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LogoName Σ Ingoing engagements Outgoing engagements Employees

Movies & amp; Photographs GS Productions offers a video production and photography service, in Dordogne and everywhere else. Audiovisual photography and production

Type: Startup Activities: entertainment

2 1 0 4

The French Banking Federation (FBF) is the organization which represents all the banks installed in France. The French Banking Federation (FBF) is the professional organization which represents all the banks installed in France. It brings together 330 member banking companies including 117 foreign banks. It is the voice of the profession on all major challenges, especially regulatory. Its mission is to promote banking and financial activity in France, Europe and internationally and defining the positions and proposals of the profession vis-à-vis the public authorities and the authorities of the economic and financial field. It represents the banking profession with the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

84 28 51 432
EVOLIS - Organisation professionnelle EVOLIS - Organisation professionnelle

The players in the moving industry The creation of Evolis results from a need for strong representativeness of suppliers of equipment and machines for industrial production which actively contribute to the competitiveness and efficiency of French industry by the modernization of the production tool. In order to raise awareness of all players on industry issues such as business competitiveness, productivity and attractiveness of trades, Evolis works closely with client professional organizations, strategic sector committees and state services. Evolis also participates in the work of European associations of which he is one of the founding members. Evolis defends the strategic role …

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 Technologies: Robotics 3D Printing

76 19 48 32

Act together for responsible growth MEDEF Limousin is a network of business and professional branches representing approximately 1/3 of employees employment on our territory. It is also a local body close to the field that works with public authorities and local communities to bring up the problems and concerns of entrepreneurs ... But it is also concrete services, technical meetings, a network of influence, friendly evenings, management of employers' mandates ...

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

37 4 27 6
Carsat Sud-Est Carsat Sud-Est

Social security organization and regional contact for retirement insurance and health insurance. The South-East retirement and health insurance fund is a social security organization. It is a private company in charge of a public service mission. His missions: - Manage professional careers, From the declarations of the social data that employers transmit to us, we collect information on the amount of wages and the number of validated quarters. - Calculate and pay pensions, We process the retirement request files for the general scheme insured and we pay the old -age services. - Act in the social field, We intervene with …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

26 10 17 737
Les Annonces Du Commerce Les Annonces Du Commerce

Announcement site dedicated to shops of shops, commercial premises and lease transfer Trade announcements Since 2006, your partner in commercial real estate and business transactions 🏢 Trade announcements is a platform specializing in commercial real estate, dedicated to entrepreneurs, craftsmen, traders, project leaders, agencies, franchises and communities. We provide you with our expertise to increase your visibility at the local and national level. With more than 500 professional partners (agencies, firms, experts in commercial transactions), we support you throughout your projects. Our services 🚀 1. Diffusion of ads: more than 40,000 offers across France 🇫🇷 We offer a wide range …

Type: Startup Activities: smart city Technologies: SaaS

12 0 3 7
FFB Loire Atlantique FFB Loire Atlantique

The Fed, we all have to win! Member of the FFB network, the Loire Atlantique building federation supports and supports companies by answering all the questions they ask themselves in their daily lives. Its mission revolves around three essential axes: action of influence with decision -makers, multidisciplinary expertise and local assistance.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

15 2 15 12
Confédération Nationale de la Boulangerie-Pâtisserie Française (CNBPF) Confédération Nationale de la Boulangerie-Pâtisserie Française (CNBPF)

The National Confederation of the French Bakery-Pâtissery, chaired by Dominique Anract, is the professional organization responsible for representing and defending the general, material and moral interests of the craftsmen bakers in France. Through her actions, she is intended to promote craft know-how, weave links between members and structure the French bakery sector. The CNBPF brings together 94 departmental professional groups and 13 regional professional groups. Communication, training, regulations, events, and defend the interests of craftsmen bakers and pastries

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

12 5 9 140
Union Maritime et Fluviale Marseille-Fos (UMF) Union Maritime et Fluviale Marseille-Fos (UMF)

The UMF brings together 27 professions, 300 companies, and represents 20,000 direct jobs. Only we go fast, together we go far The Maritime and River Union of Marseille-Fos brings together all companies which, in the Bouches du Rhône department, constitute the maritime transport sector. It is represented nationally by the Maritime and Port Union of France (UMPF). Ships to ships (piloting, towing, laminating); Maritime carriers and their agents; Handlers, Land carriers (river, iron, road); Stockers; Transport organizers; Infrastructure managers; Experts; Insurers; Industrialists and chargers. 27 professions, 300 companies, 20,000 direct jobs Maritime, transport, computer software, and public relations

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

23 6 15 19
UIMM Loire-Atlantique UIMM Loire-Atlantique

Professional organization at the service of the competitiveness of industrial and employment companies #FabriqueAvenir The UIMM Loire-Atlantique is a professional business organization whose vocation is to contribute to the competitiveness of industrial companies. With expertise, particularly in applied social law, the UIMM Loire-Atlantique plays a central role today in the assistance and support of its members on all the themes of labor law, social protection, human resources, health, security, the environment, performance, training. The UIMM Loire-Atlantique is above all a community of more than 300 companies in the territory representing nearly 35,000 employees, led by its peers within a steering …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: industry 4.0

19 5 13 29
Syndicat CFTC Syndicat CFTC

A requirement for justice for all and in particular for the most fragile! Join us: The CFTC is a union of social construction, independent and force of proposals. Its action in joint organizations helps to build the social environment.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

38 14 21 233
Reims Publicité Reims Publicité

Graphic design - Printing - Marking - Signage - Brand Reims Advertising is an agency evolving in the graphic design sector, production and installation of communication. Since 2015 we have been ensuring graphic design and printing of all communication media as well as the installation of these. We carry out markings, signage and brands on any type of support and in all formats. • Printing on flexible or rigid support (business cards, flyers, flap pockets, pens, various goodies ...) • Showcase marking and any type of vehicle: truck, van/van, cars, trailers, nacelles ... • Interior signage (roll-up, stand, x-banner, plates, …

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: SaaS

4 1 4 13
Bureaux And Co Bureaux And Co

Work with those who inspire you! Welcome to offices & amp; co, creator of workspaces and fun, warm, collaborative places of life so that everyone can work alongside those who inspire them. Domiciliation, rental of offices, flexible contracts, grouping of self -employed, purchases of optimized equipment, simplification of procedures, proximity, real estate platform manager, profitability of vacantes, and coworking surfaces, and coworking

