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LogoName Σ Ingoing engagements Outgoing engagements Employees
Abeille Assurances Abeille Assurances

Give your future wings! As of September 30, 2021, Assurances joined Aéma Groupe. This large -scale operation Place Aéma Groupe in the 5th row of insurance players in France with 11 million insured persons and 14.5 billion euros in turnover (on October 1, 2021). Major Insurance Company in France, with its 4,300 employees, 1,000 general insurance agents and its 170 years of experience, Assurances Assurances has an extensive range of insurance products and services, protection, 'Savings and retirement intended for more than 3 million customers. Assurances Assurances puts its expertise and influence as an insurer, investor, employer, at the service …

Type: Large company

38 24 16 3,197
Urssaf Ile-de-France Urssaf Ile-de-France

Official account of the URSSAF Ile-de-France Welcome to the official account of the URSSAF Ile-de-France. Our major challenges: support employers and entrepreneurs as part of a simple and personalized service relationship to ensure the collection and redistribution of contributions with efficiency and equity. Its reason for being within Social Security: finance the French social model, with 648.3 billion euros collected from 11.26 million contributors. Its social mission: to guarantee workers the benefit of social protection (health coverage, pensions, family benefits, unemployment) linked to the exercise of employment in a legal framework. Its economic mission: to facilitate the approaches of entrepreneurs …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

40 13 30 1,005
2tonnes 2tonnes

A "serious game" to understand the actions to be taken to limit climate change 2tonnes is an immersive workshop to explore the future and act together for the climate. In 2 to 3 hours, a group of about 10 participants will reflect individually and collectively, and take actions that will bring about a direct change in greenhouse gas emissions with one mission: to get closer to the objective of the Paris Climate Agreement. The project is supported by an SSE company, which develops and deploys the tool to companies and schools, and by an association, which organizes workshops for the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

52 34 24 961
Kreamondo Kreamondo

Guide de l'artisanat et des créateurs Kreamondo is the first international community to bring independent shops, craftspeople, and responsible users together. Our geolocalised guide promotes, supports and champions craftsmanship and creativity. guide digital, programmation informatique, guide touristique, artisanat, territoires, guide numérique, guide événementiel, culture, patrimoines, savoir-faire, and tourisme

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech

1 0 1 1
Groupe ISIA Groupe ISIA

Partner of your responsible digital transformation If digital technology allows unprecedented productivity gains and innovations, it also has considerable social, societal and environmental impacts that are still too little taken into account. 💪 Actor engaged in CSR, we are based on collective intelligence to support organizations in their digital transformation approach with a responsible approach. ➡ Fresco of digital, eco-design of websites & amp; digital services, digital accessibility audit, measurement of the carbon footprint of digital services, etc. We offer organizations a complete offer at the service of reducing the digital social, societal and environmental imprint! Our responsible digital support …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Decarbonization

46 11 44 102
Live for Good Live for Good

Together, we bring out a new generation of positive leaders who undertake for the common good. 💪 Live for Good is an association that has been helping young entrepreneur with a positive impact developing innovative projects for the service of the world of tomorrow for 8 years. Whether it is the ecological cause, inclusion, including health or education, Live for good identifies, supports and supports young generations to help them carry out projects at the service of the common good to Travers 3 courses: 1. The Start for Good support program which enables promotions of 50 young people to launch …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech Technologies: SaaS

76 27 52 140
Leihia Leihia

Attract and recruit the best talents Leihia Talent Acquisition Suite is a new generation of ATS, recruitment software cited in the top 5 of the best French ATS in 2024. Our 100% SaaS platform combines advanced technology, immersive candidate experience, and human expertise to guarantee you quality recruitments and perfectly aligned candidates with your values. Ask for your free demo on to discover our innovative ATS! Recruitment, employment, artificial intelligence, human resources, SaaS, technology, recruitments, Career management, Professional retraining, ATS, Recruitment software, and Ats software

Type: Startup Activities: civictech hrtech Technologies: A.I.

30 0 20 8
Pearltrees Pearltrees

Organize Everything Pearltrees is a collaborative platform designed to organize knowledge. At the intersection of cloud technologies, Artificial Intelligence, and mainstream social networks, the service is currently used by more than 10 million people worldwide. In less than 5 years, Pearltrees Education, its Saas version dedicated to educational institutions, has become the leader in digital education in France. Today, 30% of teachers and students in middle and high schools use it in France, which is more than 1.5 million users. In less than 3 years, the "Manuels Pearltrees", its school textbooks extension, achieved through large-scale partnerships with major French publishers …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech Technologies: SaaS

89 15 79 49
Fly The Nest Fly The Nest

We support entrepreneurs and their teams to succeed in their change of scale. We are convinced that companies progress when individuals, inspired by a common dream, put themselves at the service of their environment. We want to see more visionary entrepreneurs, more teams engaged in their work, more collectives where humans have its place. They are the ones that we accompany to change scale, one step after another. To achieve this, we rely on three fundamentals: ▪️ Align: the whole team shares a destination (vision) and an identity (reason for being and values). ▪️ Execution: the organization is structured to …

Type: Startup Activities: consulting

47 18 48 20
Deafi Deafi

Expert partner for your entire customer relationship, we allow you to make the link with all your customers. Founded in December 2009, DEAFI is a customer relations center adapted to deaf or hard of hearing. This project with a strong social dimension has since originally intended to reconcile accessibility (customer services) and employability (deaf or hard of hearing people). Our concept since 2009: training deaf or hard of hearing people, "customer-advisers", so that they directly respond to deaf or hard of hearing from our partner companies to the rank of which we count SFR, Engie, La Banque Postale, Free, Decathlon, …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech telecommunications

32 6 19 43
Creative Commons Creative Commons

The nonprofit behind the licenses and tools the world uses to share. 🌍 Follow us for all things open access. CC is an international nonprofit organization that empowers people to grow and sustain the thriving commons of shared knowledge and culture we need to address the world’s most pressing challenges and create a brighter future for all. Together with our global community and multiple partners, we build capacity and infrastructure, we develop practical solutions, and we advocate for better sharing: sharing that is contextual, inclusive, just, equitable, reciprocal, and sustainable. copyright, public domain, internet, web, semantic web, rdf, legal, licenses, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

22 5 11 177
TEDxBrussels TEDxBrussels

Ideas worth spreading Every year since 2009 TEDx Brussels brings about 25 innovators and inspirational world class speakers to the heart of Europe. With over 2,000 influential audience members to push the frontiers of our knowledge with and for scientists, technologists, artists, entrepreneurs, policy makers, designers, thinkers, performers... A day of live TEDx talks and conversations with speakers and refreshments in between. Please help grow our group by inviting your interested (and interesting) friends, family and co-workers to join TEDx Brussels

