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des cheval des cheval

Stalch our talents A hybrid stable, an agency No -Limit which sets a new and impetuous look at all communication projects, by engaging -as needed -, only one of its members or by missioning a complete equipping on a long -term work ... - graphic design - Illustration - motion - Sound Design - Web design - Photography - Artistic direction - Packaging - Identify - signage Branding, communication, advertising, logo, brand content, graphic design, edition, concept, and poster

Type: SMB Activities: martech

9 0 9 5
DAVI The Humanizers DAVI The Humanizers

Transform the digital relationship into a human relationship. Brain and Emotions for affective Smartbot. DAVI is the unique actor having the ability to deal with human emotions embodied by 3D animation engine and the power of Natural Language Processing (NLP), to transform the digital relationship into a human relationship. DAVI’s Artificial Intelligence technology will fundamentally change the way you interact with your visitors or customers and generate new growth prospects. Our RETORIK artificial intelligence platform is based on semantic web (web 3.0) technology and four years of intensive Research & Development activities in artificial intelligence, in partnership with french laboratories …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Affective Computing A.I. A.I. - Natural Language Processing Generative A.I.

46 9 42 29
Association Oppelia Association Oppelia

Association // Addiction - Health - Solidarity OPPELIA is an association law 1901 which aims to provide help to children, adolescents and adults, as well as their entourage, who encounter social, medico-social or health difficulties, linked in particular to the use of psychotropic substances or engaged in risky behaviors. Its purpose is also the research and development, prevention, information and training of stakeholders, in particular in the field of addictology. The OPPELIA association is approved by ESUS (solidarity company of social utility) for a period of 5 years (until April 2026). Oppelia is made up of 17 medico-social structures spread …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

14 1 11 289
Compas Compas

Help you identify the social needs of tomorrow and adapt your answers! The compass specializes in the social observation of territories: analysis of social needs, creation of observatories, thematic studies, training, etc. He intervenes with communities in order to allow the consideration of social realities by all of the communities professionals and all elected officials. To achieve this, the compass develops tools most easily accessible by uninitiated people in order to facilitate debate and exchange. Our investigation and consultation methods make it possible to bring out levers of action to meet the needs, based on substantive work. The field of …

Type: SMB Activities: civictech

30 3 22 210
Banlieue Ouest Banlieue Ouest

🌌 Independent advertising agency 🚀 - Strategy 👨🏻‍🏫 - Creation 👨🏻‍🎨 - Production 👩🏻‍🔧 - Media 👩🏻‍💻 Advertising agency Strategy - Design - Creation - Production - Media Founded in 2014, a West suburbs is an independent advertising agency, the mission of which is to create value for private and public organizations. Notoriety, image and brand preference, sales and return on investment, as many benefits for which the agency works on a daily basis in a vision centered on humans. Installing a direct and authentic relationship with its customers and users is the key to make your brand and its …

Type: SMB Activities: martech

7 0 5 5
Rofim Rofim

1st secure tele -expertise platform and collaborative Ediagnosis for Practitioners and Health Establishments. Rofim is a telemedicine platform connecting healthcare professionals to the hospital and in the city, facilitating diagnosis and improving patient care. It revolves around four modules: telexpertise, teleconsultation, e-RCP and communicating on cancerology. Bringing together 1,400 establishments and more than 55,000 doctors, Rofim exceeded 250,000 annual acts in 2023. Created by doctors for doctors, the Rofim solution is supported by a committee of 34 health professionals. A mission company since 2023, Rofim has been carrying out this reason for being at the heart of its strategy: improving …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

79 18 74 42
SynApp SynApp

Secure, simple communication for healthcare professionals. Tele-expertise & second opinions, all in one platform. 💬👩‍⚕ SynApp is a cutting-edge platform designed for secure instant communication and collaboration between healthcare professionals. SynApp offers two powerful modules: 🔹 SynApp Expertise: Teleexpertise: Connect with specialists to share structured clinical cases and get expert insights. Second Opinion Service: Patients can request a remote second opinion, ensuring top-tier expertise with complete security. 🔹 SynApp Messaging: Secure real-time messaging Powerful directory to find and collaborate with HCPs GDPR-compliant, hosted in a sovereign French data center. 🔒 Ensuring privacy, fostering collaboration, and improving patient outcomes. 💼🌍 healthcare, …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

14 2 13 2
Recherches et Innovations Paramédicales GIRCI Grand-Ouest Recherches et Innovations Paramédicales GIRCI Grand-Ouest

Do not be isolated, work in a network Established in 2017 by the inter-regional clinical research group of the Grand-West, and coordinated by the Angers University Hospital, the "Research and paramedical innovations" network is to promote the involvement of paramedical professionals in research on the Grand-West. We support researchers from the Grand-West so that their ideas become projects, we help them grow their network, and generate care research projects that will change the practices of tomorrow. The network is co-piloted by representatives of the CH and CHU members of the Grand-Ouest Girci. Care research, paramedical research, and clinical research

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech healthtech

5 0 1 1
CERF - Collège des Enseignants en Radiologie de France CERF - Collège des Enseignants en Radiologie de France

International and Solidarity Institution, partner for research in medical imaging, Haute Ecole de Radiology The College of Teachers in Radiology of France (CERF) is an association made up of all university professors and masters of radiology conference in France, more than 400 members. He has two main missions: · Teaching: CERF coordinates and contributes to theoretical and practice of radiology in France for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle. In the specialization phase (from the 5th year medicine) it is more than 1,100 radiology interns that follow the teachings of the deer. Research: CERF contributes to the promotion, valuation and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech deeptech

7 1 7 14

Union of Caisses - Inter -Regional Institute for Health Integrated into the health insurance network since January 1, 2015 in the form of a box union, the Inter-Regional Institute for Health founded in 1968 as a non-profit association 1901, is now identified as a social security organization. UC -SA missions: • Health prevention examinations for the general health insurance insured insured and the supply of associated additional services: - collective health education actions; - thematic in -depth individual interviews (tobacco, alcohol ...); - patient therapeutic education; • Prevention activities delegated by ARS, such as vaccination centers, anti -tuberculosis (CLAT), information …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

9 1 3 105
OMéDIT Centre-Val de Loire OMéDIT Centre-Val de Loire

Drug observatory💊, medical devices💉, therapeutic innovations🧬 🔎 The omedit Center-Val de Loire is a regional structure of support, evaluation and independent scientific expertise, placed with the ARS. He is strongly involved in the support and implementation of medico -economic quality, safety and efficiency procedures related to medicines and medical devices, with patients and health professionals. In charge of the animation of a coordinated policy of good use of health products and good practices, the omedit participates in the fight against avoidable iatrogenia: ➡️ by disseminating any information on the proper use of health products to all health professionals involved in …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