Type: Startup Activities: proptech Technologies: SaaS

68 8 64 33
Petitscommerces Petitscommerces

The gift card that makes sense! 🎁 smallcommerces is the 1st local gift card to spend in local shops 💚 ✅ Already +300 partner communities throughout France 🚀 Are you a company, an association, or an individual located in one of our partner cities? Offer the Small Commerce gift card of your territory and support the local economy ⤵️ Are you a community and want to support your local shops? Discover our offers ⤵️ Communication, Tech for Good, Gift Card, Commerce, and Digital

Type: Startup Activities: media Technologies: NFC

58 10 55 10

#DepoussierleSrh So who is it? Above all, the sum of singular personalities, all HR and from the field. And what do you do? Shared time! We are known for that 😎 #Human #Recruitment #Re 🤔 Shared time? Yes, & gt; either in transition [replacement maternity leave - fusion of companies ...] & GT; either to support and structure growth Or to deal with any unprecedented situation (such as managing the COVVI-19 period for example) And if not, you only do this? Well no, we are agile and creative then each of us can also punctually manage advice and training missions …

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech

21 2 18 20
RMC Info Talk Sport RMC Info Talk Sport

RMC: info, talk, sport RMC Info Talk Sport is the radio radio of the Nextradiotv group. Connected to the French, it appears today as the best predisposed to follow and anticipate all the movements of our time. Info, talk / opinions, and sport

Type: Media

144 100 44 256
GALEA & Associés GALEA & Associés

Consulting Actual Cabinet which have more than 20 years of experience in the advice to insurance organizations and companies (social commitments). IFRS expertise, Solvency 2 and Embedded Value calculations (EEV/MCEV). Construction and certification of experience laws (mortality, work stoppage, buyouts, etc.) Actuariat, advice, social protection, insurance, risk management, IFRS, solvency, IAS 19, data science, investment, and sustainability

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech Technologies: Data Analytics

17 1 11 167
Association Walt Association Walt

Walt, an association committed to restoring work-study programs to their former glory. Walt, the voice of work-study programs, is an association that relies on the strength and mobilization of its members committed to work-study programs on a daily basis. We are convinced that the collective encourages projects, moves mountains and promotes excellent work-study programs. Walt has the strength to bring together actors who are both different and complementary around major causes for our society: reducing social, economic and geographical inequalities, building a professional project for each young person, promoting inclusive work-study programs in favor of diversity and professional equality, etc. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech Technologies: Decarbonization

64 2 63 9
Aract BFC - Agence régionale pour l'amélioration des conditions de travail Aract BFC - Agence régionale pour l'amélioration des conditions de travail

Regional association for improving working conditions The action of Aract Bourgogne-Franche-Comté aims, by improving working conditions, to reconcile the social and economic performance of companies. By placing social dialogue at the heart of the company's projects, ARACT contributes to the quality of life at work of employees and innovation. ARACT is a regional anact agency, an administrative public establishment.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

16 3 0 10
UIMM Sarthe UIMM Sarthe

The Factory of the Future The UIMM Sarthe, formerly called UIMS, means the union of metallurgy industries and trades. Our Sarthoise organization has no less than 160 companies, which themselves have 17,000 employees. Our mission is that of federating, representing, promoting and defending the interests of industry with the entire ecosystem, on the level of the department, the region and the National in support of our network head, the UIMM. We act at the service of competitiveness, attractiveness, the development of Sarthoise industrial companies established in the automotive, aeronautics, precision mechanics, agricultural, industrial maintenance ... Our team made up of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

22 1 17 6
CMA Normandie CMA Normandie

CMA, craftsmen of the new economy! The CMA Normandie, a public state establishment, is the interlocutor and the privileged partner of craft businesses, public authorities, local authorities and public administrations as well as various actors on subjects concerning crafts in Normandy. The first mission of the Chambers of Trades and Crafts is to act so that the place of crafts is recognized in its own right in the economy, at departmental and regional level and that the interests of craft businesses are taken into account in development programs and regulations and benefit from developments favorable to their development. Administered by …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

40 10 36 190
Le Monde des Artisans Le Monde des Artisans

The reference magazine of craftsmen and chambers of trades and crafts (CMA) The world of craftsmen is a global print and reference web media for crafts and trades. The world of craftsmen provides national and local information specialized in artisanal economic activity: substantive articles, trend analyzes, business portraits, practical and technical advice. Sold on subscription, the magazine has many regional and local editions to meet the need for proximity to craftsmen. craftsmanship

Type: Media

16 4 14 9
Association Régionale des Missions Locales Occitanie Association Régionale des Missions Locales Occitanie

The Regional Association of Local Missions [ARML] hosts the 26 local missions of Occitanie. ✔Social ✔ Insertion ✔ Young ✔ National REASE OF LOCAL MISSIONS

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

14 2 11 11
Mutuelle Prévifrance Mutuelle Prévifrance

Protecting you is natural! Born in the southwest 75 years ago, the Mutual Previfrance has 40 local agencies now distributed in 20 departments. With nearly 400,000 protected people and a turnover of 250 million euros, the Mutual Prévifrance, 19th National Mutual, is one of major players in the health insurance sector (Source: The Argus of Insurance - 2023). Open to all, it has offers dedicated to each personal situation: individual, self -employed worker, territorial agent, senior ... Likewise, specific ranges are developed for companies in order to best cover their employees. Nearly 14,000 companies in any sector trust him. Beyond …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

48 6 32 365
Medef Seine et Marne Medef Seine et Marne

What if the solutions to your entrepreneurs who came from your MEDEF Seine et Marne network? Description The Seine-et-Marne MEDEF represents companies of all sizes and all sectors of activity on the departmental territory. The Medef of Seine-et-Marne radiates today through its 7 local MEDEFs which marble the whole of territorial economic life. Our organization is partners of 12 professional federations and unions but also of all socio-economic organizations that make local development (consular chambers, EPCI, development agencies, training and integration actors, HR platforms, ...). 84% of members are VSEs/SMEs with less than 100 employees from all activity sectors. Missions …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

32 3 31 15

Boost the transformation of information systems In October 2018, Skillx was born in the heart of Hauts-de-France. Our goal is clear: to ensure safety and speed up the transition of information systems from our customers to the cloud. Guided by a so-called released approach, based on the trust and responsibility of our skillxmates, our team of passionate experts puts its know-how at the service of our customers. Our skills extend in the following fields: - 🔒 cybersecurity - ☁️ Cloud At Skillx, opportunities abound! Whether you want to join our ranks or collaborate with our experts, do not hesitate to …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

