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Smart City Summit & Expo (SCSE) Smart City Summit & Expo (SCSE)

Biggest hybrid smart city platform in Asia-Pacific region Established in 2014, Smart City Summit & Expo is not only the platform for Taiwan ICT industry to present their smart city solutions, but also the biggest smart city trade show in Asia. In 2024, SCSE hosted 495 government officials and 1,700 business delegates from 46 countries. Our participants had the opportunity to explore 2,200 booths, attend 70 forums, visit 600 exhibitors, and interact with over 150,000 visitors.

Type: Event

9 1 2 4
La Salle BCN La Salle BCN

We love challenge! La Salle, miembro fundador de la Universitat Ramon Llull, es una institución con más de tres siglos de experiencia, especializada en Ingeniería, Arquitectura y Gestión. Con una clara vocación internacional, La Salle Campus Barcelona (La Salle BCN) está conectado con 74 centros universitarios lasalianos repartidos por todo el mundo. Además, el centro apuesta fuertemente por el emprendimiento y a través de su parque de innovación ya ha creado más de 90 empresas de base tecnológica. La Salle’s tradition of educational excellence has developed a global network of educational institutions whose history stretches back over 300 years and …

Type: Large company

33 2 29 1,336
OnTech- Oficina de Transformación Digital de Andalucía OnTech- Oficina de Transformación Digital de Andalucía

We facilitate the digitalization process of the Andalusian ICT company and digital entrepreneurship. The Andalusian ICT Sector Digital Transformation Office will facilitate the digitalization process of Andalusian technology companies and digital entrepreneurship. The ultimate goal is to strengthen the SME support ecosystem in ICT matters through two lines of action Entrepreneurship, Digital Transformation, and SMEs

Type: SMB Activities: it services

4 1 2 25
Solace Solace

We help enterprises become real-time by giving them everything they need to make their business operations event-driven. Solace helps large enterprises become modern and real-time by giving them everything they need to make their business operations and customer interactions event-driven. With PubSub+, the market’s first and only event management platform, the company provides a comprehensive way to create, document, discover and stream events from where they are produced to where they need to be consumed – securely, reliably, quickly, and guaranteed. Behind Solace technology is the world’s leading group of data movement experts, with over 20 years of experience helping …

Type: SMB Activities: it services smart city Technologies: SaaS

38 5 30 611
Ascape VR Ascape VR

The largest supplier of VR travel content with thousands of 360° videos from 300+ destinations around the world No maps, no hotels & no passport! Teleport to New York, Amsterdam or China. Go see people & places in virtual reality. At Ascape we reimagine the future of travel and build the first ever Travel Agency for Virtual Trips. We create a global network of professional 360° filmmakers producing travel videos around the globe and a laser-focused audience of travel lovers consuming this content. We partner with travel brands like JetBlue, Thomas Cook, Lonely Planet and Amadeus to create immersive experiences …

Type: SMB Activities: traveltech Technologies: VR

3 1 0 1
Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB) Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB)

The Contemporary Culture Center of Barcelona (CCCB) organizes and produces exhibitions, debates, festivals, family and mediation activities and has its own cinema, the Xcèntric. The cultural center encourages creation based on new technologies and languages, promotes research in the exhibition format, exports its productions to other centers, museums and entities of national and international scope, while generating debate, thought and reflection on the city ​​and the public space as well as on the topics that make up the current situation. Likewise, the CCCB collects and makes available to everyone part of its heritage, memory and archive in exhibition formats, publications, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

9 7 0 156
C40 Cities C40 Cities

C40 is a network of nearly 100 world-leading cities taking urgent action to confront the climate crisis. 🌳 🚴‍♀️ C40 is a network of nearly 100 mayors of the world’s leading cities who are working to deliver the urgent action needed right now to confront the climate crisis and create a future where everyone, everywhere, can thrive. Mayors of C40 cities are committed to using a science-based and people-focused approach to help the world limit global heating to 1.5°C and build healthy, equitable and resilient communities. Through a Global Green New Deal, mayors are working alongside a broad coalition of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Public Activities: cleantech greentech

74 41 17 514
Biocat, BioRegion of Catalonia Biocat, BioRegion of Catalonia

Doing now what the BioRegion of Catalonia needs next Biocat is the institution that promotes the life sciences and healthcare ecosystem in Catalonia and works to maximize its economic and social impact. Biocat’s strategy focuses on positioning the BioRegion of Catalonia as one of the leading European hubs, offering researchers and professionals innovative capacity with programs to improve talent and entrepreneurship, accelerating technology transfer and business growth by supporting TTOs and startups, and helping attract investors and investment to the ecosystem. Created in 2006 by the Government of Catalonia and the Barcelona City Council, Biocat also promotes far-reaching political strategies …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

71 13 59 44
Barcelona Activa Barcelona Activa

We activate the city and the people who live there. Barcelona Activa, integrated into the Economy, Business and Employment area, is the executing organization of the economic promotion policies of the Barcelona City Council. For 25 years, it has been promoting the economic growth of Barcelona and its area of ​​influence by supporting companies, entrepreneurial initiative and employment, while promoting the city internationally and its strategic sectors; in a key of proximity to the territory. Barcelona Activa's mission is to be the reference organization at the service of policies to support companies, job creation and the international projection of Barcelona …

Type: Public

51 16 25 1,112
Autoocupació Autoocupació

I am the one who wants to be We promote entrepreneurship as an attractive alternative for the exercise of vocations and professional development in Catalonia. Our goal is to foster the entrepreneurial spirit and support the creation of new companies. Company creation, business plan, training for entrepreneurs, subsidies, business angels, microcredits, mentoring, re-enterprise, training, professional guidance, job board, and company internships

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

11 0 10 183
Atomico Atomico

The founder-built European VC. We partner with the most ambitious entrepreneurs using tech to rewire the world, better Atomico is the founder-built European venture capital firm. We partner with the most ambitious entrepreneurs using technology to rewire the world, better. Skype co-founder Niklas Zennström launched Atomico in 2006 with the belief that entrepreneurs are the ultimate gamechangers for positive transformation across the most critical aspects of our society and economy. Starting in Europe, the firm’s mission is to further their global progress, with a platform offering unmatched support from the early stage to scale. 130 of Europe’s most ambitious founders …

