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LogoName Σ Employees
Fondation Danielle Mitterrand Fondation Danielle Mitterrand

[Automatic translation follows] Defend human rights and the common goods of living things. Recognized as being of public utility, the Danielle Mitterrand Foundation has consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. The Danielle Mitterrand Foundation was created by Danielle Mitterrand in 1986. Since its creation, the foundation has defended human rights and supported the resistance of oppressed peoples and individuals. The Danielle Mitterrand Foundation has been actively involved in major battles such as support for the Tibetan people or the resistance against apartheid in South Africa and participates in major aid projects for countries in the South …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

12 4 5 9
Communauté des Entreprises à Mission Communauté des Entreprises à Mission

[Automatic translation follows] Transforming the company to transform society Association Loi 1901, the Community of mission-driven companies aims to bring together all managers and entrepreneurs who place a social or environmental purpose at the heart of their project. We share the conviction that companies are a formidable lever for innovation to meet contemporary challenges and build a more sustainable society. Our mission is to promote and unite new forms of companies that combine positive impact and performance. With the PACTE law, the concepts of purpose and mission-driven companies are recognized in law. The emergence of this new status must be …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

58 24 37 53
Don en Confiance Don en Confiance

[Automatic translation follows] Do you care about a cause? With this label, make a donation with confidence! Le Don en Confiance, a non-profit organization, was created in 1989 by large #associations and #social and humanitarian foundations concerned with preserving and developing a relationship of trust with their donors. For over 30 years, it has been carrying out the mission of monitoring public appeals for generosity. Its action is based on the development of rules of ethics contained in the Charter, the granting, on a voluntary basis, of a "Don en Confiance" label to organizations of general interest, all causes combined, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

17 4 15 41

[Automatic translation follows] Supports creative economy initiatives // ACTIVITY INCUBERATOR // CONSULTING // TRAINING // NETWORK Context'Art provides advice, support and training to project leaders in the artistic, cultural and creative sector in business creation. Context'Art presents 4 areas of action - Consulting 💬 - Incubator 🤝 - Training 🎓 - Network 🌀 We believe that the role of culture in society is synonymous with a factor of economic development, social ties, sustainable development, citizenship and solidarity. In this, the values ​​we uphold are in line with those of the social and solidarity economy. #entrepreneurship #socialeconomy #solidarityeconomy #support creative entrepreneurship, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

11 1 11 18
CRESS Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes CRESS Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

[Automatic translation follows] The Economy we want is sustainable, social and united. CRESS Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is an association resulting from the 1901 law whose vocation is to unite, represent and support all the players in the Social and Solidarity Economy in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. Based in Lyon and Clermont-Ferrand, it brings together associations, cooperatives, mutual societies, foundations, federations and unions of ESS employers. His missions? ➡️​Represent the ESS to public authorities ➡️​Promote the ESS as a mode of entrepreneurship ➡️​Support the creation, development and maintenance of ESS businesses ➡️​Observe the ESS in the territories ➡️​Support training for company employees and volunteers

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

55 20 43 17
Le Basic Le Basic

[Automatic translation follows] Bureau d'Analyse Sociétale d'Intérêt Collectif Since 2013, Basic has been assessing and analyzing the societal impacts and costs generated by economic activities in order to: - strengthen the expertise of civil society actors working towards a social and ecological transition; - contribute to the accessibility and transparency of information relating to the main social and environmental issues related to economic activities and lifestyles; - develop multi-stakeholder platforms (economic actors, public authorities, civil society) on sustainability issues at the level of sectors of activity and industries. Basic is an accredited social enterprise and has been recognized as a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

12 2 6 14

[Automatic translation follows] Overcoming Brain Tumors OLIGOCYTE BRETAGNE OUEST is a civic & social organization company based out of 12 RUE DES GENETS, Quimper, Bretagne, France. Information and awareness on brain tumors, Support for patients and caregivers, and Help in the search for innovative treatments

Type: SMB Activities: civictech

0 0 0 1
CRESS Hauts-de-France CRESS Hauts-de-France

[Automatic translation follows] The regional chamber of the social and solidarity economy in Hauts-de-France runs the #ESSHDF: an economy in advance! - The federating organization of the ESS The Hauts-de-France Regional Chamber of the Social and Solidarity Economy brings together the different components of the ESS in the region: associations, cooperatives, mutual societies, foundations, social enterprises, employer unions... which meet around the same vision of the economy and carry a common project. - The ESS representative CRESS HDF is an institution which has missions of general interest entrusted to it by law. As such, it plays a representative role. It …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

22 6 9 17
Association Les Pachas Association Les Pachas

[Automatic translation follows] Save, Care, Welcome, Protect and Adopt. Les Pachas is a non-profit feline protection association, recognized as being of general interest (department 35). The association operates solely through foster families, we do not have a shelter! We therefore always need volunteers to help us by temporarily welcoming one or more cats into their homes, while we find them a permanent adoptive family. The association Les Pachas does not receive any subsidies, we live solely thanks to donations and members. This is why all donations are welcome, including equipment! protection animale and animal welfare

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

1 1 0 N/A
Focus 2030 Focus 2030

[Automatic translation follows] Focus 2030 supports actors mobilized to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Focus 2030 is an association that supports international solidarity actors in the areas of communication, mobilization and advocacy with a view to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Our objective is to put international development issues, global inequalities and the fight against poverty on the political, media and citizen agenda, with a view to adopting ambitious, transparent and effective public policies. Focus 2030 focuses its actions around 3 activity areas: • a DATA area that produces and analyzes qualitative and quantitative data …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

13 3 8 12
Forus Forus

Forum brings together 69 National NGO Platforms and 7 Regional Coalitions representing more than 22 000 NGOs. Forus is a global network that brings together 69 national platforms and 7 regional coalitions, which together account for more than 22,000 organizations from across the globe. The members of our global network work together through a shared vision and common values: the defense of human rights, the inclusion of the most vulnerable populations, the fight against inequalities and injustice, as well as new models of financing for development.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

2 1 2 25
Digital Cleanup Day Digital Cleanup Day

[Automatic translation follows] Digital Cleanup Day is the global day for digital cleaning 🤳🌍♻️ Join the movement on March 18, 2023! Digital Cleanup Day is an initiative co-sponsored by World Cleanup Day – France and the Institut du Numérique Responsable (INR) to raise awareness of the environmental footprint of digital technology by cleaning our data and giving a second life to our digital equipment. Co-supporting associations: The World Cleanup Day – France association was founded in March 2017 by a group of citizens to promote World Cleanup Day in our territory. It is accredited by the Let’s Do It! movement …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