7 2 5 14
Groupe Ippolito Groupe Ippolito

Together for a sustainable future. For more than 50 years, the Ippolito Group has built its corporate culture around 5 fundamental values: sustainability, proximity, performance, people and planet. This regional company has built its success on the quality of its services. With a customer-focused approach and a dense geographic network, the Group has succeeded in creating lasting relationships and has been working with a majority of its customers for over 15 years! Listening and offering solutions adapted to all types of requests is one of the major challenges of the Ippolito Group. Today, the Ippolito Group has four branches: automotive …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech Technologies: Decarbonization

27 5 25 345
Le Méridional Le Méridional

The facts are sacred, the comments are free. The southern, the media of the southern people for whom the facts are sacred and the comments free. Media, Marseille, South, Politics, Sport, Miscellaneous Facts, Economy, Outings, Leisure, OM, Marseille town hall, South region, and Provence

Type: Media

42 1 41 9
Mouvement des Entreprises de France Saône-et-Loire - MEDEF 71 Mouvement des Entreprises de France Saône-et-Loire - MEDEF 71

Network - Entrepreneur - Share - Defend - belong - Perform - Act With the MEDEF71 you are #jamaisseul! The recent crises have shown to what extent sharing difficulties, the return of experience as well as access to reliable information and concrete solutions are decisive to allow companies to overcome the tests while acting on their growth and their competitiveness. With its 325 members and the 1600 companies represented through professional federations, Medef Saône-et-Loire supports its members in all important moments in the life of the company: connection, facilitation, recruitment, ecological transition, training, legal and social aid. With the Medef …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

25 3 0 9
La Gazette Normandie La Gazette Normandie

All economic information in Normandy. Officially authorized for online publication of legal announcements Online press support, deals with economic information from the Normandy region. Officially authorized title to the publication of legal announcements in the department of Seine Maritime and Eure. Economy, Law, Legal, Legal, Press, Journalism, Economic Information

Type: Media

45 1 44 2

1st network of entrepreneurs from France, Medef puts at the heart of its action the creation of jobs and sustainable growth MEDEF is the first network of entrepreneurs in France. More than 95 % of companies adherent to MEDEF are SMEs.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

19 1 17 5
Club WTC Apex Club WTC Apex

The International Business Club, Southern Region The WTC-APEX club, created in 1975 under the aegis of the Marseille-Provence Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Bouches of the Rhône Bouches Union, aims to develop regional enterprises to the international. He is one of the very first French associations of this type. This association, the 1901 law of companies from several sectors of activity, brings together permanents and a board of directors made up of international professionals who can share their experiences and which together carry out actions in favor of international development in the department. The role of the WTC-Apex …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

25 5 23 202
Avant de Cliquer Avant de Cliquer

Human at the Heart of Cybersecurity, for a Drastic Reduction in the Risk of Cyberattack. 80 % of cyberattacks originally have an e-mail that an educated user would not have clicked. Antivirus, pares-fires and other security software cannot prevent a user from doing a dangerous action. Awareness of users is a laborious, expensive and time -consuming task. Before clicking reinvents cybersecurity awareness by implementing a complete and automatic awareness program, created to measure for each user and by animating it over the duration without intervention of the information system (RSI, RSSI, DSI, DPO ...). Our action takes place in three …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

44 5 36 53
Groupe La Varappe Groupe La Varappe

Restore economic vitality and social justice! Leader of inclusion for 30 years, the valve has developed by the will of women and men of conviction who considered that the economic development of a territory should allow marginalized people to initiate a journey of professional and social reconstruction. 🧬 Our mission: do everything to allow people far from employment to raise their heads and play their role in society. The Vappe accompanied more than 100,000 people to employment. 🚀 Our ambition by 2025: become one of the first social inclusion groups in France and the sustainable employment of 12,000 people for …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech constructiontech greentech

91 12 82 136

GIMS is the first occupational health service in the Bouches du Rhône with nearly 190,000 employees followed. More than an occupational prevention and health service, an ethical and visionary societal group. Beyond its primary missions, GIMS nourishes a reflection in connection with major societal issues and has an entrepreneurial vision of its profession, thus monitoring the health of employees while supporting companies in their projects and performances with the most advanced technologies.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

26 3 16 156
Fédération Nationale des CIBC Fédération Nationale des CIBC

And your life is active! The National Federation of Interinstitutional Centers of Competent Assessments (FNCIBC) is a 1901 law association created in 2000. It is based on a representation of all Metropolitan and Ultramarine CIBCs in order to develop the skills assessment and all the methodologies associated in the context of orientation and vocational training throughout life, recognition and validation of achievements. In very close collaboration with the social partners and the State services (Ministry of Labor - DGEFP), the Federation has set up a demanding quality procedure which has taken the form of the label "CIBC Service Total" recognized …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

19 0 19 19
Digitalberry Digitalberry

Simple, fuss-free digital certificate and security key management designed with cyber teams in mind. 🔒 Digitalberry is making large-scale digital certificate and security key management easier than ever. With Digitalberry, wave goodbye to the stress, risk of error, and outages that come with managing certificates manually, and say hello to hassle-free management. 🚀 Our BerryCert and BerryTMS solutions let you view, manage, and automate every certificate and security key via a single remote interface. Our innovative approach simplifies PKI and automates lifecycle, giving you complete control over your infrastructure and the breathing space needed to focus on high-value tasks, strengthen …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency SaaS

7 0 7 27

All the news of the FNSEA: employment, training, legal, role of farmers in the food chain ... The National Federation of Farmers' Unions (FNSEA), founded in 1946, is the majority professional union in the agricultural profession in France.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: agritech

96 48 52 198
Campus Cyber Campus Cyber

Together, serving a large cyber nation 🇫🇷 Project initiated by the President of the Republic, the Cyber ​​campus is the totem place of cybersecurity which brings together the main national and international actors in the field. It makes it possible to accommodate companies (large groups, SMEs), state services, training organizations, research and associations on the same site. The Cyber ​​campus is implementing actions aimed at federating the cybersecurity community and developing synergies between these different actors to protect society and promoting French excellence in the field. Partnerships between the national campus and territorial cybersecurity campuses are in development. To date, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

