  • LIFE_CondoReno

    Created in 2022

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    Julianalaan, 2628 Delft, Netherlands



  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 2

  • Engaged corporates

    1 2
  • Added in Motherbase

    1 year ago
  • Value proposition

    Creating and upscaling Integrated Home Renovation Services.

    CondoReno will coordinate and support the creation of six Integrated Home Renovation Services for buildings co-owned by multiple private homeowners. We focus on Condominium Associations in the Netherlands and Flanders, and are paving the way for upscaling IHRS across Europe.

    This project has received funding from the European Union’s Programme for Environment and Climate Action (LIFE) MGA — Multi & Mono, under grant agreement No. 101076316.

  • About - CondoReno

    CondoReno will lead to the development of Integrated Home Renovation Services (IHRS) for condominium associations interested in the...

  • https://condoreno.org/
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1 month, 1 week ago 136 3

🔨 Batibouw 2025 is gestart! 🏗️

Minister van Energie en Wonen, Melissa Depraetere, benadrukte in haar openingsspeech het belang van renovatie – vooral bij oude appartementsgebouwen. En dat is nodig: 13.000 Vlaamse flatgebouwen zijn vandaag niet alleen energieverslindend, maar ook gevaarlijk.

👉 Betonrot, verouderde elektriciteit, slechte brandveiligheid – problemen stapelen zich op, terwijl renovaties te vaak blijven hangen in complexe besluitvorming en financieringsmoeilijkheden. Tijd voor actie!

Embuild Vlaanderen, Flux50 en de energiehuizen van Oostende, Mechelen en Antwerpen stelden daarom een tienpuntenplan op om de renovatie van appartementsgebouwen te versnellen. Van betere premies en financiering op maat tot een verplicht energieprestatielabel voor gemene delen. Oplossingen liggen klaar. 💡

Daarnaast werken we via het Europese LIFE_CondoReno-project aan innovatieve renovatiemodellen voor Vlaamse appartementsgebouwen. 🚀

✅ Tijd voor duidelijke regels.
✅ Tijd voor slimme financiering.
✅ Tijd voor veilige, energiezuinige appartementen.

Meer weten? Lees hier meer: https://lnkd.in/e3DPW_pA
#Renovatie #EnergieEfficiëntie #Bouwsector #Batibouw #Vlaanderen
Johan Vanden Driessche, Frederik Loeckx, Samir Louenchi, Benediekt Van Damme

1 month, 3 weeks ago 22

Our colleague Annick Vanhove (Stad Mechelen) was interviewed by CrAft - Creating Actionable Futures. In her role as renovation coach, she raises awaraness among #PropertyOwners about the advantages of #EnergyRenovations.

Read the full story in the CrAft webite:

1 month, 3 weeks ago 32

📢 Calling All Homeowners in Apartment Buildings (VvE-VME)! 📢
Dear Network,
A huge thank you to everyone who has participated in our study so far! Over the past few months, we’ve been gathering insights from homeowners living in apartment buildings to better understand their preferences, challenges, and support needs when it comes to energy renovations.
This study closes at the end of February, but there’s still time for more homeowners to share their views. Your input will be crucial in shaping policy recommendations and helping the supply side better understand homeowner needs.

📩 Please help by sharing this survey with your network! Your support will make a real impact https://lnkd.in/eGAhkrKh .

#EnergyRenovation #Homeowners #Sustainability #PolicyResearch #Survey #VvE #VME
LIFE_CondoReno LIFE Programme Delft University of Technology Stad Mechelen Annick Vanhove Stad Antwerpen AG Oostende – Energiehuis Kim Vandecaveye Walter van Steenis Erwin Mlecnik Queena K Qian Henk Visscher Gemeente Delft City of Amsterdam Gemeente Den Haag VvE2050 DVvE Helder VvE Advies B.V. VvENet Amsterdam/MRA Nationaal Warmtefonds Art den Boer International Union of Property Owners (UIPI) European Builders Confederation EBC Embuild Oost-Vlaanderen Kennisinstituut KERN EU Peers

2 months, 3 weeks ago 5

“Collective renovation of apartment buildings. Lessons from and for Antwerp”, a new report that provides insight into the various lines of thought that exist in the field regarding integrated renovations of condominiums.

This report by BE REEL! collects the lessons learnt by the city of Antwerp and offers inspiration to other cities and municipalities that have a common challenge to future-proof condominiums.

i️ Want to know more? Check it out 👇

2 months, 3 weeks ago 9 1

#throwback The LIFE_CondoReno learning network on integral renovation of apartment buildings was a success! In four sessions, we took a closer look at today's market, workable business models, financial tools & cost optimisation and performance guarantees & quality assurance.

With interesting speakers from Vlaams Energie- en Klimaatagentschap, Vlaanderen Bouwt, Gevelinzicht ingenieur-architecten bvba, KBC Bank & Verzekering and many others, it became a fascinating conversation between all parties involved in a renovation.

💡 What's next? With new knowledge and insights under our belt, we at CondoReno continue to work on these issues:

✔️ A 10-point wish list with concrete action points for politicians
✔️ A test run of courses that already exist today, to see if they answer the questions there are today
✔️ A light version of condition state measurement, as a first stepping stone for CA's
✔️ A deep dive into different business models, such as DBFM, construction teams and ESCO models
✔️ Discussions with providers of financial products for CA's

The LIFE_CondoReno project continues for almost two more years and aims to develop integrated renovation services that support the entire renovation process.

Want to know more about it or stay informed about the project? Subscribe to the newsletter ➡️ https://lnkd.in/duM9zaCc

Thanks to Stad Mechelen, Stad Antwerpen, AG Oostende – Energiehuis and Embuild Vlaanderen for organizing the learning network.

Photo's by Kim Vandecaveye.

#LIFE_CondoReno #renovation #condominiums #sustainability #construction

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