  • Value proposition

    Accompagner les champions de la croissance écologique

    Demeter is a major European player in venture capital, private equity and infrastructure for the energy and ecological transition. Its funds invest from €1m to €30m to support companies in the sector at all stages of their development : innovative startups, small and mid-cap companies, as well as infrastructure projects. The Demeter team counts 38 people based in Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Madrid, and Düsseldorf, manages €1.3bn and has completed 230 investments over 17 years.

    Cleantech, Venture Capital, Growth Capital, Infrastructure, Agtech, Transition écologique, Private equity, Impact investing, Economie circulaire, Industrie 4.0, Winetech, and Transition énergétique

  • Original language

    Accompagner les champions de la croissance écologique

    Demeter is a major European player in venture capital, private equity and infrastructure for the energy and ecological transition. Its funds invest from €1m to €30m to support companies in the sector at all stages of their development : innovative startups, small and mid-cap companies, as well as infrastructure projects. The Demeter team counts 38 people based in Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Madrid, and Düsseldorf, manages €1.3bn and has completed 230 investments over 17 years.

  • Financement de la transition énergétique et écologique - Demeter

    Financement de la transition énergétique et écologique - Demeter

Entity interactions
Entity TypeTweets Articles
Environmental Services, greentech, cleantech

6 Dec 2017

Journey Partners Journey Partners
Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals

23 Feb 2021

Environnement Magazine Environnement Magazine
Newspaper Publishing

10 Mar 2022

Fonds e5t Fonds e5t
Information Services, greentech, cleantech

20 May 2019

La Ferme Digitale La Ferme Digitale
Farming, it services

26 Jan 2023

2 Aug 2024
