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SFAR - Société française d'anesthésie et de réanimation SFAR - Société française d'anesthésie et de réanimation

[Automatic translation follows] The French Society of Anesthesia and Resuscitation (SFAR) is a learned society recognized as being of public utility, governed by the law of 1901. It contributes to the study, advancement and teaching of anesthesia, resuscitation and perioperative medicine. To these statutory objectives, the SFAR added in 1988 the safety of all procedures performed by anesthesiologists-resuscitators.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

15 1 15 92

[Automatic translation follows] CITY HEALTHCARE: the only event in France dedicated to #digital in #health and its uses.👨‍⚕️ 💻 CITY ​​HEALTHCARE is a trade fair and congress dedicated to digital in health whose theme is "Digital for better care". The new 2024 edition will take place on October 3, 2024 at the Cité des Congrès in Nantes. Come and discuss and discover digital innovations in health, digital therapies, and new organizations of care via digital technology. Health professionals, doctors, health establishments, researchers, start-uppers, we look forward to seeing you on October 3, 2024. For more information: digital, health, digital, …

Type: Event

40 14 32 3
Quimper Bretagne Occidentale / Ville de Quimper Quimper Bretagne Occidentale / Ville de Quimper

[Automatic translation follows] Quimper Bretagne Occidentale, the urban community of Quimper, and the city of Quimper employ around 1,800 employees. Quimper Bretagne Occidentale is made up of fourteen municipalities: Briec, Edern, Ergué-Gabéric, Guengat, Landrévarzec, Landudal, Langolen, Locronan, Plogonnec, Plomelin, Plonéis, Pluguffan, Quéménéven and Quimper. It has an area of ​​479.4 km2 and has 100,994 inhabitants. Each year, around a hundred employees are recruited in fields as varied as the environment, urban planning, information systems, human resources, roads, social affairs, culture and sport. All offers can be viewed at this address:

Type: Public

56 23 11 240
Presses de l'EHESP Presses de l'EHESP

[Automatic translation follows] Inform yourself, train yourself and question yourself. The Presses de l’EHESP offers more than 300 live titles. Each year, nearly 40 new titles are published. Specialized in the field of public health and social action, in particular through our historical attachment to the EHESP, our audience is mainly made up of professionals, students, researchers, etc. Our latest catalog and our website offer a segmentation of our works into 4 thematic areas and 20 collections, some of which are aimed at the general public. Our favorite themes are: - Health management, listing different tools to discover and understand …

Type: Media

25 0 25 18
Pôle Saint Hélier Pôle Saint Hélier

[Automatic translation follows] The Saint-Hélier Association is convinced that health, in its three dimensions, prevention, access to care, the pathway, must guide the approach to care and support for the person regardless of their age. The Saint-Hélier Association is a well-known player in the health and medico-social sector. Its involvement in the management of healthcare establishments dates back to 1955. Health and medico-social activities have particularly and widely developed in health territory no. 5 and department 35 since the end of the 1990s. Today, the Saint-Hélier Association supports: - The Saint-Hélier Center in Rennes: medical care and rehabilitation establishment in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

12 3 11 199
Nexem Nexem

[Automatic translation follows] Employers, differently Nexem is the main professional organization of associative employers in the social, medico-social and health sector. It represents 11,000 establishments and services employing more than 330,000 professionals in five fields of activity: disability, child protection, autonomy of the elderly, social integration and legal protection of adults. Nexem intends to develop the employer function to better meet the expectations of the people welcomed and supported in establishments and services. Its ambition: to promote the associative model as an efficient response to supporting the most vulnerable, in the service of an inclusive society. Professional organization, Associative employer, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

42 10 26 165
marque Bretagne marque Bretagne

[Automatic translation follows] THE brand of attractiveness and innovation of the Breton territory! 🚀 The Bretagne brand is a territorial brand whose ambition is to promote a modern, innovative, creative and committed image to meet the challenges of responsible and sustainable development. Becoming a partner of the Bretagne brand means expressing your attachment to the territory, exchanging with your peers and participating in a collective dynamic that carries meaning. Commitment, openness, a sense of community, imagination are the 4 foundations of this brand whose global strategy integrates all dimensions: economic, tourist, cultural, academic, sports or institutional. The Bretagne brand also …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech

60 14 37 7
Le  Grand Large Palais des Congrès de Saint Malo Le Grand Large Palais des Congrès de Saint Malo

[Automatic translation follows] The best way to make your event a success! Right in the city center, facing the sea and at the foot of the ramparts of the Corsair City, Le Grand Large welcomes and organizes, in its spaces with panoramic views of the sea, meetings, seminars, exhibitions, conventions, general assemblies, congresses and international events, from 50 to 1000 participants. Thanks to this exceptional location both in the heart of the city and on the edge of the beach, Le Grand Large guarantees you a unity of place for your events. Listening to the needs of event organizers, the …

Type: Event

31 6 25 18
Le Département des Côtes d'Armor Le Département des Côtes d'Armor

[Automatic translation follows] #IrreductibleTalents #cotesdarmor #irresistiblescotesdarmor The Departmental Council is the community of solidarity: construction and maintenance of colleges, road developments, support for people in difficulty or disabled of all ages, social action, childhood and family, elderly people, people with disabilities, infrastructure, culture, European citizenship and public reading. With 54 elected officials and 3,200 agents, the Department invests more than 650 million euros per year in the service of nearly 600,000 Costarmoricans. A community close to its territories, the services are divided between the Departmental Hotel in Saint-Brieuc and five Departmental Houses. The President of the Department is Christian COAIL. …

Type: Public

35 17 25 561
Le Couvent des Jacobins Le Couvent des Jacobins

[Automatic translation follows] The Rennes Métropole Convention Center 1h25 from Paris, located in the heart of the historic center of Rennes, close to more than 4000 hotel rooms, the Couvent des Jacobins has all the assets of a 21st century convention center, in a historic setting from the 14th century. Imagine your professional event, symposium, colloquium or conference in a former convent, a meeting place for nearly 700 years... Come and write the rest of the story! Moderation policy of the Linkedin page Le Couvent des Jacobins Eventprof and Centredescongrès

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: traveltech

51 28 25 14
Institut national du cancer Institut national du cancer

[Automatic translation follows] Let's accelerate progress against cancer The National Cancer Institute (INCa) is the State's health and scientific expertise agency in cancerology, responsible for coordinating actions to combat cancer. Created by the Public Health Act of August 9, 2004, the Institute is placed under the joint supervision of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Women's Rights, and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. The National Cancer Institute is constituted in the form of a public interest group (GIP) that brings together the State, major cancer-fighting associations, health insurance funds, research organizations and hospital federations. Norbert Ifrah is …

