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Banque de France Banque de France

Institution indépendante : stratégie monétaire, stabilité financière, services à l’économie. Banque de France is the central bank of France; it is linked to the European Central Bank (ECB). Its main charge is to maintain price stability by implementing the single monetary policy within the framework of the ESCB (European System of Central Banks). It also ensures the financial stability by regulating payment and securities settlement systems and supervising credit institutions and investment firms. central banking, monetary policy, banking regulation, and financial stability

Type: Public

273 196 58 8,055
Mairie de La Courneuve Mairie de La Courneuve

Welcome to the Courneuve page. Find municipal news and job offers | Host city #Paris2024 The history of La Courneuve is marked by three important stages. The first date of the end of the 19th century. The railroad track crosses the city and brings an incredible industrial development with it. The second step is that of the sixties with the massive construction wanted by the public authorities of social housing, in particular that of the 4000. The third, the current stage, is that of the deep transformation of the city, which is illustrated with Through a vast urban and human …

Type: Public

14 8 0 262
Nantes Métropole Entreprises Nantes Métropole Entreprises

Support you for responsible development in the Nantes metropolis Nantes Métropole Entreprises: a web platform, a call center, social networks and a newsletter to help you create, develop your activity and engage in responsible economic development.

Type: Public

67 10 48 3

Compte officiel de l'ISEGCOM (anciennement ISEG), the next-gen communication school. L’ISEGCOM (anciennement, ISEG) est une école de communication créée en 1980. Elle est présente dans 8 villes de France : Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Nantes, Nice, Paris, Strasbourg et Toulouse. Grâce à une approche pédagogique unique et personnalisée, chaque étudiant façonne son parcours en fonction de ses passions et ambitions. En phase avec les besoins des entreprises et les évolutions du secteur, l’école délivre des titres de Niveau 7, certifiés par l’État et enregistrés au Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles (RNCP). marketing, communication, and digital

Type: Large company

55 1 43 1,241
LNA Santé LNA Santé

LNA Santé is a family-owned company based in Nantes, established in 1990. Our mission is to care for and support individuals facing fragility or loss of autonomy. As a comprehensive healthcare provider, we bring together 9,000 professionals across more than 85 facilities, including surgical clinics, rehabilitation centers, mental health facilities, home hospitals, medicalized nursing homes, health centers, and nurseries. Committed to a mission, we are dedicated to collectively implementing concrete actions that address health, social, and environmental challenges.

Type: Large company Activities: healthtech silvertech

28 5 20 1,724
Bondy Blog Bondy Blog

Online media that tells of working -class neighborhoods since 2005 Online media that tells of working -class neighborhoods since 2005

Type: Media

15 10 4 54
Association Française des Fundraisers Association Française des Fundraisers

Network of fundraising and patronage professionals, certifying training, conferences, seminar, meetings The ATF is the association of fundraising professionals. Its mission is: • To advance professionals in their skills: - Train them in practices, in the profession - Bring expertise through training and studies • Animate and develop the Fatraisers network - Gather, relate and promote exchanges - Federate around an ethics of the profession • Promote an open, scalable and innovative approach to the profession - Bring an international opening -Build bridges between different sectors (merchant / non-market, teaching, culture, research, solidarity ...) • to value the profession - …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

37 9 25 52
Conseil constitutionnel Conseil constitutionnel

The Constitutional Council was established by the Constitution of the Fifth Republic, dated October 4, 1958. It is a jurisdiction with various skills, in particular the control of compliance of the law to the Constitution. Consult the moderation charter for the social media profiles of the Constitutional Council: law, legal, administration, justice, and constitution

Type: Public

47 28 13 150
Ladies Bank Ladies Bank

La crème des magazines financiers - by ODDO BHF Ladies Bank by ODDO BHF, le réseau de femmes dédié aux solutions patrimoniales qui va vous donner envie de vous occuper de votre épargne.

Type: Incubators & VCs

24 1 24 3
Monoprix Monoprix

Make it that every day is different, surprising, promising ... This is the whole spirit of the Monoprix group. Center-city merchant for 80 years, Monoprix offers an innovative and varied offer of products and services sharing the same objective every day: to make the beautiful and the good accessible to all. With 21,000 employees and more than 500 stores present in more than 200 cities in France, Monoprix actively participates in the economic development and the vitality of the city centers. Through its 6 dynamic and innovative brands, Monoprix has the ambition to contribute to the dynamics of city centers …

Type: Large company

34 28 8 259
40Watts 40Watts

🔋Reconditioning tailor -made batteries 🚲 A second life to electric bikes 🫶🏻 Quality is our priority Recondition your batteries and bikes!

Type: Startup Activities: entertainment Technologies: Batteries

16 2 14 5
Le Carburateur Le Carburateur

The mix of all energies to propel your business The carburetor mixes and ensures the right dosage of the energies necessary for the growth of a business. This is where you find suitable advice, workspaces, tools, networks and contacts to move forward. We fuel the sharing of expertise and experiences, pooling, we meet and exchange a lot and at the exit, we are larger faster.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech

22 7 17 14
Arkhn Arkhn

We help hospitals managing and leveraging their data. 📣 We're hiring! Arkhn redonne la souveraineté aux établissements de santé sur leurs données, pour mieux accompagner les patient·e·s, faciliter le travail des soignant·e·s et accélérer la recherche. Créé en 2019, Arkhn accompagne les établissements de santé pour gérer leurs données de façon pérenne grâce une architecture de données interopérable qui est déployée au sein des centres. Cette architecture permet d'agréger, mettre en qualité et standardiser l'ensemble des données de santé et d'en faciliter l'accès, afin de simplifier la prise en charge des patient·e·s pour les équipes médicales. Plus largement, elle favorise …

Type: Startup Activities: it services healthtech Technologies: Data Analytics

41 8 28 29
Tech4Gaia Tech4Gaia

Une Startup Impact au service de la Biodiversité Tech4Gaia développe des solutions IoT au service de la biodiversité et la préservation des pollinisateurs.

