Nyheter från Tandvårds- och läkemedelsförmånsverket, TLV. Har du frågor till oss? Skicka e-post till registrator@tlv.se eller ring oss på 08 - 568 420 50" title="" class="btn" data-container="body" data-html="true" data-id="147477" data-placement="top" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" style="color:#b3d4fc" tabindex="0" data-original-title="TLV"> 842 9,034
Entity types
Stockholm, Sweden
Scale: 51-200
Estimated: 167
Engaged corporates
1Added in Motherbase
3 years, 3 months agoMesta möjliga hälsa för skattepengarna
The Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency, TLV, is a central government agency whose remit is to determine whether a pharmaceutical product or dental care procedure shall be subsidized by the state.
Our duty is to examine which medicines, medical devices and dental care treatments will be subsidised by society. We also contribute to quality service and accessibility of pharmacies.
Our duty is to examine which medicines, medical devices and dental care treatments will be subsidised by society.In addition to examining new medicines, we also work systematically to evaluate the medicines included in the high-cost threshold to determine whether their reimbursement should be maintained or restricted.
On the pharmacy market our remit is to create the conditions for quality service and accessibility at pharmacies. We do this partly through the generic substitution system, the retail margin for pharmacies and by monitoring the pharmacy market.
Furthermore, we decide how much a medicine or a medical device in the high-cost threshold should cost. And, we determine what margin pharmacies should use when selling products, meaning the difference between the wholesale and retail prices.
We determine the pricing for new dosage forms, strengths and packaging and examine whether they should be included in the high-cost threshold.
TLV är en statlig myndighet som beslutar vilken tandvård, vilka läkemedel och förbrukningsartiklar som ska ingå i högkostnadsskydden.