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

16 6 11 15
The Conversation Australia + NZ The Conversation Australia + NZ

An independent source of news and views, sourced from the research community and delivered to the public. The Conversation is an independent source of analysis, commentary and news from the university and research sector -- written by acknowledged experts and delivered directly to the public. Our team of professional editors work with more than 45,000 registered academics and researchers to make sense of the big issues of the day and share the latest research and breakthroughs. Business + Economy, Environment + Energy, Health + Medicine, Politics + Society, Science + Technology, Arts + Culture, Education, Job Board, Event Listing, and …

Type: Media

138 77 63 34
Association Aïda Association Aïda

Thanks to you, Aïda improves the quality of life of hospitalized young people on a daily basis 🏥🤝 Aïda improves the quality of life of young people hospitalized between 13 and 25 years old. Created in January 2015 by Léa Moukanas, then aged 15, Aïda committed to support adolescents and young adults affected by cancer thanks to the mobilization of their peers. Present in 50 hospital structures throughout the territory, Aïda supports nearly 2,200 patients between 15 and 25 years each year and mobilizes thousands of young people each year in this commitment. Volunteer, health, youth, AJA cancer, research, prevention, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

45 7 43 74
StreetPress StreetPress

Stories, investigations and impact Faced with the so -called "neutrality" of a press in which we no longer recognize ourselves, Streetpress has chosen to take a look. Go to the field and tell the company, to change it too.

Type: Media

53 19 45 46

School of engineers created in 1958 by companies, CESI now has 25 campuses throughout the territory with educational and advanced research equipment, 110,000 alumni, 8,000 host companies and more than 130 partnerships with universities in the world. CESI is committed to social promotion, accessibility and professional integration of its graduates while developing its academic excellence. Its mission is to prepare its students for emerging professions and companies' expectations by offering Bac+3 to Bac+6 courses. Aware that human alier and technologies is today a major issue, CESI offers a transverse offer in management and human resources. The CESI engineering school supports …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

157 38 106 3,212
Réseau Groupement de Créateurs Réseau Groupement de Créateurs

Give your dreams the means to exist 📍The network of creative groups brings together 50 sites in France 💫 The groups of creators allow job seekers, in particular the low -skilled #jeunes, to find a job or to create their own activity by support based on the spirit of Entreprendre, which takes place in two phases: 1️⃣ A phase of emergence, to move from dreams, desire, to a precisely formulated idea. 2️⃣ A training phase "TPE entrepreneur" / of activity creator (DUCA), accessible without the bac, to learn to create and manage a business. 💫 The network of creative groups …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

12 4 7 13
La Croix La Croix

And tomorrow will be just as surprising Subscribe to this page to discover the contents of the La Croix newspaper. Title of the Bayard group, we are a national daily daily newspaper. We look at a human and Christian look at the news. To subscribe: Journalism, media, online press, written press, internet, video, ethics, news, news, podcasts, information, journalist, media, news, and

Type: Media

106 51 33 280
Les Echos Les Echos

Find on all economic and financial news in France and worldwide, discover exclusive analyzes, special files, decrypts, chronicles and large formats.

Type: Media

652 459 238 1

Accelerating newcomers' inclusion✊🌍 Accélérer l'inclusion des personnes nouvelles arrivantes✊🌍 EN/FR Founded in 2012, SINGA is an international organization that accelerates the inclusion of newcomers to foster more cohesive, creative, and prosperous societies. The organization now has over 80,000 members in 7 countries and 17 cities. Since its inception, SINGA has supported over 2000 entrepreneurs, facilitated tens of thousands of intercultural encounters, and enabled thousands of solidarity-based cohabitations. /// Créée en 2012, SINGA est une organisation internationale qui accélère l’inclusion des personnes nouvelles arrivantes pour favoriser des sociétés plus soudées, créatives et prospères. L'organisation compte aujourd'hui plus de 80 000 membres …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech it services

101 46 55 517
Automobile Club de l'Ouest Automobile Club de l'Ouest

The "Automobile Club de l'Ouest"​ (ACO) founded in 1906 is the creator and organizer of "24 Hours of Le Mans"​. #LeMans24 The Automobile Club de l’Ouest (ACO) founded in 1906 is the creator and organiser of major motor sporting events including the first grand prix in the history of motor racing in 1906 followed by the Le Mans 24 Hours in 1923. The ACO’s aim is to develop long-distance racing and since 2012 it has been the organiser and promoter of the FIA World Endurance Championship (FIA WEC). The club is also the creator of the continental series: the WeatherTech …

Type: Event

45 22 25 516
Femmes du Digital Ouest Femmes du Digital Ouest

1st regional network of men and women acting to encourage #diversity in #digital in #paysdelaloire. 1st regional network encouraging #Mixity in #Numeric, Women Digital Ouest is an association created in 2015 in Nantes. Our missions develop around 3 axes: 1. Awareness of young people to the opportunities offered by digital technology, a domain with many outlets which remains little invested by women! 2. Women in retraining 3. Women's entrepreneurship In transversal: Promote professional models of digital technology, by testimonies of inspiring routes via meetings, videos and podcasts #Wecanbeher, the #FDO Prize (2015, 16, 18), and the show #FDO20 For this, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

63 21 41 2
20 Minutes France 20 Minutes France

The daily media of the French and French Created in 2002, 20 minutes is an independent information publisher held in equal parts by the Sipa-Ouest-France group, publisher of the first paying French daily newspaper and by the Rossel group, the first Belgian French-speaking press group. It is the only major French media independent of any financial, industrial or commercial group. Its audience brings together 20 million readers per month, more than 80% on digital media. Mobilized in the fight against false information, the editorial staff of 20 minutes obtained the labeling of the very limited IFCN Network. The company published, …

Type: Media

136 97 11 495
Synergie Family Synergie Family

Association committed to equal opportunities⚡️Creation of optimistic experiences with high educational values. Synergie Family is an optimistic association with high impact, which reveals talents by creating innovative experiences with high educational values, at the service of individual development, to allow everyone to find their way. Our conviction is based on the fact that everyone has a talent that requires only to be revealed. Anchored in the field and specializing in educational and inclusive innovation, the start-up offers a real alternative in which audiences, by empowerment, the practice of its passions and personal development, are the heart of the solution. Founded …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

