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LogoName Σ Employees

Water Cycle Management Since its creation in 1988, Hydreka has been providing measurement solutions for the water industry. From a single product to a global offer, from sale to rental, Hydreka offers an extensive range of solutions that perfectly adapts to the needs of our customers. Hydreka has set as a guideline: the satisfaction of its customers. The company relies on 3 foundations that are listening to its customers, experience and innovation to offer the most suitable solutions for both end users and installers. Hydreka offers all services and measurement chains for the entire water cycle in France and abroad, …

Type: SMB Activities: greentech cleantech

1 1 0 56

[Automatic translation follows] Quality to last Based in Savoie since 1984, ADG is recognized for its expertise in the industrial valve industry and in the design of products for the transport and distribution of drinking water. ADG Robinetterie, partners of wholesalers, offers you a wide choice of products in the watering, irrigation, industry, hydraulic equipment and sanitary heating industries. ADG Eau designs, industrializes and distributes products for connections, for metering station equipment as well as a wide range of junction and repair parts for the distribution of drinking water.

Type: SMB Activities: greentech water management cleantech

2 1 1 190
STAPEM Offshore STAPEM Offshore

Sustainable services STAPEM provides engineering, marine, subsea & maintenance services to operators of the Oil & Gas and renewables industries. Head quartered in France & operating globally. As a group, we have a presence in the UKCS, Gulf of Mexico, Africa and the Middle East. Our vision is to be a global leader in integrated energy services, through sustainable growth, knowledge excellence and exemplary governance practices.

Type: SMB Activities: greentech energytech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 1 0 319
Modimalisme Modimalisme

[Automatic translation follows] (re)design responsibly. Modimalisme supports textile companies in their transition to the circular economy to generate positive and sustainable values ​​locally. Modimalisme is above all a collective of local talents, designers, pattern makers, solidarity workshops, textile brands to revalue unsold items and textile surplus.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fashtech cleantech greentech

2 2 0 2
Echos d'Océans Echos d'Océans

Projects that work to protect the oceans. Without oceans, there is no life on Earth. Echos d'Océans is a portal for projects on the preservation of the oceans. We report news, results, support, events related to marine ecosystems. ocean protection, plastic pollution, and climate change

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 1 0 1
Lorraine Énergies Renouvelables Lorraine Énergies Renouvelables

[Automatic translation follows] For a thoughtful & shared energy transition! Created in 2005, the Lorraine Energies Renouvelables association, also known as LER, aims to inform, educate, advise, and support the development of renewable energies and energy sobriety. The association, which has around 20 employees, is recognized as being of general interest and labeled an environmental education structure by the Grand Est region and the Lorraine Regional Natural Park. LER offers numerous activities and carries out missions with communities and public stakeholders. The most emblematic activity is the renewable energy route. Examples of actions: - Interventions in schools (mobility, waste, energy, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech energytech

3 2 1 17
France Qualité - AFQP AuRA France Qualité - AFQP AuRA

[Automatic translation follows] Progress and innovate by sharing your experiences More than 150 organizations in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes are already members, more than 500 experts exchange and share together. And you? The AFQP AuRA is an association under the 1901 law. It is the key player in Quality, Performance and Sustainable Development in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. Based on the principles of exchanging good practices, we facilitate the promotion, dissemination and sharing of methods and experiences. Our action aims to support and develop the efficiency of organizations and the competitiveness of companies in the region.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

3 1 1 11

[Automatic translation follows] You need vegetables, they need work. Together, let's cultivate solidarity! You need vegetables, they need work. Together, let's cultivate solidarity. Organic, Market gardening, CDDI, and Insertion

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech agritech

1 1 0 4
Beauval Nature Beauval Nature

[Automatic translation follows] Beauval Nature, a non-profit association, works to preserve animal and plant species in nature. The Beauval Nature association works to preserve global biodiversity. It raises awareness, finances, supports and sometimes directly manages conservation and research programs around the world. The association's goal is to preserve the natural environment, protect endangered species and promote scientific studies on fauna and flora. Since its creation in 2009, it has supported 130 programs and gained international recognition. animals, environment, biodiversity, protection, and nature

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech

2 2 0 11
N'Way N'Way

[Automatic translation follows] We are 100 united entrepreneurs, enthusiastically committed to the development of a dynamic Normandy. Partners of N'Way, we are convinced that the decompartmentalization of borders in Normandy is a powerful factor of sustainability, competitiveness and attractiveness. The prospects for economic development in times of crisis encourage entrepreneurs more than ever to promote cooperation and collective commitment.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

2 1 1 63

[Automatic translation follows] The energy of your passion - Made In France A French (and Breton!) SME Composed of a team of enthusiasts, OVERSTIM.s is a family business that supports athletes in achieving their goals by offering nutrition perfectly adapted to exercise. OVERSTIM.s designs and manufactures healthy, natural and high-performance drinks, gels, bars, energy cakes, etc. available in ORGANIC, VEGAN and GLUTEN-FREE versions. The adventure begins in 1982 In the early 80s, sports dietetics was still in its infancy and consisted of a limited selection of foods that were not really suitable and a few drinks that often left users …

Type: SMB Activities: greentech

2 2 0 17
Conservatoire d'espaces naturels Isère Conservatoire d'espaces naturels Isère

[Automatic translation follows] The CEN Isère is dedicated to the restoration and management of remarkable natural sites, either through assistance or directly. The CEN Isère's main mission is the restoration and management of remarkable natural sites. It operates on more than forty sites in Isère, either on its own behalf or in the form of assistance to local authorities. It also provides technical support to local authorities in their land use planning policies as an expert in the management and restoration of natural environments. Management of natural areas, Assistance to local authorities, and Environmental education

