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Differential Privacy for AI & Analytics Retency has developed a unique technology that provides an RGPD-approved alternative to user consent. - Retency delivers the only SAAS software able to privately associate separate personal databases without user consent with a processing efficiency (>100M lines) adapted to the requirement of professional users. - Unique embedded de-identification technology allows to perform cross-analyses of databases held by separate parties, while guaranteeing perfect database protection and total personal data privacy, as a GDPR-compliant alternative to user consent. - Process is data-agnostic. Differentially Private output can be processed by any time of AI and data analytics …

Type: Startup Activities: it services martech retail Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics

1 0 1 8
Zaack Zaack

Internet of Air Metrology Zaack aims to improve indoor air quality with technology (IOT, Deep learning, AI). Zaack provides B2B market with innovative softwares and connected solutions to monitor, visualize, and manage in real time indoor air quality. Our mission is to empower building occupants, worker and visitor’s healthcare and security. Wanna join an awesome team in an awesome place? Keep us posted Indoor air quality IAQ, Indoor environment quality IEQ, Artificial intelligence, Monitoring, Air pollution, and Health and comfort

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: A.I. - Deep Learning A.I. IoT

11 1 9 11
Open Lake Technology Open Lake Technology

ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION Imagine a world where compliance is simple, clear and easy to apply. This world can exist and it is our ambition. Over the past ten years, financial companies have paid more than € 26 billion in fines for non-regulatory practices and this will intensify with the new MIFID2 and GDPR guidelines. The key element today is the ability to monitor compliance with existing and future directives. The multiplication of communication channels further complicates the monitoring work for the IT & compliance teams. It is therefore essential that these teams have a common working tool to supervise the …

Type: Startup Activities: regtech it services privacytech Technologies: RPA A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics Robotics SaaS

2 1 1 9
PremedIT PremedIT

PremedIT harnesses sport medicine and data to develop e-health solutions for sports and physical activities. PremedIT develops E-Health solutions to prevent and manage sport injuries Crossing medical science, predictive analysis and artificial intelligence, PremedIT harnesses medical and sport data to offer better access to sports medicine knowledge in both B2C and B2B perspectives. PremedIT's first product Running Care is the first E-health solution dedicated to running. Based on a mobile application backed with a data analysis platform, Running Care helps runners to predict, prevent and manage their pains and injuries. Connected to existing running apps, Running Care enriches the user …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: Data Analytics A.I.

7 2 3 2
Connect Parc Connect Parc

[Automatic translation follows] Connect Parc cultivates employees' digital skills, as well as their curiosity and imagination. Our program is designed to promote the appropriation of digital knowledge such as the programming of robots or the creation of stories and interactive games. Thus, technology is used as a means of conveying values ​​and skills such as caring, collaboration, communication, computing and entrepreneurship. Coding, Kids coding, Innovation, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Collaboration, Design Thinking, Agile, Scratch, Lean Startup, Project management, IoT, Team building, Coaching, Consulting, New professions, AI, Chatbot, Training, and Scrum

Type: Startup Activities: it services edtech entrepreneurship Technologies: Robotics A.I. - Natural Language Processing IoT A.I.

2 1 2 1
Koondal Koondal

Koach, the first Koondal's product is a wearable lumbar device to unlock your back and to unleash your true physical potential. Koondal creates solutions combining hardware, artificial intelligence, physiotherapy expertise to develop physical capabilities that can benefit to companies, individuals, health professionals and sports centers. Whether you’re an elite athlete, an everyday layabout, or somewhere in between, chances are you will eventually deal with back pain or other physical trouble. And while a typical response to experiencing back pain is to take it easy, either by laying down and gulping on antalgics or stopping any strenuous activity, this approach can …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: Data Analytics A.I.

1 1 0 1
Addventa Addventa

For Addventa and its clients, intelligence is not just artificial Addventa builds solutions using the power of artificial intelligence (Natural Language Processing, machines learning, cognitive agents) for large companies and administrations. Our teams of business analysts, artificial intelligence engineers and linguistic experts develop operational solutions with strong economic stakes: increase in revenue, productivity enhancement and costs reduction. Since its creation in 2014, Addventa has expanded in the financial services sector (retail, private banking, asset management, investment banking, legal, risks and compliance...). Its clients include leading global banking and insurance groups based in France, Germany and Luxembourg. --------------------- Addventa réalise pour …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech it services Technologies: A.I. - Natural Language Processing A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Generative A.I.

1 0 1 21
MyDisease2EZ MyDisease2EZ

Bring solutions for rare disease and unmet needs with our medical knowledge base! MyDisease2EZ®, plateforme intelligente centrée sur les besoins des patients, leur maladie et, les solutions thérapeutiques associées. Notre technologie AI & Analytics permet de centraliser, simplifier, synthétiser, annoter chaque donnée pour les valoriser ! L’une de nos priorités est d’apporter des solutions pour les maladies rares, et les besoins médicaux non couvert. MyDisease2EZ®, an intelligent platform focused on patient needs, their disease, and the associated therapeutic solutions. Our Data technology uses artificial intelligence to centralize, simplify, synthesize, annotate each data to extract a value! One of our priorities …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: A.I.

7 1 4 3
Sparklane Sparklane

La solution tout-en-un de génération de leads et de prospection. Cherchez moins, vendez plus ! Who’s your next client ? Sparklane is the first editor of predictive lead scoring solutions for the European B2B market. Accelerate your B2B Sales Process by focusing on the best prospects! Sparklane is an editor of a Predictive Lead Scoring Solution for B2B marketing and sales: Predict. Our mission is to leverage Artificial Intelligence to help you identify your market and steer you to the best opportunities. Predict automates your sales prospection : • Precisely defines your Ideal Client Profile • Automates the setup of …

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: A.I.

5 1 3 34

[Automatic translation follows] VICTOR & CHARLES is the recommendation platform dedicated to hotel staff that predicts customer desires. Our technology based on Artificial Intelligence allows us to know in real time who the customer is, what their expectations are and above all to anticipate their desires thanks to personalized recommendations. VICTOR & CHARLES is proud to count among its customers 3 to 5 star hotels, both independent and belonging to international hotel chains. For more information, do not hesitate to contact us: Software, Technology, Customer Relationship Management, Data Analytics, Internet, Smart data, artificial intelligence, and Lead generation

Type: Startup Activities: martech it services Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics

4 1 3 2
Suzan AI Suzan AI

Suzan AI 🛡️ is the first european AI governance platform | Deploy compliant and responsible AI at scale Deploy compliant, secure and responsible AI at scale with Suzan AI, the first European platform for AI governance Map your AI systems and projects, identify and mitigate risks, and be ready for upcoming regulations

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Natural Language Processing Cybersecurity Generative A.I.