Type: Public

60 29 36 184
Le Télégramme Le Télégramme

[Automatic translation follows] Regional daily news from the municipalities of Brittany. Live news from Brest, Rennes, Quimper, Lorient and more A regional daily newspaper founded in 1944 at the tip of Brittany, Le Télégramme now ranks 5th among regional daily press titles. The news journal has gradually transformed into a multimedia information company: paper, web, television, mobile. Voted best French daily at the Grand Prix des Médias in 2015, it is one of the 10 French press titles and one of only two regional press titles that obtained the maximum score of 100 out of 100 in the 2021 Newsguard …

Type: Media

75 29 57 661
Hospitalia Magazine Hospitalia Magazine

[Automatic translation follows] The hospital innovation magazine A leading newsmagazine, Hospitalia has been deciphering hospital news for over a decade. Known for its in-depth investigations, colorful reports, and interviews with opinion makers, professional representatives, and established experts, it frankly addresses the issues faced on a daily basis by all those who make hospitals live. Particularly renowned for its section devoted to health IT, Hospitalia does not hesitate to shine its spotlight wherever the news requires it – laundry, pharmacy, biology, hygiene, imaging, traceability, catering, comfort, logistics, etc., in order to highlight business issues as close as possible to those on …

Type: Media

38 1 36 5
France Assos Santé France Assos Santé

[Automatic translation follows] A Union of nearly 100 associations campaigning for the rights & defense of the rights of users of the health system France Assos Santé is the name chosen by the National Union of Approved Associations of Users of the Health System in order to make its action known as a reference organization to represent patients and users of the health system and defend their interests. With a mission officially recognized by its inclusion in the Public Health Code via the law of January 26, 2016, France Assos Santé was created in March 2017 at the initiative of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

53 21 14 93
Frac Bretagne Frac Bretagne

[Automatic translation follows] Regional Contemporary Art Fund Bretagne Created by the State and the Regional Council of Brittany in 1981, the Frac Bretagne is developing a contemporary art collection comprising more than 5,000 works to date, which it distributes on a regional, national and international scale and from which it offers numerous awareness and training programs. In 2012, the Frac Bretagne opened the doors of a building designed by Odile Decq to the public. Located in Rennes, in the Beauregard district, the construction is structured around a vast skylight, three exhibition galleries and a documentation center. With a 108-seat auditorium, …

Type: Public

15 4 8 24
FNEHAD - Fédération Nationale des Établissements d'Hospitalisation à Domicile FNEHAD - Fédération Nationale des Établissements d'Hospitalisation à Domicile

[Automatic translation follows] The hospital of the future for 50 years Created in 1973, the FNEHAD (National Federation of Home Hospitalization Establishments) is the only hospital federation specifically dedicated to Home Hospitalization (HAD). It brings together more than 250 HAD establishments located in metropolitan France and overseas, regardless of their legal status: public, private non-profit and private for-profit. In 2020, these structures carried out more than 90% of home hospitalization days. The operation of the FNEHAD is based on a permanent national delegation based in Paris. It is responsible for leading and monitoring all work carried out at the national …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

14 6 9 57
Fédération hospitalière de France (FHF) Fédération hospitalière de France (FHF)

[Automatic translation follows] The French Hospital Federation represents public hospitals and medico-social establishments Created in 1924, the French Hospital Federation (FHF) brings together more than 1,000 public health establishments (hospitals) and as many medico-social structures (retirement homes and independent specialized reception centers), i.e. almost all establishments in the public sector. This legitimacy and its national dimension make the FHF a leading player in the world of health, an actor all the more listened to because it is truly trans-political, as evidenced by the composition of its board of directors. The FHF fulfills a triple function of promotion, information and representation: …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

60 36 28 280
Fédération Atmo France Fédération Atmo France

[Automatic translation follows] Air quality monitoring for action Atmo France is the federation of the national network of Approved Air Quality Monitoring Associations (AASQA). Atmo France leads the AASQA network by ensuring the coordination, pooling and promotion of their work. It pursues a general interest objective: improving air quality through efficient monitoring for action and the evaluation of policies aimed at improving it. The AASQA have 4 missions: • Monitor and predict the air and atmosphere through measurements, modeling (mapping and scenarios) and inventories (air and energy emissions registers). • Inform and raise awareness among the population and local stakeholders …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

31 4 25 7
EHESP - École des hautes études en santé publique EHESP - École des hautes études en santé publique

[Automatic translation follows] The School of Advanced Studies in Public Health (EHESP) trains senior executives in the civil service (State and hospital) and offers national master's degree specializations, specialized master's degrees, doctoral courses, as well as a very rich offer of lifelong training. A true international platform for teaching and research in public health, EHESP is structured around 4 departments integrated into an interdisciplinary project: quantitative methods in public health / health, environment and work / management institute / human and social sciences. Thanks to its accredited research units, the School conducts work in partnership with numerous research centers around …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

33 2 10 1,177
DREAL Bretagne DREAL Bretagne

[Automatic translation follows] Making sustainable development a daily reality Since 1 January 2010, DREAL Bretagne has been responsible, under the authority of the regional prefect, for the #environment, #planning and #housing policies, defined by the Ministry of #Ecological Transition, the Ministry of #Territorial Cohesion and Relations with #Local Authorities, and the Ministry of the #Sea, with the aim of proposing a cross-cutting approach to implementing the principles of #sustainable development in the #regional territory. DREAL brings together diverse cultures, professional know-how and technical skills, whose synergies make it possible to offer integrated expertise, to drive and support the development of …

Type: Public

14 3 0 189
Département d'Ille-et-Vilaine Département d'Ille-et-Vilaine

[Automatic translation follows] The official page of the Department of Ille-et-Vilaine to follow all the news of the Breton territory. Located 1h30 from Paris by TGV, proud of its location on the edge of Brittany, the department of Ille-et-Vilaine has 1 million inhabitants and 10,000 new ones per year. With Rennes, its university metropolis, its 72 km of coastline around Dinard and Saint-Malo, the diversity of its landscapes and its abundant cultural life, its solidarity DNA and its economic dynamism, Ille-et-Vilaine cultivates a way of life on a human scale and curious about the world. With a budget of more …

Type: Public

23 21 4 808
Concarneau Cornouaille Agglomération Concarneau Cornouaille Agglomération

[Automatic translation follows] Concarneau | Elliant | Melgven | Névez | Pont-Aven | Rosporden | Saint-Yvi | Tourc'h | Trégunc CCA groups together 9 cities: Concarneau, Elliant, Melgven, Névez, Pont-Aven, Rosporden, Saint-Yvi, Tourc'h and Trégunc. The urban community Concarneau Cornouaille Agglomération (CCA) is a French intercommunal structure, located in the department of Finistère and the Brittany region. It succeeded the community of communes of Concarneau Cornouaille on January 1, 2012.