Type: Incubators & VCs

123 65 47 145
Fixing the Future Fixing the Future

Discover the talent and energy solving tomorrow’s challenges. An online resource of hope, Atlas of the Future maps innovative, future-focused, socially impactful projects and people around the world. We believe in the future, making innovative projects understandable and raising the profiles of those committed to long-term thinking. Once a year, we invite the people behind the best projects worldwide to present their ideas at Fixing the Future, a great public event at CCCB. We want to ‘democratise the future’ by speaking human. This means making sure developments are understandable and entertaining – not just in medicine, science and tech, politics …

Type: Media

15 4 11 2
Forbes Forbes

Official page of Forbes, the world’s leading voice for entrepreneurial success and free enterprise. Forbes Media is a global media, branding and technology company, with a focus on news and information about business, investing, technology, entrepreneurship, leadership and affluent lifestyles. The company publishes Forbes, Forbes Asia, and Forbes Europe magazines as well as The Forbes brand today reaches more than 94 million people worldwide with its business message each month through its magazines and 37 licensed local editions around the globe,, TV, conferences, research, social and mobile platforms. Forbes Media’s brand extensions include conferences, real estate, education, financial …

Type: Media

500 381 146 4
Sttok Sttok

Partner Book Management, Incentive Plans, Operations Simulator and much more. Sttok is much more. Leader. Digital Management of Companies: Partner Book, Incentive Plans, Operations Simulator, Shareholders' Meetings and much more. Sttok helps Companies, Lawyers, Investors and Entrepreneurs to manage the Partner Book, Incentive Plans (Stock Options, Phantoms, etc.), Shareholders' Meetings, Valuations, Investment Rounds, Secondary and much more. Sttok is the leading tool in Partner Book management, Incentive Plans, Stock Options, round planning, etc.

Type: SMB Activities: fintech Technologies: SaaS

1 1 0 5

The Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry The Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME) is a non-profit international organization that represents the private sector of the Mediterranean, regrouping the Chambers of Commerce and Industry and similar entities of both shores of the region. ASCAME gathers more than 300 Chambers of Commerce and Industry and defends the interests of the millions of businesses across the Mediterranean region. ASCAME is today considered the most important representative of the Mediterranean private sector. Cooperation Projects, International Events, Working Commissions, Business, and Mediterranean

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

18 2 14 18
Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya (AQuAS) Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya (AQuAS)

We generate knowledge in health decision making. We are committed to evaluation, participation, research, big data and innovation. AQuAS is the Agency for Health Quality and Assessment of Catalonia. Our company is part of the Catalan Ministry of Health. We carry out data assessment and analysis, and we generate relevant, reliable information to be used in decision-making processes. AQuAS is committed to promoting health and to enhancing the sustainability of the Catalan health system. AQuAS'​ mission projects into diverse operational fields: Health tecnology and quality assessment, Catalan Health System Observatory, data analytics, research, innovation, public procurement and person-centred care. HTA, …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: Data Analytics

8 3 1 96
Paack Paack

The leading solution for scheduled and sustainable e-commerce deliveries focused on customer needs Paack offers last-mile and mid-mile deliveries for e-commerce and retailers, providing scheduled same-day and next-day deliveries with a flexible choice of customer-tailored time slots. We currently operate in Spain, France, Portugal and Italy offering coverage in over 100 European cities. Our vision is to lead sustainable e-commerce deliveries in Europe. For this reason, our strategy is focused on reducing our carbon footprint and contributing in a friendly way to the environment, making steps toward our commitment to achieve carbon net-zero by 2030. Our mission is to achieve …

Type: Large company

3 2 1 972
Aticco Aticco

Aticco, the place to become Our mission is to create spaces where entrepreneurs and organizations can connect, be inspired and grow through the power of community. Aticco was born in 2016 as a coworking company that offers much more than just workspaces. In 2020, we expanded our value proposition with the opening of Aticco Living (co-living spaces), and the platform to promote entrepreneurship, AticcoLab. Aticco, the place to become

Type: SMB Activities: proptech Technologies: SaaS

5 3 2 87
Andorra Business Andorra Business

Andorra Business is a public-private initiative aimed to facilitate investments and business diversification in Andorra. Andorra Business és l’agència de promoció i desenvolupament econòmic d’Andorra. Impulsar sectors clau per a la diversificació de l’economia, captar i acompanyar la inversió estrangera i local, donar suport a les empreses andorranes per ser més competitives, i facilitar l’aterratge al país de noves empreses, són algunes de les nostres prioritats. Andorra Business is Andorra’s economic promotion and development agency. Promoting key sectors for the diversification of the economy, attracting and accompanying foreign and local investment, supporting Andorran companies to be more competitive, and facilitating …

Type: Public

14 2 11 18

AMETIC, the voice of the digital industry in Spain AMETIC, the Spanish employers' association for electronics, information technology, telecommunications and digital content, is an example of associative integration in our field on a European scale. AMETIC, at a national level, leads the business interests of a hypersector as diverse as it is dynamic. AMETIC, with more than 5,000 associated companies, together have 350,000 employees, whose economic activity accounts for around 7% of the Spanish GDP. A third of the national private effort in R&D is carried out by our companies, which makes us the most innovative, dynamic and growth-capable sector …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

50 13 32 98
5G Barcelona 5G Barcelona

An open and global initiative to create a digital hub for the validation and adoption of 5G technologies in a real city 5GBarcelona is a public-private initiative working to transform the metropolitan area of Barcelona into an open and neutral city-wide lab for the validation and adoption of 5G technologies and applications in a real-life environment. The initiative creates synergies within the ecosystem and offers an experimental infrastructure to test, prototype and implement new digital solutions in the city. 5GBarcelona wants to stimulate the existing innovation in Barcelona, help to attract foreign investment, boost tech start-ups and generate an entire …

Type: Incubators & VCs NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services Technologies: 5G

12 3 10 1

🚀 Powering startups | #4YFN25 At 4YFN, we fuel the startup journey by boosting new ventures with contacts, exposure, and investments throughout their life cycle. As the event partner of MWC Barcelona—the world’s largest and most influential connectivity event—4YFN brings together all the key players needed for a successful digital startup. This includes investors, corporate innovators, and influential decision- makers such as CEOs from global mobile operators and frontier tech companies. Our event not only connects startups with these vital players but also propels them onto the radar of industry leaders. This support helps new business ventures gain the momentum …

