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VetAgro Sup VetAgro Sup

Together for Global Health A public institution of higher education and research, VetAgro Sup offers initial training for veterinarians, agricultural engineers and veterinary public health inspectors. The institution also offers a wide range of continuing education and services for professionals and businesses.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech healthtech

54 7 48 525
L'Eau Vive L'Eau Vive

The common sense of organic. Specialist in organic since 1979 with 40 stores and a bakery that makes organic bread, we support our customers on a daily basis in their quest for healthy and tasty products. Advisors and naturopaths guide our customers towards solutions that best suit them among a range of quality organic products, from food to organic cosmetics. If the choice and quality of our products are the foundations of our brand, the welcome and advice are the keystones. We are developing in France with the desire to democratize access to organic thanks to a fair pricing policy, …

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

1 1 1 335
SPAS Organisation SPAS Organisation

The largest organizer in France of trade fairs dedicated to organic, well-being, the art of living and sustainable development SPAS Organisation: the first network of organic, well-being, the art of living and sustainable development trade fairs in France SPAS Organisation is a company specializing in the organization and management of events dedicated to organic, well-being, the art of living and sustainable development, spread throughout France. SPAS Organisation currently has 30 events: - Organic trade fairs: Marjolaine (Paris), Natexpo (Paris, Lyon), Vivre Autrement (Paris), ViniBio (Paris, Bordeaux), Naturally (Paris), Noël en bio (Paris), Vivez Nature (Paris) - The network of Zen …

Type: Event

1 0 0 46
EPLEFPA Le Valentin EPLEFPA Le Valentin

Local Public Establishment for Agricultural Education and Professional Training Le Valentin is an EPLEFPA (Local Public Establishment for Agricultural Education and Professional Training) in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. The establishment is made up of several constituent centers with: • The Agricultural High School • The Adult Training Centers: CFPPA-OFA of Bourg-lès-Valence, CFPPA of Die and CFPPA of Nyons • The Agricultural Exploitation on the Bourg-lès-Valence site

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

3 2 1 24

A community committed to innovation with a positive impact on the entire food chain. ICI AGRIFOOD's mission is to promote qualified exchanges between agrifood startups and industry players, focusing on the impact angle. ICI AGRIFOOD offers different meeting formats: the annual Apéro, B2Biz For Startups meetings, Trophies and targeted meetings between startups and companies. ICI AGRIFOOD is rich in a community of more than 200 startups, around which 29 partners are grouped: players in the sector such as Bonduelle, Ecotone, Lorge Imprimeurs, Materne, Ninkasi, Valrhona, SEB group, Vegepolys Valley, Innov’Alliance, Cluster Bio, ARIA, La Coopération Agricole, ISARA, CTCPA, Novalim – …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

3 2 0 11
ITAB - Institut Technique de l'Agriculture et de l'Alimentation Biologiques ITAB - Institut Technique de l'Agriculture et de l'Alimentation Biologiques

40 years of expertise at the service of Bio #agriculture #agri-food #biodiversity #impact #research #experimentation The ITAB has been coordinating research-experimentation in organic farming in France since 1982. It is the national contact for everything related to research-experimentation and technology in AB. It works in a network with the many stakeholders involved in this field. The ITAB is once again doubly qualified ITA and ITAI until 2027 (Institut Technique Agricole = member of ACTA and Institut Technique Agro-industriel = member of ACTIA). The ITAB's missions are: - to identify the needs and actions carried out in research-experimentation - to bring …

Type: SMB Activities: agritech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

12 2 7 43
ISARA Conseil : Agriculture - Agroalimentaire ISARA Conseil : Agriculture - Agroalimentaire

Expert consultants serving the agricultural and agri-food sectors ISARA Conseil is a center of expertise entirely dedicated to the agri-food sector. Our team of consultants carries out consulting, study and project support missions, offers professional training and organizes events. ISARA Conseil, 5 areas of support: - Innovation, R&D and Marketing: Identify consumer needs and meet market expectations - Quality, Food Safety: Mobilize management systems, tools and methods - Performance and Production: Support organizations on technical and human dimensions - Brands, Sectors and Territories: Co-construct the strategy, promote sectors and territories - Agriculture, Environment, Agroecology: Create adapted solutions for food sectors, …

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech agritech

9 2 7 20
Lyon Pacte PME Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Lyon Pacte PME Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Connecting major public and private accounts with companies in the AURA Region on the purchasing side Lyon Pacte PME Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes connects major public and private accounts and companies in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region on the Purchasing and Innovation Purchasing side Connecting, Purchasing, Responsible Purchasing, and Business Service