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: IoT

47 13 42 4
Billiv Billiv

Des solutions modulables pour les retailers : enrichir votre CRM, fidéliser, collecter des avis et cibler vos clients. 🇺🇸 Billiv is an innovative solution, entirely dedicated to retailers and compatible with all cash register and CRM software on the market. With Billiv, you can : - Increase your customer base: Register more customers, more quickly, while collecting a maximum amount of qualified, usable data. - Build loyalty: reate an intuitive loyalty program or optimize an existing one to strengthen customer relations. - Multiply customer reviews: collect up to 5 times more reviews thanks to an intelligent, fluid customer journey. - …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

26 6 21 26

MOVIGI is a management consulting company based out of 17 AVENUE DE LA LIBERATION, LIMOGES, France.

Type: Startup Activities: entertainment

3 1 2 1
Doctolib Doctolib

Ensemble, construisons la santé dont nous rêvons tous. Together, let’s build the healthcare we all dream of. Since Doctolib’s creation : We power health professionals and enable them to have a better work life. We help people to be healthier and have faster and easier access to care. Santé, Internet, Innovation, Rails, health, Scale-Up, e-health, telehealth, Frenchtech, online appointments, healthcare, technology, data protection, and security

Tags: FrenchTech120 Type: Startup Activities: healthtech it services Technologies: SaaS Data Analytics

185 114 55 3,319
Barreau de Bordeaux Barreau de Bordeaux

Lawyer, prevention, advice and defense. ⚖️ Order of lawyers of the Bordeaux Bar ➕️ 2,200 #Avocats to advise you, defend you. 🎯 Find a lawyer ⤵️

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

27 5 23 36

Dématérialisez & fluidifiez votre gouvernance #legaltech #Frenchtech La poste FrenchIoT ConnectHers by BNP-Paribas SISTA Manage your shareholders in a few clicks ! legaltech, frenchtech, assembléesgénérales, Regtech, Fintech, Actionnaire, and Actionnariat

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech fintech regtech Technologies: SaaS

70 8 60 5
#JamaisSansElles #JamaisSansElles

#JamaisSansElles is an association that aims to promote diversity in all sectors of society. #JamaisSansElles is a French feminist and humanist movement that promotes and works for equality between women and men. It was founded in 2016 by three women and around twenty men; including entrepreneurs and personalities from the digital world. The association is chaired by Tatiana F. Salomon, Etienne Parizot and Philippe Charlier are vice-presidents. #JamaisSansElles is a Do Tank The movement proposes concrete and immediate actions to promote the equal participation and visibility of women in decision-making bodies, in positions of responsibility and representation. The objective is …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

89 35 47 13
PIE (France Active Paris | Réseau Initiative Paris) PIE (France Active Paris | Réseau Initiative Paris)

Committed entrepreneurs | Our project, supporting yours! Paris Initiative Entreprise (PIE) is the leading financier of committed entrepreneurs in Paris. Its mission is to enable projects with a strong social, territorial or environmental impact to launch and prosper. It helps them to see more clearly in the mysteries of financing, supports them through loans and guarantees that facilitate access to bank co-financing and accompanies them during their first years of launch or during crises. PIE supports the entrepreneur in their request for financing: a consultant analyzes their project, advises them and helps them calibrate their financing plan. It also prepares …

Type: Incubators & VCs

52 8 45 60
Les Déterminés Les Déterminés

Entrepreneurship For All! The non-profit organization Les Déterminés supports and trains entrepreneurs from Priority Areas of the City and Rural Zones. Since 2015, more than 800 entrepreneurs (64% of whom are women) have been trained all around France. Our mission : Accelerate your success! Our aspiration is to develop through entrepreneurship a positive and proactive state of mind: the state of mind of an entrepreneur. The association Les Déterminés provides trainings, support for entrepreneurship and networking. Visit our website: and follow us on Facebook: and Twitter : Formation, Entrepreneuriat, Association, Collectivités locales, Conseil, Création d'entreprise, Réseau, Coaching, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

105 72 49 311
Kickstarter Kickstarter

Bringing creative projects to life. Kickstarter helps creative projects come to life. Backers have pledged over $8B to projects on our platform, supporting artists, musicians, filmmakers, designers, and other creators to make their ideas a reality. In 2022, we’ll be experimenting with a work-from-anywhere policy, a four-day workweek, and new asynchronous work practices that support a fully virtual and flexible work environment. Current job openings listed at

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

161 67 74 338
Finovup Finovup

Get more non-dilutive funding, faster and easier. We help tech executives get more non-dilutive funding. FinovUP was born from an observation (and personal experience) of our founders: following your dreams involves taking a lot of risks that... can cost you your business, or even more. And yes, we don't talk about it much... But entrepreneurship in France is paved with bankruptcies (and often personal bankruptcies...). However, for us, it is inconceivable that these beautiful aspirations cost you your business. This is why our goal, in terms of consulting, is to give you the decision-making and essential keys to enable you …

Type: Incubators & VCs

13 1 13 17

Afev mobilizes young people all over France to create links in neighborhoods and fight against inequalities! Thanks to Afev, nearly 20,000 students commit each year to supporting young people with academic difficulties and creating links in working-class neighborhoods. By fighting against educational and social inequalities, they act for a fairer and more united society through three programs: > Volunteer mentoring 2 hours per week Each week, a volunteer high school or college student individually supports a child or young person who is experiencing difficulties in their education (from kindergarten to university) for 1 or 2 hours per week throughout the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

84 22 62 1,469

Activity and Employment Cooperative dedicated to the restoration and heritage enhancement professions Activity and entrepreneur cooperative in the built, landscape and maritime heritage professions PETRA PATRIMONIA offers a new form of collective entrepreneurship that offers the project leader a risk-free solution to launch a new activity. Our membership in the business world and the Social and Solidarity Economy (ESS) makes us original. We bring together professionals from different professions, who wish to develop their own activity while evolving in a collective framework and benefiting from the status of salaried entrepreneur. PETRA PATRIMONIA is a shared company. Initially, PETRA PATRIMONIA offers …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

6 1 5 37

Acting for mental health Psychodon has set itself the mission of informing, raising awareness and mobilizing on mental illnesses around three main axes: research, support and prevention in the territories. Psychodon also connects associations, beneficiaries with patrons and companies. The objective is to help stakeholders in the field of mental health to come together to work together on innovative projects and local initiatives.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