Type: Incubators & VCs

89 42 38 73

Meeting point for knowledge, technology and business around the B30 axis 30Virtual is the business network/community of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area that helps professionals, companies or entities to create networks, establish contacts, establish long-lasting relationships and develop business opportunities. 30Virtual has an agenda of its own and third-party events that deal with current issues, trends, sectorial singularities, management tools or new business models. It also prepares, aggregates and distributes information of interest to members of the community. Ultimately, membership of the community only makes sense if its members find answers to their problems or proposals for their new projects. 30Virtual …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech

8 1 6 2
19N Strategies 19N Strategies

Policy and Public Affairs firm. Helping organizations understand the regulatory framework for disruption and innovation. In the context of technological and social change, 19N is a global, Barcelona based policy, public affairs and strategic communications firm that aims to help organizations from both the public and the private sector to achieve their goals by effectively participating in the public and institutional debate.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting govtech

22 4 17 2
Historias de Cracks Historias de Cracks

The mission of Historias de Cracks is to differentiate excellent professionals in a competitive labour market, creating a space of belonging that brings them distinction and transmits their professional quality with emotion. The stories described there arise naturally, sometimes in selection processes and many times not. They are the result of conversations in which I detect in the person that something that makes them special and that leads me to the desire to communicate it. In life you meet many people who captivate you with their talent and from whom you learn. Surely they are not perfect nor do everyone …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

5 1 1 2
FI Group FI Group

Helping Ideas Grow - Global R&D Tax Consultancy The FI Group is a Global Consulting Company specialising in the management of funding incentives such as R&D Tax Reliefs and R&D Grants, with over 24 years of experience in the field it is currently present in 13 countries with 34 offices: Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Germany, Italy, Japan, Portugal, Spain, UK, USA and Singapore. FI Group helps companies finance innovation and secure funding for their Research and Development (R&D) activities through the comprehensive management of R&D Grants and Tax incentives. Thanks to our extensive expertise in this area, we advise …

Type: Incubators & VCs

66 8 78 2,573
Club Marketing Barcelona Club Marketing Barcelona

Club Marketing Barcelona The Barcelona Marketing Club is a platform of professionals that promotes actions to improve the competitiveness of companies and people by promoting Marketing as a strategic axis. Our mission is to connect and bring together talent, promoting collaborative work and collective intelligence. The Barcelona Marketing Club is a platform of professionals that promotes actions to improve the competitiveness of companies and people that enhance Marketing as a strategic strategy. Our mission is to connect and bring together talent, foster collaborative work and collective intelligence. Marketing

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: SaaS

8 2 6 24
Moonshot Innovation - The Ecosystem Builders Moonshot Innovation - The Ecosystem Builders

The First AI Platform to Manage Innovation Ecosystems Moonshot is a platform, based on neural network and AI, to create and manage proprietary environments with startups, R&D Groups, Companies, investors and other stakeholders related to innovation. Moonshot is a concept that born in Israel and has been developed through the last five years in the main disruptive ecosystems around the world. Today, is the first platform with capabilities to create and manage your own innovation ecosystem with open innovation tools, connectivity to manage your own network and AI to anticipate what is going to come. Innovation, Innovation Ecosystems, AI, Innovation …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: A.I.

9 0 8 1
Mind the Bridge Mind the Bridge

Global platform delivering open innovation advisory services & products to corporates and startup ecosystems worldwide Mind the Bridge is a global open innovation platform that provides advisory services and products for corporates and startup ecosystems. It is headquartered in Silicon Valley, with offices in the US, Spain, Korea, Israel and Italy. It owns MTB Ecosystem, a AI-powered open innovation matching platform. It annually runs the Corporate Startup Stars and the Startup Ecosystem Stars awards in collaboration with the International Chamber of Commerce, OECD, the Economist and the EU Commission. Marco Marinucci, founder and CEO, and Alberto Onetti, Chairman, have spent …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech it services Technologies: A.I.

46 7 32 109

Bringing you the latest on policy announcements and news on Singapore - the official LinkedIn page of the Singapore government. We bring you: - Policy updates, highlighting their implications for Singaporean businesses and workers - Tips and experts' take on government initiatives - Relevant information on schemes and grants for SMEs - Budget news and analysis - Stories about Singaporean entrepreneurs - And many more Most of all, we want to connect with you and understand your views on socio-economic issues that affect Singapore today. Leave a comment on any of our posts – we’ll love to hear from …

Type: Public

8 0 0 76
Intelectium Intelectium

PUBLIC AND PRIVATE FINANCING FOR SUCCESS | EXTERNAL CFO AND ADVANCED MANAGEMENT | INVESTMENT IN STARTUPS | LEGAL SERVICES At Intelectium we have been supporting innovative startups and SMEs in the strategic and financial part for more than 20 years. Among our startup clients are top companies in the ecosystem such as Glovo, Impress, Colvin, Seedtag, Ontruck, Odilo, Barkibu, Iomed, Crowdcube, among others. We have 5 lines of business: - Public financing for success: we help you get all the aid, tax incentives and certifications that best fit your company so that you can optimize your capital structure. - Financial …

Type: Incubators & VCs

12 1 7 15
Barcelona centre de Disseny Barcelona centre de Disseny

The Barcelona Design Centre is the first design promotion and information centre created in Spain, and it aims to promote design among companies and public organizations as a strategic tool for innovation, competitiveness and a positive impact on society, as well as projecting design from Barcelona internationally. BcD has the support of the Chamber of Commerce, the Government of Catalonia, Barcelona City Council and the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism. Design promotion, Ecodesign, Design Management, Design Policy, Design protection, Creative entrepreneurship, Promotion of Barcelona, Internationalization, Barcelona City Brand, Design Contests, Design events management, and Service Design

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: uxtech

5 0 0 17
Telegraph Hill Capital Telegraph Hill Capital

Early-stage venture capital investing Telegraph Hill Capital (“THCAP”) was founded with an entrepreneurial DNA to back early-stage tech entrepreneurs. We leverage our industry connections & expertise to help portfolio teams thrive, and provide our investors a vehicle to invest in disrupting companies. We focus on fast-growing, mobile-centric startups primarily in North America, with a secondary focus on Western European players. We invest in companies developing game changing products & platforms across various verticals - logistics, real estate, healthcare, education, finance, cybersec. We typically invest in seed-stage rounds and participate in follow-on, later-stage rounds. Venture Capital, Early Stage, Mobile, Technology, Investor, …

