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Länsförsäkringar Länsförsäkringar

23 local and customer-owned regional insurance companies that together own the service and development company Länsförsäkringar AB. Welcome to us at Länsförsäkringar! The Länsförsäkringar group consists of 23 local and customer-owned regional insurance companies throughout Sweden that together own the development and service company Länsförsäkringar AB in Stockholm. We offer our customers comprehensive solutions in banking, insurance and real estate brokerage. Through our subsidiaries Agria and Wasa Kredit, we offer animal insurance and financing solutions, respectively. A large part of Länsförsäkringar's success lies in the balance between local and common. Do you want to be part of something bigger? We …

Type: Large company

16 2 10 8,326
Pörssisäätiö / Finnish Foundation for Share Promotion Pörssisäätiö / Finnish Foundation for Share Promotion

The Finnish Stock Exchange Foundation promotes the opportunities for everyone to invest in shares, become wealthy and influence society as an owner. The Finnish Stock Exchange Foundation provides information, training and insights on managing one's own finances and long-term equity investment. We advocate for owner-friendly regulation and market practices and promote domestic ownership. We are already on behalf of nearly a million Finnish people who invest in shares. The Finnish Foundation for Share Promotion is an independent, nonprofit foundation. Our goal is to promote retail investment in securities and the Finnish securities market. We raise awareness on the securities market …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

13 1 13 23
Tellu Tellu

Tellu’s digital services give patients more safety, and give health personnel more time to provide high quality care We are technology enthusiasts with a passion for health and care. With good insight into the tasks and challenges health personnel face at work, we develop technology that helps simplify the everyday lives of employees in home care services, institutions, hospitals and care homes. We own a flexible e-health technology platform. This enables us to offer everything needed to deliver health services in new ways: a technology platform, development, user-friendly services, equipment, installation and consulting. Internet of Things (IoT), Personal Safety, Indoor …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: Geolocation IoT

6 0 0 61
TireHub TireHub

TireHub is a national tire distributor that delivers to U.S. tire and automotive retailers the full passenger and light truck tire portfolios of Bridgestone and Goodyear. As two of the top tire makers in the world, Bridgestone and Goodyear have shaped the tire industry into what it is today. Standing on our founders’ legacies, TireHub will set a new standard of excellence for tire distribution in the U.S. And we’ll do it by focusing on the needs of our dealers and their customers. At TireHub, we are only successful when our dealers win and their business grows. That’s why we …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech

6 1 5 645
Affärsvärlden Affärsvärlden

Sweden's leading business magazine since 1901. As Sweden's leading business magazine since 1901, Affärsvärlden contributes to good companies being given the resources to create wealth and bad companies and phenomena being exposed by highlighting, examining and analyzing the business community and its important players. This is the core of Affärsvärlden's mission and we do it because we believe that it strengthens the market economy and thus the basis for our prosperity. Analyzing and understanding both companies and markets is helping to make society function a little better. With good analysis, healthy companies are rewarded while fewer people are lured into …

Type: Media

9 3 5 50
Kista Science City Kista Science City

Enabling strong, innovative collaborations between tech businesses, academia and the public sector. Kista Science City is a community, meeting place and testbed for new ideas. Shaping a sustainable tomorrow with the help of next generation technology. Enabled by the creative collaboration between innovative companies, academia and the public sector. Triple Helix Collaboration, ICT Testbed facilitator, Marketing & Communication, PR, City Development, Innovation, Community, and Smart Cities

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

19 0 17 31
Women In Tech Sweden Women In Tech Sweden

Women In Tech Sweden runs the largest tech conference for women in the Nordics since 2014. Women In Tech’s mission is to inspire talented women to consider a future in the field of technology - and to make them stay within the field, by providing the network and experience of successful people from the world of technology. Women In Tech is backed by some of Sweden’s largest and most prominent companies. For the main Women In Tech conference, which is held annually in March, companies of all sorts join forces in a unique industry collaboration in order to provide the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

20 5 18 15
VilVite Bergen Vitensenter VilVite Bergen Vitensenter

Bergen Science Center - Introducing children of all ages to the exciting world of science and technology​. VilVite - Bergen Science Centre, invites both young and old into the compelling world of natural science, phenomena and technology. We offer variety and inspiration, while awakening curiosity and enthusiasm for science and technology. VilVite's primary goal is to inspire and motivate children and youth to learn more about the natural sciences and technology and choose an education in these subjects in order to secure recruitment within these fields in Norway. Play for the day – learn for a lifetime! Welcome to VilVite! …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech edtech

3 0 2 54
Verband Österreichischer Software Innovationen (VÖSI) Verband Österreichischer Software Innovationen (VÖSI)

