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LogoName Σ Employees

Public School of Engineers from the University of Limoges with 7 specialties in the engineer cycle and 1 integrated preparation class Ensil-ENSCI is a multidisciplinary public school that trains and supports its students to become responsible engineers, capable of looking at the world and wondering about the overall impact of what sciences and technologies allow. It allows them, by the quality and diversity of the lessons provided, to build, a personalized course in direct connection with their professional ambitions. 8 specialties fully suited to the job market: - Industrial ceramics - Data Business Management - Information Systems - Electronics and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

42 10 27 106
CREPS de Poitiers CREPS de Poitiers

The Center for Resource, Expertise and Sports Performance (CREPS) in Poitiers is a local public training establishment in the fields of sport, youth and popular education. Sports and animation professions, high performance, support for associations, prequalification, CFA of sports and animation professions, support for training players, and qualiopi

Type: Public Activities: edtech

28 6 13 68
CCI Corrèze CCI Corrèze

Advance all the desires to undertake The CCI Corrèze represents companies and their leaders. It performs support, support, connecting and advice missions to business creators and business buyers. In addition, it works in favor of initial and continuous vocational training thanks to Inisup, the training and skills management center of the CCI Corrèze. It also performs all expertise, consultation or study missions requested by the public authorities on a question relating to industry, trade, services, economic development, vocational training or regional planning. Advice, training, studies, management, economic development, and territorial development

Type: Public Activities: edtech

28 7 21 54
CARSAT Aquitaine CARSAT Aquitaine

Ensure retirement, protect health! The Caisat Retirement and Health Insurance Fund (CARSAT) is a social security organization. We are a private structure responsible for a public service mission. In Aquitaine, we intervene with employees, self -employed, retirees and companies in the region: - We support self -employed employees and workers at the time of retirement and pay for pensions each month. - We are careful to preserve the autonomy of retirees and deploy actions in favor of retired living well. - We socially support the insured people weakened by the disease, in particular to avoid professional disinsertion. - We support …

Type: Public

25 4 17 415
Atmo Nouvelle-Aquitaine Atmo Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Atmo Nouvelle-Aquitaine is the regional air observatory. Atmo Nouvelle-Aquitaine is the regional air observatory. Member of the National ATMO France Federation, which brings together all approved air quality monitoring associations (AASQA), the observatory is approved by the Ministry of the Environment to monitor regional air quality. Our observatory has a vocation of general interest: bringing rational knowledge and air expertise to allow its members, private or public, public institutions and state organizations, health professionals, scientists, individuals, to make relevant decisions. Metrology, emissions, measures, forecasting, modeling, atmospheric pollutants, particles, ozone, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, HAP, COV, heavy metals, pesticides, pollens, smells, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

15 0 9 31
CHU de Bordeaux CHU de Bordeaux

Aquitaine university hospital: pole of excellence, innovative, efficient, human ... with its 14,000 professionals. Aquitaine university hospital: pole of excellence, innovative, efficient, human ... with its 14,500 professionals.

Type: Public

60 30 29 5,654
Faculté de Médecine - Université de Limoges Faculté de Médecine - Université de Limoges

Open university, source of successes

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

20 2 3 25
Mission Laïque Française Mission Laïque Française

The MLFMONDE network, an association recognized in education around the world for 120 years ... The so -called "French Laïque Mission" association, founded in 1902, aims to disseminate the world of French language and culture, in particular by a secular and intercultural teaching. Its duration is unlimited. It has its registered office in Paris. French education abroad, education, secularism, international, languages, recruitment, professional development, training, pedagogy, teaching, humanism, interculturality, French high school, and digital educational

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

27 4 26 345
Mutualité Française Nouvelle-Aquitaine Mutualité Française Nouvelle-Aquitaine

For solidarity health in New Aquitaine The French Mutuality Nouvelle-Aquitaine is a professional federation, which represents health mutuals. It ensures the animation and promotion of the mutualist movement in the region. It participates in public debate and defends solidarity social protection and access to care for all. The Mutualité Française Nouvelle-Aquitaine is also an expert in prevention. Whether mandated by an institution, a community or a company, it offers tailor -made actions on different health themes (physical activity, addiction, food, hearing, vision, sleep ...). In a professional environment, she intervenes to preserve health and improve the well-being of employees: diagnosis, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech insurtech

17 4 14 53
La Montagne La Montagne

Société anonyme with a board of directors in activity for almost 100 years. Installed in Clermont-Ferrand (63000), it specializes in the sector of newspaper publishing.

Type: Media

96 48 39 413
Ligue contre le cancer Ligue contre le cancer

A fight on all the fronts of the disease. 💙 Created in 1918, the Cancer League is an association law 1901 recognized as a public utility based on public generosity and the commitment of its volunteers and employees to meet the needs of the people concerned by cancer. Our federation, made up of 103 departmental committees present throughout the national territory, is apolitical and independent financially. Fight against cancer

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

146 80 57 4
Département de la Corrèze Département de la Corrèze

Women, men, a joint project From social support to the deployment of optical fiber, including road maintenance, the departmental council works to offer all the Correzians an ever more modern, closer and more efficient service. Rural department where life is good, Corrèze takes up the challenges of modernity: fiber optic project accessible throughout its territory, development of innovative initiatives, particularly for the environment and green growth, for employment or for "Routes 4.0". A major player in the revitalization of the territory and the well-being in Corrèze, the Departmental Council wishes to anticipate new needs in order to create the conditions …

