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Do the RETEX Do the RETEX

No textile to Waste! No textiles to lose! REDEX is an ambitious Euroregional partnership funded as part of Interreg France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen which transcends the limits of textiles: each used fiber offers as many unsuspected possibilities of applications and markets. Whether you are a manufacturer, entrepreneur, designer or designer, REDEX supports you in the development of your projects. Discover us online and make the REDEX to take advantage of textile recycling and eco-design. Circular Economy, Textile Industry, Recycling, Sustainable Development, Ecodesign, Waste Management, and European Project textiles

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

3 N/A
CAP Territoires CAP Territoires

The power station that facilitates your public purchases! CAP Territoires, the first regional public purchasing center in France, is a non -profit association dedicated to the pooling of public purchases. 📌 Our mission: support communities, administrations and organizations of general interest in their purchasing procedures, guaranteeing: ✅ Legal certainty in public procurement ✅ Significant economies thanks to pooling ✅ Administrative efficiency for a saving of precious time 🌍 Where to find us? Present in the Hauts-de-France regions, Normandy, Île-de-France and Grand Est, we act as close as possible to the needs of our members. 🔧 Our solutions: We cover the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: govtech

5 24
Bouygues Batiment Nord-Est Bouygues Batiment Nord-Est

A global construction actor, Bouygues North-East Building designs, performs and operates high-performance works that contribute to improving the living environment. A subsidiary of Bouygues Construction, the company benefits from the technical and human resources of a large Allied group with the proximity of a regional player. Sustainable manufacturer and responsible entrepreneur, it undertakes daily to promote the use of local subcontracting, to give everyone a chance of return or access to employment and to contribute to the development of local social, societal and economic life. Real estate development, design, sustainable construction, housing, functional works, industry, and environment

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

49 784
Ossabois Ossabois

By building wooden, Ossabois builds a more beautiful world every day. OSSABOIS is the national leader in the wood sector. The company, which specializes in prefabrication and Modular Bois construction meets the needs of social landlords, promoters and manufacturers. OSSABOIS, 175 employees, spread over 3 factories, deliver 1,000 to 1,200 dwellings per year and 1,500 to 2,500 modules (student rooms, hotels, boarding school ...) each year. The use of wood construction and prefabrication makes it possible to shorten the duration of the sites, to reduce the nuisances on site, to minimize the carbon footprint and to respect all the commitments …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech proptech Technologies: Decarbonization

35 119

The partner spirit at the service of the city of tomorrow Listening to its customers for 30 years, GTM Bâtiment constantly renews its know-how. Our company is reinventing itself and thus continues to offer quality works thanks to innovative and digital solutions. The women and men of GTM Building perpetuate the partner and service spirit that characterizes the company. They are able to respond to all the projects of their customers, both in social rehabilitation and in the restructuring of buildings for residential use, areas where their professionalism is fully expressed.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

19 1,067
Hello Lille Promotion Agency Hello Lille Promotion Agency

We are the promotion, investment and business agency for Lille's metropolitan area. #tourism #business #MICE The agency dedicated to the promotion of Lille Metropolis on a national and international scale. Attractivité

Type: SMB Activities: martech

61 39
La Voix du Nord La Voix du Nord

Citizen and independent media, today and tomorrow, for and with northern people With 24 editions in the North-Pas-de-Calais region, La Voix du Nord offers you all the regional and local news, continuously, on its site Your journal can be viewed from your computer, tablet or smartphone 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. Also download our application, available on tablet, iPhone and Android. Media, communication, PQR, journalism, online press, written press, internet, and video

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: IoT

129 832
Gramitherm Gramitherm

Gramitherm®,unique insulating batts made with grass fibers with a negative carbon footprint (1kg captures1,5 kg CO2-eq ) The Gramitherm® process allows to manufacture insulating boards made with natural grass «silage». These products can be used for new buildings as well as for renovations. Gramitherm® is green as grass : Gramitherm® products are 100% eco-friendly and demonstrate high insulation performance. Gramitherm®: - A unique proposal of grass fibres thermal insulating boards - A Swiss technology, based on natural “silage” grass sourcing - 100% healthy, ready-made for installation - Residential & contract business - New construction & renovation (floors, attics, walls) Benefits: …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Bio sourced materials Decarbonization

15 16
Fédération Française du Bâtiment, Aube Fédération Française du Bâtiment, Aube

A daily building partner Founded in 1877, the Departmental Federation of Building and Public Works in Aube is a meeting place between craftsmen, entrepreneurs and construction partners. Assistance - Board: In tax, legal, social, economic, technical, qualification, vocational training. Defense and representation of the profession: With many public organizations related to the profession and political leaders. Training: Organized à la carte according to the needs expressed by companies and craftsmen.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

202 1
Ecomaison Ecomaison

Relays and recycles home products and materials. Created in 2011 by 24 French distributors and manufacturers of furniture, we are the non-profit eco-organization approved by the public authorities to manage the collection, sorting, reuse and recycling of house materials and objects: products and construction materials, furniture and bedding, DIY and garden and garden and toys. Support companies in their obligations Ecomaison offers a full range of services to companies that put their products on the French market. Thanks to our approvals on several families of materials and objects from the house, they benefit from a single, simple and integrated interface …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

59 124

Elan specializes in the management of complex projects. She provides her customers with assistance assistance with project management and project management for projects of all sizes, in the real estate, building, telecoms and networks sectors. Engineering and advice constitute its core business. Our vision: bring you added value and contribute to the success of your projects. In France and internationally, Elan is characterized by its multiseror mastery in strategic fields and at the service of companies, large accounts, local authorities and institutions. Its reactive and dynamic teams are distinguished by their capacity for innovation. They excel in driving change and …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech civictech Technologies: Decarbonization

60 250
Plastium Plastium

Excellence together! Initiated on the territory of Artois, Plastium is a center of regional economic excellence which brings together a network of actors in the plastics-composite sector on the scale of Hauts-de-France. A real cluster rich in an experience of over 25 years, Plastium draws its strength from the plurality of its members: industrial companies, training organizations, research centers, employment and skills management actors, innovation support networks, etc. By combining proximity relationships, pragmatism and responsiveness, Plastium wishes to offer all the advantages of an effective network, the territorial network of which is constantly progressing. With governance where business leaders have …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

