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LogoName Σ Ingoing engagements Outgoing engagements

[Automatic translation follows] The Macif is you! A company of the social economy, the MACIF does not belong to shareholders or to the State, but to its members. Each day, 9,797 employees are mobilizing to provide the best quality of service to our 5 million members and customers in damage, health-prevoying and finance-salaries. With a loyalty rate of 96%, our greatest success is the confidence they give us. To join the Macif group is to engage in a group that innovates and that develops its expertise on the globalized service market, especially those of tomorrow. It is also to engage …

Sectors: Health Insurance Mutual insurance

1492 909 356
FNMF - Fédération Nationale de la Mutualité Française FNMF - Fédération Nationale de la Mutualité Française

[Automatic translation follows] A major player in the social and solidarity economy, the French mutuality, chaired by Eric Chenut, represents nearly 500 mutuals. Born from the desire for women and men to jointly protect themselves from the vagaries of life, mutuals are societies of non -profit people. They are chaired by elected mutualist activists. They act for social protection of 32 million French people and promote everyone's right to work in complementarity and in partnership with Social Security and contributing to the public health service. Mutuals, groups and unions offer solutions in three areas of activity: complementary health, provident-dependence and …

Sectors: Health Insurance Mutual insurance

1127 558 370

[Automatic translation follows] Soliha, solidarity for housing, actor of the social and solidarity economy Actor of the social and solidarity economy, Soliha, solidarity for housing, is the first associative movement in the area of ​​improvement of housing. To provide more solutions to people who encounter difficulties in maintaining or accessing housing compatible with their resources. Our values - Solidarity as a principle of action - Respect for human dignity - a global and tailor -made approach respecting the specificity of each Our actions - Support the elderly and disabled wishing to live better at home, - Successful energy transition for …

Sectors: Social Housing

460 306 184
Nexity Nexity

[Automatic translation follows] Present throughout the national territory, Nexity is defined as an urban operator at the service of urban regeneration and the new needs of territories and its customers. By relying on our double expertise as a developer and promoter-exploiting, the group deploys a multi-product territorial offer to meet all the needs of our customers, individuals, businesses, institutional and communities. Historically engaged for access to housing for all and leader in the decarbonation of our sector, we mobilize for affordable and sustainable real estate, new and rehabilitated. Our raison d'être ‘Life together’ translates our commitment to create for our …

Sectors: Real Estate

1568 1026 265

[Automatic translation follows] With a heritage of nearly 100,000 dwellings which combines social housing, intermediaries or free rents and thematic residences, ICF Habitat lodges no less than 210,000 people and meets the diversified needs of households while accompanying the residential trajectories. Present on a national level, in particular in major urban centers, the group works to carry out state housing policies, local authorities and SNCF, its shareholder, whose HR policy it supports by offering a housing offer to its employees (30% of our tenants are employees or retired SNCF). Multiplying synergies with the players in the housing chain, ICF Habitat …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

383 175 223
Vilogia Vilogia

[Automatic translation follows] Sustainable building, affordable accommodation, accompany Solidaire. The Vilogia group is a global housing real estate group, which brings together the professions of social and private lessor, collector of 1% housing and developer. Vilogia has and manages a rental heritage of more than 85,000 dwellings on national territory and built more than 2,000 homes per year. Social lessor, rental social housing, social accession, project management (construction and rehabilitation), and urban development

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

687 293 483
Action Logement Action Logement

[Automatic translation follows] Housing action, facilitates access to housing of employees to promote employment, everywhere in France. #VouloireTlefaire The Union of Companies and Employees for Housing (UESL) is an anonymous company with variable capital with supervisory board and board, which has the main purpose of representing the common interests of its partners and implementing the national policies of employment of housing action funds. Its associates are, as a compulsory basis, each collector organization (CIL) and each chamber of commerce and industry (CCI) approved for the purpose of collecting and using the funds of the PEEC, at the request, any interprofessional …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

1432 1045 306

Our raison d'être is to build a net zero energy future with electricity and innovative solutions and services, to help save the planet and drive wellbeing and economic development. Energie, Nucléaire, Electricité, Energies renouvelables, and Gaz