Type: Public

28 19 9 282
100 000 Entrepreneurs 100 000 Entrepreneurs

We transmit to young people aged 13 to 25, the culture to undertake through testimonies of entrepreneurs. We organize meetings between young people aged 13 to 25 and women and men who undertake and carry out projects throughout the territory. 100,000 entrepreneurs is an association of general interest founded in 2007 whose vocation is to transmit culture and the desire to undertake young people in France. More than 500,000 young people have thus had privileged exchange times during their schooling our volunteer community of entrepreneurs and intrapreneur. The action Sensitize young people to the spirit of undertaking by means of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

206 62 157 168

Medical decision -making systems We are a software consulting and publishing company, specializing in medical diagnostic assistance (ADM) and prevention. Co-founded by computer engineers and doctors, we believe a lot in the synergy brought by this double skill, which allowed us to develop a unique know-how in the field of vaccinology and travel medicine. We editions among others the services and E-health, vaccinology, prevention, travel medicine, Ruby on Rails, Expert System, Docker, and Elasticsearch

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

9 1 1 13
Campus d'Excellence Industrie du futur - Sud Campus d'Excellence Industrie du futur - Sud

Bet on Campus effect! The Campus of Trades and Industrial Qualifications of the future South is a network of actors which values ​​the economic sector on the regional territory by offering a wide range of training courses, by activating school-business partnerships, optimizing the construction of training courses , by animating collective projects around digital. The campus cultivates an "open" dynamic within a promising place: the technocentre Henri-Fabre in Marignane. Training, professions, industry of the future, digitalization, southern region, and skills of tomorrow

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

45 3 32 5
IAE Limoges IAE Limoges

University management school 👉 Component of the University of Limoges and member of IAE France. IAE Limoges, university management school, is a component of the University of Limoges and member of the IAE France network. Qualicert certified, our IAE is recognized for its management lessons. It brings together 3 centers of excellence in the fields of management and business management: a health management center, an accounting and finance pole and an innovation and business pole. In total, these are 14 training courses provided each year to our 600 students. In continuing education, our school trains nearly 250 professionals in masters …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

16 1 15 46
Théâtre et École Supérieure de l'Union Théâtre et École Supérieure de l'Union

Limousin theater professional school Since September 1, 2021, Aurélie Van Den Daele has been making the management of the Théâtre de l'Union and the School of theater of the Union. She wishes to make theater and school a delicate ecosystem where the living is a creation engine to write new stories. The Union Theater belongs to the network of national dramatic centers, it is a theater factory made up of a dramaturgy room, a reading room, a rehearsal room, costumes and decorations workshops and 'A performance hall. The Union Higher School of theater is one of the twelve superior schools …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

5 3 2 20
Lycée des Métiers du Bâtiment de Felletin Lycée des Métiers du Bâtiment de Felletin

23 CAP training courses in license, in vocational high school, technology high school and training unit for apprentices. Created over a century ago, the first high school entirely devoted to the building trades designed in France, the L.M.B. Felletin has trained many craftsmen, qualified workers, team leaders, site managers, business leaders, teachers and trainers, ... whatever the region of France, we meet former students from Felletin everywhere. Inspirator of the “Lycée des Métiers” label, the L.M.B. There remains a "safe and recognized value" for training in building trades. In 2015, the LMB received the labeling "Campus of trades and qualifications …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech Technologies: Decarbonization

2 1 2 30

Your electrician since 1920. Electric future of Limoges is a general electricity company with the status of a cooperative company. A true electricity expert, we intervene in terms of design, realization, maintenance and troubleshooting of any type of electrical installation. We work with institutions as well as companies or individuals. The AEL is more than 100 years of developments in society, adaptations to a constantly revolution market, to the turbulence of electrical distribution and the technical evolution of its applications. We are now spread over 4 sites (Limoges - 87, Brive - 19, Guéret - 23, Montguyon - 17. Electricity, …

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0

18 3 6 83
CFA académique du LIMOUSIN CFA académique du LIMOUSIN

Build a professional future The Limousin Academic CFA offers training from CAP to BTS, consistent with the training offer of other CFAs in the region and the academic strategy, in order to meet the needs of companies and the specificities of the territory. National Education, Learning, and Professional Training

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

2 0 0 25
Département de la Haute-Vienne Département de la Haute-Vienne

Welcome to the official page of the Haute-Vienne department. The Departmental Council, a local institution at the service of nearly 375,000 inhabitants distributed in 195 municipalities, accompanies all Hauts-Viennois at different times in their lives. Social support, regional planning, mobility or even education through colleges constitute its major structuring projects. The department works to improve the daily life of Hauts-Viennois thanks to its deliberative assembly made up of 42 advisers and its 1,700 agents spread throughout the territory.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

14 10 8 316
Grains'up Grains'up

Build tailor -made solutions with you to stimulate learning dynamics in your business 🚀 Learning dynamics are the company's ability to adapt to its environment by promoting the skills rise of its daily teams in order to remain efficient over time. Relying on our knowledge of operational management in various environments and our expertise in digital innovations in training, we support you in the field in a concrete and pragmatic way, to develop your skills and set up your tools: ° Awareness of learning dynamics and its challenges ° Diagnosis: Where is your learning dynamic? ° Action plan: What to …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech Technologies: SaaS

7 3 5 23
GRETA du Limousin GRETA du Limousin

Form up tomorrow Greta of Limousin is your training organization on the territory. From Limoges to Guéret, then Brive-la-Gaillarde via Égletons, our goal is to offer you the training you need and this next to you. As a public institution directly from the Ministry of National Education, we are at your service. Our goal is to respond to your wishes for vocational guidance, while responding to requests from the local business market.