Software connects. The Association of Austrian Software Innovations (VÖSI) is the only independent Austrian platform for companies in the software industry. The VÖSI was founded in 1986 and currently brings together around 50 software and software-intensive companies under its roof. The software industry refers to all companies that develop software themselves or whose business activities are to a significant extent part of the software development process. In its manifesto, the VÖSI sets itself the task of strengthening the Austrian software industry nationally and internationally, creating framework conditions for sustainable economic success in this segment and promoting social discourse on software. …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

6 0 6 9
Fotoware Fotoware

Streamlining content workflows Fotoware has built one of the most efficient and productive solutions found on the market today for finding, processing and sharing videos, photos, graphics, audio, presentations, and documents. The solution is praised among users for the user experience and functionality, and the modular system is very cost-efficient for both small and large companies and is available as-a-Service, for private-cloud, hybrid or on-premise deployments. Fotoware is a software company based in Oslo, Norway and is part of the Fotoware Group. Established in 1994 as a result of the growing demand to handle large volumes of digital photos and …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

9 0 8 86
Herøya Industripark AS Herøya Industripark AS

Where business grows Herøya Industripark, one of the country's largest industrial parks, is located in Porsgrunn municipality in Telemark, 150 km south of Oslo. With its strategic coastal location, Herøya Industripark is the best choice for export companies and others who need fast and efficient connection with Europe and the rest of the world. We specialize in piloting, a seamless development from lab scale to commercialisation for small and up-comming entrepreneurs to larger businesses. Today there are approximately 90 companies in the park, with a total of 3400 employees, we still have room for more. engineering, labs, offices, innovation, digitalisation, …

Type: Incubators & VCs

7 1 6 18
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust

The official page for Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust. Explore your potential with us! Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust (GOSH) is a national centre of excellence in the provision of specialist children's health care, currently delivering the widest range of specialist care of any children's hospital in the UK. It aspires to offer outcomes for children in the top five in the world. The largest centre in the UK for children with heart or brain problems, and, with UCLH it is the largest centre in Europe for children with cancer. It is …

Type: Public Activities: healthtech

18 4 6 3,653
Delfi Latvia Delfi Latvia

To judge, you need to know "Delfi" is the leading Latvian news media, trusted and used as the main source of news about events in Latvia and the world by the majority of Latvian Internet users. "Delfi" offers diverse content created by professional journalists in various formats. Users have also appreciated the wide range of lifestyle information and the opportunity to subscribe to "Delfi plus" content. We are proud of several industry awards, including the Latvian Journalists Association Excellence Awards and Brand Top ratings. "Delfi" offers its advertisers individual advertising solutions, taking into account the client's field of activity, planned …

Type: Media

6 1 4 161
Abelia Abelia

Abelia is the business association of Norwegian knowledge and technology based enterprises. Abelia is a trade and employers association associated with Norways largest employers'​ organisation; the NHO (Confederation of Norwegian Business and Industry). Abelia is a non-profit, non-party political organisation funded by membership fee paid by the member companies. IKT, Næringspolitikk, Kunnskap, Ideelle organisasjoner, Teknologi, Innovasjon, Forskning, Utdanning, Ledelse, Kunnskapsledelse, Næringsliv, and Politikk

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

13 2 7 147
Ultrahack Ultrahack

Driving growth, innovation and digitalization across multiple industries. Ultrahack drives growth, innovation and digitalization across multiple industries by connecting public and private corporations with individuals, startups and corporate developers. Using online platform, and a unique format of hackathons as a tool, Ultrahack is one of the leading hackathon platforms and communities in the world to create meaningful digital solutions and business prototypes. Corporate partners: United Nations (UN), Asian Development Bank (ADB), ESA, NASA, Nokia, Nordea, Telia, IBM, Amazon, OP, S Group, Orion, SAP, Slush, Sanoma, Microsoft, Ericsson and many more. Ultrahack is an ultra-long development runway with leading industry players, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

11 0 11 11
The Wealth Mosaic The Wealth Mosaic

The Digital Marketplace for Wealth Management We are uncovering and categorising the global ecosystem of solutions and solution providers to the wealth management sector. Why? Because the sector is changing and moving forward there will be a far deeper engagement between the broad business needs of wealth managers and the marketplace of solutions and solution providers that will support those needs. #wealthischanging The Wealth Mosaic is being built as a unique, focused and engaging digital marketplace targeted at the business needs of the wealth management sector across the world. Our marketplace is a research-led and curated directory of ALL relevant …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

14 1 13 11
SAP Finug SAP Finug

SAP Finnish User Group ry – Suomen SAP-käyttäjäyhdistys SAP Finnish User Group ry (SAP Finug) is a association that aims to maintain and develop collaboration between organizations using SAP applications and to act as a forum for discussion between users and SAP. Network and Events