84 20 79 226
Groupe Ifop Groupe Ifop

International Market Research Group - Ifop | Sociovision | Occurrence | Deep Opinion | Brainvalue Founded in 1938 by sociologist Jean Stoetzel, IFOP is the pioneer of the surveys method and the first to deploy public opinion in France. Over the years IFOP has developed both in Europe, the United States and China, as a specialist in consumer and citizens' knowledge, to become a multi-expertise group integrating sociovision, occurrence, deep opinion and Brain Value. Mû by the conviction that it is the people who make the world move, and animated by the passion of human, the culture of expertise, the …

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: Data Analytics

139 68 78 379
Adetem Adetem

National Association of Marketing Professionals Since 1954, ADETEM (the National Association of Marketing Professionals) has been a French non -profit association, recognized as a public utility, whose main mission is to offer its members a place nourished by exchanges and Meeting to permanently progress in their profession and benefit from a unique relational network qualified as managers, marketers and experts. With more than 1,500 members in all sectors of activity and covering the largest companies such as SMEs, ADETEM is to date the only general association to bring together all marketing professionals. Marketing, Networking, Digital, Benchmark, Exchange and Content, Customer …

Type: SMB Activities: martech

103 12 87 51

Shared skills for decision -makers on the lookout for the best resources for their organizations Vénétis, the first group of multi -sectoral multi -sectoral employers in France, was created in 1997. Currently, 244 companies of all sizes and all sectors, located in Morbihan and the Atlantic Loire, who adhere to the group of employers and who employ more than 130 employees, working in time shared, on permanent contracts. Human resources, employment, recruitment, business service, pooling, communication, production, quality, management, HR, and sharing

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

18 3 13 141
Nantes Saint-Nazaire Développement Nantes Saint-Nazaire Développement

Faire Cap Commun ! #Nantes #SaintNazaire #DevEco #Impact #Agenceàmission Nantes Saint-Nazaire Développement is an Economic and International Development Agency. Our missions: - To promote and enhance the appeal of the Nantes Saint-Nazaire region, both within France and internationally - To cultivate economic prospects - To welcome and support companies, investors and talents across the region - To promote the region as a destination for professional events Our services to companies: - Help in decision-making - Real estate search - Networking - Accompanying employees - Local integration implantation d'entreprises, marketing territorial, organisation d'événements professionnels, and attractivité / communication

Type: Public

121 26 108 90
Inter-Made Inter-Made

Entrepreneur Solidaire - Support - Training - pooling For more than 20 years, Inter-Made has been the oldest incubator of social and solidarity enterprises in the PACA region. We support economic and social initiatives at the service of territories. This is a incubator of activities specializing in support and training in the creation of activities related to the social and solidarity economy. In this context, Inter-Made supports and trains associative structures, small businesses or cooperatives to the profession of entrepreneur. The incubator is followed by projects which have the object of fair trade, Eco Habitat, social ties, energy, digital, childhood/family, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

44 16 37 25
PSB Paris School of Business PSB Paris School of Business

PSB Paris School of Business is a Business School authorized to issue French Master degrees. The school is part of the "Conférence des Grandes Ecoles"​. PSB offers 15 majors in the Grande Ecole Program. The campus is situated in the heart of Paris. The school also offers programs entirely tought in English. To learn more about PSB Paris School of Business, visit You can also follox us on Twitter : @PSBedu # Ecoledecommerce and #Management

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

19 5 6 437
Generali Climate Lab Generali Climate Lab

Anticipate the evolution of climatic risks to better protect you Created in 2015, the Generali Climate Lab is a multidisciplinary team of high -level experts, including hydrologists, doctors in geography, news, social science engineers, data scientists and business insurers. Its objective is to revisit and adapt the insurance profession through increased insurance solutions (subscription, pricing, compensation, distribution, etc.) which, beyond the traditional role of compensation for the insurer , sensitizes and informs customers and partners about increased natural risks due to climate change. Working in open architecture with universities and the CNRS (on air pollution with the Generali balloon), this …

Type: Startup Activities: insurtech Technologies: Data Analytics

119 32 47 8
Reus'eat Reus'eat

The 100% natural cutlery, made from draff beer and manufactured in France Reus'eat is the first brand of innovative, virtuous and compostable tableware! Our 3 goals : - Revalue the spent grain from the beer brewing process - Be part of a true circular economy dynamic - Save the jobs and tooling of plastic injectors in France and especially in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region 🇫🇷 Contact us for more informations foodtech, réutilisable, vaisselle, vaisselle réutilisable, and made in France

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Bio sourced materials

22 6 19 4
Flint Media Flint Media

Your intelligent news watch without fake news and without information overload! Flint helps you find and share the best information on the topics you are interested in, without wasting time, by creating intelligent newsletters. Flint's artificial intelligence allows you to focus on the quality and diversity of sources. While protecting against fake news and information overload. ( media, artificial intelligence, knowledge, digital transformation, business intelligence, veille, and generative ai

Type: Startup Activities: consulting it services Technologies: A.I. Generative A.I.

12 6 2 9
Surigo Surigo

Fun, sport & amp; friends 🚀⎟ Surigo is a 100% digital platform that connects sports professionals with employees. We aim to put at the center of our project the pleasure and well-being of employees, one of the main challenges of this decade. Thanks to our mobile application, we reinvent sports consumption by offering an offer without commitment to all the sports present. No need to join a sports establishment or a federation, pay only at the session! 🎯⎟ Surigo wishes to modernize the sport ecosystem in 3 actions: - allow simple and easy access to all available sports activities - …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

7 2 7 1
Ecofrugal Ecofrugal

Engage your teams in the ecological transition! Ecofrugal Project SAS is a company of the social and solidarity economy whose mission is to support individuals and organizations in their ecological transition. We are addressing individuals, grand-groups, ETIs and communities. We support HR, CSR and Comex managers to accelerate and enhance the ecological transformation of their organization by involving employees as soon as they take office, then throughout their evolution and this at all levels of the organization. Our objective: to make each employee a contributor to the environmental policy of the company. How ? 1- By offering CSR onboarding to …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech

48 7 45 10
AdVaes AdVaes

Market intelligence and ESG strategy for sustainable IT | Conseil et études sur les stratégies RSE et ESG du numérique AdVaes is a market intelligence, market research and operational strategy consultancy company specialising in ESG strategies for a more sustainable IT. The company focuses on digital, cloud and data ecosystems, and their ESG practices: - Environmental sustainability and digital sobriety; - Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), social sustainability; - Ethics, trust & data protection (inc. AI). AdVaes proposes an online service delivering IT vendors’ environmental and social key indicators, market news and trends. This service helps IT vendors, CIOs, CFOs, …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech consulting greentech it services Technologies: Data Analytics