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

7 2 2 113
Lycée Pierre CARAMINOT Lycée Pierre CARAMINOT

Civil engineering high school General, technological and vocational education Installed in Corrèze since 1933, the Caraminot high school is the support of the Limousin CFA with UFA.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

2 1 0 22
Declic CNV & Education Declic CNV & Education

Support adults who accompany children and young people Created in 2015, Déclic CNV & amp; Education is an association law 1901 which aims to contribute to a conscious and respectful education of the child, for: - develop your ability to live with respect for itself, others and the environment, - Encourage empathy, cooperation and creativity, - help him be aware of his talents and put them at the service of the world, - contribute to building a world of peace. We act so that adults, parents and professionals, who accompany children can: - Train in nonviolent communication and restaurant systems …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

5 2 4 15
Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines de l'Université de Limoges Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines de l'Université de Limoges

An open faculty to think of the world of tomorrow The Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences at the University of Limoges, higher education and scientific research establishment; invites you to build your personal and professional project. Expand your knowledge, know-how, know-how and your skills, in order to prepare for the trades and the world of tomorrow. Find a wide range of training courses comprising 10 specialized licenses, 5 professional licenses and 12 masters in the fields of languages, letters and human and social sciences. Take advantage of a professional opening through internships in all our training and thanks to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

5 3 0 181
INSPÉ de l'Académie de Limoges INSPÉ de l'Académie de Limoges

Teaching, it can be learned! The National Institute for Teaching and Education of the Limoges Academy issues the Master in Teaching, Education and Training Trades (MEEF) for the first degree, second degree, educational and practical supervision mentions and training engineering. This professional diploma, accessible in initial, permanent and continuous training, corresponds to the issuance of 120 ECTS credits after the license and prepares the student for the profession of school teacher, college and high school teacher, professional high school teacher, Documentalist professor, principal education advisor and training professions.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

3 2 2 32
IUT du Limousin IUT du Limousin

The IUT du Limousin, component of the University of Limoges, was created in 1968. Each year it welcomes nearly 2,500 students in initial training, work -study and training throughout life (resumption of studies, validation Acquired experience, validation of professional and personal achievements). Studying at the IUT of Limousin means choosing a professionally university course, in a human -sized establishment, which is strongly involved in its territory with five campuses: Limoges, Brive, Égletons, Guéret and Tulle. From the start of the 2021 school year, the IUT training offer is strengthened with a new diploma: the University Bachelor of Technology (B.U.T.), a …

Type: Event

11 0 11 164
Lycée Pro et UFA Lavoisier Brive Lycée Pro et UFA Lavoisier Brive

Vocational high school; Apprentice training center; Alternating and adult training Professional high school and apprentice training center (UFA from the Limousin Academic CFA). Alternating and continuing education center. Our establishment trains in the automotive services (maintenance, bodywork and painting), metallurgy professions (boilermaking and welding) and in the furniture and layout trades. Our establishment is resolutely turned towards the professional integration of young people entrusted to it, whether by school or that of work -study, with learning. We welcome 400 learners, and have the primary objective of allowing students as well as apprentices and trainees in continuing education to develop their …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

4 1 4 53
Agence Erasmus+ France / Education & Formation Agence Erasmus+ France / Education & Formation

The Erasmus+ France / Education Training Agency manages, promotes and communicates about the Erasmus+ programme for the sectors of school education, vocational education and training, higher education and adult education. The Agency also manages several European schemes such as Europass, Euroguidance, EPALE and AEFA, and evaluates the impact of the Erasmus+ programme in France with the publication "Notes de l'Observatoire Erasmus+". Based in Bordeaux, the Erasmus+ France / Education Training Agency employs 160 staff members. For further information:

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

50 26 19 410
Limoges Métropole Limoges Métropole

2nd urban center of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, Limoges Métropole brings together 20 municipalities and conducts its actions with just over 208,000 inhabitants. The missions of Limoges Métropole are on the one hand the management of the services necessary for the population and on the other hand to carry out major structuring projects, develop the supply of services and equipment for economic vocation, while ensuring maintenance the quality of the environment.

Type: Public

40 31 15 308
Préfet de la Corrèze Préfet de la Corrèze

Official account of the prefecture and state services in the Corrèze department. State services in Corrèze

Type: Public Activities: it services

10 1 10 6
Ville de Brive Ville de Brive

Brive is a party! Au cœur d’une zone d’influence économique, commerciale et administrative de plus de 250 000 habitants, Brive est une ville attractive. Son dynamisme économique conjugué à une qualité de vie préservée et un sens de l’accueil affirmé en font une destination entrepreneuriale de premier choix. Ville de culture, ville sportive, ville universitaire, ville de patrimoine... Brive affiche une belle vitalité et un dynamisme résolument tourné vers l’avenir : & gt; The new “Brive-Vallée de la Dordogne” international airport & gt; The A 20 motorway node (Paris-Toulouse) and A 89 (Bordeaux-Lyon) at the crossroads of three regions (Limousin, …

Type: Public

17 5 10 70

All united by sport For 78 years, the group The team has been a major player in French sport, with a strong and unifying brand that informs and entertains on all supports: a newspaper and magazines, a bouquet of channels (La Chaine l'Équipe, L 'Live Foot team, the Live 1 team, the Live 2 team), a platform (site and application) and social networks ... An offer enriched by the Explore team, original creations and content, which offers more 80 documentaries as well as long formats and podcasts. More than 350 journalists work for the various media in the group. Their …

Type: Event

133 88 9 1,393
Lycée Cantau Lycée Cantau

A versatile school in the Basque Country in the heart of a creative and technical ecosystem at the service of building trades The Cantau versatile high school has a wide range of training. He prepares students for future professions, insured professional integration and the pursuit of studies in higher education (grandes écoles, universities, etc.). The establishment welcomes high school students, students, apprentices in certain training courses, but also living trainees throughout life.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

