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Female Founders Female Founders

European market leader driving gender diversity in tech & innovation. Female Founders is the European market leader in driving gender diversity in tech and innovation, reaching over 83k people across Europe. We are on a mission to create equal opportunities for entrepreneurial women in the European tech and innovation ecosystem. To do this, we work with startups, investors and corporates who believe in creating an equal future through providing equal opportunities for everyone. PS: Stay up to date on all things European Tech, including advice for founders and open roles: startup program, DEI, leadership program, gender diversity, investment ready …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

SDSN Greece SDSN Greece

Mobilizing global scientific and technological expertise to promote solutions for the SDGs and the Paris Agreement. SDSN Greece is co-hosted by AUEB, PESD and ATHENA RC and co-chaired by Prof. Phoebe Koundouri and Prof. Andreas Papandreou. SDSN Greece is a national network of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and mobilizes global scientific and technological expertise to promote practical solutions for sustainable development, including the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Agreement and is co-hosted by the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), the Political Economy of Sustainable Development Lab (PESD) and “Athena” …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Blue Bio Value Blue Bio Value

Ideas as powerful as the ocean. Promoted by: Oceano Azul Foundation. Ideas as powerful as the ocean - Valuing your blue business to design a better world. We believe in ideas as powerful as the ocean We believe in transforming them into realities. We believe in blue beginnings. We believe in you. Blue Bio Value is an international business acceleration and ideation programme based in Portugal dedicated to the blue bioeconomy. biotechnology, tech, marine biology, technology, startups, portugal, accelerator, business, business accelerator, sustainability, economy, blue economy, ocean, blue economy, and conservation

Sectors: Environment Startup accelerator & VC

Greentech Innovation Greentech Innovation

🌍 Greentech Innovation supports startups, incubators and Ecological Transition ecosystems ♻️ 💡 Are you a startup, SME that offers an innovative solution related to the environment? 🚀 Obtain the #GreentechInnovation label! To find out more, discover our website: Take part in the Meet'Up Greentech 2021 which will take place from October 19 to 22, 2021:

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC


The biggest startup campus in the world. STATION F is the world's biggest startup campus based in Paris, gathering a whole entrepreneurial ecosystem under one roof. Startups

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Paris&Co Paris&Co

Générer ensemble des solutions durables Paris&Co is the economic development and innovation agency of Paris. It covers five areas: # Incubation # International attractiveness # Experimentation # Open Innovation # Event organisation or planning As such, Paris&Co prospects and welcomes foreign startups while contributing to the economic promotion of the city abroad. It fosters the dynamism of the Paris innovation ecosystem through the incubation of innovative young companies, experimenting with innovative solutions, organising major innovation events and linking startups with key accounts. Web: Twitter: @Paris_and_Co Facebook: parisandcoagency incubation, open innovation, experimentation, international attractiveness, event organisation, start up, scale up, …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Agoranov Agoranov

20 ans au service des startups innovantes. #incubateur #deeptech Agoranov is an incubator for innovative startups. It has already incubated more than 540 startups, including 5 "unicorns" (valued at over one billion dollars), as well as many successful companies, such as Ÿnsect or DNA Script. Incubated startups have already managed to create more than 20,000 jobs and have raised over 5.8 billion euros from private funds. Agoranov est un incubateur de startups innovantes. Agoranov a déjà incubé plus de 450 startups, dont 5 "licornes" (startup valorisée à plus d'un milliard de dollars), ainsi que beaucoup de grands succès, comme Ÿnsect …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Epicentre Factory Epicentre Factory

The network and memories of a former third place and magical cowork in Clermont-Ferrand 🎈 From 2013 to 2020, Epicenter Factory was a pioneering third place in Clermont, bringing to Auvergne the breath of the creative and solidarity economy, coworking, collaborative practices, new forms of relationships in work and business, joyful , friendly, generous, inspiring and generating lots of exciting, daring or iconoclastic projects. There are still tons of memories and friendships, a network that has been scattered but subsists and practices a discreet spin-off, ideas that have survived, projects that are still there. And this page where we could, …

Sectors: Facilities Services Startup accelerator & VC

Entreprendre à Montpellier Entreprendre à Montpellier

Official account of the Pôle Attractivity Economic development and employment of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole. Pôle Attractivity Economic development and employment within Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole. Responsible for implementing economic and employment policy while federating territorial entrepreneurship through several actions: * highlighting the attractiveness of the territory * Support for companies (creation, location, integration through the economy, business processing ...) * major projects and excellence sectors (cultural and creative industries, medvalle ...) * International missions * Support for merchants and craftsmen

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Incubateur Lorrain Incubateur Lorrain

Undertake by and for research 🧪 The Lorraine 🚀 incubator supports you in your project, from the idea to the first years of life of your startup. We put at your service 20 years of experience in order to offer you an optimal environment to create and develop your activity. We support: ✅ Researchers and teacher-researchers who wish to participate in the creation of an innovative company from their research ✅ Doctoral students ✅ Innovative business or business creation projects needing the expertise of the academic world ✅ Students downstream of the student entrepreneurship pole (PEEL)

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

French Assurtech French Assurtech

Federates the leaders of insurance mutuals to support the development of startups and redefine the assurtech. FRENCH ASSURTECH brings together 8 leaders of insurance mutuals in France and Belgium (Groupama, IMA, MAAF, MACIF, MAIF, MUTUELLE DE POITIERS, P & AMP; V Group, SMACL) to support #startups & amp; Redefine the#Assurtech

Sectors: Insurance Startup accelerator & VC

Réseau Entreprendre Alsace Réseau Entreprendre Alsace

"To create jobs, let's create employers" André Mulliez Network Entreprendre supports new managers, creators or business buyers, at all stages of the life of a business: at start -up, in the development phase, in times of strong growth. More show Show less

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Startup Grind New Cairo Startup Grind New Cairo

The strength of a community is in the strength of the people their help & contribution to one another. New Cairo has become the central hub of entrepreneurship hosting top-notch universities such as AUC "which hosted Riseup Summit 2019", GUC, MIU, and BUE. Moreover, the area has become a very fertile business hub, especially after the government established the "Administrative New Capital" only 20 min away. Thereby launch a New Cairo STARTUP GRIND chapter couldn't be at a better timing to not only be front and center when it comes to business and entrepreneurship but to host, connect and build …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Quest for industry Quest for industry