4 3 1 2
Datategy Datategy

Real-World AI Datategy is the responsible and sovereign AI platform, covering the entire AI project cycle from data collection to machine learning models. Datategy platform enables companies to infuse data science into all departments and achieve their AI ambitions while enabling business users to understand AI decisions. Datategy's turnkey platform is dedicated to all users, all types of businesses, and all your data projects, covering use cases such as anomaly detection, consumer behavior prediction, fraud monitoring and prevention, route optimization, and everything in between. Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Everyday AI, Data Science Platform, Enterprise AI, AutoML, Responsible AI, …

Type: Media Startup Activities: smart city fintech it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics

15 4 13 45
Partnering Robotics Partnering Robotics

Améliorez la qualité de vie travail et le bien-être de vos collaborateurs avec DIYA ONE X et DIYA AIR NODE, des technologies 100% françaises. Nous suivre sur Facebook => @DiyaRobot Nous suivre sur Twitter => @Diya_One Robotique de service, Robotics, Smart City, Wellbeing, Silver Economy, French Tech, Innovation, Air Quality, Environnement, Cloud, Nouvelles technologies, Smart Building, bien-être, robotique, Artificial Intelligence, IOT, Energy Efficiency, Pollution, intelligence artificielle, Big Data, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Robotique, and French Fab

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech silvertech smart city constructiontech greentech it services Technologies: Robotics A.I. - Deep Learning Data Analytics A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning IoT

11 4 8 5
NextMind NextMind

NextMind is making real-time Brain-Computer Interfaces accessible to the world. NextMind is a neurotech startup changing the way people interact with the world. Our real-time Brain-Computer Interface brought BCI technology out of the lab and to the masses. Our founder is Sid Kouider, a world-leading professor and researcher in cognitive neuroscience. He and our talented team of neuroscientists, engineers, and developers are driving innovation every day. We’re working with creative developers and businesses around the world to explore the applications of our Brain-Computer Interface in entertainment, gaming, industry, and consumer tech. We have been covered by major media outlets such …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech Technologies: Data Analytics A.I. - Deep Learning Affective Computing A.I.

0 0 0 6
DeepOR DeepOR

The 1st Smart Voice Assistant in Hospitals The 1st Smart Voice Assistant in Hospitals DeepOR develops and commercializes the first smart voice assistant in hospitals. Imagine you could ask your EMR a question or give it an order. This is what we enable. Healthcare, Artificial Intelligence, Operating Rooms, Hospitals, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Optimization, and Management

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: A.I. - Natural Language Processing A.I. - Image Processing A.I.

3 1 1 1
mojjo mojjo

Video and Artificial Intelligence for Tennis and Padel 🎾 We are going to change how people play, improve and watch tennis. Check our website for more info : Facebook or Twitter for regular news and updates : Connected tennis, AngularJS, Ruby on Rails, and C++

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I.

2 0 0 5
bluexml bluexml

[Automatic translation follows] ECM Consulting and Expertise: document management, process management and automation, signature. Alfresco Bonita. Since 2005, Bluexml has been providing its expertise in document management, process automation and management, electronic signature and archiving to its clients in the public and private sectors. EDM (electronic document management), ECM/BPM (process management), RPA (process automation), Dematerialization, Archiving, Collaborative, Workflow, Digitalization, Portals, Electronic signature, Consulting, and Development

Type: Startup Activities: it services privacytech Technologies: Data Analytics A.I. - Natural Language Processing A.I.

6 0 6 29
Delair Marine Delair Marine

Delair Marine, is a leading designer of autonomous underwater solutions. Delair Marine is the company behind Seasam, the world's first compact autonomous underwater drone made for professional applications. Created by ocean lovers and engineers, these drones bring a true revolution to the underwater world. Seasam opens a whole new world of capturing data underwater. With our customization system, Seasam can be use in many fields while remaining highly specialized, such as autonomous ship hull inspections, payload carrying, search & rescue, acting as a third-eye view for commercial divers and much more. Learn more on Autonomous Underwater Drone, Drone, ROV, …

Type: Startup Activities: drones it services Technologies: Drones Data Analytics A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Embedded Systems

29 14 11 18
Kumullus Kumullus

[Automatic translation follows] SaaS Platform & Services to x4 engagement via video augmented with interactivity and behavior monitoring Kumullus is a French edtech start-up. Our Interactive Video Learning solution allows you to create and deploy a new, high-performance, fun learning experience to train employees and networks on all LMS/LXP and Web platforms on the market. A leader in our market, our solution is already used by more than 300 major clients in all sectors. More than 22,000 modules were created in 2022 and 95% of the learners tested praise the Kumullus learning experience. Engagement rates are thus multiplied by 4 …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech fintech Technologies: A.I. SaaS

8 0 8 14
One More Thing Studio One More Thing Studio

One More Thing Studio réalise des applications mobiles canons pour des startups, pme et grands groupes. Parmi nos clients : My Little Paris, Hook, Bim, Hellocare, Direct Energie, Happn, Photoweb, Vizeat, Engie... #lean #agile #natif #UX #UI 🤔 CONCEPTION définition du MVP users stories conception fonctionnelle storyboard 🖌️ UX/UI DESIGN identité graphique maquettes prototypes tests utilisateurs ateliers UX (design thinking, workshops co-création, ...) formation au Design Sprint 📱 DÉVELOPPEMENT AGILE développement natif & React Natif (iOS & Android) progressive web app (PWA) AR / VR machine learning & IA 🚀 GROWTH HACKING conseils & accompagnement metrics & analytics techniques d’acquisition …

Type: Startup Activities: uxtech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

3 3 0 2

Real time fall detector MORPHÉE + is a micro radar which, installed in the establishment or the home of the person, will detect the falls in real time and send an alert to the caregivers, the caregivers or the services of care. This technology is the result of collaboration with the French Center for Aerospace Research, ONERA and CERIG. Benefits are numerous compared to existing devices such as video surveillance and electronic bracelet. Without a sensor worn, it does not stigmatize the person by a sign marking his dependence. Moreover, he can not forget himself! The effectiveness of devices such …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech deeptech silvertech manufacturing Technologies: A.I. Sensors

16 4 5 1

Wassa is a company specialized in the design of innovative digital solutions with great added value. Within its offices in Paris and Hong Kong, Wassa regroups all the creative, technical and functional required talents to elaborate your solutions. We work with some of the biggest companies in the world (Microsoft, LVMH, Orange, etc.) and with smaller companies like start-up. Our Innovation Lab brings scientific expertise to design the most adapted solution to your needs and topics. We analyze images extracted from cameras (smartphone, webcam...) and collect information, data, to provide customized services. For more information Conception et développement d'application …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. - Image Processing A.I. - Deep Learning A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

1 0 1 51
Scibids - acquired by DoubleVerify Scibids - acquired by DoubleVerify

Scibids develops Artificial Intelligence to make Digital Marketing more effective. Founded in Paris in 2016 with 10 locations worldwide, Scibids develops customizable AI to make marketing more effective. AI is transforming whole industries and is raising expectations for global brands. Scibids AI drives step-change performance and scale independently and was created with a privacy-first approach and has never relied on third-party cookies, PII, or other digital identifiers to drive growth and successful business outcomes. Scibids works across the digital marketing ecosystem and is enabled within the leading Demand Side Platforms, embraced by global media agencies, and trusted by international brands. …

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

13 0 12 69
Artik Consulting Artik Consulting

[Automatic translation follows] Leverage the unseen Artik Consulting Artik is a technology consulting company that supports large companies in their IT transformation projects. A profession: Consulting For Artik, advising its clients means helping them build a medium-term vision of their IT while defining operational milestones in the short term. Target far but mark short, that is our watchword. Key account clients Artik mainly addresses large companies because the alignment of their IT with their Business Strategy is an absolute necessity. The trust they place in us over the long term is a guarantee of the quality of our services. Technological …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Blockchain/Cryptocurrency IoT

0 0 0 51
Lycie Lycie

[Automatic translation follows] Safely driving you to savings! Lycie: the mobile app for preventing road accidents. 🏆 CNES: ActInSpace France (2nd internationally) 🏆 ESA: Galileo Masters 🏆 GSA: Co-Exhibition at the Mobile World Congress Its strength? Using a machine learning algorithm patented by CNES, as well as the cell phone's cameras to analyze the road and the driver, to detect anomalies and then warn the driver. The benefit? By avoiding accidents, we save lives but we also save money: free, the application allows an individual to save up to €400/year with their car insurance, and nearly €200 for insurance companies …

Type: Startup Activities: insurtech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning IoT

4 0 4 4
 QuantFi QuantFi

Quantum Computing for Finance QuantFi is a quantum start-up research firm that specializes in creating quantum computer algorithms for the financial services industry. QuantFi is engaged in fundamental and applied research in collaboration with leading universities and public laboratories. Our long term strategy is to utilize quantum computing technology to perform financial portfolio management. QuantFi's employees have expertise in finance, portfolio asset management, valuation, research, investment analysis, mortgage-backed securities, quantum computing, computer science, mathematics and physics. QuantFi has offices in Paris, Tokyo and Chicago. Quantum Computing, Quantum Machine Learning, Machine Learning, Data Science, Quantum Physics, Computer Science, and Financial Services

Type: Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: A.I. - Machine Learning A.I.

