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Cidade de São Paulo Cidade de São Paulo

Official website of the City of São Paulo. The largest city in Brazil! Welcome!

Type: Public

7 4,425
Brightlands Chemelot Campus Brightlands Chemelot Campus

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture

21 12
Deloitte Deloitte

Type: Media

390 612
Wundamail Wundamail

Wundamail is the way to manage teams. Simple email management system for teams of any size. Simple team management via email. By condensing group thinking into a single daily email, Wundamail is designed to inspire powerful behavioural change within teams. It empowers leaders, supports team members, and makes things simple for everyone. It all works directly in your team member’s regular email inbox... no apps, usernames, or passwords needed.

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

27 2
Ivar Jacobson International Ivar Jacobson International

Create winning teams with leading SAFe training from Lean-Agile consultants in Europe. Established in 2004, Ivar Jacobson International is a global services company providing high-quality consulting, coaching and training solutions for teams and businesses wishing to successfully implement enterprise-scale agile software development. Our expert coaches have the proven experience and knowledge of SAFe principles to guide your enterprise through Agile training and subsequent SAFe certifications. Through our consulting and coaching, we will improve the performance of your software development teams by introducing new practices and removing barriers through their wider adoption. We offer SAFe training – through both standardised, publicly-held …

Type: SMB Activities: it services edtech consulting Technologies: SaaS

3 40
VMware VMware

VMware is a leading provider of multi-cloud services for all apps, enabling digital innovation with enterprise control. VMware is a leading provider of multi-cloud services for all apps, enabling digital innovation with enterprise control. At the heart of everything we do lies the responsibility and the opportunity to build a sustainable, equitable and more secure future for all.​ Since our founding in 1998, our employees and partners have been behind the tech innovations transforming entire industries. Today, we continue to cultivate a culture of innovation where curiosity meets execution. We work to harness the next wave of innovation and solve …

Type: Large company

123 35,144
PLATOON DigitalEnergy Project PLATOON DigitalEnergy Project

H2020 project digitalising the energy sector w/ the adoption of data analytics, edge computing, AI & IDSA technologies. The EU-funded H2020 project PLATOON aims to digitalise the energy sector, enabling thus higher levels of operational excellence with the adoption of disrupting technologies. PLATOON will deploy distributed edge processing and data analytics technologies for optimized real-time energy system management in a simple way for the energy domain expert. The data governance among the different stakeholders for multi-party data exchange, coordination and cooperation in the energy value chain will be guaranteed via IDS based connectors. The project will develop and use the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

8 1
Tekes Tekes

Tekes ja Finpro yhdistyvät Business Finlandiksi 1.1.2018. Seuraa meitä LinkedInissä: As of January 1st, 2018 Tekes and Finpro will unite as Business Finland. To see what’s new, follow our new LinkedIn page: Tekes Tekes on innovaatiorahoittaja. Rahoitamme kasvuun, hyvinvointiin ja uuteen liiketoimintaan tähtäävien innovaatioiden kehittämistä. Tekes – the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation We finance development of innovations that aim at growth and new business operations. Funding, innovation, research, technology, and development

Type: Public Activities: fintech

21 123
Expansión Expansión

Leader Economic Information Diary in Spain Expansion is the Spanish newspaper in Spain in market, economic and political information. You can also follow us on our Twitter accounts ( or on our Facebook page ( Economy, Finance, Legal, Companies, Policy, Bag, Markets, Investment, Entrepreneurs, Savings, Spersonal Finance, Employment, Marketing, Technology, Management, Sports Economics, Economics, and Startups

Type: Media

121 8
Entrepreneur Media Entrepreneur Media

Tags: H2020 Type: Media

156 4,040

A transition to a sustainable energy system is needed. ECN (Energy research Centre of the Netherlands) is one of Europe’s largest research organizations. We develop knowledge and technology enabling a transition to a sustainable energy system. ECN focuses its research on sustainable energy generation to develop safe, efficient, reliable and environmentally friendly energy systems. Also ECN conducts research on future opportunities and economic backgrounds related to energy. ECN has identified several focus areas: ►Solar Energy ►Wind Energy ►Biomass ►Energy Efficiency ►Environment ►Energy Engineering ►Policy Studies ►System integration sustainable and renewable energy /, research & development /, technology devlopment /, …

Type: Large company Activities: energytech

60 365

LSX is a growing influential community of senior life science decision makers. We are a catalyst for dialogue, debate and deal making to help lead growth in healthcare investment and the building of billion pound healthcare businesses. We are determined to forge a fundamentally better way to promote and facilitate investment, financing, partnerships and deal making in healthcare. Our community helps catalyse early stage innovation through peer-to-peer education and knowledge sharing, networking, partnering and deal making to champion the most innovative and exciting ideas. We bring deals to life., LSX is the network for life science executive leaders. Take a …

Type: Media

57 5
Connected Hub Connected Hub

The European platform for the Connected Automobile Industry. Automobile Barcelona by Fira Barcelona Technological innovations and connectivity are key factors for the present and the future of the automobile industry. The aim of Connected Hub is to gather and to become the meeting point for the key players around the Connected Car.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services transporttech

20 1
Southwest Airlines Southwest Airlines

Type: Large company

70 297