Of the 260 projects currently accompanied by the Quest for Change network, almost a hundred have the challenge of developing and producing physical good or industry service. Domains such as the performance of energy systems, industrial transition, new materials or health are sent, positioning the Grand Est as a strong innovation territory in industry. Quest for Change wished to formalize a specific program intended for manufacturers of industrial projects by the creation of the thematic incubator Quest for Industry in June 2023 with: A team of experienced business managers in the sector Specific theme tools and support processes A network …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Quest for health Quest for health

Healthcare Accelerator in the Heart of Europe. For Biotech, Medtech and Digital Health Startups. Quest for Health is the incubator of the Great is dedicated to start-up health at European level. Born on the initiative of the network of Quest for Change incubators (located in Reims, Strasbourg, Metz, Charleville-Mézières, Epinal and Mulhouse), the incubator accompanies more than sixty Biotech, Medtech and E-Santé start-ups. Quest for Health is positioned as the first actor at the national level in this area. Among the accompanied start-ups, 21 are winners of the I-LAB national competition (including four Grand Prix), five of the I-Nov competition …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

The Pool, incubateur de projets innovants à Metz The Pool, incubateur de projets innovants à Metz

Transforming your innovative project into an efficient business Submit a project: The Pool incubator detects and supports innovative project leaders to transform them into profitable companies in the territory of the Eurometropolis of Metz. Association labeled "Incubator of excellence" by the region, The Pool deploys a sequenced method according to the maturity of the project and its carrier. The support policy is pragmatic and benevolent, centered on humans. On the one hand, the women and men who supervise the project leader are former entrepreneurs who have succeeded: they are best placed to understand and guide the project leader. On …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Quest for change Quest for change

Network of incubators of the Grand Est Since 2018, 6 incubators of excellence in the Grand Est region, spread over 6 territories (Charleville-Mézières, Epinal, Metz, Mulhouse, Reims and Strasbourg), have deployed a common support methodology. This method, sequenced and experienced by more than 260 start-ups, aims to drive/bring project leaders to meet their market and reach their financial independence. Our team, made up of 45 experts with strong entrepreneurial DNA, aims to develop innovation in our territory via pragmatic, benevolent and impartial support.

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC


Digital pole of Burgundy-Franche-Comté. We work to promote and stimulate digital transition in the region. Numerica is a mixed economy company dedicated to the development of information and communication technologies. Numerica promotes the creation of activity and employment by its action on the regional digital economy. Telephone and very high speed supplier, digital training, data accommodation, business hotel, digital factory, innovation, TPE/SME support, digital tools, and digital transition

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC


Artificial imaging and vision laboratory The Artificial Imagery and Vision Laboratory (IMVIA) comes from the Electronic, IT and Image laboratory (LE2I), research laboratory under the supervision of the University of Burgundy from 1996 to 2018, Paristech arts and trades between 2014 and 2017 and CNRS from 2001 to 2017. The IMVIA laboratory, made up of around fifty teacher-researchers, has the thematic artificial vision. It is organized around three teams: Cores, Iftim and Vibot.

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Laboratoire CIAD Laboratoire CIAD

Artificial intelligence at the service of your business. The CIAD (knowledge and artificial knowledge and intelligence laboratory is a public research laboratory under the supervision of Burgundy Europe (UBE) and the Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM) University of Technology. It consists of around 70 people (teacher-researchers, doctoral students, engineers, post-doctoral students). Our goal is to design hybrid, distributed and explainable artificial intelligences. Our activity is formed by two parts. The first concerns research on scientific locks and the publication of our approaches in international newspapers and conferences in the field. The second concerns the development of evidence of concepts (up to TRL 7 …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Quantonation Quantonation

Investing in Deep Physics and Quantum Technologies Quantonation is an Early Stage Venture Fund dedicated to Deep Physics startups with a focus on the emerging and disruptive field of Quantum Technologies. After years of R&D, properties such as quantum superposition and entanglement are starting to be harnessed and exploited in a new generation of Quantum Technologies, impacting many sectors by exceeding “classical” devices. Based in Paris, France and Boston, US, Quantonation invests in startups exploiting genuine quantum effects and also in companies leveraging deep physics towards disruptive applications. These include among others cybersecurity, pharmaceutics design, finance and manufacturing. Artificial Intelligence …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

HUB612 HUB612

An accelerator, an investment fund and a place dedicated to the success of Tech BtoB startups The HUB612 is an accelerator and an investment fund, which supports Tech B2B startups to bring them to lasting and sustainable growth. Subsidiary of the Caisse d'Epargne Rhône-Alpes, the HUB612 focuses on the Fintech, Insurtech & amp; SaaS B2B. Since its creation in 2016, the HUB612 has accompanied more than 80 startups and invested in 23 of them. The HUB612 develops tailor-made support, mixing benevolence, excellence and requirement. Depending on their need and their development stadium, supported startups benefit from related to experts, individual …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC


International incubator and accelerator for tech startups & Innovation hub for leading innovative companies 🌍 ZEBOX is a global startup accelerator gathering a network of entrepreneurs, industry leaders, and ecosystem experts paving new paths toward sustainability starting with the supply chain. Founded in 2018 by Rodolphe Saadé, Chairman and CEO of CMA CGM Group, a global player in sea, land, air, and logistics solutions. ZEBOX is now supported by 20 international companies. Operating in 6 regions of the world, ZEBOX provides its community with a unique set of programs, resources, and opportunities. startup incubation, startup acceleration, Fundraising, Consulting, Innovation, New …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Capital Factory Capital Factory

The Center of Gravity for Entrepreneurs in Texas. Capital Factory is the center of gravity for entrepreneurs in Texas, the number one startup state in the U.S. Thousands of entrepreneurs, programmers and designers gather day and night, in-person and online for meetups, classes and coworking. With boots on the ground in Austin, Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio, we meet the best entrepreneurs in Texas and introduce them to their first investors, employees, mentors and customers. According to Pitchbook, Capital Factory has been the most active investor in Texas since 2010. Incubator, Coworking, Accelerator, Funding, Events, and Mentorship

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Demeter Demeter

Accompagner les champions de la croissance écologique Demeter is a major European player in venture capital, private equity and infrastructure for the energy and ecological transition. Its funds invest from €1m to €30m to support companies in the sector at all stages of their development : innovative startups, small and mid-cap companies, as well as infrastructure projects. The Demeter team counts 38 people based in Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Madrid, and Düsseldorf, manages €1.3bn and has completed 230 investments over 17 years. Cleantech, Venture Capital, Growth Capital, Infrastructure, Agtech, Transition écologique, Private equity, Impact investing, Economie circulaire, Industrie 4.0, Winetech, and …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