23 6 13 1
Entrepreneurs d'avenir Entrepreneurs d'avenir

Entrepreneurs committed to a more humane and responsible economy since 2009 Entrepreneurs d’avenir is a community of leaders, entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, private or public sector employees seeking to promote a new model for the economy and society that combines respect for the individual and their well-being at work with exemplary ethical, social and environmental practices. The dimensions of ethics and sustainability must be fundamental and strategic for economic players because they become the very essence of economic progress and thus make it possible to meet the expectations of stakeholders and society and to face threats to our planet. The companies of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

112 30 85 20
Banlieues Santé Banlieues Santé

Act for access to health NGO acting for the health of tomorrow in medical deserts in France and internationally founded by health professionals and patients from these same places. We are a citizen initiative at the service of all! HEALTH SUBURBS, HEALTH, TECHFORGOOG, DATA, MEDICAL DESERTS, CITIZEN, SOCIAL PRECARITY, HOME, SOCIAL LINK, SUBURBS, RURALITY, HOME HEALTH, PERSONAL SERVICE, and HUMANITARIAN

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

87 23 66 25
Office franco-québécois pour la jeunesse (OFQJ) Office franco-québécois pour la jeunesse (OFQJ)

Generator of opportunities for 18-35 year olds The OFQJ, a major player in Franco-Quebec cooperation. The Franco-Quebec Youth Office (OFQJ) contributes to bringing together French and Quebec youth through mobility programs focused on professional development and improvement, in the economic, cultural and social sectors, while promoting intercultural discoveries and networking. Based in France and Quebec, the OFQJ advises and supports nearly 10,000 young adults aged 18 to 35 each year in their professional mobility project across the Atlantic (internship, temporary employment, participation in an event, trade mission, thematic delegation, etc.). The OFQJ has unique expertise in supporting mobility and designing …

Type: Public

86 36 54 40

EMERGENCY TRANSPORTED Courier - Urgent/Express Transport - Sensitive Transport From parcels to full trucks - 7 days a week ENVOYE SPECIAL is a company specializing in courier services, urgent transport and regular shuttles, offering the most comprehensive range of vehicles and services on the market. We carry out missions ranging from single items to semi-complete items. The employees who lead the Envoyé spécial team all have experience in our professions. Our interventions are carried out during the day, at night, on weekends and on public holidays. 90% of our activity is carried out with our own staff and equipment. ENVOYE …

Type: Media

290 193 99 112
Instagram Instagram

More than one billion people around the world use Instagram, and we’re proud to be bringing them closer to the people and things they love. Instagram inspires people to see the world differently, discover new interests, and express themselves. Since launching in 2010, our community has grown at a rapid pace. Our teams are growing fast, too, and we’re looking for talent across engineering, product management, design, research, analytics, technical program management, operations, and more. In addition to our headquarters in Menlo Park, we have thriving offices in New York City and San Francisco where teams are doing impactful work …

Type: Large company

558 334 332 14
Eventbrite Eventbrite

A global platform that allows anyone to create, share, find and attend events that fuel their passions. For support, please visit event ticketing, event registration, tickets, event planning, social commerce, event technology, ticketing, and event management

Type: Large company Activities: it services

179 119 38 1,241
Pan Piper Pan Piper

Organize tailor-made events in the heart of Paris ✨ An atypical place, an intimate atmosphere, a dedicated team 📌 📌 where are we? In the heart of the 11th arrondissement, very well served by the RER A, metro lines 2, 3 and 9 and buses 61, 69, 71, 46 and 56. 👩‍💻 who is behind this place? A family business and a motivated team present every day 🏠 our spaces? A reception hall and cloakroom area of ​​110m2, 3 rooms of 120m2, 190m2 and 250m2 respectively, a restaurant and 2 terraces. ⚙️ our equipment? Each room is equipped with a …

Type: Event

8 4 1 12
Moulin à Café Moulin à Café

Associative, supportive and participatory café created in 2006 by the inhabitants of Paris 14th. Social link. Solidarity. Culture Le Moulin à Café is an associative, supportive and participatory café, which allows you to have a drink, enjoy a meal at noon and in the evening, chat, read, participate in workshops, play chess, enjoy shows, propose projects, be a volunteer... Open to all unconditionally, Le Moulin à Café is one of the first associative cafés in Paris, created in 2006 by the inhabitants of the Pernety district (Paris 14th). It is managed as an association with the inhabitants, employees and partner …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

5 1 1 11
Femmes des Territoires Femmes des Territoires

Helping each other to start a business Femmes des Territoires is a collaborative network of mutual aid, based on authenticity and the sharing of skills and experiences. The network is intended for all women, whether they are project leaders or entrepreneurs, and whatever their profile and sector of activity. Femmes des Territoires aims to increase the figures for women's entrepreneurship, by breaking entrepreneurial isolation and creating synergies between all women business creators so that they can improve their skills. Launched at the end of 2019, the network is both digital, thanks to its collaborative platform, and local, with its 80 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

47 17 32 75
Nuova Vista Nuova Vista

Grow your societal impact Since 2009, Nuova Vista has been supporting companies and foundations seeking to explain, develop and evaluate their societal contribution. As a CSR consulting firm, we support our clients on 4 types of mission: construction of a corpus of purpose and mission (within the meaning of the PACTE law), support for the implementation of governance and management systems, development and deployment of CSR strategies, development of impact strategies. Nuova Vista has also been a mission-driven company within the meaning of the PACTE law since February 6, 2020. OUR MISSION PURPOSE Because, for us, each company can be …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

29 1 28 10
Le Social Bar & Co Le Social Bar & Co

Expert (all terrain) in Conviviality | Young Innovative Company of the Social and Solidarity Economy The mission of the Social Bar group since 2016: to strengthen social ties through conviviality everywhere and for everyone! In companies, in our bars, in public spaces and even in ministries! We exist because conviviality is no longer a reflex. Psychological and cultural barriers prevent encounters. Our ambition is to break them down in joy and good humor! To do this, we have created a new job: Conviviality Agent 😁 How do we get there? With our various activities: ✅ The Conviviality Agency which leads …