Type: Public

15 1 13 105
Centre Eugène Marquis Centre Eugène Marquis

[Automatic translation follows] Let's stay one step ahead of cancer! A regional reference center in cancerology, the Eugène Marquis Center is a private non-profit institution of collective interest (ESPIC). The only health institution in Brittany exclusively dedicated to the fight against cancer, it is part of the UNICANCER group bringing together the 18 Cancer Centers in France. The Eugène Marquis Center is a place of expertise, know-how, listening and attention. The patient is at the heart of our business. Throughout the care pathway, expert cancerology professionals support, listen and implement personalized medicine. Doctors benefit from a high-performance and innovative technical …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

10 3 8 304
Catel, Incubateur de communautés e-santé Catel, Incubateur de communautés e-santé

[Automatic translation follows] CATEL is a multidisciplinary network of telehealth stakeholders, created in 1997. Its mission is to contribute to the development of telehealth and telemedicine in all its fields of application. It brings together 16,000 stakeholders from the health, social, training and personal services sectors: institutions, local authorities, manufacturers, health professionals, associative networks, researchers and students. Its influence and actions are spread across the whole of France, in conjunction with similar networks in Europe, the French-speaking world and around the world. CATEL's professions are divided into 3 activity areas serving telehealth stakeholders: the Support area, the Meetings area and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

17 0 15 18
morbihan habitat morbihan habitat

[Automatic translation follows] With you, design tomorrow Morbihan Habitat provides daily, as close as possible to the field and respecting the specificities of each territory, operational responses in terms of: Construction of social housing, Rental management, Local services, and social support, Maintenance and rehabilitation, Home ownership, Urban planning, Construction of public facilities. Leading lessor in Brittany with 32,000 homes in 220 municipalities, over 60,000 tenants, 530 employees, over 2 million m2 built and 2.6 million m2 of land. Morbihan Habitat, builds alongside local authorities and with its network of partners, a responsible and committed, inclusive and innovative territory. With you, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech proptech

14 4 12 166
AVECsanté AVECsanté

[Automatic translation follows] As a team, we go further! The federated AVECsanté movement has set itself the mission of reorganizing primary care in France. Our ambition? That coordinated practice in primary care be practiced in multi-professional teams. Our action: with our fifteen regional federations, support primary care teams (ESP) and their structured form in multi-professional health centers (MSP) in their growth and dynamics, including in the emergence of territorial professional health communities (CPTS). In our opinion, the multi-professional health center is indeed the basic unit and the successful model of coordinated practice in primary care. It has proven its ability …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

15 4 4 19
Autorité de sûreté nucléaire (ASN) Autorité de sûreté nucléaire (ASN)

[Automatic translation follows] Advancing nuclear safety and radiation protection The Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) ensures, on behalf of the State, the control of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France to protect workers, patients, the public and the environment from the risks associated with the use of nuclear power. It contributes to informing citizens. The missions of the ASN are structured around three "historical" professions of the ASN: * regulation: the ASN is responsible for contributing to the development of regulations, by giving its opinion to the Government on draft decrees and ministerial orders or by taking regulatory decisions of …

Type: Public

24 6 20 384

[Automatic translation follows] Rennes Urban Planning Agency Audiar is an association that fulfills public service missions, under the impetus of a General Assembly. It supports the development of its member territories. It is a decision-making tool, in the areas of development and strategic planning, at the service of its members (State and local authorities in particular) and its partners. Through the multidisciplinarity of its team and its positioning upstream of the operational, it feeds the reflection of elected officials and services by anticipating the long term. It is a place of exchange and intermediation.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

13 2 11 34
Anap Anap

[Automatic translation follows] Supporting healthcare and social-medical professionals in the development of their organizations. Since 2009, Anap has been supporting healthcare professionals in healthcare and social-medical institutions in the development of their organizations in order to improve the service provided to users. Its productions are always developed thanks to the expertise of professionals in the field. Its action aims to: - Improve the fluidity of people's healthcare pathways; - Facilitate knowledge of the healthcare offer, decision-making assistance and management dialogue; - Improve the organization of patient care and support activities; - Improve the organization of support and support functions. Our …

Type: Public

61 18 47 312
Association Electroni[k] Association Electroni[k]

Visual art, music & new technologies. Electroni[k] presents Maintenant festival from October 4th to 13th 2019 in Rennes. Electroni[k] - Art, music & new technology. Since 2001, the association Electroni[k] is mindful about the issues of booming disciplines and works to open emerging cultures and innovative art practices to the public. The presented works meet different audiences, in intimate venues as well as more collective and festive ones, on several territories. The association produces creations putting together arts, music and technologies. Maintenant Festival | 4 - 13 octobre 2019 | Rennes, FR Festival, Organisation d'événements, Actions culturelles, Production, Accompagnement …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech entertainment

8 3 8 28
Promotion Santé Bretagne Promotion Santé Bretagne

[Automatic translation follows] All health stakeholders in Brittany. In 2024, Ireps becomes Promotion Santé Bretagne! Promotion Santé Bretagne is a non-profit association. Its purpose is to combat social inequalities in health and promote health. The health we defend is a state of physical, mental, emotional and social well-being. It results from the intervention of a set of individual, collective and social determinants: biology, abilities, living and working conditions, income, environment, etc. Our mission: to support those who work with the public: professionals, volunteers, local elected officials, etc. We encourage them to activate their own powers to act. We support them …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

18 0 17 28
CRIJ Info Jeunes Bretagne CRIJ Info Jeunes Bretagne

[Automatic translation follows] We support young people in their research (employment, housing, rights, international, vacations, projects, etc.) Info Jeunes Bretagne is an association under the 1901 law that is part of a network of 1,200 organizations and whose main objective is to guide young people on different aspects of their daily lives: employment, internships, training, entrepreneurship, volunteering and charity work, housing, health, rights (financial, methodological, etc.), practical life, vacations, leisure, commitments, projects, international, etc. Youth, Content creation, International mobility, Travel and leisure, Youth employment, Creation of educational tools, Training center, Project support, Document monitoring, Guides and resources, Hosting interns, Network …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

8 1 5 12

[Automatic translation follows] SOLIDARITY IN ACTION Social and professional inclusion association structured around 4 activity centers: Reception, Listening and Social Monitoring/Housing, Accommodation/Employment, Training/Integration workshops ADALEA supports more than 6,000 people each year social, health, accommodation, integration, women victims of violence, and the fight against exclusion

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

8 2 4 103
Mutualité Française Bretagne Mutualité Française Bretagne

[Automatic translation follows] Act for more united health in the Brittany region The leading social movement in the country, Mutualité Française brings together 95% of mutual health insurance companies in France. Mutualité Française Bretagne (MFB) is the delegation of Mutualité Française in Brittany. As a representative of mutual insurance companies and their members, it guarantees access to quality care for all by defending fair and united practices. The operation of the MFB is based on the mutualist principles of democracy and proximity: mutualist managers are democratically elected by members, according to the principle "one person = one vote". As a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

15 3 12 47

Créée en 1984, AIDES est la première association de lutte contre le VIH/sida et les hépatites en France et en Europe. AIDES was set up 1984, by Daniel Defert and was state approved in 1990. It is the leading HIV/AIDS organisation in France and one of the most important in Europe. It has drop-in centres and premises in over 70 cities in France and has multiple partnerships with organisations abroad. AIDES is committed to respecting the cultural and sexual identity of each individual, their way of life, their ideological beliefs and their therapeutic choices. AIDES is independent of any religious, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