EuraTechnologies EuraTechnologies

Europe's Startup Builder | Startup Programs, Corporate Innovation Programs, Co-working & Offices EuraTechnologies, The Financial Times' number 1 startup/tech hub in France, and top 30 in Europe, stands as one of the largest startup incubators on the continent. Annually, we serve hundreds of startups and enterprises, generating thousands of jobs and facilitating fundraising efforts that have surpassed half a billion Euros for our startups! ➡️ Follow our LinkedIn page for access to the latest news, resources, and inspiration in entrepreneurship, innovation, and technology! STARTUP PROGRAMS We have developed 2 programs tailored to the needs of entrepreneurs: - The incubation program …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

France Digitale France Digitale

1st Association of Startups in Europe, with +2,000 startups and French digital investors Founded in 2012, France Digital is the largest association of startups in Europe, with more than 2,000 startups and French digital investors. Our missions? - bring out digital champions in Europe. - Put the voice and federate those who innovate to change the face of the world. - Create bridges and business opportunities between all actors in innovation, whether they are large groups, public decision-makers, investors, entrepreneurs or employees of startups and scale-ups. How ? 1. By connecting the actors of the ecosystem during quality meetings, business …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Impact Hub Impact Hub

Join our global network of 120+ Impact Hubs accelerating inclusive and sustainable innovation at scale. We are a global network of 120+ Impact Hubs spanning 65+ countries across 5 continents, bringing together over 25,000 Impact Makers to drive positive change. Our community is a vibrant collective of entrepreneurs, creators, innovators, and leaders united by a shared mission: to build a regenerative economy where business and profit serve people and the planet. Our world faces urgent, complex challenges—challenges that demand collaboration and bold solutions. At Impact Hub, we are cultivating an ecosystem for change. By building locally rooted yet globally connected …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC


Operating in more than 200 countries and territories, we’re committed to moving our world forward by delivering what matters. Beginning as a small messenger service, UPS was started by two enterprising teenagers and a $100 loan. Now, we’re more than 500,000 UPSers strong, with operations around the globe. As a transportation and logistics leader, we are proud to offer innovative solutions to our customers—both big and small. We also support the communities we serve. Just take a look at The UPS Foundation’s social impact report! Headquartered in Atlanta, we can be found on the web at and Job …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

The Family The Family

Anyone can become an entrepreneur. The Family nurtures Entrepreneurs through Education, Unfair Advantages & Capital. Moving at startup speed, The Family is transforming a portfolio of non-linear companies, special projects and virtual infrastructures into a connected community of entrepreneurs, operators & fellow investors who inspire and support each other.

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Tech Barcelona Tech Barcelona

Empowering Barcelona's digital and tech ecosystem Barcelona Tech City is now TECH BARCELONA. #TechBarcelona is a private, independent, non-profit association that works to strengthen Barcelona as a benchmark on the international digital and technological scene. We are the gateway and platform for active participation in the ecosystem. We connect and make startups visible. We catalyse innovation processes with corporations. We foster entrepreneurship. We attract investment. We empower talent. We vertebrate and empower the ecosystem. Internet, Digital, Tech, Business, Barcelona, Tecnología, Negocio, Barcelonatechcity, Pier01, Leadership, Startup, Corporates, Pier03, Networking, and Events

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Startup Division Startup Division

Startup Division is a leading startup support organisation in the EU connecting broad networks across Europe. Startup division is a leading startup support organisation in the EU connecting broad networks across Europe and building bridges between startup ecosystems globally. Through a variety of pan-European and global projects, Startup Division collaborates with numerous renowned accelerators, incubators, investors, business angels & venture capitals. We help startups to scale, expand globally and raise funds by providing expert mentorship, running world-wide entrepreneurship support projects, helping to access investors, top-notch accelerators & incubators, and providing soft-landing support. startups, entrepreneurship, mentorship, incubators, accelerators, networking, and business

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Startnext Startnext

Crowdfinanziert seit 2010. Crowdfunding für Kultur, Kreatives, Aktivismus, Soziales Unternehmertum und Hilfsaktionen Startnext is the largest crowdfunding community for creative projects in Germany and Austria.. Artists, creative minds, inventors and entrepreneurs present their unique ideas to collect funds with the help of many supporters. Discover and bring new and innovative ideas to life. Crowdfunding, Creative Industries, Social Entrepreneurship, Crowdsourcing, Ideas, Startups, Culture, Early Stage Investments, Benefit Corporation, B Corp, Crowd Investing, Matching Funds, Gründungsberatung, Gründungsfinanzierung, and Schwarmfinanzierung

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Radio Nova Radio Nova

La radio du Grand mix. Le Grand Mix, depuis 1981. culture, radio, le grand mix, and musique

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC


We help create outstanding digital public services. We help create outstanding digital public services. PUBLIC is a digital transformation partner committed to helping the public sector turn innovative ideas into practical solutions. Led by venture investor and entrepreneur Alexander de Carvalho, PUBLIC is a ‘policy-to-product’ business - keen on shaping policy, transforming systems and finding and developing the products that can bring the policy to life. Since 2016 we have helped to create and are a part of a leading ecosystem helping to solve pressing issues in the public domain. We built PUBLIC amidst Europe’s startup ecosystem, helped shape “GovTech” …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC


Innovation Consulting | Inspire. Empower. Create. We guide companies through their transformation, empower them to unlock their innovation potential, and help them develop and scale innovative and sustainable products, services, and business models.

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Prime Time Healthcare Prime Time Healthcare

RN, LPN, CNA, Allied Health and Therapy Travel Assignments in all 50 states. Prime Time Healthcare is a dedicated staffing firm specializing in Travel Nursing, Permanent Placement, temp to perm, and per diem. Whether you are Nursing, Allied, Management, Executive, Pharmacy, Physician, Nurse Practitioner, amongst other Clinical Settings, we have a home for you!