115 63 79 75

Represent you! The CPME13, Confederation of small and medium-sized enterprises of Bouches-du-Rhône, is the departmental relay of the CPME, interprofessional, private and independent employers' organization, whose representativeness is officially recognized. Its mission consists in defending and representing the small and medium -sized enterprises of the department, all sectors combined, with the public authorities and the social partners based on the presence of 300 agents within these various bodies. The CPME13 also supports you in the development of your network, by organizing many events (1 to 2 per week) such as business aperitifs, After Work, 1 p.m. of the entrepreneur, discovery …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

50 17 39 28
Euro App Mobility Euro App Mobility

Accelerator of long-term mobility of apprentices in Europe "Let us give every young person a chance to leave for a mobility in Europe!” Euro App Mobility wants to remove the barriers to the long-term mobility of apprentices (at least 3 months and ideally 6 months). Our activities target obstacles that exist in various areas: legal, academic, financial, educational, linguistic and psychological. Chaired by Jean Arthuis, former minister and member of European Parliament, our organisation aims to implement the results of the pilot project on long-term mobility of apprentices launched by the European Parliament and led by the European Commission between …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

31 3 30 14

Experts in #GestionDesrisques! Supports Ebios Risk Manager and all Ebios derivatives, with the support of ANSSI Created in 2006, the Ebios club is an independent non -profit association (law 1901), made up of individual experts and organizations. It supports and enriches the French risk management framework since 2003, with the support of the ANSSI. Obviously, he promotes and develops Ebios Risk Manager. In addition, its field of action extends to all the uses of this method and their derivatives in the field of risk management. The club organizes periodic meetings to promote exchanges of experiences, homogenization of practices and the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

11 2 10 36
Cité des Métiers des Côtes d'Armor Cité des Métiers des Côtes d'Armor

Info space on trades, training, employment, activity creation and professional retraining The City of Trades is a space for consulting and information on trades, training, employment, business creation and professional retraining. It is a place open to everyone (people in schooling, job search, active), free, anonymous, and free access. #CITEDESMETERS22

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

29 3 28 18
CCI Tarn-et-Garonne CCI Tarn-et-Garonne

The local interlocutor of business leaders. Soluccio Creation-Reprise-Transmission: Support for project leaders: preparation and structuring of the project through meetings, training and individual meetings. Our Soluccio offers for developing companies: #funding, #Sustainable development, #HR skills, #digital, #competitiveness, #international. Business advice, training, support for business creators, digital, human resources, financing, marketing, and export

Type: Public

27 6 19 31

Commit for everyone, act for everyone. French Democratic Labor Confederation - Syndicate The CFDT is the first French union in number of members: 655,321*, women (51%), men (49%), who work in all professional sectors, in small and large businesses, in the majority in the majority, in the public and in all regions of France. *Source: union

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

104 56 32 1,042
Déclic Déclic

The national IT and digital pooling network Déclic is the national network of computer and digital pooling for local authorities and citizens. Organized in associative form, it brings together public operators of digital services distributed throughout France. The crossing of these experiences makes it possible to build a panel of operational solutions. It offers adherent structures the possibility of finding the most suitable model for its local environment.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

50 11 23 18
✅Medef Haute-Garonne ✅Medef Haute-Garonne

At MEDEF31, there is no small or big boss, there are only #enthusiasts! MEDEF 31 is a network of members, dynamic, which accompanies several hundred VSEs on a daily basis, SMEs in Haute-Garonne. You want, - Be represented, informed, heard and defended - Find support in case of difficulty - Better understand and master the complexity around you, - meet other leaders, develop your professional relationships, - Participate in local economic development, - Promote your role of business manager ... Do not hesitate, join us. Our regular events: - The Tuesdays of Medef Every 2nd Tuesday of the month, professionals …

Type: Event

84 11 74 22
CBE du Niortais et Haut Val de Sèvre CBE du Niortais et Haut Val de Sèvre

Let us promote employment through territorial social dialogue. Created in April 2010, the CBE is a 1901 law association which develops its missions in the following areas of intervention: & gt; Economic observation based on the prospective of activity sectors; & gt; The provisional territorialized management of jobs and skills in different sectors of activity; & gt; Detection of activity and job deposits. Employment, training, prospective, gesture, proximity, recruitment, human resources, trades, territory, joint, companies, diagnosis, support, and territorial animation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

28 3 17 7
Carif-Oref Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Carif-Oref Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

Regional Center for Orientation, Training and Employment in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. The Regional Center for Orientation, Employment, Training in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region.

Type: Public

26 4 12 24

Official account of the Sarthe prefecture. Official account of the Sarthe prefecture.

Type: Public Activities: arttech

40 8 34 77
Azur Trucks Azur Trucks

"Together for sustainable mobility" For 50 years, Azur Trucks - Ippolito group has founded its corporate culture around five fundamental values: sustainability, proximity, performance, people and planet. Aware that a professional vehicle is above all a profit center, the group develops its activities in order to control the complete value chain of the vehicle while retaining the autonomy and independence of each of its branches. With more than 40 points services in the PACA region specializing in the sale, rental, repair, maintenance and troubleshooting of heavy goods vehicles and utility vehicles, Azur Trucks Ippolito group strives to ensure quality of …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

14 3 7 120
Reussir - Union Professionnelle des Agents Généraux Axa Reussir - Union Professionnelle des Agents Généraux Axa

General Agent Brand of Trusted Successful is the National Professional Union of General Agents of AXA Group companies. It is the recognized representative organization of our profession Insurance, customer service, and save

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech

3 1 0 15
Aract Pays de la Loire Aract Pays de la Loire

Support, train, equip, experiment, disseminate The Aract of Pays de la Loire, a regional agency for the improvement of working conditions, is a joint organization funded by the Dreets, the Regional Council and the Anact. She joined the ANACT in 2023 in a common public establishment. Improving working conditions is a factor in performance, cohesion and sustainable development. Also, the Aract of Pays de la Loire, as part of its public service mission, supports companies in their work organization and social innovation projects. It intervenes in the context of individual, collective or public actions. His approaches promote consultation with staff …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

25 6 14 14
Aract Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Aract Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Working conditions and social innovation in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes ARACT Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is one of the 16 regional agencies of the ANACT (National Agency for the improvement of working conditions)-a public establishment administered by the State and the social partners, with a public service mission. Established in Lyon and Clermont-Ferrand, the interventions of the Aract are aimed at * Promote dialogue between management and employees on work issues. * Help experiment with new ways of working (new process, new organization, ecological and digital transition ...) with the people concerned ... so as to improve the quality of life and working conditions (QVCT). Modes …

