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CCI Troyes et Aube CCI Troyes et Aube

[Automatic translation follows] creation, takeover, formalities, environment, innovation, digital, trade, services, industry, apprenticeship... The CCI of Troyes and Aube supports you in the creation and development of your business It develops 4 main areas: - Inform: better publicize the local fabric and provide businesses with the data necessary for their development - Advise: help resolve questions related to the operation of the business, from its creation, development to its transfer or deregistration - Train: identify needs related to the operation and future of the business - Develop: ensure the emergence and operation of collective facilities of general interest with the …

Sectors: Chamber of commerce

107 58 34
Angers Technopole Angers Technopole

[Automatic translation follows] Supporting you in a world of innovations! Expert in innovation in Maine-et-Loire, Angers Technopole has over 30 years of experience in supporting innovative projects. Whether you want to develop your network, collaborate, create your company or develop a project at the heart of an existing structure, Angers Technopole is your preferred contact. The diversity of the support programs offered allows each innovative project leader to find the format adapted to their needs! Angers Technopole, both in terms of support for the creation and development of innovative companies and the innovation dynamics of the sectors, is supported by …

266 93 190

La recherche publique a mille talents. Profitez-en pour innover ! Welcome :) #tech #deeptech #innovation #eastoffrance Trait d’union entre la recherche publique alsacienne et les entreprises, la SATT Conectus conduit les inventions qui naissent au cœur des laboratoires jusqu’au marché. Elle protège leurs découvertes, finance et accompagne les projets prometteurs jusqu’à leur adoption par les industriels et/ou investisseur, en portant le risque technologique et financier. Conectus est également opérateur pour le compte de la majorité de ses actionnaires de la mise en œuvre des partenariats Chercheurs / Entreprises. ----------- SATT* Conectus Alsace is the main entry point for business partners …

Tags: SATT Network Sectors: Research

304 71 149
Technopole de l'Aube en Champagne Technopole de l'Aube en Champagne

[Automatic translation follows] Start-up incubator / accelerator - Totem place specializing in innovation engineering. Created in Troyes in 1998 under the impetus of the General Council of Aube, the Technopole de l’Aube en Champagne is today a major tool in the economic and technological development of Aube. A member of the RETIS and EBN networks, the Technopole de l’Aube en Champagne aims to promote innovation engineering by detecting, evaluating and selecting innovative projects in order to assist, support and monitor the bearers and entrepreneurs in their approach to creating and developing a business.

295 94 237
Technopôle Brest-Iroise Technopôle Brest-Iroise

[Automatic translation follows] Give your innovation project every chance, get support! The Brest-Iroise Technopole supports project leaders who want to develop an activity around an innovative concept in northern Finistère. Leading collective actions, promoting complementarities between partners, strengthening links between research stakeholders and the business world to support the development of the territory through innovation, this has been our vocation for 30 years. With this objective, the Technopole runs the French Tech Brest + label and the Campus Mondial de la Mer community. Formed as an Association under the 1901 Law, the Brest-Iroise Technopole brings together a network of more …

315 125 252
Samoa Samoa

[Automatic translation follows] Urban and creative factory of the island of Nantes Welcome to the LinkedIn page of Samoa! This is where you will find all the professional information about the urban development project and the economic development of the island of Nantes (but not only!). Since 2003, the Société d'Aménagement de la Métropole Ouest Atlantique has been managing the urban project of the island of Nantes and its operational project management. A local public company, it acts within the framework of territorial public policies, on the scale of the Nantes Saint-Nazaire metropolis. Since 2010, it has had an economic …

359 137 282
Région Hauts-de-France Région Hauts-de-France

[Automatic translation follows] "For a sustainable and decarbonized economy with #rev3" Welcome to the official page of the Hauts-de-France Region. Our community is responsible for various missions serving its six million inhabitants: * Employment and economic development * High schools, higher education and research * Transport * Sustainable development and planning of the territory, * Management of European funds * Sports, youth, culture, health, etc. Hauts-de-France is a plural region. #Leader in the #automobile industry, the railway industry, as in agriculture, our region is also the one that attracts the most foreign investors. The youngest region in France, Hauts-de-France continues …

Sectors: National and local authorities

2357 1938 361
Le Mans Innovation Le Mans Innovation

[Automatic translation follows] Seize the chance Le Mans Innovation, a technology park in Le Mans and Sarthe, is a support structure for innovation. Our missions are as follows: - Support for project leaders to help new innovative companies emerge in the region - Support for companies (SMEs, mid-cap companies, groups, etc.) to help them structure and develop their innovation projects - Spread a culture of innovation to help companies improve their skills in the field of innovation - Animate the region through innovation For more information, please visit our website or contact the Le Mans Innovation team!