Sectors: Energy

4904 4037 431

[Automatic translation follows] The Agency for Ecological Transition! ADEME in brief The Agency for Ecological Transition participates in the implementation of public policies in the areas of the environment, energy and sustainable development. It provides its expertise and consulting capabilities to businesses, local authorities, public authorities and the general public, in order to enable them to progress in their environmental approach. The Agency also helps to finance projects, from research to implementation, in the following areas: waste management, soil preservation, energy efficiency and renewable energies, savings on raw materials, air quality, noise control, the transition to the circular economy and …

Sectors: National and local authorities

6470 5727 338
ANCT - Agence nationale de la cohésion des territoires ANCT - Agence nationale de la cohésion des territoires

[Automatic translation follows] Helping communities implement their projects. The National Agency for Territorial Cohesion (ANCT) supports communities in the development of their territorial projects. Created on January 1, 2020, it brings together the General Commission for Territorial Equality, the Digital Agency and Epareca. Support for communities, Advice to communities, Project facilitator, Financial engineering, Technical engineering, Assistance to public project management, Project engineering, and Steering of national support programs

1520 845 463

The French National Centre for Scientific Research is among the world's leading research institutions. Its scientists explore the living world, matter, the Universe, and the functioning of human societies in order to meet the major challenges of today and tomorrow. Internationally recognised for the excellence of its scientific research, the CNRS is a reference in the world of research and development, as well as for the general public. Recherche scientifique, Biologie, Chimie, Ecologie et environnement, Ingénierie et systèmes, Mathématiques, Physique, Sciences de l'information, Homme et société, Nucléaire et particules, Terre et Univers, and Science

Sectors: Research

3279 2524 432
Procivis Procivis

[Automatic translation follows] Real estate that makes sense Procivis is a complete player in housing, offering its expertise across the entire "housing chain": individual homes, development, development, social housing, real estate services. We are a cooperative network focused on people. We reinvest all of our profits in our development and in missions of general interest: energy renovation, adaptation of housing for the elderly and disabled, etc. As a member of the Union Sociale pour l'Habitat (USH), we are very invested in the HLM movement. Discover our professions, our achievements and the network's news on: Follow us on social networks: …

Sectors: Real Estate

183 103 55
Novethic Novethic

Sustainable Transformation Accelerator As an expert in sustainable finance and a reference media for economics, business & sustainability, Novethic combines approaches to offer financial players, companies and their employees the keys to a sustainable transformation. Our mission is to spread a sustainable culture among finance and business professionals, to empower decision-makers and facilitate their action. Actualité économique, Actualité de la transition écologique et sociale, Actualité de la finance durable, and Actualité de la RSE

Sectors: Environment

511 394 125

[Automatic translation follows] The M6 ​​Group has patiently built itself up through a succession of great stories... The major asset of the M6 ​​Group: transversality. Innovation, audacity and proximity remain the keys to its strategy and, consequently, to its success. Created in 1987 around the M6 ​​channel, the Métropole Télévision Group has become over the years a powerful multimedia group, offering a wide range of programs, products and services available on the most diverse media: television, Internet, mobile phone... The second commercial channel on the market, M6's offering is complemented by W9, the leading DTT channel, and recently 6ter, "television …

Sectors: Media

842 773 54
Les Coop'​ Hlm - Fédération nationale des sociétés coopératives d'Hlm Les Coop'​ Hlm - Fédération nationale des sociétés coopératives d'Hlm

[Automatic translation follows] Social access, social rental, management of solidarity trustee: the cooperative solution for housing! The Coop'Hlm brings together 165 Hlm coop'​s present throughout France. They are specialists in secure social access to property but also intervene in social rental, development and condominium trusteeship. Anchored in the social economy, the Coop'Hlm innovate daily to facilitate access to affordable housing. A founding member of the Union sociale pour l'habitat, the Federation is administered by a federal council of 32 members and relies on a team of 12 employees. social housing, real estate, real estate development, participatory housing, real estate management, …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

314 86 141
Gouvernement Gouvernement

The official account of the French Government Follow Government news on this page in real time, including practical information, measures, numbers, results, and the profiles of economic players !