8 2 0 79
Lycée des Métiers de l'énergétique et de l'écoconstruction Martin Nadaud de Bellac Lycée des Métiers de l'énergétique et de l'écoconstruction Martin Nadaud de Bellac

🔨 Let's take the ecology of tomorrow♻️ Lycée des Métiers du Bâtiment Third pre -trades CAP (Painter Coating Application / Thermal Installer / Frame / Mason) Bac Pro (Energy and climatic systems maintenance technician / Cold and air conditioning technician / building study technician: study and economy option) BTS Domotic energy fluid

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

2 1 2 2
Office de Tourisme de Limoges Métropole Office de Tourisme de Limoges Métropole

Official page of the Limoges Métropole Tourist Office #DestinationLimoges #Limogestourisme Discover the Limoges destination? His highlights and outing ideas? News & amp; Actus of our partners and our team? Ideas for seminars, congresses, pro events? Companies with local know-how? Look no further, our team is at your disposal and offers you the keys to the city!

Type: Public Activities: traveltech

18 3 17 16
Banque de France Banque de France

Institution indépendante : stratégie monétaire, stabilité financière, services à l’économie. Banque de France is the central bank of France; it is linked to the European Central Bank (ECB). Its main charge is to maintain price stability by implementing the single monetary policy within the framework of the ESCB (European System of Central Banks). It also ensures the financial stability by regulating payment and securities settlement systems and supervising credit institutions and investment firms. central banking, monetary policy, banking regulation, and financial stability

Type: Public

273 195 58 8,055
eTwinning France (Réseau Canopé) eTwinning France (Réseau Canopé)

The French eTwinning national office. European action co-financed by the Erasmus+ programme and deployed by Canopé eTwinning encourages educational cooperation in Europe through the use of digital tools. It was set up to offer students the opportunity to learn together, share their knowledge, exchange their points of view and make friends. It allows awareness of a multilingual and multicultural European model of society. eTwinning's online tools also serve Erasmus+ project leaders in their search for partners and throughout the project with the virtual project space. Launched in 2005 as a main action of the European Commission's eLearning programme, eTwinning has …

Type: Public Activities: edtech

36 5 34 76
Récréasciences C.C.S.T.I Récréasciences C.C.S.T.I

Knowledge for all Récréasciences popularizes, disseminates and promotes science in all its forms in the Limousin region. Our goal? To promote exchanges between the scientific community and the public.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

30 6 20 6
Jexplore Jexplore

Virtual reality for lifelong career guidance and employment. Dare to innovate with Jexplore! Jexplore is an EdTech start-up that offers innovative services to enable, through virtual reality, tailor-made support for career guidance and employment. Our solutions are aimed at young people who are wondering about their career guidance, adults looking for a job and companies looking to develop the attractiveness of their professions. Our mission is to enable each person to benefit from quality information and support at each stage of their career path. For more information: Contact us: Immersion, Employment, Virtual Reality, 3D, Education, Professional, Professions, Orientation, …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech Technologies: VR

33 9 26 15
ScholaVie ScholaVie

Psychosocial skills at the heart of education ScholaVie is an educational association that works for the well-being and success of students, and those who help them on a daily basis, through the development of psychosocial skills (CPS). ScholaVie supports, trains and equips education and health professionals so that they develop their own CPS and integrate them into their practices and postures. Equipping professionals allows for systemic change and the most effective and lasting impact possible on students.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

16 5 11 9
Département de la Creuse Département de la Creuse

The Creuse department is located in the center of France, in the northeast of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. In the northwest part of the Massif Central, Creuse is surrounded by the departments of Haute-Vienne, Corrèze, Allier, Puy-de-Dôme, Indre and Cher. It occupies a very central position, 350 km south of Paris, 350 km west of Lyon and 315 km northeast of Bordeaux. Creuse is a hilly department, where the small mountains predominate in the southeast and the hills are sometimes high in the north and west. Its territory is irrigated by many rivers, including the Creuse, which crosses it from side …

Type: Public

22 15 6 26
KuriOz KuriOz

KuriOz is an association for Education for Citizenship and International Solidarity (ECSI). KuriOz is an association for Education for Citizenship and International Solidarity (ECSI) as defined by the EducaSol network of which it is a member. It aims for a social transformation towards greater respect for human rights and encourages living together and personal development. It is thus a vector of social inclusion, by promoting active and open citizenship. Thanks to a fun and participatory pedagogy, we question representations and prejudices, awaken curiosity and critical thinking and offer keys to understanding the challenges of our world. We develop our activities …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

7 2 4 7
France Bleu France Bleu

Listen, we're good together

Type: Media

264 189 81 9
Entreprendre Pour Apprendre / JA France Entreprendre Pour Apprendre / JA France

Dare to be an entrepreneur of your life Entreprendre pour Apprendre France is a federation of 16 regional associations that develop the entrepreneurial spirit in young people aged 9 to 25 in order to make them actors in their social and professional futures. Our approach is centered on the collective project. Our programs are based on an educational alliance between supervisors and mentors where each brings their knowledge, interpersonal skills and know-how to develop the skills of young people, in a mode of animation, governance and organization of a collaborative, cooperative and participatory type. Our courses are based on a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

126 22 105 8
FACIL'iti | Certifiée B Corp FACIL'iti | Certifiée B Corp

Nous innovons pour des expériences en ligne inclusives, personnalisées & respectueuses de l'environnement. FACIL’iti - ONE UNIVERSAL SOLUTION TO DIGITAL ACCESSIBILITY We provide our customers the solution to transform their on-line presence (website, extranet, intranet) into an accessible environment for people with disabilities or seniors. Accessibility in the digital world is one universal challenge for everyone, especially when is about complex websites from e-health, e-commerce, banking, insurance and institutional sites. This is where FACIL'iti is the efficient and cost effective solution that provides accessibility in just one click away. FACIL’iti aims to make the digital world accessible to any person …

