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Presses de l'EHESP Presses de l'EHESP

[Automatic translation follows] Inform yourself, train yourself and question yourself. The Presses de l’EHESP offers more than 300 live titles. Each year, nearly 40 new titles are published. Specialized in the field of public health and social action, in particular through our historical attachment to the EHESP, our audience is mainly made up of professionals, students, researchers, etc. Our latest catalog and our website offer a segmentation of our works into 4 thematic areas and 20 collections, some of which are aimed at the general public. Our favorite themes are: - Health management, listing different tools to discover and understand …

Type: Media

25 0 25 18
IRA de Nantes IRA de Nantes

[Automatic translation follows] Regional Institute of Administration of Nantes Welcome to the Regional Institute of Administration of Nantes, where excellence meets the transformation of public service. Our interministerial school is dedicated to preparing the public service of today and tomorrow by adapting our recruitment and training approach to meet societal expectations and the quality standards of the administration. We are committed to informing and raising awareness about public service professions, to diversifying and professionalizing recruitment, in particular through our preparatory classes specially designed for future public service talents. Our action is shaped by our desire to meet the needs of …

Type: Public

19 1 7 168
Tutos'Me Tutos'Me

[Automatic translation follows] Leader of the delegation of trainers for OF, CFA & schools. Trainer? Join the network! 👉 Tutos'Me is a French collective of more than 16,000 trainers, teachers and educational speakers available to training centers, schools, and institutions. ​ It is the relevant solution for training centers, schools and communities looking for trainers, in order to reduce their recruitment and personnel management times.

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

5 0 5 77
CDEFI - Conférence des directeurs des écoles françaises d'ingénieurs CDEFI - Conférence des directeurs des écoles françaises d'ingénieurs

[Automatic translation follows] Institutional conference constituted as an association under the 1901 law, the Conference of Directors of French Engineering Schools (CDEFI) represents all directors of public and private institutions, or components of institutions, accredited by the Commission des titres d'ingénieur (CTI) to award the title of graduate engineer. Created in 1976, the CDEFI's mission is to represent French higher education and research institutions to the State, the European Union and international organizations. Thus, on behalf of engineering schools, the CDEFI formulates wishes, builds projects and gives reasoned opinions on issues relating to higher education and research. Its primary vocation …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

37 14 23 23
Prologin Prologin

Promouvoir l’informatique auprès des jeunes. Concours Prologin, stages #GirlsCanCode! et ateliers Prologin. Prologin is a non-profit organization, which organizes a yearly Computer Science contest of the same name. It is run by 60+ volunteers. Since 1992, the Prologin contest brings together computer science enthusiasts. The contest is divided in three parts: an online selection phase open to everyone, semi-finals taking part in a few French cities, and for the best 100 candidates, the final in Paris: 36 hours of non-stop programming and fun! pédagogie, informatique, concours, diversité, algorithmique, égalité femmes-hommes, égalité filles-garçons, mixité, and numérique

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

33 3 31 78

Mutualisation + Solutions Amue (Agence de mutualisation des universités et etablissements d'enseignement supérieur et de recherche) is a French shared-services agency devoted to foster innovation among universities and other Higher Education and Research Institutions. The agency is a GIP (Public Interest Group under the French law) created in 1992 to facilitate cooperation between its members. Amue has currently more than 170 members and it supports their joint actions to improve the quality of their management. Our main missions are: - to provide expertise to institutions through training, guidelines, knowledge sharing and best practices; - to disseminate information in different areas …

Type: Public

15 7 11 216

[Automatic translation follows] National Institute of Labor, Employment and Vocational Training Created in 1975, INTEFP is a public administrative institution under the supervision of the Minister of Labor. Its 6 interregional training centers (CIF) provide it with territorial coverage around its headquarters located in Marcy-l'Etoile (Rhône). INTEFP's missions: - Initial training of student labor inspectors and controllers becoming labor inspectors. - Continuing training for all agents placed under the authority of the Minister of Labor. - Implementation of partnership and cooperation actions with public administrations and institutions in the fields of labor, employment, vocational training, and social dialogue at regional, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