61 3 60 2
BeMyApp BeMyApp

Building Communities That Ignite Change We are on a mission to build and engage communities that ignite change! BMA is the premier community engagement agency with the network, technology, and operational rigor to take your community-building events to the next level. Beyond its status as a world leader in hackathon organization, BeMyApp has been supporting its customers' digital transformation for 10 years. We are committed to accelerating the development of their innovations by animating internal and external communities around the world, through in-person, virtual, or hybrid events (conferences, webinars, hackathons, pop-up incubators, workshops, DevLabs, white label accelerator, etc). We support …

Type: Media Startup Activities: it services

91 18 80 38
Graapz Graapz

In the heart of the anti-gaspi Graapz is a company to combat food waste that accompanies local shops in the revaluation of their unsold fruits and vegetables. These products unsuitable for shelving but always very good for consumption are offered in the form of baskets (fruits and vegetables combined) at low prices. For 20 €/month, subscribers to the service benefit each week from a 3kg basket of fruits and vegetables to recover from the nearest partner trade. Part of the subscription is redistributed to the merchant, a service where everyone is there. All our partner businesses on ➡️ Social …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech cleantech greentech manufacturing foodtech

8 5 4 1
Jungle Coop Jungle Coop

Cooperate, the other jungle law Jungle Coop advises and supports organizations (very small businesses, SMEs, associations, foundations, endowment funds, communities) in their strategy and societal and environmental commitments. We help organizations that wish to meet major social, societal and environmental issues to design and implement their CSR strategies, patronage and general interest. We rely on agile methods, of collective intelligence, on our network of experts and our skills recognized in CSR and in support of social and solidarity economy organizations to guide you in the transformation of your organization. Mécénat, monitoring, studies and societal prospective, training, corporate social responsibility, ESS, …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech

31 8 18 4
Voxist Voxist

From Voice to Knowledge Leverage the latest progress in Speech AI to transform your Voice data into knowledge and actionable data. We use Speech-to-text, sentiment analysis and natural language processing to make sense of what your clients, employees, friends, contacts are saying. Our Voicemail app with more than 30k users is a show case of what we can do with speech recognition. The same technology is used by our customers to transcribe videos, search their content, power Virtual assistants, analyze clients calls... Telecom, Mobile applications, and Voicemail

Type: Startup Activities: telecommunications Technologies: Affective Computing A.I. A.I. - Natural Language Processing Generative A.I.

53 18 27 6

The ready-to-rest vegetable garden and other innovative #LowTech solutions for urban and peri-urban agriculture #FoodTech #bio Your vegetable garden installed in 20 minutes on your lawn. The company offers a vegetable garden suitable for the tastes of family members and delivered directly to your home. No need to dig, to know the Latin vegetable name, planting dates, or the choice of varieties to succeed!

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

47 4 48 2
Livli_France Livli_France

Your online chartered accountant and yet so close to you ✨ You are a TPE, consultant, creator ... So Livli is necessarily made for you! Livli is an innovative and simple solution, which allows you to drive your activity online 24/7. The account, the legal, the social ... is it talking to you? No ? Not too much ? That's good! Livon is for you, a dedicated coach and a team of experts, multidisciplinary, available on a daily basis to support you in the management of your business, and make you gain in serenity. With Livli, pilot online and start …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech

5 3 3 6
margaris ventures margaris ventures

#fintech #insurtech #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #VC Spiros Margaris / Margaris Ventures Venture Capitalist and Advisor / Board Member Fintech, Venture Capitalist, InsurTech, Advisor, and Artificial Intelligence

Type: Incubators & VCs

150 29 82 2
Startup SAFARI Startup SAFARI

Opening the doors to the world's best startup ecosystems! Startup SAFARI is a franchise of open door days for the startup ecosystem events. During Startup SAFARI events startups, investors, accelerators, incubators and coworking spaces open their doors. Attendees travel around the city visiting these companies and meeting their teams. Startup SAFARI aims at providing a gateway to the startup ecosystems around the world for all those who'd like to work, build, invest or work with startups. Events, Technology, Entrepreneurship, and Startups

Type: Event

7 7 0 6
Josiane Josiane

Non-conformist agency in Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin, London, Montreal and Los Angeles. Non-conformist agency. Living in Paris, Amsterdam, London, Berlin, Montreal and Los Angeles. Publicité, Communication, and Digital

Type: SMB Activities: martech

20 2 14 111

Opinion, purchase guides and advice for entrepreneurs and independents. Our mission is simple: we are trying to provide transparent information on the various products & amp; Services for self -employed workers, freelancers and liberal professions. To do this, we practice a day before the sector and make opinions on the various products and services that seem interesting to us. Our objective is to provide enough information so that everyone can choose to know the solutions adapted to their needs. Our articles are written independently and the opinions issued are ours. They are by no means revised by the various brands …

Type: SMB Activities: it services

54 1 53 4
Je crée dans ma région AURA Je crée dans ma région AURA

Join the community of business creators in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes! I create in my region meets the expectations of business creators in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes by providing them with useful online information and services to make their project a reality. Food by the 450 operators who accompany project leaders on a daily basis on a scale of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, the site allows creators to access online resources but also to the services offered to them close to creation business. Access to all of these services is completely free, just register on the site to benefit from them: Support, entrepreneurship, business creation, business creation …

Type: Public Activities: entrepreneurship

27 8 23 5
Ateliers Vilas-Boas Ateliers Vilas-Boas

Artist Studio Artist studio contemporary art, public art, media art, robotic art, art and technology, and art and

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment Technologies: Robotics

19 3 17 1
ESCP Business School ESCP Business School

It all starts here ESCP Business School was founded in 1819, making it the world’s oldest business school. Throughout its 200-year history, ESCP has remained committed to educating accountable, bold and creative leaders who launch trends, bring new solutions and initiate the codes of tomorrow. ESCP’s six campuses in Berlin, London, Madrid, Paris, Turin and Warsaw are the stepping stones that allow students to experience ESCP’s European approach to management grounded in multiculturalism. Every year, ESCP welcomes 11,000+ students and 6,000 managers from 136 different nationalities. Its strength lies in its many business training programmes, both general and specialised (Bachelor, …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