2 1 0 7
ilee ilee

Your artificial intelligence visual inspection assistant Ilee develops an intelligent assistant for all visual inspections in the Energy, Industry and Civil Engineering sectors. Our software is based on algorithms that detect and analyze all elements in photos and videos: objects, structures, materials and defects. Deep Learning and Machine Learning

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Deep Learning A.I. - Machine Learning

22 5 20 3

Personalization & Recommendations for all streaming platforms. The Spideo Personalization Platform provides tools for Creative Industries to build Recommendation and Smart Data around content and users. We care a lot about Data Privacy and Protection. Our features are built around three core values: Transparency, Trust & Control. One key idea that leads our work: explanations matter more than recommendations. We reveal the reasoning behind artificial intelligence - using semantics and natural language - in order to provide trustworthy and personally relevant suggestions. Recommendations, Content Discovery, Personalization , Analytics, Creative Industries, and Movies & TV Expertise

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Natural Language Processing

7 1 6 39

We co-create and distribute AI algorithms for Medical Imaging on a single platform. Saving time, Saving lives, Together. We co-create with medical centers IA applications for radiology. Healthcare professionals are now overwhelmed by the volume of patients and images. They need new tools. As safeguards of our Healthcare system, they need to be empowered and to participate in the AI production process. This is our mission through our co-creation projects. We distribute the world's top applications via a unified platform. Hundreds of start-ups have embarked on this adventure. They all want to produce AI to answer a specific clinical question. …

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: deeptech healthtech it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Deep Learning SaaS

27 12 20 93

[Automatic translation follows] Specialists in data valorization and adoption of Cloud solutions. 📍 Rennes-Nantes-Niort-Paris Valoway is a consulting and integration company of innovative solutions specialized in data valorization and Cloud solutions. We are present in the Grand Ouest (Rennes, Nantes, La Rochelle) as well as in Paris and we are strongly attached to the expertise and know-how that our employees bring. Our data consulting offer is based on 5 pillars, essential in the digital transformation of organizations: Consulting: -Data strategy at the service of businesses and organizations -Change management -Data governance Integration of innovative solutions: -Implementation of projects & services: …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics

9 0 0 17
metriq metriq

metriq rethinks workflows and designs intelligent process automations that begin and grow with human needs metriq rethinks workflows and designs intelligent process automations that begin and grow with human needs. We use a human-centric approach founded on user experience design methodologies that help define useful implementations of automation, often leveraging machine learning, AI and analytics We are a data agency and product studio that collaborates with SMBs and multinational organizations on their transition to a data-driven organization. Our experts use a data-driven UX methodology to understand the goals of projects, processes or products in order to develop solutions that leverage …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics Robotics RPA

4 0 3 2
KMeleon, Inc KMeleon, Inc

Linking people and robots KMeleon is a software that allows programming many brands of industrial equipements (robot arm, PLC, sensor and so on ) without any line of coding. Robotique, Vision robotique, Intelligence Artificielle, Cognition, Industry 4.0, Robotic, Cobot, Artificial Intelligence, industrie du futur, industrie 4.0, smart factory, and Vision Industrielle

Type: Startup Activities: it services manufacturing Technologies: A.I. Robotics

0 0 0 3
Hopstay Hopstay

Optimising citizen support & improving urban experience through smart digital assistants for cities. Hopstay is an Australian-founded smart city startup currently based in Paris and is a laureate of the French Tech Ticket program, a prestigious French government-funded program for international startups. Hopstay's solution helps cities optimise customer support & improve urban experience through smart digital assistants (chatbots & voicebots). Cities use our framework to more efficiently process complaints, queries & tasks that are otherwise painful & tedious for citizens. There are 3 key elements to the Hopstay technology framework. 1. Knowledge base & bot management platform A platform where …

Type: Startup Activities: it services smart city Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Natural Language Processing

1 1 0 1
ScreenSeed ScreenSeed

Growing More with Less. An AI technology for high throughput screening of compounds for plant science ScreenSeed helps agro-industrial companies working to protect and grow crops yields and who need to understand the life cycle of crops from germination to harvesting. The most important stage is germination. ScreenSeed fully automates the large-scale study of germination using optical and imagery to identify the exact conditions and additives that optimizes seed germination. ScreenSeed is the first solution of high throughput screening on the germination behavior of seeds. Agriculture, Machine learning, Big data, Mathematics, Seeds, Research, Robotic, Crop protection, Biostimulant, Screen, Agricultural, Arabidopsis, …

Type: Startup Activities: agritech deeptech Technologies: A.I. Robotics A.I. - Machine Learning

0 0 0 1
Pixience Pixience

La nouvelle ère de la dermoscopie Pixience is specialized in measurement and imaging devices for skin exploration. Manufacturer of the "C-Cube Dermatology"​: digital dermatoscope dedicated to the dermatology practice for early detection of skin cancer. Based on its scientific expertise in skin measurement, Pixience produces the "C-Cube Clinical Research"​ first 2D & 3D imaging colorimeter used by laboratories for cosmetics claims assesment and research on the skin. Healthcare technology solutions, Engineering, Image Analysis, Skin Evaluation, Support for Clinical Trials, and Biometrology

Type: Startup Activities: biotech deeptech healthtech manufacturing Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Image Processing

4 1 3 8
CYCL (powered by Bugsec) CYCL (powered by Bugsec)

Shaping the Future of Managed Cloud Detection and Response At CYCL, we merge expert cloud knowledge with behavioral AI-based analytics on our Cloud Native Managed CDR platform. By utilizing both agentless and lite agent-based cloud-native technologies, we significantly lighten the load for your security teams. We conduct comprehensive analysis and smart noise reduction, ensuring your attention is utilized only for the alerts and identified risks that truly matter. This allows you to leverage your cloud security investments to their fullest potential without the clutter of additional tools. Managed Cloud Detection and Response Rely on CYCL’s extensive cloud expertise and sophisticated …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity A.I.