Type: Incubators & VCs

14 1 10 13
Valkiria Hub Space Valkiria Hub Space

We seek innovation, we create community. Valkiria is a hub specialised in spaces for events, corporate strategies and innovation in the Spanish work environment, being a European benchmark in the creation of unique experiences for companies. Through our community we transform the organisational culture of companies that want to be part of a new work paradigm, and we do so through people, technology and methodological processes. We develop tailor-made cultural transformation projects and act as activators of change within organisations. We give visibility to our activity through two operations centres, one focused on innovation applied to the events sector: Valkiria …

Type: Event

21 5 14 12
Barcelona Global Barcelona Global

We want to make Barcelona one of the world's best cities for talent and economic activity. Make it Happen! Based in Barcelona, we are a private, independent and non-for-profit civil society platform made up of over 1,000 members which include leading companies, research centers, entrepreneurs, business schools, universities, cultural institutions and professionals committed to Barcelona and its future. Our mission is to make Barcelona one of the most attractive cities in the world for business and talent. To do this we provide practical solutions to improve the overall competitiveness of Barcelona and implement these under our leitmotiv of “make it …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

45 1 42 66
Roma Startup Roma Startup

Building the Eternal City's venture & startup ecosystem Roma Startup is a non-profit organization advocating for ecosystem players and startups of metropolitan area of Roma, and with scope of promoting the area of Rome as the Italian and Mediterranean leading Hub for growing innovative startup companies. Advocacy, Networking, Events, and Qualification

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

19 3 11 10
Goteo Goteo

Social Crowdfunding + Open initiatives for the commons. Open platform for collaborative and ethical financing! Goteo is a platform for crowdfunding or collective financing (monetary contributions) and distributed collaboration (services, infrastructures, microtasks...) for projects that generate collective returns. That is, that promote public utility, open source and/or free knowledge. As a member of this network you can fulfill one or several roles: promoting a project, co-financing it or collaborating in its achievement. crowdfunding, workshops, matchfunding, and social economy

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

14 2 10 5
SaaS Lander SaaS Lander

The Method & Network to scale in North America SaaS Lander is the acceleration program powered by Business France since 2014 in San Francisco and New York. 🎓 100+ alumni (Mirakl, AB Tasty, Mediarithmics, Simplifield, Splio, Allure Systems, Tinyclues &+) 🦄 $2B raised 💼 91% secured recurring American customers 🚀 5 exited companies Our vision has always been to build a global platform for French startups that have the ambition to become global. With its unique method combining learning, networking, and execution, Impact USA tackles the challenges most entrepreneurs face when entering the North American market. Accelerator, Startup, Tech, and …

Type: Public

33 1 34 14
FusionDirectory FusionDirectory

FusionDirectory, Identity Management Solution with Features for Higher Education Research FusionDirectory is an identity management solution With FusionDirectory, you can manage delegation to different levels of staff on a daily basis while maintaining confidentiality and data security. Learn how FusionDirectory can help you set up a repository by integrating features specific to Higher Education Research. Its use is highly appreciated in higher education research thanks to the support of SupAnn, Sinaps, PARTAGE by RENATER. Thanks to its modular and user-friendly interface, FusionDirectory can be used by all your employees, even non-technical. Its advanced access control and template system allows to …

Type: SMB Activities: regtech Technologies: Cybersecurity

10 2 8 4
Startup Poland Startup Poland

More & larger startups in CEE Startup Poland is a grassroots organization created by Polish startup founders with the goal to help build better conditions for Polish startups by influencing policy-makers, educators, academics and media. What are the founders and investors willing to achieve? - Easy Procedures for Investors As it’s been so far, many founders have needed to relocate company outside Poland in order to get investments as a result of complicated local regulations. As the number of successful startups has been growing, and the investment sector is still developing, the organization has decided to push for improved, easier …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

34 10 26 23
Capital Cell Capital Cell

Smart investments, healthy returns Capital Cell is the world's leading alternative investment platform for biotechnology and life sciences companies. We offer you the opportunity to build the future of healthcare with every investment, selected by experts and backed by innovation leaders. crowdfunding, fundraising, equity, biotech, Life science, Medtech, Digital Health, and Pharma

Type: Incubators & VCs

4 3 0 27
Primavera Sound Primavera Sound

Primavera Sound is a Barcelona-based music promotion company that has, since its modest beginnings, developed a strong commitment to music so that spectators from different generations can enjoy the experience of live music to the full. This is clearly reflected in the innovative quality of its events, that exude coherence, eclecticism and the love of risk taking and are characterized by its unmistakeable artistic line strongly influenced by rock, pop and the most underground tendencies of dance music. Its festival Primavera Sound, that has taken place in Barcelona since 2001, has consolidated itself as a model reference for urban festivals …

Type: Event

8 5 1 197
Agència Catalana de l'Aigua Agència Catalana de l'Aigua

The Catalan Water Agency (ACA) is the public company responsible for water planning and management in CAT. The Catalan Water Agency (ACA) is the public company, attached to the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda of the Generalitat de Catalunya. The ACA was created in 2000 following the merger of the Sanitation Board, the Water Board and the Directorate General for Hydraulic Works and is responsible for water planning and management, in accordance with the basic principles of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). The ACA promotes ensuring, now and in the future, the supply, availability of water …

Type: Public

5 1 0 244
Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV)

The best technology university in Spain The Universitat Politècnica de València is a public, dynamic and innovative university dedicated to research and teaching, which, while maintaining strong ties with the social environment in which it develops its activities, opts for a decisive presence abroad. Engineering, Architecture, Fine Arts, Business Administration, Audiovisual Communication, and Tourism

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

37 5 17 4,788
Fundación ”la Caixa” Fundación ”la Caixa”

”la Caixa” Foundation manages Welfare Projects promoting programmes, actions, studies, supports and equipment, individually or collectively, to contribute to the progress of individuals and society, with special emphasis on the most vulnerable groups. With over 110 years of history, ”la Caixa” Foundation maintains a budget of 500 million euros and promotes more than 50,000 activities each year with more than 10,500,000 beneficiaries, with a firm commitment to human rights, peace, justice and human dignity. Solidarity, integrity, humanism and transcendence are the values that accompany the ”la Caixa” Foundation to achieve sustainable social change and to create opportunities for people. ”la …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