Type: Startup Activities: silvertech

122 46 61 33
CFA TP Bretagne CFA TP Bretagne

Since 2002 the CFA TP Bretagne has trained high -performance professionals at the service of public works. The CFA welcomes 250 apprentices each year and offers the following training courses: - CAP builder of roads, - CAP manufacturer of pipes, - CAP driver of gear, - Bac pro public works, - BTS Public Works. For more information: Facebook: Instagram: Cfatpbtre Twitter: @cfa_tp CFA, Public Works, CAP, BAC PRO, BTS, Learning, Training, Road Manufacturer, manufacturer of pipes of pipes, vehicle driver, team leader, and site manager

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

88 11 82 3
Ville de Limoges Ville de Limoges

Invest ++ Innovate ++ LIVING The first economic center of the Center-West, Limoges is located in the heart of an urban area of ​​more than 280,000 inhabitants. Green city (more than 79 m2 of green spaces arranged per capita), a city-citizen city, city of art and history, it maintains and values ​​its historical, cultural but also natural heritage. Headquarters of the world leader in electrical equipment for the building, Limoges is also well positioned in the luxury industry and is rich in an economic fabric diversified in SME-PMI (13,000 companies). The city of Limoges and its agglomeration devote more than …

Type: Public

55 32 18 330

The UIMM Gironde-Landes is a professional organization created by and for industrial companies in the territory. It represents companies of all sizes and various activity sectors such as metallurgy and transformation of metals, aeronautics, mechanics, electricity, electronics, IT, automotive, naval construction and renewable energies. In order to support the competitiveness and development of its members on a daily basis, the UIMM Gironde-Landes has gathered all of its skills and its expertise in the Maison de l'Industrie de l'Industrie de Bordeaux-Bruges. Legal and social expertise, industrial development, HRM, vocational training, and industrial communication

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: industry 4.0

35 6 30 20
Spicee Spicee

The 100% documentary streaming platform. Spicee is a documentary platform per subscription. Since 2015, she has been offering hundreds of committed documentaries to her subscribers to her subscribers of the world today. The Spicee platform is a pioneer in the fight against disinformation and has a very committed editorial line (impact and solution journalism). And for a year, Spicee has even had its education component, Spicee Educ. The Spicee offer is available via its website available in iOS and Android mobile application, but also on Molotov, Orange, Video and Voo (Belgium). Launched initially as a responsive site, Spicee quickly …

Type: Media

48 7 36 13
IRA de Nantes IRA de Nantes

Regional Institute of Administration of Nantes Welcome to the Regional Institute of Administration of Nantes, where excellence meets the transformation of public service. Our inter -ministerial school is devoted to preparing the public service of today and tomorrow by adapting our recruitment and training approach to meet the societal expectations and the quality standards of the administration. We are committed to informing and raising awareness about the trades of the public service, to diversify and professionalize recruitments, in particular thanks to our preparatory classes specially designed for future public service talents. Our action is shaped by our desire to meet …

Type: Public

21 3 8 237
Fédération APAJH Fédération APAJH

Are you looking for a job that makes sense? Join us! Our core business? Support, on a daily basis, people with disabilities, whatever their age, their disability and their aspirations. APAJH has been committed since 1962, everywhere in France, to bring its humanist ethics and values ​​to life: - Republican principles: freedom, equality, fraternity - secularism: the crucible of living together, a permanent fight - citizenship: same rights, same duties for everyone - national solidarity: disability concerns the whole society The success of his project is largely based on a collective force sharing its values, and developing expertise around 5 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consumer services

41 17 17 1,908
Euroregion NAEN Euroregion NAEN

Cross-border cooperation / Cooperación Transfronteriza / Mugazgandiko Kooperazioa / Cross-Border Cooperation Akitania-Berria Euskadi Nafarroa Euroeskualdea Lurralde-Lankidetzarako Europar Taldeak Ekonomia, Gizarte Eta Kultura Garapena Sustatzea of ​​Helburu, Lankidetza-Ekintzen Bidez. Lurralde-Lankidetza aktoreen Sareak dinamizatzen etaikitzen ditu. The Agrupación Europea de Coopéración Territorial, Euroregión Nueva-Aquitania Euskadi Navarra Tiene Como objectivo principal Llevar a Cabo Actividades de Cooperación that Compriyan al Desarrollo Económico, social y cultural de su territorio. Participated in the coordinación y creación dedes between the different actores of the territorial cooperación. The European group of territorial cooperation Eurorégion Nouvelle-Aquitaine Euskadi Navarre aims to conduct cooperation actions which contribute to the economic, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

17 2 15 10

LYCEE POLYVALENT MARYSE BASTIE is a primary/secondary education company based out of RUE LOUIS ARMSTRONG, Limoges, Nouvelleaquitaine, France.

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

5 1 0 22
France Nature Environnement Limousin France Nature Environnement Limousin

Federation of Nature Protection Asso in Limousin - Member of France Nature Environnement Nouvelle -Aquitaine Limousin Nature Environnement is a civic & amp; Social Organization Company Based Out of Domaine des Vaseix, Verneuil sur Vienne, Nouvelleaquitaine, France. Environmental education, biodiversity, sentries of nature, animation, public debate, environmental defense, nature protection, and ecological transition

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

2 1 1 8
CCI Nouvelle-Aquitaine CCI Nouvelle-Aquitaine

1st business accelerator Public establishment placed under the supervision of the State, the New Aquitaine Chamber of Commerce and Industry is made up of elected business leaders throughout the territory. Its mission is to represent the interests of trade, industry and services with public authorities, contributes to economic development, attractiveness and territorial planning and business support. Chaired by Jean-François Clédel, the CCI Nouvelle-Aquitaine supervises and supports the activities of the 13 territorial CCIs attached and defines a strategy for the activity of the consular network in the region.