Sectors: Publishing Startup accelerator & VC

SATT Paris-Saclay SATT Paris-Saclay

Innovation in confidence Created in 2014 and from the "Investments for the Future" program, SATT Paris-Saclay is the technology transfer company of the Paris-Saclay cluster. Common actor in the two sets-Paris-Saclay University and Institut Polytechnique de Paris-SATT has an investment capacity of 66 million euros over 10 years to finance and support the valuation of research work from the territory and the technological transfer to the markets. Innovation, Technology Transfer, and Start-Up

Tags: SATT Network Sectors: Research Startup accelerator & VC

SATT Ouest Valorisation SATT Ouest Valorisation

Tailor-made support for your innovation projects The Acceleration of Technologies Acceleration Company (SATT) - Ouest Valorization SAS was created on July 20, 2012 as part of the investments for the future. Its mission is to accelerate the transfer of research results of public research laboratories to partners: VSE/SMEs, large groups, local authorities, associations. It thus supports researchers working within 28 higher education establishments (universities, engineering schools and CHU) as well as 3 research organizations located on one of the university centers in Brittany or the Pays de la Loire (Angers, Brest, Le Mans, Lorient-Vannes, Nantes, Rennes). With 70 million euros, …

Tags: SATT Network Sectors: Research Startup accelerator & VC

Future4Care Future4Care

Together, let's accelerate progress in digital health! Future4care is the European accelerator of e-health startups, born from the alliance between Sanofi, Capgemini, Generali and Orange. Ecosystem of unique magnitude, future4care, it is: - A 6,400m2 campus in the heart of Paris in the 13th arrondissement, to best accompany startups in their acceleration phase - an institute, a real knowledge center that will offer programs and conferences related to digital health - A reference label More information available on our website: Subscribe so as not to miss anything from our news. To join us: #Future4care

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC


1st French Tech & Digital Investment Fund investing in Venture Capital, Growth & Buyout, and Private Debt. ISAI is the 1st French Tech & Digital Investment Fund co-founded in 2009 by successful Tech entrepreneurs (Pierre Kosciusko Morizet, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, Stéphane Treppoz, etc) and backed by 300+ Entrepreneurs’ LP and major institutional investors. Holding close its core values of Entrepreneurship, Honesty and Caring, ISAI is a team of 22 professionals based in Paris and NYC who all share the same guiding values of entrepreneurial success. The company is majority-owned by its employees. It keeps entrepreneurship at its heart and …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Link Link

Accelerating the pace of innovation with corporates, startups, governments, and investors Link is a leading innovation platform dedicated to building a world-class ecosystem where innovation is accessible to everyone. Operating projects in India, Singapore, China, France, Germany, UK, US and Brazil, we connect corporates, startups, and investors to drive meaningful partnerships. Through 150+ innovation programs over the past 10 years, we’ve brought together 12,000+ startups, 100+ top corporations, and several venture capital firms, universities, and government agencies across industries like Mobility, Energy, Aerospace, HealthTech, Retail, FinTech and more. Link supports organizations across the entire innovation spectrum, from building a culture …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC


We are making the world of finance more accessible, engaging, and useful with an award-winning trading platform and app. We are on a mission to make the world of finance more accessible, engaging and useful. With a focus on simplicity, ease of use, speed and power – we aim to develop the best trading service on the market. We are a fintech company with deep expertise in trading, markets, blockchain, technology, customer centricity and financial regulation. We currently live across Europe and beyond in 23 languages. We provide great customer service to accompany our smart news feed, intelligent financial content, …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Institut du Cerveau – Paris Brain Institute Institut du Cerveau – Paris Brain Institute

Search, find, cure, for you and with you. Created in 2010, the Brain Institute is a scientific and medical research center of excellence dedicated to the study of the brain and the discovery of new treatments for nervous system diseases. Its innovative model brings together patients, doctors, researchers and entrepreneurs with a common objective: to transform fundamental discoveries into therapeutic solutions via a translational and interdisciplinary approach. Located in Paris in the heart of the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital-the largest neurology pole in Europe-the Brain Institute brings together more than 900 international experts within 26 research teams, 11 advanced technological platforms, a …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

France Invest France Invest

French association of investors for growth Founded in 1984, France Invest is the industry association representing French private equity professionals. Its role is to promote this asset class to institutional investors, this funding method and support to entrepreneurs, and this leading economic sector to opinion leaders and public authorities. The association itself is home to 359 asset management companies and nearly 200 associate members from all the business lines that support and advise investors and entrepreneurs in setting up and managing their partnerships. Our membership supports and finances more than 7,700 of the most dynamic startups, SMEs and mid-caps, employing …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC


We invest in great entrepreneurs. We support outstanding companies. AVP (AXA Venture Partners) is a global venture capital firm specializing in high-growth, technology- enabled companies, managing more than $2 billion in assets across four investment strategies: Venture, Growth, Late Stage and Fund of Funds. Since its establishment in 2016, AVP has invested in more than 60 technology companies in Venture and Growth stages in the US and Europe. With offices in New York, London, and Paris, AVP supports companies in expanding internationally and provides portfolio companies with tailored business development opportunities to further accelerate their growth. AVP value proposition: - …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Helsinki Partners Helsinki Partners

We match international investors, business professionals, founders, talents and visitors with possibilities in Helsinki. Helsinki Partners is a city marketing, investment and talent attraction company owned by the City of Helsinki. Whether you’re looking to set up or expand your company, find quality deal flow and investment opportunities, the best location for your event or congress, or visit or find your new career in Finland’s capital, Helsinki, we are here to help. Our mission: Our mission is to promote the city’s sustainable growth and build Helsinki’s global reputation and brand. We do this by attracting international investments, businesses, talents and …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC


Central European Biotech Incubator and Accelerator At CEBINA (Central European Biotech Incubator and Accelerator), we go beyond a traditional biotechnology incubator - uniquely supporting life science entrepreneurs and young biotech companies through all stages of early company development, transforming promising new ideas into fully formed biotech companies that are attractive for investment.

Sectors: Biotechnology Startup accelerator & VC

XAnge XAnge

XAnge ( is a leading European venture capital firm, Bcorp certified, based in Paris, Berlin, and Brussels. With €650M Assets under Management, the company invests in European early-stage innovative technology companies operating in the fields of Enterprise & Data, Fintech, and Deep Tech. Since its creation in 2003, XAnge has backed more than 200 fast-growing companies in their entrepreneurial journeys. The team works alongside visionary founders with strong values and international ambitions such as Ledger, Odoo, Lydia, or Believe Digital. Venture Capital, Digital, Social Impact, Fintech, BtoB, Cloud, Deep Tech, and Blockchain

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

WeLike WeLike

Undertake & amp; Invest With its endowment fund (Win-UP), its accelerator (Weraisestartup), its clean or associate investment funds (Welikeventure) and its partner associative networks (Welikeangels), Welikestartup has created the Welike network which structures the financing ecosystem of innovative companies. In 2019, the Welike network supported and funded, with its investors and partners, 31 operations for a total of 30 million euros. Each year, the Welike network responds to more than 2,000 entrepreneurs, examines more than 1,000 files, selects 500 entrepreneurs for presentation to its investors, support and follow -up (follow -up towers, Serie A, B ...) until the exit. Almost …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Stonup Stonup