11 3 8 8

The FMPS CVL aims to support the development of multi -professional health homes in the Loire Valley center. Created in 2011, the Federation of Houses and Health Teams (FMPS) aims to promote the development of multi-professional health homes (MSP) and primary care teams (ESP) in the Loire Center-Val region. It supports teams of healthcare professionals who work, or wishes to work in Pluripro, and represents MSPs in the region before local, departmental or regional bodies. In connection with the other MSP regional federations, it is a source of evolution of national policies relating to coordinated exercises.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

4 1 3 15

Unite associations to develop solidarity Uriopss Center is an Nonproft Organization Based in 29 boulevard Rocheplatte, in Orléans, Center Val de Loire, France.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

10 2 7 17
EPSM du Loiret Georges Daumézon EPSM du Loiret Georges Daumézon

The departmental reference establishment of the Loiret in mental health The EPSM of the Loiret Georges Daumézon is the departmental reference establishment of the Loiret in mental health. He takes care of people with mental disorders within the population of 662,300 inhabitants of the Loiret. He manages on the site in Fleury les Aubrais 225 full time hospitalization beds and 246 places. Resolutely turned towards the ambulatory, the EPSM G. Daumezon manages 40 extra-hospital structures including 14 CMP adults and 8 CMP children and adolescents, distributed throughout the territory of the Loiret. Consisting of a clinical pole of adult psychiatry, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

5 1 5 191
CHU Tours CHU Tours

CHU Tours is a public relations and communications company based out of France.

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

3 3 0 643

At your side to improve the quality of care Born from the shared will of the federations of the health, medico-social and city of the Center Val de Loire region (Fehap, FHF, FHP, Fnehad, Synerpa, Uriopss, Urps), Qualiris is an association law 1901. In December 2018, Qualis was designated regional structure for supporting the quality and safety of patients by the ARS Center Val de Loire. The purpose of Qualiris is to support any health, medico-social and health professional structure in the Center-Val de Loire region in their efforts to improve the quality and safety of care. Quality, risk management, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

1 1 0 4
CREAI Centre-Val de Loire CREAI Centre-Val de Loire

CREAI studies, trains and advises the social and medico-social sector in favor of vulnerable people. The Creai Center-Val de Loire analyzes the needs of the social and medico-social sector and participates or assistance in the evaluation of the responses which are provided. It supports the reading and implementation of legislative and regulatory developments in the sector. He experts and supports projects, by forming and informing players in the sector. He carried out studies commissioned by management organizations or public authorities (ARS, Dreets, CD ...). The CREAI offers, for all professionals in the social, medico-social and health sector: intra or inter-establishment …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

3 1 1 12
URPS Médecins Libéraux Centre-Val de Loire URPS Médecins Libéraux Centre-Val de Loire

By your side to promote access and quality of care. We represent and support the 3,500 liberal doctors in the Center-Val de Loire region. Our role: promote the organization and quality of care by carrying the values ​​of liberal medicine.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

4 1 4 20
Prevaloir - Pôle régional Education Thérapeutique du Patient Centre - Val de Loire Prevaloir - Pôle régional Education Thérapeutique du Patient Centre - Val de Loire

Develop and promote the therapeutic education of the patient in Center - Val de Loire ETP

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

1 1 0 1
AQuaVieS AQuaVieS

Association for the quality of life of health professionals Aquavies is an association of caregivers and health actors targeting the quality of life at work of the teams and the quality of care. Aquavies promotes the organizational model of the participatory approach which jointly improves the QVCT of health professionals while improving the quality of care. This organizational model allows health professionals to build and improve their working conditions, the quality of care for patients as well as their loved ones thanks to the implementation: Multi -professional staff 👥 Interior training 📖 Team support🙇‍♂️ Of managers' exchange spaces 👩‍⚕️ Of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

1 1 1 3
Centre hospitalier Victor Jousselin de Dreux Centre hospitalier Victor Jousselin de Dreux

With an extended care and services offer, the Victor Jousselin Hospital Center offers the entire range of diagnostics and care in medicine, surgery and obstetrics as well as long -term care. Each year, nearly 250,000 patients are welcomed in consultation. First employer of the Dreux agglomeration with 2,040 professionals, the Dreux hospital is a departmental reference center for many specialties.

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

1 1 0 257
Centre Hospitalier de Châteauroux-Le Blanc Centre Hospitalier de Châteauroux-Le Blanc

Only one mission to treat you! (2020-2024 establishment project) Located in the department of Indre and the Center-Val de Loire region, the Chateauroux-Le Blanc Hospital Center has a capacity of: 755 beds and places in Châteauroux entirely devoted to clinical activity distributed as follows: - 434 beds and places in medicine, surgery, obstetrics (M.C.O.); - 25 home hospitalization beds; - 170 beds and places in adult psychiatry; - 67 beds and places in infant-juvenile psychiatry; - 60 beds and places in follow -up care and rehabilitation. 336 beds and places with white distributed as follows: - 36 beds and places …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

5 2 3 305
Centre Hospitalier Jacques Coeur de Bourges Centre Hospitalier Jacques Coeur de Bourges

A hospital, a team! The Jacques Coeur hospital center: - 1st employer in the city of Bourges (100,000 inhabitants) - 2nd employer of the Cher - 143 trades and medical specialties in total - 1,938 professionals (medical and non -medical staff) in full -time equivalents - 900 beds and places - A technical tray including scanner and MRI - a neurovascular unit - Interventional cardiology - Located by motorway and train 1 hour from Orleans, 1h30 from Tours and Clermont-Ferrand, and 2 hours from Paris - Level B certified by the High Authority for Health The Jacques Coeur Hospital Center …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

3 1 3 344
Centre Hospitalier de Romorantin-Lanthenay Centre Hospitalier de Romorantin-Lanthenay

An establishment on a human scale offering a complete healthcare channel The Romorantin-Lanthenay hospital center, certified by the HAS with the mention "Confirmed quality of care", is a public health establishment covering the south of the Loir-et-Cher department. It employs 850 people and has 688 beds and places. It has an offer of diversified care and brings together multidisciplinary medical and paramedical teams: emergencies, SMUR, medicine, visceral and orthopedic surgery, maternity, pediatrics, mental health (children, adolescents, adults), specialized consultations, follow -up and rehabilitation, accommodation of elderly (EHPAD and USLD) (Mas), home nursing care (SSIAD). The establishment has a complete medico-technical …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