Type: Public

43 15 33 80
CCI de Limoges CCI de Limoges

Throughout the life of your business, we are here to accompany you. #Ayezlereflexecci The CCI of #Limoges supports industrial, commercial and service providers on #Haute-Vienne. We accompany you throughout your life: from the #creation to the #transmission of your #entreprise through the development of your activity. Have the #CCI reflex!

Type: Public

47 19 31 95

Since 2007, aqui! has been a major player in information in Nouvelle-Aquitaine Aqui!Presse SAS is a press, training and consulting company in information and communication. Publisher of the regional information site, it is also a training organization. In a rapidly changing world, "informing well" and "communicating well" are major concerns. Every communicator is now faced with the evolution of their profession and the imperative to professionalize their practices throughout their life. As recognized professionals in our information and communication professions, we mobilize all our know-how to offer you a rich and concrete training offer. We want to share our …

Type: Media

88 11 76 10
Trousse à projets Trousse à projets

School in action The Trousse à Projets is a Public Interest Group created in 2017 at the initiative of the Ministry of National Education in partnership with the Central Office for Cooperation in Schools, the Canopé Network, Crédit Coopératif and the Endowment Fund for a Solidarity and Innovative School. Its purpose is to encourage and facilitate the implementation of educational and pedagogical projects, the opening of the school to its environment and the development of partnerships. Its activities are deployed for the benefit of students and school communities in public and private schools, middle schools and high schools under contract. …

Type: Public

52 15 47 13

Growing up with confidence. Since 1932, MAE has accompanied the lives of millions of children, becoming the reference in school insurance. With 2.5 million insured, it has established itself as the specialist in child and family protection, offering a comprehensive range of solutions dedicated to each stage of life: accidents of life, home insurance, provident cover, property damage, etc. A mutual and committed mutual insurance company, MAE's purpose is to protect children, support families and reassure schools. school insurance, family insurance, home insurance, prevention, mutual insurance, solidarity, student insurance, family insurance, children's insurance, and provident cover

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

17 4 7 206
CHU de Limoges CHU de Limoges

An organization designed for welcoming patients The Limoges University Hospital was created in 1974 and has three public service missions: care, teaching, research and innovation. Our staff work at the various hospital sites and a Center for Biology and Health Research. Our training institutes and the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Limoges also allow us to train the healthcare and medical staff of tomorrow. Our Inserm-certified teams and the various and numerous projects recognized at national and European level illustrate our University Hospital's desire to develop its research activities. Care, Training, Research

Type: Public

19 11 9 1,524
ENSAD Limoges - Ecole nationale supérieure d'art et de design ENSAD Limoges - Ecole nationale supérieure d'art et de design

ART / DESIGN: contemporary education since 1881 The École Nationale Supérieure d’Art et de Design de Limoges is one of the ten National Schools of Art under the direct supervision of the Ministry of Culture. It leads to the artistic diplomas L (DNA) and M (DNSEP) in two options: Art and Design. A public school, it offers education open to all. ceramics, art, and design

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech edtech

7 5 2 20
Cap Emploi Cap Emploi

Handicap, recrutement & maintien.

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech

49 47 0 639

The Creuse Grand Sud Community of Communes was created on 1 January 2014 following the law on the reform of local authorities. The new intercommunal area includes: the former Aubusson-Felletin Community of Communes created in December 2000 and the former Plateau de Gentioux Community of Communes created in December 1992, as well as the communes of Croze, Gioux and Saint Sulpice les Champs. In total, the Community of Communes includes 12,128 inhabitants for 26 communes.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

11 1 8 16
DREAL (Direction Régionale de l'Environnement, de l'Aménagement et du Logement) DREAL (Direction Régionale de l'Environnement, de l'Aménagement et du Logement)

The DREAL is the new unified regional service of the Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and Regional Planning. Under the authority of the regional prefect, the DREAL pilots sustainable development policies resulting in particular from the commitments of the Grenelle Environment Forum as well as those of housing and the city. The DREALs are the result of the merger of the DIRENs, the DREs and the DRIREs. 8 DREALs were created in 2009, 13 in 2010 and 4 in 2011.

Type: Public

43 32 7 1,375
ISblue ISblue

University School of Research in Marine Science and Technology In a global context of global warming and the fragility of ecosystems, ISblue "The Interdisciplinary Graduate School for the Blue Planet" aims to address the environmental challenges facing ocean and coastal areas. This "French-style" Graduate School is one of the University Research Schools (EUR) funded under the Investments for the Future Program (PIA). The only EUR in France dedicated to marine science and technology, it is part of an interdisciplinary approach bringing together training in all disciplines of the Sea and the coast, including the human and social sciences and doctoral …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

38 0 23 9
Les cordées de la réussite Les cordées de la réussite

Les Cordées de la réussite is a lever for equal opportunities. The system creates a partnership between a "head of the rope", which is a higher education institution or a high school with a preparatory class for the grandes écoles or a section of higher technicians, and so-called "encordés" establishments: middle schools and high schools in the general, technological or vocational stream. The objective is to combat self-censorship, to encourage students' academic ambition, to broaden their horizons and to support them in their success. The actions are very diverse: individual actions (tutoring/mentoring) and/or collective actions for social and cultural openness …