2373 1814 684
Ministère des Affaires étrangères français Ministère des Affaires étrangères français

France Diplomatie @francediplo We’re the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. We’ll tell you about our foreign policy, our work on trade and FDI, and more generally about how France is meeting global challenges. diplomatie, culture, politique, humanitaire, ministère, affaires étrangères, francophonie, développement, and Français de l'étranger

1084 741 150
Ministère de la Culture Ministère de la Culture

[Automatic translation follows] Follow the news of the Ministry of Culture The Ministry of Culture and Communication's mission is to make the major works of humanity, and first and foremost of France, accessible to as many people as possible. As such, it leads the policy of safeguarding, protecting and promoting cultural heritage in all its components, it promotes the creation of works of art and the mind and the development of artistic practices and teachings. It contributes, jointly with the other interested ministers, to the development of artistic and cultural education for children and young adults throughout their training cycles. …

1514 1155 123
Ministère des Solidarités Ministère des Solidarités

[Automatic translation follows] The Ministry of Labor, Health, Solidarity and Families is responsible for designing and implementing government policies, particularly in terms of solidarity, autonomy and inclusiveness of people with disabilities.

612 439 92
Ministère du Travail Ministère du Travail

[Automatic translation follows] Official account of the Ministry of Labor, Health, Solidarity and Families. The Ministry of Labor and Employment prepares and implements the Government's policy in the areas of labor, employment, vocational training, social dialogue and the prevention of accidents at work and occupational diseases. Employment, Vocational training, Labor law, Occupational health, Training, Social dialogue, and Union representation

1169 953 134
Fédération des Offices Publics de l'Habitat Fédération des Offices Publics de l'Habitat

[Automatic translation follows] With you, in solidarity and for a long time. FOPH account>5 million people housed, 2.25 million homes, 189 members. The Fédération nationale des Offices Publics de l’Habitat is the national professional organization that brings together 189 members, including 178 OPHs and 11 SEMs. These social housing organizations have a real estate portfolio of 2.4 million homes and accommodate nearly 5 million people, or 8% of households in France. It also brings together groups of organizations in the form of coordination companies (it has 24 SC associate members). Established in all territories - metropolises, medium-sized cities, towns - …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

189 101 70
CDC Habitat CDC Habitat

[Automatic translation follows] Real estate subsidiary with a vocation of general interest of the Caisse des Dépôts Real estate subsidiary with a vocation of general interest of the Caisse des Dépôts, the CDC Habitat group is one of the major players in housing in France with more than 545,000 managed housing units As a global real estate operator, CDC Habitat supports public stakeholders in the implementation of housing policies. Thanks to its diversified and extensive offer, it provides them with innovative and sustainable solutions, creating diversity and social cohesion: rental management on the entire housing offer (very social, social, intermediate …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

718 450 266
Association des maires de France et des présidents d'intercommunalité Association des maires de France et des présidents d'intercommunalité

[Automatic translation follows] The AMF works alongside mayors and presidents of intercommunalities to respect local freedoms. A force for proposals and representation Created in 1907, recognized as being of public utility since 1933, the AMF works alongside mayors and presidents of intercommunalities, in compliance with the values ​​and principles that have prevailed since its creation: defense of local freedoms, concrete and permanent support for elected officials in day-to-day management, loyal but demanding partnership with the State to always better preserve the interests of communities and their groups. Nearly 35,000 mayors and presidents of EPCI are now members. Strong legitimacy The …

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank

1309 1037 45
Assemblée des Départements de France Assemblée des Départements de France

[Automatic translation follows] Created in 1946, the Assembly of French Departments (ADF) is a pluralist association that brings together the Presidents of the 102 member communities, including 95 Departments and 7 local authorities with departmental powers. The ADF fulfills five main missions: ‣represent the Departments to national and European public authorities; ‣constitute a resource center for the Departments; ‣offer a place for exchanging experiences and good practices for elected officials and departmental technicians; ‣be a place for confronting ideas and developing common positions on major national issues; ‣promote the role and action of the Departments among citizens. The ADF also …

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank

547 378 131
Intercommunalités de France Intercommunalités de France

Intercommunalités de France est la fédération nationale des élus de l'intercommunalité "Intercommunalités de France" is a national association of local authorities created in 1989. AdCF represents 1000 groupings of territorial authorities, including 235 metropolitean and urban areas. These groupings of local authorities gather 80% of the French population. "Intercommunalités de France" is their spokesman with national public authorities (French Government and Parliament) and contributes to the debates on French territorial organization and exercise of the decentralized public policies : spatial planning, economic development, housing, public transport and mobilities, waste management... Collectivités locales, Politiques publiques, Urbanisme, Finances locales, Développement économique territorial, …

