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Conseil Départemental du Val de Marne Conseil Départemental du Val de Marne

Planning · Associations · Culture · Participatory democracy · Sustainable development · Economy · Education · Equality men/Women · Employment - Training Social action, autonomy, handicap, elderly, integration/employment, early childhood, child protection, colleges, roads, transport, water/sanitation, green and natural spaces, sustainable development, ecological transition, citizenship, culture, archives, and associative life

Type: Public

75 2,621
Les Coëvrons Les Coëvrons

A territory of talent and innovation The community of communes of Coëvrons is a French inter -municipal structure, located east of the department of Mayenne and in the Pays de la Loire region.

Type: Public

15 76
Comité français de l'UICN Comité français de l'UICN

For a just world that values ​​and retains nature Created in 1992, the French Committee of the IUCN is the network of organizations and experts of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature in France. It brings together within an original partnership 2 ministries, 7 public organizations, 6 local authorities, 61 non -governmental organizations (NGOs) and more than 250 experts. By this mixed composition, the French Committee of the IUCN is a unique platform for dialogue, expertise and action on the challenges of biodiversity. The French Committee of the IUCN aims to contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

74 94
Vanoise national park Vanoise national park

1er parc national français Vanoise National Park is a French national park between the Tarentaise and Maurienne valleys in the French Alps, containing the Vanoise massif. It was created in 1963, and is the first French national park.

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

15 43
Centre des Professions Financières Centre des Professions Financières

Understand and make the financial professions understand. Created in 1957, the Center for Financial Professions is an organization of general interest for educational purposes governed by law 1901. The center of financial professions is a position of observation of developments that financial professions live daily. As such, it works as a passer of ideas like a "think tank". Completely independent, it is open to members of all financial professions. Its mission His educational mission of "understanding and making the financial professions understand" revolves around 3 objectives: 1) Develop a real pedagogy of financial professions both within their breasts and outwards, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

85 26
CCI Midi-Pyrénées CCI Midi-Pyrénées

A network connected to its time, businesses, missions, partners and Air-Mer-Terre natural elements The CCI Midi-Pyrénées acts for the economic development of the region, alongside companies. Place of consultation and coordination of the eight territorial chambers, the CCI Midi-Pyrénées carries out specific common actions with them. The consular network has developed multiple services for companies, from creation to sale or transmission. He is also an interlocutor of choice for students and assets looking for training. In 2015, the Midi-Pyrénées CCI network supported 140 companies in their energy saving approach, 3000 buyers creators and formed 1200 apprentices. Services, Creation, Transmission, Resumption, …

Type: Public

117 129

Crossroads of builders and housing managers With around a hundred members, owners of more than 2 million homes and producing more than 50,000 homes per year, BAT’IM CLUB owes its reputation to the quality of the events it organizes and the richness of the discussions that take place there. BAT’IM CLUB addresses all subjects related to the built environment: development, construction, maintenance and operation, rehabilitation and improvement, demolition and deconstruction, purchase, sale and diversification. To meet this objective, BAT’IM CLUB offers, as every year, two types of events: - The MEETINGS (one-day format) aim to propose a strategic and prospective …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

24 28
Conservatoire d'espaces naturels de Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Conservatoire d'espaces naturels de Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

Let's act together to preserve Nature The Conservatoire d'espaces naturels de Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (CEN PACA) is a regional nature protection association created in 1975. It works to preserve biodiversity by prioritizing consultation, the search for consensus and shared solutions between the various stakeholders. It operates in the 6 departments of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region. It is a member of the Fédération des Conservatoires d'espaces naturels which brings together 24 Conservatories. With 50 employees, the support of more than 600 members and volunteers, and in collaboration with more than 140 partners, the Conservatoire d'espaces naturels de Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur manages 116 natural …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

10 56
CPIE Collines normandes CPIE Collines normandes

Working alongside residents for a dynamic and preserved territory! The Permanent Center for Environmental Initiatives Collines normandes is located in the heart of the bocage, in Orne. With a multidisciplinary team of employees and volunteers, the association works alongside residents for a dynamic and preserved territory. The CPIE works on different themes: biodiversity, environmental and sustainable development education, agri-environment, sustainable tourism, etc.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech edtech cleantech