32 20 15 4

[Automatic translation follows] Neutral and independent organization. Our mission: citizen participation and mobilization in the service of society is a neutral and independent organization whose mission is to involve citizens and mobilize the entire civil society to positively transform society. We have developed a method of massive consultation, capable of reaching several million people: - We initiate citizen consultations to respond to the key issues of society (the “Great Causes”): fight against violence against women and children, allow everyone to eat better, have access to culture, act for the environment and for the territories, give a chance to each …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

101 38 79 53
La Vie Active La Vie Active

[Automatic translation follows] Humanist and Fraternal La Vie Active was created in 1964, and recognized as being of public utility in 2002. Since its creation, this central player in the social and solidarity economy has continued to develop to best support the people it supports in the face of their difficulties and as part of their life journey. Its activist action extends to all areas of intervention in the social and medico-social sector, addressing children, adults, dependent elderly people, people with disabilities and people in great social difficulty. Today, La Vie Active is: - 20,073 support sessions provided - 90 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

13 4 7 817

[Automatic translation follows] Let's cultivate solidarity in Gironde! For 10 years, we have been mobilizing all the stakeholders in the Gironde region who want to get involved and act for a fairer society. Agile, active and responsive, we welcome, support and unite patrons and associations to make this spirit of solidarity a reality. Our expertise positions us as one of the key players to guide you in making your social action possible. Solidarity engineering and Training

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

20 2 15 6
Fondation de France Fondation de France

[Automatic translation follows] The Foundation for all causes Each of us has the power to act for the general interest. This conviction has been the driving force behind the Fondation de France for 50 years. Every day, it encourages, supports and transforms the desire to act into useful and effective actions to build a more dignified and just society. The Fondation de France has developed unique know-how, relying on the best experts, hundreds of volunteers and thousands of field actors, in all areas of general interest: helping vulnerable people, medical research, the environment, culture, education, etc. It intervenes in two …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

74 52 21 4

[Automatic translation follows] Why give up when it is so easy to open them? Created in 1993 and present in Paris, Lyon and Bourg-en-Bresse, BASILIADE is an activist association resulting from the fight against HIV/AIDS, whose mission is to welcome and provide comprehensive support to the most vulnerable people facing illness and poverty/precariousness with a view to a sustainable return to autonomy. With around a hundred volunteers and a hundred employees, BASILIADE currently has around ten human-sized family-type structures, called "Houses" in which beneficiaries, volunteers and professionals meet in a spirit of conviviality and solidarity. Joining Basiliade is above all …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

16 4 15 81

[Automatic translation follows] “INFORM, INNOVATE AND ACT FOR CHANGE AT THE HEART OF TERRITORIES AND ORGANIZATIONS.” The International Center for Resources and Innovation for Sustainable Development (CIRIDD), an association under the 1901 law created in 2005 and recognized as being of general interest, aims to contribute to the emergence of new models of society, more respectful of living beings in their diversity, future generations and the planet. Innovation and the right to experiment are the spearheads of CIRIDD to foster dialogue, the breaking down of barriers, the co-construction of solutions and the commitment of stakeholders. CIRIDD's activities are divided into …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

44 13 28 17
Lab Territorial - Local for good Lab Territorial - Local for good

[Automatic translation follows] Design, develop and share innovation in the territories to implement Local for Good! The collaborative media for territorial development! 🚀 Through the valorization and promotion of local ideas and initiatives in favor of resilient, sustainable and united territorial development, the Lab Territorial wishes to contribute to the dynamism and success of all innovative actions and projects aimed at promoting the development of territories, employment and impact activities in France. 💪 Territorial economic development, Territorial strategy, Smart specialization, Public policy, Growth Hacking, Territorial intelligence, Think Tank, and Do Tank

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

9 1 8 3
Le Mouvement des Régies Le Mouvement des Régies

[Automatic translation follows] Acting with and for residents The Movement of Régies (ex CNLRQ). 128 Neighborhood and Territorial Régies - 291 QPV covered, 13,000 employees, 2,500 volunteers.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

27 4 24 62
Optim'ism Optim'ism

[Automatic translation follows] Together, let's overturn the norms! Optim'ism builds and tests the ecological transition by transforming the economy by undertaking resilient, job-generating activities and by transmitting its skills and awareness through workshops for the general public. It combines social action to build society by changing representations, providing access to basic rights (eating well, moving around, working, participating), mobilizing citizens to act and undertake and facilitating the networking of local stakeholders. -- The reinforced support within the framework of integrated pathways for access to employment is co-financed by the European Social Fund, national program ESF+ 2021-2027. agriculture, environment, integration, social, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

8 4 2 94
Agyre Agyre

[Automatic translation follows] For the development of the circular economy in construction. Agyre is a design office that works to accelerate the development of the circular economy in the construction sector. Agyre is present in 3 fields of action: • Training: with its Qualiopi certification, Agyre offers various training courses to ensure the skills development of all construction stakeholders (Discover the circular economy in construction, respond to a circular economy CCTP, etc.). • Operation: Agyre supports construction industry players to integrate circular economy logics into their projects through the integration of reused products and materials, the performance of PEMD diagnostics, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

25 3 23 16
Inser'Eco93 Inser'Eco93

[Automatic translation follows] The network of structures for integration through economic activity - SIAE - of Seine-Saint-Denis Serving the structures for integration through economic activity (IAE) of Seine-Saint-Denis, Inser'Éco93 has been developing support projects for several years that are part of a professionalization and sustainability approach. The actions that we offer to professionals in integration through economic activity aim to: - consolidate and develop our network; - provide clarity on integration through economic activity and its challenges; - but also promote mutual knowledge and cooperation between member structures. Thus, the association participates in the development of lasting professional synergies in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

10 2 9 15
FiliGrade Sustainable Watermarks FiliGrade Sustainable Watermarks

Filigrade Sustainable Watermarks brings the solution for sorting food/non-food with CurvCode, for top quality recycling. A Watermark Solutions Company; Specialized in Watermark to improve and optimize: - Sustainability Innovations and Recycling (Tagging of Materials with CurvCode to improve Recovery and Recycling). - Anti-Counterfeiting (Copy Detection / Authenticity Check), All by utilizing interactive "invisible"​ watermarks in design/artwork/substrate of product packaging. Watermark Embedment, Innovating Sustainability (FMCG), Anti-Counterfeiting Solution, Consumer Engagement (FMCG), Loyalty (FMCG), Brand Protection, Artwork / SKU Design, Circular Economy, Waste Stream Innovation, and Tagging of Material to improve Recovery and Recycling

Type: Startup Activities: civictech it services Technologies: Decarbonization

1 1 0 8
MyFoody MyFoody

In missione per amore del cibo. MyFoody is the innovative solution for reducing food waste. MyFoody creates a smart and sustainable way to connect food retailers and consumers creating economic, social and environmental value. MyFoody is a win-win solution that brings huge advantages for retailers and consumers both providing real-time deals and personalized offers based on consumers'​ interests, purchase history, and location. MyFoody turns waste into value. internet, media, proximity marketing, spreco alimentare, operation, food waste, spreco alimentare, supermercati, and offerte