1 1 0 135
Centre Hospitalier du Chinonais Centre Hospitalier du Chinonais

Since 2004, the Chinese hospital center, a former US Army Hospital opened in 1956 as part of the NATO agreements, has set out to take charge of its destiny and turn resolutely to the future. The Chinese hospital center is made up of: ● François Rabelais Hospital ● The specialized reception center (MAS) ● The long -term care unit (USLD) ● The accommodation establishment for dependent elderly people (EHPAD) ● 7 external sites ensuring psychotherapeutic management The hospital has a total of 661 beds and places: ● Medicine - Cancerology - UHCD - USC: 57 beds ● Gynecology - Obstetrics …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

1 1 0 153

With you, preserve the essentials Since 1955, Humensia has been a local player and committed to health, care and home support. With more than 22 local branches spread over the Center Val de Loire Center, we are attached to offering a local home support offer in the health and autonomy of our patients and beneficiaries. For us, taking care of the person is fundamental, and constitutes our reason for being. We are engaged in the service of health, autonomy, and freedom in the life course of those who trust us; With you, preserve the essentials! Hospitalization at home, home services, …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech consumer services silvertech

8 2 7 421

Promote disability and employment The CAP Emploi have two major missions: support for employment and employment support at the service of people and employers. The CAP Employment develops expertise in supporting and building routes for audiences that require specialized and strengthened support given their handicap.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

12 2 2 11
Collectif de Lutte Contre la Dénutrition Collectif de Lutte Contre la Dénutrition

From 12 to 19 November 2024, the collective organizes the 5th week of undernutrition. Let's take action together! Today, in a country of abundance like France, undernutrition kills. We have in absolute terms of all the knowledge and all the solutions to prevent this, but nothing or too little is done, for lack of means and awareness. The collective to combat undernutrition was born in 2016, on the initiative of Professor Eric Fontaine, then president of the French -speaking society of clinical nutrition and metabolism and which is today the president of the collective to combat undernutrition. The collective has …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

22 5 20 1
CPAM de la Sarthe (Assurance Maladie) CPAM de la Sarthe (Assurance Maladie)

Act together and protect each Working for health insurance is to engage in a collective led by the culture of the result, where everyone puts their skills at the service of many projects to protect the health of more than 60 million insured. Sarthe health insurance is 450 employees, exercising 80 different trades, which are mobilizing daily at the service of our audiences: insured, businesses and employers, health professionals and partners. Whatever their profession: statistician, customer advisor, lawyer, recruitment manager and careers, sickness service technician ... Our teams provide the essential missions of health insurance: → Guarantee universal access to …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

33 9 28 171
Ordre National des Infirmiers Ordre National des Infirmiers

Nurses at the Heart of Major Health Debates The National Order of Nurses is an ordinal institution created by the law of December 21, 2006. It exercises its missions through its departmental, regional and national councils. Mountain grouping all nurses empowered to exercise their profession in France (700,000 on November 1, 2019), the National Order of Nurses ensures to maintain ethical principles and to develop competence, essential for the exercise of the profession. It contributes to promoting public health and the quality of care. The National Council of the Order prepared the code of ethics of the nursing profession, enacted …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

23 9 14 469
CCI Loir-et-Cher CCI Loir-et-Cher

1st business accelerator Support companies on a daily basis: creation, development, training, international relations, innovation, digital economics, transmission, financing, human resources, sustainable development. The Loir-et-Cherr Chamber of Commerce and Industry responds to the concerns of business leaders. Its three main missions: - Support companies at each stage of their development; - Transforming the projects of the territory into economic and human wealth; - Represent and defend the interests of companies. Commerce, service, industry, tourism, territories, formalities, creation, business recovery, and transitions: digital, sustainable development, human resources

Type: Public

27 6 21 3
CRR Centre ressource réhabilitation psychosociale CRR Centre ressource réhabilitation psychosociale

The resource center for psychosocial rehabilitation and cognitive remediation contributes to the development of new methods of diagnosis, evaluation and care for people with severe and persistent mental disorders. He places the restoring of the person at the heart of his approach. It implements training, information and scientific research actions in order to disseminate the concepts and techniques of psychosocial rehabilitation*. Our members: The Resource Center coordinates the actions of the referent centers located in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and New Aquitaine regions: C3R in Grenoble, Rehacoor42 in St Etienne, CL3R in Lyon, C2RL in Limoges and C2RP in Bruges. He also …

Type: Public Activities: healthtech

17 1 15 30
. .


Type: Public

24 4 22 28
Fédération des CPTS Fédération des CPTS

The CPTS Federation brings together CPTS to co-construct the health system of tomorrow. The Federation of Territorial Health Professional Communities (FCPTS) aims to promote the ambulatory territorial organization of the health system by supporting the creation and territorial deployment of CPTS. The FCPTS supports CPTS in the implementation of their missions by offering places of discussion, working groups, webinaries. The FCPTS encourages and encourages interconnection between CPTS thanks to the provision of facilitating practical tools. The FCPTS organizes national events promoting the meeting with health actors. The FCPTS is the recognized interlocutor of institutions and public authorities to bring the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

6 3 4 23
GRADeS e-Santé Centre-Val de Loire GRADeS e-Santé Centre-Val de Loire

Act with e-health players for patients and users The Regional Group for the Development of E-Santé (Grades) E-Santé Center-Val de Loire is responsible for implementing the regional e-health strategy. A strategy resulting from the consultation led by the Regional Health Agency (ARS) to its partners from the E-Santé Public Policy Coordination Commission (CCPP E-Santé). The Grades e-health Center-Val de Loire brings together all public, private, private non-profit and liberal players in health, medico-social and social fields. He encourages the pooling of their means. It promotes the co-construction of digital tools and services which meet the business needs of professionals as …

Type: Public

10 2 7 42
La Médicale La Médicale

Has provided health professionals for over 75 years Ensures #PRODESANTE for over 75 years. A question about our products? Meet on our site and customer area. GENERALI FRANCE brand Insurance and health professionals

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech insurtech

15 1 5 526
IUT de Blois IUT de Blois

The choice of efficiency The orientation after the baccalaureate conditions the success of higher education and engages in the professional future. The training provided in the IUTs are first of all short training (3 years for the goal, 1 year for professional licenses) with a professional purpose, integrated into the LMD. Large companies yesterday offered most of the outlets. Today, small and medium -sized enterprises, faced with international competitiveness, are in profound change. They need employees with a higher level of training, which constitutes an enlargement of the range of outlets for the IUT (pro goal and licenses). Also the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

