  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] 1st solution to create experiences in conversational AI 🎙✅ Training / IA / NLU / Immersive Learning / ...

    🚀 Pitchboy, creator of conversational AI experiences 🚀

    Immersed in a realistic environment, the learner stands in front of an interlocutor with whom he will have a conversation, by expressing himself naturally. The vocal recognition technology (NLU) developed by Pitchboy, allows a real experience of "Learning by Doing".

    The solution allows an autonomous learning which is defined by a personal and individual journey. The learner progresses at his own pace, free from the gaze of others and has a right to make mistakes.

    🧠 Memorization is reinforced thanks to the coupling of cognitive intelligence and emotion, which reduces learning time. The evolutionary situation allows a natural progression which transforms knowledge into skills.

    ✅ The performance of the learner is measured, his motivation is increased and this induces an optimal completion rate of the training course.

    📈 The company can measure the impact of training and its king in real time. She can adjust the personalized learner's coaching needs, to optimize the development of his skills.

    🎯 Usage case:
    - Recruitment: situation of your candidates (objective: better recruit)
    - Initial and continuous training: form your teams by concrete scenarios. They will be more committed and effective faster! (Sale, compliance, product training, after -sales service, customer relations ...)
    - Prevention and awareness: HR department / Diversity - Inclusion / QVT.

    Virtual reality, vr, artificial intelligence, AI, vocal recognition, nlu, unity, training, training, tailor-made, immersive, interactive, simulation, immersive, interactive, artificial intelligence, custom, dirty, customer service, hr, human resources, and conversationalai

  • Original language

    1Ăšre solution de crĂ©ation d'expĂ©riences en IA conversationnelle 🎙✅ formation / IA / NLU / Immersive Learning / ...

    🚀 PITCHBOY, crĂ©ateur d'expĂ©riences en IA conversationnelle 🚀

    PlongĂ© dans un environnement rĂ©aliste, l’apprenant se tient face Ă  un interlocuteur avec lequel il va avoir une conversation, en s’exprimant naturellement. La technologie de reconnaissance vocale (NLU) dĂ©veloppĂ©e par PITCHBOY, permet une vĂ©ritable expĂ©rience de "learning by doing".

    La solution permet un apprentissage autonome qui se définit par un parcours personnel et individuel. L'apprenant progresse à son rythme, libre du regard des autres et dispose d'un droit à l'erreur.

    🧠 La mĂ©morisation est renforcĂ©e grĂące au couplage de l’intelligence cognitive et de l’émotion, ce qui rĂ©duit le temps d’apprentissage. La mise en situation Ă©volutive permet une progression naturelle qui transforme les connaissances en compĂ©tences.

    ✅ La performance de l’apprenant est mesurĂ©e, sa motivation est accrue et cela induit un taux de complĂ©tion optimal du parcours de formation.

    📈 L’entreprise quant Ă  elle, peut mesurer l’impact de la formation et son ROI en temps rĂ©el. Elle peut ajuster les besoins de coaching personnalisĂ©s de l’apprenant, pour optimiser le dĂ©veloppement de ses compĂ©tences.

    🎯 Cas d'usage :
    - Recrutement : mise en situation de vos candidats (objectif : mieux recruter)
    - Formation initiale et continue : formez vos équipes par des mises en situation concrÚtes. Ils seront plus engagés et efficaces plus rapidement ! (vente, compliance, formation produit, SAV, relation client...)
    - Prévention et sensibilisation : Département RH / Diversité - Inclusion / QVT.

    réalité virtuelle, VR, artificial intelligence, IA, reconnaissance vocale, NLU, unity, training, formation, sur-mesure, immersive, interactive, simulation, immersif, interactif, intelligence artificielle, custom, sales, customer service, HR, human ressources, and conversationalAI

  • PITCHBOY | Solution de Formation en IA Conversationnelle

    PITCHBOY est la premiÚre solution de formation qui permet aux entreprises de réaliser et de déployer simplement des formations interactives et engageantes

  • https://pitchboy.co
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