Tags: H2020 Type: Startup Activities: civictech foodtech cleantech greentech Technologies: IoT

3 0 3 3
Tooteko Srls Tooteko Srls

Tooteko is the wearable device that combines touch and hearing. In a world that is so sight driven, a lot of information is currently inaccessible to blind people. Tooteko is a smart wearable device that combines touch and hearing to help the visually impaired to visualize objects that they couldn’t experience otherwise. It’s simple: you touch the object, then you listen to the audio track. Tooteko has a built-in NFC antenna that allows people to explore any 3D surface that has been tagged and listen to audio content related to what they are touching - directly on their own smart …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech it services Technologies: 3D Printing NFC Wireless

1 0 0 3
SoapBox Labs SoapBox Labs

SoapBox Labs’ speech recognition caters to the idiosyncrasies and unique speech patterns of children's speech. Our voice engine is unique, proprietary and built from the ground up for kids' voices specifically, ages 2 and up. SoapBox powers Prek-12 literacy, language and math assessment and instruction tools for kids of every accent, dialect and stage of development. We are an equity and privacy first company, and the first AI company in the world to earn a certification for "Prioritizing Racial Bias in AI Design" from Digital Promise. In November 2023, SoapBox Labs was acquired by leading US education company, Curriculum Associates …

Type: Startup Activities: kidtech civictech edtech games it services privacytech Technologies: A.I. Generative A.I.

1 0 1 38
Brewgooder Brewgooder

Brewing to make goood things happen since 2016 🍻 B-Corp 🫶 Every sip shapes a story, supporting community projects 🌎 Brewing a fairer world for all, one beer at a time 🍻 Certified B Corp. Living Wage employer. Craft Beer, B-Corporation, Clean Water, Purpose, Profit-for-Purpose, Purpose-driven, and Mission

Type: Startup Activities: civictech foodtech

5 3 1 20
Neatebox Neatebox

WelcoMe is a web-based tool to fast-track trust innovate customer experiences to be more inclusive than ever. WelcoMe is a web-based tool to fast-track trust innovate customer experiences to be more inclusive than ever. WelcoMe’s enhanced communication tools connect person-facing teams with disabled customers. Businesses build profiles about their customer journey, customers share their accessibility profile, and WelcoMe shares quick-to-digest information on best practices to meet individuals' bespoke needs. Customer Services, Assistive Technology, Accessible Tourism, Accessible Customer Service, Accessibility, Inclusion, Inclusion, Disability, and Tech For Good

Type: Startup Activities: it services civictech Technologies: SaaS

30 4 27 5
Stand4 Socks Stand4 Socks

Trusted by the world’s best brands helping them make a statement & impact. | Certified BCorp and a Social Enterprise. What is socks can change the world? Stand4 Socks — where comfort, ethical manufacturing, and social responsibility come together. Our socks aren't just about looking good and feeling great, they're also about making a difference — and helping you be a part of it. For every pair of socks bought, we donate an antibacterial pair to someone who is homeless. Buy one = Give one. This means your purchase doesn't only benefit you, but also contributes towards a much-needed cause. …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech fashtech transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 0 0 7
Exergy Exergy

Engineering innovation for a Circular Economy We are a diverse team of skilled engineers, scientists and professionals who share the dream of building a low carbon, sustainable future. To make our dream a reality, we develop innovative engineering solutions and strategies to help other businesses achieve their sustainability goals. Since 2011, we have participated in numerous and recognised initiatives in the built environment, sustainable process and circular economy sectors, achieving outstanding results. Recently, our company has expanded into new markets and we now have a presence in the UK, Netherlands, USA and Colombia. Sustainability is no longer a choice, it …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

2 0 3 19
Tomorrow.Building Tomorrow.Building

The platform to boost Sustainable Building and Infrastructure. Next edition 5-7 Nov 2024 #TBWC24 Tomorrow.Building is a dedicated initiative shining a spotlight on the topics of construction technologies, sustainable buildings and infrastructures at Smart City Expo World Congress. Our mission is to catalyze positive change in the way we construct and operate our buildings and urban infrastructures. We accelerate a shift in the built environment towards a circular and digitalized model that ensures efficiency, resilience and net zero cities. Join us at #SCEWC24 and delve into 7 main areas of interest with high-level industry experts from around the world: DESIGNTECH …

Type: Event Startup Activities: constructiontech civictech Technologies: 3D Printing

30 4 27 2
inèdit inèdit

Eco-innovation for a smart, successful and sustainable future. inèdit is a strategical eco-innovation studio working towards the transition to a smart, prosperous and sustainable future. We engage with organisations of tomorrow and accompany them as they manage the changes that the circular economy brings. Economía Circular, Ecodiseño, Análisis de Ciclo de Vida (ACV), Diseño, Formación, Ecoproductos, Huella Hídrica, Huella de carbono, Ecoinnovación, Green marketing, Circular Economy, Análisis de Flujos de Materiales (MFA), Economia Circular, and Sector agroalimentario

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech civictech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

10 0 10 65
Aurora50 Aurora50

A Middle East-based DEI impact agency that promotes inclusive workplaces and diverse leadership. Aurora50 is a DEI impact agency that promotes inclusive workplaces and diverse leadership. Through the power of connection and community, we are building a network of allies. Based in the Middle East, we steer corporations to an inclusive future. We support corporate clients in their DEI goals. And we see their impact grow through the power of diversity. Aurora50: Your dedicated partner in transforming the future of work. Redefine business norms. Forge the next generation of inclusive leaders. Allow diversity and inclusion to thrive. EDI, D&I, DEI, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

11 0 11 16
Fundación Cepaim Fundación Cepaim

[Automatic translation follows] Working for coexistence and social cohesion since 1994. CONVIVE Fundación Cepaim is a Third Sector Social Action organization that has been working since 1994 to promote an inclusive, cohesive, egalitarian and intercultural society to facilitate full access to citizenship rights for the most vulnerable people, especially migrants. Each year it develops more than 200 social innovation projects and programs to improve coexistence in Spain. It currently has 40 territorial centers in 10 Autonomous Communities and in the Autonomous City of Ceuta, as well as having a presence in Senegal and Morocco. International Protection, Humanitarian Reception, Equal Opportunities, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech civictech

4 0 4 925
Social DOers Social DOers

Social DOers is a Think-Tank & Resource Center established by young professionals passioned about what they DO! Our Mission As a nongovernmental, nonprofit organization–Social DOers is focused on ensuring Social Justice & Social Innovation, by delivering quality and accessible services to various stakeholders, from civil society organizations to public institutions, as well as to young people and youth workers. Our Aim is to support evidence based policies & develop initiatives for young people and society at large, in order to guarantee their full participation in the political, social, economic and cultural life. Our main Objectives are - advocating for social …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