42 12 10 910
Ogilvy Ogilvy

Ogilvy has been creating impact for brands through iconic, culture-changing, value-driving ideas since the company was founded by David Ogilvy 75 years ago. We build on that rich legacy through Borderless Creativity – innovating at the intersections of its advertising, public relations, relationship design, consulting, and health capabilities with experts collaborating seamlessly across over 120 offices in nearly 90 countries. We are proud to currently rank as the #1 global agency network for creative excellence and effectiveness by WARC, signifying our ability to deliver creative solutions that drive unreasonable impact for clients and communities. Brand Strategy, Advertising, Customer Engagement and …

Type: Large company

87 21 32 12,126
Radiotelevisión Española Radiotelevisión Española

RTVE. The one you want RTVE is the largest Spanish public media company with a national scope. Our commitment to public service inspires us to strive to offer excellence, quality and rigor, our hallmarks. RTVE's content offering is the most varied and plural in the Spanish audiovisual panorama, with informative, entertainment, educational and cultural programming distributed through seven TVE channels, six RNE stations, the website and the RTVE Play VOD platform. We are also synonymous with culture: RTVE participates every year in more than fifty feature films, documentaries and animated films. Thanks to the RTVE Symphony Orchestra and Choir, …

Type: Media

34 9 24 6,193

More than energy. 📞 +376 73 91 00 📧 Production, transportation and distribution of energy.

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech

3 1 1 183
Lawyerpress - Información del sector legal Lawyerpress - Información del sector legal

Legal sector and economy hand in hand. Edited by STRONG element. Lawyerpress is the only Full Service Agency for the legal sector, dedicated to Marketing and Communication for law firms, associations in the legal sector and professional institutions of lawyers. Lawyerpress also offers management services for law firms and strategic consulting in matters of brand, positioning and corporate image. We are pioneers in the use of social networks. We edit the most extensive and innovative legal information portal in Spanish. Reputation Management, Strategic Marketing, Communication for lawyers, Legal Marketing, Legal sector information, Quality certification, Social Media Management, and Reputation Management

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

28 2 28 5

The holistic plan to master menopause. Our purpose: to make feminine maturity positive and break the taboo. DOMMA, the comprehensive, natural and effective solution to relieve the symptoms of menopause. Our purpose is to end the taboo of menopause and to accompany women in this stage in a real way, with effective natural treatments, quality information and individualized support. Join our community of +100,000 women!

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fashtech

1 1 0 14
IESE Business School IESE Business School

We understand the power of honest, human values. #RealLeadership 📍Barcelona • Madrid • Munich • New York • São Paulo Management programs for every stage of your career. Since 1958 developing leaders who wish to have a deep, positive and lasting impact on people, companies and society by leading with integrity, excellence and spirit of service.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

74 5 59 2,130

Centro tecnológico español que identifica y desarrolla oportunidades de negocio para empresas a través de I+D+i CARTIF was created in 1994 as Technology Centre focused on applied research and based in Boecillo Technology Park, Valladolid, Spain. CARTIF is legally established as a Foundation and its main goals are to identify technology needs and develop R&D-based knowledge, to support technological innovation in Industry, mainly among SMEs and to disseminate R&D and innovation results. CARTIF Foundation is a leading Spanish Applied Research Centre in terms of R&D and technology transfer activities. Every year CARTIF carries out more than 100 R&D and innovation …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech it services

9 3 1 221
Lisa 'good as' Goldapple Lisa 'good as' Goldapple

Golden storyteller with a rare brain: "Always leave them wanting less" Founder/Editor: TOPIA Magazine @worldoftopia Prev: MTV, NatGeo, BBC, Atlas of the Future

Type: Media

2 0 0 N/A
TechCrunch TechCrunch

Technology news and analysis with a focus on founders and startup teams TechCrunch, founded on June 11, 2005, is a news website dedicated to the tech scene. We provide breaking technology news, opinions, and analysis on tech companies from around the world. From publicly traded tech companies to emerging startups and venture capital funding rounds, TechCrunch is your number one guide for all things startups. blogging, startups, tech, technology, VC, venture capital, entrepreneurs, founders, and investors

Type: Large company Activities: it services

404 255 63 440
Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP) Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP)

The Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP) is a public research centre located in Badalona. Its main objective is to increase scientific knowledge in order to transform it into solutions to improve the health and medical care of patients and the community. The Institute is associated with one of the major university hospitals in the Barcelona area, the Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital, and is part of the Can Ruti biomedical campus. IGTP is a CERCA centre and is also accredited as a centre of excellence by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) and is in charge of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech healthtech

18 3 9 321
Uriach Uriach

​Uriach is a company that believes in the power of nature, enhanced by science, as the best way to improve human health and well-being, and the most sustainable too. Uriach aims to have a positive impact on both people's lives and the planet. ​ With over 185 years of history, some of our iconic brands include Aquilea, Fisiocrem, Laborest, Sidroga, and many others, including Biodramina, Aerored, Fave de Fuca, Halibut, Ems, Depuralina, etc., with a presence in major European markets.​ Today, Uriach has more than 1.300collaborators. We have presence in 11 European Countries (Spain, Italy, Portugal, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Romania, …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

17 5 6 784
ELLE Magazine ELLE Magazine

ELLE inspires women to explore and celebrate their own style in all aspects of their lives. Our smart, irreverent take on fashion, beauty, and pop culture is at once aspirational and accessible, encouraging readers to cultivate not just personal style, but the success that comes with personal power.

Type: Media

47 25 16 1,411
Sorigué Sorigué

We create solutions in the areas of City, Water, Industry, Building, Infrastructure and Materials, and Energy. We are a business group with 70 years of experience, committed to society and the environment. Our business areas are City, Water, Industry, Infrastructure and Materials, Building and Energy. We create solutions that add value to our clients with the desire to share our knowledge. We work with a focus on innovation, talent management and sustainability with a clear vocation to endure. We carry out actions throughout the peninsula, with branches and materials production centres distributed across different regions of Spain and France. Building, …

Type: Large company

17 2 11 1,314
Tradeinn SL Tradeinn SL

E-commerce specializing in sports goods Tradeinn is an e-commerce with 17 individual stores, 14 of them specialized in a different sport, as well as Techinn a store specialized in technology, Bricoinn specialist in home and DIY and Kidinn our store for children. Tradeinn ships to more than 190 countries worldwide. Tradeinn's main dispatch area measures more than 15,000 square meters and has more than 1,100,000 products from 2,000 of the best sports brands in the world. It started in 1997 and has more than one and a half million satisfied customers who have found branded sportswear of the highest quality …