4 11
Reyssouze et Affluents Reyssouze et Affluents

Reyssouze et Affluents works to preserve the Reyssouze River and its tributaries The Reyssouze et Affluents River Union (formerly SBVR) works for the Management of Water, Aquatic Environments and Flood Prevention (GEMAPI) on its territory located in the heart of Bresse, in the Ain department. Management of water and aquatic environments, Flood prevention, Preservation of biodiversity, Preservation of water resources, and Citizen participation

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech water management

7 7

Welcome to the official LinkedIn page of the City of Hazebrouck - 22,000 inhabitants Located halfway between Lille and Dunkirk, close to the Belgian border, Hazebrouck and its 22,000 inhabitants welcome you to the heart of inland Flanders. Its ideal geographical location, its authentic living environment between city and countryside, the quality of its facilities and its dynamism have forged an inimitable quality of life. Hazebrouck, a sporty city - With many sports facilities, the City enjoys a range of activities: more than 30 disciplines present! Hazebrouck is all the more proud of the careers of local athletes, some of …

Type: Event

6 16
Ville de Saintes Ville de Saintes

THE CITY OF SAINTES, 25,000 inhabitants located in Charente-Maritime, close to the ocean (30 mins), La Rochelle and Bordeaux (1 hour by the A10), is the city center of the Urban Community representing 60,000 inhabitants. Saintes is evolving around several projects, the objectives of which are to make the City and its Agglomeration attractive, economically dynamic and environmentally friendly. Would you like to discover our professions, find out about recruitment procedures or apply for our job offers? Go to under the Jobs section.

Type: Public Activities: smart city

1 84
Vigie-Nature Vigie-Nature

A network of citizens that advances science Vigie-Nature is a participatory science program aimed at studying the future of biodiversity in the face of global changes on a French scale, bringing together around fifteen programs. Founded by the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Vigie-Nature is co-led by the MNHN and the French Office for Biodiversity and is coordinated in collaboration with associations. Vigie-Nature pursues three main objectives, (i) a scientific objective with the collection of a large quantity of standardized data allowing scientists to monitor the state of biodiversity, (ii) an educational objective, raising awareness of biodiversity through the observation of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech

2 1
Organization for Biodiversity Certificates Organization for Biodiversity Certificates

We provide a framework and market rules to generate and value positive local impacts on biodiversity The Organization for Biodiversity Certificates is an association that strives to support and uplift biodiversity actions by establishing a biodiversity crediting system. Our work is focused on providing a framework, a recognized measure, and market rules to generate and value positive local impacts on ecosystems. Our intention is also to enable the emergence of mixed carbon-biodiversity projects in order to favor initiatives that foster restoration with diverse native species and ultimately discriminate the carbon credits with a low or negative value for biodiversity. The …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

19 2

Study/engineering organization on territorial planning that supports the Metz metropolitan area & Moselle urban areas @agenceaguram / #aguram AGURAM is the study and engineering organization on territorial planning and development that has supported the Metz metropolitan area and Moselle urban areas for over 50 years. Its status as an association brings together the State and public partners in urban development around the member communities. Its president since October 2020 is Pierre Fachot, Mayor of Jussy. Our missions: > OBSERVE the territory and its practices, > PRODUCE multi-thematic expertise, > MAKE KNOWN the challenges of territorial planning. Our areas of expertise: …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

26 33
Fondation Crédit Agricole Pays de France Fondation Crédit Agricole Pays de France

Acting to preserve and enhance the cultural heritage of the territories. The Crédit Agricole – Pays de France Foundation acts to preserve and enhance the cultural heritage of the territories. Since 1979, it has supported more than 1,400 projects alongside the 39 Crédit Agricole Regional Banks. Heritage, Culture, Arts, and Museums

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

13 1
FDJ - La Française des Jeux FDJ - La Française des Jeux

FDJ, Europe's second largest lottery, attracts 26 million French players with its secure and innovative gaming offering which also creates value for the community at large. FDJ promotes a socially responsible business model which attracts a huge number of players. To that end, FDJ is continually adapting to changing trends among players to offer new gaming experiences, while fostering a close relationship with French players through a distribution network of more than 31,000 points of sale, as well as its website,, and mobile apps. FDJ inherited its popularity with the French public from the French National Lottery, set up …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