0 0 0 70
Trading Central Trading Central

Capital markets fintech bringing insightful analysis to the world's investors. We are a premium, one-stop-shop for investment decision support. We firmly believe the best way to support today's digital wealth brokerages is by facilitating the long-lasting success of their investing customers. We do this by helping 100+ million self-directed investors find and validate new opportunities, time their trades, learn about financial markets and manage their risk. Our online broker solutions deliver engaging, actionable insight through an award-winning fusion of proprietary automated AI analytics, beautiful user interfaces, and global analyst expertise. Our patented pattern recognition is constantly scanning the market, providing …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics A.I. - Natural Language Processing

1 0 1 226

KUBRA provides customer experience management solutions to some of North America's largest utility, government, and insurance entities. Our extensive portfolio includes billing and payments, mapping, mobile apps, proactive communications, and artificial intelligence solutions for customers. With more than two billion customer interactions annually, KUBRA services reach over 40% of households in the U.S. and Canada. KUBRA is an operating subsidiary of the Hearst Corporation. Job Recruitment Scams Warning: It has been brought to our attention that there have been instances of fraudulent job offers purporting to be from KUBRA. Learn more: Customer Experience Management, Alerts and Preference Management, Billing …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: A.I.

1 0 0 746
Innential Innential

Innential provides e-learning, business training, and performance management services.

Type: SMB Activities: edtech Technologies: A.I.

0 0 0 N/A
181travel 181travel

Operational Excellence for Travel Experiences Welcome to our company page! 181travel is a digital-based DMC (Destination Management Company) that selects, organizes and sells tourist experiences. 181travel's goal is to offer a complete "turnkey" service to the hospitality industry: Italian and foreign Tour Operators, Hotels, Resorts, Houses accommodation and Cruise Lines. 181travel's mission is to evolve Travel Hospitality into a Travel Experience! Experiential Tourism, Destination Services, Digital and innovative B2B #ExperienceforHospitality #ExperienceforCruise #Incoming Turismo, Servizi, Esperienziale, Business to Business, and Digitale

Type: SMB Activities: traveltech Technologies: A.I.

1 0 1 27
Memotive Memotive

[Automatic translation follows] Turkey's most comprehensive employee management application for both white collar and blue collar #SuperAppOnOnePlatform MEMOTIVE is a Corporate SuperApp that digitizes your HR and Administrative Affairs processes and enables you to make data-driven decisions to increase company efficiency and employee engagement. Service planning and shift/flexible work planning integrated with the service, dynamic form management, announcements, sharing, digital gift vouchers, wish-suggestion-complaint management, satisfaction/loyalty measurements, causality analyzes and surveys provided using surveys and special AI/Machine learning algorithms. More on #TekPlatform MEMOTIVE! Contact us: Administrative Affairs Operations, HR Communications, HR Operations, Employee Productivity, Cloud Based, ERP Integration, AI/Machine Learning, …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

1 0 1 9

We help companies implement Data-Driven Business approach. Our mission is to help companies in implementing the Data-Driven Business approach by offering solutions in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Data Management and Business Automation. For over 19 years, we have been supporting the largest enterprises in gaining and maintaining a competitive advantage through the use of dedicated IT systems. Our IT platforms allow collecting, processing and analyzing data at scale. 3Soft specializes in providing solutions for clients from the financial and retail sectors. Thanks to the knowledge, experience and passion of our 100-person team, we implement technologically advanced projects, extracting business …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics A.I. - Machine Learning

2 0 2 85
Hozint - Horizon Intelligence Hozint - Horizon Intelligence

Hozint is a situational awareness monitoring platform powered by human and Artificial Intelligence Hozint is a situational awareness monitoring platform powered by human and Artificial Intelligence By leveraging AI and a vast historical data pool, Hozint automates your information gathering and analysis, freeing you to focus on critical issues and strategic decision-making. For intelligence analysts tasked with real-time monitoring of open-source information, our platform offers unparalleled benefits: * AI-driven alerts provide instantaneous situational awareness, enabling swift responses to unfolding events. * Human-verified alerts ensure accuracy and reliability, enhancing confidence in decision-making processes. * Timely notifications of planned disruptive events empower …

Type: Startup Activities: traveltech Technologies: A.I. Cybersecurity

1 1 0 32
DataStories® DataStories®

DataStories is a self-service prescriptive analytics software to drive end-to-end automation in industrial operations. DataStories International is a Partners in Performance company. We are Belgium-based Data Discovery and Prescriptive Analytics software firm helping business users understand their complex data. Our clients say we are the only tool so far which has a direct feedback loop from machine learning algorithms to actions. comes with a browser-based platform for business users to help them do analytics themselves, and with a Python SDK for the data engineers and data scientists to help them better communicate the results back to business stakeholders. The …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics

0 0 0 11
UgenTec UgenTec

Sample Flow Intelligence UgenTec is a molecular laboratory software provider servicing molecular labs, assay and instrument providers globally across applications in Clinical Molecular Diagnostics, Veterinary health, Crop Science, Breeding and Seed Health. UgenTec is headquartered in Hasselt, Belgium with offices in Boston, MA and its FastFinder platform has a global installed base of over 100 molecular labs and partnerships with leading molecular diagnostics vendors. FastFinder is a modular, clinical grade Software as a Service platform using AI methods allowing labs of all sizes to standardize and automate their molecular workflows. FastFinder’s modules include Analysis, Genotyper and Workflow. PCR data analysis, …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech healthtech Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics SaaS

1 0 1 8
Chatamo Chatamo

We create intelligent voice and chat bots for marketing, sales and support in minutes. Take your business to the customer. Offer 24/7 availability through messaging apps and voice devices. + Connect with over 5 billion people using messaging apps per month in 100+ languages. + Scale your market presence in all popular voice and chat channels with one consistent brand voice. + Understand your customers better with real-time insights. Track usage, click-throughs, and even emotion. Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Chatbots, Voice Skills, Alexa, Google Home, Messenger Apps, Cortana, Direct Marketing, Data-driven, Analytics, Automated Customer Service, AI Assistant, Multiple Channels, …

Type: Startup Activities: martech uxtech Technologies: A.I. - Natural Language Processing A.I.

1 0 0 N/A

The AI Hub of Israel is the AI media and data hub of Israel. Access thousands of profiles and millions of data points to gain insights into startups, investors and people. Rely on our data to stay ahead of the curve. Artificial Intelligence, Startups, Investors, and Business Intelligence

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics A.I. - Deep Learning

23 0 24 1
Zest AI Zest AI

Zest AI technology delivers better, faster, fairer lending across the credit spectrum. Zest AI makes the power of machine learning safe to use in credit underwriting. Lenders using Zest make better decisions and better loans -- increasing revenue, reducing risk, and automating compliance. Zest AI was founded in 2009 with the mission of making fair and transparent credit available to everyone and is now one of the fastest-growing fintech software companies. The company is headquartered in Los Angeles, California.

Type: Startup Activities: fintech it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

5 3 2 147
Propify Propify

Propify is building the first global real estate search application based on Blockchain & AI to more easily find the right property & the ideal Realtor. The Propify Realtor Console helps Realtors, Agencies and Brokers manage in one place, property listings & real estate updates via Social Media, Search Engines & Content Marketing Platforms. We call it the No-Portal Property Marketing solution. Today's property buyers are being led by a new generation of technology advancements, searching for property in an entirely new approach. It is no surprise that No-Portal Property Marketing represents 75% of buyer inquiry.

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency A.I.