208 65 146
La Rochelle Technopole La Rochelle Technopole

[Automatic translation follows] Want to innovate? Entrepreneur, startuper or leader of an innovative project. We are here to support you! La Rochelle Technopole is a partnership system bringing together the Urban Community of La Rochelle, the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of La Rochelle, EIGSI, Excelia Group, CESI and the University of La Rochelle. Are you a leader of an innovative project, creator of a startup, business leader and want to put a new product or service on the market? Do you need to secure and grow your project? Your idea is good but you are missing …

190 58 132
Images & Réseaux Images & Réseaux

[Automatic translation follows] Loading the future Images & Réseaux is the leading competitiveness cluster for digital innovation in the Pays de la Loire and Brittany regions at the crossroads of technologies and uses. From projects to products or services, it stimulates and supports innovative economic players in their collaborative research and development strategy (large groups, SMEs, ETIs, research laboratories, clusters, startups, etc. regional and international). competitiveness cluster, innovation, digital, technology, Tech, Responsible digital, and Réseaux

Sectors: French Cluster Public business cluster

689 258 480

[Automatic translation follows] A significant player in social housing in France, BATIGERE has more than 100,000 homes and provides housing for nearly 300,000 people throughout France. With the ambition of going beyond our role as a lessor, we want to make a lasting commitment to residents and all economic and associative players in the region. Thanks to the contribution of nearly 1,800 women and men mobilized in the field, we strive to realize our united and ethical vision of social housing every day. Our labels relating to Professional Equality and Diversity, renewed once again in 2022, demonstrate our commitment to …

Sectors: Real Estate

193 91 73
BioValley France BioValley France

Pôle de compétitivité santé du Grand Est Pôle de compétitivité Santé du Grand Est, BioValley France (ex Alsace BioValley) a pour mission de fédérer, développer et faire rayonner les acteurs de la filière à travers l’Innovation. Le Pôle s’appuie sur un réseau dynamique d’entreprises, une recherche académique et clinique de premier plan, ainsi qu’un réseau intégré de partenaires, acteurs-clés de l’innovation. BioValley France accompagne ses membres dans leur démarche d’Innovation R&D et leur permet d’accéder à des expertises à forte valeur ajoutée, dans une approche marché. BioValley France participe activement aux projets structurants et collaboratifs du territoire. Il contribue notamment …

Sectors: Biotechnology French Cluster Public business cluster

391 151 304
Atlanpole Biotherapies Atlanpole Biotherapies

Thinking up tomorrow's medicine Atlanpole Biotherapies is a French biocluster that gives you access to extended skills, from biodiagnostic to biomedicine. For pharmaceutical and biotech companies or research laboratories looking for high level partners committed to healthcare and biotechnologies, Atlanpole Biotherapies is a biocluster that draws together a network of industrial and academic competences which offers comprehensive and competitive solutions along the entire biotherapeutic value chain, from discovery to patient,within 4 areas of excellence: • immunobiotherapies • radiopharmaceuticals • biomaterials • cell & gene therapies More information : Biotechnologies, Bioproduction, Pharma, Technologies médicales innovantes, MedTech, Numérique pour la santé, …

Sectors: Biotechnology French Cluster Public business cluster

304 120 198

[Automatic translation follows] Social, innovative, supportive and ethical landlord Since 1923, RIVP has been a major player in social housing in Paris. We build, renovate and manage nearly 61,000 homes in the capital and several cities in the Paris region. Our teams fully fulfill their missions for tenants through local management, based on listening, availability, solidarity and quality of service. As a project owner, RIVP is committed to the social housing policy of the City of Paris with a range of housing adapted to a variety of tenant profiles: family housing, university residences, hostels, etc. Today, the RIVP Group has …

Sectors: Real Estate Social Housing

357 203 168
Institut Analgesia Institut Analgesia

[Automatic translation follows] 1st foundation for research against pain in France A major public health problem, chronic pain now affects 1 in 5 adults, or more than 12 million French people. And since the therapeutic arsenal is both aging and insufficient, nearly two thirds of patients believe that their pain is insufficiently controlled. Pain also has a very significant impact on health at work. Back pain is the leading cause of disability in the world and musculoskeletal disorders are the leading cause of occupational illness in France. Pain alone impacts 88 million working days per year in France. Fighting pain …