24 1 7 68

Representative organization of young people in the field of sport and animation Created in 1999, anestaps is today the only representative organization of 150,000 young people in training in the fields of sport and animation. As such, it has become the privileged interlocutor of institutional partners such as the ministry in charge of higher education and research, the ministry in charge of sports, social partners and the whole Sports movement. In more than 25 years, anestaps has developed its expertise on the issues of the various training courses turned to the sports and animation professions. The defense of the interests …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

40 10 21 80

Cher en Berry, a territory full of desires, come and take up the challenges with us! The Cher department (18) is located in the Center-Val de Loire region and has 311,500 inhabitants. Its seat is in Bourges. At the heart of France, two hours from Tours, Clermont-Ferrand and Paris, the Cher benefits from a privileged positioning. Discreet land which hides beautiful economic nuggets (industrial, military and agricultural tradition) and great successes such as Rians dairies or Monin syrups, the department will seduce you with its gastronomy with large names of terroir and AOC (Sancerrere , Menetou-Salon, Chavignol ....) Bourges, Cher …

Type: Public

25 11 12 486
Fédération Française du Sport d'Entreprise-FFSE Fédération Française du Sport d'Entreprise-FFSE

Much more than sport! The French Federation of Corporate Sport (FFSE) is a multisports federation affiliated with the CNOSF and approved by the Ministry of Sports. Its mission is to develop regular physical or sports practice in the context of the company for the benefit of the health and well-being of employees and the performance of companies. The themes and fields of action relayed by the Federation are today at the heart of societal and business projects (health, well -being, education, integration, sustainable development, CSR, diversity ...) and excellent levers of levers internal and/or external communication. Sports event, training, expertise …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

53 18 29 54
My-Serious-Game My-Serious-Game

My business is Serious, learning it is just a Game. France’s No.1 in tailor-made Digital Learning Solutions turns your training courses into pedagogical, collaborative & immersive experiences. Digital learning, Video Based Training, Adaptive Learning, Corporate Training, Serious Game, E-learning, Digital Training, Formation, Formation professionnelle, Gamification, Virtual Reality, Blended learning, Formation digitale, and Formation sur-mesure

Type: Startup Activities: edtech games hrtech Technologies: VR

34 13 38 44
Département du Loiret Département du Loiret

The Loiret⚜️, a department for all talents With 2,600 agents and nearly 140 trades in the service of the inhabitants of the Loiret, the department consolidates its knowledge and the optimization of its workforce which has experienced since 2007, a major progression with the integration of 550 college agents and 215 agents of agents Roads.

Type: Public Activities: edtech

38 23 15 566
Callendar Callendar

The startup that provides local, state-of-the-art climate risk assessments at scale, 120.000+ users reached in 2023. Callendar is a start-up providing local data on the evolution of climate. We help utilities, insurers, developers and many other making the right call in any situation where current or future climate is a parameter. climate change adaptation, risk management, and data

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization Data Analytics

25 1 20 3
APST 41 Prévention & Santé au Travail de Loir-et-Cher APST 41 Prévention & Santé au Travail de Loir-et-Cher

Welcome to the LinkedIn account of the APST41: your prevention and health service at work Prevention, health, labor, professional risks, occupational medicine, multidisciplinary teams, Loir-et-Cher, information visits, advice, business sheet, health monitor Company, and APST41

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

7 0 6 59
Comité Paralympique et Sportif Français Comité Paralympique et Sportif Français

Founded in 1992, the French Paralympic and Sports Committee is a member of the IPC, the International Paralympic Committee, in the same way as the CNOSF is a member of the IOC.

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

63 35 26 54
Groupe Louis Tellier Groupe Louis Tellier

Nothing replaces the hand 1887 This story begins two years before the construction of the Eiffel Tower. Paris is becoming the center of global creation. French gastronomy explodes and arouses the curiosity of gourmets and chiefs around the world. The desserts, more and more sophisticated, become the essential gourmet symbols of special occasions. A visionary entrepreneur, Etienne Gobel, is betting on the fact that this craze for pastry is just beginning and embarks on the manufacture of cake, copper and white iron mussels. The success is immediate and international. Soon to be cramped within its Parisian walls, Etienne Gobel sets …

Type: Event

4 1 3 59
Unicéa Services Unicéa Services

🌟 Unicéa Services: Simplify your daily life with tailor -made personal services 🌟 Welcome to the official Unicéa Services page, your trusted partner for personal services. We support individuals and families on a daily basis by offering solutions adapted to their needs, with kindness and professionalism. Our services: ✅ Help for the elderly and disabled Assistance in everyday gestures to promote autonomy. Personalized home support. ✅ Housing maintenance Household, ironing, and general maintenance. Punctual or regular services, adapted to your schedule. ✅ Supported transport Medical, administrative or daily trips. Personalized security and support. Why choose Unicéa Services? ✨ A local …

Type: Startup Activities: consumer services Technologies: Cybersecurity

1 0 1 12
VIA Formation VIA Formation

Boost your career by training! Boost your career by training! Continuing education organization created in 1994, via training - IRFA training entity - supports individuals, employees, employment applicants and companies through training, Qualification, remobilization and return to employment in various activity sectors: - Training • Insertion • Orientation - General training • Professional support • Languages ​​• Soft Skills - Management • Administration • HR • Secretariat • Management - Office • Digital • Digitalization - health • Social • Medico-social • educational • Personal assistance • Funeral - Trade • Sale • Distribution • Commercial development - hygiene • …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

22 1 22 380
Cabinet Vélite Cabinet Vélite

We support your market conquests: market intelligence, market studies, strategic maps 🚀 Vélite is a French firm, specialized in business intelligence. We support the management teams of large groups in their market conquests. We help them better decode their markets and gain strategic tenders (Europe, Africa, Americas, Middle East, Asia / Pacific) Find out more: 🇫🇷 🚀 Market Studies, Market Intelligence, Commercial Strategy Advice, Market Cartographies, Commercial Development Support, and M & Amp; A

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

83 1 82 12
Centre national de ressources et de résilience (Cn2r) Centre national de ressources et de résilience (Cn2r)

Psychotrauma and resilience Created in 2019, the National Center for Resources and Resilience (CN2R) is a public interest group (GIP) carried by Pr Guillaume Vaiva (CHU Lille) and Professor Thierry Baubet (AP-HP). The main objective CN2R is to deepen and disseminate knowledge of psychotrauma and resilience. The CN2R continues three main missions: developing multidisciplinary scientific expertise on psychotrauma and resilience, developing training and good practices for better management of post-traumatic mental disorders, and disseminating knowledge to professionals and the public. CN2R also plays an animation role in the network of regional psychotrauma centers in connection with the national medico-psychological emergency …

Type: Public

27 2 14 22

Construction & amp; rental heritage management in Tours and its metropolis LIGERIS, a major player in the rental of housing and tertiary real estate in Tours and in its metropolis. Our heritage is made up of apartments, furnished, houses, student residences, shops, offices, stalls, artists' workshops. A variety that makes our singularity.