Type: Public

30 6 25 22

Support SME owners on key steps to overcome critical situation thanks of strength of an international network The ADINVEST International network is composed by a network of mentors, and international partners : 1 - Encourage links, cooperations and exchanges amongst the socio-economic stakeholders of the civil society in the European Union and with its global partners, especially to finance VSE, SME, SMI's and the social development. This approach is mainly targeting established companies with existing know-how. 2 - Encourage activities related to identify the financing of development between these stakeholders; as well, the practical support at grassroot level beyond the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

10 2 8 20
SecuriteOff SecuriteOff

1 in 2 company victim of a cyber attack 🚨☠️ It does not happen to others! Don't wait to be next SECURITEOFF, cybersecurity at the service of companies🔐 We have been a business in cybersecurity experts for more than 25 years. We operate in the private and public sectors (among our employees, some have more than 15 years of experience within the Ministry of the Armed Forces). Our services are tailor-made and adapted to all companies whatever their size (VSE, SME-PMI, ETI, start-up, liberal professions), their sector of activity and their establishment. Our areas of intervention: - Cybersecurity - Compliance …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

6 2 5 1
SMEunited SMEunited

Crafts and SMEs in Europe SMEunited is the association of Crafts and SMEs in Europe with 65-member organisations from over 30 European countries. SMEunited represents national cross-sectoral Craft and SME federations, European SME branch organisations and associate members. Combined, we speak on behalf of the 22,5 million enterprises with around 82 million employees across Europe. SMEunited is a recognised employers’ organisation and European Social Partner. SMEunited was formerly known as UEAPME. SMEunited’s mission is shaping Europe for SMEs and shaping SMEs for Europe. We act to create an SME-friendly climate in the European Union in which SMEs can thrive, and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

18 5 10 21
unapl unapl

unapl is a civic & social organization company based out of France.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

18 9 8 2
UIMM Loire - Cité des Entreprises UIMM Loire - Cité des Entreprises

The industry is the factory of the future! #Madeinloire #emploi #formation #industrie #metallurgie #saintetienne The Union of Loire metallurgy industries and trades is intended to support industrial companies. Based in the city of Saint-Etienne companies, a structure created in 2005 years on its initiative, the UIMM Loire and its structures constitute a real resource center for industrial companies in the territory - 110 employees - 5,000 consultations /year in the legal, social & amp; Hse - specific solutions: evaluation, individualization, certification - Technical means & amp; Efficient educational - 3000 trained employees/ year - 1300 young people trained alternately / …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

22 1 17 35
Agence de Développement Economique de la Corse #ADEC Agence de Développement Economique de la Corse #ADEC

Adec international activities page As part of the particular status of Corsica, the ADEC is the territorial public establishment responsible for the implementation of regional economic policy. As such, it constitutes the strategic tool of the Corsica community in terms of economic development and a single contact for the realization of all your projects. economic development

Type: Public

14 5 11 15
Union des Entreprises du Loiret Union des Entreprises du Loiret

An effective lever to act on local economic development, make the voice of business leaders heard. Our missions The UDEL-MEDEF LOIRET deploys a whole range of services to support the competitiveness of businesses, to simplify the lives of entrepreneurs, to stimulate exchanges, to networks, or to promote the rise in skills of their employees. But Udel-Medef Loiret also and above all represents an effective lever to act on local economic development, make the voice of business leaders heard and defend their interests. In summary, the Udel-Medef Loiret is committed to your side for: bring your voice to local actors and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

14 1 11 8
Les Acteurs de la Compétence Les Acteurs de la Compétence

Professional Avenirs Creators The players in competence is the 1st professional federation representative of training companies and the development of skills in France. She is a member of MEDEF, the CPME, the Syntec Federation and the Think Tank The Shift Project. The players in competence are: • 1,300 companies: companies and training associations, CFA, certifiers, consultancy and support firms, publishers of digital solutions, • 13 regional delegations for a presence throughout the territory. Professional training, support, skills development, quality, human capital, employability, certification, advice, work -study, digital, and transformation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

65 10 59 105
My Family UP My Family UP

Artificial intelligence at the service of mental health of families and professionals. My Family Up👋 Artificial Intelligence at the service of psychology. Since 2014, our desire is to make psychology accessible to all. This is why we have dematerialized psychology in the form of artificial intelligence in order to be able to offer a preventive solution for families (future parents, parents and caregivers). Our solutions are also aimed at professionals thanks to our training organization LONGEPSY! In our parent'up applications and my benchmark helping our AI capable of reproducing the expertise of its psychologists (detect & amp; detect) and …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech silvertech Technologies: A.I.

47 2 45 21
MEDEF Essonne MEDEF Essonne

Successfully transforming companies into Essonne ... Spokesperson for all entrepreneurs, the French Business Movement is the privileged interlocutor for decision-makers and public authorities. With its mandates exercised by peers, all committed leaders from the territories, MEDEF defends the interests of companies and entrepreneurs in all economic and social bodies at local, regional and national level. MEDEF Essonne would be happy to count your business among its members and the whole team is at your disposal to help you and to save you time in all the interprofessional issues that your company encounters on a daily basis. To join Medef Essonne …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

41 2 40 17
Plein Sens Plein Sens

Consulting office and design office specializing in relations and labor organizations Full sense is an independent consultancy and study office, created in 1991. It specializes in supporting organizations in their transformation and problematic support in connection with the organization of work and labor relations. He relies on a team of consultants rich in the diversity of their disciplinary training. It intervenes in very varied environments, companies of all sizes and all sectors, administrations, associations. Work analysis, transformations of organizations through the renovation of social dialogue, evaluation of public policies, quality of life at work, CHSCT expert, Pact, and Dialogue

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

21 3 18 49

A new vision of cybersecurity | Network protection • Audit • Secure communication means ⚓️ Eho.Link is a team of 25 people anchored in Marseille. For 8 years, it has been developing cybersecurity solutions to provide organizations with a simple and global response to cyber-enjeux: network protection, audit and secure communication. The co-founders participated in the development of B2C (9BOX/SFRBOX) and B2B solutions for more than 5 million customers, in particular by being at the head of the managerial team of R & Amp; D of 9cegetel/SFR for almost 10 years. 🚀 From design to the industrialization of its probe, …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