2 0 1 1
RIPESS - Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of Social Solidarity Economy RIPESS - Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of Social Solidarity Economy

RIPESS is a global network of continental networks committed to the promotion of Social Solidarity Economy. RIPESS is an intercontinental network that connects social and solidarity economy throughout the world. As a network of networks, it brings together continental practitioners and promoters, working at a national and sectoral levels. RIPESS believes in the importance of global solidarity in order to build and strengthen an economy that puts people and planet front and center. From Lima to Quebec, from Dakar to Luxembourg, RIPESS organized global forums every four years and is a nexus for learning, information sharing and collaboration. Social Solidarity …

Type: SMB Activities: civictech

8 2 3 6
Réseau national Pimms Médiation Réseau national Pimms Médiation

[Automatic translation follows] 🏡 🖥 Connecting you to essential services for 30 years #PimmsMédiation #mediationsociale For 30 years, Pimms Médiation have been reception areas open to all, a mediation interface between populations and public services. More than 300 points of contact in France, 90 Pimms Médiation labeled France Services and 10 partner companies engaged on a daily basis. Pimms Médiation are places of proximity and solidarity in which social mediators, professionals in social ties, facilitate people's access to the services necessary for daily life. They inform, guide and support users in their administrative procedures. They prevent and help resolve conflicts. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

74 15 62 8

[Automatic translation follows] ENTER A SHARING DYNAMIC Enter a sharing dynamic Founded in 1974, ECTI is a skills volunteer association recognized as being of public utility. It has nearly 2,000 members, former managers, executives, or managers who volunteer their experience and skills, in France and internationally, to serve companies, local authorities, and organizations in the educational and social sector. ECTI's volunteer experts, present throughout the national territory and abroad, support projects of all kinds for short-term missions and without competing with the commercial sector. Support for companies in their development, from creation to transfer., Assistance to Local Authorities., Help for …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

15 12 1 500
Carrefour des Innovations Sociales Carrefour des Innovations Sociales

[Automatic translation follows] When innovations meet, ideas circulate. All over France, men and women design and carry solutions to the challenges of ecological transition, local economic development, solidarity, strengthening our democracy, etc. The initiatives are local; they are carried out by associations, social enterprises, collectives, etc., driven by a concern for utility. They experiment, test and develop responses to emerging or poorly met social needs, they support territories and public actors in their necessary transformation. Social innovation is abundant and full of promise but it is dispersed; it lacks visibility and loses impact; it still struggles to organize itself and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

1 0 1 N/A
MONALISA (Mobilisation nationale contre L'isolement des âgés) MONALISA (Mobilisation nationale contre L'isolement des âgés)

[Automatic translation follows] MONALISA brings together 461 organizations that fight together against the isolation of the elderly Since 2014, MONALISA has brought together all those who make common cause against the social isolation of the elderly. The national mobilization of 414 actors (associations, institutions, communities) is taking shape at the local level: more than 200 teams made up of citizens are fighting against the loneliness experienced by one in four elderly people, with the support of 60 territorial cooperations. MONALISA is a collective approach that allows the action of professionals to be coordinated among themselves but also the action of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

5 2 2 19
CRESS Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur | Chambre régionale des entreprises de l'économie sociale solidaire CRESS Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur | Chambre régionale des entreprises de l'économie sociale solidaire

[Automatic translation follows] Serving ESS companies in the Sud Provence-Alpe-Côte d'Azur region CRESS serving ESS (social and solidarity economy) companies in the Sud region. ➡️ Presentation For over 30 years, the Regional Chamber of Social and Solidarity Economy Companies (CRESS Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur) has been an institutional player which, by virtue of the law of 31 July 2014 on the social and solidarity economy, is the legal reference and the voice of ESS companies in the region. CRESS is a business movement bringing together associations, cooperatives, foundations, mutual societies, social enterprises (ESUS approval) and employers' unions. ➡️ A range of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

66 19 49 16
Cap ou pas cap Cap ou pas cap

[Automatic translation follows] Cap ou pas cap is an association that works to ensure that as many citizens as possible engage in alternative actions that build a humane, ecological and united society. Cap ou pas cap runs a digital and collaborative map of citizen alternatives and offers engagement paths so that everyone can join these transformative everyday actions or create new ones. From indignation to action there is only one step, which is up to everyone to take: participate in the construction of another possible world, thus giving reality to a humane, ecological and united society. A movement of profound …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

0 0 0 11
Protection Civile Paris Seine Protection Civile Paris Seine

[Automatic translation follows] 2000 volunteers mobilized in Paris and its inner suburbs to Help - Rescue - Train! The Paris Seine Civil Protection is an association under the 1901 law affiliated with the FNPC (National Federation of Civil Protection) recognized as being of public utility. Created in 1997, it currently brings together more than 1600 volunteers, spread across 41 branches in Paris and its inner suburbs. Its main areas of intervention are: • rescue operations: setting up rescue systems and strengthening the public rescue service; • first aid training for the general public and professional training (DAE, PSC1, PSE1, PSE2, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

12 2 11 229
Société Philanthropique Société Philanthropique

[Automatic translation follows] Association since 1780 Founded in 1780, the Philanthropic Society is a non-profit association, recognized as being of public utility in 1839. It operates in the field of health, social and medico-social action for the benefit of people made vulnerable by old age, disability, illness, social insecurity or economic difficulties.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech healthtech

0 0 0 211

Ressources to win environmental and economic battles #CircularEconomy #Sustainability #Innovation (RE)SET is a company dedicated to circular economy, with a sharp method to boost the ecological transition. We review our clients’ conditions quickly to evaluate their challenges and prepare for action. We pledge to achieve results, and not to fall short of ensuring our clients complete their transition. More than a mere consulting team, we are the driving force of those committed to carry out tomorrow’s ecological and economic transition. Hence our full commitment to our clients, which does not stop at words or rough drafts. We are convinced that: …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech consulting cleantech greentech

16 3 0 54

[Automatic translation follows] The Federation of Reuse and Repair RCube, the Federation of Reuse and Repair. The association brings together stakeholders in Waste Prevention and Reduction, Reuse, Reconditioning, Repair and Reuse. RCube is the federating association of professional stakeholders (associations, companies, independents) active in the reduction of waste and waste, through awareness-raising, recovery, reuse, reuse, repair, recovery and second-hand sale of equipment, resources and/or materials. More generally, RCube promotes the development of stakeholders promoting a virtuous circular economy, a sharing economy and alternative consumption methods, which avoid waste and the production of food and non-food waste. It acts to ensure …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