Type: SMB Activities: proptech

18 3 17 66
BREVET Carrosserie BREVET Carrosserie

Mobility industrial / We Custom-Build Your Mobility You think, we design it! The company ETS Brevet, a manufacturer's bodybuilder, is the French leader in the transformation and design of heavy goods vehicles. His expertise and master's degree in these fields allow him to offer a wide range of approved vehicles that meet the strictest requirements. Created in the 1920s by Victor Brevet, the company has set out to meet the expectations of its customers and meet the needs of the local market: Charronage, wheel strapping for tanks and carts, vehicle constructions for the transport of cattle. In the 1960s, society …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech Technologies: Cybersecurity

16 6 14 68
L'Heudé & Associés Architectes L'Heudé & Associés Architectes

Architecture and town planning The agency mainly designs public facilities, housing, mixed island projects as well as buildings for industry and tertiary. She also specialized in the field of transport, by winning several competitions of tram maintenance and rebate centers in the early 2000s. It has since produced other buildings dedicated to the delivery of public transport vehicles. Our agency is aware of the challenges of the transition to BIM in the world of architecture. We have chosen to anticipate this evolution, and work under the revised software since 2012. This investment allows us to respond to any type of …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city Technologies: Decarbonization

10 2 8 23
Préfecture de Loir-et-Cher Préfecture de Loir-et-Cher

Welcome to the official page of the state of Loir-et-Cher!

Type: Public Activities: it services

26 5 24 43
LNA Santé LNA Santé

LNA Santé is a family-owned company based in Nantes, established in 1990. Our mission is to care for and support individuals facing fragility or loss of autonomy. As a comprehensive healthcare provider, we bring together 9,000 professionals across more than 85 facilities, including surgical clinics, rehabilitation centers, mental health facilities, home hospitals, medicalized nursing homes, health centers, and nurseries. Committed to a mission, we are dedicated to collectively implementing concrete actions that address health, social, and environmental challenges.

Type: Large company Activities: healthtech silvertech

28 5 20 1,724

The area brings together more than half of the 422 ITEP devices in the metropolitan and ultra marine territory Created in 1995, the area militates for: - bring together the persons concerned by taking into account the needs of children, adolescents and young adults who have psychological difficulties, including the expression and in particular the intensity of behavioral disorders seriously disrupts socialization and access to learning . - Defend interests and to assert the rights of children, adolescents and young adults as well as their families. - Promote full participation and social representation of people accompanied by the DITEP as …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech edtech

10 1 9 49
Faculté de Médecine de Tours Faculté de Médecine de Tours

Faculté de Médecine de Tours is a company based out of 10 BD Tonnelle, Tours, Centreval De Loire, France. médecine

Type: SMB Activities: traveltech

3 1 0 60
Anamnèse 📱 logiciel e-santé 🇫🇷 Anamnèse 📱 logiciel e-santé 🇫🇷

Bringing AI and digital technology to healthcare professionals, in coordinated practice, the patient journey, prevention Anamnèse offers innovative e-health solutions to improve the efficiency of healthcare professionals, in the city as well as in the hospital, and the care of patients at different stages of their life journey (students, employees, retirees, etc.). Through ergonomic and pragmatic digital tools, it promotes the dissemination of 4P medicine (Preventive, Predictive, Personalized, Participative). Through "intelligent" patient questioning based on an Artificial Intelligence engine, Anamnesis accelerates the detection of pathologies and facilitates the care and orientation of the patient. Artificial Intelligence, e-Health, Digital Applications, Mental …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech it services Technologies: A.I.

41 10 30 20
Maisons des femmes Restart Maisons des femmes Restart

The Restart Women's Houses work to reduce sexist and sexual violence through care and prevention. The Saint-Denis Women's House treats and supports women in difficulty or victims of violence. A unit of the Saint-Denis Hospital Center, it offers medical, psychological, psycho-physical, social and legal care through a one-stop shop. Its funding is supported by the action of a general interest association of the same name, which also pilots the dissemination of the "Women's House" model through the action of the ReStart collective. The Association also carries out prevention, training, advocacy and communication actions and intervenes in the field of accommodation …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

42 15 30 44
Université d'Orléans Université d'Orléans

Source de talents depuis 1306 The University of Orléans (French: Université d'Orléans) is a renowned French university, in the Academy of Orléans and Tours.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

56 16 37 1,728
HAD Loir-et-Cher HAD Loir-et-Cher

CARE & TAKE CARE Home hospital care with 24/7 medical support HAD Loir-et-Cher is a home hospitalization facility based in Blois (41). Its scope of action extends across the entire department, from Droué to Mennetou-sur-Cher, via Mer, Salbris, Montrichard and Herbault.

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

1 1 1 22

ENVIROBAT CENTRE, resource center on the environmental quality of buildings in the Centre-Val de Loire region. Resource Center of the Centre Val de Loire region dedicated to the Environmental Quality of the Built Environment. Our association supports professionals in the region in the transfer of knowledge, networking and the development of projects in favor of sustainable buildings for today and tomorrow.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

22 5 4 7

French Union of Secular Works of Physical Education - 1st multi-sport and affinity federation in France - Sports Federation of the League of Education

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

54 7 43 418
Health Data Hub Health Data Hub

The one-stop shop for access to health data in France - We are recruiting! The HDH is a state-of-the-art technological platform that brings together the French health data heritage to guarantee easy and unified, transparent and secure access. It facilitates interactions between health data producers, users and citizens, under high security conditions, and thus contributes to innovation and to federating the digital health ecosystem. We offer a set of services to support the players who contribute to finding tomorrow's solutions to improve the health of citizens: supporting project leaders, building and operating a technological platform to offer them the best …

Type: Public

81 32 55 127
Caisse d'Epargne Loire Centre Caisse d'Epargne Loire Centre

Bank of all territories Resulting from the merger in 2007 of the Caisses Centre-Val de Loire and Val de France-Orléanais, the Caisse d'Epargne Loire-Centre is one of the 17 Caisses d'Epargne, a subsidiary of the BPCE group. With its 1,800 employees and 210 branches spread throughout the Centre region, the Caisse d'Epargne Loire-Centre is the second largest banking player in the region with one in two residents being a CELC customer. The Caisse d'Epargne Loire-Centre is present on the retail market, but also on the professional market (craftsmen, liberal professions, VSEs). Five Business Centers cover the territory and provide their …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech insurtech

