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![]() | Groupe SNCF Fluidifier le transport des personnes et des marchandises, et développer la mobilité de demain. SNCF is a world leader in public transportation. Trains, passenger services, cards and passes, dialogue, ticket booking. One Group, 5 divisions SNCF offers a complete range of mobility solutions through its five divisions: SNCF Infra, SNCF Proximité, SNCF Voyages, SNCF GEODIS and Gares&Connexions. Transport, Mobilité, Ferroviaire, Infrastructures ferroviaires, and Ingéniérie ferroviaire Sectors: | 3863 | 2818 | 728 |
![]() | CD2E Accélérateur de l'éco-transition Le cd2e, pôle d'excellence régional sur les éco-activités, accompagne les entreprises, collectivités et les filières économiques de la Région Hauts-de-France vers l'éco-transition, autrement dit la transition écologique et énergétique de l’économie régionale. Il agit dans les domaines suivants : BATIMENT DURABLE, ENERGIES RENOUVELABLES, ECONOMIE CIRCULAIRE The cd2e is a team of environmental and business experts dedicated to supporting the environmental sector in Northern France and abroad. We bring together environmental and business expertise in a "one stop shop" for environmental projects. We work in partnership with regional development organisations, business support structures, industry peak bodies and international … | 436 | 222 | 272 |
![]() | LSA Commerce & Consommation [Automatic translation follows] The reference media for professionals in the mass consumption sector. LSA is an online media and a weekly magazine for professionals in the mass consumption sector. Investigations, analyses, store concepts, innovations... Find everything that is making news in the mass distribution, retail and e-commerce sector. LSA belongs to the Infopro Digital group (L'Usine Nouvelle, L'Argus de l'assurance, La Gazette des communes, Le Moniteur...), the leading French professional press group. The editorial staff of LSA is currently headed by Yves Puget. | 693 | 418 | 295 |
![]() | Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes [Automatic translation follows] #auvergnerhonealpes Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is a large region with many assets: - With more than 8 million inhabitants, it is more populated than 13 of the 28 countries of the European Union and ranks 10th most populated region in Europe - Covering nearly 70,000 km2, or 13% of the metropolitan territory, its surface area is equivalent to that of Ireland. - In France, it is the leading industrial and gastronomic region, it ranks first for agricultural production under label (AOP, IGP, etc.) and the number of organic farms. - In Europe: it is the 8th richest region in Europe … Sectors: | 4334 | 3514 | 680 |
![]() | Fabrique de l'Innovation [Automatic translation follows] Places and a range of services to innovate differently with the University of Lyon. The Innovation Factory is a system of the University of Lyon that has three missions: - develop and manage buildings in Lyon including creativity spaces and FabLabs open to the greatest number; - propose a range of services mobilizing the expertise of the Factory, that of teacher-researchers, as well as the talent and creativity of the students of the University of Lyon in order to innovate differently on projects carried out in multidisciplinary teams; - give the socioeconomic world access to the technological … | 190 | 37 | 169 |
![]() | Auchan Retail A changing retailer in a changing world to give customers the keys to better food. To create new-generation retailing that improves people’s lives, Auchan Retail places customers at the centre of its actions and reaffirms the retailer’s role: that of a multi-format, “phygital” activist for good, healthy, local produce that constantly reinvents itself to deliver a new customer experience – one that’s close, connected, surprising and considerate. Auchan Retail’s 1,985 points of sale offer all forms of retailing in 12 countries: hypermarkets, supermarkets and ultra convenience stores – all supplemented by the power and flexibility of e-retail. We’re one of … Sectors: | 1859 | 1321 | 244 |
![]() | E.Leclerc [Automatic translation follows] Defend everything that matters to you For over 70 years, E.Leclerc has pursued one goal: democratizing consumption is the expression of its social utility. This commitment to serving the greatest number must allow everyone to access the products and services they need or want, on a daily basis. Accessibility, whether it is a question of price, proximity or information, is a permanent fight, constantly renewed by consumer expectations and societal issues. Improve the purchasing power of consumers on a daily basis; Break monopolies to open up new markets, such as parapharmacy or cultural products; Support both French … Sectors: | 1702 | 1061 | 480 |
![]() | Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes Entreprises - Isère Votre contact Isère au service des entreprises industrielles et de services à l'industrie Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes Entreprises - Isere: an agency to support regional companies' development L'Antenne Isère d'Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Entreprises, une agence pour soutenir le développement des entreprises régionales. --------- Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes Entreprises - Isere offers customised support for companies. We offer support to companies at each step of development: inward investment, innovation, international, employement and training. The agency strives to promote the benefits of doing business in Grenoble-Isère nationally and internationally. Your bridge between Grenoble-Isere and the world. - Economic development: We support the major economic sectors of the region and offer … Sectors: | 1446 | 661 | 940 |
![]() | CCI France CCI France est la tête de réseau des Chambres de Commerce et d'Industrie. CCI France is the national public body that federates the French Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI). CCI France represents 2,000,000 French private companies. CCI France is the intermediary between all CCIs and French and European public authorities, international organisations and large public or private partners. CCI France is also represented in Brussels by its European Affairs Department. CCI France's task is to provide guidance, support and advice to the chambers within their spheres of activity : economic watch and intelligence, company development, territorial and infrastructural development, … Sectors: | 1267 | 977 | 221 |