Stonup is accompanied by the transformations of the actors of the city. Stonup develops an original approach, crossing its experience in real estate markets and the most innovative trends. Stonup partners put their transdisciplinary expertise at the service of their customers' vision. Real Estate, Innovation, Strategy, Business Intelligence, Investment, Startups, Proptech, Amps, and Transformation

Sectors: Real Estate Startup accelerator & VC

Junior-Entreprise - Opto Services Junior-Entreprise - Opto Services

Junior-business of the Graduate School Institute, specialized in photonics. Opto Services is the junior-company of the Institute of Optics Graduate School (IOGS) -Ago known under the name of Supoptique-world leader in higher education, research and innovation in optics and photonics, in Palaiseau. It is an association law 1901 labeled by the National Confederation of Junior-Entreprises (CNJE). With more than 40 years of experience, she combines dynamism of engineering students and expertise of researchers from the Charles Fabry laboratory, of international renown, associated with the technical means of these research laboratories. Opto Services is also a member of the Ile-de-France junior …

Sectors: Research Startup accelerator & VC

Omnes Omnes

A leading private equity firm dedicated to the energy transition. Omnes is a leading European private equity firm dedicated to the energy transition. With over €6 billion in assets under management, Omnes provides companies with the equity capital they need in order to grow. Its four core businesses are Renewable Energy, Resilient Cities, Deeptech Venture Capital and Co-investment. Our 70 employees are based in four offices in Paris, Bruxelles, Munich and Zurich. Omnes is committed to sustainability and ESG. It is a signatory of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and has a Gender Equality index of 82 …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

NewAlpha Asset Management NewAlpha Asset Management

Unconflicted, Unbiased, Transparent, Experts New Alpha is an open-architecture, multi-asset class solutions provider. As a specialist portfolio management and advisory firm, we provide bespoke investment solutions to leading investors, offering flexible access to a wide range of best-in-class external managers across strategies. We research and allocate to the most efficient investment solutions delivered by our global network of external managers. To provide a distinct perspective, we rely on experienced teams of analysts and portfolio managers, a comprehensive investment framework, and state-of-the art data and risk management tools. Established in 2004 and headquartered in Paris, NewAlpha manages and advises on $4 …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Kurma Partners Kurma Partners

Our Vision : We have High Standards - We Build Companies - We have Impact Kurma Partners is a key European venture capital group specialized in healthcare, with €470 million under management, with two dedicated franchises : Kurma Biofund focused on therapeutic (current active fund KBIII) and Kurma Diagnostics focused on diagnostic and digital health (current active fund Kurma Dx2). Biotechnology, Lifesciences, Drug Development, Technology transfer, Rare diseases, Digital Healh, Diagnostics, and Medtech

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

IT-Translation IT-Translation

IT-Translation is the investor and co-founder of techno-digital startups from public or private research. The originality of the model? Ultra-smoker, we intervene from the idea: we coexize the company and we bring an investment very early up to € 300 K via the IT-Translation fund. We approach the creation of startups in a “translation” approach: we deploy financial and human resources to translate technology into product or service and to bring the researcher-entrepreneur into the business world. It-Translation is investing and investing in startups in collaboration with all actors in innovation. In early 2015, four years after the start of …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Eurazeo Investment Manager Eurazeo Investment Manager

This account has been inactive since 28/04/21, please follow the Eurazeo's page to stay updated on our activity! Established in 1997, Idinvest Partners is a leading pan-European Private Equity firm. With €9.4bn under management, the firm successfully supports the growth of companies by financing them through its several complementary areas of business expertise: Venture & Growth Capital, Private Debt and Private Funds Group. Recent success stories include Criteo, Meetic, Vestiaire Collective, Talend, Demeco, Deezer, Sarenza, Secret Escapes, Arena, Peakon, Wefox and many more. In January 2018, Idinvest Partners became a subsidiary of Eurazeo, a leading global investment company. Private Equity, …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Ethereum Classic Labs Ethereum Classic Labs

ETC Labs is dedicated to accelerating the development of Ethereum Classic and supporting blockchain startups. About Ethereum Classic Labs (ETC Labs) Ethereum Classic Labs (ETC Labs), the leading supporter of the Ethereum Classic blockchain, supports, builds and maintains key applications, solutions, and tools for the Ethereum Classic ecosystem. Through its accelerator program and ETC Core development team, ETC Labs invests in blockchain projects focused on economic inclusion and social impact vertices. While, building relevant and accessible, high-quality technology to create communities of value. The ETC Labs partnerships are designed to foster cooperation among organizations and institutions to address and overcome …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

ETH Entrepreneur Club ETH Entrepreneur Club

We empower the next generations of Entrepreneurs. The ETH Entrepreneur Club is a student initiative at ETH Zurich to bring entrepreneurial-minded people together and to foster entrepreneurship among students. Through startup events and our community, we provide a platform to develop ideas, build teams and exchange experience. Networking, Events, and Entrepreneurship

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

EPFL Innovation Park EPFL Innovation Park

The non-profit Foundation EPFL Innovation Park supports disruptive innovation and technology transfer from EPFL and other regional universities. It provides flexible office space, training and coaching / business consulting services to 250 high tech companies: start-ups, SME's and R&D centers of large corporations. A total of 2 500 entrepreneurs and researchers. Together with its partners and a dynamic community of VC's, experts, service providers, the Innovation Park is positioned as the key technology hub in Western Switzerland. start-up incubation, fund-raising, professional coaching, flexible office lease, academic - corporate partnerships, and scale-up

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Deep Science Ventures Deep Science Ventures

We are creating a future where humanity and the planet can thrive (and we're hiring!) Deep Science Ventures is a venture creator, combining available scientific knowledge and founder-type scientists into high-impact ventures, to build a future where humanity and the planet thrive. We operate in 4 sectors: Pharmaceuticals, Climate, Agriculture and Computation, tackling the challenges defining those areas by taking a first principles approach and partnering with leading institutions. Visit our website for more information. Science Venture Building, Climate, Agriculture, Pharma, and Computation

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Celo Camp Celo Camp

Accelerating web3 entrepreneurs and DApp developers building on Celo

Sectors: Finance Startup accelerator & VC

CPH Solutions Lab CPH Solutions Lab

Copenhagen Solutions Lab is Copenhagen’s incubator for smart city initiatives and a part of Nordic Smart City Network. Copenhagen Solutions Lab is the City of Copenhagen’s incubator for smart city initiatives and a part of Nordic Smart City Network. We work cross-sector with the City’s administration and in partnership with local and international smart city labs, companies and knowledge institutions to create and test new ideas, technologies and solutions to real urban challenges.