2 0 2 N/A
Avalon AI Avalon AI

Avalon AI builds Deep Learning-based Computer Aided Diagnosis tools to facilitate the detection of brain degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and enable better patient stratification in clinical trials. Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Medical Imaging, MRI, Neuroimaging, Neuroscience, Software Engineering, Neural Networks, Computer Aided Diagnosis, and Artificial Intelligence

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech deeptech biotech it services Technologies: A.I. - Deep Learning Affective Computing A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

0 0 0 1
Lending Robot Lending Robot

Revolutionizing investing in alternatives for the next generation LendingRobot is a robo-advisor investment platform that provides simplified access to alternative lending investment opportunities for the next gene of investors, family offices, and financial advisors. A cloud-based service, LendingRobot automates account creation, loan selection and trading of alternative assets through a client-friendly interface. Thanks to its high-speed infrastructure and machine learning algorithms, LendingRobot allows individual investors to access the attractive, uncorrelated returns that alternative lending offers. In 2017, LendingRobot merged with NSR Invest to form the largest digital wealth advisor in the marketplace lending space. Finance, Marketplace Lending, Alternative Investments, Wine …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

4 2 3 1
AiRelo AiRelo

The smart, simple way to register your new address !! Created by GLOBALS ( a Berlin-based Startup, Making International Life Easy! AiRelo is the answer to the administrative, time-consuming hassle that is the city registration. City Registration, Bureaucracy, Chatbot, Resident Registration, and Relocation

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I.

0 0 0 1
BrainChild Innovation LLC BrainChild Innovation LLC

Developing The Future! BrainChild Innovation, LLC provides Enterprise Cloud and Device-powered AI Integration of Autonomous Unmanned Vehicle Solutions for Infrastructure Inspection and Asset Monitoring. We specialize in developing Acute Anomaly Detection algorithms developed for autonomous ground (UGV), aerial (UAV) and marine vehicles (UUV). Deep Learning and Machine Learning Models are scalable and application-specific to a client's individual needs. We also provide expert hardware, and automation software setup/installation, custom Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality hardware integration, and routine update/maintenance service agreement options Our company is comprised of core founding team members and close network of experts, which range from Robotic Engineers, System Test …

Type: Startup Activities: consumer goods it services Technologies: VR A.I. - Deep Learning Robotics A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

3 0 3 1
Metamaven Metamaven

Every business needs an edge. Artificial Intelligence is not a silver bullet for sales & marketing wins, but data-driven and automated technologies help savvy business leaders gain an edge over competitors and tap into undiscovered markets. Whether you want to maximize the impact of your marketing campaigns, convert sales prospects to new customers, or optimize your products for retention and revenue, we can build an automated solution using the latest techniques in data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Marketing, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Automation, Advertising, Customer Support, Social Media, Content Marketing, Content Strategy, User Acquisition, Sales, Growth, …

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics

5 1 3 2
Finclude (fka. Verge.Capital) Finclude (fka. Verge.Capital)

Transforming Consumer Credit based on transactional behavior At Finclude, we are redefining the landscape of credit scoring across Europe. With a deep commitment to innovation and financial inclusivity, we offer a unique pan-European credit scoring system that leverages transactional data to assess consumers’ creditworthiness – especially those without a traditional credit history. Our Mission: Democratizing credit scoring for the over 200 million people in Europe who are currently underserved by conventional credit systems. We aim to bridge the gap between financial institutions, fintechs, large retailers, and consumers who have been overlooked due to the absence of a universal credit score. …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech regtech Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics

3 0 3 6
PropTech Finder PropTech Finder

PropTech Finder is designed to help property companies find the best solution for them and help technology companies to find the services and support they need. If you are a technology firm working in property, please sign up and encourage others to do so. PropTech Finder is in Beta - so please bear with us. Property, Technology, PropTech, Construction, Data, Venture Capital, CRETech, Find, Companies, AI, and BIM

Type: Startup Activities: proptech constructiontech Technologies: A.I.

0 0 0 N/A
eco-bot eco-bot

Energy efficiency H2020 project combining chatbot and energy disaggregation tech with multifactorial behavioral modeling Eco-Bot aims to utilize recent advances in chatbot tools and advanced signal processing (i.e. energy disaggregation) using low-resolution smart meter-type data with the goal of changing their behavior towards energy efficiency. Eco-Bot targets to a personalized virtual energy assistant to deliver information on itemized (appliance-level) energy usage through a chat-bot tool. The “chat-bot” functionality will be used as an attractive frontend interface, permitting seamless communication in a more natural and interactive way than a traditional mobile application. This way, Eco-Bot aims to achieve a higher level …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. - Natural Language Processing A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics

2 0 2 1
distriBind - curing the insurance industry of its spreadsheet addiction distriBind - curing the insurance industry of its spreadsheet addiction

Discover DA 3.0 - using Machine Learning and Automation to cure the Insurance Industry of its spreadsheet addiction. distriBind uses Machine Learning and automation to cure the insurance industry of its spreadsheet addiction. Over 95% of agent-distributed risk and financial information is submitted via spreadsheet. These uncontrolled and uncontrollable documents require costly manual processing and introduce systemic risk through delay and poor data visibility. DA 3.0 from distriBind frees insurers, agents and brokers from the tyranny of spreadsheets and common data standards through real-time API, OCR and smart file ingestion to provide unprecedented levels of automation and complete data transparency. …

Type: Startup Activities: insurtech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

5 0 4 15

We are the team of experienced engineers and technology lovers that provide advanced voice biometrics solutions for companies and their customers all around the world. VoicePIN is a biometric system for easy and secure user authentication, based on the analysis of his voice. This technology allows you to securely log on to a system without having to remember difficult passwords or pin numbers. It provides secure access to data and the security of confidential information. Our convenient and secure VoicePIN system has been positively tested by thousands of users, always fulfilling their needs and making their every day life more …

Type: Startup Activities: regtech Technologies: Cybersecurity A.I. - Natural Language Processing A.I.

4 0 1 N/A
ELSA Speak - India ELSA Speak - India

World's smartest AI powered app in speech training Together with a very talented team of speech recognition scientists and linguistic experts, we created ELSA (English Language Speech Assistant), the world's smartest A.I. Assistant for pronunciation training and accent reduction. Our vision is to enable the 1.5 billion language learners around the globe to speak foreign languages with full confidence and unlock their opportunities in life. Our flagship product, ELSA Speak, is a personal virtual pronunciation coach. ELSA can listen to you speak English, pick out the exact errors as you speak at an individual sound level or intonation, rhythm, and …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Natural Language Processing A.I. - Deep Learning

3 1 0 1
Orbitil Orbitil

LET DATA LIGHT THE WAY Our mission is to give organisations fine control of their business. Through it’s innovative utilisation of Big Data, our flagship product, xOrb: - Provides clarity on company resource capacity, skills, strategic and tactical gaps - Offers economic valuation for product, project and process choices - Aligns sales pipelines and development processes - Reveals novel actionable insights - Blends qualitative and quantitative risk management With award-winning add-on modules that adopt machine learning to augment the decision making process across a range of corporate functions Big Data, Machine Learning, Project Portfolio Management, Strategic Consulting, Artificial Intelligence, and …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics A.I. - Machine Learning

0 0 0 7
Blue Duck Education - Blue Duck Education -

Getting children excited, engaged and excelling at maths! Mangahigh is one of the world’s first gamification platforms for maths, helping students develop a conceptual understanding of key topics and building their confidence in the subject. Built by a team of education experts, Mangahigh supports teachers in providing a unique learning experience for each student through our AI algorithm and curriculum-aligned content. Comprehensive data collection affords teachers a variety of summary and reporting tools, which help alleviate the pressures of teacher workload, and allows them to focus on building the four C’s of a 21st century learner: communication, collaboration, critical thinking …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech deeptech games Technologies: A.I.

0 0 0 24
Pia Pia

Pia is your Personal Investment Assistant. Pia will be your smart, friendly and supportive AI companion on your investing journey. Whether you’re investing for the first time or want to know which way of investing is best suited for you, Pia will help you on your way. Check out our Youtube page - Pia is a trading name of OFF3R Ltd.