Type: Event

32 9 26 54
Osons Ici et Maintenant Osons Ici et Maintenant

Create triggers, reveal potential, sustainably integrate young people and build tomorrow. #DevelopersofPossibles Let's Dare, Here and Now! It all starts with a trigger. Founded in 2014, the association Osons, Ici et Maintenant is led by a team of 25 people in the Bordeaux, Béarn, Lyon, Brittany and Guyana regions. The current challenges of our society are unprecedented and immense. Many individuals, especially young people, want to contribute to building a new society but do not know how to do it, do not feel capable of it. At OIM, we dream of a society that dares to act despite uncertainty, driven …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

27 9 18 38
SocialCOBizz SocialCOBizz

Together, let's model and accelerate Social and Economic cooperation SocialCOBizz is a player in supporting positive impact cooperation and accelerator of co-constructions for a more sustainable society: united, inclusive and ecological. We support you on your strategic challenges - HR, territories, environmental transition... - and address them from the perspective of cooperation, by co-constructing innovative solutions between companies, ESS actors and institutions. SocialCOBizz was co-created by 2 large economic activity integration groups ARES and Vitamine T in order to promote impact cooperation models, the most successful of which is that of JVS (social joint venture). At SocialCOBizz, we are convinced …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

30 4 29 8
La Fresque du Climat La Fresque du Climat

Fun and collaborative workshop to understand climate issues! "The Climate Fresco" is a fun, participatory and creative workshop on climate change. It is based on collective intelligence and therefore extremely educational: it allows us to learn a lot in a very short time about the climate and the cause-and-effect links between the different components of climate change. The Climate Fresco is a 3-hour introduction, aimed at both novices and experts, on how the climate works and the consequences of its disruption. This workshop sheds light on the complexity of climate change, gives us keys to understanding and allows us to …

Type: Media

156 123 28 3,963
Entrepreneurs pour la Planète Entrepreneurs pour la Planète

A general interest association that works for the ecological, social and solidarity transition of companies Entrepreneurs pour la Planète is a general interest association that brings together and leads a community of entrepreneurs committed to the ecological and social transition of companies. Our mission is to map project leaders with social and environmental impact and to identify business leader mentors in the same territory in order to create pairs that will interact in a virtuous way thanks to "reverse mentoring" which allows the sourcing of innovations and the awareness of the company to environmental and social issues. Today we lead …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

64 18 48 48
Démocratie Ouverte Démocratie Ouverte

The democratic innovation collective to gain the power to act Open Democracy brings together French and French-speaking actors of democratic renewal - civic start-ups, associations, citizen collectives - who develop innovative solutions to serve more transparency and engagement in our political system (examples: Voxe;; Parlement-et-citoyens; Sénat Citoyen ...). These projects use new technologies and methodologies (digital, public policy design, collaborative methods, random draw, ...) to improve our representative democracy. Open Democracy aims to federate and drive synergies between these actors, support the experimentation of new solutions, and promote the concept and benefits of open democracy. The collective is part …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

47 10 33 18
Ville de Romainville Ville de Romainville

Located near Paris, Romainville has nearly 30,000 inhabitants. A member of the EPT Est Ensemble Grand Paris, Romainville is located near Paris and has 35,380 inhabitants (upgraded from 40,000 to 80,000 inhabitants). Since the election of a new municipal team on June 28, 2020, the City of Romainville has been engaged in a project of ecological transition, local justice, territorial equality and revitalized local democracy.

Type: Public

34 15 13 132
Institut de l'Économie Positive Institut de l'Économie Positive

Positive economics means thinking about development in the interest of present & future generations. Our actions for a positive economy aim to be the center of expertise and support for the positive transition of public and private actors. MEASURING THE CURRENT DEGREE OF POSITIVITY OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE ACTORS Thanks to the 3 Positivity indices developed with Nomadéïs and intended for nations, territories and companies, we measure the entity's real capacity to place the interest of present and future generations at the heart of its priorities. They thus make it possible to classify and identify best practices and guide the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

74 26 60 5

Recycling hotel soap to provide access to hygiene UNISOAP is the first French association that recycles hotel soap to provide access to hygiene. Our mission: to contribute to promoting access to hygiene for the most disadvantaged while having an ecological and social approach. We collect and recycle used soap from hotels to donate it to partner associations and for our hygiene education missions. 3 CHALLENGES: 1/ ENVIRONMENTAL Act for the environment by reducing waste 2/ HUMANITARIAN Provide access to hygiene products in order to reduce diseases 3/ SOCIAL Create employment for disabled workers by developing recycling units within ESAT UNISOAP, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

16 4 12 6
CRESS Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes CRESS Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

The Economy we want is sustainable, social and united. The CRESS Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is an association resulting from the 1901 law whose vocation is to federate, represent and support all the actors of the Social and Solidarity Economy in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. Based in Lyon and Clermont-Ferrand, it brings together associations, cooperatives, mutual societies, foundations, federations and employers' unions of the ESS. Its missions? ➡️​Represent the ESS to public authorities ➡️​Promote the ESS as a mode of entrepreneurship ➡️​Support the creation, development and maintenance of ESS companies ➡️​Observe the ESS in the territories ➡️​Support the training of company employees and volunteers

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

57 21 45 19
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Paris - OLD Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Paris - OLD

The old page of the Paris office of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung. To follow our news, it's here:

Type: Public

13 3 10 5
France Tiers-Lieux France Tiers-Lieux

The GIP France Tiers-Lieux supports the development, professionalization and sustainability of third places. The public interest group aims to support the development, professionalization and sustainability of third places in France. The founding members of the GIP France Tiers-Lieux are the State, the National Agency for Territorial Cohesion (ANCT) and the National Association of Third Places (ANTL). Their mission is to support the development, professionalization and sustainability of third places in France.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

98 42 74 17
CRESS Hauts-de-France CRESS Hauts-de-France

The regional chamber of the social and solidarity economy in Hauts-de-France runs the #ESSHDF: an economy ahead of the game! - The federating organization of the ESS The Regional Chamber of the Social and Solidarity Economy Hauts-de-France brings together the different components of the ESS in the region: associations, cooperatives, mutual societies, foundations, social enterprises, employers' unions, etc. who come together around the same vision of the economy and carry out a common project. - The representative of the ESS The CRESS HDF is an institution that has missions of general interest entrusted to it by law. As such, it …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