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Fondation CentraleSupélec Fondation CentraleSupélec

Recognized of public utility, the Centraleupélec Foundation supports the strategic projects of Centraleupélec and offer its students the best conditions to achieve their potential. It has engaged around 3 flagship programs: • "Success Angels", a scholarship program to allow all students who integrate the School to achieve their education in good conditions, regardless of their financial means • "Entrepreneurs engineers", to boost youth entrepreneurship and go from 3 to 10% of entrepreneurs among graduates • Support for international research visibility A real bridge between the School and its community of students, parents of students, former students and businesses, the Foundation …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

50 Partners 50 Partners

50 entrepreneurs sélectionnent et accompagnent les success stories de demain, #Tech, #Impact, #Santé et #Web3 50 Partners is a leading startup accelerator in France. Cofounded by 50 successful Tech entrepreneurs (BlaBlaCar, Showroomprivee, Le Bon Coin, ...), the program provides a few selected startups with high quality mentoring, financing, international connections, networking and office space in central Paris. 50 Partners is a dedicated ecosystem for innovative tech projects, where entrepreneurs, VCs, corporates and industry experts are committed to help startups succeed Incubateur , Accélérateur, Startups, Tech, Investisseurs, FrenchTech, and venture capital

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

daphni daphni

🚀 Venture Capital mutants looking for the next European winner to build da. city. for. good. ♻️ Daphni is a European VC firm that invests in user-oriented startups with European DNA and strong international ambitions. The company is supported by the daphnipolis, a closely-knit community of 300+ entrepreneurs, executives, academics, artists and advisors, and a digital platform to ensure both efficiency and full transparency. The firm was established in 2015 and is based in Paris, France. ** daphni team ** ** apply here** Venture Capital, Investment, Start-ups, and Community

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC


The entrepreneurial house of Private Equity. Founded in 2006 by Charles Beigbeder, Audacia is a player independent of the investment capital. Audacia attracts the best sectoral experts around three high -added trades: • Development capital in high growth SMEs • Real estate capital, focused on Colving, new shared housing mode • The innovation capital including the Entononation fund, the world's leading fund dedicated to quantum technologies. Since its creation, the company has invested in more than 350 companies.

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

astoryaVC astoryaVC

Investing in Seed / Insurance / European startups. is investing in European seed insurtech startups, targeting the €1.3 trillion insurance market, currently lagging with digitization, adoption of AI, or addressing emerging, disruptive risks like climate change or cyber threats. Unique and curated deal flow. Combining insurance expertise from previous AXA & Allianz positions with data we gathered on over 4700 startups we've built our investment thesis. 50 private, family, and 5 corporate LPs who made money on insurance, support us with unparalleled know-how & network. Whereas a media following of 100k insurance professionals established us as a sector go-to …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Aster Capital Aster Capital

Aster is a Climate Tech VC with two decades of experience, specialized in hard-to-abate sectors. Aster is a Climate Tech VC with two decades of experience, specialized in hard-to-abate sectors. We invest in sectors including energy, logistics, mobility, manufacturing, building, chemicals, agriculture and more. Mobility, Industry, and Energy

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

AQUITI Gestion AQUITI Gestion

The key player in investment capital in New Aquitaine We participate in the financing of the equity of innovative start-ups and the SMEs of New Aquitaine. Venture capital, development capital, capital-transmission, loans of honor, innovation, priming, LBO, start-up, and SMEs

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

A Plus Finance A Plus Finance

A finance more invest in several forms in the real economy through mainly unlisted assets. In Finance is a management company essentially dedicated to institutional (around 80% of managed assets), managing € 1 billion at the end of 2023. 🔵 Our heart of activity: Private Equity, real estate, and the financing of independent cinema. 🔵 For more than 20 years, a finance has been invested in the real economy by funding SMEs at the heart of the territories, the real estate managed (in particular senior services) and the independent French cinema. Each activity is controlled by a specialized management team, …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Anaxago Anaxago

Invest in the inevitable. Not listed, real estate, startup, impact and performance. Anaxago is a financial group specializing in alternative investment which develops three priority investment themes: Private Equity Immobilier, venture capital and private debt. The group has collected and invested nearly 900 million euros since its creation in 2012. Our mission: make new asset classes accessible to private and institutional investors, in the simplest and transparent way possible. Do you want to invest? Consult our wallet! ➡️ Want to join the adventure? We recruit! ➡️ A project to finance? Contact us! ➡️ 01 84 17 41 76 …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Amundi Amundi

Trust must be earned Amundi, the leading European asset manager, ranking among the top 10 global players* , offers its 100 million clients - retail, institutional and corporate - a complete range of savings and investment solutions in active and passive management, in traditional or real assets. This offering is enhanced with IT tools and services to cover the entire savings value chain. A subsidiary of the Crédit Agricole group and listed on the stock exchange, Amundi currently manages more than €2.15 trillion of assets**. With its six international investment hubs***, financial and extra-financial research capabilities and long-standing commitment to …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Le Village by CA Le Village by CA

A unique ecosystem where startups, ETI and large groups meet and cooperate to innovate together Le Village by CA is the startup accelerator of Crédit Agricole Group, seeking to bring startups, corporates, partners and Regional Banks to support business and innovation. Le Village ecosystem covers regions in France to Italy & Luxembourg, with 39 villages, 1000 startups and 600 partners Innovation, Transformation, Accélérateur, Accompagnement startups, Accompagnement des entreprises , Business, Developpement, développement, export, digital, financement, incubateur, investissement, RSE, inclusion sociale, and agritech

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Cathay Innovation Cathay Innovation

A global venture capital platform investing in startups positively impacting the world through technology. Cathay Innovation is a global venture capital partnership, created in affiliation with Cathay Capital, investing in startups at the center of digital revolution across North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia and Africa. Our global platform unifies technology investment across continents, investors, entrepreneurs and leading corporations to accelerate startup growth with access to new markets, invaluable industry knowledge and introductions to potential partners from the start. As a multistage fund with over $1.5 billion assets under management and offices across San Francisco, New York, Paris, Berlin, Shanghai, …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Campus Biotech Campus Biotech

Campus Biotech is a Swiss center of excellence in biotechnology and life sciences research. Campus Biotech is a new centre of excellence in biotechnology and life science research. It focuses on pure science and its translation into practical outcomes that have an impact on society and the world. Campus Biotech is expected to generate a vast range of opportunities, bringing impetus and investment to this vital economic and scientific sector.

