25 The industry of tomorrow is invented here. From Tuesday 11 to Friday 14 March 2025 in Eurexpo Lyon Robotics, assembly assembly, electronics, 3D additive manufacturing, material treatment, forge & amp; Foundry, materials, measure, control, vision, plastics, rubber, composites, robotics, services & amp; Development, Smart Tech, approximation solutions, sheet metal, metal formatting, machining, and region & amp; Country

Type: Event

151 92 70 27
Centre Jacques Cartier Centre Jacques Cartier

A network to strengthen Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes X collaborations in Quebec X Francophonie. EJC organizer. The Jacques Cartier Center is a link between Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (France), Quebec, and French-speaking territories. It facilitates and amplifies Franco-Quebec and Franco-Canadian collaborations and the transfer of knowledge, by mixing the visions and know-how of academic, business, institutional, research and society. In short: _A vector of the Francophonie. _A network of public and private partners from the 2 edges of the Atlantic. _A value creator between Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (France), Quebec, and La Francophonie. _A interdisciplinary innovation community, with social issues and the citizen in its heart. _ A accelerator …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

45 21 25 49
Campus Région du numérique Campus Région du numérique

Campus: a digital accelerator in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes #Forming #innovation #transformation Since January 2021, the Digital Region campus has opened the doors to its new site in Charbonnières-les-Bains, in West Lyonnais. In a space of 11 hectares, the campus welcomes a varied audience of students, teachers, employees of companies, industrialists as well as 3 essential digital players supporting companies in the preparation of their digital projects and their journey innovation. It also welcomes, on 2000 m2, a life -size factory which allows companies to test the digitization of their production processes before implementing, in real conditions, their digital, industrial and energy transformation. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

93 38 65 10
ACTIVATION conjuguer Chimie et Technologies ACTIVATION conjuguer Chimie et Technologies

Service company created in 2003 specializing in R&D of innovative synthesis processes by catalysis and continuous flow ACTIVATION is a company specialized in the research and development of innovative reaction conditions in fine chemistry. We innovate for the performance and sustainability of your processes along three axes: new reactions, new technologies and renewable raw materials (bio-sourced).

Type: SMB Activities: it services manufacturing Technologies: New Materials

33 3 33 22

Lyon Territorial Mobility Organizing Authority SYTRAL's main objective is to offer the best transport offer for the inhabitants of the department by developing the TCL, Cars du Rhône and Libellule networks as well as the Optibus and RhônExpress services. Its urban and interurban transport development policy is based on the networking of the territory and the connection between the different activity centers. SYTRAL is an economic, social and sustainable lever for the Lyon metropolitan area. Between 2015 and 2020, it will invest more than a billion euros to develop the TCL network, renew the heritage and boost the urban development …

Type: Public

35 24 12 211
Arkema Arkema

Innovative materials for a sustainable world Building on its unique set of expertise in materials science, Arkema designs materials to address the ever-growing demand for innovative and sustainable materials, driven by the challenges of new energies, new technologies, the depletion of resources, mobility, and increasing urbanization. High performance materials, Coating solutions, Advanced Materials, Adhesives solutions, and High Performance Polymers

Type: Large company Technologies: New Materials

115 53 37 13,323
INSA Lyon - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon INSA Lyon - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon

École publique d’ingénieur et pôle de recherche de référence. The National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) of Lyon is an international, multidisciplinary Engineering School at the heart of the European Higher Education scene. From its foundation in 1957, INSA Lyon included both international and human & social aspects in the curriculum of its engineers. In fact, equal importance is given to its international relations and openness as to the quality of its education and research. formation, recherche, and ingénieur

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

89 40 47 1,696
Flottweg Flottweg

Engineered For Your Success Engineered For Your Success For more than 60 years in our German location, we have been developing and producing decanter centrifuges, separators, belt presses, and systems considered extremely powerful and reliable. In many industrial areas, they handle key functions in the clarification of liquids, separation of liquid mixtures, and concentrating and dewatering. Each individual machine that leaves our Southern German factory embodies our values and our philosophy: We want our customers to obtain results with Flottweg that can't be beat. Our passion for perfection in detail and in the big picture characterizes our thoughts and actions. …

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0

3 1 0 14
Textile ETP Textile ETP

The European Network of Textile Research and Innovation Professionals The European Technology Platform for the Future of Textiles and Clothing (Textile ETP) is the largest European network dedicated to textile research and innovation. Its main objectives are to ensure the long-term competitiveness of the EU textile and clothing industry through collaborative research across national borders in Europe and a rapid translation of research results into industrial innovation. Its services and activities include strategy and policy development for European textile research, information provision about EU textile research funding opportunities, brokerage of partnerships for EU research funding applications, dissemination of results of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