Type: Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: A.I.

3 0 3 15
Capexmove Capexmove

Developing cutting-edge solutions by leveraging the blockchain technology and smart contracts Capexmove develops cutting-edge solutions by leveraging Blockchain technology and smart contracts Blockchain, Debt Capital Markets, SME, Fixed Income, and Artificial Intelligence

Type: Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: A.I. Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

3 1 2 1
ZappyAI ZappyAI

Enterprise-wide Automation with Process Mining and Discovery Enterprise-wide Automation with Process Mining and Discovery Machine Learning, Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, High Performance Computing, Operations, Innovation, Intelligent Process Automation, and Robotic Process Automation

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Deep Learning A.I. - Machine Learning Generative A.I. Robotics RPA

1 1 0 1
Wizata Wizata

We combine smart data management with seamless AI deployment, empowering flow manufacturers to scale industrial AI. Wizata empowers flow manufacturers with advanced industrial AI solutions. We provide a comprehensive platform that simplifies and scales AI initiatives by combining innovative data management through our Unified Namespace (UNS) with seamless AI model deployment using MLOps. Our solutions enable manufacturers to centralize and contextualize data, streamline AI model lifecycle management, and optimize production processes in real time. With Wizata, companies can drive digital transformation, enhance productivity, reduce downtime, and achieve significant operational efficiencies. Case Studies: - Optimizing Yield: Helped manufacturers improve production yield …

Type: Startup Activities: smart city it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics IoT

5 4 2 21
Epic Blue Epic Blue

Lone Worker Safety solution powered by the most advanced positioning technology in the world Epic Blue is a Belgian software company specialized in inertial navigation technology for people in GPS-denied environments. With Guardian, we launched the most advanced Lone Worker Safety application for localization, alerting and critical communication. Powered by our award-winning indoor positioning technology, Guardian is a trusted solution by industry leaders and First Responders all over the world. GeoTech, Indoor Positioning, Location Awareness, Industry 4.0, Mining, Logistics, Digitalization, Safety, Security, Situational awareness, Neural networks, Predictive analysis, AI, Real-time management, Real-time connectivity, and Sensor integration

Type: Startup Activities: it services transporttech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Deep Learning Data Analytics IoT Sensors

4 2 3 7
Chatlayer by Sinch Chatlayer by Sinch

Omnichannel Virtual Assistants that don't feel like Chatbots - powered by world-class AI. Chatlayer empowers smart businesses to have authentic, valuable conversations with their customers - through the power of AI. Our clients are global leaders in their fields, using our intelligent chatbots to increase quality, to drive efficiency, and to bring customer intimacy to the next level. Across multiple channels, in 125 languages. Whether you’re in the business of Customer Service, HR, Marketing, or eCommerce, Chatlayer enables your organization to achieve real results. And as a proud part of Sinch, Chatlayer can boost your business with the best multichannel …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Natural Language Processing Generative A.I.

3 0 3 10
Rainbow Secure Rainbow Secure

Securing Online Accounts with Multi-Layered Interactive MFA Login, SSO, Identity, and Zero-Trust Solutions RainbowSecure: Enhanced MFA compatibility with interactive color and style-based authentication systems. "Rainbowsecure: Pioneering advanced cybersecurity with our unique color and style-based authentication system. We're transforming digital security landscapes with innovative and user-centric solutions." Advanced Color and Style-Based Authentication: Elevating security protocols with customizable and intricate color and style dimensions. Enhanced Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Compatibility: Seamlessly integrating with existing MFA systems, adding a layer of visual security to fortify defenses. User Request Risk Analytics: Employing smart analytics to assess and adapt security levels based on individual login attempts. …

Type: Startup Activities: it services privacytech Technologies: Cybersecurity A.I.

4 0 4 9
ThoughtForma ThoughtForma

We're reimagining the way creators build products and solve problems for their audience! Coming soon. We're super excited to share something new with you! Imagine being able to create exactly what your audience needs, solving their problems in a snap. We're making that happen. Stay tuned for the big reveal! no-code, cloud computing, saas, low-code, ai, serverless, aws, data management, and creators

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. SaaS

3 0 3 5
Best Practice AI Best Practice AI

Management consultants helping managers, investors and boards to use AI to create sustainable competitive advantage Best Practice Artificial Intelligence Ltd helps organisations to use AI to build sustainable competitive advantage. Our proprietary research shows over 600 ways in which organisations can deploy AI or Machine Learning (ML) to improve business KPIs. We help organisations identify and deliver the AI tools necessary for this competitive advantage. We are vendor and use case agnostic so we focus on clients’ strategic opportunity rather than pushing specific solutions. We believe that Artificial Intelligence will change the world. But not in the way that the …

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech consulting Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

3 0 2 4
Guidewiser Guidewiser

Guidewiser is a cross-platform messenger based virtual assistant which helps hotels and short-term rentals provide better travel experience to their guests. Guidewiser helps to reduce costs and save time by automation of business processes (pre-arrival, during stay and post-stay). Guidewiser also helps to improve communication with customers and increases customer engagement. Hotels can provide unique travel experience by providing internal and partners'​ services based on guest profile and location. Guidewiser is cloud based bot as service platform which is powered by advanced natural language processing, machine learning, sentiment analysis and AI technologies. Guidewiser is a Brussels based start-up which develops …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Affective Computing A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning A.I. - Natural Language Processing

0 0 0 N/A
Protocol Labs Protocol Labs

Protocol Labs drives breakthroughs in computing to push humanity forward. Protocol Labs is an innovation network driving breakthroughs in computing to push humanity forward. We connect more than 600 tech startups, funds, accelerators, foundations, open source projects, service providers, and other organizations. Their work spans the entire R&D pipeline, across fields like web3, AI, AR, VR, BCI, hardware, and more. Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest updates from around the network:

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I.

10 5 1 134
Popeo Popeo

[Automatic translation follows] Effectively target and catch up with hesitant customers Popeo is an artificial intelligence plugin for e-commerce sites. In practice, Popeo technology displays a non-intrusive pop-in on the user's screen, at the precise moment when the user is about to leave the e-commerce site visited. Popeo technology performs a complete behavioral analysis of the user, during their browsing journey, and this, in a transparent manner. At the end of the browsing journey, a powerful recommendation engine, coupled with a predictive and self-learning algorithm, offers the user a relevant selection of products, - taken from the e-retailer's catalog -, …

Type: Startup Activities: e-commerce Technologies: A.I.

0 0 0 1
Kheiron Medical Kheiron Medical

Transforming cancer diagnostics through the power of deep learning. Proud winner of the UK Government’s new AI award Our mission is to help breast cancer patients live longer, better lives through earlier detection. We combine new deep learning methods, data science and radiology insights to help doctors find malignancies in mammograms. According to external clinical trial results, Kheiron’s deep learning technology achieves state-of-the-art malignancy detection support in breast cancer screening. European regulatory approval is expected shortly.

