  • Tipiak

    Created in 1967

  • Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

  • Activities

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  • Entity types

  • Location

    1 Rue du Chêne Lassé, 44800 Saint-Herblain, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 1001-5000

    Estimated: 352


  • Engaged corporates

    4 1
  • Added in Motherbase

    1 year, 3 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] From aperitif to dessert ... a whole culinary art!

    Tipiak is an agro-food group located in the Great West of France, specialist in grocery products, frozen cooked dishes, pastry catering and breading products.

    The group was born in 1967 to the Union of two centenary companies specializing in the packaging of culinary aid (Groult founded in Paris in 1830 and billiards in Nantes in 1879). Innovations produced, development in France and abroad and industrializations are the keywords of our strategy. In 2024, Tipiak joined the Terrena group.

    Through his profession, his products, his brand, his requirement and his ethics built over the years, based on essential and shared values, Tipiak has naturally developed sustainable actions to be a sustainable and responsible business. Day after day, our ambition is to guarantee consumer satisfaction and to contribute to the well-being of all by:
    ▪ The quality of our products,
    ▪ The development of women and men of the company who are our strength of progress,
    ▪ Respect and protection of the environment and natural resources.

    Tipiak is a French Food Company Based in the Grand West, Specializing in Grocery Products, Frozen Ready Meals, Bakery, and Pastry Catering.

    Founded in 1967 from the Union of Two Century-Old Companies, Tipiak Continues to Innovate, Grow Internationally, and Industrialize. In 2024, Tipiak Became Part of the Terrena Group.

    Committed to Sustainability, We Strive Daily to Ensure:
    ▪ High-Quality Products,
    ▪ The Development of Our People,
    ▪ The Respect and Protection of Natural Resources and the Environment.

  • Original language

    De l'apéritif au dessert... tout un art culinaire !

    Tipiak est un groupe agro-alimentaire implanté dans le Grand Ouest de la France, spécialiste des produits d'épicerie, des plats cuisinés surgelés, des produits traiteur pâtissier et de panification.

    Le groupe nait en 1967 de l'union de deux entreprises centenaires spécialisées dans le conditionnement d’aides culinaires (Groult fondée à Paris en 1830 et Billard à Nantes en 1879). Innovations produit, développement en France et à l'international et industrialisations sont les mots clés de notre stratégie. En 2024, Tipiak rejoint le groupe Terrena.

    Par son métier, ses produits, sa marque, son exigence et son éthique construite au fil des années, en s’appuyant sur des valeurs essentielles et partagées, Tipiak a su développer tout naturellement des actions pérennes pour être une entreprise durable et responsable. Jour après jour, notre ambition est de garantir la satisfaction des consommateurs et de contribuer au bien-être de tous par :
    ▪ la qualité de nos produits,
    ▪ le développement des femmes et des hommes de l’entreprise qui sont notre force de progrès,
    ▪ le respect et la protection de l’environnement et des ressources naturelles.

    Tipiak is a French food company based in the Grand West, specializing in grocery products, frozen ready meals, bakery, and pastry catering.

    Founded in 1967 from the union of two century-old companies, Tipiak continues to innovate, grow internationally, and industrialize. In 2024, Tipiak became part of the Terrena group.

    Committed to sustainability, we strive daily to ensure:
    ▪ High-quality products,
    ▪ The development of our people,
    ▪ The respect and protection of natural resources and the environment.

  • Tipiak : taboulé, quinoa, couscous, boulgour... +300 recettes

    Découvrez tous nos produits et nos idées de recettes pour inspirer votre cuisine du quotidien ! Cuisine facile et délicieuse d'ici ou d'ailleurs, végétarienne, desserts gourmands... Laissez-vous guider par les recettes Tipiak.

  • https://www.tipiak.fr/
Corporate interactions
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Nantes St-Nazaire
Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Nantes St-Nazaire
Chamber of commerce, Government Administration
Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Nantes St-Nazaire
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Costco Wholesale
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Groupe Crédit Agricole Groupe Crédit Agricole
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Startup Palace
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ESA, L'Ecole supérieure des agricultures ESA, L'Ecole supérieure des agricultures
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