9 1 7 36

Association for Sustainable Development of the Chemistry Valley Created in 2007, the Association for Sustainable Development of the Chemistry Valley – ADDVC – brings together companies, research centers and municipalities to promote sustainable development in the region. The association has 28 members representing more than 8,000 employees in the region. The ADDVC's mission is to bring together communities, companies, employees and residents of the valley to promote the pooling of services and share good ideas around the major environmental, societal and economic challenges of sustainable development. Its 3 main areas of work are: - supporting changes in the behavior of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech

5 0 5 1
Séquens Production Séquens Production

More than an image, an emotion Audiovisual consulting and production agency in Bordeaux, Nantes and Paris, From the concept, the scriptwriting to their broadcast, Séquens imagines, produces and directs films: advertising films, promotional or institutional films, produced films, video reports or even corporate films. In addition, Séquens supports you through the video recording of your events and the broadcasting of these in live streaming on all platforms. Whatever your audiovisual communication needs, your messages, your objectives, your targets, our team takes care to understand the issues so that your film or event leaves an indelible mark on the minds of …

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment Technologies: Drones

4 1 2 7

5R Solutions for a Circular Textile Economy SOLSTICE addresses key social and technical challenges within the textile industry. Through active demonstration in four European regions, the project showcases the implementation of climate-neutral practices and the transition towards a circular economy specifically tailored for the textile sector. Our comprehensive approach encompasses all stages of waste prevention and management, guided by a holistic 5R strategy: Refuse/Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Repurpose, and Recycle. The SOLSTICE project supports sustainable growth in the textiles sector by raising customer awareness, enhancing recycling with new sorting methods, ensuring feedstock traceability using the Digital Product Passport, and providing data …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech

3 3 3 2
Delegation of Flanders in France Delegation of Flanders in France

Official account of the Delegation of Flanders in France. The Delegation of Flanders in France is the diplomatic contact point of Flanders in France. The Delegation looks after all competences of the Flemish Community (culture, education, welfare policy, language policy) and of the Flemish Region (economy, employment, agriculture and fisheries, mobility and infrastructure, environment and energy, spatial planning and housing, research, foreign trade, tourism) in France. The Representation facilitates official contacts and collaborations in general between Flanders, the French government and French departments & regions and is mainly active in academic, scientific, cultural and public diplomacy. The Delegation also represents …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

5 1 4 N/A
Quaternaire Quaternaire

Your agent for sustainable performance both in France and worldwide Is your company overflowing with talented members of staff, just asking for new challenges? For more than 30 years now, we have supported directors of intermediate-sized entreprises and large firms with sustainable improvements to their economic, social and customer-related performance worldwide. Our teams of operators are convinced that "staff well-being and performance" are inherently linked and prerequisites for excellence, and work actively in the field alongside of your teams in order to convert your global transformation project or targeted improvements into real change in terms of behaviour and skills, etc. …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: Decarbonization

5 2 2 87

Our culture: Carry out your projects with proximity, responsiveness, technicality and efficiency. Established in the heart of Savoie for over 30 years, Aditec has established itself as a key player in HVAC, heating, industrial refrigeration, ventilation, plumbing and automation. Recognized for its expertise in purchase order markets and its regulation department, Aditec also provides maintenance for installations. Thanks to its know-how, Aditec supports you throughout your various projects.

Type: SMB Activities: it services

1 1 0 101
laboratoire_mateis laboratoire_mateis

Materials science and engineering research lzaboratory at Insa Lyon MatéIS is a Materials Science laboratory that encompasses different fields, namely chemistry, physics and mechanics. The MATEIS laboratory studies three classes of materials (metals, ceramics and polymers), and their composites, incorporating their characteristics by volume and surface and their interfaces. The laboratory endeavours to describe how development, microstructure and properties are linked together by way of experiments and/or modelling. MATEIS is involved in advanced development procedures, microstructural characterisation, often in situ and/or 3D, modelling at different levels and characterisation of properties and use. We are currently studying multifunctional materials for the …

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech Technologies: New Materials