24 6 12 16
Skillfools Skillfools

Democratize CSR / ESG! The mission of the Skillfools agency is to democratize CSR / ESG through conferences: - The company will be responsible or disappear, - Artificial intelligence for sustainable development (new), collective intelligence workshops to make people want to act at work, and impact hackathons to make all goodwill work together. The Skillfools catalog is Qualiopi certified, because without training professionals there will be no transition to action. Finally, we support managers in the sustainable transformation of their organization. Sustainable Development, CSR, QVT, environment, ESG, impact, and circular economy

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

14 1 14 4
Les entreprises s'engagent Les entreprises s'engagent

The community that unites and supports companies committed to an inclusive society and a sustainable world. “Les entreprises s’engagent” is the French Community of companies committed to an inclusive society and a sustainable world. It currently brings together 100,000 companies, 101 departmental clubs and more than 500 people mobilized to bring the movement to life daily throughout France. It leads unprecedented coalitions that bring together, in each French department, companies of all sizes, but also government departments, decision-makers, associations and committed leaders from all spheres. Our mission? To make France the country where companies are the most committed in the …

Type: Public

137 53 105 63
France Bleu France Bleu

Listen, we're good together

Type: Media

265 190 81 9
Entreprendre Pour Apprendre / JA France Entreprendre Pour Apprendre / JA France

Dare to be an entrepreneur of your life Entreprendre pour Apprendre France is a federation of 16 regional associations that develop the entrepreneurial spirit in young people aged 9 to 25 in order to make them actors in their social and professional futures. Our approach is centered on the collective project. Our programs are based on an educational alliance between supervisors and mentors where each brings their knowledge, interpersonal skills and know-how to develop the skills of young people, in a mode of animation, governance and organization of a collaborative, cooperative and participatory type. Our courses are based on a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

126 22 105 8
Forum Français de la Jeunesse (FFJ) Forum Français de la Jeunesse (FFJ)

The FFJ is the platform for French organizations managed and led by young people under 30. The French Youth Forum (FFJ) was created on June 20, 2012. It lives by the will of the main organizations managed and led by young people. That of seeing, in France, young people speak out in order to advance the public debate. The FFJ thus carries out four main actions: It produces "opinions": findings and proposals on all societal issues that affect young people (health, housing, citizenship, mobility, etc.). These are collectively carried out by the member organizations of the FFJ It contacts the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

30 1 26 14
L'Obs L'Obs

Inform, reflect, debate, act 📌 Follow us on Facebook: 📌 Follow us on Twitter: 📌 Follow us on Instagram: 📌 Follow us on YouTube: 📰 Subscribe to L'Obs numérique: ✉️ Receive our newsletters for free: Written press and Digital

Type: Media

213 127 94 25
Radio Classique Radio Classique

Eco - info - music - culture With a unique offer in the French audiovisual landscape, Radio Classique asserts itself as the leading global media on classical music and a recognized reference for quality information (general, economic and cultural). A subsidiary of the Les Echos-Le Parisien Group (LVMH), Radio Classique strives to guarantee a diversified, user-friendly, elegant and demanding program offering, accessible live and on demand (podcasts) to an influential audience, largely made up of entrepreneurs and opinion leaders. Present in more than 100 cities in France, Radio Classique is increasing its broadcasting throughout the country on FM, digital and …

Type: Media

144 64 89 96

Media management of the Sud Ouest Group Sud Ouest Publicité, a team of experts at your side. The media brands of the Sud Ouest Group represent more than 6 million readers in their Print and Digital versions. To communicate with a large regional or local audience or to reach targets with a strong affinity with a sector of activity or a theme, our brands are available in print, digital and events. Entrust us with your projects: print advertising, web, RTB, Adwords campaign management, events, video production. Sud Ouest Publicité is a major player in communication in the South West and …

Type: Media

27 3 27 108
Objectif Métropoles de France Objectif Métropoles de France

The metropolises have found their magazine! First magazine dedicated to the development of French metropolises and cooperation with surrounding territories. A magazine designed by an independent team.

Type: Media

22 6 16 3
Ville de Pantin Ville de Pantin

Urban planning, events, participation... Pantin evolves with you! Pantin is a city of 55,000 inhabitants, adjacent to the 19th arrondissement of Paris with which it shares a metro station (Porte de Pantin), access to the ring road and the banks of the Canal de l'Ourcq, which attracts more and more walkers and sports enthusiasts every day. With its heritage as a popular and industrious city, Pantin is today one of the most creative and dynamic municipalities in Greater Paris. Grands Moulins de Pantin, Magasins généraux, storage halls, sheds, old factories or boilermaking...: the city's heritage preservation policy has made it …

Type: Public

38 28 12 526
Les Cols Verts Les Cols Verts

Associative network that encourages Urban Agriculture and the food transition of territories 🌱🥕 Les Cols verts is an associative network that works towards the food transition of territories, by supporting the implementation and development of urban agriculture projects. The solutions proposed - accessible to communities, businesses, and individuals - range from offering training and educational materials to supporting the creation of urban farms.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: agritech

24 7 18 37
Positive Planet Positive Planet

Le pouvoir d'entreprendre ✊🏽 Our mission is to make the world more positive economically, socially, ecologically, and politically. Therefore, we help to create positive businesses, that is to say, economically sustainable businesses, socially, and ecologically useful, and promoting the various dimensions of democracy. Poverty is a problem; positive economy is the solution. At Positive Planet, we have made this mantra our priority. For more than 22 years, we have been fighting against poverty and all forms of exclusion through an innovative solution for the most vulnerable communities: positive entrepreneurship. Since its creation in 1998, Positive Planet International has aimed to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

102 14 84 243
Syyn Labs Syyn Labs

Syyn Labs was formed by a group of creatives and engineers who twist together art and technology. We find fun solutions to unique challenges and build interactive installations that encourage strangers to play together.