11 4 9 1,244

Manage your core business, we manage its Transparency! Manage your core business, we manage its Transparency! 4mgTRANSPARENCY works with the Health Industry (pharmaceuticals, medical devices, medical visit providers, medical information delegates, Health events, PSAD) and Health Professionals by offering a personalized management solution, internal or outsourced, of regulatory functions and LEA (ex DMOS) from A to Z thanks to comprehensive support on the subject: - Audit of internal LEA (ex DMOS) and Transparency management processes - Management of administrative files (IDAHE, EPS) - Implementation of 4TRANSPARENCY, the innovative, efficient, profitable and agile digital platform that simplifies Transparency (SAAS Compliance management …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech biotech regtech deeptech Technologies: SaaS

40 0 39 5

Screening of breast, colon and cervix cancers Screening of breast, colon and cervix cancer

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech

2 1 0 17
Adapei 45 Adapei 45

Adapei 45, act together to build our future Management of establishments & amp; Services: This support is done thanks to 32 establishments and services throughout the Loiret, which represents 1180 places for people with disabilities, young and adults. 600 professionals put their skills at the service of these people. This brings together: Educational and social jobs: educators, monitors, medico-psychological assistance, social workers ... Medical and paramedical jobs: pediatricians, psychiatrists, nurses, psychologists, speech therapists, psychomotricians, physiotherapists Supervision jobs: Directors, Heads of Service, Administrative, and General Services. Actions to families: The association allows support for young people, adults, retirees, but it also …

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech consumer services

17 0 17 210
Agglopolys Agglopolys

Blois agglomeration community Agglopolys, the Blois agglomeration community, brings together 43 municipalities and more than 100,000 inhabitants.

Type: Public

22 9 12 134
Ville de Blois Ville de Blois

City on a human scale combining quality of life and economic, university, associative, cultural and sporting dynamism Prefecture city of 48,000 inhabitants and inhabitants, at 1:30 am from Paris, Blois is positioned as a metropolis of balance between Tours and Orleans. With an exceptional natural and architectural environment along the Loire, Blois is crossed by the Royal River, which places it at the heart of the perimeter inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List for "Cultural Landscape". City on a human scale, Blois cultivates sweetness and quality of life, economic and university dynamism, richness of associative, cultural and sporting life.

Type: Public

40 27 8 297
Tours Événements Tours Événements

Destination Royal Experience The local public company SPL Tours Events is in charge of the exploitation of the Palais des Congrès and the Expo de Tours. It receives on average 300 events all types combined and 800,000 delegates, spectators or visitors. It produces a dozen events for the general public or professionals including the Tours Fair and the World of Cheese. In the heart of the Loire castles, 1 hour from Paris, Tours is the ideal reception place for congresses, conventions, seminars and salons.

Type: Event

60 7 53 72
Pôle Ressources National Sport Santé Bien-Etre (PRNSSBE) Pôle Ressources National Sport Santé Bien-Etre (PRNSSBE)

The National Sport Health Health Resources Center, tool of the Ministry of Education, Youth, Sports and Olympic and Paralympic Games is located at CREPS Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Vichy. Its missions are: - Develop the necessary technical skills of the actors in the PRNSSBE field of action - Promote and contribute on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Youth, Sports and Olympic and Paralympic Games to the National Sport-Santé Strategy - Bring elements for the Ministry of Sports in the development and implementation of its well-being-health sports policy - Animate meetings of actors who contribute to the achievement of the objectives of …

Type: Public Activities: healthtech

14 2 5 3
Renaloo: patients organization, kidney disease, transplant, dialysis Renaloo: patients organization, kidney disease, transplant, dialysis

The voice of kidney patients Renalo is the 1st French -speaking web community on kidney diseases, dialysis and transplants. It is also an association of patients, engaged in the field of health democracy, to improve the quality of life, support and management of people who live with kidney disease. Renaloo provides them with quality information and a large support and mutual aid network. With more than 1,300 unique visitors per day, a web TV, various and original content, a forum and ramifications to the main social networks, Renaloo is today the French -speaking reference site to learn about renal pathologies, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

26 11 14 10
Psycom (Officiel) Psycom (Officiel)

Psycom is a public organization that informs, directs and sensitizes on mental health. For more than 30 years, Psycom has been a public organization that informs, guides and raises mental health to help people act in favor of their mental health and that of others. We offer reliable, accessible and independent information on mental health (mental disorders, care, support, etc.) in different formats (brochures, videos, press reviews, etc.). We reference resources (listening lines, local directories, mutual aid associations, etc.) to support people in their search for help. We create educational tools (the Mental® cosmos, the garden of Dans ® etc.) …

Type: Public

57 8 53 17
Préfecture du Bas-Rhin Préfecture du Bas-Rhin

Official account of state services in the Grand Est region and in the Bas-Rhin department. The prefecture services provide the following missions: & gt; the representation and permanence of the State; & gt; the exercise of sovereign functions, especially in respect for laws; & gt; internal security and civil security; & gt; interdepartmental management and coordination, facilitated by reducing the number of decentralized services (DDI and UT); & gt; interdepartmental communication; & gt; the general regulation of public freedoms; & gt; immigration management; & gt; the functioning of local democracy; & gt; The exercise of prerogatives of public power. Interior …

Type: Public

169 100 113 203
MILDECA - mission interministérielle de lutte contre les drogues et les conduites addictives MILDECA - mission interministérielle de lutte contre les drogues et les conduites addictives

Mildeca coordinates government action in the fight against drugs and addictive behaviors. Placed under the authority of the Prime Minister, the MILDECA (Interministerial Mission to Combat Drugs and Addictive Driving) animates and coordinates the government's action in the fight against drugs and addictive behaviors and develops the strategy Government in this area in the following areas: research and observation, prevention, health and insertion, application of the law, fight against traffic, international cooperation. The Mildeca supports the public, institutional and associative partners of public policy in the implementation of orientations, by providing them with methodological or financial support. health, prevention, public …

Type: Public

51 14 6 29
Jeune Chambre Économique d'Orléans Jeune Chambre Économique d'Orléans

Gain skills by acting for your territory! First global school of responsibility The young Economic Chamber of Orleans is affiliated with the JCI movement, the 1st world network of young enterprising young people acting for positive changes. It brings together young people from 18 to 40 years old wishing to train in taking responsibility by carrying out projects useful to their territory. Our goal: to build the future! A network present in 180 countries & GT; 200,000 members around the world An international movement (JCI) & gt; Young active people enterprising aged 18 to 40 years & gt; An involvement …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

10 3 8 2
Centre Hospitalier Simone Veil de Blois Centre Hospitalier Simone Veil de Blois

In the service of your health! Located in the Center-Val de Loire region, the Simone Veil hospital center in Blois is the support establishment of the Loir-et-Cher territory hospital group. The establishment has 2,700 professionals, it is the largest employer in the department. It has a high -technical technical tray.