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

17 8 12 N/A
Acanthis laboratoire Acanthis laboratoire

The intensity of wild plants The Acanthis Laboratory, located in the Hautes-Alpes, in the heart of nature, is the result of the already old meeting of ten plant specialists, passionate women and men, all professionals: producers, processors, herbalists, botanists, ethnobotanists. Faced with the growing demand for quality products and elaborate products, they founded the Acanthis Laboratory in 2004. Plant extraction, Food supplement, Cosmetic ingredient, and Organic liquid finished product

Type: SMB Activities: cosmetics Technologies: Bio sourced materials

4 3 1 11
Ladrôme Laboratoire Ladrôme Laboratoire

Organic products for everyone's health and well-being 🌿 : Aroma • Phyto • Propolis • Flower elixirs. A privileged environment, in the heart of nature In 1993, the Ladrôme laboratory brand was born in Die between Vercors and Provence... A region renowned for the richness and variety of local medicinal plants, at the crossroads of the Mediterranean and Alpine climates. In June 2018, we are moving our head office to new premises! Find us now in Saillans (26340). Expert brand in organic products based on medicinal plants Our products are structured around 4 themes dedicated to well-being and the defense …

Type: SMB Activities: cosmetics Technologies: Bio sourced materials

6 3 6 20

SQUALI - SCIENTIFIC POLE OUTSOURCED BY ITS CLIENTS Our business: EXPERTISE - MANAGE - SECURE your analyses Company created in JUNE 2002 based on a concept of analytical service provision, intended for companies in the agri-food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics sectors (chemical, microbiological and nutritional criteria). SQUALI is not a laboratory, BUT SQUALI CAN MANAGE ALL ANALYSES IN TOTAL INDEPENDENCE. They are entrusted to qualified analytical suppliers and generally accredited on the basis of the international standard ISO 17025. SQUALI also offers its customers additional services: - Consulting, expertise, assessment and risk control - Centralized analysis management - Monitoring of EU …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

2 2 0 8
INTERBIO Pays de la Loire INTERBIO Pays de la Loire

The interprofessional association of the regional organic sector INTERBIO des Pays de la Loire is a regional interprofessional association that brings together men and women involved in the development and promotion of organic farming. A professional organization, INTERBIO des Pays de la Loire is a structure for exchanges and construction between the different links in the organic agro-sector. Recognized and supported by the State and local authorities, INTERBIO contributes to the development and structuring of the organic sector at the regional level. Created in April 1996, INTERBIO, an association under the 1901 law, brings together all the players in organic …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech

19 3 10 7
Team for the Planet Team for the Planet

100 worldwide innovations for climate emergency. Follow our page to understand everything.. L’entrepreneuriat au service de l’urgence climatique ! Nous créons des entreprises pensées et paramétrées de A à Z pour lutter contre les gaz à effet de serre. Notre mission : > détecter des innovations à fort impact ; > recruter des entrepreneurs chevronnés pour transformer ces innovations en entreprises, avec des modèles économiques solides ; > injecter de l'argent pour maximiser et accélérer le déploiement. Toutes les innovations sont mises en open source. Nous sommes à but non lucratif. Chaque euro gagné est utilisé pour lutter contre le …

Type: Incubators & VCs

69 54 14 20,951
Groupe Oxyane Groupe Oxyane

New multi-purpose and benchmark agricultural and food cooperative group in Rhône-Alpes New multi-purpose and benchmark agricultural and food cooperative group in Rhône-Alpes, born from the merger of the Terre d'Alliances and Dauphinoise cooperatives

Type: Incubators & VCs

12 5 7 341
TerraCycle TerraCycle

TerraCycle is Eliminating the Idea of Waste® by recycling the unrecyclable and reducing disposability at its source. TerraCycle is Eliminating the Idea of Waste® by developing solutions to recycle the unrecyclable—items that aren’t typically curbside recyclable like cosmetics, candy wrappers, chewing gum, and even cigarette butts. We work with environmentally-conscious startups and some of the world’s biggest brands to recycle their products into raw material, which is then sold to manufacturing companies. Those manufacturers then use the materials to make new products like outdoor furniture and decking, plastic shipping pallets, tubes for construction applications, playground surface covers, and more. We’ve …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

51 26 18 458
Alnatura Alnatura

Useful for people and the earth Alnatura working group Alnatura is a working group of over 3,500 employees who work every day to ensure that more food from organic farming finds its way from organic farms to customers. We want to make more useful things possible for people and the earth with our products and the Alnatura markets. People, as customers and employees, are the goal and foundation of our company. Our actions are based on the principles of holistic thinking, customer orientation and personal responsibility. As a working group, we develop our company services on the basis of a …