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank

703 335 275
AORIF - L'Union sociale pour l'habitat d'Ile-de-France AORIF - L'Union sociale pour l'habitat d'Ile-de-France

[Automatic translation follows] Association of Social Housing Organizations of Ile-de-France AORIF - the Social Housing Union of Ile-de-France is the professional association of HLM organizations. It plays both a role of professional support for its members and representation at the regional, departmental and intercommunal level. It is in charge of the regional and territorial breakdown of major national priorities, represents the organizations in the various decision-making and reflection bodies and defends the interests of the profession with institutional, political and financial partners. AORIF brings together around a hundred social housing organizations operating in Ile-de-France and adhering to one of the …

Sectors: Social Housing

174 83 108
Association des Maires Ruraux de France - AMRF Association des Maires Ruraux de France - AMRF

[Automatic translation follows] The Association of Rural Mayors of France unites, informs and represents the mayors of municipalities with fewer than 3,500 inhabitants throughout France. The AMRF is committed on a daily basis at the local and national levels to defend and promote the specific issues of rurality. Created in 1971, the AMRF brings together nearly 10,000 rural mayors, grouped in a friendly and supportive network of departmental associations, in complete independence from political powers and parties. Its motto: "Mayors at the service of mayors". In just a few years, the AMRF has established itself as the specific representative of …

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank

408 311 0
Groupe Caisse des Dépôts Groupe Caisse des Dépôts

[Automatic translation follows] The Caisse des dépôts et consignations is a long-term investor and contributes, while respecting its patrimonial interests, to the development of companies. Article L. 518-2 of the Monetary and Financial Code (amended by the 2008 law on the modernization of the economy) Support for public policies, Investment, Pensions and Savings Funds, and Territorial Development

Sectors: Finance

2572 2135 239
Banque des Territoires Banque des Territoires

[Automatic translation follows] Building tomorrow's territories together! The general interest has chosen its bank. Banque des Territoires finances, advises and operates with all French territories for the general interest. By Caisse des Dépôts

Sectors: Bank

1327 696 725
France Travail France Travail

[Automatic translation follows] Official LinkedIn page of France Travail #AvecFranceTravail France Travail is a major player in the French employment market, where it is committed to facilitating the return to work of job seekers and offering companies solutions adapted to their recruitment needs. France Travail's 55,000 employees work every day to be the link between job seekers and companies. France Travail is a key player in the French employment market. Its role is to help the unemployed find work and support companies to fulfil their recruitment requirements. Day-to-day, France Travail's 55,000 staff provides that vital link between job seekers and …

Sectors: Human ressources

6368 4883 713

[Automatic translation follows] Acting together for responsible growth. MEDEF is the leading network of entrepreneurs in France. It defends and promotes companies of all sizes and in all sectors of activity. A privileged interlocutor for decision-makers and public authorities In complete transparency, MEDEF conducts ongoing lobbying with all decision-makers at local, regional, national and European levels, in order to assert the company's point of view and to lighten its tax and regulatory burden: reform of the professional tax, apprenticeship, business transfer, conventional termination, etc. A key partner in social dialogue Authorized by law to negotiate on behalf of all companies …

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank

2852 2219 594
Tours Métropole Val de Loire Tours Métropole Val de Loire

[Automatic translation follows] Every day, by your side. Made up of 22 municipalities, Tours Métropole is an active and dynamic French metropolis with nearly 300,000 inhabitants. It is the leading employment area in the Centre-Cal de Loire region, the leading university center in the region, and has 5 study and research centers, 1 university hospital, 6 listed monuments, and of course... the Loire, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In addition, an international airport (Tours Val de Loire), as well as 30 TGV connections per day to and from Paris, make the Tours area very accessible. These infrastructures make Tours Métropole …