123 2,867
The Shift Project The Shift Project

Think tank qui œuvre en faveur d’une économie libérée de la contrainte carbone The Shift Project is an innovative entity, an interface between businesses, the academic world, civil society, and public and institutional authorities. Comprising a multidisciplinary team and a network of experts, this independent structure assembles and debates proposals accompanied by initiatives or measures that focus on managing the transition to a post-carbon world. In practice, these proposals stem from economic and scientific research or summary reports on the issues surrounding the climate and energy, using a concrete and pragmatic approach that puts the laws of physics above human …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

86 143
Union Nationale de l'Apiculture Française Union Nationale de l'Apiculture Française

UNAF, the main professional union structure, represents more than 20,000 professional beekeepers, multi-active or small producers. The main missions of UNAF are: - Defend the economic interests of the sector - Protect bees and pollinators - Raise awareness among the general public about the important role of bees - Bring together and represent beekeepers - Promote hive products and defend their quality - Initiate and train new beekeepers Since the 1990s, UNAF has engaged in an unprecedented fight against pesticides, the main cause of the decline in pollinators, and in particular against neonicotinoids. We work to protect beekeepers against environmental …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

14 11
Science Based Targets Network (SBTN) Science Based Targets Network (SBTN)

Helping cities to set SBTs for both nature and climate, and companies to set SBTs to reduce their impacts on nature. We enable companies to set science-based targets to reduce their impacts on nature and cities to set science-based targets for both nature and climate. Get the latest updates:

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

14 39
my forêt my forêt

My Forêt, creator of unique forests with remarkable effects 🌳 My Forêt, a reason for being: transforming the urban landscape by implanting forest islands to build sustainable and resilient cities 🌍 🪄Trees are our best climate allies 🌱🐝 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🦔 to freshen the air, store carbon, shelter biodiversity, filter fine particles and improve the health of residents and the quality of life at work 🧘🏼‍♀️🍀

Type: SMB Activities: smart city Technologies: Decarbonization

14 8
Fondation du Patrimoine Fondation du Patrimoine

Donnons un avenir à notre histoire Fondation du Patrimoine is a French non profit organization, created by law in 1996, to promote and raise funds to restore public and private heritage. Its main goal is to safeguard the rural heritage unprotected by French State. Houses, churches, bridges, mills, industrial heritage, ...all types of local heritage are eligible for action by the Foundation. Alongside the State and its local representants and firms, it helps: - the public owners and associations to finance their projects, - allows private landowners to reduce taxation all or part of their work, - and mobilizes sponsorship …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

102 350

Oceanological study and artistic valorization of the marine environment. Andromède team is dedicated to the study, restoration and valorization of marine ecosystems, with two specialties: posidonia meadows and bio-constructed reefs (coralligenous reefs, coral reefs). Our work and our references are built on three values: - The most advanced methodological approaches and technologies - Intensive sea intervention programs carried out by experienced professionals - Scientific partnerships with academic and university organisations. We intervene with respect and care of our customers and partners, whatever the state of the ecosystem, from exploration to ecological compensation, to integrate each project into its natural and …

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

13 21
Hiram Finance Hiram Finance

Transformez vos Risques en Valeurs Hiram Finance is a consulting firm specialising in financial markets which was founded in 1998 and currently has 45 consultants. Our know-how covers financial engineering (actuarial work, quantitative research), risk management, internal audits and conformity, post-market activities and project management in finance. We help several financial firms in their regulatory, transformation, and development projects. We are a team of technical experts and project management specialists who are capable of solving our clients’ problems throughout the « Front Office to Equity » chain (including risk management, management audits, accounting, and asset and liability management). This multiple …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech Technologies: Cybersecurity

3 32
Assemblée nationale Assemblée nationale

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity The National Assembly is the heart of French democracy. 577 deputies are elected every five years to represent the French people, legislate and monitor the actions of the Government. Three main categories of staff work in their service: civil servants, parliamentary collaborators and those of political groups. The civil servants of the National Assembly, numbering around 1,300, are recruited by competitive examination and exercise very diverse professions. In accordance with the principle of separation of powers, their autonomous status is set by the Bureau of the Assembly. Civil servants are assigned either to the legislative services, where …

Type: Public

299 5,294
Wilderlands Wilderlands

The simplest way to make a direct and lasting impact on Australia’s biodiversity. Wilderlands have developed one of the world’s first voluntary biodiversity units and created a platform to make it easy for individuals and organisations to start protecting nature today. The Biological Diversity Unit (BDU) represents a 1sqm plot of permanently-protected and actively managed land in high ecological value projects across Australia. Each unit is geotagged enabling supporters to zoom in and see the exact location of their units via their personal profile page and receive regular reports from expert ecologists on the ground and watch as nature flourishes …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech

2 7

Create value with biodiversity - we support companies and public entities to be leaders in biodiversity BeeOdiversity provides (i) strategic and operational expertise, (ii) tech and nature-based solutions to monitor biodiversity and agricultural / industrial pollution on-site, (iii) biodiversity regeneration projects. biodiversity, bees, environment, and agriculture

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

22 31
Fortum Fortum

Fortum is a Nordic energy company. Our purpose is to power a world where people, businesses and nature thrive together. We are one of the cleanest energy producers in Europe and our actions are guided by our ambitious environmental targets. We generate and deliver clean energy reliably and help industries to decarbonise their processes and grow. Our core operations in the Nordics comprise of efficient, CO2-free power generation as well as reliable supply of electricity and district heat to private and business customers. For our ~5 000 employees, we commit to be a safe, and inspiring workplace. Fortum's share is …

Type: Large company

42 5,123
Vattenfall Vattenfall

We’re working for fossil freedom. Vattenfall is a European energy company with approximately 20,000 employees. For more than 100 years we have electrified industries, supplied energy to people's homes and modernised our way of living through innovation and cooperation. We are working for fossil freedom. Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Privacy Policy: Electricity generation, District heating, E-mobility charging, renewables, energy, climate, environment, distribution & sales, and utilities

Type: Large company

99 13,533
World Economic Forum World Economic Forum

We are the international institution for public private cooperation. We connect communities of leaders around global issues through high-level meetings, research, initiatives and digital networks. We are non-profit, impartial and independent. We believe dialogue and cooperation between business, government and civil society can improve the state of the world.

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

323 5,062
Ecotrust Ecotrust

Ecotrust advances social equity, economic opportunity, and environmental well-being across the Pacific Northwest. Ecotrust's mission is to inspire fresh thinking that creates economic opportunity, social equity, and environmental well-being. Ecotrust is powered by the vision of a world where people and nature thrive together. Since 1991, we have partnered with local communities from California to Alaska to build new ways of living and doing business. From forestry to finance, food access to green building, we work to advance social equity, economic opportunity, and environmental well-being. Together, we are making this place we live a home that we love. Data collection …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

3 141
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)

IIED builds a fairer, more sustainable world, using evidence, action and influence in partnership with others The International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) is a global leader in sustainable development. Our mission is to build a fairer, more sustainable world, using evidence, action and influence in partnership with others. As an independent international research organisation, we are specialists in linking local to global. In Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Central and South America, the Middle East and the Pacific, we work with some of the world's most vulnerable people to ensure they have a say in the policy arenas that …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

15 270
WWF European Policy Office WWF European Policy Office

WWF European Policy Office is the embassy to the #EU for the global @WWF network, which is active in 100 countries. At WWF, we envision a world in which people and nature thrive – but we’ll only get there if we all play a role. The European Policy Office helps shape EU policies that impact on the European and global environment. Our team consists of experts who are all passionate about saving the planet. That’s our day job. And it could be yours too. We are looking for people who share our optimism that it’s possible to change the world. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

16 55
Rebalance Earth Rebalance Earth

We believe there is a better way for society, the natural world & a thriving economy to co-exist and support one another Nature is the most valuable asset on Earth Because nature is critical infrastructure. But we don't value nature. We can all see the increasing cost to business of Nature-related risks - flood, drought, and more. But we don't see nature as part of the solution. Nature is business-critical infrastructure. It can increase business resilience and reduce risk. Rebalance Earth redirects the flow of capital To protect and restore nature at scale. Making it possible, for the first time, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

5 19
Finance for Biodiversity Finance for Biodiversity

We are a group of 194 financial institutions calling for and committing to taking ambitious action on biodiversity The Finance for Biodiversity Foundation is the leading global organisation for biodiversity action by financial institutions and the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge convener. Pledge signatories are committed to contributing to the protection and restoration of biodiversity through their investments and finance activities via the following 5 commitments: 1. Collaborating and sharing knowledge 2. Engaging with companies 3. Assessing impact 4. Setting targets 5. Reporting publicly on the above Pledge signatories can become a member of the FfB Foundation and share knowledge and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