25 3 22 13
Résonances Nord-Sud Résonances Nord-Sud

[Automatic translation follows] Incubator with an impact on the dual Africa-France territory Supported by a consortium of 4 partners working in entrepreneurial support in France and Africa: SIAD, Bina Way, AGRO-PME and O'Botama; Résonances Nord-Sud is an incubation and support structure for social entrepreneurs anchored in the dual territory of Île-de-France and Africa. Résonances was born from the ambition of 4 structures in Seine-Saint-Denis (Est-Ensemble, Adie, Cofides Nord-Sud and SIAD) to bring out socially innovative companies linked to Africa in order to develop the Ile-de-France and African territories. Entrepreneurship, Social innovation, Economic development, Social and solidarity economy, Africa, and Incubation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

16 1 16 3
French-American Foundation - France French-American Foundation - France

[Automatic translation follows] Launched with its sister foundation in 1976 by President Ford and President Giscard d'Éstaing, the French-American Foundation is a non-profit organization whose goal is to create transatlantic exchanges and dialogues on political, social, economic and cultural issues.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

42 4 37 21
Mairie de Lozanne Mairie de Lozanne

Mairie de Lozanne is a civic & social organization company based out of France.

Type: Public Activities: civictech

0 0 0 12
Zero Waste Paris Zero Waste Paris

[Automatic translation follows] Local association that promotes zero waste/zero waste in Île-de-France Zero Waste Paris is a local group of the Zero Waste France association. Independent but driven by the same values, we locally defend an ambitious zero waste approach and take concrete action in the Île-de-France region. Awareness, Information, and Support

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech civictech greentech

14 5 6 8
Confédération des Métiers de l'Environnement Confédération des Métiers de l'Environnement

[Automatic translation follows] The Confederation of Environmental Professions brings together FNADE, FEDEREC, and SNEFID. The voice of waste collection, sorting, recycling, recovery and treatment companies, it is a key player in the circular economy necessary for an effective ecological transition.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

3 2 0 2
Baluchon Baluchon

[Automatic translation follows] Professional integration + Sustainable food + Inclusive territories Baluchon creates, develops and inspires social enterprises that accelerate the transformation of peripheral territories. Baluchon seizes the opportunities of the food transition to build inclusive economic responses, generating social impact and local development. Located in the heart of a city in Seine-Saint-Denis, Baluchon has established itself in a few years as one of the success stories of social entrepreneurship. At the heart of this entrepreneurial dynamic, there is Baluchon Restauration and its innovative solutions in terms of production, services and inclusion which have allowed it to change scale from …

Type: Incubators & VCs NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

13 3 9 26
USH des Pays de la Loire USH des Pays de la Loire

[Automatic translation follows] The Social Union for Housing of the Pays de la Loire brings together the 45 #Hlm organizations in the region. The Social Union for Housing of the Pays de la Loire brings together the 45 #Hlm organizations in the region. Member of @FNARhlm and @Unionhlm

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

29 6 19 8
URIOPSS Champagne-Ardenne URIOPSS Champagne-Ardenne

[Automatic translation follows] URIOPSS Champagne-Ardenne federates and unites nearly 400 associations, establishments and services in the non-profit social, medico-social and health sector to develop solidarity and in order to: - defend and promote the values ​​on which its associative project is based - ensure that the interests of the most vulnerable or in difficulty are taken into account by its members, public policies and society as a whole - promote private non-profit initiatives - boost the social fabric - promote the wealth, diversity and added value of associations to local decision-makers and the general public - seek innovative solutions adapted …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech healthtech

1 1 0 1
Union des FAmilles Laïques (UFAL) Union des FAmilles Laïques (UFAL)

[Automatic translation follows] Linking the secular struggle and the social struggle UFAL is a family movement for social transformation that links the secular struggle and the social struggle. UFAL's action is based on republican ideals: liberty, equality and fraternity. It attaches particular importance to the principles of secularism, democracy, solidarity, security, popular sovereignty and ecological and social development that will be decisive in the 21st century. UFAL's strength is to articulate local action, as close as possible to the needs of families, and global reflection to better defend their interests.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

2 1 1 8
ULISSE - Groupe Economique Solidaire ULISSE - Groupe Economique Solidaire

[Automatic translation follows] Territorial solidarity entrepreneur at the service of employment and socio-professional integration. Since 1984, the ULISSE Solidarity Economic Group has aimed to promote access to or return to employment for people engaged in a social and professional integration process. Individualized and contractual support is provided within the framework of work placements within the various activities offered by the group. Its action is fully in line with the field of the social and solidarity economy and is based on a set of 4 Structures of integration through Economic Activity (ULISSE Grenoble Solidarité, Ulisse Services, ULISSE Intérim and ULISSE Energie) …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

12 3 10 33

[Automatic translation follows] An association serving the social life of the territories. Since its creation in 1907, the UFCV has been committed to serving the social life of communities, by deploying activities of animation, leisure, training, integration and support for engagement mechanisms. Holiday stays for children and adolescents, Adapted holiday stays for children and adults with mental disabilities, Bafa / Bafd training, Territorial animation, Professional training, Social and professional integration, Civic service, and Fight against the isolation of seniors

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech edtech

28 1 26 1,331

[Automatic translation follows] The media dedicated to positive impact initiatives from public authorities is dedicated to promoting positive impact initiatives from public authorities. Its objective? To highlight all those who dare, in their territory, to set up innovative projects. Because every day, in France or elsewhere, local elected officials and their collaborators act to find real solutions to the problems that surround us. All areas are concerned. From education to ecology, including culture or participatory democracy, projects are multiplying. However, traditional media often have difficulty relaying them. Thanks to a unique know-how focused on digital and its network of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

30 3 25 4
Sport dans la ville Sport dans la ville

[Automatic translation follows] From sport to employment Sport dans la Ville ensures the establishment and supervision of 46 sports centers in 4 major regions in France. The Association aims at the social and professional integration of young people from disadvantaged neighborhoods. 6,500 young people are registered with Sport dans la Ville. Associative, Professional integration, Social integration, Sport, solidarity, Solidarity action, Employment, and entrepreneurship

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

98 41 67 396

[Automatic translation follows] When you support SOS MEDITERRANEE, it is YOU who make this gesture. Since 2014, more than 28,000 people have died trying to cross the Mediterranean on makeshift boats, not to mention all those who have disappeared without witnesses. The majority of these women, men and children were trying to flee an unbearable situation in Libya, making the central Mediterranean the deadliest migratory route in the world. It is on the basis of a movement of European citizens determined to act in the face of this tragedy of repeated shipwrecks at sea that SOS MEDITERRANEE was created in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