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: A.I. - Deep Learning A.I. Data Analytics

15 5 8 54
Hark Hark

Improve efficiency, maximise yield, reduce waste. Industrial IoT and Energy Management Platform. Hark is an award-winning Energy Analytics and Industrial IoT company based in Leeds. Known for the innovative technology in our subscription cloud platform, we’re on a mission to improve efficiency, maximise yield and reduce waste. The Hark Platform is helping alert Energy Managers and Asset Operators to abnormalities across their estate, informing actions such as preventative maintenance, regulatory compliance, asset control and energy management. We believe that connecting to, monitoring, and automatically identifying efficiency and cost reduction should be easy and simple for all types of user, from …

Type: Startup Activities: smart city constructiontech it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning IoT Sensors Wireless

7 0 7 3
Dialogue Dialogue

No-Code, Personalization, CRO & A/B testing As acquisition costs rise, Dialogue helps brands of all sizes unlock hidden revenue with its robust CRO and personalization capabilities. Brands that use Dialogue see up to a 30% increase in revenue through higher conversion rates and AOV. With advanced A/B testing, personalized recommendations, cross-sells and upsells, product bundles, segmented promotions, and more, D2C brands scale their businesses without pouring extra $ into a leaking bucket. eCommerce, martech, personalization, startups, shopping experience, retail, online shopping, Conversion Rate Optimization, Customer Experience Optimization, Real-time Web Analytics, Real-time Recommendations, Website Personalization, Behavioral Messaging, GDPR Compliant, Artificial Intelligence, …

Type: Startup Activities: e-commerce fashtech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

0 0 0 18
Goodcall Goodcall

Your 24/7 Intelligent Phone Assistant Conversational AI for small business. Answering service which takes a message, shares open hours, covid policy, location, food ordering, table reservations and more. It is always working for you, is free for a solo business owner and setup takes just a few minutes.

Type: Startup Activities: edtech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Natural Language Processing Generative A.I.

1 0 1 9
Huawei Cloud APAC Huawei Cloud APAC

Official account for Huawei Cloud & AI in APAC. Follow us for the latest developments, innovations as well as services. This is the official account for Huawei Cloud & AI in Asia Pacific. Follow us for the latest cloud and AI developments, innovations as well as services to grow your enterprise.

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: A.I.

3 0 3 348
Urbint Urbint

Stop incidents before they happen with artificial intelligence. Urbint uses AI and the latest industry science to identify threats to workers and infrastructure to stop safety incidents before they happen. Urbint surfaces risk at the point of work, enabling energy and infrastructure companies to prevent worker injuries and asset damages. Many of the largest energy and infrastructure companies in North America trust Urbint to protect workers, assets, communities, and the environment. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Predictive Analytics, Predictive Modeling, Damage Prevention, Worker Safety, Emergency Response, Risk Management, Critical Infrastructure, Utilities, and Construction

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics

2 2 1 102
kevin. kevin.

The payments reset no one thought possible. kevin. is the payments reset no one saw coming. We exist to free partners from the pains of legacy technology, so we can build a world of payment possibilities together. Our first-of-a-kind multi-tenant payments scheme changes the game for businesses without changing the way people pay – even in-store. We put partners in sole control of their payments with our white-label, brand-agnostic payments acceptance network. Your brand. Your scheme. Your rules. Ready for radical? Join us and rethink what you’re capable of with kevin. Using your intelligence and courage, you can make career-defining …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning SaaS

6 2 5 167
Yollty Yollty

Get your customers to come back. Leverage loyalty to increase visit frequency, retention & referral. Yollty is a B2B SAAS that helps local businesses create a Digital Loyalty Program in less than 5 minutes. With over 1,000 customers in more than 70 different countries and new products coming soon, our vision is to bring businesses and people closer together by creating long-lasting meaningful relationships. Social Media, Rewards, Offline to online, QR, Marketing, Loyalty, Feedback, AI, and Digitalization

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: A.I.

3 1 3 7
AgriLedger AgriLedger

Enabling trust, authenticity, transparency and traceability through blockchain/DLT in agricultural supply chain AgriLedger intends to be the leading network empowering everyone in the agricultural supply chain by improving efficiency, creating new revenue opportunities, and providing equitable access to financial resources. We are transforming the agricultural supply chain with our advanced enterprise blockchain platform in combination with AI and IoT to increase transparency, fair pricing, and access to capital in every touchpoint in the value chain. Formed in 2016, AgriLedger has set out to cut out non-contributing players and ensure that collaboration between producers and essential service providers creates direct access …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. Blockchain/Cryptocurrency IoT

4 1 1 17
CyberQ Group CyberQ Group

Award Winning Global Cyber Security Services & Consultancy. CyberQ Group - We Make Your Business Cyber Resilient. CyberQ Group is an award winning UK-based cyber security services provider with a global reach, having offices in UK, US and Philippines. We provide CREST approved Penetration Testing/Security Operations Center(SOC)/ Threat Monitoring and Cyber Risk Assessments, including Digital Human Reconnaissance / Cyber Due Diligence and Smart Building Cyber Assurance (SBCA). We are ISO27001 certified for all our services and registered on the G-Cloud as a accredited supplier. CyberQ Group - We Make Your Business Cyber Resilient. Web: Email: Twitter: @CyberQ_Group Google …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity A.I.

9 0 7 51
Zaizi Zaizi

Realising potential together Zaizi helps public sector organisations realise their potential. We design, build and sustain secure digital services, keeping user needs at the heart of everything we do. Digital government is hard, together we'll succeed. AWS cloud services, Government Cloud, Machine Learning, Digital Transformation, Product Management, DevOps, Cyber Security, SRE, Agile, Public Sector, Digital Process Automation, Service Design, and User-Centred Design

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Cybersecurity RPA

5 1 4 123
Shaping Cloud Shaping Cloud

People-Centred Cloud Transformation To lead the digital revolution, Shaping Cloud envisions a world where the limitless potential of technology is harnessed to empower organisations to achieve their boldest ambitions. We aspire to be the catalyst that transforms industries, making technology accessible to all, while relentlessly pursuing excellence, innovation, and inclusivity in every aspect of our work. Our vision is a future where technology solutions drive efficiency, sustainability, and prosperity, leaving a lasting positive impact on communities and organisations worldwide. Cloud Infrastructure & Solution Mapping, Azure, Serverless, Security, Identity, Digital, Data, and Technology

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics A.I. - Machine Learning A.I. IoT

7 1 8 27
Leadspicker Leadspicker

Highly Personalised Outreach Based on Real Triggers. | One Platform, Unlimited Sales Opportunities Discover the next frontier in B2B communication with our SaaS platform, where we redefine the essence of outreach. 📈Use quality data ➡️ Create personalised messages ➡️ find accurate emails➡️ make sure they land in the inbox, not spam 📬 Adopt a smarter way to engage with your B2B audience. Explore possibilities like: - multiple senders profile - AI message generator - high personalization - cross-channel outreach - and more... startups, data analytics, semantics, natural language recognition, venture capital, accelerator, startup scouting, startup sourcing, business inteligence, sales automation, …

Type: Incubators & VCs Startup Activities: martech Technologies: A.I. - Machine Learning A.I.

2 0 1 22
physIQ physIQ

physIQ delivers personalized medical predictions that vastly improve patient outcomes. At physIQ, we believe real-world data is the key to better human health. Our health analytics platform activates the power of remote patient monitoring for healthcare providers and life sciences companies. Using wearable biosensors, physIQ collects and analyzes real-world patient data to provide infinite insights into human health. These insights can help improve patient care and run faster, more efficient clinical trials. Health care analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Digital Medicine, Remote Patient Monitoring, Clinical Trials, Life Sciences , Pharmaceutical, Hospital at Home, Continuous Monitoring, and FDA Cleared

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: Data Analytics A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

2 0 2 23
Waffle Labs Waffle Labs

MIT spinoff AI/ML company dedicated to offering customers better insurance and underwriters better risks selection Hey There! 👋 We’re Waffle Insurance, an insurtech startup created out of the Barclays Techstars & MIT Delta V accelerator. We're shaking up the status quo, and we're not going to stop until we've made insurance work better for everyone. We believe that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to insurance. That's why we built Waffle, to provide the YOU Insurance experience. We're proud to blaze the trail for what personal insurance should be: accessible, easy-to-use, transparent, and affordable. Our current offerings include …

Type: Startup Activities: insurtech entrepreneurship fintech Technologies: A.I.