11 1 10 17
LISIO Web Engagé 🌍 LISIO Web Engagé 🌍

Let's build a web for ALL and more substainable ! 💻🌍💛 Welcome to LISIO! Convinced that digital technology is a strategic lever for promoting social inclusion while limiting the web's environmental impact, we develop digital inclusion and sobriety solutions and services to make your digital spaces more inclusive for all and sober: - DIGITAL INCLUSION AND SOBRIETY: Tailor-made displays in real time and without redesign, based on the specific situation of each visitor: disabilities, senior difficulties, digital inexperience, foreign language, low-speed zone, etc. via the LISIO-WebEngagé SaaS solution; - DIGITAL ACCESSIBILITY: Audit and compliance with RGAA legal obligations via our …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech silvertech Technologies: Decarbonization

61 14 57 10
Atometrics Atometrics

Automated economic, time and ultralocal economic analysis platform on VSEs for banks & amp; accountants The vocation of Atometrics is to offer trades to the figures (banks, accountants or advice), for their TPE customers, economic analysis tools today reserved for large groups. We rely on 3 main pillars: 1. A database owner and exhaustive, continuously updated 2. Treatments (checks, rapprochement, geo-logging, calculations) making it possible to transform the raw data into reliable and relevant information 3. Interfaces making it possible to give access to this information according to the cases of referred to: automated web platforms, communication of data by …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech martech Technologies: Data Analytics

21 3 17 18
MEDEF Hauts-de-Seine MEDEF Hauts-de-Seine

Act together for responsible growth For more than 50 years the MEDEF Hauts-de-Seine aims to bring together, assist, advise, defend and represent all companies in its territory regardless of their size or activity. Over 90% of our members are VSEs/SMEs. In a context of profound changes (economic, demographic, digital, societal), its mission is to promote the freedom to undertake and enhance entrepreneurship. The Medef Hauts-de-Seine works in concert with all the regional, departmental and local life forces in a spirit of complementarity in the service of its members and its territory. Yet the company is not always at the heart …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

62 6 58 23

Decryption of the latest regulations, practical tools, news ... Go to The requirement for hygiene, cleanliness is one of the first expectations of the French, especially in their workplace. Thus, cleanliness companies work in very diverse environments to ensure a healthy living environment for everyone. They also contribute to environmental protection, the quality of the products (both industrial and food), to hygiene in health establishments, to the comfort of users in transport ... These companies respond to Requests as varied as washing the glass surfaces of a skyscraper or the rehabilitation of the soils of a cinema. Cleanliness companies …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

41 4 39 16

National Association of Directors and Sports Installations and Sports Services Page LinkedIn official of Andiiss, the territorial sport network. Grouping of territorial sport professionals since 1964 who has more than 600 members divided into 14 regions: - Place of exchange of information and experiences. - Place of reflection on the challenges linked to the sectors of sport and its developments - Place of resources and documentation - Interlocutor of the management and training bodies of the territorial public service and institutional decisions bodies Our slogan: "Let's be more efficient together".

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

21 3 7 12
France Num France Num

Discover the national initiative for the digital transformation of VSEs SMEs. + 3,500 experts and + 80 partners Government initiative for the digital transformation of VSEs SME coordinated by the Directorate General of Businesses. France Num brings together practical resources, financial aid and a network of advisers ("Activators France Num") active throughout the territory. TPE, SMEs, merchant, craftsman, e-commerce, communication, marketing, telework, management, data, data, GDPR, cybersecurity, digital, digital transformation, digital transition, digital transformation, digital transition, liberal professions, and sell on the internet

Type: Public

111 32 87 98
Presse Océan Presse Océan

Ocean press, your daily n ° 1 on local news. Local written and digital newspaper daily (PQR), producer and content publisher for its four editions (Nantes Métropole, Saint-Nazaire, Nantes Nord and Nantes Sud) published every day in Loire-Atlantique.

Type: Media

6 5 2 66
MEDEF Artois MEDEF Artois

More than a network, More than a club, The movement to act and progress together Interprofessional employers' organization, MEDEF Artois has four main missions with its members: 1. Help and advise on many themes, including legal, HR and HSE 2. Support and represent with elected officials and public authorities, in particular thanks to our partners and through the 400 territorial mandates (industrial tribunals, URSSAF, Chambers of Commerce and Industry, ...) 3. Animate and inform by the organization of information and conference meetings on various and topical themes. 4. Bring together and develop in particular via certain devices (Enterprise School Relations) …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

17 2 16 4
MEDEF FRANCHE-COMTÉ  Mouvement des Entreprises de France MEDEF FRANCHE-COMTÉ Mouvement des Entreprises de France

To be represented, defended and make your entrepreneurial We are a professional organization at the service of companies and federations of branches of Doubs, Jura, Haute-Saône and the Territoire de Belfort of all sizes and all sectors of activity. We carry the voice of entrepreneurs to the general public and the political, economic and social bodies of the territory. We advise and support our members through different services and entertainment offered. We valuize the social and societal role of the company.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

21 6 12 9
Le Progrès | Les événements Le Progrès | Les événements

Event organizer Integrated event event of the newspaper Le Progrès (EBRA Events*), we organize nearly 60 owner or tailor-made events for our partners per year. Rich in solid expertise, over 30 years old, in terms of organizing corporate events, editorial events, fairs, congresses, but also intergenerational, festive, popular, cultural or sports events , we imagine events that promote citizen engagement or mobilization around strong themes and are consistent with the raison d'être of the group: “Strengthen local ties and confidence between the actors of our regions ”. Our reference events: . Gastronomy and wines trophies . Agriculture trophies . Craft …

Type: Event

60 10 58 55
Les Echos Les Echos

Find on all economic and financial news in France and worldwide, discover exclusive analyzes, special files, decrypts, chronicles and large formats.

Type: Media

654 461 238 1

RTL Live together RTL is a French-national French private radio station located at 56, avenue Charles de Gaulle in Neuilly-sur-Seine and broadcast in France. The RTL radio center is also made up of two musical stations, Fun Radio and RTL2, stations of the M6 ​​group.