31 10
CAD Equipement CAD Equipement

Qualiopi certified training center and software distributor for +25 years. Archicad, Sketchup Pro, Vectorworks ... Specialist in IT solutions for Architecture Agencies CAD Equipment offers a large catalog of CAD, image and management software. We also offer our training and support services in Ile de France and in the Pays de Loire. Architecture, software, IT, BIM, Vectorworks, training, sketchup, Twinmotion, Construction, Technology, 3D, Training, Archicad, Modeling, V-Ray, Archipad, Bimoffice, Enscape, Layout, and Rhinoceros

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech it services smart city Technologies: SaaS

6 11
E-Mobility_Expert E-Mobility_Expert

Electric mobility and IRVE advice - charging infrastructure for electric vehicles - E-Mobility Expert is a consultancy structure, technical-commercial assistance with networking for studies, controls and training. With more than 35 years of experience in the field of provisional electrical installations, we have specialized for 10 years in the electric mobility professions, in particular, IRVE: charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. As an independent consultant, most of your expectations will meet: - What solution to choose for the recharging of my electric vehicles or for those who will come to recharge on public or private terminals? - How to set …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech Technologies: Batteries Decarbonization

12 3

Committed to our tenants and our territory The OPAL, departmental oph of Aisne, with a heritage of 13,500 dwellings throughout the department, actor of the territory growing both on new construction and actions in heritage rehabilitation, we make the social values ​​and the well live which are the DNA of our organization.

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech

16 101
Logis Métropole Logis Métropole

Build for life! Member of my group shelter & amp; Habitat gathered Placing life at the heart of our strategy, developing and offering housing where life is good, being a partner of ambitious and innovative projects, this is our philosophy! Member of my Group and Habitat shelter meeting Planning - Construction - Rehabilitation - Customer Relationship Social company for housing, real estate, customer relations management, and development, construction

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech proptech

24 72
Port of Dunkirk Port of Dunkirk

Leading Northern European port, innovating in industry and logistics, and a key player in energy transition. With an annual traffic of about 50 MT/year, Dunkirk positions itself as one of the main ports in Northern Europe. Alongside other maritime ports in Hauts-de-France, it forms one of the leading port complexes in France. Today, Dunkirk's port ecosystem encompasses a multitude of maritime, logistical, and industrial activities. Our ambition: to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 for all our operations. A sustainable and innovative economic model Production of low-carbon energy: Dunkirk positions itself as the leading European energy platform through its exchanges and …

Type: Public Activities: transporttech

45 203
MEDEF Hauts-de-France MEDEF Hauts-de-France

MEDEF Hauts-de-France, the first network at the service of the company and the spirit of undertaking The MEDEF puts at the heart of its action the creation of jobs and sustainable growth. He dialogue with all actors in civil society and works with various decision -makers in favor of a better understanding of the constraints and assets of companies. MEDEF is present throughout French territory thanks to a regional distribution (13 regional MEDEF). These regional MEDEFs allow membership of the professional branches which themselves bring together companies in the same sector. They sensitize the French and European public authorities on …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

32 15

Valame, the eco-responsible solution to end asbestos. Valame wants to revolutionize the asbestos waste sector, in a logic of circular economy. Our start-up, based in the Hauts de France, operates a patented process, resulting from French public research, destruction of asbestos fibers contained in building materials. This uses hydrochloric acid (waste or technical acid) to transform asbestos fibers into rewardable compounds. Valame is the most mature chemical destruction solution presented to the government as part of the roadmap provided in the AGEC law (article 114 - Alternative solutions to the burial of asbestos, cf., and has received several recognition …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: New Materials

9 6
Nord France Invest Nord France Invest

Facilitating business expansion and development in Hauts-de-France 🚀 +1500 companies supported A poorly prepared development project can quickly turn into a failure. 👉 Reliable data 👉 Good contacts 👉 Complex administrative procedures 👉 Identifying sites or partners... So many time-consuming steps. All the more so when you don't know where to look or who to contact. As the economic development agency for the Hauts-de-France region, Nord France Invest can help: 🎁 100% free of charge 🤫 100% confidential 📏 100% customized And access to a network of over 70 partners across the region, enabling us to provide fast, reliable answers …

Type: SMB Activities: entrepreneurship

74 55

Llc & amp; Associes offers a global offer of services to all its customers with a guaranteed degree of excellence! #right LLC and Associés is a group of law firms which intervenes throughout the national territory in addition to the privileged links maintained with a set of corresponding firms which also allow it to intervene effectively internationally. The group has developed with the constant concern to guarantee quality of service, proximity and availability. He intervenes alongside many partners (design offices, developers, urban planners, architects, economic and financial audit firms). He advises more than 450 communities and public establishments regularly on …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech legaltech

55 40
Critt Polymères Critt Polymères

Analyze, characterize, transform, recycle polymers, within the framework of R & Amp; D Projects or Projects The Critt Polymers, created in 1984, is a technology transfer center at the service of the companies concerned directly or indirectly by polymers and plastics. Its laboratory and testing means allow it to support manufacturers as part of services, innovations, and research and development projects (R & AMP) from the concept to industrialization.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

8 5
EQIOM, A CRH Company EQIOM, A CRH Company

Engaged, together, towards success. Eqiom member of the Irish group CRH, major actor in building materials. With more than 150 production sites spread over a large part of the national territory, it covers all the needs of building players and public works with the supply of mineral materials such as cement, aggregate and ready -made concrete, through a wide range of solutions and services. Eqiom is also 1,500 people who are involved in the dynamics of the company and share health values, ethical governance or even commercial excellence daily. Eqiom is finally an assertive commitment in sustainable development with installation …

Type: Large company

16 1,017
Eiffage Construction Eiffage Construction

Join a business animated by a unique family spirit #pritdefamille Eiffage Construction (, major actor in the construction industry in Europe and a subsidiary of the Eiffage group, brings together all the professions related to development, real estate promotion, construction, maintenance and service work. Strongly located in France with 9 regional departments and more than 100 establishments, the company is also present in Benelux, Portugal, Slovakia and Poland. To integrate Eiffage Construction means joining values ​​at the heart of a strong corporate culture. It is also to take part in a story over 150 years old, punctuated by successes and …