Type: Media

2 1 1 3
LabGov ETS LabGov ETS

LABoratory for the GOVernance of the City as a Commons LabGov is is an international network of theoretical, empirical and applied research platforms engaged in exploring and developing methods, policies, and projects focused on the shared and collaborative management of urban spaces and resources. The Laboratory for the Governance of Commons is a place where students, scholars, experts, activists thinking and discussing about the future shapes that social, economic and legal institutions may take. LabGov is co-directed by Professor Sheila Foster and Christian Iaione and is mainly active within Georgetown University and Luiss Guido Carli University.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

12 0 12 11

The association that accompanies all women in their desire to undertake and fight gender inequalities 💪 Willa, formerly Paris pioneers, is the first mix of diversity in tech in France. Since its creation in 2005, Willa has accompanied startups founded or co -founded by women thanks to a network of mentor. Willa is convinced that more women, more diversity in general, is more creativity, and therefore more innovation and value creation. Willa is an organization that gives the keys to entrepreneurship to all women, accompanies them and welcomes them in a strong and committed network, but also in an atypical …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

55 33 28 80
Wikimédia France Wikimédia France

Association for free sharing knowledge via Wikipedia and its brothers projects. President Antoine Srun. WikiMédia France - Association for free Sharing of Knowledge is a non -profit association under French law (law 1901), whose aim is to support in France the free dissemination of knowledge and in particular the projects hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation as The Wikipedia encyclopedia, the Wikimedia Commons media library, the Wikionary Dictionary and several other projects related to knowledge. Created on October 23, 2004, it brings together users and participants in Wikimedia projects. Association, Collaborative Economy, Social and Solidarity Economy, Culture, Digital, Open-Content, Digital Culture, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

64 17 47 26
Ville de Saint-Denis Ville de Saint-Denis

Saint-Denis, by your side Welcome to the official page of the city of Saint-Denis. Located north of Paris, in the department of Seine-Saint-Denis, in the Île-de-France region, the city of Saint-Denis is a local institution in the service of nearly 115,000 inhabitants. It is attached to the public territorial establishment in Plaine Commune and is part of the Metropolis of Grand Paris. The city supports Dionysians and Dionysian on everyday issues and in their life projects. Discover all our actions and news on Childhood, youth, sports, handicap, seniors, culture, health, social, housing, women's rights, citizenship, filming, security, living environment, …

Type: Public

86 58 19 573
Ville de Guérande Ville de Guérande

Welcome to the official page of the city of #Guérande. Capital of salt and privileged witness of a prestigious past, Guérande is also a dynamic city in the heart of the peninsula that bears his name. The city of Guérande (Loire Atlantique) labeled City of Art and History, with its renowned medieval city, is also the most populous city (16730 inhabitants) in the Cap-Atlantique territory. Jobs, internships, learning, find our offers on:

Type: Public

18 6 7 58
Ville de Bobigny Ville de Bobigny

A new look at our city! Ville-prefecture of the Seine-Saint-Denis department, Bobigny is shaped by 20 centuries of history, as its archaeological, architectural and artistic heritage suggests. In full renewal, our community testifies to a revival of activity and a new dynamism, carried out by significant urban developments and its integration into the Metropolis of Greater Paris. In the heart of the Metropolis of Grand Paris, the city of Bobigny (more than 50,000 inhabitants) has a workforce of 1,800 permanent agents allowing it to offer a local public service to the population with a constant concern for quality . Do …

Type: Public

24 16 2 230

The communities of tech for good entrepreneurs within the Impact France movement The Impact France movement brings together all entrepreneurs and managers engaged in the transition of their model towards the ecological and social impact. Among them, many tech players who find themselves in the Tech for Good community.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

28 3 26 4

Independent web media: local news, outings, culture & amp; leisure in Saint-Nazaire and its surroundings. News & amp; Local life, agenda, outings, culture & amp; leisure in Saint-Nazaire.

Type: Media

8 1 7 42
Rêv'Elles Rêv'Elles

Empowerment of young women from working -class neighborhoods! Rêv’elles is a 1901 law association aimed at promoting equal opportunities and professional integration of young women from popular backgrounds. Our mission: to inspire, motivate, support these young women in their personal and professional development and allow them to become actresses of the society in which they evolve. Since 2013, the association has offered young women aged 14 to 20, educated or dropping out of school for innovative and participative orientation assistance programs. Their objective: to allow participants to develop their self -confidence, to get to know each other better, to take …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

51 22 44 86
Reseau C.M.E. Reseau C.M.E.

The C.M.E. was created in January 2010 in the Pays de la Loire region. Its main goal being to offer a place of exchange and meeting for small entrepreneurs who far too often experience isolation and have at heart the development of their business by contacts, training, business partnerships. The profile of the members is diversified but all have in common to be individual entrepreneurs at the head of small businesses and having their head office in the Pays de la Loire. (micro-entrepreneur, self-employed, freelance, craftsmen, liberals and TPEs of max 5 employees).

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

2 1 0 2
Plaine Commune Plaine Commune

Plaine Commune is a territorial public establishment (EPT) which brings together 9 cities north of Paris. Plaine Commune, host community of the 2024 Games, employs more than 2,200 agents with various professions. Located in Seine-Saint-Denis, on the north facade of Paris, it brings together 9 cities: Aubervilliers, Epinay-sur-Seine, Ile-Saint-Denis, La Courneuve, Pierrefitte-sur-Seine, Saint-Denis, Saint Ouen, Stains and Villetaneuse. It is identified as a territory of culture and creation in Greater Paris (#Culturelaville) and will be at the heart of #Paris2024. . You can follow the news of the territory on social networks: Culture and creation, urban development, …

Type: Public

91 56 34 961
Pépinière Le Campement Pépinière Le Campement

Nursery of the City of Bordeaux which hosts and supports a pool of innovative companies with a positive impact. The camp is a nursery for companies from the town hall of Bordeaux, dedicated to companies engaged in ecological transition, sustainable development and/or social innovation. Located in the heart of Darwin Éco-System which brings together more than 120 companies, all involved in the ecological transition, this environment is one of the most conducive in Bordeaux territory to promote entrepreneurial collaboration and economic and responsible development, of young companies with positive impact. The camp offers an individual and collective tailor-made support offer. …