Sectors: French metropolis

762 463 306
Métropole Rouen Normandie Métropole Rouen Normandie

[Automatic translation follows] The Rouen Normandy Metropolis, created in 2015, brings together 71 municipalities and half a million inhabitants, on a territory of 664 km2. Between the Seine and forests, the Metropolis has a strong identity that is both urban and rural. Its particularity: 45 of its 71 municipalities are "small" municipalities, i.e. populated by fewer than 4,500 inhabitants. Almost 1,800 agents exercise nearly 200 professions to serve several skills, from the production and distribution of drinking water, public transport to waste management. A driving force in the development and attractiveness of the territory, rural and business land, service and …

Sectors: French metropolis

941 703 184
Métropole Européenne de Lille (MEL) Métropole Européenne de Lille (MEL)

[Automatic translation follows] Public Intermunicipal Cooperation Establishment (EPCI) serving 95 municipalities for more than a million inhabitants. The European Metropolis of Lille, a public intermunicipal cooperation establishment, brings together more than a million inhabitants and 95 municipalities. Its territory is both rural and urban, made up of large cities and villages. It exercises its skills in 19 essential areas serving users such as development, roads, sanitation, transport, culture, tourism, housing, economic development, etc. The MEL services include more than 2,800 agents and more than 100 professions. Supported by an ambitious continuing education policy, they open up attractive career development opportunities. …

Sectors: French metropolis

1563 1184 260
Région Pays de la Loire Région Pays de la Loire

[Automatic translation follows] The Pays de la Loire region includes 5 departments: Loire-Atlantique, Maine-et-Loire, Mayenne, Sarthe and Vendée. It has 3.7 million inhabitants spread across 1,357 municipalities. It is a territory balanced between rural and urban areas, organized around 7 large urban areas (Nantes, Saint-Nazaire, Angers, Cholet, Le Mans, Laval and La-Roche-sur-Yon) and 1,108 municipalities with fewer than 1,000 inhabitants. Bordered by 450 km of coastline and crisscrossed by the Loire, the region has the leading port on the Atlantic coast. Its economic dynamism is a real strength that allows it to have the lowest unemployment rate in France (8.5%). …

Sectors: National and local authorities

2941 1980 401
Région Grand Est Région Grand Est

[Automatic translation follows] Dynamic, competitive and innovative, the Grand Est Region is at your side and at your service. Priorities → #Employment #Digital #Youth #Territories #Mobility #Europe Find us on Also follow the news on our social networks: - Twitter: @regiongrandest - Facebook: @regiongrandest - Instagram: @laregiongrandest local authority

Sectors: National and local authorities

2324 1915 287
Région Bretagne Région Bretagne

[Automatic translation follows] The official page of the Brittany Region on LinkedIn Assembly elected by the Bretons, the Regional Council intervenes in most areas that concern daily life and the future of Brittany: training, transport, economic development, regional planning, culture, sport, environment...

Sectors: National and local authorities

3047 2111 236
Régions de France Régions de France

[Automatic translation follows] News from our 18 Regions and Territorial Authorities, Metropolitan France and Overseas Regions of France has brought together the Regions and Regional Authorities of Metropolitan France and Overseas since 1998. A network of influence made up of very high-level experts, Regions of France builds, nourishes, carries, disseminates and enriches the regional political project. Transpartisan, this project is that of a truly decentralized France at the service of our fellow citizens. It covers all regional policies in their 3 dimensions: development of human capital, economic and ecological dynamics, cohesion of local territories. Regions of France acts at the …

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank

652 520 108
Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine

[Automatic translation follows] Official page of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region. The Regional Council, together with the Regional Economic, Social and Environmental Council, makes up the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region. Its regional assembly has 183 regional councillors, a standing committee and sectoral committees. Business, Vocational training, Youth, Transport, Ecological transition, Europe, and Regional planning

Sectors: National and local authorities

3483 2791 640
Région Hauts-de-France Région Hauts-de-France

[Automatic translation follows] "For a sustainable and decarbonized economy with #rev3" Welcome to the official page of the Hauts-de-France Region. Our community is responsible for various missions serving its six million inhabitants: * Employment and economic development * High schools, higher education and research * Transport * Sustainable development and planning of the territory, * Management of European funds * Sports, youth, culture, health, etc. Hauts-de-France is a plural region. #Leader in the #automobile industry, the railway industry, as in agriculture, our region is also the one that attracts the most foreign investors. The youngest region in France, Hauts-de-France continues …