Type: Large company

54 4,453

The association of energy professionals ... for sustainable energy, controlled and environmentally friendly ATEE Association Technique Energie Environnement including several activities: Energy Plus, magazine specializing in energies 4 professional clubs: BIOGAZ club Cogeneration club Energy Economies Certificates Certificates Energy Storage Club Biogaz, energy efficiency, cogeneration, energy storage, energy control, Power to Gas, Pyrogaseification, Pro-Smen, Prorefei, Energy Economies, EEC, Energy, Environment, and Industry Certificates

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

112 92

No Prob-Lalma FRD-CODEM is the technological resource center dedicated to ecomaterials and bio-based materials. He works to meet the challenges of decarbonation of materials with the ambition to build bases of knowledge on resources and materials with low environmental impacts which incorporate data on: - raw materials and their mobilization - Transformation processes - Application markets, products and associated specifications - the actors This goes through: * Carrying out turnkey studies (market, resources, ACV, technical assessment, etc.) * The realization of tailor -made research and innovation services and the assembly and management of a collaborative project * Development, prototyping and …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech Technologies: New Materials

40 35
110° 110°

Solar solution for industrial heat 110 ° Production of solar heat for industrialists and communities. Decarbon your processes and invest in reliable, sustainable and competitive energy. Solar heat and renewable heat

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

3 1, a Meltwater Offering, a Meltwater Offering helps millions of professionals and hundreds of companies publish and share curated content to engage their audience. provides content curation platform for professionals, helping them to discover, curate and share the most relevant content in order to engage internal and external audiences, as well as monitoring content ROI. Content Marketing, Content Curation, SMB Marketing, Website publishing, Social Media Publishing, Online Presence Management, Knowledge Management, and Content monitoring

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: SaaS

129 38
Reims habitat Reims habitat

Actor of the territory Industrial and commercial public establishment specializing in social housing. 12,000 dwellings on the territory of Reims, the Rémois country and the Pays d'Epernay Terres de Champagne. Mother house (par with the Foyer Rémois) of the GIE Foncière Développement (Sustainable Planning and Land Research) and the Cooperative Company I-MOCOOP for ownership of property and the syndic of condominiums. Social housing, home ownership, sustainable development, rental, HLM, innovation, customer relations, social housing, renovation, housing, and real estate

Type: SMB Activities: proptech Technologies: Decarbonization

26 135
CCI Aisne CCI Aisne

🌐 Welcome to the official LinkedIn page of the Aisne 🌐 Chamber of Commerce and Industry 🚀 Our mission: to stimulate economic growth and the development of Aisne companies and territories. 🌟 Follow us to stay informed about local economic news, exclusive events and much more! 🌟 🔗 Explore our services dedicated to companies to boost your professional success: ✅ Strategic support ✅ Tailor-made training ✅ networking and partnerships ✅ Local economic information 💡 Join our dynamic community of business leaders, entrepreneurs, and passionate professionals. 💡 #CCI #aisne #Economyerocale #entrepreneuriat #Developmersonomic #industrie #commerce #Services #Conseilauxentreprises Aisne, Economy, Businesses, Industry, Commerce, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

24 19
Foncière Chênelet Foncière Chênelet

Ecology at the service of the solidarity Foncière Chênelet is developing expertise in the assembly of societal projects around ecological social housing. This innovative approach allows, through the work of animation of the territory and its actors, to create new solidarity in the territories to respond to its issues (aging of the population, territorial fracture, energy precariousness, employment, ecology) by the contribution of pragmatic responses around an ecological social housing and very economical quality. Social, rural, ecology, and insertion housing

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

4 12
Cerdd Cerdd

Sustainable development resource center Since 2001, the Resource Center for Sustainable Development (CERDD) has been outstanding and has supported actors in the region towards new social models and encourages them to contribute to economic, social and ecological transitions. Its action, focused as a priority to local decision -makers and relay actors, is available in different fields: & gt; Sustainable development and transitions management & gt; New economic models and Rev3 & gt; Climate change and energy & gt; Sustainable food and environmental health Modes of action & gt; Approach the DD and the climate issues in a global way & …

Type: Public

46 22
Ordre des Architectes de Corse Ordre des Architectes de Corse

New posty of the CORSICS OF Corsica Consil de l'or ordre des Architectes de laugh New posty of the CORSICS OF Corsica

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

66 4
SKOV Avocats SKOV Avocats

Legally innovative. Law firm in public law Town planning-Environment Circular-Macés Public-Macés Publicist law firm in Lyon Our favorite areas: - Urban planning law & amp; planning - Public procurement law - Environmental law & amp; circular economy - General public law - Public service law Environmental law, circular economy, sustainable development, innovation, law, public law, town planning, startup, ecology, public procurement, public service, and public order

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech Technologies: Decarbonization

7 5
GA Smart Building GA Smart Building

GA Smart Building construit pour la vie et développe des projets qui ont un impact positif. As a designer, builder, developer and manager all rolled into one, Group GA brings its know-how to every phase of property development: locating building sites; financing, designing, building, maintaining and managing buildings; and keeping energy consumption low. Driven by the conviction that real estate contributes to performance, GA has an ambitious approach in terms of design, innovation and ergonomics that aims to make its buildings pleasant to live and work in. The belief is that high-quality spaces stimulate occupants to achieve their very best. …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: IoT

50 407
BoucL Energie BoucL Energie

⚡Creator of Territorial Community of Shared Energy⚡ Boucl Energie develops, on the scale of districts with economic activity, territorial shared energy communities aimed at organizing the collective self -consumption of photovoltaic electricity. These communities are structured around collective self -consumption projects of 3 MWC between companies. The energy produced locally is primarily self -consumed by companies and businesses. It also meets the needs of surrounding residential neighborhoods (including social landlords) as well as mobility needs (electric vehicles of employees and area customers). Energy self -consumption, renewable energy, energy transition, carbon neutrality, decarbonation of territories, territorial development, photovoltaic, self -consumption, collective …

Type: Startup Activities: energytech greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

20 24

Improve our living environment! Advice & amp; Sustainable development engineering. Environmental advice, well-being and sustainable innovation. New ideas to improve the quality of life for everyone! Environment, health, well-being, and sustainable development

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

21 49

Naturally committed The Bat’IPAC company is developing a new range of low carbon materials for building and renovating buildings, IPAC®, made from cardboard from recycling and 100% recyclable, in employment structures by employment. Commercial company ESS

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech Technologies: Decarbonization