7 5 3 102
FairFrame FairFrame

Type: Startup Activities: civictech hrtech

2 1 1 1
Amplifier Strategies Amplifier Strategies

Amplifier Strategies is a full-service social impact agency that helps philanthropists, mission investors and social enterprises achieve positive social impact. We're a team of strategists, designers, and technologists working together to deliver an integrated set of capabilities across a diverse set of projects. Wherever you are on your philanthropic journey, we can customize a set of services to advance your work and achieve results. We customize our engagements to each client's unique context and stage of development, learning deeply about your mission, history and current challenges your organization is facing. By offering a comprehensive package for philanthropists, mission investors and …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech Technologies: Data Analytics

3 2 0 1
Center for International Humanitarian Cooperation (CIHC) Center for International Humanitarian Cooperation (CIHC)

The Center for International Humanitarian Cooperation (CIHC) was founded in 1992 to promote healing and peace in countries shattered by natural disasters, armed conflicts, and ethnic violence. The Center employs its resources and unique personal contacts to stimulate interest in humanitarian issues and to promote innovative educational programs and training models. Our extensive list of publications and regular symposia address both the basic issues and the emerging challenges of humanitarian assistance. Education, Humanitarian, Disaster Management, International Affairs, Human Rights, and Community Participation

Type: SMB Activities: civictech edtech

3 1 2 11
EngenderHealth EngenderHealth

Expanding access to sexual & reproductive health & rights information & services in multiple countries around the world. EngenderHealth envisions a gender-equal world where all people achieve their sexual and reproductive health and rights. We know that sexual and reproductive health and rights are completely and inextricably intertwined with gender equality. We also know that marginalized groups—such as girls, women, and gender minorities; adolescents and youth; people with disabilities; economically disadvantaged groups; and rural and other hard-to-reach populations—are particularly vulnerable to discriminatory practices that can prevent them from leading healthy lives. But that can change. We believe that if all …

Type: SMB Activities: civictech

4 1 3 649
Freedom from Hunger Freedom from Hunger

Founded in 1946, Freedom from Hunger has six decades of experience fighting world hunger, and 25+ years of experience developing and implementing sustainable self-help methods to empower poor women. In 2016, Freedom from Hunger and the global nonprofit Grameen Foundation joined forces under the banner of Grameen Foundation. The integration of the two organizations brings together Grameen Foundation’s expertise in digital innovation to end poverty and Freedom from Hunger’s focus on providing the world’s poorest women with self-help tools to reduce hunger and poverty. Learn more at Value-Added Microfinance, Microfinance, Education, Health, Youth Services, Research and Evaluation, International Development, …

Type: SMB Activities: civictech healthtech edtech fintech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 0 0 22
Global Impact Global Impact

Greater Giving. Powerful Results. Global Impact serves as a trusted philanthropy advisor, intermediary, and nonprofit partner for greater giving. We offer advisory and infrastructure services that drive strategic philanthropy for our nonprofit, public, and private sector clients. With close to 70 years of experience, we have raised nearly $2.5 billion with our partners for global causes. Global Impact is part of Global Impact Ventures, a family of mission-driven organizations that serve all of philanthropy for a better world. Fundraising, Nonprofit Consulting, Corporate Partnerships, Campaign Management, work place giving, global philanthropy, development, benchmarking, CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility, workplace giving, philanthropy, and …

Type: SMB Activities: civictech fintech

11 0 11 216
Tenshey, Inc. Tenshey, Inc.

Advancing diversity, one leader at a time. We are a female-founded, tech-enabled startup with a mission to advance gender diversity and leadership development through executive coaching. Executive Coaching , Leadership Development , Teambuilding, Diversity , Inclusion , Consulting , gender equality , group coaching , Career development , career coaching , and personal brand

Type: SMB Activities: civictech edtech hrtech

13 1 12 13
Hack.Diversity Hack.Diversity

Breaking down barriers and building access for the next generation in tech. Hack.Diversity is transforming the economy by breaking down barriers and building access for the next generation in tech. Through its nine-month program, Hack.Diversity partners with the fastest-growing technology teams to identify, develop, and equip high-performing talent to launch careers as software engineers, data analysts, and mechanical engineers. Founded in 2016, Hack.Diversity launched its New York City site in January 2023 after regional recognition for its impact generated in Boston. Technology, Diversity and Inclusion, Venture Capitalism, Workforce Development, and Career Development

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech healthtech

10 2 8 139
FungoBox FungoBox

Fungo Box is a kit for the self-cultivation of fresh mushrooms from coffee grounds. We are a team of urban agriculture and circular economy lovers. Every day we recover coffee grounds to transform them, once in high quality mushrooms, and then in fertilizer for the soil. Fungo Box is a circular economy experience. During Expo 2015, a research carried out by the Polytechnic of Turin about the cultivation of mushrooms from coffee grounds is experimented for the first time. Lavazza and Novamont deliver their coffee wastes to Il Giardinone, which begins the process of transformation. Compared to those grown according …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech agritech greentech

1 1 0 3
Trees for the Future Trees for the Future

We train farmers in agroforestry to build vibrant regional economies, thriving food systems, and a healthier planet. Around the world, modern and industrialized farming practices are destroying the environment—and, at the same time, failing to provide reliable income and nourishment for the farmers we all depend on to survive. At TREES, we recognize that unsustainable land use is the root cause of our most pressing challenges. We confront these challenges by serving the people at the heart of our global food systems: farmers and their families. As a global leader in agroforestry training for over 30 years, TREES provides hands-on, …

Type: SMB Activities: civictech agritech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 0 0 331
Pittsburgh Young Professionals Pittsburgh Young Professionals

PYP a group of diverse professional and personal backgrounds looking to meet new people and grow their network. PYP provides career minded individuals with opportunities to develop socially, professionally, and civically. Our vision is to enhance the vitality of the Pittsburgh region by creating a strong community of young professionals. As the premiere young professional organization in Pittsburgh, PYP embraces a culture of excellence, integrity, and growth as the central foundation of our identity. We are committed to the following values: - Leadership - Diversity - Connections - Community - Development Visit to learn more. Networking, Social Events, Community …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

1 1 0 5
Civil Liberties Union for Europe Civil Liberties Union for Europe

We protect and promote human rights for all across the EU. Help make our work possible 👇 We are an EU watchdog with members organisations across Europe promoting & protecting human rights against. Who are we? Human rights give us the tools to build the lives we want to live, and the communities we want to live in. The Civil Liberties Union for Europe (Liberties) is a watchdog that safeguards the human rights of everyone in the European Union. Our team is made up of experts in human rights and communications. We work closely with our network of members in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

8 1 5 27
Community Technology Alliance Community Technology Alliance

We connect silos of data. You analyze and act. They escape homelessness and poverty. We connect silos of data. You analyze and act. They escape homelessness and poverty. Community Technology Alliance was founded in 1991 to design and construct the technical infrastructure necessary to support the work to end homelessness in Santa Clara County. CTA has since evolved into a nonprofit focusing on ways for databases and other tools to communicate and exchange data, and on ways to integrate and centrally store data for reporting and data visualization purposes. Data Analytics, Data Management, Reporting, Homelessness, Data Integration, Coordinated Entry, HMIS, …

Type: SMB Activities: civictech it services Technologies: Data Analytics

1 0 1 10
Aura Fundació Aura Fundació

[Automatic translation follows] Social and labor inclusion based on the #WorkWithSupport methodology for people with intellectual disabilities

Type: Startup Activities: civictech

0 0 0 N/A
Fabian Oestreicher Fabian Oestreicher

[Automatic translation follows] ACT ACT Hooray! - with social entrepreneurship to more impact at universities!