Type: Public

33 12 25 18
la pep' bordeaux chartrons la pep' bordeaux chartrons

Nursery of the city of Bordeaux dedicated to start-ups in the heart of the Chartrons In the heart of the Chartrons district of Bordeaux, the PEP 'hosts and accompanies start-ups for the future. Created at the initiative of the City of Bordeaux in 2010, its management is entrusted to the Maison de l'Emploi in Bordeaux. The mission of the nursery is to support start-ups in the key stages of their development and their growth (access to markets, recruitments, funding, fundraising, international development ...), with the aim to perpetuate their activity and create jobs on the territory. This is materialized by: …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

50 9 46 11

See the city and people differently through committed events - Teambuilding - CSR - Seminars Esscapade, social enterprise specializing in events around solidarity and engagement, offers inspiring track games, to celebrate an event (bachelor party -EVJF, EVG- Birthdays ...) or for an animation of 'Company (seminar, Teambuilding, social innovation, CSR, integration of new employees). The objective of treasure hunts are to (re) discover a district or a city with a new look by giving particular attention to positive initiatives & amp; Local: Solidarity places and projects & amp; Citizens, craftsmen, traders, passionate. The treasure hunts created by Esscapade are accessible …

Type: Event

25 2 21 5
OpinionWay OpinionWay

Enable Today, Shape Tomorrow Founded in 2000 on this radically innovative idea for the time, OpinionWay was a pioneer in the renewal of the practices of the profession of marketing and opinion studies. Our mission: to make the world intelligible to act today and imagine tomorrow. With continuous growth since its creation, the company has continued to open up to new horizons to better address all marketing and societal issues, by integrating the social media intelligence into its methodologies, exploitation From Smart Data, creative co-construction dynamics, community approaches and storytelling. Today OpinionWay continues its growth dynamics by geographically establishing itself …

Type: Media

146 97 38 173

The International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF )'s mission is to give body to active solidarity between the 77 states and governments that compose it (57 members and 20 observers). A community of destiny aware of the links and the potential which proceed from the sharing of a language, French, and universal values. French language, cultural diversity, human rights, education, sustainable development, peace, democracy, multilingualism, economics, young people, gender equality, civil society, and Francophonie

Type: Public

45 23 17 672
NOISE emlyon NOISE emlyon

The new observatory of social and environmental innovation - to raise awareness, support and propel Noise Emlyon is the association of social and environmental innovation of Emlyon Business School. Its objectives? ► Awareness of future managers to the values ​​and practices of the Social and Solidarity Economy. ► Support social entrepreneurs in carrying out their projects. ► Enter social and environmental innovation in higher education. Since its creation in 2008, the association has experienced dazzling growth and has continued to develop new events around ESS! And it was in 2015, still with the aim of gaining resonance that the association …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

31 6 26 25
newPIC chair - PSB newPIC chair - PSB

new Practices for Innovation and Creativity - newPIC La chaire newPIC (nouvelles Pratiques pour l'Innovation et la Créativité) de PSB étudie les micro-fondations de l’innovation et de la créativité, depuis l’émergence d’idées nouvelles jusqu’à l’appropriation de ces idées par les acteurs, en passant par tout le processus de la création de valeur. La chaire met en perspective les spécificités de chaque contexte, territoire ou secteur d’activités pour identifier les singularités du processus d’innovation, les meilleures pratiques et les modèles d’affaires. Les contextes traités couvrent des secteurs variés : cosmétiques, électroménager, aéronautique, Défense et Sécurité. La chaire poursuit une triple activité: …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

9 3 8 7
Maison de l'Emploi et de l'Entreprise de Bordeaux Maison de l'Emploi et de l'Entreprise de Bordeaux

Created at the initiative of the City of Bordeaux, the State and Pôle Emploi, the Maison de l'Emploi et de l'Entreprise de Bordeaux acts for access to employment, the creation of a business and the economic development. It promotes the integration of the most in difficulty audiences (local plan for integration and employment, integration clause), it animates the territory on the theme of employment (reception, events, territorial provisional management of jobs And skills, providing business services), it supports activity creation (initiative platform, PEP 'Bordeaux Chartrons). By mobilizing a network of 210 partners, the Bordeaux Employment and Company Maison affects more …

Type: Public

53 20 31 104
WebForce3 WebForce3

The school of #digital trades for all · your 🌍 50 schools 🎯 Recruit our talents #skills #RS WebForce3 is a network of digital professions, a solidarity approved of social utility and labeled Grande Ecole du Digital. WebForce3 is located in 50 territories in France (metropolitan and overseas) and internationally (Belgium, Luxembourg, Morocco). WebForce3 trains in digital tension professions to respond, in France alone, to the needs of companies in search of 191,000 skilled talents by 2022. In a world where trades and technologies are growing strongly, the mission of webforce3 is to allow anyone to train quickly to acquire …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

89 28 63 380
Low-tech Lab Low-tech Lab

Open-source experiments and documentation of useful, accessible and sustainable technical solutions. Low-Tech Lab is a program of documentation, research and collaborative diffusion of low-tech. The program is to allow local and effective low-tech solutions to spread widely. This program is intended for all people or structures wishing to contribute to low-tech innovation or benefit from its discoveries. Website: low-technologies, innovation, consulting, international development, collaborative tools, community building, and tutorials

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

34 18 15 20
Captain Doc Captain Doc

We document your products Captain Doc helps you to write/design/deliver technical documentation for your products. Documentation, Documentation technique, Contenu, Aides en ligne, Bases de connaissances, GED, Manuels d'utilisation, Manuels de maintenance, Tutoriels, and User experience

Type: Startup Activities: it services

6 1 5 1
L'Union Européenne (UE) L'Union Européenne (UE)

The European Union (EU) is an association of twenty-eight European states which delegate or transmit by treaty the exercise of certain skills to common bodies. It extends over a territory of 4,493,712 km24, is populated by more than 507 million inhabitants and is the leading world economic power. The European Union is governed by the Maastricht Treaty and the Treaty of Rome, in their current versions, since December 1, 2009 and the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty. Its institutional structure is partly supranational, partly intergovernmental: the European Parliament is elected by direct universal suffrage, while the European Council …