15 4

Shaping and implementing metrics for sustainability A research group powered by Polytechnique Montreal & ESG UQAM The CIRAIG is a research-driven organisation that combines the expertise of Polytechnique Montréal and École des sciences de gestion (ESG) UQÀM. With two leading-edge industrial research chairs, we offer innovative academia opportunities in life cycle assessment, circular economy, planetary boundaries and corporate social responsibility in the heart of Montreal. Our team of experts is available to lead studies, develop tools and offer professional guidance in a range of sustainability topics. Life cycle assessment, Circular economy, Sustainability, Life cycle inventory, Life cycle impact assessment, Life …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech

14 46
Agglomération Creil Sud Oise Agglomération Creil Sud Oise

Land of History, land of the future The Creil Sud Oise agglomeration community (ACSO) was born on January 1, 2017. It comes from the merger of the Community of Pierre Sud Oise communes and the Creilloise agglomeration community. It is located south of the Hauts-de-France region, at the gates of the Ile de France. Crossing by the Oise river, a key element of the Seine Nord Europe river link, the Creil Sud Oise agglomeration community has 11 municipalities: CRAMISSY - 803 inhabitants CREIL - 35,747 inhabitants Mayiel - 249 inhabitants Montaire - 13,345 inhabitants Nogent-sur-Oise-19,995 inhabitants Rousseloy - 315 inhabitants …

Type: Public Activities: smart city

21 96
Congrès National Bâtiment Durable Congrès National Bâtiment Durable

Adaptation to climate change September 4 and 5 in Lille The CNBD is the unmissable event for everyone Professional actors involved in the ecological transition and engines of the transformations of our buildings and spaces to live. Its mission is not only to mobilize, share, enhance, but also make you want all the players in the building, real estate and development sectors to take part in the challenge of ecological metamorphosis. The National Sustainable Building Congress undertakes to show that it is possible to build a desirable and achievable future for future generations for the sake of significant decarbonation of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech cleantech greentech

10 N/A
Zefco Zefco

The workshop of the city in transition Zefco, the workshop of the city in transition was created in 2018 Environment, Energy, Thermal, Circular Economy, ecosystem services, town planning, and architecture

Type: SMB Activities: greentech cleantech smart city

22 34
Mouvement pour une Frugalité heureuse&créative dans l'architecture et le ménagement des territoires Mouvement pour une Frugalité heureuse&créative dans l'architecture et le ménagement des territoires

The movement for a happy and creative frugality was born from the manifesto of the same name, launched on January 18, 2018 by Dominique Gauzin-Müller (architect-researcher), Alain Bornarel (engineer) and Philippe Madec (architect and urban planner). Recognizing "the heavy part of builders" in current disasters, this manifesto calls to develop, in reverse of technical and productivist visions which ends up being out of breath, human -based human, in terms and technicality, creative and happy human establishments for all of their inhabitants and for all of the living. In response to this call, local or thematic groups were created to mobilize …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

11 4

Offer quality engineering while respecting the environment. Adret, is a design and consulting office created in 1977 which has developed an environmental activity since 1995 on the scale of the building and then of the territory. Adret realizes, in project management teams or in direct connection, with the contracting authorities the following engineering missions: • Electrical engineering: electricity - strong currents - weak currents, ssi • Climate engineering: plumbing - heating - ventilation - air conditioning • Sustainable building and territory: AMO for the environmental quality of buildings, environmental approach to town planning (AEU), QE design of buildings, energy audits, …

Type: SMB Activities: energytech constructiontech cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization Solar Technologies

29 116

Redcat Architecture is an agency created in 2011 by Edouard Robic and François Caron. Since its foundation, she has shown her ability to work on all types of programs: mixed projects (the "CityScape" in Euralille), new housing projects (Art’Monia: construction of 276 dwellings in Lille), historical rehabilitation projects (cosmopole: construction of 210 dwellings and a Marriott hotel in 130 rooms in Lille), rehabilitation projects Energy (winners of PUCA Reha 1 and 2, EnergiesProng), teaching projects (AGF CPS training center in Saint Omer) or public equipment projects (construction of the International House of Researchers in Lille). Through these various experiences, the …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city

20 10
GIP – Groupement des Industriels de la Prescription GIP – Groupement des Industriels de la Prescription

Let's build together The GIP, a group of prescription manufacturers, is made up of 46 manufacturers in the building sector, leaders in their markets and experts. For 30 years, we have been campaigning to promote quality improvement in construction and renovation. Present in all regions, our desire is to provide the technical and regulatory responses adapted to the needs of construction players, whether they are project owners, architects, economists or design offices. Prescription, real estate, construction, advice, association, quality, service, inspiration, building, global quality, manufacturing, support, innovation, security, and synergy

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: Cybersecurity

9 235
Coldefy Coldefy

COLDEFY makes up environmental, urban and social balances to push the limits of the city and the living. The COLDEFY agency embodies, through its achievements, the values ​​of today in the prospective of their developments and their changes in a short/medium and long term. COLDEFY pays singular attention to the sensitive research of an adequacy between context, landscape and realization, compliance with the program and economy of means. A triple environmental, urban and social context. A COLDEFY building is readable, sensitive, vibrant and innovative to give users a real quality of life. Create surprise, while looking for the correctness of …

Type: SMB Activities: smart city

10 37
tandem architecture plus urbanisme tandem architecture plus urbanisme


Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city

11 8
Pouget Consultants Pouget Consultants

Listen, act, now, otherwise Pouget Consultants is an energy and environmental consultancy and engineering company of buildings created in 1982 and referent with the public authorities. Our mission: to act today on the energy efficiency of new and existing building for a sustainable and desirable future. Over the years, we have enriched our historic thermal know-how to offer global expert in decarbonation. We bring together a multidisciplinary team of more than 90 experts involved in the success of the projects of our customers and partners. The strength of our support comes from our permanent adjustments between historical experience, know-how, regulatory …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

39 103
Groupe MAES Architectes Urbanistes Groupe MAES Architectes Urbanistes

Lille • Paris • Cannes • Grasse • ​​Bordeaux The Maes Architects Urbanistes group is involved at all levels of design in the fields of architecture, programming, town planning, rehabilitation and restoration of classified or registered buildings and heritage architecture. 5 agencies: Lille 2 place Genevières 59000 Lille PARIS 58 rue Monsieur le Prince 75006 Paris Canes 42-44 rue des Serbs 06400 Cannes BORDEAUX 6 Tournon lessons 33000 Bordeaux Fat 121 bd Emmanuel Rouquier 06130 Grasse 7 areas of intervention Town planning Conversion & amp; heritage Habitat Hotel industry Health Tertiary Equipment Town planning, health, retraining & amp; Heritage, tertiary, …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city