Type: Startup Activities: civictech

11 0 11 N/A
Van de Sant Innovations Van de Sant Innovations

Welcome @ the official LinkedIn page for Van de Sant. Leading brand in Sustainable Furniture. As Seen on @BBCDragonsDen We have created an innovate way of manufacturing our sustainable furniture. By using sustainable raw materials like recycled plastic and carpet fiber sheets, our company increased the focus on the ecological environment. With the challenge for not using wood, we are continuously improving our products to a higher standard in the outdoor furniture market. We are not only decreasing deforestation, we also take part in reducing plastic waste in the ocean! If you have any questions about our innovative constructions and …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: New Materials

0 0 0 1
Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development

Satisfaction comes through both work and quality of life – and Pennsylvania delivers it all. The Department of Community and Economic Development’s mission is to encourage the shared prosperity of all Pennsylvanians by supporting good stewardship and sustainable development initiatives across our commonwealth. With a keen eye toward diversity and inclusiveness, we act as advisors and advocates, providing strategic technical assistance, training, and financial resources to help our communities and industries flourish. community and economic development, expansion and relocation, small business development centers, trade and investment, expertise, network of domestic and international partners, business resources and services, business assistance, financial …

Type: Public Activities: civictech

24 3 21 480
Oxfam América Latina y el Caribe Oxfam América Latina y el Caribe

[Automatic translation follows] Oxfam is an international organisation working to end inequality and injustice. Oxfam is an international confederation of 20 organisations working alongside partner organisations and local communities in over 90 countries. We work to provide emergency relief, carry out long-term development projects and campaign for a fairer future. Oxfam is a global movement dedicated to ending inequality and injustice. Our work is based on a commitment to defend and respect human rights. We believe in the power of people and that is why we work with allies at local and global level, seeking to promote initiatives that promote …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

8 0 2 21
Oak Foundation Oak Foundation

Through our grant-making, we support others to make the world a safer, fairer, and more sustainable place to live. Oak Foundation commits its resources to address issues of global, social, and environmental concern, particularly those that have a major impact on the lives of the disadvantaged. Through our grant-making, we support others to make the world a safer, fairer, and more sustainable place to live. With offices in Europe, India, and North America, we make grants to organisations in approximately 40 countries worldwide. Global issues, Environment, Wildlife, Housing and homelessness, Human rights, Women's rights, Learning differences, Regenerative agriculture, Systems change, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

5 0 0 122
Clothing The Gaps Clothing The Gaps

Aboriginal social enterprise and B Corp celebrating Aboriginal people and culture. An Aboriginal Social Enterprise on Wurundjeri Country working to unite people through fashion and causes to influence social change so that Aboriginal people and Communities thrive. Proud to be a hub of Aboriginal employment and to support the Clothing The Gaps Foundation.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

1 1 0 5
B Lab Germany B Lab Germany

Transforming Business for Good: Join the B Corp Movement in Germany B Lab Germany is part of a global movement of certified B Corporations dedicated to using business as a force for good. We work with companies, investors, and policymakers to promote a more sustainable and inclusive economy. Join us in redefining success in business, where profit meets purpose. Our Mission: At B Lab Germany, we believe in harnessing the power of business to solve social and environmental challenges. Through our rigorous certification process, we empower companies to meet high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. B …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech civictech cleantech

2 2 0 14
Réseau Vrac et Réemploi Réseau Vrac et Réemploi

[Automatic translation follows] The organization of professionals in bulk sales and packaging reuse. Réseau Vrac et Réemploi develops and structures the #bulk and #reuse sectors in order to reduce the waste of resources and disposable packaging waste. We unite, advise, equip and support all professionals in the sector - traders, producers and suppliers - in order to democratize and perpetuate this distribution method. environment, trade, food waste, zero waste, bulk hygiene, bulk regulations, and bulk sales

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech foodtech cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

38 9 24 22
Health Solutions Africa Health Solutions Africa

Smart Impact Systems Welcome to Health Solutions Africa, Our vision is to develop a leading digital health ecosystem and "one stop health shop"​ for Communities in Africa. HSA invests in, develops & delivers, technology driven health solutions for corporates, carers & communities. We are Solutions Architects on a social mission to impact our communities. We are the "digital glue"​ that connect people, processes, things, places, systems and technologies in intelligent and innovative ways. Through our Smart Impact Systems we've set out to change the industry as we know it, and we are doing just that! Health Technology, Social Entrepreneurship, Innovative …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: civictech healthtech it services Technologies: A.I.

1 0 1 22
Nid-O Nid-O

Circular design furniture. Crafted by designers - powered by eco-innovation. Because we do believe in innovation for the Planet sake, Nid-O is a circular premium design project under development. It is based on collaborations: it’s a net and a nest (« un nido » in Spanish, the most natural cradle in the end!). WE ARE CURRENTLY SOURCING NEW CIRCULAR & INNOVATIVE MATERIALS FOR FURNITURE MAKING. Please contact us whether you're working on one of those. All the materials we choose to work with and promote: - are fairly produced in Europe; - are coming either from industrial or organic waste; …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

0 0 0 0
UNI Global Union UNI Global Union

Advancing workers' rights globally Who We Are: UNI Global Union, based in Nyon, Switzerland, represents more than 20 million workers from over 150 different countries in the fastest growing sectors in the world – skills and services. The majority of new jobs are expected to be in these sectors in the coming decades. UNI and our affiliates in all regions are driven to ensure these jobs are decent and workers’ rights are protected, especially the right to join a union and bargain collectively. Our Mission: To grow and strengthen affiliated unions and build worker power in the services and allied …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

9 3 7 147
WeWorld Onlus WeWorld Onlus

Portiamo al centro chi è ai margini con progetti di Cooperazione allo Sviluppo e Aiuto Umanitario in 26 Paesi. WeWorld Onlus is a non-profit non-governmental organisation for development cooperation, recognised by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; we are independent, non-denominational and apolitical. Established in Milan in 1999, WeWorld Onlus works in Italy, Asia, Africa and Latin America to support children, women and local communities in the fight against poverty and inequality and to promote sustainable development. WeWorld Onlus fosters a culture of mutual support, social commitment, and respect for human rights. In looking to achieving long-term integrated development, we …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech edtech