Sectors: Research

174 41 132
Eurasanté Eurasanté

Accélérateur des innovations santé-nutrition, bien vieillir en région Hauts-de-France Eurasanté is a regional economic development agency specialized in the the health sector. It supports the different actors dedicated to health related activities with their research, creation and development projects. The Biology, Nutrition and Health Sector of the Nord-Pas-De-Calais represents 800 companies, and 22 000 employees. Located at the heart of a business park of over 300 hectares gathering 7 hospitals, 50 research laboratories, 145 companies, 4 universities, 5 specialized training institutes, it constitutes a unique business environment in the largest university-hospital campus over Europe. 3 kinds of services are part …

Sectors: Biotechnology Startup accelerator & VC

481 274 254

[Automatic translation follows] Technopole that offers, in one place, all the conditions to create and develop agri-food projects. AGROPOLE is the only European technopole specialized in #agri-food, to offer, in one place, all the conditions to create, develop and implement agri-food projects. AGROPOLE also organizes each year, the National Competition for the creation of #Agri-Food companies.

190 72 136

[Automatic translation follows] Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry In the Grand Est, the CCI network is structured around the CCI of the Grand Est region, which brings together the CCIs of Alsace Eurométropole, Ardennes, Grand Nancy Métropole, Marne en Champagne, Meuse Haute-Marne, Moselle Metz Métropole, Troyes et Aube, and Vosges. The CCIs of the Grand Est represent 180,200 industrial, commercial, and service companies. They deploy their actions by relying on a local network and an unrivaled territorial presence. Thanks to their elected business representatives and expert advisors, the CCIs of the Grand Est benefit from unique expertise in knowledge …

Sectors: Chamber of commerce

211 149 19
ONF (Office National des Forêts) ONF (Office National des Forêts)

[Automatic translation follows] Official account of the ONF, a major player in the forest-wood sector. #ONF #forêtONF #officenationaldesforêts The ONF, a major player in the forest-wood sector, brings together more than 8,200 professionals working to manage 11 million hectares of public forests, in mainland France and overseas. On a daily basis, foresters ensure the maintenance, development and renewal of these areas. Their management makes it possible to reconcile three inseparable objectives: meeting the needs of people through the production and harvesting of wood, preserving the environment and welcoming the public. The Office also carries out public service missions on behalf …

734 608 134

Our business is to help yours! Our business is to help yours!, the public reference partner, wants to turn Brussels into the most attractive European place to start and grow a business. aims to contribute to the sustainable development of the Brussels economy by fulfilling a triple task: ▪ Providing counsel, tools and support for Brussels economic projects and the project leaders, so as to make sure they are successful both in Brussels and abroad; ▪ Detecting, generating, initiating and attracting new economic, technological and commercial opportunities in Brussels and abroad; ▪ Helping the authorities to formulate and …

455 202 267
CCI Alsace Eurométropole CCI Alsace Eurométropole

[Automatic translation follows] The 1st business accelerator The CCI Alsace Eurométropole is a public institution managed by 30 volunteer business leaders elected for 5 years. It represents the 90,000 companies in industry, commerce and services in Alsace. It actively participates in the development of the local economy. Our actions are structured around major missions: - Represent the interests of companies. - Support business creators and buyers. - Mobilize our expertise and our networking capacity to support our companies' projects throughout their life. - Deploy an initial, continuing or apprenticeship training offer, in particular thanks to our CCI Campus training center. …

Sectors: Chamber of commerce

358 266 111
Luxinnovation GIE Luxinnovation GIE

Luxinnovation is Luxembourg’s innovation agency. It encourages and supports companies to innovate and to grow. Luxinnovation contributes to the economic development of Luxembourg by fostering innovation, fuelling international growth and attracting foreign direct investment. We are a key and trusted partner for those who are interested in – and committed to – launching successful innovative activities in Luxembourg, from entrepreneurs and managers of start-up companies to foreign enterprises and investors. Luxinnovation’s mission is to strengthen national business through innovation and to promote Luxembourg business abroad (import-export). This we do by focussing on impact and generating real client value. We offer …

329 166 191