16 50
ORY.architecture ORY.architecture

Young agency 45 years old! Architecture · Interior architecture · Mox || Tertiary residential projects Ory.Architecture brings together sixty collaborators in various operational departments: • The Image and Creation Department; A real research laboratory, this team of designers and graphic designers is at the origin of most projects, it produces graphic communication elements: perspectives, virtual models and also real models. • The architecture department, subdivided into 6 groups of projects, takes care of the design, development and graphic production of projects throughout the evolution chain: APS, PC, DCE, DOE, etc. • The interior architecture department is interested in the design …

Type: SMB Activities: smart city Technologies: New Materials

11 48
Pouchain SAS Pouchain SAS

An expert look at the industry of the future and intelligent buildings Centennial family company, Pouchain SAS specializes in maintenance and engineering of electrical networks, process solutions and automation and energy efficiency solutions on industrial and tertiary assets. Industrial electricity, automation, electric maintenance, industrial IT, energy performance, and GTC/GTB

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 Technologies: IoT

18 136
Ville de Wattignies Ville de Wattignies

Let's build the city of tomorrow together! A simple village of the Lille outskirts in the 1950s, Wattignies was able to support the development of the metropolis to become a city of 14,500 booming inhabitants today. Through its former districts and hamlets like the Marais and Flesquières, the city still retains its whole country stamp today while being less than 3 kilometers from the center of Lille. In the village center, the Saint Lambert church, whose choir dates back to the 11th century and its altarpiece in the 16th century, as well as the old town hall and primary school …

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

5 34
Atelier MA Atelier MA

Architecture and town planning We are urban planners, we are architects. But we cross the field of skills and open the doors of the disciplines. We are the workshop my

Type: SMB Activities: smart city constructiontech

15 10
Symoé Symoé

Positive energy supplier for sustainable construction! Symoé is a consultant with an integrated training organization. Our profession has been sustainable development since 2001. The status of the company is the Cooperative Production Company (SCOP) in SARL form with variable capital. To date, Symo has 9 partners out of its 14 employees. Our mission is to work alongside any organization that wishes to become a precursor in the sustainable management of its human, environmental and economic resources. Sustainable building, sustainable town planning, sustainable development, innovation, liabilities / BEPOS / MINERGIE, Eco-Materials, and Energy Performance

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

12 19

Nord France Constructions, a subsidiary attached to the Fayat Building Division of the Fayat group, is a general building company whose head office is located in Lambersart (59). It intervenes in the departments of the North and Pas-de-Calais. A second agency is located in Compiègne (60) which operates in Picardy and in the north of Île-de-France. The subsidiary provides its customers with its know-how and experience in the global market and the construction of buildings in both public and private domains. It works in various fields of activity, including health, tertiary, housing, functional equipment and adapts to all forms of …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech

9 123
EnergieSprong FR EnergieSprong FR

Coming from the Netherlands, the EnergiesProng approach is carried by an international movement of actors who want to develop, in a context of control of public expenditure, a system of energy renovations of effective, desirable and economically viable housing, thus making it possible to offer an energy shield to the occupants. The ambition is to initiate a real change of scale of energy renovation by introducing new standards on the market that align the interests of all players. It is based on requiring specifications: damage to a zero energy level all energy uses guaranteed over 30 years (the accommodation produces …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: energytech cleantech greentech

26 7
Engagés pour la qualité du logement de demain Engagés pour la qualité du logement de demain

Bringed jointly by the Minister of Culture and the Minister responsible for housing, the program committed for the quality of the accommodation of tomorrow aims to develop a set of actions which contribute to experimenting through the project with controlled costs, making it possible to reconcile in housing a greater quality of life with the imperatives of ecological sobriety and architectural, urban and heritage quality. This program stems from the proposals of the Pierre-René Lemas report and the standard on the quality of the accommodation carried by Laurent Girometti and François Leclercq. Its ambition is to "define new modes to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech constructiontech

44 1
Radio Territoria 🎧 Radio Territoria 🎧

Connect the major players in our territories! 🎧🌍 • 24 hours a day & amp; 7J/7J ✅ • produced by Webradios Éditions 🎧 ⚡️Foits the turn of the news that punctuates the daily life of our territories in podcasts! 🎧🌍 🌟 Agriculture, culture and heritage, economic development of territories, ecological issues, housing, mobility, town planning, life of communities ... Our programming is made up of chronicles, interviews and flagship emissions oriented around the development of territories and territorial policies! 🏗🌆 • Find every week "The MAG of development, housing and nature" co -produced with the Ministry of Ecological Transition and …

Type: Event

32 4
Hexa Ingénierie Hexa Ingénierie

With its experience, Hexa Engineering intervenes in buildings, development and the environment Hexa Ingenierie's experience extends in all areas of construction, environment, energy and exploitation ingenious. We intervene as a project management assistance, expertise, project management management and realization in very varied sectors, infrastructure, industrial, cultural, sports, accommodation, tertiary, social, functional equipment etc. With a versatile team, we recommend, support you and manage your projects. Construction engineering, Project management assistance, project management, environment, energy, operation, industrial building, communities, tertiary building, social building, sports equipment, and development VRD

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech

8 39

Activ home, solutions for biosourced constructive system Activ Home is the exclusive manufacturer of the Ecostrauv® process. It is a patented industrial process, using bio -based materials (wood and straw) in short circuit. Our added value is to allow wood-straw construction to have large volumes and competitive prices compared to current manual solutions for filling frames. The advantages of our product are numerous: great energy efficiency, negative carbon footprint (10kg carbon stored by m2 of panels), use of renewable biosourced materials, production in circular economy ... The purpose of our activity being to sell our process everywhere in France and …

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing constructiontech Technologies: New Materials

9 7

Go further with SURPHAM We are specialized in the Import and Sale of Medical and Hospital Equipment and Consumables, Chemical Products and Laboratory Reagents, Provision of Biomedical Maintenance Services. We have been in Madagascar for 8 years and we work with more than 300 professionals in the medical field (SALAMA, H LABO, OSTIE, AMADIA, MSI, ...). Offers based on quality and customer care are SURPHAM's main assets. Contact 034 15 376 00 for more information. E-mail: Laboratory Reagent, Medical Consumables, Hospital Consumables, Sale of Medical Equipment, Sale of Hospital Equipment, Import, and Biomedical Maintenance