125 64 28 2,911
We Don't Need Roads We Don't Need Roads

Accelerate the adaptation and reinvention of businesses into a warming world We Don't Need Roads is a transformation strategy firm that accelerates the adaptation and reinvention of businesses into a warming world. We act as sparring partners for companies. We help them anticipate and reduce negative impacts as well as structural, financial and regulatory risk. We also support them in adapting and reinventing their business models. We are powercharged by our ecosystem, the Pack. Together we are world-class experts of all the major challenges related to the mandatory transformation of businesses into a world that has to become sustainable. To …

Type: Incubators & VCs

42 6 0 39
Audencia Audencia

Never Stop Daring - L'audace comme moteur de l'engagement de l'école À propos d’Audencia Fondée en 1900, Audencia se positionne parmi les meilleures Ecoles de Management européennes. Régulièrement classée dans les premiers rangs mondiaux par le Financial Times, elle est accréditée EQUIS, AACSB et AMBA et fait partie du cercle très fermé des Business Schools détenant cette triple accréditation. Première Ecole de Management en France à adhérer à l’initiative Global Compact des Nations Unies, signataire de leurs Principles of Responsible Management Education, Audencia s’est très tôt engagée à former & guider dans leur développement de futurs managers et entrepreneurs responsables. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech edtech fintech hrtech

153 43 117 1,129

With an international presence, ARMOR GROUP employs nearly 2,500 people. The group achieved sales of €447 million in 2022. Each year, it invests nearly €50 million in industrial equipment and R&D. ARMOR GROUP is a responsible player committed to societal innovation. It is also : - The world's No. 1 designer and manufacturer of thermal transfer ribbons for printing variable traceability data on labels and flexible packaging (ARMOR-IIMAK activity). - A leading European player in innovative, sustainable inks and consumables, as well as printing services (ARMOR Print Solutions activity). - A pioneer in the development and production of innovative materials …

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 manufacturing Technologies: Solar Technologies 3D Printing Batteries New Materials

45 21 23 718
GreenMinded GreenMinded

Association of general interest in the protection of biodiversity and the fight against plastic waste 🌿 Greenminded is a national and environmental law association, founded in 2016. 📢 Our association conducts awareness -raising and environmental education actions with various audiences: schools, businesses, communities, citizens. We make aware of the reduction and better waste management, including cigarette butts, and the protection of biodiversity. 🛒 Zero-Mégot online store: Discover our pocket ashtrays and our ashtrays Survey: We are approved 1%Fortheplanet. You can support us free of charge via the Lilo search engine: ------------------ Our missions #Zero-megot 🚬 Organization of cigarette …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech civictech

16 8 3 6
Territoires zéro chômeur de longue durée Territoires zéro chômeur de longue durée

It is together that we will make a job a right! The “Zero -Uso -Terre -Termant -Termant” project was focused for its start -up phase by ATD Quarter in partnership with Secours Catholique, Emmaüs France, the Civic Pact and the Federation of Solidarity Actors with a will that operational conduct This project can then be carried by an ad-hoc organization. The association "Territories zero long -term unemployed" was created on October 7, 2016 to take over from the action and demonstrate that it is possible at the scale of territories, without significant cost for the community, to propose to Any …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

53 20 22 74
Unikalo Unikalo

Unikalo is one of the first manufacturers of independent French and committed paintings, specialized in building paintings. Created in 1936 in Gironde, it now has two manufacturing factories in New Aquitaine. The objective: to adapt the industrial tool to artisanal know-how. With the Pestourie family at its head since 1977, the company has endeavored to develop innovative products and more respectful of humans and the environment thanks to its own research and development laboratory. Since its creation, the brand has pursued a CSR approach translated by ISO 14001 certification of its industrial sites and the eco -design of its products. …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

14 5 3 299

International impact startups accelerator. Scale-Up Booster is the accelerator specializing in the support and development of startups with an international vocation.

Type: Incubators & VCs

13 1 1 2
Coworking Studios Singuliers Coworking Studios Singuliers

Stay curious! Coworking Space, Paris 18. Studios Singuliers is a multi-disciplinary coworking space of around forty places, established since October 2012 in the Paris Hotel in Innovation. Created by 3 independent designers, it offers a stimulating and professional working environment adapted to small structures. Nomad, resident, solo or duo, singular studios adapts to everyone's needs. The studio team regularly offers events, meetings and workshops open to the public in order to encourage exchanges of skills and knowledge. coworking, third-lieux, work differently, and collaborate

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech proptech

6 3 4 1

Get your time. The world has become complex, companies are constantly changing and the time compact everything. To cope with the excitement of our time, we help companies regain control of time with the aim of being the right business with the right speech, to each audience, every moment and each media. We are developing strategies and brands around corporate, HR and BtoB issues. Our customers are companies (of all sizes), institutions, schools and start-ups around information, membership, recruitment, acquisition, commitment ... In 2018, we supported more than 200 customers with our 150 employees, for a turnover of 40 million …

Type: SMB Activities: martech

121 37 99 185
GENEO Incubateur GENEO Incubateur

Do you have an innovative idea? Integrate Geneo Incubator Geneo Incubator allows you to formalize, structure and validate your innovative business creation project.

Type: Startup Activities: it services

10 2 3 1
Bluedigo Bluedigo

Reconditioned office furniture marketplace Bluedigo is the reconditioned office furniture marketplace to create positive impact workspaces! More than 100,000 tonnes of office furniture are thrown into France each year. With BlueDigo we have the ambition to make office furniture more circular by offering the largest catalog of reconditioned furniture with more than 15,000 pieces available on our marketplace! We buy furniture from companies that move and we bring together an ecosystem of more than 50 retailers of furniture reconditioned throughout France on our marketplace. We also offer office furniture nine eco-conceived brands made in France and engaged in the circular …

Type: Startup Activities: e-commerce Technologies: Decarbonization

76 16 67 16
RoseLab RoseLab

Let us do together today and tomorrow 🌱 Sustainable 🤝 collaborative. Roselab is a shared and distributed manufacturing space (Fablab, Makerspace, Manufacture ...). Come and move from the idea to the object and share your projects through our tools, our know-how and our community. Let's do it together today and tomorrow: 🌍Locically 🌱 Sustainable 🤝 collaboratively manufacturing, makerspace, and innovation

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Decarbonization

32 10 26 14
Brad Technology Brad Technology

The Voice of Soil Health. "A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself." F. D. Roosevelt #France2030 #G20Award Brad Technology is an AgTech start-up from Avignon created in 2019 with the mission of being the voice of soil health. Brad provides farmers with a better knowledge of the soils of their plots in real time, thanks to the data collected by the probe and the forecasts of the application. This allows them to produce better in an uncertain and changing context. The Brad Solution saves time and resources thanks to a dashboard that continuously monitors the plots and sends alerts …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech agritech Technologies: Data Analytics

35 12 21 7
HelloAsso HelloAsso

📢 Join 14 million citizens engaged with Helloasso to support and energize the associative community! We bring the best technology to the best of social innovation 🚀 Helloasso is the association platform. We support them to develop their activities by facilitating the participation of citizens. Since our creation in 2009, we have built the leader payment solution of the sector which allowed +300,000 associations to collect more than a billion euros through our tools (ticket office, memberships, crowdfunding, donations, online store ...) Two words to define us: act together. 🤝 Our culture values ​​mutual aid, daring and commitment to the …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech martech Technologies: SaaS

104 59 46 168
AlgoLinked AlgoLinked

Media connection tool What do you say about you in the media? ... Nothing !! And yet you have things to say in your professions. Are you a business creator, a TPE-PME, a small community, an association? It is imperative that you can integrate press relations into your communication strategy to make yourself known and increase your area of ​​influence. From € 280, Algolinked puts you in touch with the media concerned by your activity and your news of the moment, through its support platform and advice. How does it work? Step 1: You personalize your press area. Step 2: …

Type: Startup Activities: consulting Technologies: SaaS

30 10 13 1
MyTroc MyTroc

The specialist in circular economy and professional re -use platforms. The CSR that reports! Mytroc is a pioneer and leader in the creation of reuse marketplaces of white label professional equipment. Our collaborative solution lists the dormant or surplus resources of organizations, in order to pool them and re -use them internally or externally. We support our customers in the analysis of their issues and challenges, and throughout their project, its launch to its operational follow -up (reports, moderation, animation, etc.). The Impact calculator, integrated into our re-use solutions, generates concrete data to enrich extra-financial reports (CO2 and avoided waste, …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech civictech Technologies: SaaS Decarbonization

44 11 18 11
Péligourmet Péligourmet

Do your shopping lives from the best producers and craftsmen who respect the environment! Peligourmet selects the best French producers and craftsmen to make them accessible in town. We allow city dwellers to reappropriate their diet by allowing them to taste and cook well sourced products, respectful of their health and the environment. 📍 A delicatessen, 6 avenue de l'Europe in Draveil, 91210 Find us from Monday to Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 📦 Delivery in 24 hours! Free relay point service without minimum order. Free home delivery from € …

Type: Startup Activities: marketplace civictech foodtech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

18 13 3 1
Komeet (ex Vendredi/Wenabi) Komeet (ex Vendredi/Wenabi)

The societal commitment solution for employees Komeet is the European solution for companies who wish to develop their societal commitment via their employees. With Komeet, employees are informed around social and environmental issues and act with associations and causes of general interest. And the benefits for teams, the company and the company are concrete and real! Thanks to a platform and our team of commitment experts, Komeet allows more than 430 companies to create and host coherent, unifying and useful commitment programs all over the world. Coming from the Union between Friday and Wenabi, two actors who have democratized business …

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech Technologies: SaaS

72 28 52 119
Velco Velco

IoT solutions for the e-bike industry. Velco helps brands to create smartbike and optimises the management of electric bicycle fleet though connectivity. With a strong vision for the cycling industry, Velco interconnects all players to make it a sector of excellence. Innovation, Technologie, Cyclisme, Mobilité, and Solution de connectivité

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech it services Technologies: Geolocation IoT

31 23 6 79
Fil & Fab Fil & Fab

Supplier of a single, efficient and responsible raw material: NYLO® Wire & amp; Fab is the French revaluation sector of used fishing nets. It produces and markets NYLO® a recycled polyamide6, resulting at 100% fishing nets. Wire & amp; Fab proposes to strengthen your circular economy strategy by the use of NYLO®, an exceptional, efficient and responsible plastic. Recycling, recycling of fishing nets, revaluation, and creation of collection sectors

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

15 7 5 5
La Cordée La Cordée

Work community and coworking spaces in Lyon, Annecy, Paris, Nantes and Rennes! What if we made the nomadic work more pleasant? Our space is a workspace open to all professions, which aims to promote mutual aid between its members. For that: the space is in open space, coffee and tea are free, the relaxation area invites discussion, and events are organized to bring together members, inform them about chosen subjects ... The idea is to work in the midst of various professions, in a friendly atmosphere, with all the tools you may need. Are you interested? Do not hesitate to …

Type: Event Startup Activities: proptech traveltech

43 21 21 43
Gifts for Change Gifts for Change

Commitment by object® | Put your communication at the service of major causes! Manufacturer of solidarity media objects manufactured in France. Inventor of the commitment by the object (E.P.O). Imagine a world where your communication operations would contribute to the resolution of major social and environmental issues and allow you to increase the commitment of your customers and employees to increase tenfold. Gifts for Change is a French creator of promotional objects with positive social and environmental impacts. The E.P.O, imagined by Gifts for Change, consists in multiplying the efficiency and the R.O.I. of the communication of brands while putting …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech martech

31 4 26 11
Low Carbon City Low Carbon City

Abordamos el Cambio Climático desde la ciudadanía. - Creating collective solutions to tackle Climate Change We are an international organization and citizen-led movement that builds collective solutions to address climate change from an urban environment. We work hand in hand with citizens to find solutions that search for a more sustainable environment. We offer a series of creative, educational, participatory and consulting services so as to support the public agenda the importance of citizen participation to address climate change, and urban sustainability. Our mission is also to connect through our network of more than 100 ambassador cities, experts, private and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech smart city Technologies: Decarbonization

9 4 4 8
Canévet et Associés Canévet et Associés

Strategic communication for public sector players Canévet et Associés aims to support companies and public institutions, universities and grandes écoles, in their communication strategy and the definition of Com 'actions (definition and adaptation of policies, positioning, image assessment ,. ..). We operate in advice, production of editorial content and strategies, press relations and digital communication. Advice, communication, strategy, higher education, digital, linkedin, facebook, twitter, health, and press relations

Type: SMB Activities: edtech healthtech

20 2 16 10

Energy for action VALOREM is a green energy operator created in 1994 which started off as a pioneer in the development of wind energy in France. Over the years, VALOREM has branched out into a variety of other activities and become a vertically integrated operator specialized in several energies in France and overseas. In 2016, VALOREM finalised an equity financing transaction worth a total amount of €74 million. Still independent, VALOREM welcomed a new lead international investor, 3i Infrastructure plc, joined by local and historical shareholders. VALOREM is certified ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 for the following activities: prospecting, studying, …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

54 19 33 479
Groupe IDEA Groupe IDEA

A new idea of ​​logistics Responsible and committed, IDEA is an independent service provider of industrial supply chain. For more than 100 years, the IDEA group has deployed tailor-made and global logistics solutions for manufacturers. We mainly intervene in the aeronautics, energy, defense, shipbuilding, site logistics and agrifood bulging sectors. To join IDEA is to take part in a human adventure which is based on the desire to work together is to contribute to a business project based on our reason for being chosen by all employees: “Dare let's build together Solutions responsible for the challenges of today and tomorrow. …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

27 9 17 567

Designed for consumption people Kataba is a committed company, born from the desire to bring the production of our furniture and decorative items in the workshops of local craftsmen, for contemporary, ethical and local manufacturing.

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

32 13 26 7
Mairie du 13e Arrondissement de Paris Mairie du 13e Arrondissement de Paris

#Le13quejaime Linkedin account of the town hall of the 13th arrondissement of Paris. #Paris13 #13quejaime #paris

Type: Public Activities: it services

33 13 10 104
Les Greniers d'Abondance Les Greniers d'Abondance

Support the territories in the transformation of their food system. 🌾 Grants of abundance is an association which aims to study the vulnerability of current food systems in the face of future disturbances, and to reflect on the means of action to amortize shocks. We wish to raise awareness among citizens and elected to this problem, disseminate information and good practices as well as participate in the construction of resilience policies.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech

24 5 13 11
Yes for Comm Yes for Comm

Added social value! Communication agency on a human scale, committed for responsible communication. We are a human -sized communication agency, committed to responsible communication. For you committed companies, innovative start-ups and associations! Our reason for being? Participate in the social transition to a fairer, more human and ecologically responsible society. Do you want responsible communication, in accordance with your values? A communication that looks like you? Yes For Comm is there to accompany you on all aspects of your communication: 🌱 Communication strategy advice: Structuring of your communication to maximize your impact 👐 Project management: Implementation of your projects thanks …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting martech

25 1 25 3
ChoYou ChoYou

Brains For Business Fondée il y a plus de 20 ans à Paris, ChoYou est devenue l'agence de marketing de premier plan, spécialisée dans l'engagement et la croissance internationale. Dirigée par des spécialistes de l'industrie technologique, l'agence a consolidé un portefeuille de clients allant des éditeurs aux intégrateurs, des revendeurs aux distributeurs, des start-ups aux grands fournisseurs menant des campagnes orientées vers la génération de leads. maximize ROI through targeted campaigns, monitor and analyze lead generation to increase sales pipeline, communicate with & grow your prospect, client and partner community, account based marketing, event management, video creation, social media marketing, …

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: SaaS

158 40 72 30
Fédération Léo Lagrange Fédération Léo Lagrange

Association of popular non -profit education, the Léo Lagrange federation intervenes in the fields of animation, education, training and supports public actors in the implementation of educational, socio -cultural and integration policies . Through the skills of her 5,000 employees, she has the ambition to give everyone and all the means to flourish throughout life. Animation, training, popular education, social economy, early childhood, childhood, seniors, education, youth, teenagers, and mobility

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

41 10 24 1,306
Altaïde Altaïde

LE spécialiste du recrutement digital pour les startups et les entreprises innovantes (Digital, Tech, Impact) Altaïde (Paris, San Francisco): Lead French / US companies to success ! Altaïde is a company passionate about new and high technologies, surveying last market trends and sharing this passion with its customers and candidates. Strongly involved in Startup’s Ecosystem, we bring unique competence gained from experiments and skills to our partners (Software editors, Web companies, eCommerce...). Recruitment and HR Consulting. • Executive Search: CEO, CTO, CFO, VP Sales, VP Marketing,.. • Recruitment 2.0 : Sales, Marketing, Development, R&D, Consulting,... • HR Consulting : HR …

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech it services martech e-commerce Technologies: Data Analytics

58 19 33 7

1st Hotel Reservation Solidarity Site Book your hotel for the benefit of associations! An unprecedented united device made in biarritz: the amount of your reservation is 100% donated to the association of your choice 💙 Discover our incredible solidarity concept 😀👇

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: traveltech

7 4 1 6
Maia Mater Maia Mater

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

11 10 2 1
Sigfox Foundation Sigfox Foundation

The Sigfox Foundation is aiming to bring low power connected devices to alert and prevent from danger. We help NGO's with Internet of things technology

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

14 8 1 1
Yoola Yoola

Yoola is a futuristic platform designed to solve a problem that Bricks and Mortars are facing today. Their valuable customers are trolling around internet in search of right deals and possibly missing out on better deals that are available offline at their neighbourhood stores. Yoola helps a user connect with business and service providers within 6KMs of radius through chat, without revealing much of their identity and personal information until the user wants to share it. Yo (Hi) - Ola (Hello) the conversation starter. Chatting is a new age and one of the most powerful way of communication that has …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

5 3 1 1
Phenix Phenix

Phenix, the anti-waste that feels good! ➰ European leader of#Antigaspi ➰ +350m saved meal ➰ #bcorp & amp; Esus Phenix, the anti-waste that is good "Win-win" solutions against waste: ✔️ donations to charitable associations, ✔️ Promotional sale of short date products via our Phenix app or on the shelves ✔️ Don for animal feed We are proud of our collective impact: ❤️️ +350 million meals given to food aid associations 🏭 +20,000 partner companies (IAA, Large Distribution, Ooh ...) 📱+5m of users on our anti-waste app 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 200 Phoenician engaged against waste Industrialists, traders, associations, consumers, Phoenicians and Phoenicians: we …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech civictech Technologies: Decarbonization

150 82 95 518
Acteurs du Tourisme Durable Acteurs du Tourisme Durable

Tourism professionals, join our network and become an actor in sustainable tourism! ATD is the national network of tourism professionals engaged in sustainable development. It brings together the main French and French -speaking collectives in the sustainable tourism sector. Our objectives: Federate - Represent - Promote the practices of sustainable tourism, in order to allow the whole sector to best integrate the challenges of sustainable development. Sustainable tourism, training - completion, communication - events, and information - awareness

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: traveltech Technologies: Decarbonization

36 10 23 18
Lumio Medical Lumio Medical

AI solutions for a safer medicine We develop AI solutions enabling health professionals to assess and manage risks. Our first product is a decision support tool to analyze prescriptions and prevent medication errors Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Hospitals, Health Data, and HealthCare

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning A.I. - Natural Language Processing

6 3 4 1
Carbo Carbo

Offset your carbon footprint through a monthly plan. Carbo is a web app that makes it easy to offset your carbon footprint. Our mission is to build tools that help everyone act against climate change. We're starting with a subscription service that offsets your footprint, because it's a simple and direct way to take action against climate change. bilan carbone, fintech, saas, environnement, and changement climatique

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

44 14 34 66
Manger NU! Manger NU!

The connected fridge in zero-dropping companies. 🌱 We recruit! NAKED! offers a tech solution (impact) to all players in business catering. NAKED! is the H24 and zero waste connected canteen in business via a smart fridge. NAKED! Offers this innovative sales channel to caterers who wish to offer cooked dishes from fresh products. It is a turnkey service that includes the connected fridge, an ergonomic software platform, the payment system, and customer support. It is the economical and easy to install restoration solution for companies with more than 30 employees. Discover us on! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- NAKED! Offers …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: IoT

18 7 9 53
MagicPallet MagicPallet

SIMPLIFY the management of your packaging. Refocus your Europe pallets. Reduce the km covered and CO2 emissions. Each day, billions of industrial packaging circulate to transport and store goods. The most used support in the world being the Europe type palette with 8 billion units circulating daily through the 🌎 Before Magicpallet, industrialists, distributors and carriers, recovered their recorded pallets by rolling empty trucks over hundreds of kilometers. Not generating any market value but rejecting hundreds of million tonnes of CO2 in the atmosphere 🤯 Today, Magicpallet has developed a collaborative relocation solution by exchange which, thanks to its network …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: Geolocation Decarbonization

26 9 16 18
vimersio vimersio

Viabot® first 100% automatic solution for 360° video content creation, edition and share, for gastronomy, food &Beverage - first viabot® solution for 360° automatic content production and share! for gastronomy, food & Beverage, and more __________ Créé en 2012 et amélioré depuis, notre Videobot® donne vie au menu et transforme le temps d'attente en une expérience extraordinaire. Il s'agit de proposer à vos clients, le premier Videomenu® qui offre la possibilité de voir son plat à 360°, avant de le commander. Pour en savoir plus et au bon moment, Suivez-nous :)

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech

13 5 8 1
Lib&Lou ♾  Location de jouets et jeux Lib&Lou ♾ Location de jouets et jeux

🧩 A practical solution for the family 🔄 A circular and innovative distribution channel for manufacturers Lib & amp; lou - toy rental 🎲♻️ Lib & amp; Lou is the first toy rental platform in France, offering families flexible, economical and eco -responsible access to the best games and toys for children. 🌍💡 Our mission? Reinventing toys consumption by favoring use rather than possession. By renting, families discover a multitude of toys adapted to each stage of the development of their children, without congestion or waste. Lib & amp; lou is also addressed to toy manufacturers, by offering them a …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech kidtech Technologies: SaaS

18 9 11 8
Zoe Amar Digital Zoe Amar Digital

We help charities and other nonprofits lead digital change with confidence, increasing impact, skills and sustainability We are a social enterprise who help charities and other nonprofits lead digital change more effectively. Our goal is to help organisations improve their confidence in and attitudes to digital, making them stronger and fit for the future in a rapidly changing world. What gets us out of bed in the morning is making sure that non-profit leaders are confident, skilled up and have the right mindset for digital change.We help organisations by developing strategies which increase their resilience, income and influence, offering training, …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech

9 3 3 5
LG Electronics LG Electronics

Step into the innovative world of LG Electronics. As a global leader in technology, LG Electronics is dedicated to creating innovative solutions for a better life. Our brand promise, 'Life's Good', embodies our commitment to ensuring a happier, better life for all. With a rich history spanning over six decades and a global presence of more than 100 subsidiaries, we operate on a truly global scale. Since our establishment in 1958, our dedication to enhancing lives worldwide through innovative products has remained unwavering. Our business domains include Home Appliance & Air Solution, Home Entertainment, Vehicle Components Solutions, and Business Solutions. …

Type: Corporate subsidiary

64 22 17 154
Coworking Europe Coworking Europe

Join the Coworking & Flex Workspace Europe 2025 Conference in Berlin, to take place on November 19-20. At Coworking Europe, we believe that Coworking and Flex Workspace are at the center of how work will be organised in the future. Coworking Europe drives the conversation and provides know-how and connections for all stakeholders. The Coworking Europe 2024 conference will take place in Sofia on November 13-14. The Coworking Europe conference offers the opportunity to engage with professionals from the coworking and flexible workspace sector on the continent and beyond. Are you looking for the market data? The keys to running …

Type: Event

20 5 13 3
Act For Impact by BNP Paribas Act For Impact by BNP Paribas

Support social entrepreneurs in France! Welcome to the world “Act for Impact”, the BNP Paribas system dedicated to entrepreneurs who innovate to have a positive, social or environmental impact. Because social entrepreneurship is above all a collective adventure, this LinkedIn Act for Impact page aims to promote impact entrepreneurs and bring together all those who mobilize on the territory to make them grow. You will find portraits of inspiring entrepreneurs, expert advice, social innovations, sustainable development trends, unavoidable meetings of the social and solidarity economy ... Today, BNP Paribas and social entrepreneurship is also: - 150 expert business managers, anchored …

Type: Corporate subsidiary Activities: civictech fintech

72 16 41 147
Nos Grands-mères ont du Talent Nos Grands-mères ont du Talent

The catering brand that promotes the use of seniors! The brand which promotes the use of seniors and which offers real dishes cooked to take away, taken from authentic recipes of grandmothers! You can access our delicious meals directly on our points of sale: - 43 rue des Petits Carreaux 75002 Paris, - 54 rue du FBG Montmartre 75009 Paris. Take -out restoration, click and collect, turnkey catering service, and social

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech

9 5 5 1
L'Atelier du Sourcil L'Atelier du Sourcil

The eyebrow workshop - n ° 1 of the beauty of the gaze ⭐ L'Atelier du Sourcil belongs to Ieva Group, founded by Jean Michel Karam. For Ieva Group your inspirations are our energy to innovate and create the future of beauty together. Those for yourself, those that offer the possibility of being yourself. We create personalized brands, services and experiences of beauty, activated by technologies and data, and propelled by Ieva talents, to preserve beauty capital & amp; Well-being of everyone, Earth capital for all, and strengthen human connection. Today, the eyebrow workshop occupies 1st place in the beauty …

Type: SMB Activities: cosmetics Technologies: New Materials

9 6 6 231