Type: Public Activities: fintech

74 65 0 283
Le Village by CA Ille-et-Vilaine Le Village by CA Ille-et-Vilaine

We are an accelerator of innovative projects for all the structures of the Brétillian territory. Since 2017, the village by CA Ille-et-Vilaine has played the role of accelerator of innovative projects open to all players in the territory. Thanks to the diversity of expertise and know-how present in our ecosystem of startups, partners and customers, we work every day to facilitate, structure and accelerate collective innovation and transformation dynamics with a strong will to impact societal transitions. At the heart of a bubbling ecosystem, the village by Ca Ille-et-Vilaine now brings together a community of 30 innovative projects being accelerated, …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: Decarbonization

94 13 81 13
Les Satellites Les Satellites

The world you are looking for - Coworking community and space in Nice Satellites is a space and a coworking community where collaboration, conviviality, exchanges and opportunities are popular. We are independent, entrepreneurs, employees and students in a place where innovation and learning are accelerated. Come and visit us - you may no longer go. We are open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (and Wednesday until 10 p.m. during Eclipse). Coworking, community, freelancers, teleworkers, students, independents, start-ups, collaboration, and relations

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech edtech

7 3 1 3
Le Shadok Le Shadok

Shadok is a third place of digital discovery: to learn, create, work, have fun, do together. Opened in April 2015 by the City of Strasbourg, is now managed collectively by a consortium of 5 actors: Cybergrange, Longevity Music School, Random Bazar, Emmaüs Connect and the teaching league. Numeric, responsible, creative, Greentech, and TechForgood

Type: Public

27 15 11 7
Les Ecossolies Les Ecossolies

A network to support small and large cooperation in the social and solidarity economy #ess #innovation Initiated in 2002 with Nantes Métropole, the Ecossolies network brings together nearly 600 structures or partners in the Social and Solidarity Economy (ESS), which cooperate to develop and promote ESS in the Nantes region. The Ecossolies support the structures of the ESS in the consolidation and development of their activity by proposing: support systems for social entrepreneurship, vocational training programs, general public commercial events, Solilab, an emblematic place From the ESS recognized nationally, communication tools that increase the visibility of ASS actors. Ecossolies' actions …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

53 26 35 21
ETRE - Les Écoles de la Transition Écologique ETRE - Les Écoles de la Transition Écologique

Schools Be forming young people in the professions of ecological transition! The network of Ecological Transition Schools - Being is an association that brings together schools to be at the national level and supports them in their development. Schools Being are training organizations that sensitize and form young people far from employment (dropout school, reorientation, first-time arrivals, etc.) aged 16 to 25 in manual and technical trades in the ecological transition: Eco-construction, agriculture , repair of bikes, enr, etc. The fundamental teaching principles of the school are learning by doing so (workshops and collective sites), the meeting of professional. The …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

38 7 34 31
Les Canaux Les Canaux

Contribute to changing the economy for the benefit of models respectful of humans and the environment. Our mission is to support the development of a committed economy (local, social, united and circular) by forming and raising citizens, companies and communities to social and environmental innovation. Our professions: to raise awareness, train, support, create opportunities. We support 5,000 companies and 7,000 professionals in France and more than 300,000 citizens have participated in one of our events. ... The canals also animate the "House of Solidarity and Innovative Economies" located at 6, Quai de la Seine in the 19th arrondissement of Paris, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

161 50 135 41
Le Quai des possibles Le Quai des possibles

An optimistic collective for an ecological and solidarity transition third-Lieu | ESS | Yvelines | The hive | Innov Social The Quai des Possibles is a place where committed actors are inspired, experience and find new ways of being and doing the world of tomorrow. The platform is lived as a course adapted to its aspirations and desires: 1/ We can come and learn and learn through "click" events on alternative practices, to rethink the world of today and co-construct the world of tomorrow 2/ or be accompanied in the emergence of his project with a positive impact, thanks to …

Type: Event

23 1 22 14
Le Labo de l'ESS Le Labo de l'ESS

Think Tank which has set itself the objective of making known and recognizing the social and solidarity economy The ESS lab is a think tank which builds, through collaborative work, structuring axes of the social and solidarity economy, from concrete, innovative and inspiring initiatives from the territories. The structure was born from a collective reflection - the ESTAs of the ESS - which made it possible to collect more than 400 "hopes", 60 proposals and to identify several major themes: • the territorial poles of economic cooperation (PTCE), • short economic and united circuits (CCES), • Solidarity financial tools, • …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech fintech

95 36 61 22
Le Gorafi Le Gorafi

news, journal, presse, actualités, and newspapers

Type: Media

18 6 7 17

Financial Consulting for Impact Organizations: Part-Time CFO Services, Fundraising, Strategic Advisory Financial Consulting for Impact Organizations: Part-Time CFO Services, Fundraising, Strategic Advisory

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

13 9 1 12
La Gaite Lyrique La Gaite Lyrique

Fabrique de l'époque Cultural venue dedicated to digital cultures, digital arts and current music. Located on the location of an historical parisien theater built in the 1870's, la Gaîté lyrique underwent massive restructuration by architect Manuelle Gautrand after having been closed for 20 years, ordained by the city of Paris.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment arttech

71 53 16 117
La Compagnie Générale des Autres La Compagnie Générale des Autres

Solidarity for all and by all The General Company of others hosts participatory procedures for more solidarity in the territories and in organizations. Subscribe to his podcast!

Type: Media

24 6 19 7
La Cloche La Cloche

Solidarity resonates 🔔 The bell is a 1901 law association founded in 2014. Its mission: to create and promote the social bond between neighbors with and homeless. The bell has notably developed the network of solidarity traders - the chime: the Carillon traders open their doors to precarious people who no longer feel legitimate to enter these shops, and offer small services (offer a glass of water, Access the toilets, recharge your phone ...) Pretexts to social ties. The bells, it is also a network that allows you to create social ties between the inhabitants of a neighborhood, but this …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

68 29 46 114
Koom Koom

Crowd-acting: Solution to act together in business on CSR and climate challenges! What if all companies and their employees could have a positive social and environmental impact by acting on their scale? Koom is the crowd-acting platform aimed at making companies act and their employees through environmental and united challenges: a fun way to mobilize everyone by triggering a positive impact of the company! With Koom, a company can: - Promote your employer brand - Give meaning by its CSR policy - Give general visibility to its responsible actions - Make an internal dynamic - Strengthen its territorial anchoring Join …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

17 4 13 10