35 11 11 628
Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l'autonomie Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l'autonomie

[Automatic translation follows] National Solidarity Fund for the Autonomy (CNSA) of the elderly, disabled people and their caregivers The CNSA is a fund, an agency and a public space for exchanges for the autonomy of the elderly and disabled people. The CNSA manages the Autonomy branch of Social Security. The Autonomy branch's mission is to secure the financing of autonomy aids and to harmonize the responses to the needs of the elderly and disabled people.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: silvertech it services

41 17 25 240
Anamnèse 📱 logiciel e-santé 🇫🇷 Anamnèse 📱 logiciel e-santé 🇫🇷

[Automatic translation follows] Bringing AI and digital technology to healthcare professionals, in coordinated practice, the patient journey, prevention Anamnèse offers innovative e-health solutions to improve the efficiency of healthcare professionals, in the city as well as in the hospital, and the care of patients at different stages of their life journey (students, employees, retirees, etc.). Through ergonomic and pragmatic digital tools, it promotes the dissemination of 4P medicine (Preventive, Predictive, Personalized, Participative). Through "intelligent" patient questioning based on an Artificial Intelligence engine, Anamnesis accelerates the detection of pathologies and facilitates the care and orientation of the patient. Artificial Intelligence, e-Health, …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech it services Technologies: A.I.

34 6 27 21
Université de Rennes I Université de Rennes I

Progress I Innovate I Initiate Université de Rennes 1 is amongst the twelve main universities in France. It is a multidisciplinary university, famous for its excellence and dynamic research. Implementation research is a key priority at the Université de Rennes 1; a distinctive mark which brings the five-century-old University international and business renown. As a pioneer in knowledge, the Université de Rennes 1 is a leader in lifelong learning. This innovative role involves major responsibilities towards the general public and makes the Université de Rennes 1 a key player in the region’s socio-economic and cultural development. The University’s ethos of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

58 7 44 3,373

[Automatic translation follows] The French Blood Establishment is the public blood service committed to working alongside donors in the service of patients. Public institution, sole transfusion operator in France (collection, preparation, qualification and distribution of blood products) + related activities (medical biology laboratories, health centers, research). Guarantor of national self-sufficiency in blood products (1,000,000 patients treated per year), organized into 14 metropolitan regions and 3 overseas regions that pool the resources needed by patients. Collection, Preparation, Analysis and distribution of labile blood products, 1st medical biology laboratory in France, Immunohematology, Production of cellular reagents, Hemovigilance, Research, and Cellular and tissue …

Type: Public

78 57 24 4,338
Arkéa Creative Care Arkéa Creative Care

[Automatic translation follows] Arkéa Créative Care puts innovation at the service of quality of life for residents and staff in RSS and EHPAD 💡 Arkéa Creative Care, a brand of the Crédit Mutuel Arkéa group, develops, installs and maintains innovative technological solutions for establishments that accommodate the elderly and dependent. Thanks to its devices, it makes it possible to facilitate the work of their caregivers and promise safety and well-being to their residents. Arkéa Creative Care offers a unique sick call system, a social link and communication tool between residents and their families, a specific portal for caregivers to manage …

Type: Startup Activities: silvertech constructiontech healthtech it services smart home Technologies: IoT

8 2 0 16

Smart Ageing Solutions Smart Care technologies Our complete range: Otono-me for home, Otono-me for senior residences, Otono-me for nursing homes. With Otono-me® for home and senior residences, it has never been easier to remotely monitor a loved one. With Otono-me for nursing homes, the nursing staff benefits from an advanced automatic fall and abnormal situations detection solution. _______________________ Technologies de Smart Care Notre gamme de produits : Otono-me Domicile, Otono-me Résidences Senior, Otono-me EHPAD. Avec Otono-me® Domicile et Résidences Senior, il n’a jamais été aussi simple de veiller sur un proche. Avec Otono-me EHPAD, le personnel soignant bénéficie des toutes …

Type: Startup Activities: silvertech it services Technologies: Data Analytics IoT

29 11 21 24
Kereval Kereval

[Automatic translation follows] Software Test Engineering Laboratory #Interoperability #Cybersecurity KEREVAL, an independent test engineering laboratory, is recognized as one of the specialists in software quality. With 10 years of experience, KEREVAL offers a range of tailor-made services to improve the quality of its customers' information systems and embedded systems. To learn more about us, visit our website: Software Quality, Web and Mobile Testing, Performance Testing, Functional Testing, Security Testing, Requirements Engineering, ISOBUS Laboratory, Healthcare Software Testing Laboratory, CFTL Training, REQB Training, and CMAP Training

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity Embedded Systems

16 5 10 80

[Automatic translation follows] Manage your core business, we manage its Transparency! Manage your core business, we manage its Transparency! 4mgTRANSPARENCY works with the Health Industry (pharmaceuticals, medical devices, medical visit providers, medical information delegates, Health events, PSAD) and Health Professionals by offering a personalized management solution, internal or outsourced, of regulatory functions and LEA (ex DMOS) from A to Z thanks to comprehensive support on the subject: - Audit of internal LEA (ex DMOS) and Transparency management processes - Management of administrative files (IDAHE, EPS) - Implementation of 4TRANSPARENCY, the innovative, efficient, profitable and agile digital platform that simplifies Transparency …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech biotech regtech deeptech Technologies: SaaS

40 0 39 4

We co-create and distribute AI algorithms for Medical Imaging on a single platform. Saving time, Saving lives, Together. We co-create with medical centers IA applications for radiology. Healthcare professionals are now overwhelmed by the volume of patients and images. They need new tools. As safeguards of our Healthcare system, they need to be empowered and to participate in the AI production process. This is our mission through our co-creation projects. We distribute the world's top applications via a unified platform. Hundreds of start-ups have embarked on this adventure. They all want to produce AI to answer a specific clinical question. …

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: deeptech healthtech it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Deep Learning SaaS

27 12 20 93
Fibois Bretagne Fibois Bretagne

[Automatic translation follows] Fibois Bretagne is the sole representative of the forest-wood sector in Brittany. Its missions: promote wood, support network professionals, structure the forest-wood sector, train, inform. forest, Wood, Wood construction, Wood energy, Training, communication, and Forest-wood sector

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

15 3 14 19

[Automatic translation follows] Studies, Actions and Information, in favor of people in vulnerable situations The federation of Regional Centers for Studies, Actions and Information, in favor of people in vulnerable situations

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

18 1 15 10

[Automatic translation follows] The degree of civilization of a society is measured by the attention paid to the most vulnerable people SEZAIA is part of the landscape of impact initiatives and develops artificial intelligence solutions adapted to people with reduced mobility or loss of autonomy, thus helping to facilitate their daily travel. Artificial Intelligence, R&D, Project Development, Medtech, PMR, Disability, Social Inclusion, Accessibility, Mobility, Technological Innovation, and Social Entrepreneurship

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: A.I.