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech healthtech

359 15

Studies and advice at the environmental performance of your projects Etamine is a design and advice office in environmental performance: we support the real estate operations of programming on the farm, on the scale of the building as well as that of the territory. Organized in SCOP, our company brings together around 80 employees. We intervene on the whole of France from our headquarters based in Lyon, and our agencies in Paris, Marseille, Nantes, Bordeaux and Lille. Our expertise is as follows: - Energy performance: dynamic thermal simulation, renewable energies, energy audits and operations in operation, commissioning and performance guarantee …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

11 106

Your Public Procurement Partner is a leader in France in the field of services to public buyers. The purchasing revolves around 3 axes: • The public purchase portal The public purchase portal gives access to a suite of solutions covering the entire chain of public purchase: from sourcing to archiving through the drafting of market parts, buyer profile, procedures management and monitoring of acts. The portal is accessible via the Internet without any installation to be carried out on the user position. This offer is completely modular, allowing the buyer an implementation at his own pace and according …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

33 41
Cerfrance Loire-Atlantique Cerfrance Loire-Atlantique

Advice & amp; Accounting expertise Cerfrance Loire-Atlantique is a major player in the council and accounting expertise with territory organizations in all stages of the life of their business. Anchored throughout the territory, our 12 agencies participate in the animation of the local economy. Our teams made up of more than 280 employees build a relationship of trust and proximity to our 5,000 customers. Our vocation for over 67 years is to support entrepreneurs and managers in their global performance (strategic, fiscal, legal, social, HR, heritage, environment and IT). The mutualist dimension of the deer network structures our governance and …

Type: Large company

74 164

Digital water Eau-Link supports water users, anxious to control their consumption by implementing connected objects for the collection of data, sensors and analyzers to create supervision in an existing information system or through a web platform. Wireless technologies, smartwater, connected objects, water management, removal of remote data, multi-networks, water economics, communicating dataloggers, supervision, IoT, Saas, Made in France, and water surveillance

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech water management Technologies: IoT SaaS Sensors Wireless

13 1
Ty Waste Ty Waste

🌳 The circular economy and EIT for professionals, business networks and communities 🌲 Tools and methodologies tested and approved to allow communities and companies of companies to animate circular economy procedures.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: SaaS

13 7
Les Paniers de Léa Les Paniers de Léa

Healthy and sustainable food at the service of your QVT challenges, health prevention, well-being and CSR Because we are convinced that sharing a healthy and lasting diet at the office is both a health gesture and a social bond act, because feeling good with your colleagues and eating healthy in the office are, in our view, essential ingredients for well -being at work, we have created the baskets of Léa. Fruit deliveries responsible for the office, communication by the fruit with your network, healthy support for the CSR policy of your business and vitamin entertainment for you and your children. …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: Decarbonization

13 27
Terrio Terrio

Earthen 🧱☘️Fabrication of virtuous building materials \ Prefabricated adobe 🛖🧱Terio is a production company for raw earth building materials. 🌍🌱Alors that we all reflect to rethink the act of building, whether for ecological convictions, for regulatory or simply financial constraints, Terrio allows you to go to the end of this approach. 🥖🇫🇷 A sober construction, environmentally friendly, local environment and whose production sites are in France. Facilitate raw earth construction, upsetting habits, without upsetting the knowledge. This is our mission. 👉This that we propose: make load -bearing walls or not without chemistry, without cooking, without resources problem and with …

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing constructiontech Technologies: New Materials

33 10
iNex Circular iNex Circular

Make some companies waste, the ressources of the others iNex-Circular, the first European platform for implementing synergies in the circular economy to optimise your waste and raw material management. 30,000 companies registered in France, Belgium and Spain. More than 100 customers in Europe. économie circulaire, plateforme btob, waste, déchets, Ressources, circular economy, plateforme, industriels, and valorisation

Type: Startup Activities: civictech cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

27 15
IndustriLAB - Hauts de France IndustriLAB - Hauts de France

Plateforme régionale d'innovation pour l'industrie IndustriLAB is research platform dedicated to industrial purposes like mechanical design, industrial robotics or virtual reality. A second platform named WindLAB (based in Amiens) dedicated to training on windturbine maintenance joins IndustriLAB in 2020. Industrial design, Robotics, Composite, and Virtual reality

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0 Technologies: Robotics VR

37 7
Wallonie Entreprendre Wallonie Entreprendre

We support Walloon entrepreneurs in the realization of their ambitions. Support-financing-expertise Are you a business and you need support to develop your projects? You are in the right place 👇 At We, we understand that each company has unique development and financing needs. As an economic and financial tool of Wallonia, we are there to accompany you at each stage of your entrepreneurial journey. What we offer: ☑️ Business creation: We help you transform your ideas into reality with financing solutions adapted to your initial needs. ☑️ Growth and expansion: For businesses in the growth phase, we provide the financial …

Type: Incubators & VCs

33 276
Voies navigables de France Voies navigables de France

Ensemble, réinventons les voies navigables de demain ! Voies navigables de France (VNF) is a public entity, responsible for the development and maintenance of waterways in France. Transport fluvial, Exploitation, modernisation, développement des voies navigables, Gestion hydraulique, Tourisme fluvial, Fluvestre, patrimoine, and infrastructures

Type: Public

125 1,562
SOCABAT Construction SOCABAT Construction

A name, know-how, values SOCABAT (Campo Building Roofing company) is a SAS founded in March 1991 by its current president Raymond Campo. Our head office is located in the town of Vignec, near the Saint-Lary-Soulan ski resort, in the heart of the Aure valley. SOCABAT is a structural work company, civil engineering and carpentry which quickly experienced a good progression and quickly goes from 13 employees to 50. In addition to these two activities, SOCABAT also carries out tiling and carpentry work. Our know-how, our mastery of the various building trades and our responsiveness are all assets that ensure the …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: Decarbonization

2 14
Fibois Centre-Val de Loire Fibois Centre-Val de Loire

Interprofession of the forest-wood sector in the Center-Val de Loire region- Member of the Fibois France network Fibois Center-Val de Loire's mission is the sustainable development of the forest-wood sector, in its economic and environmental aspects. His actions revolve around the following major themes: ➡ Develop wood energy: the whole sector is concerned, the forest owners who find it difficult to find out to their thinning woods, the processing companies that generate between 30 and 50 % of related products to each operation. ➡ Promote the boom in wooden construction: large wood user, this sector energizes the entire sector when …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

