  • Incubate Fund

    Created in 2010
  • Social networks

  • Sectors

  • Location

    107-6090, Japan

    Minato City


  • Engaged entities

    6 1
  • Added in Motherbase

    19 Jul 2024, 9:35 a.m.
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Incubate Fund is the largest early stage focused Venture Capital firm in Japan. Offices in TYO, SG, BLR, and SFO.

    Since its founding, Incubate Fund has managed over 125 billion yen in total funds and invested in over 400 startups through affiliated funds, making it the largest venture capital firm in Japan specializing in the seed stage before and after startup. We believe that the fact that we have been able to continue investing in startups for a long period of time is proof that we have continued to build trust with entrepreneurs and the community.

    One of the things we value is our motto: "Support the challenges of ambitious entrepreneurs with integrity."

    This means that we think carefully about management and business from the same perspective as entrepreneurs, and at the same time, we seriously want to be a good partner that allows entrepreneurs to focus on their business with peace of mind even in difficult situations that arise as they grow their business. As a lead investor, we also provide thorough support to entrepreneurs so that they can focus on their business in order to raise the funds necessary for business growth. The main character of a startup is the entrepreneur. As a venture capital firm, we believe that our hands-on support is unique to Incubate Fund, and that this is not simply a hands-on approach to support startups.

    In addition, we have been running the seed acceleration program "Incubate Camp" since 2010 as a point of contact with entrepreneurs who are closer to the founding stage.

    Many of the participants in this program have raised large amounts of funds and grown rapidly, and the program is used as a place for startups to establish and grow, and as a core community for venture capitalists. This program aims to become a social infrastructure that will help all entrepreneurs who are thinking about starting a business to increase their business launch angle.

    Our motto is "honestly supporting the challenges of ambitious entrepreneurs," and we will continue to work hard to create new businesses and support startups as good partners to entrepreneurs.

    We have built a portfolio of over 400 companies in Asia, taking 12 companies to public and 20 companies to M&A exit since 2010. We currently have offices in Tokyo, Singapore, Bangalore, and San Francisco, covering Japan, Southeast Asia, India, and United States respectively. Venture Capital, Seed-stage investor, Singapore, India, Japan, United States, Bangalore, San Francisco, Start-up, and Southeast Asia

  • Original language

    Incubate Fund is the largest early stage focused Venture Capital firm in Japan. Offices in TYO, SG, BLR, and SFO.



    これは、私達も起業家と同じ目線でしっかりと経営・事業について考え抜くと同時に、事業を成長させていく中で訪れる大変な局面でも起業家が安心して事業に集中できるような良きパートナーでありたいと真剣に考えているものです。事業の成長に必要な資金調達についても、リードインベスターとして起業家が事業に集中できるよう徹底的にサポートしています。 スタートアップの主役は起業家です。ベンチャーキャピタルである私達は黒子に徹し、時に縁の下の力持ちとして時に共にスクラムを組んで、共に事業を創造していくことがハンズオン支援という言葉に集約されないインキュベイトファンドならではの起業支援だと考えています。

    また、より創業期に近い起業家との接点として、2010年からシードアクセラレーションプログラム「Incubate Camp」を運営をしています。

    参加者の中には当プログラムを経て大きく資金調達し急成長を遂げたスタートアップが多数あり、スタートアップの創業・飛躍の場として、またベンチャーキャピタリストのコアコミュニティの場として活用されています。 本プログラムは起業を考える全てアントレプレナーにとって、より事業の発射角度を上げていける登竜門として社会インフラとなることを目指していきます。


    We have built a portfolio of over 400 companies in Asia, taking 12 companies to public and 20 companies to M&A exit since 2010.

    We currently have offices in Tokyo, Singapore, Bangalore, and San Francisco, covering Japan, Southeast Asia, India, and United States respectively.

    Venture Capital, Seed-stage investor, Singapore, India, Japan, United States, Bangalore, San Francisco, Start-up, and Southeast Asia

Entity interactions BETA
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