9 1 4 3
Comité d'Ille-et-Vilaine de la Ligue contre le cancer Comité d'Ille-et-Vilaine de la Ligue contre le cancer

[Automatic translation follows] The Bretons are stubborn, here is a great opportunity to prove it, together let's fight cancer. The League fights before, during and after the disease in 3 complementary directions: Research; information and promotion of screening; and support for patients and their loved ones. Promotion of screening, Support for patients and their loved ones, and Awareness raising among companies

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

11 2 8 26

[Automatic translation follows] The strength of a group / The agility of the medico-social Social and medico-social cooperation group of the territory COMETE BRETAGNE The GCSMS Comète Bretagne is made up of 30 different legal entities, 7 autonomous public EHPADs and 5 public hospital EHPADs and 9 territorial EHPADs bringing together 21 residences spread over the departments of Finistère and Morbihan

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

5 1 5 7

[Automatic translation follows] Ehpadons nous un peu... The EHPAD des ABERS welcomes 291 residents in three residences, LANDEDA, LANNILIS and PLOUGUERNEAU. It has a Home Care Service and a Day Center accommodation, EHPAD, Care, and Alzheimer

Type: Public Activities: consumer services

3 1 2 125
La Ligue Contre le Cancer du Finistère La Ligue Contre le Cancer du Finistère

[Automatic translation follows] The League Against Cancer: a fight on all fronts of the disease Created in 1918, the League Against Cancer is an association under the 1901 law recognized as being of public utility based on the generosity of the public and the commitment of its volunteers and employees to meet the needs of people affected by cancer. Our federation, composed of 103 Departmental Committees present throughout the national territory, is apolitical and financially independent.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

6 1 4 9
Clim'actions Bretagne Clim'actions Bretagne

[Automatic translation follows] Clim’actions, a laboratory of ideas and projects to anticipate and act on climate change. Clim’actions is a laboratory of ideas and projects to anticipate and act on climate change. This independent association was created by residents with diverse expertise. The association’s headquarters are located in Vannes (Morbihan). Its goal: to mobilize, as widely as possible, social, economic and political actors to initiate actions to mitigate and adapt the territory to the already visible consequences of climate change.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

8 1 4 10
Samu-Urgences de France Samu-Urgences de France

[Automatic translation follows] Samu-Urgences de France is a professional association formed between the members of the medical staff participating in the activity of the Emergency Structures (Emergency Medical Aid Services, Mobile Emergency and Resuscitation Services and Emergency Reception Services). The professional association was created on April 1, 1975 under the title Syndicat National de l'Aide Médicale Urgente (SNAMU), then under the title Samu de France - Syndicat National de l'Aide Médicale Urgente on October 24, 1991. The professional association modified its statutes and its field of action in 2009 to become Samu-Urgences de France (SUdF). Medical emergencies, Samu, Smur, Emergency …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

15 3 6 338
Observia Observia

Improve patients'​ lives Since 2011, we have been a passionate pioneering health tech company committed to driving the healthcare (r)evolution and improving patients’ lives. We work with healthcare stakeholders that aim to create value at every step of the patient journey: industrial companies, healthcare facilities, healthcare professionals, and patient organizations. As a European reference, we help companies to develop personalized, intelligent patient engagement and support solutions, and to define and implement patient strategies. We have created a new generation of evidence-based tools to support efficient patient behavioral change and improve the user experience. d.tellsTM, our smart engine for personalizing patient …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: A.I.

13 2 13 50

[Automatic translation follows] What if we optimized the healthcare system? MaPUI LABS is an E-health start-up that develops digital platforms dedicated to the cooperation of healthcare professionals. 👉 MaPUI 👈 2 solutions to manage your supply management on a single platform. HospiStock 3️⃣ Tripartite platform (laboratories, purchasing groups, PUI) It allows: 📣 Communication between healthcare stakeholders 👍 Optimization of tension monitoring ⚡️ Immediate and personalized dissemination of information. HospiBoard Short expiry, overstock... are you faced with complicated management of your medicine stocks? 🚨 Share the availability of a medicine in a territory in order to respond to an urgent need …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

15 1 13 14
OMéDIT Bretagne OMéDIT Bretagne

[Automatic translation follows] Observatory of Medicines, Medical Devices and Therapeutic Innovation

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

4 1 4 7
Objectif Santé Environnement - OSE Objectif Santé Environnement - OSE

[Automatic translation follows] Translating environmental health science into action OSE is a multi-professional network of doctors, scientists and transformation experts who share the same systemic vision of environmental health with the ambition of: - Disseminate validated and updated scientific knowledge in order to prevent risks incurred in professional and personal life - Translate scientific data into concrete actions for prevention and health promotion in the field - Create and support the dynamics of transformation in environmental health OSE raises awareness, trains, mobilizes, advises, carries out studies, audits, communication tools and supports the transformation of practices by promoting dynamics of collective …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: Data Analytics

9 1 9 3
Questembert Communauté Questembert Communauté

[Automatic translation follows] At your service every day. At the gateway to the coast and inland Brittany, the territory of Questembert Communauté enjoys a privileged geographical location. Located in the south-east of Morbihan, backed by the Landes de Lanvaux, it is only 20 kilometres from the Vilaine estuary and the Gulf of Morbihan. Questembert Communauté is located to the east of Vannes, between the coastal area of ​​the Gulf of Morbihan, the Vilaine, the Oust valley, and the back of the heights of the Landes de Lanvaux. Rural in terms of its landscapes and its economic structure, the territory of …

Type: Public

4 2 1 28
Photonics Bretagne - Photonics Innovation Hub Photonics Bretagne - Photonics Innovation Hub

Un cluster et une plateforme technologique experte en fibre optiques spéciales, composants et biophotonique Photonics Bretagne is a Photonics innovation hub integrating a cluster supporting innovation in the field of Photonics and its applications in Brittany, and Perfos, a RTO expert in the development of specialty optical fibers (PCF fibers) and components. The cluster supports innovation and industrial and technological development of its members (companies, research centers and schools) in order to generate economic growth and create jobs in Photonics, in Brittany. The cluster gathers more than 100 members today []. Perfos, the research and technology organisation of Photonics Bretagne …

Type: Incubators & VCs

55 14 51 23
CPAM de la Gironde CPAM de la Gironde

[Automatic translation follows] Acting together. Protecting everyone. Working at Health Insurance means committing to a collective driven by a culture of results, where everyone puts their skills to work on numerous projects to protect the health of more than 60 million insured persons. Every day, more than 1,200 employees work to ensure the mission of the Primary Health Insurance Fund of Gironde in its 540 municipalities. Attached to the health branch of Social Security, the CPAM covers the health, maternity, work accident and occupational disease risks of approximately 1.3 million beneficiaries. We also work with more than 13,000 health professionals …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