Type: Public

22 7 17 81

Join the Club of Socially Committed Companies against all forms of exclusion, discrimination and poverty Join the movement of socially committed companies in the fight against all forms of exclusion and who act for their territories! Face Limousin Périgord and its committed companies have been mobilizing since 2011 in the territories of Limousin and Périgord to carry out concrete actions in favor of diversity, inclusion and to fight against all forms of exclusion, discrimination and poverty. The Face Limousin Périgord business club relies on the expertise of the Face Foundation (a foundation recognized as being of public utility). Our mission: …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

24 1 22 12

Facts matter AFP is a leading global news agency providing fast, comprehensive and verified coverage of the events shaping our world and of the issues affecting our daily lives. Drawing from an unparalleled news gathering network across 150 countries, AFP is also a world leader in digital verification. With 2,600 staff representing 100 different nationalities, AFP covers the world in six languages, with a unique quality of multimedia storytelling spanning video, text, photos and graphics. Journalism, Press, Media, Information, Video, International, News, Sports, Multimedia, Events, Photo, Graphics, Mobile solutions, Videographics, Online news, Live reports, Audio, Archive content, Ready-to-publish video, and …

Type: Media

203 89 98 5,658

Acting together for responsible growth MEDEF Limousin is a network of companies and professional sectors representing nearly 1/3 of salaried employment in our territory. It is also a local body close to the field that works with public authorities and local communities to raise the issues and concerns of entrepreneurs... BUT it is also concrete services, technical meetings, a network of influence, friendly evenings, management of employer mandates...

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

37 4 27 5
Ligue de l'enseignement - centre confédéral Ligue de l'enseignement - centre confédéral

Joining forces Secular and independent, the Ligue de l'enseignement offers educational, cultural, sports and leisure activities. The League has 1 million members and brings together 20,000 local associations through 102 departmental federations. Joining the League means choosing a livable planet, open, generous and responsible societies. Joining the League means learning by and with others, bringing conviviality and fraternity to life. Joining the League means building solidarity and acting against inequalities. Joining the League means taking part in a democracy that involves all its citizens. Joining the League means creating a link between actions that are tailored to each individual and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

23 10 11 468

The FIRAH’s activities are focused on three areas: - Supporting applied research projects on disabilities, - Promoting the practical application of research findings by stakeholders in the field, and - Encouraging and increasing the dissemination of the knowledge acquired through applied research throughout the world.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

10 2 6 3
Inspé de l'Académie de Lyon Inspé de l'Académie de Lyon

The National Higher Institute of Teaching and Education supports teachers throughout their career. The National Higher Institute of Teaching and Education supports teachers throughout their career. It offers MEEF Masters: primary school teachers, middle school and high school teachers, CPE. There are also MEEF Masters: Health Education, Inclusive Education Professions, Adult Training Professions. The Inspé of Lyon also has a DU in Neuropsychology, Eudation and Pedagogy, as well as a DU in Culture of Professions around Young Children

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

9 2 1 44
UNSS | Union Nationale du Sport Scolaire UNSS | Union Nationale du Sport Scolaire

For students, by students! Official page The UNSS is the 1st school sports federation chaired by the Ministry of National Education. And the 2nd sports federation in France with more than a million licensees. It brings together all the Sports Associations (AS) and organizes meetings from local to national and international levels. The mission of the UNSS is to organize and develop the practice of sports and artistic activities and the learning of associative life for and by students. More than ever focused on young people, the UNSS promotes an educational project in accordance with the values ​​of the Republic, …

Type: Public

62 23 25 234
Présidence de la République Présidence de la République

The President of the French Republic embodies the authority of the State. He is the Head of State in France, the head of the armed forces and the guarantor of the Constitution of the Fifth Republic. Since May 14, 2017, the President of the French Republic is Emmanuel Macron. The President has been elected by direct universal suffrage since 1965 for a 5-year term. His role is to ensure the normal functioning of public authorities and the continuity of the State. He is also the guarantor of national independence, territorial integrity and respect for treaties.

Type: Public

389 288 41 1,571
France Design Week France Design Week

The unmissable event for those who make French design shine is back from September 12 to 30, 2025! France Design Week is an event label that aims to give visibility to the diversity and vitality of French design practices, in a common and shared time sequence. France Design Week brings together the world of French design during an international, annual and global event. Its objective is to promote design and the expertise of its designers to professionals and to raise awareness among the general public about its practice, by highlighting all fields of design. Professionals, the general public and design …

Type: Event

44 23 23 2
Paris 2024 - Comité d'organisation des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques de 2024 Paris 2024 - Comité d'organisation des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques de 2024

Sport can change everything In accordance with the host city contract signed by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the City of Paris and the French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF), Paris 2024 is responsible for: Planning, organising, financing and delivering the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games; Promoting the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games in France and internationally; Participating in actions aimed at ensuring the sustainability of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games; Contributing to maximising the positive impact and legacy of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Type: Event

275 234 57 2,068
Mecanic Vallée Mecanic Vallée

Companies on the move Founded in 1998, Mecanic Vallée is a cluster of around 160 companies and 13,000 jobs, in 2 regions: Nouvelle Aquitaine and Occitanie and in 3 main sectors of activity in mechanics: aeronautics, automotive equipment and machine tools.