9 1 9 156

[Automatic translation follows] CSR Integration Collective in Higher Education and Research (ESR) A network of +300 DD&RS referents, tools, resources and connections! CIRSES is a "professional" association that was created in 2013 by DD&RS managers from higher education institutions. It now brings together more than 170 institutions, creating a national network that covers almost the entire French territory. CIRSES is the first community of sustainable development stakeholders in higher education and research (ESR). Since 2013, the association has been pooling all energies to collectively meet the challenges of the ecological and societal transition. Our missions: Lead a network for sharing …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech cleantech

6 0 6 8
IRA de Lille IRA de Lille

[Automatic translation follows] "50 years of continuous commitment to training executives and civil servants of today and tomorrow" Founded in 1970, the Lille Regional Institute of Administration is a public service school. Its mission is to train executives of the civil service by promoting the exercise of interministerial administrative functions. Thus, the Lille IRA provides: - Initial training for student administrative attachés in two probationary periods of 6 months each. - Lifelong continuing training for civil servants. - Organization of competitive examinations for access to the IRA and participation in the implementation of preparations for these competitions, including through the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

3 1 1 185
CCI Campus Centre CCI Campus Centre

[Automatic translation follows] Training center in Châteauroux, Blois, Orléans and Tours Continuing, diploma and work-study training Training center in Châteauroux (36), Blois (41), Orléans (45) and Tours (37) We offer continuing, diploma and work-study training To follow our news, join us on our social networks: Instagram: Facebook: LinkedIn: Contact an advisor now: Châteauroux Tel.: 02 54 53 52 00 Contact companies: Contact candidates: Blois Tel. : 02 54 57 25 25 Contact companies: Contact candidates:

Type: Incubators & VCs

36 2 35 47
Hall 32 Hall 32

[Automatic translation follows] Reveal yourself in the industry of tomorrow A hybrid place at the crossroads of public and private space, we bring together a multitude of actors around common issues; we are a Hall for doing things together, a place of innovation, training, learning and shared experiences, acting for industrial initiatives and the general interest. Continuing Education, Youth Training, and Events

Type: Event

33 18 18 8
INSP - Institut national du service public INSP - Institut national du service public

[Automatic translation follows] Public operator of reference for the recruitment, initial and continuing training of senior executives of the State The National Institute of Public Service (INSP), created on January 1, 2022, is the new French public operator of reference for the recruitment, initial training and continuing training of senior executives and managers of the State.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: govtech

27 2 21 473
Réseau des INSPÉ Réseau des INSPÉ

[Automatic translation follows] Network of National Higher Institutes of Teaching and Education The Network of National Higher Institutes of Teaching and Education (INSPE Network) brings together the 32 Inspé and the ENSFEA (National Higher School of Training in Agricultural Education) that prepare for careers in teaching, education and training in France. The INSPÉ Network represents and brings together these institutions through mutualization actions, the conduct of structuring projects based on research in education, to irrigate training and promote pedagogical innovations. It works in close collaboration with France Universités and in interrelation with the Ministry of National Education and Youth and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

21 11 12 74
Réseau des Écoles de Service Public (RESP) Réseau des Écoles de Service Public (RESP)

[Automatic translation follows] Develop and promote cooperation between the leading public service schools. The RESP, a non-profit association, aims to develop and support cooperation actions between French schools responsible for training A-level executives in the State civil service (civil and military), the territorial civil service, the hospital civil service, as well as senior executives and managers of social protection organizations. HIGHER EDUCATION, PUBLIC SERVICE, COOPERATION, SHARING, PROMOTION, and ATTRACTIVENESS

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

10 4 4 2
Femmes@Numérique Femmes@Numérique

[Automatic translation follows] Why deprive ourselves of 50% of talent? In a context of global shortage of resources and talent, doing without half of the population is neither conceivable nor acceptable. Diversity in digital technology is essential for the successful development of the use of technologies and their appropriation by all. Only an exceptional mobilization, registered over the long term, will make it possible to reverse the curves and reestablish a homogeneous representation of women and men in digital technology. This mobilization is the very purpose of Femmes@Numérique, an initiative led by the AFMD, the CGE, the Cigref, Talents du …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