20 16

Keeping your word The SGP is a political party that is committed to protecting vulnerable life, stands up for the interests of the classic family and for a safe and caring Netherlands. Christian, political with an open Bible, conservative, merciful when possible, strict and fair when necessary.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

2 329
Colas Afrique Colas Afrique

We open the way Colas, the world leader in the construction, maintenance and servicing of transport infrastructure, has been supporting the development of Africa for over 90 years. A fully integrated player in the local landscape, Colas adapts to the needs of the market and its customers, by implementing know-how and innovative solutions. A committed and responsible company, Colas relies on strong values ​​that drive it and develops a Human Resources policy focused on the development of its human capital, internal promotion and mobility, the development of skills and employment on the continent... Construction, Public Works, Civil Engineering, Road Maintenance, …

Type: Large company

5 133
The SeaCleaners The SeaCleaners

NGO whose mission is to protect the oceans and aquatic environments from plastic pollution 🌊🌍 #TheSeaCleaners The Sea Cleaners Swiss, a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting our oceans and aquatic environments from plastic pollution. Our efforts are focused on several key areas : • COLLECT & RECYCLE PLASTIC WASTE: facilitated by our various collection vessels, some of which are currently operating in Southeast Asia. The Mobula is a multi-purpose pollution control solution for coastal and in-land calm waters, a clean-up vessel featuring unique, innovative technology for the collection of floating solid and liquid waste. • SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH: focusing on the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

33 30
Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS)

The Central Banks and Supervisors Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) is a group of Central Banks and prudential supervisory authorities willing, on a voluntary basis, to exchange experiences, share best practices, contribute to the development of environment and climate risk management in the financial sector, and to mobilise mainstream finance to support the transition toward a sustainable economy. Its aim is to define, promote and contribute to the researches and therefore to the development of best practices to be implemented within and outside of the Membership of the NGFS and to conduct or commission analytical work on green …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech cleantech

3 15
Brigades Nature Brigades Nature

Taking care of Man and Nature, with workshops & integration projects through and towards green professions. Accelerating the ecological transition, while acting so that it is a lever for professional inclusion and not for additional exclusion for the most deprived: this is the challenge we are collectively facing. To meet it, the Brigades Nature association group runs Integration Workshops and Projects through and towards green professions, while preserving the environment and biodiversity. Its member associations share a common base of social and environmental know-how and seek to collectively respond to the challenges of employment in green professions. Brigades Nature is …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech

3 7
Fondazione Capellino Fondazione Capellino

Financially independent non-profit organization We are a financially independent non-profit organization with the aim of safeguarding biodiversity and fighting climate change, promoter of the Reintegration Economy.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech

2 18

Solution provider for corporate biodiversity performance. Our aim is to support companies the design and implementation of corporate biodiversity performance measurements and natural resource use strategies. Together, we can establish a credible transition strategy for your company towards fulfilling the requirements of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – in particular SDGs 14 and 15. Our final goal is to leverage the your business’ transformative capacity to strengthen its operations as it undertakes its journey towards sustainable development. Collaborative process, Inspirational teaching, System thinker, Governance improver, Biodiversity strategy-maker, Sustainability programer, and Capacity-builder

Type: SMB Activities: greentech consulting cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 1

SOS-Forêts is a non-denominational association created on March 16, 1996, operating as a non-governmental organization. The goal of our organization is to fight against all forms of degradation of biodiversity and more particularly of forests, with a view to a rational management of our natural resources, for a sustainable development of Côte d'Ivoire.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech edtech

1 8
SBT Network SBT Network

1 N/A
The Biodiversity Consultancy Ltd The Biodiversity Consultancy Ltd

Delivering practical solutions for managing biodiversity risk and achieving nature positive outcomes. The Biodiversity Consultancy is passionate about achieving an ecologically sustainable basis for development. We focus on delivering practical solutions for managing biodiversity risk and achieving positive conservation outcomes. Founded in 2006, our core strengths are technical expertise, policy advice and field capacity to the Private, Public and NGO / Science sectors. We are the original consultancy wholly focused on biodiversity and offer an unrivalled level of experience and expertise for managing complex and emerging biodiversity issues. Visit our website for a wealth of factfiles, viewpoints and analyses of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech consulting

3 92

Type: Large company Activities: martech

23 173