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

5 1 1 754
Newtree Newtree

We Help People Savoring Life Through Sensory Experiences That Are Delectable, Responsible and Better For the Planet. NEWTREE crafts innovative Belgian-inspired products that invite consumers to Savor Life in its best form without compromise. Born out of the vision of founder Benoit de Bruyn who has always been inspired by nature’s innate ability to maintain harmony, NEWTREE surprises consumers with delectable, good for you and better for the planet experiences. NEWTREE products include fine Belgian chocolate bars, spreads and waffle cookies. Each product combines all-natural flavors and nutritional properties to promote pleasure and well-being. NEWTREE products are available in grocery …

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

2 2 0 89
Journal l'Eau vive Journal l'Eau vive

Saskatchewan's only French-language newspaper Your source for French-language information on current events in Saskatchewan.

Type: Media

2 1 1 7

IRI is now Circana and we have moved! Follow the new Circana page for the most complete cross-industry insights & more! IRI is a leading provider of big data, predictive analytics and forward-looking insights that help CPG, OTC healthcare, retailers and media companies to grow their businesses. With the largest repository of purchase, media, social, causal and loyalty data, all integrated on an on-demand cloud-based technology platform, IRI guides its clients around the world in their quests to remain relentlessly relevant, capture market share, connect with consumers and deliver market-leading growth. "Market Research"​, Big Data, Technology, Analytics, Shopper Insights, Consumer …

Type: Large company

29 7 19 2,459
IFOAM Organics Europe IFOAM Organics Europe

Advocates for the development & integrity of organic food & farming in Europe, represents 200 member organisations. IFOAM Organics Europe is the European umbrella organisation for organic food and farming. We fight for the adoption of ecologically, socially and economically sound systems based on the principles of organic agriculture – health, ecology, fairness and care. With almost 200 member organisations our work spans the entire organic food chain and beyond: from farmers and processors, retailers, certifiers, consultants, traders and researchers to environmental and consumer advocacy bodies. We are turning 20 in 2022, #IFOAMOrganicsInternational is turning 50, #IFOAMAsia is turning 10. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech

7 1 5 4

Membership that gives you more The British Insurance Brokers’ Association (BIBA) is the UK’s leading general insurance intermediary organisation representing the interests of insurance brokers, intermediaries and their customers. BIBA membership includes around 1800 regulated firms, employing more than 100,000 people. General insurance brokers contribute 1% of GDP to the UK economy; they arrange 74% of all general insurance with a premium totalling £85.8bn and 93% of all commercial insurance business. Insurance brokers put their customers’ interests first, providing advice, access to suitable insurance protection and risk management. BIBA receives hundreds of thousands of enquiries per year to its Find …

Type: Incubators & VCs NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

21 11 4 204
Bureau Veritas Group Bureau Veritas Group

Type: Large company

79 46 21 29,601
IFOAM - Organics International IFOAM - Organics International

Leading change, organically. The mission of IFOAM - Organics International is to lead change, organically. Our goal is the broad adoption of truly sustainable agriculture, value chains and consumption in line with the principles of organic agriculture. IFOAM - Organics International contributes to an increased: * Uptake of organics agriculture and similar approaches, certified or non-certified; * Number of organic operations that move from good practices towards best practice; * Number of agriculture operations that are becoming more sustainable and integrate organic principles and methods. Leading the organic movements worldwide, IFOAM - Organics International implements the will of its broad-based …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

12 2 6 57
Mintel Mintel

Experts in what consumers want and why. Market Intelligence is what sets us apart and what defines us as a brand – literally in fact: when the company was founded in 1972 it took its name from an amalgamation of the two words. We have been defining and refining the Market Intelligence Mix ever since, to offer our clients a unique perspective on the consumer landscape ahead and a clear roadmap with which to navigate it. So what goes into the market intelligence mix? MARKET RESEARCH is not the only thing we do, but it is right at the core …

Type: Media

38 7 26 1,554
Les Marchés Les Marchés

Réussir is the leading professional information group in the French agricultural and food world. Its strength is to be present both at the national level (via a dozen titles providing information to professionals in agriculture and the agrifood industry such as AgraPresse, Les Marchés, FLD or the 9 monthly Réussir) but also at local level with 43 associate publishers who publish a regional press title every week. We federate, through our media and services, communities of professionals from the world of food. Our sites: Réussir is the leading professional information group in the French agricultural and food …

Type: Media

70 13 54 83