55 16 41 75
deneo deneo

[Automatic translation follows] Caregivers and patients: choose a human care path & contribute to research. 🌟 At Deneo, our mission is clear: improve the efficiency and quality of the care pathway. 🌟 Our innovative solution helps healthcare and sports-health professionals save time, simplify collaboration and promote patient engagement. ✅ Save time: automate results, graphs and reports. No more tedious and time-consuming tasks, you will be able to focus on the essentials. 🤝 Simplify collaboration: Easily share information and documents. No more juggling between different systems or wasting time searching for information, everything is centralized and accessible in one place. 💪 …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech healthtech Technologies: SaaS

18 2 10 4
Daspren Daspren

Défendre vos données The first Data Detection and Response (DDR) platform to detect and block zero-day cyberattacks on data, thanks to its patented "data-centric" artificial intelligence. Uses cases : Ransomware, Zero-day, Data Discovery, Compliance, Data classification, Data Exfiltration, AD protection (coming soon) Daspren is french startup from Inria specializing in protecting corporate data from unknown cyberattacks. 📍 Request a demo at La première plateforme Data Detection and Response (DDR) permettant la détection et le blocage des cyberattaques zero-day sur les données grâce à son intelligence artificielle « data-centric » brevetée. Daspren est une startup française issue d'Inria spécialisée dans …

Type: Startup Activities: privacytech it services Technologies: Cybersecurity Data Analytics A.I.

13 5 10 9
SynApp SynApp

[Automatic translation follows] Secure and easy-to-use instant messaging, created by and for healthcare professionals 📱👨🏻‍⚕️ SynApp is a secure instant communication and collaboration platform that allows you to communicate with healthcare professionals in order to optimize your activity. With SynApp, you can: 💬 Communicate in real time with any healthcare professional that you can find through a national directory set up. 🔍 Search for professionals, join or create your own medical community. 📑 Share structured clinical cases and exchange documents (by e-fax) securely. 🔒 Exchange on a secure platform that complies with the GDPR and is hosted by a French …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

14 2 13 1
Préfet du Finistère Préfet du Finistère

[Automatic translation follows] Official account of the prefecture of Finistère. Welcome to the official account of the State services in Finistère.

Type: Public Activities: it services

10 2 8 47
Vitré Communauté Vitré Communauté

[Automatic translation follows] Agglomeration community of 46 communes and 80,000 inhabitants. On the Paris-Rennes axis, Vitré Communauté is a Breton agglomeration composed of 46 communes. With its 83,000 inhabitants and the lowest unemployment rate in France (3.5%), this territory is today one of the most dynamic in Brittany.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

14 2 12 140
CESER de Bretagne CESER de Bretagne

[Automatic translation follows] A think tank serving the general interest The CESER (Regional Economic, Social and Environmental Council) is the consultative assembly of the Brittany Region, composed of stakeholders who represent all currents of civil society. It issues opinions, formulates proposals to enrich the thinking of elected officials and carries out in-depth studies to share the challenges of Brittany's development with as many people as possible.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

8 1 8 24
MSA Armorique MSA Armorique

[Automatic translation follows] Social protection organization. Actor in the agricultural and rural world of Finistère, Côtes d'Armor and more! Resulting from the merger of the MSA of Côtes d'Armor and Finistère in 2010, the MSA of Armorique manages for the agricultural world (employed or self-employed workers, retirees, family) all social protection (health, family, retirement, recovery, work accidents, occupational diseases) and social action (health and social action, preventive medicine, health and safety at work). In 2019, the MSA of Armorique had 650 employees serving 240,000 members. Learn more:

Type: Public

7 4 5 20
Mission Locale réseaux pour l'emploi du Pays de Lorient Mission Locale réseaux pour l'emploi du Pays de Lorient

[Automatic translation follows] Join our business network and help young people in the area get in touch with the economic world. The Local Mission and young people The Local Mission networks for employment in the Pays de Lorient carries out a local public service mission with one essential objective: to support young people aged 16 to 25 in their paths to access autonomy and employment. It implements comprehensive support that addresses all the levers that promote socio-professional integration: employment, training, orientation, citizenship, mobility, housing, health, access to rights, culture and leisure. With its 60 employees, its 3 branches and its …

Type: Public Activities: edtech

13 3 7 50

[Automatic translation follows] Supporting 16-25 year olds towards and in employment - Supporting companies in their recruitment needs La Mission Locale, a social structure with a public service mission: -> helping with the social and professional integration of young people aged 16 to 25 -> playing a role in the development of employment in its area of ​​intervention

Type: Public

14 0 5 24

[Automatic translation follows] Our goal is to reduce inequalities in access to care MarSOINS is a social innovation system that is part of an approach to reduce inequalities in access to care. It is a converted former occupational health truck that offers free consultations, among other things, in priority neighborhoods in the city of Saint-Nazaire but also in rural areas. The aim is to reach out to people who are furthest from the care pathway, in order to support them and direct them to the appropriate systems/approaches, with a view to returning to common law. MarSOINS offers dental, optical, and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

17 4 16 3

[Automatic translation follows] Sick call, automatic detection of falls and escapes. Cairos is an innovative solution for notifying caregivers in the event of a worrying state of health of its wearer. The result of a co-design experiment with an EHPAD, the solution is intended for medico-social establishments: EHPADs, Senior Service Residences, retirement homes, etc. The Cairos solution distinguishes between a voluntary call, a fall of its wearer or an escape. This qualification of alerts allows caregivers to prioritize their interventions and react more effectively in the interest of the residents. Designed with caregivers and EHPAD residents, it responds to their …

Type: Startup Activities: silvertech it services Technologies: Sensors

8 1 8 4

Intelligent, personalized and connected solutions for complex pathologies E-MEDYS develops intelligent, personalized and connected solutions for the support of complex pathologies, such as diabetes. These tools range from telemedicine and data collection solutions to VR serious games for training health professionals, artificial intelligence and simulation for prevention and diagnostic assistance. Santé numérique, IA, Serious game, Education thérapeutique, Maladies chroniques, Médecine connectée, Application, Formation, Télésuivi, Télésoin, and e-santé

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: A.I.