Type: SMB Activities: e-commerce

8 2 3 222
RocaJunyent RocaJunyent

Law firm with a multidisciplinary team of more than 150 lawyers specialising in all areas of Law Established in 1996, RocaJunyent is one of the first Spanish law firms and has offices in Madrid, Barcelona, Tarragona and Gerona as well as associated offices in Palma de Mallorca, Lérida, Malaga, Badajoz, Seville, Bilbao, Burgos and Valladolid. The firm offers advices in all areas of law, especially commercial, banking and financial, procedural and taw law. RocaJunyent is an exclusive member in Spain of the international Terralex network. Roca Junyent has an outstanding international reputation, and has been recognized by the most prestigious …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech regtech legaltech Technologies: Data Analytics

24 5 13 305
Savills España Savills España

Best Real Estate Consultancy in Spain 11th consecutive year by Euromoney® and no1 UK Superbrands ́20, 16 consecutive years Hello! Thank you for coming here. In this area you will see all the content we are creating. We are very proud to have 30 years of existence in the Spanish market and more than 150 years in the international market. While we continue to get older, we continue to specialize in creating tailor-made solutions for any real estate need. In 2022 we have been chosen as the best real estate consultancy in Spain by Euromoney magazine. We continue to grow …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech fintech

31 3 28 643
InfoJobs InfoJobs

Brazil's #1 job site InfoJobs is a professional opportunity and talent search platform that offers advanced tools for executing company selection processes and facilitating or giving applicants the advantage of registering their resumes for free, targeting professionals from all sectors. Its objective is to promote the meeting between job seekers and companies that select selected professionals. Get a quick and efficient job search and resume search tool, as well as custom forms for posting a good job posting and resume. InfoJobs does not participate directly in the ad selection process and does not interfere with any steps in this process. …

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech Technologies: SaaS

32 7 20 913
UC Berkeley UC Berkeley

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture

118 63 5 N/A
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

La UPC és la universitat pública de l'enginyeria, l'arquitectura, les ciències i la tecnologia. #BarcelonaTech The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) is a public institution dedicated to higher education and research, specialised in the fields of engineering, architecture, science and technology. In a highly creative context, the UPC's research, teaching and management projects are based on the principles of freedom, justice, democracy, solidarity, cooperation, sustainability, efficiency, transparency and social responsibility. They also reflect the University's commitment to the environment and to change. With a focus on intellectual rigour, critical thinking, a cross-disciplinary approach to knowledge, educational innovation and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

52 18 16 4,682
Enagás Enagás

Operador líder de infraestructuras energéticas y gestor de redes de transporte de gas natural y gases renovables Enagas is the Technical Manager of the Spanish Gas System and the main carrier of natural gas in Spain. Certified as independent TSO by the European Union, which homologates the company to gas transmission network operators of other European countries. The company's main mission is to ensure competition and security of the Gas System in Spain. It has 11,000 km of pipelines throughout the Spanish territory, 3 underground storage facilities located in Serrablo (Huesca), Gaviota (Vizcaya) and Yela (Guadalajara), and 4 regasification plants …

Type: Large company

53 12 16 1,157

Let's put photons to work. ICFO is a research center of excellence with research lines that encompass diverse areas in which photonics plays a decisive role. Our research thrusts target the global forefront of photonics, and aim to tackle important challenges faced by society at large. We focus on current and future problems in Health, Energy, Information, Safety, Security and caring for the Environment. ICFO is a #CERCA center, affiliated to the #UPC and member of #BIST Optics and photonics R&D

Type: Public

30 5 20 433
German Convention Bureau German Convention Bureau

Meetings Made in Germany. Connect the World Digital and Face-to-Face. The German Convention Bureau (GCB) represents and markets Germany as a destination for conventions, meetings, events and incentives both on a national and international scale. It is the first point of contact for companies, associations and organizations around the world planning events in Germany. Acting as a connector to the wide range of German event service providers, venues and host cities, the GCB provides hands-on advice and support to planners and executives in all industries and organizations. To bring maximum value, quality and customization to each meeting and event hosted …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: traveltech

15 0 15 26
Casal dels Infants Per l'Acció Social als Barris Casal dels Infants Per l'Acció Social als Barris

We open doors to equal opportunities for children and young people, with education as the key. We focus our efforts on the most vulnerable neighborhoods to achieve concrete and lasting improvements in the quality of life of children, young people and families in situations or at risk of social exclusion and the communities where they live, promoting social transformation from the immediate environment through a shared project that includes: social action (in terms of education, work and family, and attention to new needs) political advocacy and awareness-raising and the promotion of citizen mobilization and active volunteering, in favor of the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

11 3 10 230
Alícia Foundation Alícia Foundation

Food and science research center Alícia, Ali-mentació i cièn-cia (Alícia, Alimentation and Science), is a research centre devoted to technological innovation in food, to the improvement of eating habits and to the evaluation of the food and gastronomic heritage.

Type: Media

10 0 6 24
ApexBrasil ApexBrasil

Promovendo #OBrasilnoMundo The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) works to promote Brazilian products and services abroad, and to attract foreign investment to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy. Apex-Brasil organizes several initiatives aiming to promote Brazilian exports abroad. The Agency ́s efforts comprise trade and prospective missions, business rounds, support for the participation of Brazilian companies in major international trade fairs, arrangement of technical visits of foreign buyers and opinion makers to learn about the Brazilian productive structure, and other select activities designed to strengthen the country’s branding abroad. Apex-Brasil also plays a leading role in attracting foreign …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

3 3 0 608
Cercle d'Economia Cercle d'Economia

Meeting space and debate forum open to the various currents and sensitivities of an open and plural society Its 1300 members and more than 130 collaborating entities make the Circle a plural entity and independent of any type of private, sectoral or political interest. The diversity of professional profiles and political sensitivities of its members makes the Circle a very transversal institution in society. This feature gives the Circle a unique personality and a plural perspective coherent with the complex society of our days. The independence of the Circle with respect to sectoral or political interests of any type is …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