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

11 2 8 526
GÉROND'IF, gérontopôle d'Île-de-France GÉROND'IF, gérontopôle d'Île-de-France

Enlighten, prevent, raise awareness, innovate around aging Gérond’if, the Gérontopôle in the Seniors service in Île-de-France! The Gerontopôle d'Imme-de-France is a non-profit association, created in 2016. It constitutes a regional pole to promote excellence and innovation in geriatrics and gerontology. Gérond’if collaboratively federates the actors of aging in order to boost research, innovation, industrial valuation and training in these fields. It thus brings together multidisciplinary skills around the problem of aging well. Gérond'IF is an association of general interest, certified qualiopi and elected European reference site for active and healthy aging by the European Commission. He was also carrying the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech silvertech

41 7 33 17
France Assos Santé France Assos Santé

A union of nearly 100 associations militant for rights & amp; Defense of the rights of health system users France Assos Santé is the name chosen by the National Union of approved associations for users of the health system in order to publicize its action as a reference organization to represent patients and users of the health system and defend their interests. With a mission officially recognized by its registration in the public health code via the law of January 26, 2016, France Assos Health was created in March 2017 on the initiative of 72 national founding associations, by registering …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

63 26 17 93
Frac Centre-Val de Loire Frac Centre-Val de Loire

Museum of contemporary architecture and art With more than 20,300 works by architects and contemporary artists, the Center-Val de Loire Frac has one of the largest collections in the world. The Center-Val de Loire Frac is also resolutely turned towards the other. It offers many devices in order to raise awareness among college and high school students from the region to art as well as architecture and organize visits in collaboration with territory associations. He also invites companies to welcome works in their premises thanks to the executive office. Do not hesitate to contact us for any project around our …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

9 4 6 33
FNEHAD - Fédération Nationale des Établissements d'Hospitalisation à Domicile FNEHAD - Fédération Nationale des Établissements d'Hospitalisation à Domicile

The hospital of the future for 50 years Created in 1973, the FNEHAD (National Federation of Hospital Training at Home) is the only hospital federation specifically dedicated to home hospitalization (HAD). It brings together more than 250 HAD establishments installed on metropolitan and ultra-marine territory, whatever their legal status: public, non-profit and private private. These structures carried out, in 2020, more than 90% of the days of hospitalization at home. The functioning of the FNEHAD is based on a permanent national delegation installed in Paris. She is responsible for animate and follow all the work carried out at the national …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

23 7 17 66
Fédération hospitalière de France (FHF) Fédération hospitalière de France (FHF)

The French Hospital Federation represents hospitals and public medico-social establishments Created in 1924, the French Hospital Federation (FHF) brings together more than 1,000 public health establishments (hospitals) and as many medico-social structures (retirement homes and autonomous specialized reception houses), almost all of the public sector establishments. This legitimacy and its national dimension make FHF a leading player in the health world, an actor all the more listened to as it is truly trans-political, as evidenced by the composition of its council of 'administration. The FHF fulfills a triple promotion, information and representation function: 1. Promotion of the public hospital and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

102 54 49 3
Département d’Eure et Loir Département d’Eure et Loir

Give meaning to your skills! The Departmental Council supports nearly 433,300 inhabitants on a daily basis thanks to its 30 advisers and 2,000 employees spread across the territory. Head of social and solidarity action, the department is working in favor of health, autonomy and integration of people far from employment. He actively participated in regional planning through his 7,500 km of roads, and in education with his 39 colleges. Joining the department of Eure-et-Loir is part of a collective bringing together more than 65 trades and which share: - common values: commitment, agility, transversality and solidarity, - career opportunities: learning, …

Type: Public

19 8 9 380

Welcome to the official page of the Department of Indre. The Departmental Council of Indre, a local institution in the service of nearly 230,000 inhabitants spread in 243 municipalities, supports all the Indians at different times in their lives. Present in the fields of education, culture, sport, digital development and of course the development of its territory, the department of Indre remains an unmissable player responsible for all solidarity. The Department works to improve the daily life of Indians thanks to its deliberative assembly made up of 26 departmental advisers and its 1115 agents spread throughout the territory. With a …

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

21 10 12 144
Département de Loir-et-Cher Département de Loir-et-Cher

Official account of the #LoireTcher department Share your best emotions with #resolumentLoiretcher The Loir-et-Cher is an attractive department. Its population increases regularly to reach 335,000 inhabitants. Each year more than 5.5 million tourists visit the 41. Loir-et-Cher is a dynamic department. Regularly new companies are created or come to settle to join Delphi, Saint-Michel, EDF, Bosch, Daher, Thales, Mbda, Harmonie Mutuelle, Louis-Vuitton or Caudalie to name only the best known of the 30,000 companies that make up its economic landscape. To recruit talents, they can count on more than 4,000 students. Whether you are a business manager, student, tourist or …

Type: Public

31 11 20 398

The French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF) is a French association of public utility which represents the sports movement on French territory and brings together in particular sports federations. He is notably responsible for collaborating in the preparation, the selection of athletes and ensuring their participation in the Olympic Games. His statutes give him, moreover, competence to lead, on behalf of the federations, or in collaboration with them, any action in the general interest of the sports movement. The CNOSF promotes the fundamental principles and the values ​​of Olympism, sport for all, sports activity with the general public and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

102 51 39 241
Châteauroux Métropole Châteauroux Métropole

À 2h de Paris, innovante, surprenante, découvrez l'une des capitales du Berry Val de Loire lors d’un city break inattendu. Au cœur de la champagne berrichonne, entre la Brenne, pays des mille étangs et le Boischaut sud romantique, Châteauroux dévoile ses 1 000 ans d'histoire. D’abord surpris par son architecture contemporaine, vous vous laisserez guider dans la vieille ville aux allures médiévales jusqu’au château Raoul. Riche d’un patrimoine insoupçonné, Châteauroux surprend jusqu’aux rives de l’Indre où parcs et jardins invitent à la flânerie.