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0

24 8 17 35
CPAM de la Gironde CPAM de la Gironde

Acting together. Protecting everyone. Working at Health Insurance means committing to a collective driven by a culture of results, where everyone puts their skills to work on numerous projects to protect the health of more than 60 million insured persons. Every day, more than 1,200 employees work to ensure the mission of the Primary Health Insurance Fund of Gironde in its 540 municipalities. Attached to the health branch of Social Security, the CPAM covers the health, maternity, work accident and occupational disease risks of approximately 1.3 million beneficiaries. We also work with more than 13,000 health professionals and 50,000 employers …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

72 21 53 182
Ville de La Souterraine Ville de La Souterraine

The naturally enterprising city. Facebook: Twitter:

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

3 2 0 21
Info Jeunes Nouvelle-Aquitaine Info Jeunes Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Explore the possibilities Youth Information meets the principles of the charter for youth information which defines information as a fundamental right for all young people. It concerns the following areas: education, vocational training and careers, employment, continuing education, society and practical life, leisure, holidays, Europe, abroad, sports. The CRIJ Nouvelle-Aquitaine aims to promote young people's access to autonomy by providing them with information and services useful in their daily lives. The CRIJ Nouvelle-Aquitaine also provides a physical reception in its premises on the Bordeaux, Poitiers and Limoges sites. The reception of the public is free, anonymous and without appointment (in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

17 2 16 28

The inimitable chocolate drink since 1954 CACOLAC is a French, independent and family company managed by Christian Maviel, descendant of the founding family. Specialist in cocoa-based flavored milk with multiple flavors, CACOLAC is a company located in Léognan in the Bordeaux region (33). It currently employs 47 employees and produces more than 35,000,000 bottles and cans each year, including 15,000,000 milk drinks dedicated to its brand. Our healthy and delicious flavored milk recipes are made with quality natural ingredients, mostly of French origin. Cacolac takes care to use ingredients guaranteed without colorings or preservatives. The original recipe offers a good …

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

10 1 7 40
Céramiques de France Céramiques de France

Official page of the Confédération des Industries Céramiques de France (CICF) 🇫🇷 🍽👨‍⚕️✈🛰🏥🏺⌚🏠🛁 The Confédération des Industries Céramiques de France (CICF) is the professional organization of all ceramic industries: sanitaryware, tiles, refractory products, technical ceramics, tableware and decoration (porcelain, pottery, earthenware). It defends the interests of its members while providing them with legal and regulatory support useful for their activities. It helps to raise awareness of professions and training in the field, and encourages innovation in the sector. Ceramics are everywhere around us: they are essential to our daily lives and to many other industrial sectors. Let's spread the word!

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: industry 4.0

6 1 3 4
Musée National Adrien Dubouché Musée National Adrien Dubouché

The history of Limoges ceramics and porcelain is presented in a completely renovated setting. Musée National Adrien Dubouché traces the history of ceramics and offers a journey through time through masterpieces that range from Antiquity to the present day. The permanent collections then offer a complete panorama of the history of Limoges porcelain up to contemporary creation. Throughout the year, the museum offers guided tours as well as a varied cultural program and activities for all ages, to do alone, with family or friends. For children from 7 years old and families, a game booklet is given free of charge …

Type: SMB Activities: kidtech

5 3 2 15
Onaps Onaps

National Observatory of Physical Activity and Sedentary Lifestyle National Observatory of Physical Activity and Sedentary Lifestyle. The Onaps aims to assess the level of physical and sporting activity and the time spent in sedentary activity in the general population and in the populations targeted by the national action plan "Sport Health Well-Being", in particular young people aged 12 to 25 throughout the country. A place of resources, research and a real tool for reflection, expertise and analysis, it lists all the systems specifically set up in France to promote physical and sporting activity and evaluates their effectiveness. Physical activity, Sedentary …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

38 8 26 11
Cluster Aquitaine Robotics Cluster Aquitaine Robotics

The cluster structures the regional robotics sector, supports collaborative projects and develops skills. The Aquitaine Robotics cluster structures the regional robotics sector, supports collaborative R&D projects and develops skills in scientific research and training. It brings together players in manufacturing and logistics robotics, service robotics, and open environment robotics in Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Created in July 2013, it currently has more than one hundred members, mainly companies, research and training organizations, and users. Aquitaine Robotics is supported in its operation by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Development and Innovation Agency and Bordeaux INP (National Polytechnic Institute), co-founders of the cluster. The Nouvelle-Aquitaine Regional Council, also …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: industry 4.0

34 12 29 6

National Center for Circus, Street and Theater Arts ARTCENA helps professionals implement their projects and build the future of circus, street and theater arts. It was born in 2016 from the alliance of the National Center for Theater and HorsLesMurs. ARTCENA deploys its missions around three axes: 1/ Sharing knowledge via a portal and digital publications. ARTCENA publishes on its portal briefs and reports on the news and professional life of circus, street and theater arts, but also multimedia publications to shed light on contemporary creation. In addition, ARTCENA works to create reliable, selected, digitized multimedia documentation on the news …

Type: Media

11 2 4 46
Academy of Management Academy of Management

Grounded in top-tier research, the Academy of Management leads the discussion on the world’s most prominent organizational and management issues, including: equality and discrimination, innovation, leadership, diversity, risk management, work-life flexibility and balance, corporate social responsibility (CSR), women in the work place, business policy and strategy, motivation, entrepreneurship, workplace behavior and well-being and more. Our worldwide members are professors and PhD students in business schools at universities, academics in related social science and other fields, and practitioners who value knowledge creation and application. Founded in 1936, our global community today is nearly 20,000 strong, spanning more than 120 countries. OUR …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

1 1 0 218
Académie de France à Rome - Villa Médicis Académie de France à Rome - Villa Médicis

Artist and researcher residency & contemporary art center in a Renaissance palace in the heart of #Rome. The Académie de France in Rome – Villa Medici promotes artistic creation in all its fields through residencies for artists and researchers and a cultural program that aims to promote dialogue between France and Italy, in a spirit of openness to the rest of the world. Created in 1666, the Académie de France in Rome is also responsible for preserving and promoting the Villa Medici, its headquarters since 1803, its gardens and art collections. The Académie de France in Rome – Villa Medici …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

13 6 8 56