#Coach #Digital #Innovation #CES2021 #Valeurs #Leadership #Management #futureofwork #Gamification #Réinvention #IA #AR @Coachinov" title="" class="btn" data-container="body" data-html="true" data-id="319232" data-placement="top" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" style="color:#b3d4fc" tabindex="0" data-original-title="Tadja AL MIKDAD"> 193 36 1,497
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75000 Paris, France
Scale: 2-10
Estimated: 1
880714076Engaged corporates
3Added in Motherbase
1 year, 11 months ago[Automatic translation follows] Put human and innovation at the heart of your strategy and your organization will reinvent themselves
Coachinov supports you in your transformation and that of your employees, by putting humans and innovation at the heart of your strategy.
We work to boost teams and their managers by instilling the spirit of innovation, agility and leadership.
Our certified professional coaches offer gamified training that
Establish creative methods (robots, IoT, augmented reality, Types type 3.0) to provide value and anchor learning.
Micro training, intra-company training, digital training as well as skills assessments are also offered to meet the specific needs of each of our customers.
Finally, we are engaged in the satisfaction of our customers and in the quality of our services and certified Datadock / Qualiopi.
Coaching, innovation, training, gamification, data, business agility, agile, transformation, project management, project management, PMO, project portfolio management, strategy, facilitation, individual coaching, team coaching, design thinking, creativity, collective intelligence, new way of working, 3.0, advice, project management, Agility, Performance, and Okr
Mettez l’humain et l’innovation au cœur de votre stratégie et votre organisation se réinventera
Coachinov vous accompagne dans votre transformation et celle de vos collaborateurs, en mettant l’humain et l’innovation au cœur de votre stratégie.
Nous intervenons pour booster les équipes et leurs managers en insufflant l'esprit d'innovation, d'agilité et de leadership.
Nos coachs professionnels certifiés proposent des formations gamifiées qui
s'inspirent de méthodes créatives (robots, IoT, réalité augmentée, outils type Mangement 3.0) pour apporter de la valeur et ancrer les apprentissages.
Des micro formations, des formations intra-entreprises, des formations digitales ainsi que des bilans de compétences sont également proposées pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques de chacun de nos clients.
Enfin, nous sommes engagés dans la satisfaction de nos clients et dans la qualité de nos prestations et certifiés Datadock / Qualiopi.
Coaching, Innovation, Formation, Gamification, Data, Business Agility, Agile, Transformation, Direction de projets, Gestion de projet, PMO, Pilotage de portefeuille de projets, Stratégie, Facilitation, Coaching individuel, Coaching d'équipe, Design thinking, Créativité, Intelligence collective, New ways of working, Management 3.0, Conseil, Project Management Office stratégique, Leadership, Business Agility, Performance, and OKR
Coachinov offre divers services autour du coaching professionnel. Nous mettons l'innovation au cœur de la formation et de l'accompagnement professionnel.
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