3 2 0 33

Expertise at your service! LEBAS INDUSTRIES, founded in 1977, is an engineering and general contracting firm specializing in the design and construction of industrial production units and laboratories in the following sectors: - Food processing, - Biotechnology, - Fine chemicals, bioenergy, - Cosmetics, - Pharmaceuticals. Ingénierie, Process, Utilités, Electricité, Instrumentation, Automatisme, Bâtiment, and Travaux

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech

1 0 0 37
Ville de Saint-Fons Ville de Saint-Fons

Located in the Lyon Metropolis and in the heart of the Chemistry Valley, which has many companies at the forefront of technology and innovation, the City of Saint-Fons (19,000 inhabitants) has more than 600 municipal agents, who work to provide a local public service. Discover our professions and information on our recruitment procedures. Visit the "The City Recruits" tab on our website!

Type: Public Activities: hrtech

8 2 5 62
Tribune de Lyon Tribune de Lyon

All the news in Lyon and its metropolitan area. Rosebud is the publishing company of Tribune de Lyon, the leading general weekly in Lyon and, a daily news site (politics, society, economy, science, education, lifestyle, culture, etc.) on Lyon and its metropolitan area. The company also publishes the magazine Exit (, a free monthly magazine on outings in Lyon and the Rhône-Alpes region (tourism, leisure, shows, restaurants), as well as the family magazine Grains de Sel, also free ( Since 2016, Tribune de Lyon has been awarded the ACPM gold star (Alliance pour les Chiffres de la Presse et …

Type: Media

37 16 22 50
Bureaux du Coeur Bureaux du Coeur

In the evening, open your offices. Embark your company on a human adventure! Les Bureaux du Cœur is an association whose objective is to participate in the process of reintegration of people in great precariousness - the "guests" - by providing them, at night and on weekends, with company offices - the "hosts". In 2019, based on the observation that our offices are partly heated in the evening and on weekends, that they are equipped with cooking and sanitary facilities (toilets, sinks, often showers), it seemed to the managers of CJD Nantes that it was easy to welcome people in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

41 17 20 34
DOMO Chemicals DOMO Chemicals

Caring is our formula DOMO Chemicals is a leading producer of high-quality engineered nylon materials for a diverse range of markets, including the automotive, food, medical, pharmaceutical, chemicals and electronics industries. We offer a complete portfolio of integrated nylon 6 and 66 products, including intermediates, resins, engineered materials, performance fibres, and distribution of petrochemical products. Headquartered in Belgium, our family-owned company leverages advanced technology and consumer insights to deliver sustainable and truly innovative solutions. DOMO has approximately 2000 employees worldwide who work together as a global and digital team. Every day, we deliver smart and sustainable solutions for our customers …

Type: Large company Activities: manufacturing deeptech Technologies: New Materials

10 4 6 929

Centre technologique français de référence au service de chaque entreprise ou marque de la filière textile-habillement The reference for textile innovation IFTH (French Textile & Apparel Institute) is: - A 200 person team - 7 sites located in the major French textile areas - A complete machinery set to ease prototyping: filament spinning, fibre spinning, non-woven, knitting, weaving, dyeing, finishing, assembling... - A great set of textile and clothing expertise for transport, building, health, luxury, clothing, medical, infrastructure, sport markets... Performance Mode Textile Habillement, Materiaux , transfert de technologies, certification, caractérisation, Veille & acquisition de savoir, and transfert de savoir-faire

Type: SMB Activities: fashtech luxury

30 15 38 206
Industrial Technologies 2022 - 27.-29.6.2022 Industrial Technologies 2022 - 27.-29.6.2022

An event for dialogue on competitive sustainable industry in Europe. An event for research organisations, industrial actors and policy-makers to discuss current trends, challenges and solutions for the competitive sustainability of European Industry

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech

9 2 7 N/A
Boccard Boccard

Life & Energy Solutions Leader – Full digital integration of Engineering, Manufacturing, Construction to Maintenance Since 1918 Boccard has been a major player both in France and throughout the world in the design and construction of increasingly productive and innovative industrial plants. Boccard, Industrial turnkey constructor, is a global plant and process solutions leader offering fully integrated digital expertise in Engineering, Manufacturing, Construction and Maintenance with over 3500 experts in 35 countries. Thanks to its excellence in project management based on its “Safety first, on time, on spec, on budget, customer satisfaction commitment, Boccard is a worldwide leader in providing …