64 21 45 9
INSPE de l'Académie de Nice INSPE de l'Académie de Nice

[Automatic translation follows] National Higher Institute of Teaching and Education of the Academy of Nice The National Higher Institute of Teaching and Education of the Academy of Nice (INSPE) meets the need for teacher training in the departments of Var and Alpes Maritimes, in line with the Law for a School of Trust. The National Higher Institute of Teaching and Education is not a new Institute in the landscape of the Academy of Nice and within the Université Côte d'Azur. Formerly IUFM, the Institute underwent a change of identity in 2013 following the creation of the ESPE (Ecole Supérieure du …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

10 2 1 41

[Automatic translation follows] National Higher Institute of Teaching and Education of the Academy of Lille - Hauts-de-France National Higher Institute of Teaching and Education of the Academy of Lille - Hauts-de-France

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

17 4 13 84
L'Atelier du Formateur L'Atelier du Formateur

[Automatic translation follows] Multimodality, digital tools and innovative teaching methods for the trainer Monitoring of Digital Learning (certificate by subscription) Digital Learning events calendar in France Tutorials on digital learning tools Mapping of Breton stakeholders List of university training courses in Digital Learning Open access e-learning modules Thematic virtual classes (by subscription) Digital Learning, monitoring, Training, Digital tools, and Multimodal engineering

Type: Startup Activities: edtech

4 0 4 34
Institut français de Tunisie Institut français de Tunisie

[Automatic translation follows] Culture shared! The French Institute of Tunisia is one of the main instruments for implementing France's cooperation policy in Tunisia, in accordance with the spirit of partnership that governs relations between the two countries. As such, the French Institute of Tunisia finances, initiates, leads and supports a set of actions and projects in many areas: academic, scientific, linguistic, educational, technical or institutional cooperation, and cultural action. In this period of transition of Tunisia towards democracy, the action of the French Institute of Tunisia is structured around five strategic objectives: * Develop links between Tunisian and French civil …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

16 3 13 129

[Automatic translation follows] Consulting firm specializing in XR* and metaverse since 2017. Creator of the Pavilion. *Virtual, mixed, augmented reality A pioneer in France, and leader in XR services, ANTILOGY has been guiding companies and organizations since 2017 to make the most of XR and the metaverse in their major digital transformation challenges. We are a shortcut to the best applications, practices, solutions and partners in the XR ecosystem. We provide consulting, acculturation, training, sourcing. We have trained more than 14,000 professionals, organized 800 discovery/acculturation sessions and workshops, and supported the deployment of XR for more than 100 clients. Antilogy …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: VR

33 7 28 18
Polytechnique insights Polytechnique insights

[Automatic translation follows] Understanding the major issues of our time, through science and technology 🔬🌎 🌎🔬 Polytechnique Insights is a free online review, whose mission is to inform the public debate on today's major issues, through the lens of science and technology. 📩 Discover our free newsletter: . 🌎🔬 Polytechnique Insights is a free online review, with the mission to inform public debate on today's major issues through the lens of science and technology. 📩 Subscribe to our free newsletter:

Type: Media

27 1 25 11
Garde nationale Garde nationale

[Automatic translation follows] You too can become an operational reservist and add (+) life to your life! The National Guard was created on October 13, 2016 to bring together reservists from the Ministries of the Interior and the Armed Forces, who have become essential to protecting our territory. More than 5,000 reservists are recruited each year and today, more than 7,000 reservists are engaged daily in the field. 70% come from civil society and more than half have no military experience. These are men and women who want to commit to protect the French and strengthen the cohesion of the …

Type: Public

34 5 29 623
France Éducation international France Éducation international

[Automatic translation follows] Serving education and French in Europe and around the world. The International Center for Educational Studies is a public institution under the supervision of the Ministry of National Education that works closely with many national and international partners. It is recognized in France and abroad for its skills in expertise, training and evaluation and for its thinking in the field of international cooperation in education. It has two missions: to promote French expertise abroad, to participate in the effort to make France attractive and to the internationalization of its education system.