Type: Media

225 100 144 1,076
CCI Le Mans Sarthe CCI Le Mans Sarthe

Shape the future, support humans, accelerate performance. The CCI Le Mans Sarthe undertakes to promote Sarthois territory, to train young people and employees throughout life, and to accelerate the performance of its national companies. It represents business, industry and services companies. It is controlled by elected business leaders every five years by their peers. The CCI Le Mans Sarthe supports and represents 16,640 Sarthoise companies employing more than 100,000 employees. More than 200 employees implement the actions defined by elected officials on a daily basis. About 70 external speakers work in the various services. Spokesperson for merchants, industrialists and service …

Type: Public

60 21 38 228
Sud Radio Sud Radio

Sud radio let's talk about true! Welcome to the official South Radio page! Find Jean-Jacques Bourdin, Brigitte Lahaie, André Bercoff, Valerie Expert, Patrick Roger, Cécile de Menibus, Vincent Ferniot, Jacques Pessis and many others on Sud Radio, let's talk true🎙 Radio, interview, news, info, debate, humor, pleasure, sport, France, program, rugby, journalist, chronicle, imitation, personalities, lifestyle, live music, audio, word, listeners, and sexology

Type: Media

112 52 70 166
Rumeur Publique Rumeur Publique

Une marque sans prise de position est une marque sans influence. Formed in 1988, Rumeur Publique is an independent global communications agency that supports brands in defining and deploying their influence communications strategies in France and abroad. With a workforce of 50 people, the agency covers all areas of influence communications expertise: Brand strategy, Media relations, Digital strategy, Public affairs, Corporate communications, Creation-Production. It works in the following areas of activity: High-Tech Innovation, Industry, Energy, Housing, Sustainable development, Transport, Finance, Insurance and Services. As a pioneer in this field, Rumeur Publique received in 2015 and 2016 the award for Influencer …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting govtech transporttech constructiontech Technologies: SaaS

27 2 26 123

Improve working conditions for business performance and quality of life at work for employees Regional agency for the improvement of working conditions, Aract Bretagne supports companies, in particular VSE-PMEs, in their projects of technical and organizational transformation. Its mission: to improve working conditions for business performance and quality of life at work of employees in a concerted approach associating directors, employees and their representatives s. Occupational health, social dialogue, professional equality, psychosocial risks, work organization, prevention of professional risks, hard work, occupational health, employment, organizational changes, technological changes, quality of life at work, managerial changes , performance of organizations, professional …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

24 4 24 12
Atdec Nantes Métropole - Mission Locale, Maison de l'emploi, PLIE Atdec Nantes Métropole - Mission Locale, Maison de l'emploi, PLIE

Insertion and return to employment with the Maison de l'Emploi activities, a local mission, folds from the Nantes metropolis. The ATDEC Nantes Métropole is mobilizing to facilitate access to employment to all: 🎯 To the public: to lift the brakes on access to employment for those who are distant from it, and offer them global support, see strengthened, towards sustainable employment; 🎯Als in companies: to understand their job needs, support them in their recruitments, be by their side for their CSR, etc. The ATDEC Nantes Métropole acts in favor of employment and support for entrepreneurship in the metropolis, especially in …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech Technologies: Decarbonization

46 3 38 72
Syndicat CGT Capgemini Syndicat CGT Capgemini

Fort.s, Uni.e.s and Solidaires for the defense of the interests of the employees of the Capgemini group Taking up the article 1 of the statutes of the General Confederation of Labor, the CGT Capgemini union includes without distinction of political opinions, philosophical conceptions or religious beliefs, sexual orientation or gender identity, Te-s employees and former employees (“private private”, pre-retired and retired) of the Capgemini group, as well as providers and providers and providers and providers and providers and providers and providers and providers and providers temporary workers working on behalf of the Capgemini group, and not organized as a union …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

1 1 0 9
GPS - Groupement des Professions de Services GPS - Groupement des Professions de Services

GPS brings together federations and companies in the field of services to business, people, communities. The Grouping of Service Professions (GPS) brings together, represents and defends businesses and services. It brings together federations and companies operating in services to businesses, individuals and communities. He embodies and carries the voice of companies and services of services in France to public authorities and economic decision -makers. The economy of services now represents 46 % of French GDP, more than 8 million salaried jobs and 70 % of net employees' job creations (+ 600,000 salaried jobs since 2017). Services contribute positively to the …

Type: SMB Activities: consumer services

34 4 30 6

Real Experts / Real People ITEC is a digital service company founded in 2015 which supports organizations and institutions in their daily lives and IT transformations. Present internationally, we work on 3 continents alongside our customers to think and implement the solutions that suit them. In a constantly changing world, a permanent evolution market, we are slashers and we claim it ... Agile, flexible and versatile, we know how to adapt to be in the right place at the right time, and design the solutions that precisely meet the needs of our customers. Diversity is for us a precious source …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

14 0 14 255

Practical news of the self -employed, creators and leaders of VSEs and SMEs. Netpme is an online service company for TPE-PME creators and managers. Netpme offers real help to the patterns of small structures often alone in the face of a complex economic, social and fiscal environment in perpetual change. Mission: save time with business leaders, offer simple and professional tools, loans to work, to be up to date with the obligations that weigh on the company and gain in efficiency. Our value -added services are centered on: - free access to more than 1000 practical and thematic sheets updated …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

39 6 32 4
Yuniboat Yuniboat

Yuniboat 1st boat reconditioning site in an ecocircular logic Yuniboat lengthens the life of the boats In October 2021, Yuniboat, the first boats based in Pouliguen, was born, the daring vision of Yuniboat was based on the innovative model of reconditioning, inscribed in an ecocircular logic, thus demonstrating an avant-garde approach in the maritime sector. The observation of the ephemeral duration of use of boats, estimated at only 1.5 years on a total life of 40 years, motivated the creation of this pioneer site. Yuniboat is committed to an approach to lengthen the life of boats to reduce the environmental …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Decarbonization

25 4 24 4

🔶 National Agency for improving working conditions | French Agency for Improvement of Work Conditions Intervention and capitalization, implementation of public policies, transfer of methodologies, support for innovation, prevention of professional risks, improvement of working conditions, quality of life at work, social dialogue, prevention of professional risks, and professional equality

Type: Public Activities: hrtech

103 57 41 164

We represent the companies of the territory by ensuring the promotion and defense of their interests and priorities. Develop new projects in Seine-Saint-Denis and Val-de-Marne, break received ideas on business leaders, prepare for the future, bring out and grow new models of sustainable growth ... The challenges There are many and we note them together year after year. The business leaders of the MEDEF in eastern Paris have chosen independence, but not that of loneliness. They need a place to share their experiences, good or bad, create new relationships, exchange contacts, reflect on the present and the future, progress. This …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