12 3 11 7
l'eclozr l'eclozr

Lieu d'innovation pour les entreprises : Design Lab, Corporate Lab, Digital Lab, Conférences, Formations * Lieu d'innovation pour les entreprises : Design Lab, Corporate Labs, Digital Labs, Conférences, Formations, Experts de l'innovation * Centre ville : 15 min à pied de la gare de Rennes Corporate Lab, Design Lab, Training, Events, Conferences, Digital Lab, and Innovation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

48 12 41 17
Le Ciré Jaune Le Ciré Jaune

[Automatic translation follows] Marketing and Communication Consulting. Tourism, Sustainable Development, Health, Local Know-how, Game Changers. We are absolutely convinced that emotions shape people's perceptions and decisions. We see our job as an art. The art of transforming complicated things into simple things. The art of creating the right connection between a brand and its target. And why not, the art of transforming information into entertainment. And there is only one way to master this art: putting sharing and listening at the heart of our job. Strategic Consulting, Marketing, Identity & Advertising, Web & Mobile, and Communication Consulting

Type: SMB Activities: martech

6 2 5 9
Hospitalité Saint-Thomas de Villeneuve Hospitalité Saint-Thomas de Villeneuve

[Automatic translation follows] Taking care is first of all creating a bond Hospitalité Saint-Thomas de Villeneuve brings together 15 non-profit health and medico-social establishments: hospitals, clinics, reception services for the elderly, residential homes for adults with disabilities, in Brittany, Provence and Pays-de-la-Loire. Hospitalité was created in 2010 by the Congregation of the Hospital Sisters of Saint-Thomas de Villeneuve to strengthen and develop the establishments, some of which have existed for over 360 years. The headquarters of Hospitalité are in Lamballe (22). Regardless of their sector of activity or the territory in which they are located, the establishments all share the …

Type: Public Activities: healthtech

3 2 1 239
URPS Médecins Libéraux de Bretagne URPS Médecins Libéraux de Bretagne

[Automatic translation follows] Private Practice at the forefront The URPS MLB - Regional Union of Health Professionals Private Practice Doctors of Brittany - was created by the Hospital, Patients, Health and Territories law, known as "HPST", of July 21, 2009. It is an association governed by the law of July 1, 1901. Its missions in brief? The URPS MLB represents the 6,000 established Private Practice Doctors in Brittany, practicing privately under the national conventions regime, in the city or in health establishments. It supports them on a daily basis in the implementation of their projects and by organizing, in the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

8 1 5 21
Pays de Morlaix Pays de Morlaix

[Automatic translation follows] The Pays de Morlaix is ​​a Public Intercommunal Cooperation Establishment made up of three members: Morlaix Community, Haut-Léon Community and the Community of Communes of the Pays de Landivisiau.

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

15 3 7 13
InterSyndicale Nationale des Internes (ISNI) InterSyndicale Nationale des Internes (ISNI)

[Automatic translation follows] ISNI represents 12,000 medical interns throughout France. Presidency: Guillaume Bailly The National Inter-Union of Interns has represented and brought together all interns in France and the French overseas departments since 1969. In 2013, ISNI represented 12,000 interns, spread across 28 internships in cities that are members of the Inter-Union. We carry the voice of interns to the highest national and international authorities, with several objectives: - Defend and represent interns - Improve the status and working conditions of interns - Improve training during the internship - Make the voice of the younger generation heard in health projects

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

8 5 2 9

Learn Together Neosilver is the platform for connecting seniors with providers of collective, sports and cultural activities. Adapted in terms of prices, proximity and non operated schedules: off-peak hours. The activities take the form of workshops or group classes to promote exchanges and the social bond. With Neosilver, you can book an activity at any time of the day, with passionated and low-cost animators. activités, sport, bien-être, mise en relation, culture, plateforme, digital, conférences, système informatique, récréatives, manuelles, artistiques, seniors, professionnels, prestation de service, haut-de-gamme, cours, collectif, ateliers, apprentissage, lien social, Résidences seniors, and EPHAD

Type: Startup Activities: civictech silvertech Technologies: SaaS

66 5 62 111
Kaduceo Kaduceo

Non-Clinical Task Automation Through Intelligent Agents Non-Clinical Task Automation Through Intelligent Agents Machine Learning, Performance organisationnelle, Automatisation d'analyses, Modèles prédictifs, and Secteur hospitalier

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech it services Technologies: Data Analytics A.I. - Machine Learning A.I.

22 2 21 8
e-santé Pays de la Loire e-santé Pays de la Loire

[Automatic translation follows] The Regional Group for Supporting the Development of e-Health in the Pays de la Loire The e-health Health Cooperation Group (GCS) is a major player in e-health and health information systems in the Pays de Loire. A private law group, its members are institutions in the public or private health and social-medical sector, as well as independent health professionals in the Pays de la Loire. The GCS e-health Pays de la Loire implements digital health policies in the region in order to improve patient care and coordination. health information systems, telemedicine, digital, health, social-medical, project management, and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

19 8 14 61

[Automatic translation follows] A reference institution for your health! A reference institution for your health! The #GHBS is the 3rd public health institution in Brittany (after the 2 university hospitals). Located in South Brittany, it is the reference hospital of the health territory and offers a complete range of care and accommodation ✅ requirement, proximity, quality ✅ partnerships with health and medico-social sector players in the territory ✅ 5,000 professionals serving the health of the population ✅ 2,300 beds & places ✅ located on 12 sites ✅ support institution of the Territorial Hospital Group ✅ Institute for Training of Health …

Type: Public Activities: healthtech

12 3 5 395

[Automatic translation follows] Your cybersecurity expertise center! ACCEIS is a cybersecurity expertise center created in 2015, which benefits from the recognition of the French State through its CESTI accreditation, allowing it to carry out security assessments within the framework of CSPN certifications and its PASSI qualification. Our team of passionate multidisciplinary experts supports you in a transversal and global manner in securing your activities, through a tailor-made, quality and sincere service offer: Audit, Consulting, Training and Evaluation. Close to our customers, we always seek excellence both in terms of our technical expertise and our mastery of risk management and governance …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

22 2 21 32
Observatoire régional de la santé de Bretagne (ORS Bretagne) Observatoire régional de la santé de Bretagne (ORS Bretagne)

[Automatic translation follows] Observe, analyze and evaluate to support decision-making and promote action in public health Our activities aim to contribute to a more in-depth knowledge of the state of health of the Breton population and social and territorial inequalities. They take into account the factors that influence this state of health such as the different ages of life, social, professional and environmental living conditions. Expertise, Project support, Surveys, Evaluation, Quantitative studies, Qualitative studies, Statistics, Epidemiology, Territorial studies, Local diagnostics, Mapping, Monitoring of health priorities, Population studies, and Public health studies

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

6 2 5 6
Groupement Régional e-Santé Bretagne Groupement Régional e-Santé Bretagne

[Automatic translation follows] Digital technology at the service of health The e-Health Brittany Regional Group deploys and coordinates e-health projects and services in Brittany by supporting health professionals in this transition. The e-Health Brittany Regional Group brings together more than 300 members.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

14 5 8 51
Préfecture Du Morbihan Préfecture Du Morbihan

Type: Public

1 1 0 1
Mission Locale du Pays de Cornouaille Mission Locale du Pays de Cornouaille

[Automatic translation follows] The address for 16-25 year olds! A team of professionals is there to support you in your recruitment projects and the management of your jobs and skills. The business relations officers are present throughout the Pays de Cornouaille. The Local Mission offers you support on: Promoting your sector of activity Analyzing your needs Information and support on recruitment assistance schemes Distributing your job offers Selection of candidates Monitoring the integration of your future employees

Type: Public Activities: hrtech

14 1 3 37
Département du Morbihan Département du Morbihan

[Automatic translation follows] Located in South Brittany, both urban, rural and coastal (with more than 900 km of Atlantic coastline), Morbihan is a dynamic department rich in history, culture and heritage. 2.5 hours from Paris thanks to the LGV and close to major cities (Rennes, Nantes), the department combines economic prosperity and quality of life. The Departmental Council is the deliberative assembly of the department. It is made up of 42 departmental councilors elected in male-female pairs in each of the 21 Morbihan cantons for a 6-year term. They constitute the assembly that will decide on the departmental policies to …

Type: Public

15 10 5 404
De l'Oust à Brocéliande communauté De l'Oust à Brocéliande communauté

[Automatic translation follows] From Oust to Brocéliande, the community includes 26 municipalities, the best known of which are La Gacilly (Flagship of the Yves Rocher group, also famous for its International Photography Festival), Malestroit (small town of character) and Guer (which hosts, among others, the military schools of Saint Cyr Coëtquidan).