Type: Public

21 9 16 900
Niryo Niryo

Niryo is a French startup designing collaborative #robots for universities, engineering schools, R&D & training centers. Niryo is a French startup designing desktop collaborative #robots for universities, engineering schools, training centers and research centers. Its reality? Democratizing cobotics and allowing its accessibility, while promoting a new vision for industry tinted with reason, humanity, durability and resilience. To keep on materializing this ambition, a team of forty passionate develop cutting edge hardware and software. This way, professionals are free to automate, research and train without a hassle. Embeddable in a variety of ecosystems, Niryo's cobots promote the awareness of a world …

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0 Technologies: Robotics A.I. A.I. - Image Processing IoT

48 9 16 51
CREPS de Poitiers CREPS de Poitiers

[Automatic translation follows] The Centre de Ressources, d'Expertise et de Performance Sportive (CREPS) of Poitiers is a local public training establishment in the fields of sport, youth and popular education. Sports and entertainment professions, High performance, Support for associations, Prequalification, CFA for sports and entertainment professions, Support for training stakeholders, and Qualiopi

Type: Public Activities: edtech

23 6 10 59
Cyclair Cyclair

[Automatic translation follows] Robotics at the service of agriculture Cyclair develops technological products that allow a spectacular reduction in the volumes of chemical inputs, while continuing to protect crops and ensure current yields, or even improve them. We also work on our offers in order to make them economically acceptable.

Type: Startup Activities: agritech Technologies: Drones Robotics

16 6 1 30
idruide idruide

[Automatic translation follows] Simplify the management of mobile IT equipment and realize your innovative - technical - educational projects ✨ Created in 2017, idruide is a growing company that develops innovative IT solutions to facilitate digital mobility at school, at work and everywhere else. Book your online demo with our experts on —— Around thirty employees between Paris and Monaco work on a complete ecosystem of multi-OS solutions (Android, Windows, iOS, Chrome OS) that allow the administration of mobile device fleets. Our solutions for education are designed to ensure educational continuity, reduce the digital divide and promote inclusion. They …

Type: Startup Activities: it services edtech Technologies: SaaS

25 6 21 26
Mission Laïque Française Mission Laïque Française

[Automatic translation follows] The French Secular Mission, an association recognized in education throughout the world for 120 years... The association called "French Secular Mission", founded in 1902, aims to disseminate the French language and culture throughout the world, in particular through secular and intercultural education. Its duration is unlimited. Its head office is in Paris. French education abroad, Education, Secularism, International, Languages, Recruitment, professional development, training, pedagogy, teaching, humanism, interculturality, French high school, and educational digital

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

20 4 19 350
Institut National du Sport, de l'Expertise et de la Performance Institut National du Sport, de l'Expertise et de la Performance

[Automatic translation follows] INSEP: Participates in the national policy for the development of physical and sports activities, particularly in the field of high-level sport... - by integrating the missions previously assigned to Olympic and Paralympic Preparation (POP) and by responding to the needs and demands of all sports federations; - by ensuring the roles and responsibilities of "resource center" and "network head" of National Schools, CREPS and structures constituting the Sports Excellence Pathways (PES). Contributes to the protection of the health of athletes and the preservation of sports ethics. ITS ACTIVITIES GROUPED AROUND 6 AXES: The training and preparation of …

Type: Public Activities: edtech

52 20 29 779
France Universités France Universités

[Automatic translation follows] France Universités currently has around a hundred members: university presidents, directors of higher education colleges, INPs, INSAs, general administrators and also associate members. A force for proposals and negotiations with public authorities, the various higher education and research networks, economic and social partners and national and international institutions, France Universités responds to developments in the world of higher education and research and proposes elements of transformation. In a context of profound changes in the higher education and research sector, France Universités also has a role in supporting presidents in their new missions and promoting the French University …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

92 31 51 158
Ville de Rillieux-la-Pape Ville de Rillieux-la-Pape

[Automatic translation follows] Born from the merger of Rillieux and Crépieux-la-Pape on December 15, 1972, the town was initially rural. Influenced by the Dombes, as evidenced by the old farms with galleries characteristic of the region of a thousand ponds, Rillieux was attached to the Rhône and turned towards the rapidly expanding Lyon metropolitan area. It experienced the golden age of growth and large French groups that employed hundreds of residents: Majorette, Feudor, the headquarters of Crédit Lyonnais. Rillieux suddenly expanded under the effect of the population explosion of the 1960s. The town is also characterized by the history of …

Type: Public Activities: traveltech

8 7 1 141
Campus Matin Campus Matin

[Automatic translation follows] The magazine for professionals and academics in higher education and research. Campus is the magazine for professionals and academics in higher education and research. Find the latest news from the sector every day in 3 sections: technology, jobs & careers, campus life. Campusmatin also lists job offers in higher education and research as well as events not to be missed.