Sectors: National and local authorities

2555 2078 399
MoHo MoHo

We are a global nation of changemakers launching the D-Day of Positive Impact. We are building a diverse and open nation of changemakers who are willing to address the biggest challenges of the XXIst century and invent a brighter future for all. We use three pillars for this mission: - The MoHo HQ: the first collider in Europe, located in the heart of Normandy in Caen - The MoHo D-Day Summit: each year, an intensive programme near the beaches of the D-Day to enable the acceleration of innovative projects with a high impact and the collision of ideas (first edition: …

350 153 242
France urbaine France urbaine

[Automatic translation follows] The cross-party association of major cities, urban areas and metropolises. France urbaine is the leading association for metropolises, urban communities, urban communities and major cities. France urbaine is a cross-party association of communities that embodies urban diversity and promotes territorial alliances. Led by elected officials of all political persuasions, the association is made up of 110 members. It brings together France's major cities, metropolises, urban communities and urban communities, and represents 2,000 municipalities of all sizes in which nearly 30 million French people reside. France urbaine provides a political and technical vision for its members and citizens …

Sectors: Environment

603 424 186
Ouest-France Ouest-France

[Automatic translation follows] 🗞Ouest-France, the leading French daily newspaper! Every day, over 600,000 copies in Normandy, Brittany & Pays de la Loire OUEST-FRANCE Company Founder of the Editorial Committee François Régis Hutin Chairman of the Board Louis Échelard - Director of Publication The associative status: Since the extraordinary general meeting of April 9, 1990, S.A. Ouest-France has been part of a non-profit association under the 1901 law, the "Association for the support of the principles of humanist democracy", chaired by Jacques Duquesne. Location: 58 editorial offices in the 14 departments in Brittany, Lower Normandy and Pays de la Loire, as …

Sectors: Media

4263 3512 455
Bordeaux Technowest Bordeaux Technowest

[Automatic translation follows] The Bordeaux Métropole technology park Since 2004, Bordeaux Technowest, the Bordeaux metropolitan area technology park, has been able to create an operating model to support innovative start-ups and drive the metropolis’ strategic sectors (territorial economic development, territorial industrial ecology). It extends beyond the administrative boundaries of the metropolis by relying on peripheral territories (Libourne La CALI and La Teste-de-Buch La COBAS) to acquire tools or skills in economic development or innovation. For over 20 years, Bordeaux Technowest has contributed to the creation of over 500 start-ups in the region with the support of a team of 7 …

492 203 362
Caisse d’Epargne Caisse d’Epargne

[Automatic translation follows] Cooperative banks, the Caisses d'Epargne have been combining trust, solidarity and modernity since 1818. The second largest banking network in France, the 16 regional Caisses d'Epargne are among the leading banks in their region. They support all economic players and are leaders in financing the public sector, social housing and the social economy. In total, the Caisses d'Epargne now have 4.8 million members and 20.6 million customers, managed by the 4,182 bank branches and the Mon banquier en ligne agency.

2328 1647 792
Habitat for Humanity International Habitat for Humanity International

Through shelter, we empower. Driven by the vision that everyone needs a decent place to live, Habitat for Humanity began in 1976 as a grassroots effort on a community farm in southern Georgia. The Christian housing organization has since grown to become a leading global nonprofit working in local communities across all 50 states in the U.S. and in more than 70 countries. Families and individuals in need of a hand up partner with Habitat for Humanity to build or improve a place they can call home. Habitat homeowners help build their own homes alongside volunteers and pay an affordable …

Sectors: Social Housing

1144 800 158
La Tribune La Tribune

[Automatic translation follows] Let's Share the Economy. Combining the expertise of a historic title with digital agility, La Tribune has carried out its transformation for several years, deploying itself at the heart of its audience's uses: website, digital daily newspaper, mobile applications, social networks, but also a field presence allowing it to animate its audience through the organization of 80 events per year. Its territorial roots make La Tribune the economic media of metropolises with editions in the regions and in Africa with La Tribune Afrique, feeding an editorial line focused on the real economy (innovation, digital, territories, etc.) and …

Sectors: Media

5923 4214 1346