Type: Public

6 2 3 72
MSA Portes de Bretagne MSA Portes de Bretagne

[Automatic translation follows] The essentials and more The MSA is a mutual organization that comprehensively manages the social protection of agricultural employees and non-employees as well as their beneficiaries and retirees. It takes care of occupational medicine and the prevention of occupational risks, and carries out health and social actions. health, family, retirement, businesses, SST, and social action

Type: Public

9 4 7 75
Cité des Métiers des Côtes d'Armor Cité des Métiers des Côtes d'Armor

[Automatic translation follows] Information space on professions, training, employment, business creation and professional retraining The Cité des Métiers is a space for advice and information on professions, training, employment, business creation and professional retraining. It is a place open to all (people in school, looking for a job, working), with free, anonymous and free access. #citedesmetiers22

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

25 1 24 18
Chambre de Métiers et de l'Artisanat de Bretagne Chambre de Métiers et de l'Artisanat de Bretagne

[Automatic translation follows] The CMA of Brittany at the service of Craftsmen and Apprentices #AllWithOurCraftsmen The Chamber of Trades and Crafts of the Brittany Region supports and advises craftsmen and future craftsmen in each stage of their professional life: - Training (initial and ongoing) - Preparation for installation - Formalities for creating/taking over a business, development and cessation of activity.

Type: Public

36 10 29 206
Guingamp-Paimpol Agglomération Guingamp-Paimpol Agglomération

[Automatic translation follows] From Armor to Argoat Guingamp-Paimpol Agglomeration brings together 57 municipalities and brings together 73,700 inhabitants, 440 agents and a budget of 96 million euros for the implementation of its 24 skills. Reconciling the maritime facade and rurality, the wealth of the Agglomeration territory lies in its network between the city, the countryside and the sea. From the Bay of Paimpol to the Valley of the Saints, the territory combines tourism, dynamic agricultural activity and a center of agri-food excellence

Type: Public

14 8 8 115
Infrastructure F-CRIN Infrastructure F-CRIN

[Automatic translation follows] Supporting and promoting the excellence of French clinical research F-CRIN - French Clinical Research Infrastructure Network - is a national clinical research infrastructure set up in 2012 to support and promote clinical research. Labeled by the ANR as part of the Future Investment Program, supported by the Ministry of Health, its mission is to strengthen collaboration between clinical research stakeholders in France, by promoting scientific excellence and operational cooperation, and to provide a national relay for the ERIC "ECRIN", the European clinical research network, of which it is a component. A platform for supporting and structuring national …

Type: Public Activities: deeptech

25 0 5 11

[Automatic translation follows] Network for sharing experiences between Breton communities in all areas of sustainable development. Bruded is an association, born in 2005, under the impetus of a handful of small rural Breton communities strongly committed to sustainable urban planning projects. These pioneers decided to pool their thoughts and resources within a supportive network for exchanging experiences and sustainable development achievements. They are "elected officials talking to elected officials". Today, Bruded has more than 140 communities in the 5 Breton departments. Sustainable Development, Sustainable Urban Planning, Biodiversity, Sustainable Purchasing, Collective Catering, Green Spaces, Social Actions, Local Economy, Energy, Public Facilities, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

11 1 11 15
Treebal Treebal

Ethical and eco-responsible messaging Treebal is an ethical and eco-responsible instant messenger that protects its users' data and minimizes its impact on the environment. Beyond messaging accessible free of charge to the general public, Treebal Pro offers professionals an ethical and secure collaborative platform that allows organizations to engage all of their stakeholders over time. Eco-designed, Treebal minimizes its impact on the environment and finances reforestation projects around the world. Developed in France, hosted in Europe, Treebal secures exchanges and gives meaning by combining cybersecurity, sovereignty and responsible digital technology. Entreprise à mission and RSE

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Cybersecurity

58 4 48 11
Trophées bretons des transitions Trophées bretons des transitions

[Automatic translation follows] The Trophies highlight the actions of Breton stakeholders in sustainable development. The Breton Transition Trophies, organized by Ademe Bretagne, the Brittany Region and the State, aim to highlight the actions of Breton stakeholders in sustainable development. These stakeholders can be associations, companies, public stakeholders or educational institutions. 🏆 4 "category" trophies are awarded each year: - Association - Company - Public stakeholder - Educational institution 🏆 2 "thematic" trophies have been created: - Health Environment Prize - Mobility Prize 🏆 And 1 public prize We highlight projects committed to social, environmental, economic and governance issues. Do you …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

9 4 8 1

[Automatic translation follows] Public Mental Health Establishment of reference in the department of Ille et Vilaine and in the Brittany Region, The CH Guillaume Régnier ensures missions of prevention, diagnosis, care, rehabilitation, social reintegration, research and teaching on the 9 sectors of adult psychiatry and 3 sectors of child and adolescent psychiatry: 2700 agents for the care and support of more than 29,000 users including more than 28,000 in outpatient care.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

10 3 7 560
Protection Civile d'Ille-et-Vilaine Protection Civile d'Ille-et-Vilaine

[Automatic translation follows] HELP - RESCUE - TRAIN Official account of the Civil Protection of Ille-et-Vilaine. Nearly 300 volunteers ready to Help, Rescue and Train. An approved civil security association, member of the FNPC, the Civil Protection of Ille et Vilaine is an association that has been working for over 50 years in the service of the population in Ille-et-Vilaine in the field of rescue, first aid training and assistance to populations

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

11 0 11 11
Aux Goûts Du Jour Aux Goûts Du Jour

[Automatic translation follows] Train, support and raise awareness on Eating Well. Created in 2006, Aux Goûts du Jour is an independent training, support and awareness organization on the various themes related to food: taste education, the fight against food waste, a balanced diet, food and climate change, the gastronomic heritage of our regions, the attractiveness of food sector jobs, etc. Spread over 3 branches: Rennes, Brest and Quimper, our team is made up of multidisciplinary professionals who now work throughout France. food, training, awareness, support, diagnosis, rse, qvt, eating well, food waste, and food education

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech foodtech

14 2 10 16