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Ministère de la Justice Ministère de la Justice

[Automatic translation follows] Justice in France is administered by a ministry, also called Chancellery, whose holder is the Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice. • It brings together and manages the resources of Justice: personnel, equipment, buildings, IT, etc.; • It prepares the texts of laws and regulations in certain areas, such as family law, French nationality, criminal justice, etc. • It takes charge of the populations entrusted to it by decision of the judicial authority: juvenile offenders or those in danger and adults placed under the control of the courts; • It defines the main directions of public …

Sectors: National and local authorities

889 696 190
Fidal Fidal

Fidal is the largest leading independent business law firm in France. As strategic partners of businesses, institutions and organizations, we strive to use the law as a driving force to enhance their performance and growth in France and internationally. As experts in their practice area using a transversal approach, our talents speak the same language as our clients and understand their issues. We encourage the sharing of knowledge and experience. It is our way of offering to our clients - whatever their size, business, geographical location or specific situation - insightful, reliable and sound advice. Practical advice that protects them …

Sectors: Law Practice

525 396 81
ACE - Avocats, Ensemble ACE - Avocats, Ensemble

[Automatic translation follows] Defend our profession & undertake our destiny! Created in 1992, the Association of Corporate Lawyers represents the entire French business bar, bringing together corporate consulting firms of all sizes, French and international. With its technical commissions operating in all areas of law, its international section and its young lawyers section (ACE-JA), the ACE has elected representatives in all institutions and technical organizations representing the profession (National Council of Bars, orders, CARPA, etc.). It has thus been able to promote its innovative ideas, effectively contributing to forging the modern legal profession and preparing its future. The ACE has …

Sectors: Law Practice NGO, Think Tank

191 144 50
Crédit Mutuel Crédit Mutuel

[Automatic translation follows] A mutualist model serving customers and employees. A mutualist banking network made up of 2,124 local banks, Crédit Mutuel is made up of 18 regional federations, covering the entire French territory. A partnership and not a capital company, Crédit Mutuel is not listed on the stock exchange. Its strategy is thus freed from the search for short-term profitability alone, in favor of long-term development. Its central objective: to provide a quality service at the fairest cost to all its members. Its decentralized organization thus promotes quality of service to customers and responsiveness, through short decision-making circuits. Recognized …

Sectors: Bank

1400 1162 343
OVHcloud OVHcloud

Innovation for Freedom OVHcloud is a global player and the leading European cloud provider operating over 450,000 servers within 43 data centers across 4 continents to reach 1,6 million customers in over 140 countries. Spearheading a trusted cloud and pioneering a sustainable cloud with the best price-performance ratio, the Group has been leveraging for over 20 years an integrated model that guarantees total control of its value chain: from the design of its servers to the construction and management of its data centers, including the orchestration of its fiber-optic network. This unique approach enables OVHcloud to independently cover all the …

Sectors: IT services

1831 1094 687
Ville et Eurométropole de Strasbourg Ville et Eurométropole de Strasbourg

[Automatic translation follows] The City and the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg are two separate institutions. However, since 1972, they have had the particularity of having a single administration and a common headquarters at their service. The second largest employer in Bas-Rhin (6,800 permanent employees), the City and Eurometropolis of Strasbourg have many areas of expertise: The City of Strasbourg is involved in the following areas: - culture, - schools, - social action, - youth, - sport, - green spaces and forests, - public lighting, - civil status and district town halls, - tourism, etc. The Eurometropolis of Strasbourg is involved in …

Sectors: French metropolis National and local authorities

1457 1187 247
Barreau de Lyon Barreau de Lyon

[Automatic translation follows] 4,000 lawyers from the Lyon Bar at the service of litigants. Lyon Bar: nearly 4,000 lawyers at the service of litigants, a professional order involved, alongside citizens and at the heart of the City, second Bar of the Territories after that of Paris. The Bar is administered by the Bar Association, an administrative and jurisdictional body responsible for the defense, regulation and promotion of the profession: Headed by a President and administered by a Bar Council, the Bar is the guarantor of professional competence and compliance with the ethics and professional rules of its members, It has …

Sectors: Law Practice Startup accelerator & VC

287 133 125
Barreau de Paris (Ordre des avocats de Paris) Barreau de Paris (Ordre des avocats de Paris)