6 3 2 505
Kuwait Society for Human Rights Kuwait Society for Human Rights

Kuwait Society for Human Rights is a non-governmental, non-profit Society. KSHR started its work as a branch of the Arab Organization for Human Rights in 1988 and officially declared on 6th November 2004. حقوق الإنسان, العمل التطوعي, and جمعية نفع عام

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech it services

0 0 0 26
Made in Carcere Made in Carcere

(Italiano / English) Made in Carcere è il brand della Onlus “Officina Creativa” che dal 2008 garantisce a donne e minori in stato di detenzione di lavorare, percepire una retribuzione ed utilizzare il periodo di reclusione per intraprendere un nuovo percorso di reinserimento sociale. Made in Carcere fa parte del Progetto Sigillo, un marchio registrato dal Dipartimento di Amministrazione Penitenziaria del Ministero della Giustizia e nel 2014 ha ottenuto il riconoscimento da “Ashoka”, la più grande rete al mondo di imprenditori sociali, posizionandosi tra i primi 4 ChangeMaker in Italia quale modello di impresa sociale in grado di contaminare e …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

0 0 0 5
Cooperative Development Foundation Cooperative Development Foundation

Supporting and promoting economic development through cooperative enterprise. CDF’s Mission: To promote self-help and mutual aid in community, economic and social development through cooperative enterprise. While CDF engages in educational programming and public outreach activities, a substantial amount of its work involves management of grant and loan funds.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

0 0 0 21
UN Global Compact Network USA UN Global Compact Network USA

The Local Network for USA companies in the United Nations Global Compact Global Compact Network USA is the US Chapter of the United Nations Global Compact, the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world. We are a powerful network of companies and stakeholders dedicated to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals. By connecting our partners with the resources of the greater UN, we support companies that are committed to fully integrating our principles of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption into their business strategies and operations.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

9 1 8 24
Instituto Socioambiental Instituto Socioambiental

[Automatic translation follows] Socio-environmental is written together. Support ISA in defending the #PeopleOfForest. The Instituto Socioambiental (ISA) is a non-profit association, qualified as a Civil Society Organization of Public Interest (Oscip), since September 21, 2001. Founded on April 22, 1994, ISA incorporated the material and immaterial heritage of 15 years of experience of the Indigenous Peoples Program in Brazil of the Ecumenical Documentation and Information Center (PIB/CEDI) and the Indigenous Rights Center (NDI) of Brasília. Both are recognized organizations that work on issues of indigenous rights in Brazil. At the end of the 1980s, a series of facts and processes …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

0 0 0 175
Inter-American Dialogue Inter-American Dialogue

We engage our network to foster democratic governance, prosperity & social equity in Latin American and the Caribbean. The Inter-American Dialogue is the leading U.S. center for policy analysis, exchange, and communication on issues in Western Hemisphere affairs. The Dialogue brings together public and private leaders from across the Americas to address hemispheric problems and opportunities. Together they seek to build cooperation among Western Hemisphere nations and advance a regional agenda of democratic governance, social equity, and economic growth. Dialogue activities are directed to generating new policy ideas and practical proposals for action, and getting these ideas and proposals to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

2 0 2 78
King Baudouin Foundation King Baudouin Foundation

Working together for a better society. 🚀We're hiring! Check out our job offers below🚀 The mission of #KingBaudouinFoundation is to contribute to a better society in Belgium, in Europe and in the world. The Foundation is an actor for #change and #innovation in #Belgium, #Europe, and the rest of the world, serving the public interest and increasing social cohesion. It seeks to maximise its impact by improving skills in organisations and for individuals. It also stimulates effective #philanthropy by individuals and corporations. The Foundation’s most important values are integrity and transparency, promoting solidarity, respect for diversity, pluralism and independence. Our …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

19 2 3 320
Partnership for Central America Partnership for Central America

A public-private partnership with the State Department coordinating foreign direct and ESG investments to the Americas The Partnership is a response to the Call to Action issued May 27, 2021 by Vice President Kamala Harris for businesses and social enterprises to make new, significant commitments to help send a signal of hope to the people of the region and sustainably address the root causes of migration by promoting economic opportunity. The State Department, in coordination with the Partnership for Central America, will manage follow-up to this Call to Action. In this work, the Partnership will work to support private sector …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

9 0 9 12
World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF) World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF)

An affiliated partner of G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) An affiliated partner of the G20 - Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) chaired by Her Majesties Queean Maxima of the Netherlands, The World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF) is an international organisation aiming to ease access to finance for businesses from start up to scale up to exit, with the ultimate goal of generating more jobs and more social justice worldwide. It is committed to collaborating globally to empower world economic development by creating innovative financial instruments for innovators, startups, and SMEs. The Forum interacts with leaders in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech fintech

6 0 2 261
Symbola - Fondazione per le qualità italiane Symbola - Fondazione per le qualità italiane

[Automatic translation follows] It was created to unite businesses, communities and intelligences that focus on sustainability, innovation, beauty. Symbola - Fondazione per le qualità italiane was created with the aim of promoting a new development model oriented towards quality in which tradition, original vocations, territory, but also technological innovation, research, design merge. In a word, the soft economy: an economy of quality capable of combining competitiveness and valorization of human capital, economic growth and respect for the environment and human rights, productivity and social cohesion (and positive relationships with communities). It is the lobby of Italian qualities that speaks to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

4 1 3 24
UN Today UN Today

The official magazine of United Nations international civil servants in Geneva. We are UN Today, the official magazine of United Nations international civil servants in Geneva. By and for international civil servants, UN Today brings to staff, diplomats, and the wider international Geneva community an introspective analysis of what affects our life and work in Geneva and how to make the best of it. Housed at the Palais des Nations, the staff of the United Nations in Geneva has been serving multilateral diplomacy for almost a century, supporting more than 8,000 meetings every year, at one of the busiest conference …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

2 0 1 8
Brotherhood of St Laurence Brotherhood of St Laurence

The Brotherhood of St. Laurence (BSL) is a social justice organisation working towards an Australia free of poverty. The Brotherhood of St. Laurence (BSL) is a social justice organisation working alongside people experiencing disadvantage to address the fundamental causes of poverty in Australia. We believe no one should live in poverty. It’s why we exist. Our mission is to pursue lasting change; to create a more compassionate and just society where everyone can thrive. We think differently and take a unique approach to address the fundamental causes of poverty in our community. Our approach is informed directly by the people …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

0 0 0 963
Queensland Labor Queensland Labor

Queensland Labor is a civic & social organization company based out of 16 PEEL ST, South Brisbane, Australia.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

1 1 0 5