Sectors: Biotechnology Startup accelerator & VC

BMW Startup Garage BMW Startup Garage

Leading Venture Client in the automotive industry. The BMW Startup Garage is the Venture Client unit of the BMW Group. Our goal is to foster innovation speed and quality - through the help from startups - at all BMW Group Divisions. As a Venture Client, the BMW Group becomes the early adopter client of a startup, even if its product, service or technology is still on a prototype stage. The BMW Startup Garage program is a great opportunity for startups to gain the BMW Group as its client by conducting a paid proof of concept project directly with the business …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

CoCoShaker CoCoShaker

Social entrepreneurs incubator in Auvergne #Create thechange #entreprenezocial #demainenauvergne Ideas exist but how to make them happen? How do you know if they are relevant? And above all, how to find a model to combine social impact and economic efficiency? Cocoshaker is a system specifically designed to support, in Auvergne territory, people who want to create a business while meeting a need little or not resolved on the social, societal, environmental level. We have founded Cocoshaker because more and more entrepreneurs are developing hybrid models, where economic efficiency is at the service of the general interest: these are social entrepreneurs. …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

BUSI By Clermont Auvergne Innovation BUSI By Clermont Auvergne Innovation

Created in 1999 as part of the Innovation and Research Act, Busi incubator of Auvergne intervenes for projects to create innovative companies that are part of the axes of excellence of its members: - Life sciences - Engineering sciences - Information and communication technologies - Human sciences To carry out this mission, Busi is financially supported by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Clermont Auvergne Métropole and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional Council.

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Oxford Science Enterprises Oxford Science Enterprises

We find, fund and build transformational businesses via our unique partnership with the University of Oxford Oxford Science Enterprises (OSE) is an independent, billion-pound investment company, created in 2015 to find, fund and build transformational businesses across specialist areas of life sciences, health tech, AI, new compute, climate tech and agtech. Via our unique partnership with the University of Oxford, the world's #1 research university, we turn the world's most advanced science and technology into companies tackling the world's toughest challenges. In nine years, we have invested £0.7 billion in over 120 ambitious companies built on Oxford science. A key …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Plug and Play Tech Center Plug and Play Tech Center

Driving the future forward with corporations, governments, startups, investors, and universities. Plug and Play is the ultimate innovation platform. Our mission is to build the world’s leading innovation platform and make innovation open to anyone, anywhere. We do this by connecting entrepreneurs, corporations, and investors worldwide. Over the past 15 years, we have brought together 35,000+ startups, 500+ world-leading corporations, and hundreds of venture capital firms, universities, and government agencies across 20+ industries. We are active in 50+ locations globally, including the U.S., China, France, Germany, South Africa, Singapore, Indonesia, Brazil, and more. Together with our partners, we are creating …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Fundación Repsol Fundación Repsol

Promoting An energy transition fair and inclusive In Repsol Foundation we contribute to creating a more sustainable future, developing focused projects in energy transition and society. Know them!

Sectors: Energy Startup accelerator & VC

Théophraste Théophraste

The accelerator of the South West group: the power of a media group to boost your startup! Théophraste is a thematic acceleration program on information and local services developed by the Sud Ouest group in partnership with 1kubator. We offer: - A shared meeting and work space in the heart of the South West group, in the middle of startups incubated by 1kubator. - Access to our business expertise in the fields of advertising, content and services, production/logistics, UX - A test environment (data, beta-testers) - Access to the resources of GSO Interactive (architecture, development, project management, marketing) - access …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

thecamp thecamp

enabling humans for tomorrow Building a Better Future, Together At the heart of southern France, nestled in lush greenery between Aix-en-Provence and Marseille, thecamp is much more than a place—it’s a movement. Our mission? To shape a more human, responsible, and sustainable world by bringing together companies, local governments, territories, and individuals in one unique space. At thecamp, we don’t just talk about the future; we build it. From tackling today’s most pressing challenges to co-creating the socio-economic models of tomorrow, we provide an ecosystem where transformative ideas thrive. Whether it’s forging unlikely collaborations or testing bold solutions in real-world …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Startup Palace Startup Palace

We Run Accelerators Startup Palace is not an accelerator. Nor an incubator. Startup Palace “does not” startup accelerators. Startup Palace goes beyond. Startup Palace helps large companies to transform themselves by making them collaborate with innovative startups, via project acceleration programs. We are convinced on the one hand that large companies cannot innovate alone and that they need startups to transform. And on the other hand, that startups cannot grow alone, that they need experimentation grounds to confront their solutions to the reality on the ground, to find their first customers and thus generate turnover. Doing it with corporates who …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Start in Saclay Start in Saclay

Biggest French Student Organization for Entrepreneurship 🚀 News about Entrepreneurship in Paris & amp; Saclay! Our observation is simple: the Saclay plateau is a great pool in terms of skills and resources, because it brings together universities, research centers, business schools and leading engineers. However, many projects die in the state of idea for lack of meetings that will have made them take off. In the best of cases, startups from the set remain almost exclusively founded by people from the same establishments! Our initiative therefore aims to participate in the hatching of projects that combine founders from various training …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Clermont School of Business Clermont School of Business

En 2024, l'ESC Clermont Business School prend son envol et devient Clermont School of Business ! Founded in 1919, Clermont School of Business is a Great School of Management with an international dimension. Triple accredited AACSB, EFMD and AMBA, member of the Conférence des Grandes Écoles, the CDEFM and the Université Clermont Auvergne et Associés. Recognized at the highest levels for its Bachelors and Master programs, it counts 2,043 students and intends to be the School that reveals talents and passions of a new actors of change generation, placing people and planet at the heart of its choices. Digital Marketing, …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Revent Revent

Venture capital for purpose-driven founders tackling the problems that truly matter. Today’s immense climate and societal challenges will not be solved without visionary entrepreneurs creating tomorrow’s most innovative companies. We gather a community of purpose-led founders, investors and scientists to drive systemic change in climate, healthcare, education and finance. Our role is to provide founders the platform to succeed, supporting them with capital, relevant networks and an aligned mission. We believe that in today’s world, the companies founded by extraordinary teams around a strong purpose, will be the ones to succeed and thrive.