[Automatic translation follows] Paris Bar Association. More than 30,000 lawyers. The Paris Bar brings together more than 32,000 lawyers, almost half of the profession in France. Missions: 1) Assistance: the lawyers of the Paris Bar are competent to provide advice, assist, represent and inform litigants on the exercise of their rights. 2) Accessibility: the Paris Bar has developed access to the law for the greatest number, via free legal consultations. 3) Monitoring of public freedoms: the Paris Bar promotes and defends, in France as everywhere in the world, Human Rights and has established itself as a key player in the …

Sectors: Law Practice Legal Services

422 380 50
Open Law, le droit ouvert Open Law, le droit ouvert

[Automatic translation follows] Digital technology at the service of law, law at the service of digital technology Developed as part of the opening of French legal data, in partnership with DILA, the ETALAB mission, NUMA and the OPEN WORLD FORUM, the association “Open Law, le droit ouvert” was launched in October 2014. On the occasion of the DILA award ceremony, in the presence of Mr. Thierry Mandon, Secretary of State for State Reform and Simplification, with the Prime Minister, the community came together during various co-creation events. Successful and unprecedented, this collaboration between the public and private sectors allowed the …

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank

119 81 42
Village de la Justice Village de la Justice

[Automatic translation follows] The 1st media of the legal professions - Subscribe to this page to follow our news! 1st site of the legal community: Lawyers, jurists, tax specialists, notaries, paralegals... find news, monitoring, services, career and recruitment information. 1,600,000 readers on average per month! (2024 figures)

Sectors: Law Practice Legal Services Media

143 120 31
Le Monde du Droit Le Monde du Droit

[Automatic translation follows] The magazine for legal professions Updated daily, Le Monde du Droit is the preferred magazine for legal decision-makers. Exclusive interviews, analyses by the best specialists, all the latest news from companies, firms and institutions, as well as a complete legal watch on different legal themes. Many services are also offered: directory of business lawyers, section partnerships (display your expertise on Le Monde du Droit), creation of TV shows broadcast on 4Change (Interviews, talk shows, columns, etc.), promotion of your various actions (deals, nominations, studies, event organization, publication of contributions, awards, creation of your firm, etc.) law, lawyers, …

Sectors: Media

331 232 138
Lextenso éditions Lextenso éditions

Acteur majeur de l’édition et de la prestation juridique Lextenso editions is one of the leading French media group specialized in legal publishing. Lextenso editions publishes the magazines La Gazette du Palais, Defrenois, Bulletins Joly, Petites affiches, as well as Gualino, LGDJ and Montchrestien books. Droit, Edition, Base documentaire, Annonces Légales, Formalités Juridiques, and Formations

Sectors: Law Practice Publishing

166 90 78
CNB Conseil national des barreaux - les avocats CNB Conseil national des barreaux - les avocats

[Automatic translation follows] The National Bar Council (CNB), a public utility institution with legal personality, is the national organization that represents all 77,598 lawyers registered in France. The CNB has been given very specific missions by law: - representation of the profession, in France and abroad; - unification of the rules and practices of the profession; - professional training; - admission of foreign lawyers. • The CNB comprises 80 members elected for three years (48 lawyers for the national constituency, 32 for the Paris constituency) and two ex officio vice-presidents, the President of the Paris Bar and the President of …

Sectors: Law Practice

607 444 175
Septeo Solutions Avocats (secib) Septeo Solutions Avocats (secib)

[Automatic translation follows] Innovation at the service of lawyers. For over 30 years, Septeo Solutions Avocats has been dedicated to developing software and services designed to meet the specific needs of lawyers. Our solutions optimize the management of your firm, from file creation to invoicing, including real-time performance analysis, team organization, and communication with your clients and prospects. Beyond the technological quality that has built our success, we have never ceased to cultivate a sense of service, keen to build a lasting and serene relationship with each firm. Our mission: to free lawyers from their constraints to allow them to …

Sectors: IT services

119 58 66
Dalloz Dalloz

[Automatic translation follows] Reference legal publisher, we decipher for you the legal news on a daily basis. Today among the leaders in professional and academic legal publishing in France, Éditions Dalloz relies both on centuries-old know-how and on the most modern techniques of digital publishing and distribution. With nearly a thousand titles under the greatest signatures of law, the catalog of Éditions Dalloz reflects the richness and dynamism of French production in legal matters. All these document collections are also available on the internet via the Éditions Dalloz portal and on the various Dalloz sites. Legal editor, news, comments, case …

Sectors: Publishing

229 146 28