1 1 0 11
Vesuvio Labs Vesuvio Labs

CTO-as-a-Service & Venture Builder in the Fintech, Wealth Management and Insurtech space Venture Builder in the Fintech, Wealthtech and Insurtech space. The team at Vesuvio Labs comprises professionals with diverse backgrounds in finance, technology, and entrepreneurship, supporting entrepreneurs with strategy, product development, GTM and growth, co-creating sustainable and impactful businesses that thrive in the ever-evolving market. Their business achievements drive our revenue, a shared success. In addition, we provide C-Level consultancy and delivery on architecture, infrastructure, security, technology road map and current technology trends, CTO-grade output. Venture builder, CTO-as-a-Service, Insurtech, FinTech, and WealthTech

Type: Startup Activities: insurtech consulting fintech it services transporttech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

15 1 12 17

Digital Energy Solutions Since 2018, LOGGMA has been at the forefront of developing web, mobile, and IoT applications, alongside advanced artificial intelligence algorithms, aimed at fostering efficient energy management across both production and consumption facets within the energy industry. Distinguished by an innovative approach within the energy sector, LOGGMA caters to EPCs, investors, installers, and photovoltaic system operators. Through its artificial intelligence-based platforms, Solarify and Enerify, the company facilitates optimal performance for energy assets. While Solarify meticulously oversees the performance and operational intricacies of solar energy plants, Enerify consolidates energy consumption and production data into a unified platform. This framework …

Type: Startup Activities: smart city energytech it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Deep Learning IoT Solar Technologies

2 1 2 22
Immersion Analytics Immersion Analytics

Immersion Analytics expands your data perspective to make and communicate better and faster data-driven decisions. Your data has more than four columns, yet conventional plots compare only four: x vs y, size vs color. Using our software, you intuitively see over 18 dimensions as one unified visualization of columnar, graph or timeseries data. This enables insight previously not possible and enables human commonsense and governance in the loop for problems approached using AI and/or Machine Learning. data visualization, virtual reality, mixed reality, analytics, and Spatial Computing

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning VR

2 0 2 8
TAZI AI Systems TAZI AI Systems

Adaptive Machine Learning Platform Serving Business Users TAZI.AI is a Business in the Loop AI/GenAI Platform, revolutionizing the AI industry with a focus on delivering rapid and measurable ROI. TAZI.AI has been chosen as a ‘Cool Vendor in Core AI Technologies’ by Gartner (2019), received an honorable mention in the Gartner Magic Quadrant Cloud AI Services Development (2022) for its growing influence and innovative approach, and is cited as a Responsible, Explainable AI vendor in various analyst reports. TAZI platform, based on an architecture combining 30+ years of experience and 23 patents in AI, stands as a bridge between AI …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Generative A.I. A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics

6 0 7 35
Jojonomic - The Future of Work Jojonomic - The Future of Work

[Automatic translation follows] Your only solution for Business Process Automation & Digital Transformation PT. Jojo Nomic Indonesia is a startup engaged in Technology. Started exploring business on April 15, 2015 to help companies that still use manual systems in the reimbursement process. This makes PT. Jojo Nomic Indonesia the first pioneer of mobile expense management applications in Southeast Asia that has helped thousands of users and hundreds of companies to manage their company's finances faster and easier. Over time, with the increasing number of client profiles coming from various industries with various needs, PT. Jojo Nomic Indonesia developed the Officeless …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: SaaS A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

1 0 1 46
Signzy Signzy

Enabling financial companies build trusted users while maintaining regulatory compliances globally. Signzy is a market-leading platform that is redefining the speed, accuracy, and experience of how financial institutions are onboarding customers and businesses - using the digital medium. The company’s award-winning no-code GO platform delivers seamless, end-to-end, and multi-channel onboarding journeys while offering totally customizable workflows. It gives these players access to an aggregated marketplace of 240+ bespoke APIs that can be easily added to any workflow with simple widgets. Signzy is enabling 10 million+ end customer and business onboardings every month at a success rate of 99% while reducing …

Type: Startup Activities: it services regtech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Image Processing

16 1 11 416
qosIT qosIT

Our value comes from our people and how we pass on our passion to our customers 100% Spanish digital business consultant, specializing in data-based process analysis, prediction and optimization solutions, based in Seville. We believe that attracting, developing and retaining talent is the foundation of our entrepreneurial success. If you are interested in being part of our team, have knowledge and/or related interests that align with our vision, we welcome your application. Machine Learning, Optimización de Procesos, Big Data, Consultoría Estratégica, Analítica, and Predicción

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics

2 0 1 10
mjn-neuro mjn-neuro

Quality of life for people with epilepsy mjn-neuro is a company dedicated to the design, manufacture and commercialization of medical devices with the aim of improving people's quality of life. All this activity is accompanied by an important policy of reinvestment of resources in R&I and social action. The first device that mjn-neuro is developing is mjn-SERAS: an earpiece that assesses the risk of epileptic seizures. The product consists of the earpiece and an app, which are connected to each other via Bluetooth. The earpiece is customised for each user. The main function of the earpiece is to send a …

Type: Startup Activities: it services manufacturing Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics Wireless

10 3 8 22
Onyx Healthcare USA, Inc. Onyx Healthcare USA, Inc.

As ASUS sister company, we service medical device manufacturers big & small, offering computers for all healthcare tasks Onyx Healthcare Inc. is a professional Medical IT company. Our commitment to our customers is to provide reliable and high quality Medical PC solutions. In a short time, Onyx has grown to be one of the leaders in the professional Hospital / Clinical IT market under the brand "ONYX"​. We provide a full line of medical products such as Medical Computing Stations, Medical Panel PCs, Bedside Infotainment System, Nursing Carts, and MTA (Mobile Telecare Assistant) systems. Our products offer the advantages of …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech deeptech manufacturing Technologies: A.I.

0 0 0 41
Vortexa Vortexa

Building the future of energy markets Building the future of energy markets Vortexa tracks more than $3 trillion of waterborne energy trades per year in real-time, providing energy and shipping companies with the most complete picture of global energy flows available in the world today. Vortexa’s highly intuitive web-based app and programmatic API/SDK interfaces help traders, analysts and charterers make high-value trading decisions with confidence, when it matters the most. The web-based platform shares highly detailed oil & gas products flows, produced by hard data, machine learning and state-of-the-art technology with oversight from in-house global industry experts providing real-world context …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics

4 0 2 161
AirGo Design AirGo Design

Composite Solutions for Mobility AirGo is offering TURN-KEY-SOLUTIONS to the MOBILITY industry, which is at the SCALEUP stage and in NEED of TIME and COST- Efficient development and manufacturing SOLUTIONS. If you like to learn more contact us at In the past 10 years, AirGo’s aerospace engineering team has developed know-how and (AI-assisted) software solutions to improve accuracy and time-efficiency for CAE simulation of fibre-reinforced thermoplastics composites (FRTC) material, to maximize the FRTC material performance as a cost-efficient mean and method to replace metal and conventional pre-preg composites. Today, AirGo assists several well-known multinationals in the aerospace and automotive …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech spacetech manufacturing Technologies: A.I. Decarbonization New Materials

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