20 5 18 36

Think with no boundaries. Speak with no fears. Act with no limits. Trivu is the World’s greatest ecosystem of young talent with the view of supporting companies and organizations in their process of tackling the challenges and opportunities that this new context offers. Now more than ever, an ever-young mindset, not age, will determine how we engage in the transformation that our society is living. Because we are aware that people are key, we grow to connect the World’s talent that is ready to collaborate to generate impact.​ ​We are the response to a World that is increasingly more interconnected, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

42 12 33 26
Capital House Capital House

Creating space for meaningful connections with capital Capital House Agency supports purpose-driven founders & organisations by creating meaningful connections with Capital. Founded in 2015, we started with the mission to open up the investor landscape for startup founders by introducing the annual Amsterdam Capital Week event. Since then 100+ events took place in Amsterdam and the Netherlands, with over 10,000 attendees. From unique experiences like startups sailing with investors to a deserted island to cycling around the city to meet investors. ​In 2019, Amsterdam Capital House was introduced to further support founders and create a closely connected ecosystem where capital …

Type: Event

11 1 11 2
Sage Sage

At Sage, we knock down barriers with information, insights, and tools to help your business flow. At Sage, we knock down barriers with information, insights, and tools to help your business flow. We provide businesses with software and services that are simple and easy to use, as we work with you to give you that feeling of confidence. Customers trust our Payroll, HR, and Finance software to make business flow with ease. From our local network of experts to our ever-growing partnerships, we are on hand to give you all the insights you need to thrive. 💚 Business Software, Business …

Type: Large company Activities: martech Technologies: SaaS

130 37 64 14,424
Ysios Capital Ysios Capital

Backing the breakthroughs of tomorrow Ysios Capital, a leading Spanish venture capital firm, provides private equity financing to early and mid-stage life science companies that develop disruptive therapeutic products and platform technologies. Founded in 2008, Ysios Capital manages over USD 420M through three dedicated funds in life sciences and is led by a team of professionals experienced in building biotech companies. Venture capital and biotechnology

Type: Incubators & VCs

9 2 7 24

The most representative business organization for SMEs and self-employed people in Catalonia. PIMEC is the employer's association that represents micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and self-employed people in Catalonia. Currently chaired by Antoni Cañete, it was born from the merger of the PIMEC and SEFES employers' associations (1997), which joined forces to create a single, strong and representative employers' confederation. We represent all SMEs in Catalonia and have 132,000 members and more than 300 collective partners, such as trade unions and business associations internationalization, advice, SMEs, self-employed people, environment, new technologies, communication, institutional, laws, labor relations, finance, financing, human resources, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

17 2 7 440
Esade Esade

More than 50 years dedicated to becoming a global academic institution of reference. Educate and carry out research in the areas of Management and Law, by means of the integral education of people, creation of relevant knowledge and contribution to the social debate. Esade Barcelona Edificio 1 Av. Pedralbes, 60-62 08034 Edificio 2 Marqués de Mulhacén, 40-42 08034 Edificio 3 Av. Esplugues, 92-96 08034 ESADE Sant Cugat Av. de la Torre Blanca, 59 08172 ESADE Madrid Business School Mateo Inurria, 25-27 28036 Business School, MSc, Law School, MBA, Executive Education, BBA, undergraduates, bachelor, Research, and Global Governance

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

88 36 52 3,084
Urban Impact Urban Impact

We work on transforming urban systems to address climate challenges and improve livability—at scale. We work on transforming urban systems to address climate challenges and improve livability—at scale.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

15 1 12 9

G-P is your co-pilot for global employment providing HR, legal and compliance support at your fingertips. G-P is your co-pilot for global employment providing HR, legal and compliance support at your fingertips so you can build teams anywhere. Compliance, Human Resources, International Business, Global Business Expansion, International Legal Expertise, Global Employer of Record Services, and SaaS

Type: Large company

3 3 0 1,693
Barcelona Music Tech Hub Barcelona Music Tech Hub

We encourage you to participate in the first music tech hub based in Barcelona BMTH promotes and energizes a community whose main objective is to generate synergies between companies, entrepreneurs, students, researchers and investors at local, national and international level.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

5 1 5 4
BESCO - The Bulgarian Entrepreneurial Association BESCO - The Bulgarian Entrepreneurial Association

Representing over 700 startups and innovative companies. A non-government organization that acts as a bridge between startups, private and institutional investors, the government and other stakeholders in the innovation industry. Currently representing over 700 companies. From entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs! startups, investment, consultancy, VC funding, community building, lobbying, innovation, technology, Public Relations, entrepreneurship, incubator, mentorship, policy creation, and networking

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting entrepreneurship

4 4 1 42
Italian Tech Alliance Italian Tech Alliance

Formerly VC Hub Italia, it is the association of Venture Capital, investors in innovation, startups and innovative SMEs Italian Tech Alliance is the reference association for: - venture capital funds; - investors in innovation; - startups and innovative SMEs. The association's goal is to promote the development of the technology and innovation ecosystem in Italy, working closely with the institutions. The contents of Italian Tech Alliance spread news, opportunities and interesting reports for private and public stakeholders who work for the economic and social growth of the country. Currently sitting on the Board of Directors: - Alessio Beverina - Panakès …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

12 5 7 15
Blackie Books Blackie Books

Blackie Books es una editorial independiente con sede en Barcelona.

Type: Media

2 1 0 26

We use large-scale global incentive competitions to crowdsource solutions to the world's grand challenges. XPRIZE is an established global leader in designing, launching, and executing large scale competitions to solve humanity’s greatest challenges. Our mission is to inspire and empower humanity to achieve breakthroughs that accelerate a hopeful future for all. Our unique model democratizes innovation by incentivizing crowd-sourced, scientifically viable solutions to create a more equitable and abundant future for all. Donate, learn more, or join a team at Incentivized Prize Development, STEM Education, Energy & Environment, Space Exploration, Lifesciences, Ocean Health, Global Development, Artificial Intelligence, Innovation, avatar, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech edtech greentech

72 36 20 349
MediaMarkt España MediaMarkt España

At MediaMarkt, “Let’s Go!” is more than a slogan, it’s an attitude. We love technology and we want to inspire our customers and our team. We are looking for talent to share this passion for offering the shopping experience of the future, together with a team of more than 7,000 people in Spain. MediaMarkt is the leading omnichannel company in Spain and Europe in the sector of distribution of consumer electronics and related services. We are part of the MediaMarktSaturn group, with more than 1,000 stores in 11 countries and a team of more than 52,000 people. In Spain, we …