36 4 21 28
MEDEF Bretagne MEDEF Bretagne

📣 MEDEF Brittany, the voice of Breton companies thanks to its expertise, action force and network! 📣 MEDEF Bretagne represents 20,000 companies located in Brittany, employing 300,000 employees via the 4 departmental MEDEFs, 19 adherent regional professional branches and 4 associate members: EDF, ENEDIS, SNCF and La Poste. MEDEF Brittany supports departmental MEDEFs and adherent professional branches in the accomplishment of their mission. 30 % of its members are companies with less than 11 employees. 98 % of its members are VSEs or SMEs. MEDEF Brittany Business House, 2b allée du building, 35000 Rennes

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

60 13 49 9

Umih, professional organization n ° 1 of cafes, hotels, restaurants, seasonal workers, caterers, nightclubs, bowlings, The UMIH, the first professional organization of cafes, hotels, restaurants, night establishments, independent in France. Federating 72% of independent unionized companies, the UMIH is the first employers 'union in the CHRD sector (cafes - hotels - restaurants - nightclubs) and one of the largest French employers' unions. The UMIH is present and active in all the French departments, in mainland France and overseas, with more than 2,000 elected officials and 400 employees who provide daily the promotion and defense of our professions. Restaurant, hotel, brewery, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: traveltech

60 26 18 228
Ajpme Ajpme

Association of journalists specializing in SMEs Founded by three journalists in March 2008, the association of journalists of small and medium -sized enterprises (AJPME) aims to facilitate the work of its members by giving them access to quality sources on topical and substantive subjects, around economic and social themes linked to SMEs. Independent, the AJPME was born from the observation that no association brought together journalists who follow the subjects concerning TPE, SMEs, start-ups, craftsmen, traders, business creators, franchisees, actors of the social and solidarity economy Or the collaborative economy ... structures that represent more than 98% of companies and …

Type: Media

10 1 1 3

Guaranteed credits at the heart of territories SIAGI is a mutual guarantee company created in 1966 by the Chambers of Trades and Crafts, which are shareholders alongside the major banking and Bpifrance networks with which it has a historic partnership. Its mission is to provide, via all banking networks, a guarantee in the event of failure to reimburse a bank credit, small craft, commercial, industrial, agricultural and liberal professions. Concrete and very operational action which facilitates access to credit and encourages the creation, development and transmission of businesses, the basis of the country's economic dynamism.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

15 6 10 71
Défi métiers Défi métiers

Ile-de-France carif-ear, public interest group at the EFOP service in Ile-de-France Defi business challenge, the Carif-earref Ile-de-France, supports the operational levels of public employment, training and professional orientation policies in Ile-de-France for more than 20 years. Specialist in offer and vocational training needs of the Ile-de-France region, Challenge Métiers intervenes in several areas: ♦ ️ Understanding the system of sectors, trades and territorial issues employment/training/orientation; ️ Professionalizing and equipping jobs for employment/training/orientation; ♦ ️ Inform about vocational training and training offer; ♦ ️ Observe the skills, training and employment needs of the Ile-de-France region. Propelled by ~ 45 employees/trices engaged …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

65 2 64 26
SSTRN - Prévention et santé au travail 🫀🚀 SSTRN - Prévention et santé au travail 🫀🚀

We rethink prevention at the service of your well-being at work. 💼🥰 #Prevention #ServiceDesantAutravail #Nantes 🧑‍⚕️ Experts in prevention and occupational health inter -company, SSTRN supports and advises 27,000 companies in the private sector. ❤️ To simplify your life, our team offers innovative advice to promote well-being at work, prevent professional risks and optimize the overall health of employees. 🌈🤝 We are convinced that occupational health and well-being are the keys to professional success, because after all, it is better to warn than cure. 🩹 👍 So, do you subscribe, right? 😉 Procurement in occupational health, occupational medicine, individual work …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

20 0 16 207
Aract Occitanie Aract Occitanie

The quality of life and working conditions health factor for employees and performance for companies ARACT Occitanie is one of the 16 regional agencies of the ANACT (National Agency for the improvement of working conditions) - a public establishment administered by the State and the social partners, with a public service mission . Established in Occitania since 1985, the aract has supported organizations - as a priority, very small. Directions. The goal? Reconcile the quality of life and working conditions and the overall performance of the structure. Its objective: to improve the working conditions of employees, the efficiency of businesses …

Type: Public Activities: hrtech

14 4 9 15
Perifem, la Fédération Technique du Commerce Perifem, la Fédération Technique du Commerce

Perifem brings together 80% of the Top 50 distribution brands and their tech partners for a business + responsible. Recognized interlocutor of the public authorities, PERIFEM works to embark on all the players in the distribution in order to create a more responsible commercial ecosystem. For more than 40 years PERIFEM has federated all of the distribution players: integrated, independent, in the food and specialized trade sector, shopping centers, as well as their suppliers, around environmental concerns, energy, security and technological innovation. On these subjects, Perifem now represents 8️⃣0️⃣% of the top 50 of physical distribution brands and the 4 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: retail

60 10 48 11

Created in 1986 by trade and distribution companies, Mercatel is an operational think tank bringing together among its members all forms of commerce, banking and financial establishments, manufacturers and providers, IT services companies, publishers of Software, consulting companies, professional organizations ... around the technological challenges of the Front Office of retail, collection and payment to the entire customer route. Mercatel's missions relate to 3 main axes: - Understand and anticipate the major developments in progress and in the long term to control its challenges and allow the adaptation of organizations and tools - Contribute with all stakeholders and all French …

Type: SMB Activities: e-commerce fintech Technologies: SaaS

52 5 51 12
MEDEF Hauts-de-France MEDEF Hauts-de-France

MEDEF Hauts-de-France, the first network at the service of the company and the spirit of undertaking The MEDEF puts at the heart of its action the creation of jobs and sustainable growth. He dialogue with all actors in civil society and works with various decision -makers in favor of a better understanding of the constraints and assets of companies. MEDEF is present throughout French territory thanks to a regional distribution (13 regional MEDEF). These regional MEDEFs allow membership of the professional branches which themselves bring together companies in the same sector. They sensitize the French and European public authorities on …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

32 9 23 14