Type: Large company Activities: constructiontech industry 4.0

21 7 15 1,658
Novasep Novasep

Passion & Smart Processes Novasep is a leading provider of services in the field of molecule production and purification for the life science industries, based on an unrivalled pool of specialized and differentiating technologies, and on fully committed teams. > Contract Development & Manufacturing Organization (CDMO) providing solutions for: - Small molecule APIs & intermediates for Pharmaceutical Innovators - Natural based products and biomolecules (e.g. ADCs, omega-3...) for Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetic Ingredients - Small molecule active ingredients and advanced intermediates for Agrochemicals & Fine Chemicals. We are a world leader in a number of technologies including industrial chromatography, hazardous & …

Type: Large company Activities: industry 4.0

13 5 9 527

Textile recycling solutions publisher MAPEA, an expert in plastics formulation, specializes in complex projects requiring innovative and technical recycled materials. We go beyond traditional recycling by transforming textiles into technical plastics, thanks to our exclusive "Textium" process which reinforces their mechanical properties. compounding, formulation, REGAFIB, recycling, plastics, technical materials, development , Textile, and Mixtures

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

10 6 0 9
BIOKET Bioeconomy Key Enabling Technologies platform BIOKET Bioeconomy Key Enabling Technologies platform

Process & Technology innovations for biobased solutions to food, feed, chemicals, biomaterials and bioenergies Brussels, BELGIUM -- May 11-13, 2025 -- Biomass is a wonderful ressource to be transformed into chemicals, biobased materials, food and feed ingredients or energy. Still, adaptation and optimisation of transformation processes and technologies is a real challenge in order to valorise all biomass fraction in a circular approach. In the context of Industry 4.0, the circular economy and the need for an optimal valorization of renewable resources, BIOKET is the only European conference dedicated to bio-based technologies and processes. Innovative Processes, Biotechnology, Green Chemistry, Polymerisation, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

44 9 39 2

ACCIÓ is the Catalan Government’s agency for business competitiveness. ACCIÓ is the Catalan Government’s agency for business competitiveness. Belonging to the Ministry of Business and Labour, it is the public facing organisation working to contribute to the transformation of Catalan companies. It has a network of 40 offices worldwide, 7 regional offices in Catalonia, and collaborates with public and private institutions in building tomorrow’s company, today. ACCIÓ works so that enterprise can identify the changes in its environment, take advantage of them and transform, enhancing everything that can set it apart and enhance competitiveness. This differentiation occurs primarily through the …

Type: Public

33 13 21 764
Leitat Technological Center Leitat Technological Center

We generate technological knowledge and innovation by managing technologies and talent. Leitat is a technology centre at both state and European level. With more than 100 years of history, it has a team of 400 professionals, experts in applied research, technical services and management of technological and innovation initiatives. Leitat provides social, industrial, economic and sustainable value, offering comprehensive solutions in multiple sectors and areas: health & biomedicine, development of new materials, eco-sustainable production, occupational health prevention systems, revaluation of waste and use of natural resources, interconnectivity and digitization of industry, green energy and maximization of energy efficiency. Leitat develops …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

20 5 8 408
Condorchem Enviro Solutions Condorchem Enviro Solutions

Smart ideas for industrial wastewater & air emissions treatment We are an environmental engineering company that provides comprehensive solutions for wastewater treatment and atmospheric emissions reduction for all industrial activities. We are specialists in the manufacturing and commissioning of vacuum evaporation plants, which are a highly efficient technology for the recovery of clean water, resources recovery and minimization of final sludge. Contact us at for further information about our technologies and solutions. We offer our clients comprehensive environmental solutions covering the following services: analysis, planning, design, construction, installation, maintenance and supply of plants and capital goods for waste treatment. …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech water management Technologies: IoT

17 3 14 27
Fedustria Fedustria

BE federation of the textile, wood and furniture industry / federation of textile, wood and furniture industries Fedustria is the Belgian federation of the textile, wood and furniture industries. By becoming a member of Fedustria, you are assured of professional and effective support. A team of specialized employees guarantees this. Becoming a member also means enjoying numerous benefits that strengthen the influence of the textile, wood and furniture sectors and optimize their defense of interests. Fedustria is the Belgian federation of textile, wood and furniture industries. As a member of Fedustria, you will receive professional and effective support. A team …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

16 9 8 43
essenscia essenscia

Where chemistry meets life sciences essenscia is a multisectoral umbrella organisation that represents the numerous sectors of activities in the field of chemicals and the life sciences. It includes 750 companies representing more than 95% of the overall turnover in the sector. Company number: 0406.478.993

Type: Media

30 8 21 68