Type: SMB Activities: it services

8 2 7 6
MedEngine MedEngine

Bridging Medical Science with Business. MedEngine bridges medical science with business. We provide our customers with the science-based tools, knowledge, and support they need to thrive in their global marketplace. MedEngine is a premium service provider for pharmaceutical and health-tech industries. We are committed to become the leading Northern European agency in our areas of expertise in terms of employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction and profitability by 2022. The cornerstones of our work are creativity, scientific expertise and greatest talents. This allows us to provide exceptional service level, quality of work and overall value to our customers. Research and Science, Medical …

Type: SMB Activities: biotech deeptech Technologies: Data Analytics

17 0 17 40
TBWA\Helsinki TBWA\Helsinki

The Disruption® Company TBWA\Helsinki is the only truly international and most award-winning agency in Finland. Our mission is to locate and involve brands into modern culture. We work closely with our clients to create growth platforms for brands through data-driven insights, disruptive brand behaviour and creative use of tech & media. TBWA\Helsinki employs 160 marcom professionals and is part of the leading global TBWA advertising agency network. For three consecutive years our clients have voted TBWA\Helsinki as the agency of the year in Finland and Eurobest Awards have named us as the Country Agency of the Year. In 2021 TBWA …

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: Data Analytics

12 1 12 121
CXPA Finland CXPA Finland

We are the Finnish chapter of the international, non-profit Customer Experience Professionals Association (CXPA). Our goal is to provide ever better customer experiences and we regularly organize interesting events related to this theme, which you are warmly welcome to participate in. Customer Experience, Customer Experience Management, and Community

Type: SMB Activities: uxtech

7 0 6 1
IAB Finland IAB Finland

IAB Finland is a community that develops the future of digital advertising & marketing, providing training and information IAB Finland is a community that develops the future of digital advertising and marketing, providing training, meetings and impartial expert information. Online advertising, Digital ecosystem, Digital Marketing, and Digital Advertising

Type: SMB Activities: edtech martech

7 0 7 26
Säästöpankki Optia Säästöpankki Optia

You want more from your life, your banking relationship. When you want service - a savings banker Jesus. #the weather bank #more willing When you want a service from your bank - a savings banker Jesus. Our savings bankers are jerking you personally. We find individual solutions that are best suited to you, your family or business. As a local and Finnish bank, we can quickly negotiate and decisions as a local and Finnish bank. You decide where and how you want your financial issues. We provide individual proposals to promote funding, saving, investing, asset management and legal matters. We …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

2 1 1 599
IntraTeam IntraTeam

We want to make the world a better place to work digitally. Join us 🙌 Through networking meetings, events, webinars, and consultancy, we have since 2000 contributed to supporting companies' work in developing and optimizing intranets and digitization on internal and external platforms. Our network's many different competencies and characteristics provide us with a strong foundation for offering relevant and many-sided events, webinars, and qualified advice. Since 2000, we have hosted major events with our two international conferences—one in Copenhagen and one in Stockholm. In parallel, we hold interesting theme days that focus on the intranet, communication, and the digital …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech martech Technologies: SaaS

4 0 4 6
AI Austria AI Austria

AI Austria is an independent think tank with the aim to promote AI and machine learning in Austria. We are an independent non-profit think tank and platform that aims to promote, coordinate and organize knowledge exchange, research, application, teaching, open discourse and opinion-forming as well as the creation and further development of social and economic frameworks for artificial intelligence. We pursue this purpose at scientific, technological, economic, social, ethical and societal levels. Artificial Intelligence, Künstliche Intelligenz, Networking, Talents, Community, Events, Cooperations, Education, Ethics, Society, Technology, Economy, and Science

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

7 1 7 16
nasscom foundation nasscom foundation

Transforming India Bit by Bit Nasscom Foundation is a part of the nasscom ecosystem. We are focused on unlocking the power of technology by creating access and opportunity for those who need it the most. CSR, Sustainability, IT for Development, Business Responsibility, Volunteerism, Computer Donation, Software Donation, Social Innovation, NGO Capacity Building, Telecenters, and Digital Skilling

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

40 1 34 231
SpareBank 1 SR-Bank SpareBank 1 SR-Bank

Vi skaper overlegne kundeopplevelser Vi har laget Norges mest brukte mobilbank, Nordens første klokkebank og vi var først ute med digital og automatisk helsevurdering. Vår Smarte bilforsikring er banebrytende og vi har Norges mest fornøyde kunder når det kommer til forsikringsoppgjør. Gårsdagens resultater betyr ikke så mye for morgendagens kundeopplevelser, men vi skal fortsatt sette kunden først. Bank og forsikringsbransjen er nemlig i kraftig endring. Ny teknologi, nye kundebehov og økt konkurranse tvinger frem innovasjon og vi kan ikke hvile på tidligere prestasjoner. Samtidig vet vi at teknologi som kunstig intelligens og maskinlæring blir verdiløs om vi ikke bruker det …

Type: Large company Activities: fintech

14 4 0 1,126