Type: Large company

25 8 9 7,972
elPeriódico de Guatemala elPeriódico de Guatemala

The newspaper obsessed with breaking news and rigorous and in-depth journalistic investigations. The newspaper that plays the role of the most aggressive, least accommodating, most critical and nonconformist counterweight to the abuses of public power. Edit

Type: SMB Activities: it services

11 5 0 64

Where tomorrow is realized. WIRED is where tomorrow is realized. The WIRED conversation illuminates how technology is changing every aspect of our lives--from culture to business, science to design. The breakthroughs and innovations that we cover lead to new ways of thinking, new connections, and new industries. We introduce you to the people, companies, and ideas that matter. reviews, tech, gadgets, ai, business, pop culture, tech, digital technology, climate, science, robotics, security, artificial inteligence, gadgets, buying guides, innovation, technology news, gear, shopping, and crypto

Type: Media

155 81 40 441
El Economista El Economista

We are Mexico's economic, financial and business newspaper. We talk to professionals. We are a newspaper specializing in economics, finance, business and politics, a leader in information analysis. We offer our readers breaking news, forums, blogs and more, with the aim of keeping them well informed at all times, providing valuable content that allows them to make smart decisions. Economic, political and financial analysis and information, Funds and investment, Science and technology, Personal finance, and Markets and statistics.

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

39 22 8 641
Startup Cyprus Startup Cyprus

Startup Cyprus is the Cyprus startup ecosystem entity that culminates the ecosystem’s efforts to realize the pledge

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

1 1 0 4
Grupo Vanti Grupo Vanti

We are the energy present in the day-to-day life of society with solutions that generate progress and well-being. Our Purpose To be the energy present in the day-to-day life of society with solutions that generate progress and well-being. Our Mission We distribute and market natural gas and other services that generate progress, valuable experiences, promote the development of the sectors and improve the quality of life of the communities in which we operate. Our Vision To be leaders in Colombia in offering diverse energy solutions and sustainable services that are easily accessible, distinguishing ourselves by our responsible behavior, operational excellence, …

Type: SMB Activities: energytech cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

551 335 479 969
Forcadell Consultores Inmobiliarios Forcadell Consultores Inmobiliarios

Value of trust since 1958 Forcadell is a business group specialising in real estate investment management and consultancy. From the very beginning, it has developed its professional activity with rigour, ethics and professionalism. Forcadell is determined to continue growing and to continue offering the best service to its clients, and most importantly, it has the tools to do so: a wide geographical and service coverage, a team committed to the Group's mission, the professionalism and specialisation required by an increasingly complex and demanding market, and a clear strategic line that involves the consolidation of the company's five operational areas: Property …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech

4 1 3 122
onLygal onLygal

Insurance company specialized in legal solutions (insurance and services). With more than 65 years of experience in legal services and legal protection insurance, onLygal is the expert company in the legal field that offers people and companies the legal solutions they need in their daily lives to solve their real needs and achieve their goals. Specialties: #LegalServices, #LegalProtection for individuals, #LegalDefense for property owners and communities, #LegalProtection for drivers, #LegalDefense for property owners and communities and legal advisory services. 📍 Learn more about onLygal at 📍 Follow the company's news on Twitter at @onLygal_esp 📍 Follow us on Facebook: …

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech legaltech

13 2 10 117
Universitat de Barcelona Universitat de Barcelona

La #UniBarcelona és la universitat pública principal i amb més estudiants de Catalunya. #SocUB The University of Barcelona (UB) is Spain’s leading research university, publishing more research than any other Spanish institution with the exception of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). The UB has 106 departments and more than 5,000 full-time researchers, technicians and research assistants, most of whom work in the UB’s 243 research groups as recognized and supported by the Generalitat de Catalunya. In 2010 the UB was awarded 175 national research grants and 17 European grants and participated in over 500 joint research projects with the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

42 14 12 9,377
Council of European BioRegions - CEBR Council of European BioRegions - CEBR

The membership-driven Network of Life Science Clusters and Regional Ecosystems across Europe The Council of European BioRegions is a network of clusters and bio communities across Europe and worldwide, with the mission to defragment biotechnology and its support in Europe. CEBR represents more than 45 subscription members in Europe and a large number of clusters partners across the world. From emerging clusters to mature ones, with members including life science business network, science parks, regional development agencies and incubators. Together, we represent and support a critical mass of SMEs as well as Universities and Research Centres. Our Vision To strengthen …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

17 2 17 10
elBulliFoundation elBulliFoundation

Connecting knowledge Established in 2013, elBullifoundation preserves the legacy of elBullirestaurante, sharing its experience in management and innovation and generating quality educational content for gastronomic catering. We are dedicated to safeguarding this heritage and promoting education and innovation in gastronomy.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

6 2 3 19
Expansión Expansión

Leader Economic Information Diary in Spain Expansion is the Spanish newspaper in Spain in market, economic and political information. You can also follow us on our Twitter accounts ( or on our Facebook page ( Economy, Finance, Legal, Companies, Policy, Bag, Markets, Investment, Entrepreneurs, Savings, Spersonal Finance, Employment, Marketing, Technology, Management, Sports Economics, Economics, and Startups

Type: Media

121 58 57 8

Type: Large company Activities: martech

23 5 9 173
Fundación Laboral de la Construcción Fundación Laboral de la Construcción

Learning today is building tomorrow At Fundación Laboral de la Construcción we have been working since 1992 to provide companies and workers with the resources that make a more professional, safe, capable and future-oriented sector possible. A sector that today works more united and connected to each other than ever, with society and with the rest of the sectors, to face the challenge of the new times.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

30 3 26 1,379
Singularity University Singularity University

Futuremakers wanted. Singularity is the leader in educating, inspiring, and empowering leaders to imagine and create breakthroughs powered by exponential technologies. Through immersive learning programs and experiences focused on the convergence and application of exponential technologies, Singularity teaches leaders from around the globe to shift their mindset, drive innovation, and transform their organization exponentially. Founded in Silicon Valley in 2008, Singularity has inspired over 200,000 leaders in over 100 countries from industry, academia, and government to join us on our mission of creating a future of abundance. Artificial Intelligence & Robotics, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology & Digital Fabrication, Networks & Computing Systems, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services Technologies: Robotics

85 52 18 490
Entrepreneur Media Entrepreneur Media

Tags: H2020 Type: Media

156 85 56 4,040