Type: Media

33 4 31 6

[Automatic translation follows] Public operator of digital services in Centre-Val de Loire Created in 2003, the RECIA Public Interest Group (GIP) brings together the State, the Centre Val de Loire Region, the Departments of Cher, Eure-et-Loir, Indre, Indre-et-Loire, Loir-et-Cher and Loiret, the universities of Tours and Orléans, the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) Val de Loire, several hundred municipalities and communities of municipalities as well as various structures carrying out public service missions. 3 main missions are to be noted: contributing to regional strategies, leading networks of digital actors and developing operational services. Thus, it participates in the implementation, …

Type: Public

35 7 30 66
Conférence des Directeurs et Doyens d’UFR STAPS (C3D STAPS) Conférence des Directeurs et Doyens d’UFR STAPS (C3D STAPS)

[Automatic translation follows] Excellence in training, professional integration and research in STAPS The C3D STAPS association aims to ensure the national quality and consistency of training and research in Sciences and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities. ▶️ It focuses in particular on building and promoting the relevance and readability of STAPS training: 〰️ with students and high school students in order to optimize their career choices, 〰️ with universities, ministries and organizations in order to clarify the identity of STAPS training. 〰️ with social partners in order to promote the professional integration of graduates. To do this, the C3D …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

7 4 2 3
Ecole Nationale des Greffes Ecole Nationale des Greffes

[Automatic translation follows] A School, professions. Located in Dijon, the National School of Court Clerks (ENG) was created by an order of April 29, 1974 of the Minister of Justice. A service with national competence attached to the Director of Judicial Services following an order of April 17, 2012, the School's mission is to implement the national policy relating to the professional training of all court staff of the judicial order: directors of court clerks, clerks, secretaries and administrative assistants (categories A, B and C civil servants), i.e. more than 22,000 agents. It is headed by a director of court …

Type: Public

11 4 8 241
ScholaVie ScholaVie

[Automatic translation follows] Psychosocial skills at the heart of education ScholaVie is an educational association that works for the well-being and success of students, and those who help them on a daily basis, through the development of psychosocial skills (CPS). ScholaVie supports, trains and equips education and health professionals so that they develop their own CPS and integrate them into their practices and postures. Equipping professionals allows for systemic change and the most effective and lasting impact possible on students.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

15 3 10 10
Entreprendre Pour Apprendre / JA France Entreprendre Pour Apprendre / JA France

[Automatic translation follows] Dare to be an entrepreneur of your life Entreprendre pour Apprendre France is a federation of 16 regional associations that develop the entrepreneurial spirit in young people aged 9 to 25 in order to make them actors in their social and professional futures. Our approach is centered on the collective project. Our programs are based on an educational alliance between supervisors and mentors where each brings their knowledge, interpersonal skills and know-how to develop the skills of young people, in a mode of animation, governance and organization of a collaborative, cooperative and participatory type. Our courses are …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

83 9 72 2
Ville de Villiers-le-Bel (Val d'Oise) Ville de Villiers-le-Bel (Val d'Oise)

[Automatic translation follows] Serving the citizens and administrators of Beauville Town Hall of the City of Villiers-le-Bel (Ile de France, Val d'Oise) Public service to the citizens and administrators of Beauville public service

Type: Public

14 5 7 90
Université de Poitiers Université de Poitiers

[Automatic translation follows] A university committed to a more sustainable world The University of Poitiers is a French university located in Poitiers, in Aquitaine-Limousin-Poitou-Charentes. It is multidisciplinary and contributes to making Poitiers the city with the highest student/inhabitant ratio in France by welcoming nearly 24,000 students (in 2008). It is currently chaired by Professor Yves Jean. The university is a member of the Universite confédérale Léonard de Vinci. (source: Wikipedia) research, training, innovation, culture, and international

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

18 1 10 2,954