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Slow Tourisme Lab Slow Tourisme Lab

The incubator of authentic and sustainable tourism innovation at the service of rural attractiveness Slow Tourisme Lab is an incubator supported by the DGE and the France Tourisme Lab network. It is dedicated to startups and companies wishing to innovate or wish to participate in the revitalization of the territory, through authentic tourism and sustainable development. The objectives of Slow Tourisme Lab are to promote a more sustainable way of traveling, human in opposition to mass tourism, and to create innovative tourism technologies and services applicable in rural areas for leisure and business tourism. Slow Tourisme Lab offers startups a …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

SKEMA Entrepreneurs SKEMA Entrepreneurs

Embrace your entrepreneurs Journey with our dedicated programs, ecosystem & amp; Network. Skema Entrepreneurs, the Skema Business School incubator, supports students each year & amp; alumni wishing to undertake. On each campus, French and international, we support entrepreneurs in each stage of their adventure: from creation, to launch to the development of their business 🌍 We have designed a tailor -made program for each stage of your entrepreneurial adventure: 🌱 Start program: Transform your idea into a concrete project. 🌲 Launch Program: Validate your market and find your first customers. 🪵 Build Program: Develop your business and give it another …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Seventure Partners Seventure Partners

We actively fund innovative companies within the two evolving fields of Digital technologies and Life sciences. Seventure Partners is a long term equity investor that actively supports innovative companies aiming at generating positive impacts on Humankind, Society, Sustainability and the Planet. With €950m net commitments under management as of the end of 2022, Seventure is a leading venture capital firm in Europe investing since 1997 in innovative businesses with high growth potential in 2 main areas: Life sciences (Biotech, Health & digital Health, Nutrition, Foodtech, Blue Economy, Aquaculture, Animal & Agriculture, Sport & Wellness ...) with a specific interest for …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC


Incubator of excellence in the Grand Est region, member of the Quest for Change Network Created in 1999, Semia is an incubator of excellence in the Grand Est region, labeled by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. Semia is open to all innovative project leaders regardless of their field of activity. Our method offers tailor-made support depending on the maturity of projects. This support is done in two phases: - collective incubation through Starter Class provided by experts - an individual incubation with a business manager dedicated to the project Semia is a member of the Quest for Change …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

SBA - Smart Buildings Alliance for Smart Cities SBA - Smart Buildings Alliance for Smart Cities

Make smart building an asset at the service of territories, businesses and occupants. Created in 2012, the Smart Buildings Alliance is working every day to make smart building an asset at the service of territories, companies and occupants. Unique in its kind by its transversality, its opening and the diversity of 450 companies and member organizations that make it up, SBA structures its actions around 3 pillars: Smart Home (collective residential housing), Smart Building (Tertiary Building) and Smart City (City and Intelligent Territory). Debricating for more than 10 years a strong attachment to a responsible digital, the SBA advocates technological …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC


Acceleration program for innovative companies Saxo 45 is an acceleration program, organized by the Orleans Technopole. It lasts 8 months and is intended for 8 leaders of innovative companies in the Loiret under 5 years of existence, previously selected, who wish to be trained and coached by experts in order to reach their market more quickly. The participants € have and follow training workshops - Action at Lab’o. This program is financially supported by Orléans Métropole, the Center Val de Loire region and Crédit Agricole Center-Loire.

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC


Partageons la réussite Founded in 2013 by Clara Gaymard and Gonzague de Blignieres, RAISE is a pioneer in engaged sustainable finance with its investment and innovation platform. We are a mission-driven company with a unique model of sharing success. RAISE has four investment strategies as well as our innovation activites, all connected by our endowment and philanthropic accelerator. RAISE Investissement Private Equity mid-cap investment strategy focused on French SMEs. RAISE Ventures Early stage Venture Capital from preseed to series B. RAISE REIM Value-add real estate investment strategy targeting assets in Paris. RAISE Impact Private Equity Impact investment strategy focused on …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Quai Alpha - Incubateur de startups Quai Alpha - Incubateur de startups

Start-up incubator and digital content creation studio. Quai Alpha is a unique place dedicated to entrepreneurship, innovation and tech. Throughout the year, we welcome many students, start -ups, freelancers and entrepreneurs from various backgrounds, from all over the region, to the Vosges. The incubation of startups and the creation of digital content so that your business can stand out are our two main missions. Events are organized each week to promote meetings, exchanges and business in a dynamic and benevolent ecosystem. Quai Alpha is also an investment fund for startups, a higher training campus, several international research programs and offices, …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Cluster EdTech Nouvelle-Aquitaine Cluster EdTech Nouvelle-Aquitaine

The EdTech New Aquitaine Cluster is being set up. The public announcement was held on July 18th in the margins of the Robotics and Education Colloquium, opening the SCRATCH 2017 World Forum. More information in September - October 2017 EdTech, Expérimentation, R&D, Financement, Networking, Living-Lab, Incubation, Accélération, Education, Pédagogie, Numérique, and Robotique

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Karista Karista

Karista is a VC firm investing in game changers from scratch to success. Karista is an early-stage venture capital firm investing in ambitious entrepreneurs. For the past 20 years, we have been backing and guiding more than 100 companies from inception to success in Health, Digital, and Technology. Because we believe that investment is not only about money but mainly about people, we provide support to our founders and entrepreneurs very early-on. We come from different backgrounds and bring various skills to help nurturing our portfolio companies on many levels. We are currently deploying three European early stage funds: our …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Pépite oZer Pépite oZer

Stimulate desires, create synergies, be a springboard for ideas, and challenge the curious to undertake! In Pépite Ozer, we believe in the power of entrepreneurship to transform ideas into realities and reveal the potential of each individual. As an experienced incubator, our ambition is to make the entrepreneurial spirit accessible to all students and young graduates of the Grenoble Academy. Our team of specialists supports each project, from the emergence phase to the launch, by offering quality and personalized support. With more than 20 years of experience and nearly 1,000 supported students, Pépite Ozer positions itself as an innovation accelerator. …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Partech Shaker Partech Shaker

The startup campus by Partech; gathering entrepreneurs in tech from all over the world & corporates eager to accelerate The Partech Shaker is a startup campus designed for tech companies from all over the world. Launched in 2014 by global tech investment fund Partech, it welcomes startups and scaleups, backed or not by Partech, in a nine-story building in the heart of Paris. The Partech Shaker works in close collaboration with Enterprises and SMEs involved in a digital transformation or in innovation more broadly. The place welcomes events about innovation, entrepreneurship and growth. Among its clients, partners and alumni are …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC