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HarperCollins France HarperCollins France

Read the world with HarperCollins HarperCollins France is a publishing house specializing in general public literature. HarperCollins France is a subsidiary of the HarperCollins Publishers group, publishing both a catalog of general literature under the HarperCollins label and romance programs under the Harlequin brand. Present in 18 countries, HarperCollins Publishers is the second publisher of consumer books worldwide. With more than 120 editorial brands, HarperCollins publishes around 10,000 new books each year, translated into 17 languages, and totals a paper and digital catalog of more than 200,000 titles. In extremely varied genres, some of the authors edited by HarperCollins saw …

Type: Media

14 2 11 132
Maison Régionale de l'Environnement et des Solidarités Maison Régionale de l'Environnement et des Solidarités

Associative network on the environment and solidarity in Hauts de France A network of 118 Assos in Hauts de France, a house and resources on the environment and solidarity and volunteers in action for a better world.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

9 3 4 13
Seine-et-Yvelines Numérique Seine-et-Yvelines Numérique

Valuable digital service operator for territories and public actors in Hauts de Seine and Yvelines Created in 2016 by the Department and the Intercommunalities of the Yvelines and then joined by the Hauts-de-Seine Department in 2020, Seine-et-Yvelines Digital is responsible for developing and piloting new innovative and shared services. It makes available to municipalities, intercommunalities and public establishments of all kinds of solutions for digital planning of the territory, digital for education and solidarity, connected territories, cybersecurity, dematerialization or even systems of information. He is the first interdepartmental public operator in France available to communities in the field of digital …

Type: Public

20 2 19 90
Hub Francil'IN Hub Francil'IN

Co-organisons digital inclusion in Île-de-France Ile-de-France, the HUB for an inclusive digital which accompanies, develops and consolidates digital strategies at the service of the human and the territories of Ile-de-France, is one of the fifteen heads of regional network of inclusion and Digital mediation initiated by the Territorial Bank. The hubs are responsible for supporting, federating and training digital caregivers and digital mediators who act with the French most distant from digital; They federate and support operational and public actors in their actions for digital inclusion. The hubs are part of a major mission of the national strategy for a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

22 6 16 7

Sud Charente digital space is an association that promotes digital technology for everyone and accessible to all! The southern South Charente space is responsible for supporting and developing digital, educational, cultural, economic and citizen projects. It plays a role of mediation, expertise and digital advice for structures that wish. It develops innovative and structuring projects. Digital, third places, fablab, mediation, digital training, senior, youth, and programming

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

10 6 5 9
Evryware Evryware

Vocational training for 25 years Evryware is a general vocational training organization that has organized internships in office automation, DTP, Internet, Accounting and Financial Management for almost 25 years. In 2010, Evryware strengthened its team to expand its offer in several areas: English, Marketing, Commercial, Communication, Human Resources, Social Law, CE and CHSCT. In 2016, Evryware opened new training courses for employees in retraining or job search, in particular on professional titles: Level V - Administrative employee (VE) and reception agent (CPF 2104) Level IV - Assistant secretary (CPF 2189) - Accountant assistant (CPF 2188) - Accounting and administration assistant …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

2 2 0 67
GIP MiE - maison de l'emploi du Roubaisis GIP MiE - maison de l'emploi du Roubaisis

The Maison de l'Emploi is a job and orientation place on employment, training, and business creation, accessible to everyone! It is a unique place where employment, training and business creation structures wanted to come together to create common services. In June 2005, the MIE was labeled "Employment Maison" by the Ministry of Employment, Social Cohesion and Housing. Since its opening, the MIE - Maison de l'Emploi du Roubaisis has developed the skills of the human resource of the territory its spearhead. MIE is the tool for piloting the employment policy-training for the territory of the municipalities of Roubaix Wattrelos Leers …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

28 5 25 52
GreenMinded GreenMinded

Association of general interest in the protection of biodiversity and the fight against plastic waste 🌿 Greenminded is a national and environmental law association, founded in 2016. 📢 Our association conducts awareness -raising and environmental education actions with various audiences: schools, businesses, communities, citizens. We make aware of the reduction and better waste management, including cigarette butts, and the protection of biodiversity. 🛒 Zero-Mégot online store: Discover our pocket ashtrays and our ashtrays Survey: We are approved 1%Fortheplanet. You can support us free of charge via the Lilo search engine: ------------------ Our missions #Zero-megot 🚬 Organization of cigarette …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech civictech

16 8 3 6
digiSchool group digiSchool group

Help young people to revise and orient themselves Digischool publishes a series of web and mobile educational applications used by more than 3 million active users per month in France. Our mission Our goal is to engage each young person in the success of their educational career throughout their schooling until their first job. Our societal objectives Every day, the digischool teams work to maximize the impact of our solutions in order to: - Fight against dropping out of school - Promote orientation and insertion towards the world of employment - Restore self -confidence and expand the field of possibilities …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech it services

38 19 16 58
POP Café, le numérique au comptoir POP Café, le numérique au comptoir

Digital at the counter Our mission: to participate in the dissemination of an ethical digital culture everywhere and for everyone, in the service of the ecological and social transition of the territories. Any citizen, any association and any economic player must have access to the resources necessary to access the social and economic opportunities of digital society, wherever he lives. We consider that all the places of life, third places, cafes of neighborhoods ... are ideal structures for support for daily digital uses, in particular thanks to their local anchoring. Our ambition: to put digital mediation as close as possible …

Type: Startup Activities: it services

14 6 11 3
EvidenceB EvidenceB

Ensure every child understands K-12 core knowledge with latest research on cognitive science and artificial intelligence EdTech company that build modules of activities for K12 students combining : - research in cognitive science on how kids brain learn? - AI to strengthen those adaptive activities - various digital interface including gaming (chatbot; platform...) Education , EdTech, Recherche , and Sciences Cognitives

Type: Startup Activities: it services edtech Technologies: A.I. Generative A.I. SaaS

42 19 20 31
Arié Alimi Avocats Arié Alimi Avocats

Arié Alimi Avocats is a law firm founded in 2002 and specialized in commercial real estate law. The cabinet also intervenes in criminal and social law. Thanks to a full range of services, the firm offers a high -level legal service from simple consultation to legal representation. He assists and advises you by defining with you the best strategies to adopt. Commercial real estate law, social law, and criminal law

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

15 4 11 9
Debout la France Debout la France

Type: Media NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: govtech

14 7 4 17
Les Docks - Cité de la Mode et du Design Les Docks - Cité de la Mode et du Design

Open scene on creation These former docks, rehabilitated by the architects Jakob+Mac Farlane, are in direct contact with the Seine, ideally located between the Austerlitz station and the Gare de Lyon. The only Parisian place mixing relaxation, culture and events, the city welcomes parades and show rooms, consumer and professional fairs, seminars, conferences, private receptions, exhibitions around creation. From the ground floor to the largest rooftop in the capital, professionals, clubbers, hipsters, students, families, arty and curious stroll through the passageways, visit exhibitions and events, relax in the sun or on the quays ... Residents: playful art-museum, the French fashion …

Type: Event Startup Activities: arttech

27 23 2 6
CCI Hauts-de-France CCI Hauts-de-France

The Hauts-de-France Chamber of Commerce and Industry, a key player in regional economic dynamism, works for business prosperity, job creation and sustainable development. With diversified expertise, we are determined to support entrepreneurs and economic players at each stage of their growth. Our areas of intervention: Company support: Strategic advice, tailor -made training and support programs to stimulate innovation and competitiveness. Internationalization: facilitation of international exchanges, export assistance, advice for foreign investments and support for implantation abroad. Local development: promotion of local attractiveness, support for creation and takeover of businesses, development of regional economic sectors. Training and apprenticeship: offer of professional …

Type: Public Activities: traveltech entrepreneurship hrtech

146 44 104 33
La Cantine Nantes La Cantine Nantes

Nous agitons, accueillons et soutenons depuis 2008 l’écosystème de l'innovation et de la tech de Nantes et de sa région. Atlantic 2.0 is a non-profit organization, the network of web players and digital innovation in Nantes and Pays de la Loire Area. More than 250 companies members, representing more than 3,500 jobs in the web and digital on the region. The Atlantic 2.0 network, 5 years of existence, achieved its first goal: to consolidate and boost web industry and innovation in Pays de la Loire. Daily, Atlantic 2.0 helps facilitate exchanges between entrepreneurs, project developers, investors, institutional and association partners …

Type: SMB Activities: entrepreneurship

97 41 72 41
ITG Group ITG Group

ITG is the Employer of Record n°1 in France. We help more than 3 000 consultants working independantly for all companies ITG is the leading company for employer of record services. ITG helps independant consultants specialised in various fileds of expertise (HR, Marketing, IT, Management, Transformation, Digital...) to develop their consulting activity. Want to know more on how ITG can bring you the ideal solution for your own consulting activity ? Go on Portage salarial, formation, emploi, conseil, freelance, indépendant, indépendants, freelances, externalisation, and consultant

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

52 18 23 531
PC INpact PC INpact

The reference media of those who want to think of tech and digital, without blabla, without ad and without tracker. PC Inpact is a French site opened on May 5, 2003 which mainly deals with computer science but also new technologies in general, in the form of daily articles and files, as well as wider subjects always related to IT or new technologies. It is managed by the PC Inpact Press SARL and has a community of more than 150,000 members [1] in constant evolution.

Type: SMB Activities: it services

57 13 36 10
Designers Éthiques Designers Éthiques

Association et structure de recherche action autour de la conception de services numériques responsables et durables. Founded in March 2017, the association Ethical Designers aims to promote responsible and sustainable digital design. We organize the French-speaking Ethics By Design event ( dedicated to responsible digital design. design and numérique

Type: Startup Activities: uxtech Technologies: Decarbonization

28 8 20 22
Quinzaine des Cinéastes / Directors'​ Fortnight Quinzaine des Cinéastes / Directors'​ Fortnight

Parallel selection of the Cannes Film Festival. Founded in 1969.

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

6 4 1 19
Nospoon - Agence de conseil en communication et marque employeur Nospoon - Agence de conseil en communication et marque employeur

A strong brand, an inspiring showcase, attractive content and useful speaking. Much more than a communication agency, we are a sustainable partner for our customers. We offer the combination of four expertise centers to help our customers stand out on their market to develop their activity sustainably and better recruit: • Employer brand: attract and retain the best profiles thanks to our HR expertise, communication and marketing • Editorial: gain visibility and touch new prospects with content with high added value • Creation: embody a strong brand supported by important visuals and supports • Digital: achieve its business objectives via …

Type: Startup Activities: uxtech Technologies: Decarbonization

11 0 11 20

Power generator to act Hypra is a solidarity company of social utility specializing in digital inclusion and in the entilled resilience and the emancipation of people in low-vision situations.

Type: Startup Activities: consumer services

15 4 14 10
Commown Commown

The cooperative for sustainable electronics Commown is a Cooperative that supports fair and sustainable electronics by leasing devices designed to be easily repaired. The electronics industry generates a huge amount of negative externalities, from the mines to the products' end-of-life. Many studies showed that the first priority is to reduce the number of electronic devices made and sold. However, this is not viable for companies that rely solely on the sale of these devices. There is therefore a need for another business model: Hardware as as Service (HaaS). The service includes providing smartphones (e.g. Fairphone), computers, headphones and managing repairs …

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech Technologies: IoT

53 18 34 29
TechShop - Ateliers Leroy Merlin TechShop - Ateliers Leroy Merlin

Innovate, prototyper and develop in "makers" mode Create, manufacture, share // a place and a community to carry out your projects - Techshop - Ateliers Leroy Merlin is the fruit of a partnership between Leroy Merlin and Techshop, a startup created in 2006 in Silicon Valley by Jim Newton, an inventor, entrepreneur and handyman. He then imagined a place which, like a gym club, would allow access to professional machines and equipment in the form of a subscription.

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing proptech Technologies: 3D Printing

36 19 14 16
La Ruche qui dit Oui ! La Ruche qui dit Oui !

Acheter en direct des producteurs, tout le monde s’y retrouve. The Food Assembly team developing our platform and coordinating the network now comprises over 80 people in various cities including Paris, Madrid, Berlin, Brussels, Barcelona and Turin. The Food Assembly combines cultures of social entrepreneurship and digital innovation to offer a single model for start-ups with a high social impact. Each of the 700 Assemblies can promote projects independently while taking a collective approach. All these local initiatives sketch out the shape of a new economy that is fairer and more collaborative. We are working alongside them, and with that …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech consumer services transporttech Technologies: SaaS

46 25 9 347
Ellyx Ellyx

Regenerate society SCOP Ellyx advises and supports the actors of society, communities, institutions, associations, companies, collectives of actors and citizens in the resolution of social issues. Employment, education, environment, integration, mobility or health ... Whatever the intervention sector, we are considering social innovation as a means to imagine and experiment unpublished solutions for society as a whole. We assume to be sometimes against the tide: with false good quick ideas, we prefer fundamental opportunities, even if they are more complex and therefore longer to implement. We defend the critical and scientific spirit which makes it possible to experience the relevance …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech

27 13 10 19

🌏 Global innovation laboratory committed to bringing Third Places and Creative and Productive Hubs to the world 🌏 Volumes is a global innovation laboratory committed to supporting the emergence of Third Places and Creative and Productive Hubs everywhere in the world through consulting, training and research. Third Places are hybrid spaces that are neither where you live nor where you work, situated in between the public and the private space. They play a key role in the definition of civil society, democracy and civic engagement. Third Places include independent coworking spaces, creative hubs, fab labs, social food labs, coliving spaces, …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech smart city Technologies: Decarbonization

47 15 33 7
Urban Prod Urban Prod

Change the world by digital humanities. Digital mediation and audiovisual production in Marseille and beyond. For 20 years, Urban Prod has been part of the field of digital humanities: understanding the company in digital regime beyond the only manipulation of technical tools. With its digital mediation teams, its artists, its audiovisual production teams, Urban Prod intervenes both as close as possible to digital audiences but also within organizations (associations, businesses, communities) to support their digital transition . Come and meet us in Marsmedialab in Marseille (18, rue Colbert), our third place dedicated to digital and audiovisual practices. Digital mediation, Integration …

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

25 6 14 31

Since 1994, ID Training has supported you in your social and professional integration projects. 🌟 ID training - support your professional development since 1994 🌟 ID Formation is a cooperative and participative company (SCOP) whose establishment at the national level is reflected in more than 201 training places. ID Training, a major player in the field of lifelong training, was founded in 1994. Our mission: support you in your professional transition and integration projects. We are qualiopi certified as a training organization, skills assessment center and apprentice training center, and we are committed to the integration of people with disabilities. …

Type: Large company Activities: hrtech edtech

8 0 7 1,325
Games for Change Games for Change

Empowering game creators and social innovators to drive impact through digital games and immersive technology Founded in 2004, Games for Change facilitates the creation and distribution of social impact games that serve as critical tools in humanitarian and educational efforts. Unlike the commercial gaming industry, we aim to leverage entertainment and engagement for social good. To further grow the field, Games for Change convenes multiple stakeholders, highlights best practices, incubates games, and helps create and direct investment into new projects.

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment Technologies: VR

22 5 15 92
CFI, agence française de développement médias CFI, agence française de développement médias

Our role is to promote media development in sub -Saharan Africa, the Mediterranean and the Levant. A subsidiary of the France Médias Monde group, CFI, the French Media Development Agency, acts to promote media development in Africa, the Arab world and South East Asia. CFI works each year on around thirty projects that are part of three major programs: media and governance, media and business, media and development. Media development assistance, media cooperation, transfer of competence, advice and training, technical assistance, audiovisual production support, realization of studies, and programs and advice in TV programming

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

12 6 5 112
Voyageurs du Monde Voyageurs du Monde

Specialist in tailor-made travel since 1979. Advice, personalization, services. Travelers from the world, the tailor -made travel specialist. With more than 300 employees (14 agencies in France, 1 in Switzerland, 1 in Belgium), travelers around the world is today a large company in its sector. The courses of our employees are as diverse as our trips, but we all share the passion for others and elsewhere ... Our job offers: Travel, tailor -made trip, travel agency, and tourism

Type: SMB Activities: traveltech

13 7 3 578
Asterès Asterès

Asterès produces ideas to transform innovation into progress. Cabinet led by Nicolas Bouzou. Asterès is an independent consulting firm in the economic field, founded and led by Nicolas Bouzou. We offer companies and the public sector high -level reflection tools to direct action towards qualitative and sustainable growth. Our mission is to put economic analysis at the service of the development of our customers. In other words, we finally give economic analysis its operational role. Economic studies, strategy advice, conferences, design thinking, macroeconomic and sectoral forecasts

Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: Decarbonization

89 50 16 7
Happyformance Happyformance

At Happyformance, we prove that Happiness at Work is the most powerful approach to leverage a sustainable performance. Happyformance is the pioneer European consulting firm in Happiness at Work. We inspire companies through conferences (Happiness at Work, Happy Organisations, Happy Leaders, Happy HR). We advise companies (positive business transformation, organic change management, co-creation, advanced HR strategy, leadership development,new ways of working). We develop innovative programs (Happynomics with HEC ULg), tools (Happyformance The App (coming Feb 2016) and events (BE Happy Day, HappyLunchs© with Peoplesphere) Happiness at Work, Positive Transformation, Organic Change Management, Inspiring Leadership, New ways of working, and New …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: consulting Technologies: Decarbonization

22 3 19 1
Whaller Whaller

The secure collaborative collaborative platform that adapts to your needs - Whaller Donjon qualified SECLUMCLOUD solution Whaller is a simple and complete collaborative solution that allows you to create secure social and collaborative networks. Respectful of the data of its users and guaranteeing their confidentiality, the platform is aimed at companies, organizations, administrations, educational establishments, associations and individuals. The sphere, a central and distinctive element of Whaller, is a dedicated and secure space for sharing, discussion and collaboration. From a single account, the user can create, administer or join an infinity of networks all independent of each other. Whaller offers …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

88 21 64 18
Oxibox Oxibox

La première solution qui protège vos sauvegardes des cyberattaques 🛡️💻☁️🔐 Pour garantir votre continuité d'activité Oxibox is a plug-and-protect cyber-resilience solution: you only need one simple installation to fully guarantee your capacity to recover after any disaster. Nothing to configure, no storage to allocate, no throttling due to limited network bandwidth. Our auto classification tools detect and prioritize critical data. Backups are isolated from the production network making them invisible to ransomwares but also to complex attacks. Oxibox aims to solve data protection once and for all - we bring together backup, disaster recovery, distributed storage and artificial intelligence to …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

28 6 25 20
Generation Robots Generation Robots

Robotics distributor in Europe Founded in 2008 by Jérôme Laplace, Génération Robots is a leading European company specialised in service robotics and programmable robots. Based in Bordeaux, France, our company has a strong international orientation. Our two main activities are: • The distribution of programmable robots on a European scale with a focus on education, research, but also the Makers community • The conception and implementation of advanced solutions for service robots Our fast growing company has established itself as a major European player in the service robotics markets, mainly in the fields of education and research. We also have …

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0 Technologies: Robotics

32 5 21 26
Bodyguard Bodyguard

All-in-one moderation and audience insights solution Bodyguard is the all-in-one moderation and audience intelligence solution empowering brands everywhere to create safer online spaces, and elevate business strategies through valuable audience insights. With seamless integration, Bodyguard detects and removes harmful content in real-time to protect your platforms, users and brand reputation, 24/7. More than just a moderation tool, Bodyguard’s actionable audience insights show you exactly what your audience cares about, and how to exceed their expectations. AI, Brand protection, Crisis management, Threat monitoring, Audience intelligence, Content moderation, Individual protection, 24/7 moderation, AI moderation, Social media, and Community insights

Type: Startup Activities: civictech it services Technologies: Affective Computing A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning A.I. - Natural Language Processing

35 16 23 134
Vendée Numérique Vendée Numérique

The deployment of high and high speed networks for all Vendeans Vendée Numérique is a public interest group responsible for developing high and high speed for Vendeans and economic players Deployment of optical fiber in Vendée and development of very high speed

Type: Public Activities: telecommunications

25 10 14 13
Saisons Zéro Saisons Zéro

Transitional occupation project of the former Clarisses monastery in Roubaix // in collaboration with Yes We Camp True experience of alternative intervention on heritage, the transient occupation zero seasons makes it possible to test on a daily basis and in the seasons of practical, economic and simple techniques to meet the essential needs of housing, work, party and cohabitation. Since November 2019, a new community of emerging actor has been installed in the old school and Clarisses monastery, through the Zerm association. Reduction of energy consumption, use of re -use materials, updating of forgotten insulating furniture, awareness of the origin …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

5 2 3 3
Marks and Spencer Marks and Spencer

Forward thinking, future-focused and digital-first retail At M&S, we're dedicated to being the most trusted retailer, prioritising quality and delivering value. Every day, we bring the magic of M&S to our customers, whenever, wherever and however they want to shop with us. For over a century, we've set the standard, doing the right thing and embracing innovation. Today, with over 65,000 colleagues serving 32 million customers globally, we're putting quality products at the heart of everything we do. Tomorrow holds boundless opportunities with us. We're pioneering digital innovation and shaping the future of retail where our values drive every action. …

Type: Large company

114 42 12 37,691
Chubb Chubb

A world leader in insurance. Chubb is a world leader in insurance. With operations in 54 countries and territories, Chubb provides commercial and personal property and casualty insurance, personal accident and supplemental health insurance, reinsurance and life insurance to a diverse group of clients. As an underwriting company, we assess, assume and manage risk with insight and discipline. We service and pay our claims fairly and promptly. The company is also defined by its extensive product and service offerings, broad distribution capabilities, exceptional financial strength and local operations globally. Parent company Chubb Limited is listed on the New York Stock …

Type: Large company

68 13 16 38,175

Generator of solutions for 16-25 year olds The Mission Locale Jeunes du Valenciennois is an organization responsible for welcoming, providing information, professional guidance and supporting young people to build a specific professional project. It is aimed at all young people aged 16 to 25 who are experiencing difficulties in accessing employment, training or difficulties in accessing their autonomy. With its hundred employees and its 9 reception sites spread across the territories of the Communauté d'Agglomération de Valenciennes Métropole and the Communauté d'Agglomération de la Porte du Hainaut, the Mission Locale Jeunes du Valenciennois supports more than 10,000 young people, which …

Type: Public Activities: edtech

9 2 8 78
Communauté Urbaine d'Arras Communauté Urbaine d'Arras

Urban community of Arras, exemplary territory of the ecological transition. Chaired by Frédéric Leturque. Urban community of Arras, exemplary territory of the ecological transition, composed of 46 municipalities and chaired by Frédéric Leturque. 107,582 inhabitants

Type: Public

47 20 28 181
Pix Pix

Cultivate your digital skills is a free online public service open to everyone to assess and develop their digital skills. Thanks to interactive tests, of gradual difficulty and in the form of practical exercises, it allows you to take stock and improve your digital knowledge and know-how. The platform is preparing you to pass the PIX certification, the certification of digital skills initiated and recognized by the State, registered in the specific repertoire of France Skills (eligible for the CPF). His goal is to bring each of us to cultivate our digital skills and to enhance our achievements, throughout …

Type: Public

62 20 52 277
Renaissance Numérique Renaissance Numérique

Think Tank | We flash the debate, for a digital transformation that benefits all Renaissance Digital is an independent think tank dedicated to the digital transformation of society. He works to shed light on the developments that this transformation leads to and give everyone the keys to their mastery. In order to fulfill its mission, Renaissance Digital arises as a place of debate, positive confrontation of expertise and ideas. It brings together academics, personalities, non-governmental organizations and businesses, from the wide variety of actors and points of view in the digital field. --- Digital Renaissance is an independent think tank …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

85 23 68 11

Online magazine. Analysis and comments on news. Slate is an online general media which deals with subjects concerning France, culture, high-tech, the world of the Internet, the international ... You can also follow us on: Internet, France, Politics, Culture, Economy, Media, International, and Life

Type: Media

41 22 11 120
Fondation des Possibles Fondation des Possibles

A multi-actor foundation, which works concretely to create a link and promote the professional integration of all Since 2017, the foundation of possibilities has engaged with a collective of companies to meet the challenges of professional integration. 🚀 Unique multi-business foundation in France, we are keen to act and support young people far from the professional world and those who undertake to find their place and take self-confidence. ✨ Alongside it, the foundation of possibilities can count on the support of 22 founding companies and many employees, all mobilized to help us in our mission. 🤝 ➡️ Through multiple projects, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

24 6 21 8
Ligue des droits de l'Homme Ligue des droits de l'Homme

Association de la loi de 1901, la Ligue française de défense des droits de l’Homme, « LDH », regroupe les femmes et les hommes de tous horizons et toutes conditions, qui choisissent librement de s’associer afin de réfléchir, discuter, agir pour la défense des droits et libertés, de toutes et de tous. Elle intervient sur l’ensemble du territoire à travers ses sections locales. La LDH a été créée en 1898 à l’occasion de l’affaire Dreyfus pour défendre un innocent victime de l’antisémitisme et de la raison d’État, mais, dès le départ, elle a déclaré étendre son action à la défense …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

24 14 2 186
Noveane Groupe Scalian Noveane Groupe Scalian

Noveane, a consulting firm specializing in the governance of the information system of digital organizations A human-sized consulting firm, Noveane supports its Clients in the transformation and management of their project with complete peace of mind thanks to the DTO by Noveane. The DTO - Digital Transformation Office, is a combination of people, processes, measures, methodologies and tools, which allows you to centrally manage and pilot the diverse set of digital initiatives in your organization. Noveane belongs to the Scalian Group. In the Top 10 Engineering consulting companies in France, the Scalian group operates in France and internationally as a …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting it services

23 1 5 141
Les Déterminés Les Déterminés

Entrepreneurship For All! The non-profit organization Les Déterminés supports and trains entrepreneurs from Priority Areas of the City and Rural Zones. Since 2015, more than 800 entrepreneurs (64% of whom are women) have been trained all around France. Our mission : Accelerate your success! Our aspiration is to develop through entrepreneurship a positive and proactive state of mind: the state of mind of an entrepreneur. The association Les Déterminés provides trainings, support for entrepreneurship and networking. Visit our website: and follow us on Facebook: and Twitter : Formation, Entrepreneuriat, Association, Collectivités locales, Conseil, Création d'entreprise, Réseau, Coaching, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

105 72 49 311, a Meltwater Offering, a Meltwater Offering helps millions of professionals and hundreds of companies publish and share curated content to engage their audience. provides content curation platform for professionals, helping them to discover, curate and share the most relevant content in order to engage internal and external audiences, as well as monitoring content ROI. Content Marketing, Content Curation, SMB Marketing, Website publishing, Social Media Publishing, Online Presence Management, Knowledge Management, and Content monitoring

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: SaaS

129 56 38 37
Les Assembleurs Les Assembleurs

Mobilize stakeholders and collectively initiate projects for a digital service for all in Hauts-de-France! Les Assembleurs is a cooperative society of collective interest (SCIC) whose mission is to mobilize networks of stakeholders and collectively initiate projects for a digital service for all in Hauts-de-France.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

33 6 30 11
Association e-Enfance / 3018 Association e-Enfance / 3018

3018 is the number for young victims of harassment and digital violence. The e-Enfance / 3018 Association, a single point of entry against harassment and digital violence suffered by young people. Recognized as being of public utility, the Association operates 3018, the free, anonymous and confidential number for victims of harassment, cyberbullying and other digital violence. It is accessible by telephone 7 days a week from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m., as well as on, Messenger and via the 3018 APP. The e-Enfance / 3018 Association raises awareness each year among 200,000 children, adolescents, parents and professionals on the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

54 23 38 42

Our expertise: supporting you in the production of digital content and the definition of editorial strategies. supports journalists, media and brands in the development of multimedia and multi-support editorial strategies (editorial innovation, business development, training, consulting in multimedia editorial strategies, manager coaching). training, consulting, transition, digital, and climate

Type: Media

40 6 34 42
Licra - Ligue Internationale Contre le Racisme et l'Antisémitisme Licra - Ligue Internationale Contre le Racisme et l'Antisémitisme

Anti-racist since 1927. LICRA is one of the oldest associations campaigning worldwide against racism, anti-Semitism and discrimination It was at the initiative of the journalist Bernard Lecache that women and men, passionate about justice and concerned with defending human dignity, decided in 1927 to join forces to fight against anti-Semitism. In 1934, as the Nazi and fascist threats grew, they extended their action to the fight against racism and discrimination. LICRA carries out these fights in the name of the principles set out in the Declarations of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789 and 1793 and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

57 18 36 42

Let's build tomorrow's digital public services together is the State Digital Services Incubator. Our mission is to design digital public services. Our two principles: simplicity and trust. We create State Startups: small autonomous teams whose mission is to change the rules of the game. is a mission of the Interministerial Digital Directorate (DINUM), placed under the authority of the Prime Minister. Check out our website: we have an english version too! State Startups, Digital Services Incubator, Open Government, Open Data, UX, Intrapreneurship, Public Innovation, Digital, and Continuous Improvement

Type: Public

60 25 30 428
La France insoumise La France insoumise

France Insoumise is the movement created by Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

35 18 9 34
Paris Match Paris Match

First general news magazine in France First general news magazine in France. Subscribe for free to our daily Newsletter 👇

Type: Media

126 63 57 188
FRS | Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique FRS | Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique

La FRS est le principal centre d’expertise français sur les questions de sécurité internationale et de défense. The Foundation for Strategic Research is France's main independent think tank on strategic, defense and security issues.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

48 11 37 88
La France s'engage La France s'engage

The La France s’engage foundation has been accelerating social and solidarity innovations in all regions for 10 years. Created in 2017, the La France s’engage Foundation is a recognized public utility foundation (FRUP) that is part of the extension of the La France s’engage social innovation support program initiated by the State in 2014. The Foundation's objective is to promote the involvement of civil society in innovative, supportive and useful initiatives for the greatest number of people. Through these initiatives, it promotes living together around local services and the sustainable development of territories. Through an annual national competition, the foundation …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

131 54 67 23

EMERGENCY TRANSPORTED Courier - Urgent/Express Transport - Sensitive Transport From parcels to full trucks - 7 days a week ENVOYE SPECIAL is a company specializing in courier services, urgent transport and regular shuttles, offering the most comprehensive range of vehicles and services on the market. We carry out missions ranging from single items to semi-complete items. The employees who lead the Envoyé spécial team all have experience in our professions. Our interventions are carried out during the day, at night, on weekends and on public holidays. 90% of our activity is carried out with our own staff and equipment. ENVOYE …

Type: Media

290 193 99 112
Instagram Instagram

More than one billion people around the world use Instagram, and we’re proud to be bringing them closer to the people and things they love. Instagram inspires people to see the world differently, discover new interests, and express themselves. Since launching in 2010, our community has grown at a rapid pace. Our teams are growing fast, too, and we’re looking for talent across engineering, product management, design, research, analytics, technical program management, operations, and more. In addition to our headquarters in Menlo Park, we have thriving offices in New York City and San Francisco where teams are doing impactful work …

Type: Large company

558 334 332 14
Entreprises et Cités Entreprises et Cités

Acting for the inseparable successes of the company and the territory. A unique entrepreneurial network and service platform, ENTREPRISES & CITES is one of the largest entrepreneurial and employer campuses in France. ENTREPRISES ET CITES brings together, from Marcq-en-Baroeul (in Greater Lille), nearly 3,500 employees in around ten structures. It runs a network of influence comprising more than 25 clubs, associations and employer organizations. It is a committed player through a Territorial Endowment Fund created in 2016. The “Raison de Faire” of Entreprises & Cités: Acting for the inseparable successes of the company and the territory. WHO? Drawing our origins …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

73 18 51 57
Démocratie Ouverte Démocratie Ouverte

The democratic innovation collective to gain the power to act Open Democracy brings together French and French-speaking actors of democratic renewal - civic start-ups, associations, citizen collectives - who develop innovative solutions to serve more transparency and engagement in our political system (examples: Voxe;; Parlement-et-citoyens; Sénat Citoyen ...). These projects use new technologies and methodologies (digital, public policy design, collaborative methods, random draw, ...) to improve our representative democracy. Open Democracy aims to federate and drive synergies between these actors, support the experimentation of new solutions, and promote the concept and benefits of open democracy. The collective is part …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

47 10 33 18

Union of Sectors of the Department of Aisne USEDA is an Open Mixed Union managed by a Syndicate Committee that brings together 46 Delegates and is composed of 792 Municipalities, 15 Communities of municipalities and agglomerations and the Departmental Council bringing together a population of approximately 525,522 inhabitants who are members of the Union of Energy Sectors of the Department of Aisne (USEDA). Burial of networks, Deployment of a very high-speed network, Public lighting maintenance, Charging stations, Energy purchasing group, AODE, Public gas service organizing authority, Light signaling, Heat production and distribution, Electronic communications, Extensions and reinforcements of electrical networks, …

Type: Public

6 2 5 21
France Tiers-Lieux France Tiers-Lieux

The GIP France Tiers-Lieux supports the development, professionalization and sustainability of third places. The public interest group aims to support the development, professionalization and sustainability of third places in France. The founding members of the GIP France Tiers-Lieux are the State, the National Agency for Territorial Cohesion (ANCT) and the National Association of Third Places (ANTL). Their mission is to support the development, professionalization and sustainability of third places in France.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

98 42 74 17
Digital Cleanup Day Digital Cleanup Day

Digital Cleanup Day is the global day for digital cleaning 🤳🌍♻️ Join the movement on March 18, 2023! Digital Cleanup Day is an initiative co-sponsored by World Cleanup Day – France and the Institut du Numérique Responsable (INR) to raise awareness of the environmental footprint of digital technology by cleaning our data and giving our digital equipment a second life. Co-supporting associations: The World Cleanup Day – France association was founded in March 2017 by a group of citizens to promote World Cleanup Day in our territory. It is accredited by the Let’s Do It! movement as well as by …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

46 20 29 4
L'Obs L'Obs

Inform, reflect, debate, act 📌 Follow us on Facebook: 📌 Follow us on Twitter: 📌 Follow us on Instagram: 📌 Follow us on YouTube: 📰 Subscribe to L'Obs numérique: ✉️ Receive our newsletters for free: Written press and Digital

Type: Media

213 127 94 25
Réseau national Pimms Médiation Réseau national Pimms Médiation

🏡 🖥 Connecting you to essential services for 30 years #PimmsMédiation #mediationsociale For 30 years, Pimms Médiation have been reception areas open to all, a mediation interface between populations and public services. More than 300 points of contact in France, 90 Pimms Médiation labeled France Services and 10 partner companies engaged on a daily basis. Pimms Médiation are places of proximity and solidarity in which social mediators, professionals in social ties, facilitate people's access to the services necessary for daily life. They inform, guide and support users in their administrative procedures. They prevent and help resolve conflicts. Pimms Médiation, connecting …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

97 15 83 20
Le Temps Le Temps

Le Temps, média suisse indépendant qui décrypte l’actualité. First published on 18 March 1998, it is the result of the merger of the newspapers Journal de Genève, Gazette de Lausanne and Le Nouveau Quotidien. As of 2010, it had 130 correspondents, including in Bern, Fribourg, Geneva, Lausanne, Neuchâtel, Sion and Zurich. Published Monday through Saturday, the newspaper has several supplements (Friday: "Carrières"​ job and management; Saturday: "Samedi culturel"​ and special features for the week-end; monthly "Sortir"​ cultural diary), thematic special editions, a website and digital applications. (Wikipedia) journalisme, Médias, Presse en ligne, Presse écrite, réseaux sociaux, vidéos, and Podcast

Type: SMB Activities: it services

60 18 36 331
Committee to Protect Journalists Committee to Protect Journalists

The Committee to Protect Journalists is an independent, nonprofit organization that promotes #pressfreedom worldwide. Press freedom is your freedom. For #WorldPressFreedomDay, please consider showing your support of the 4th Estate by donating to our vital work: journalists, press freedom, advocacy, news media, bloggers, news gatherers, reporters, free press, and photojournalists

Type: Media

8 3 1 77
Salon Media Group, Inc. Salon Media Group, Inc.

Independent journalism with a point of view Follow us on our new LinkedIn page:

Type: Media

23 10 2 261
Pôle métropolitain de l'Artois Pôle métropolitain de l'Artois

Béthune-Bruay / Hénin-Carvin / Lens-Liévin-Let's reinvent ourselves! Born in 2009 with the arrival of the Louvre in Lens, Eurans is a large forum of actors in the service of a metropolis which is invented differently. The association joined the Metropolitan Pole of Artois on January 1, 2022. Its objective is to contribute, in a collaborative manner, to the acceleration of the urban, economic, social and cultural development of this territory. Bringing together 150 municipalities and 650,000 inhabitants, it includes the Pas-de-Calais part of the mining basin, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Participate in the Grand Forum: communities, local …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

40 14 33 7
Préfecture de la Seine-Saint-Denis Préfecture de la Seine-Saint-Denis

State services in Seine-Saint-Denis Discover the action of state agents and services in #SineSaintDenis

Type: Public

54 19 40 184
LCP-Assemblée nationale LCP-Assemblée nationale

Let's give meaning The National Assembly Parliamentary Chain, reference to parliamentary, political and citizen life

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

59 27 23 132
World Cleanup Day - France World Cleanup Day - France

World Cleet World Citizens' Day unites the citizens of the world, meet on September 20, 2025! Since 2018, citizens of the world have united their forces to collect the maximum of forgotten waste in the wild. In 2024, millions of citizens mobilized in more than 190 countries ... a record! How much will we be in 2025? The World Cleanup Day France association's mission is to promote the program in mainland France and in overseas territories, by mobilizing citizens, schools, businesses, communities and associations. It creates the tools to make the operation possible and facilitate its organization by each citizen. …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

60 32 25 18
Wikimédia France Wikimédia France

Association for free sharing knowledge via Wikipedia and its brothers projects. President Antoine Srun. WikiMédia France - Association for free Sharing of Knowledge is a non -profit association under French law (law 1901), whose aim is to support in France the free dissemination of knowledge and in particular the projects hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation as The Wikipedia encyclopedia, the Wikimedia Commons media library, the Wikionary Dictionary and several other projects related to knowledge. Created on October 23, 2004, it brings together users and participants in Wikimedia projects. Association, Collaborative Economy, Social and Solidarity Economy, Culture, Digital, Open-Content, Digital Culture, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

64 17 47 26
Zerm Zerm

Architecture association interested in construction, re -use and rehabilitation. The purpose of the ZERM association is the production and dissemination of knowledge related to architecture rehabilitation techniques. By rehabilitation is understood the process aimed at restoring an assignment to existing objects, materials, techniques or buildings, abandoned, empty and/or commonly considered as waste. The production and dissemination of knowledge is done using architectural projects, developments, research and experiments, exhibitions, public interventions and editions.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

7 5 2 5
Ville de Limoges Ville de Limoges

Invest ++ Innovate ++ LIVING The first economic center of the Center-West, Limoges is located in the heart of an urban area of ​​more than 280,000 inhabitants. Green city (more than 79 m2 of green spaces arranged per capita), a city-citizen city, city of art and history, it maintains and values ​​its historical, cultural but also natural heritage. Headquarters of the world leader in electrical equipment for the building, Limoges is also well positioned in the luxury industry and is rich in an economic fabric diversified in SME-PMI (13,000 companies). The city of Limoges and its agglomeration devote more than …

Type: Public

55 32 18 330
Mairie de Cannes Mairie de Cannes

Recruitment page of the city of Cannes Recruitment service of the Cannes town hall. We are looking for new talents: consult our posts, visit our recruitment platform, create job alerts for the town hall of Cannes. Civil status, municipal police, green spaces, human resources, road roads, urban cleanliness, and communication

Type: Public

86 51 11 188
Union Populaire Républicaine - UPR Union Populaire Républicaine - UPR

The Union of the People to restore democracy The Republican Popular Union (UPR) brings together French people from all political backgrounds. We are fighting to release France from the European Union, Euro and NATO, in order to return our country its sovereignty and independence. We refuse the enslavement of France to any foreign power and all financial feudalism. The UPR thus opens the way to change that the French and those who recognize themselves in France await. Our analyzes go to the bottom of things and demonstrate that the political, economic, social and moral crisis of French society finds its …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

18 8 11 8
UFC-Que Choisir UFC-Que Choisir

1st consumer defense association in France! Let us mobilize for a responsible #Conso! The UFC-Que Choisir is an association law of 1901 aimed at informing, advising and defending consumers. The Federal Union of Consumers is the first consumer association in France, it intervenes thanks to different levers: • National action and local action: Discover and participate in the UFC-Que fights to choose nationally and local to advance consumer rights. Bank, energy, housing, food, health, environment, telecommunications: no sector escapes the vigilance and action of the UFC-Que Choisir. • The written press: enter behind the scenes of consumption thanks to the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech

98 53 14 387

1944. A group of Jewish students from the Resistance, led by Dely Tecuciano, created the Union of Jewish Students of France. His first vocation is social: the UEJF helps young Jews returned from concentrationary hell to reintegrate into social life, notably by covering their student rights. 58 years later, the UEJF continues to register in line with this inheritance and has never ceased to support and represent young Jews both as a student, citizens, depositaries of memory Holocaust and committed to peace alongside Israel.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

15 8 5 28

Why buy if you can borrow is a Peer to Peer Platform to borrow or rent products in your neighbourhood

Type: Startup Activities: consumer services Technologies: SaaS

3 1 1 1
Préfecture du Bas-Rhin Préfecture du Bas-Rhin

Official account of state services in the Grand Est region and in the Bas-Rhin department. The prefecture services provide the following missions: & gt; the representation and permanence of the State; & gt; the exercise of sovereign functions, especially in respect for laws; & gt; internal security and civil security; & gt; interdepartmental management and coordination, facilitated by reducing the number of decentralized services (DDI and UT); & gt; interdepartmental communication; & gt; the general regulation of public freedoms; & gt; immigration management; & gt; the functioning of local democracy; & gt; The exercise of prerogatives of public power. Interior …

Type: Public

170 101 113 203
Plaine Commune Plaine Commune

Plaine Commune is a territorial public establishment (EPT) which brings together 9 cities north of Paris. Plaine Commune, host community of the 2024 Games, employs more than 2,200 agents with various professions. Located in Seine-Saint-Denis, on the north facade of Paris, it brings together 9 cities: Aubervilliers, Epinay-sur-Seine, Ile-Saint-Denis, La Courneuve, Pierrefitte-sur-Seine, Saint-Denis, Saint Ouen, Stains and Villetaneuse. It is identified as a territory of culture and creation in Greater Paris (#Culturelaville) and will be at the heart of #Paris2024. . You can follow the news of the territory on social networks: Culture and creation, urban development, …

Type: Public

91 56 34 961
Opco Atlas Opco Atlas

I qualifying financial and advice skills operator | ✅ News, advice & amp; Tools for companies Companies, we give you keys to remain competitive and attract new talents (and keep them!) To see the future more serenely, we are here for: 🔎 Identify your human resources and training needs 💰 Financing your employees' training 🆙 Improve your HR practices 📄 Facilitate your administrative procedures 💼 Set up a successful alternation Are these subjects interested? Follow us to remain informed of the news of our sectors ✔️ Training devices ✔️ Funding ✔️ and many other subjects that you will discover by …

Type: Public

103 60 49 348
#NousToutes #NousToutes

#WSTOUTES is a feminist collective open to all of which is to put an end to gender violence. #WSTHOUTES is a feminist collective open to all, made up of volunteer activists whose objective is to end the sexist and sexual violence of which women and children are massively in France. The collective is turned to action with two main objectives: • require effective public policies against gender -based and sexual violence in terms of budget and methods, • Awareness of public opinion of the facts and mechanisms of gender -based and sexual violence through actions, communications and training. The collective …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

39 19 17 26
mind Media mind Media

To understand the media and online advertising economy Mind Media is a professional and strategic information media on the media and online advertising economy. We publish information with high added value for managers within the media, agencies, adtech, agencies and brands and all industry professionals. Why read Mind Media? Understand the changes in the sector Press your decision -making Anticipate the next problems Our content: files, decrypts and analyzes, benchmarks and sectoral comparisons, data, interviews, experience feedback and case studies, exclusive information, movements of decision -makers ... Our media and services supports: - A website, with more than 10,000 articles …

Type: Media

49 11 32 13
Louvre Lens Vallée Louvre Lens Vallée

Pole of excellence and cultural and creative innovations Louvre-Lens Vallée supports entrepreneurs and companies to structure and accelerate their projects. Our promise: to bring an unexpected entrepreneurial experience to life through an innovative and creative methodology centered on the user, to give meaning to your projects and create lasting and differentiating economic performance. Labeled French Tech, Louvre-Lens Vallée was created in 2013, in the wake of the establishment of the Louvre in Lens, on the initiative of the State, the Nord Pas-de-Calais region and the community of 'Lens-Liévin agglomeration.

Type: Public

60 23 41 14
Louvre-Lens Louvre-Lens

Discover the Louvre shared. An extraordinary experience, in an in full change territory. In the heart of the old mining basin of Hauts-de-France, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is discovered a Louvre of glass and light. Its architecture and museography, elegant and innovative, offer you a unique visit experience. Inaugurated in December 2012, wanted and carried by a whole region and its population, the Louvre-Lens is today a symbol of renewal for a whole territory, an example of cultural democratization and a pride for its 500,000 annual visitors. The time gallery, an emblematic place of the museum, permanently …

Type: Public

67 28 40 82
SheIsTheCode SheIsTheCode

Development of the skills of women in computer science and entrepreneurship to promote their leadership Sheisthecode is a program of training and support for professional integration in technologies and entrepreneurship for African women. Woman, technologies, leadership, entrepreneurship, professional integration, web marketing, coding, and leadership

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

4 0 4 99
Les Ecossolies Les Ecossolies

A network to support small and large cooperation in the social and solidarity economy #ess #innovation Initiated in 2002 with Nantes Métropole, the Ecossolies network brings together nearly 600 structures or partners in the Social and Solidarity Economy (ESS), which cooperate to develop and promote ESS in the Nantes region. The Ecossolies support the structures of the ESS in the consolidation and development of their activity by proposing: support systems for social entrepreneurship, vocational training programs, general public commercial events, Solilab, an emblematic place From the ESS recognized nationally, communication tools that increase the visibility of ASS actors. Ecossolies' actions …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

53 26 35 21
Le Mouvement associatif Le Mouvement associatif

Choose the general interest Corner of associative life, the associative movement brings together more than 700,000 associations, or 1 association out of 2 in France. The ambition of the associative movement is to promote the development of a useful and creative associative force, by intervening on four main lines of reflection and action: volunteering and volunteering, economics, civil dialogue and employment .

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

69 26 29 46
Le Mouton Numérique Le Mouton Numérique

Technocritic collective Digital sheep is a technocritic collective that deciphers the political, social and ecological impacts of technologies. Events, debates and meetings.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

35 13 26 3
Le Labo de l'ESS Le Labo de l'ESS

Think Tank which has set itself the objective of making known and recognizing the social and solidarity economy The ESS lab is a think tank which builds, through collaborative work, structuring axes of the social and solidarity economy, from concrete, innovative and inspiring initiatives from the territories. The structure was born from a collective reflection - the ESTAs of the ESS - which made it possible to collect more than 400 "hopes", 60 proposals and to identify several major themes: • the territorial poles of economic cooperation (PTCE), • short economic and united circuits (CCES), • Solidarity financial tools, • …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech fintech

95 36 61 22
La Mednum La Mednum

The National Cooperative of Digital Mediation Actors The Cooperative Society of Collective Interest The Mednum is born from the will of professionals in social innovation and digital mediation to pool their efforts to make digital technologies a factor of progress, inclusion and capacity for all. Our structure works to the deployment of a pooling of services and the portage of common projects throughout the territory. This cooperative brings together more than 140 members of great diversity: startups, social and solidarity economy companies, associations, the State, local authorities ... In addition to existing local initiatives, this structure makes it possible to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

70 21 52 21
La Gaite Lyrique La Gaite Lyrique

Fabrique de l'époque Cultural venue dedicated to digital cultures, digital arts and current music. Located on the location of an historical parisien theater built in the 1870's, la Gaîté lyrique underwent massive restructuration by architect Manuelle Gautrand after having been closed for 20 years, ordained by the city of Paris.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment arttech

71 53 16 117
La Condition Publique La Condition Publique

Creative laboratory, place of life, work and dissemination, at the crossroads between culture and social innovation. Public Condition is a creative laboratory, place of life, work and dissemination, at the crossroads between culture and social, urban and environmental innovation. Industrial wasteland of 10,000m2, former place of control, storage and packaging for the textile industry from 1902 to 1972, the public condition was rehabilitated during Lille2004, European capital of culture. Place of life, creative laboratory, place of art, restaurant, events, exhibitions, fablab, and market

Type: Public

41 14 23 37