Type: Public

59 28 34 235
AVECsanté AVECsanté

As a team, we go further! The AVECsanté federated movement has set itself the mission of reorganizing primary care in France. Our ambition? That coordinated practice in primary care be practiced in multi-professional teams. Our action: with our fifteen regional federations, support primary care teams (ESP) and their structured form in multi-professional health centers (MSP) in their growth and dynamics, including in the emergence of territorial professional health communities (CPTS). In our opinion, the multi-professional health center is indeed the basic unit and the successful model of coordinated practice in primary care. It has proven its ability to innovate, whether …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

18 4 4 19
Association Du Sport et Plus Association Du Sport et Plus

The world of sport at the service of hospitalized children. "The world of sport at the service of hospitalized children" The Association Du Sport et Plus aims to improve the daily lives of hospitalized children, thanks to the world of sport. It has been active since the end of 2012 and its headquarters are located in Vanves, in Hauts-de-Seine. Our association mainly carries out 4 types of actions: - We offer equipment to the hospitals that we support, - We take athletes to meet children in pediatric departments, - We also invite convalescent children to sporting events. - Since 2021, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment healthtech

48 1 49 2
Val de Berry Val de Berry

Val de Berry: social landlord committed to serving the territories. As a public social landlord, we manage, maintain and rent more than 11,200 HLM housing units spread across 100 municipalities in the Cher department.

Type: SMB Activities: civictech

11 2 9 72
Communauté de Communes du Pithiverais Gâtinais Communauté de Communes du Pithiverais Gâtinais

Terre Audacieuse At the gateway to the Orléans forest, the Communauté de Communes du Pithiverais Gâtinais (CCPG), 26,500 inhabitants, 31 communes, offers a rich natural and historical heritage at the crossroads of Paris (1h15), Montargis (40 mins) and Orléans (40 mins). A territory of experimentation and innovation, this "Terre Audacieuse" is committed to a local development approach for the benefit of its inhabitants. With its strong rural character, it combines modernity and dynamism. Local authority, Community of communes, Social innovation, Early childhood, PVD, Childhood, Youth, CISPD, PIJ, Maison France Services, Urban planning, OPAH, School, PLH, Industrial territory, Economy, PLUI, Zero …

Type: Public Activities: greentech

12 2 11 32
Préfecture d'Eure-et-Loir Préfecture d'Eure-et-Loir

Mr. Hervé JONATHAN was appointed Prefect of Eure-et-Loir in the Council of Ministers on July 13, 2023. According to Article 72 of the Constitution, in the local authorities of the Republic, the prefect, representing each member of the Government, is responsible for national interests, administrative control and compliance with the laws. Six priority missions are assigned to him: - representation of the State and communication, - security of people and property, - service to the public and the issuance of titles, - respect for legality and the rule of law, - social integration and the fight against exclusion, - territorial …

Type: Public Activities: legaltech

4 4 0 63
MSA Beauce Cœur de Loire MSA Beauce Cœur de Loire

The Linkedin of the MSA Beauce Cœur de Loire The MSA, the second social protection system in France, protects the entire agricultural profession. It is based on the values ​​of mutualism, which are solidarity, responsibility and democracy, to bring life to rural areas.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

4 1 2 74
Anap Anap

Supporting healthcare and social-medical professionals in the development of their organizations. Since 2009, Anap has been supporting healthcare professionals in healthcare and social-medical institutions in the development of their organizations in order to improve the service provided to users. Its productions are always developed thanks to the expertise of professionals in the field. Its action aims to: - Improve the fluidity of people's healthcare pathways; - Facilitate knowledge of the healthcare offer, decision-making assistance and management dialogue; - Improve the organization of patient care and support activities; - Improve the organization of support and support functions. Our missions: - Support …

Type: Public

71 30 52 358
Agence nationale du Sport Agence nationale du Sport

Doing better together, in the service of French sport The National Sports Agency's mission is to define and achieve common objectives in terms of developing sports practice in France and high performance. The National Sports Agency is a Public Interest Group (GIP), operator of the Ministry in charge of sport, which is made up of the State (Ministry of Sports), the sports movement (CNOSF, CPSF), local authorities (AMF, ADF and Regions of France) and economic and social stakeholders. President: Marie-Amélie Le FUR General Director: Frédéric SANAUR General Manager of High Performance: Yann CUCHERAT Sport, Paris 2024, Performance, digital transformation, Sports …

Type: Public

84 33 49 107

Organ, tissue and cell collection and transplantation. Human procreation, embryology and genetics. The Biomedicine Agency is a national public institution created by the bioethics law of 6 August 2004, reporting to the Ministry of Health. It carries out its missions in the areas of organ, tissue and cell collection and transplantation, as well as human procreation, embryology and genetics. Through its expertise, it is the reference authority on the medical, scientific and ethical aspects of these issues. The Agency does everything possible to ensure that each patient receives the care they need, in compliance with the rules of health safety, …

Type: Public

36 14 28 238
Mutualité Française Centre-Val de Loire Mutualité Française Centre-Val de Loire

Mutualité Française Centre-Val de Loire represents the Fédération Nationale de la Mutualité Française (FNMF) at the regional level. The leading social movement in France, with more than one in two people being a mutualist, the FNMF brings together almost all health mutuals. Its role is to represent mutuals and defend their collective interests. It is a driving force in major health system issues. Chaired by Rose-Marie Minayo, Mutualité Française Centre-Val de Loire represents 162 mutuals, more than 679,168 members, or nearly 1.3 million people protected. This player in the social and solidarity economy participates in the development and implementation of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

16 1 11 33
Chartres métropole Chartres métropole

Chartres Métropole is an agglomeration whose territorial project is based on a policy of solidarity towards its 66 member municipalities, for 140,000 inhabitants, and a strong spirit of entrepreneurship 🙌🤝 Its economy is based on a principle of endogenous development which first ensures security and prosperity for its companies, then offers the best conditions for setting up new ones. The companies of the Cosmetic Valley, whose headquarters are in Chartres, provide it with a solid base which is supplemented by a rich range of activities around agriculture, industries and services 👋📊 These activities benefit from the presence of 101, the …

Type: Public

28 14 19 261
Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l'autonomie Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l'autonomie

National Solidarity Fund for the Autonomy (CNSA) of the elderly, disabled people and their caregivers The CNSA is a fund, an agency and a public space for exchanges for the autonomy of the elderly and disabled people. The CNSA manages the Autonomy branch of Social Security. The Autonomy branch's mission is to secure the financing of autonomy aids and guarantee territorial equity to meet the needs of the elderly, people with disabilities and their caregivers.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: silvertech it services

48 23 29 270