22 9
FIBOIS Grand Est FIBOIS Grand Est

The tradition of building the future. The Grand Est interprofession brings together players in the forest-wood sector and has the main missions of: - Define the strategy and structure the regional sector - arouse synergies and partnerships between the players in the sector - Represent and defend the interests of the sector with institutions and partners - Be the spokesperson for the sector - Promote forest, wood, businesses, products, regional know-how and trades - Collect the strategic and economic data of the sector, inform and alert professionals and partners Fibois Grand Est has 3 territorial antennas in Châlons-en-Champagne (51), Heillecourt …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

15 20

The Beauty Forest network of regions Fibois France The Fibois France network brings together and brings together 12 regional interprofessions of the French wood forest sector. The role of these is to promote the multifunctionality of forests and the different uses of wood (construction, development, heating, packaging ...), federate professionals in the forest-wood sector on their territory and largely communicate around the challenges of the sector (general public, elected officials). Thanks to their missions, the different interprofessions make it possible to structure and develop an impactful and essential sector in the face of current environmental issues. With their own regional …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech greentech

53 5
La Gazette Oise La Gazette Oise

All economic information of the Oise 🗞🎯 Economic newspaper, the Gazette Oise treats business, men and women who make the economy 🗞 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 each week 🚀

Type: Media

62 3
CAUE de la Somme CAUE de la Somme

Architecture, town planning and environmental advice The CAUE de la Somme is an association on a departmental scale, resulting from the 1977 law on architecture, created in 1981 at the initiative of the General Council of the Somme. It aims to promote the quality of architecture, town planning and the environment with the permanent concern to take into account local particularities.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech smart city

7 5
OHWOOD (groupe Imagreen) OHWOOD (groupe Imagreen)

Networks Ohwood is part of the Imagreen group since February 2021. Ohwood: Strategic advice in corporate communication and public affairs. A strategic communication consulting company, Ohwood supports private and public organizations within the territories in their challenges of corporate and influence communication, at the service of their growth and their influence. Ohwood supports its customers in the environmental, social and economic transition from a long -term strategic perspective. We recommend leaders and support them in the construction of their communication strategies, while working hand in hand with operational teams to deploy the communication plan. In February 2021, Ohwood joined the …

Type: Media

39 47
STAB - Vélodrome Couvert Régional Jean Stablinski STAB - Vélodrome Couvert Régional Jean Stablinski

Individual passions, a common experience. Remarkable architecture High -quality environmental quality, the regional covered velodrome opens its doors to you: an international level track that welcomes major competitions, cycling enthusiasts and the general public. Sports activities and events The Stab offers many activities for all: - track cycling: baptisms and sports practice - Fitness and bodybuilding - Badminton and table tennis The STAB is, moreover, associated with the legendary race of Paris-Roubaix (organization of "Paris-RBX Challenge" and other events around the weekend, logistical reception & amp; anti-doping control, press room, winner's press conference, VIP receptions ...) Professional events The equipment …

Type: Event

17 15
Ambois Ambois

We support you from the study of your project to its realization. SARL AMBOIS carries out the study, manufacture and installation of traditional frames, wooden frame building (BBC and passive), laminated frame glued for multipurpose rooms, schools, colleges, wooden frame houses, medical offices ... CLT, glued laminated, wooden frame, traditional frame, wooden ingenieuria, wood production, lifting, establishment, under work, wooden frame house, and wooden frame extension

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

3 17
EDF Renouvelables EDF Renouvelables

Let us become the energy that changes everything EDF Renewables is an international leader in renewable electricity production in France and worldwide. Mostly present in Europe and North America, EDF renewable continues its development by taking a position in promising emerging markets such as: Brazil, China, India, South Africa and the Middle East. Historically active in terrestrial wind and photovoltaics, the company is today positioned strongly on wind at sea and new technologies such as energy storage. EDF renewable ensures the development and construction of renewable energy projects as well as their exploitation-maintance. EDF renewable is a subsidiary of the …

Type: Large company

94 2,639

Clúster para el uso eficiente del agua. ZINNAE, Cluster for the efficient use of water, integrates the main economical agents that are linked with an efficient use of water in the city of Zaragoza: companies of different nature (water saving technology, water measuring and meter reading technology, companies linked with the water supply, sanitation and treatment, water facilities, etc.), the main research and training centres in the region, as well as the local, regional and national water public administrations. ZINNAE was created with the following mission: To promote an efficient and sustainable use of water in Saragossa as well as …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: water management

13 7
VITO Kennispunt Water VITO Kennispunt Water

VITO Knowledge Point Water thinks with entrepreneurs about integrated and innovative water solutions. 🙋‍♀️ VITO Kennispunt Water thinks with entrepreneurs about integrated and innovative water solutions. Our goal? To effectively deploy freshwater resources in Flanders for a resilient economy. For our industry and agriculture. For our drinking water. For our nature. VITO Kennispunt Water consists of an accessible team of water experts who are ready to go with a backpack full of practical experience.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: water management

11 11

Be an actor in the change by designing quality buildings, efficient in energy, environment and health. Created specifically for the study, the energy design and monitoring of passive and environmental buildings, new or rehabilitated, EnerGelio specializes in the rational and effective use of energy. Faced with the current and future energy context and climate change, our main objective is to offer optimum and pleasant comfort, while facilitating the realization of long -term savings and promoting quality materials and equipment. We are intimately convinced that comfortable, energy -efficient and intelligent buildings are the near future of the world of the building. …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

3 9
Association des cigales des Hauts-de-France Association des cigales des Hauts-de-France

Investor clubs for alternative and local management of solidarity savings The Hauts-de-France cicadas is a network of investors-citizens who work for a local and united economy. It is made up of around thirty clubs, distributed throughout the region and an association in support. Clubs invest for 5 years the savings of their members in companies in creation or development. Each entrepreneur has a godfather or a godmother as a privileged interlocutor, appointed within the club that accompanies him.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

8 7
Parc naturel régional des Caps et Marais d’Opale Parc naturel régional des Caps et Marais d’Opale

Parc naturel régional des Caps et Marais d’Opale is a health, wellness and fitness company based out of RUE PRINCIPALE, Le Wast, France.

Type: Public Activities: healthtech

5 40
ÉcosystèmeD ÉcosystèmeD

To support the transformation of the Dunkirk industrial-port complex Animation of the innovation ecosystem for the decarbonization of the Dunkirk industrial-port platform

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: industry 4.0 it services

14 11
Entreprises et Cités Entreprises et Cités

Act for inseparable successes of the company and the territory. Entrepreneurial network and unique service platform, companies & amp; CITES is one of the largest entrepreneurial and patronal campuses in France. Businesses and Cites brings together, from Marcq-en-Baroeul (in the Grand Lille), nearly 3,500 employees in a dozen structures. He runs an influence network comprising more than 25 clubs, associations and employers' organizations. He is an actor hired through a territorial endowment fund created in 2016. The "reason for doing" companies & amp; Cités: Act for inseparable successes of the company and the territory. WHO ? Drawing our origins from …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

73 58

Environment Center, Resource Center on the environmental quality of the building in the Center-Val de Loire region. Resource Center of the Center Val de Loire region dedicated to the environmental quality of the built frame. Our association supports professionals in the territory in the transfer of knowledge, networking and the development of projects in favor of a sustainable building for today and for tomorrow.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

23 8
Virage Énergie Virage Énergie

Association specializing in energy and societal prospective In a logic of anticipation and adaptation to climate change, the Virage Energie association offers organizational, behavioral and technical actions for a transition to a model of sustainable society. Specializing in energy and societal prospective, Energy Verge realizes and debate awareness and public decision -making tools to limit the use of energy and natural resources of our current consumption, production and exchange methods. The association was created in 2006. After the publication in 2008 of a regional scenario for the exit from nuclear and the fight against climate change entitled Energies of the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

18 7
Territoire d'énergie Flandre Territoire d'énergie Flandre

Public actor of the energy transition in Flanders Chaired by Michel Decool, the territory of energy Flanders is a union of municipalities, à la carte, which brings together the 98 municipalities of Flanders. Created in 1966 to ensure the development and strengthening of electricity networks, the energy territory Flanders has gradually expanded its areas of intervention, particularly in terms of energy transition. It is now equipped with 8 skills: electricity - Gas - Public lighting - Electronic communications - Recharge infrastructure for electric vehicles - public heat networks - GNV and organic GNV charging stations - Hydrogen. The municipalities of …

Type: Public

13 13
ARBE_RegionSud ARBE_RegionSud

Regional biodiversity agency & amp; of the environment in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. Support for communities. The Regional Biodiversity and Environment Agency (ARBE) Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, by your side for your projects! Public Establishment of Environmental Cooperation which supports the territories of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur to succeed in the bet of ecological transition and the preservation and reconquest of biodiversity. Our actions: • Support communities and territorial procedures • Improve and enhance knowledge on biodiversity • Inform, raise awareness, educate and train the actors of the territories on the challenges of biodiversity and ecological transition • Position yourself at the heart of networks for …

Type: Public

43 32
Groupe Vitamine T Groupe Vitamine T

No one is improper in a lasting world. The vitamin T group has 33 subsidiaries that employ and form women and men liable for the world of work (long -term unemployed, young people without experience, people without resources, people with disabilities ...). Its objective - its social mission - is to support them towards employment or qualifying training. Our key figures: 📌 33 subsidiaries - 43 locations 🌍 4 intervention regions: Hauts-de-France, Ile-de-France, Grand Est and Bourgogne-Franche-Comté & amp; Benin 🧡 7,715 employees, including 4,755 employees under 🍊 2,760 people accompanied by our various programs 👫 66% of dynamic outings …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

62 306
CRESS Hauts-de-France CRESS Hauts-de-France

The Regional Chamber of the Social and Solidarity Economy in Hauts-de-France animates the#ESSHDF: an economy in advance! - The Federating Organization of ESS The Regional Chamber of the Social and Solidarity Economy Hauts-de-France brings together the different components of the SSE in the region: associations, cooperatives, mutuals, foundations, social enterprises, employers' unions ... which are found around the same vision of the economy and carry a common project. - The representative of the ESS Cress HDF is an institution which has missions of general interest entrusted to it by law. As such, it ensures a representation role. It acts to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

24 18
Jean Bouteille Jean Bouteille

Only buy the essentials. Zero-debt solutions for liquid products combining bulk and re-use. We believe in Jean Bota, that to make changes in the consumption of French, it is necessary that bulk is everywhere so that re -use becomes a habit. The expectations of the French are strong on the subject, “54% of French people want bulk in bulk, 73% of which for bulk buyers” (Nielsen, 2020). Bulk for Brands was born with this ambition: to guide all brands to a bulk distribution of their liquids to create this new consumption standard together! Zero-waste, instructions, bulk, and equipment

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech

32 9
Unéole Unéole

Maximize your production of renewable energy thanks to our mixed wind/solar energy platform. As part of the RE2020, our products and services can maximize the energy mix and reduce the carbon footprint of your buildings. Thus, you maximize your chances of being selected during a call for projects or a competition. Human -sized wind turbine, storage, energy management, Eco Design, Wind study, prospecting of wind deposits, optimization of the energy mix, renewable energy, Energy transition, environment, bepos, and re2020

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization Solar Technologies

18 4
Valbiom Valbiom

Valbiom is the reference center for the bio-based economy in Wallonia 🌿 Valbiom supports you in implementing sustainable solutions in the bio-based economy. Our motivation: to implement, alongside you, solutions in the bio-based economy. We are committed on a daily basis to achieving the objective of a more resilient, low-carbon society that creates local jobs. Thanks to our expertise in bio-based materials and bioenergies, we are guiding the Walloon economy towards local and sustainable renewable solutions. As part of its public mission, Valbiom acts as a territorial facilitator of the transition to a bio-based economy. For personalized support, Valbiom also …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

16 24
Salons Immotissimo Salons Immotissimo

The accelerator of your real estate projects in Lille, Lyon and Marseille. An unavoidable meeting of the real estate sector, Immotissimo brings together for 3 days professionals in the real estate sector and project leaders. Participating in Immotissimo salons is the opportunity to consolidate your role as an expert! Individuals express a strong need to surround themselves with real estate professionals to have all the cards in hand before finalizing an investment. Do you sell new, old, additional services? You all have your place on our consumer salons! Real estate, wealth, and investment

Type: Event

3 1