Type: SMB Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

3 1 2 18
Salon L'instant éco-durable Salon L'instant éco-durable

[Automatic translation follows] Companies, Communities: Start your green transition The eco-sustainable moment is a professional trade fair for energy and environmental transition

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

1 0 0 N/A
La Vague Asso La Vague Asso

[Automatic translation follows] Our mission is to influence the competitive sailing community on environmental and societal issues Dear sailors, Because we don't do a sport like any other! Because we shouldn't be athletes like any other! Because our playground is dying and we don't protect it enough! Because our jobs have a significant impact and we have let it grow for too long. Because we convey an image of ambassadors of the oceans, rich in symbols, but the urgency pushes us to go further and structure our different approaches! We have created a club for reflection and exchange, with the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech

3 1 0 4
Reborn Reborn

[Automatic translation follows] Leading the circular plastic economy with our R100 film products (100% recycled content) and our vertical integration Reborn is a European industrial group born from the merger of 5 companies, active since 2002 and present in 4 main businesses: - Packaging: Reborn Normandie, Reborn Pyrénées, Reborn Vosges and Reborn Val de Loire (ex Ceisa and Semo Packaging) - Upcycling: XL Recycling ( - Photoengraving & creation: Antares Graphics ( - BtoB technical services: Packadomia Reborn has nearly 400 employees deployed in France, Poland, Russia, Morocco and Australia, for a turnover of 120 million euros. The group exports …

Type: SMB Activities: greentech

1 1 0 104
Agir_ la droite constructive Agir_ la droite constructive

[Automatic translation follows] Pro-European, liberal and humanist, here are the three key words that define agir_ in the political landscape politics, france, economy, europe

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

13 5 8 1
Safer Bretagne Safer Bretagne

[Automatic translation follows] Responsible for missions of general interest, the Société d'Aménagement Foncier et d'Etablissement Rural Bretagne pursues 4 main missions: - Maintain and develop a dynamic and diversified agriculture - Preserve landscapes, the environment and natural resources - Support local development and sustainable land use planning - Transparency of the land market Agriculture, Land, Environment, Rural, Land use planning, Agricultural installations, Transparency of the land market, and Preservation of natural spaces

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech agritech

4 3 4 29

[Automatic translation follows] Bringing innovation & transformation to businesses through regeneration to accelerate the ecological transition. We have developed several workshops to support the ecological transition in businesses and local communities in response to exceeding planetary boundaries and in particular the predation of living things. Our approach is the regeneration of living things including humans. Regeneration is the ability of living things to reach their full potential in an ecosystem. Learn more: DESIgn, regeneration, innovation, transformation, ecology, human factor, emotions, imagination, new stories, business models, strategic planning, design, fresco, collaboration, new products, biodiversity, human resources, cognitive sciences, new stories, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech consulting greentech

23 3 14 17
Enerzine Enerzine

Enerzine is an energy conservation company that was created to help develop solutions to the worldwide energy crisis. Our success is predicated upon our ability to identify, define, and analyze our customer’s needs and goals. This process ultimately enables us to engineer a cost-effective and executable solution. Enerzine’s competitive advantages are as follows: Enerzine audits, engineers and designs all of our LED lighting projects in-house. Enerzine offers the most preferential pricing structures from the most technologically advanced LED manufactures such as Philips, Cree, and Lighting Science Group. Enerzine has exclusive rights to certain LED applications for extended periods of time. …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

15 9 5 2

[Automatic translation follows] An independent company specializing in ecological water treatment and energy efficiency, we have 12 years of experience in the development and distribution of physical fluid treatment solutions, particularly in the industrial, hospital, tertiary, agri-food and residential sectors. ARIONIC offers a real technological breakthrough combined with a range of services allowing a safe transition from current uses. And to prove the effectiveness of our processes, all our equipment is monitored on site with a contractual result commitment based on a specific adapted protocol. To do this, we use new biomass measurement methods such as ATP-Metry or recorded instrumented …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech water management

0 0 0 3
Manumesure - Chauvin Arnoux group Manumesure - Chauvin Arnoux group

[Automatic translation follows] Metrology and regulatory controls Metrology, regulatory controls and industrial maintenance MANUMESURE is the company specializing in metrology and regulatory controls of the Chauvin Arnoux Group. It provides metrological verification, maintenance and management of measuring, control and testing equipment in its laboratories or on customer sites. The company also offers regulatory controls in the environmental field (air pollutant emissions, noise, etc.), personal safety (inspection of electrical installations, etc.) and risk prevention (thermography, etc.) MANUMESURE has structured its service offering on three major market segments: Industry, Environment and Health. With a national network of 12 technical centers and a …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech

2 0 2 114
Valence Romans Eau Valence Romans Eau

[Automatic translation follows] Leading player in the water transition in the region #Water #Innovation #Ecology Committed to a societal approach, triple QSE certified (ISO 9001-14001-45001), Valence Romans Eau is in charge of the public water service on behalf of Valence Romans Agglo (223,349 inhabitants). Leading player in the water transition in the region, Valence Romans Eau gives pride of place to digital intelligence and prediction through a 360° digitalization of its activities. Whether internally or with its partners, Valence Romans Eau, a human-sized structure, promotes quality service, entrepreneurial spirit, professionalism and innovation. The human resources policy reflects this positive dynamic. …

Type: Public Activities: water management cleantech greentech

4 2 2 41
DEEP laboratory DEEP laboratory

Wastes Water Environment Pollutions DEEP conducts multidisciplinary research in environmental engineering, from pilot-scale experimentation to the long-term monitoring on real sites in industrial and urban environments. The knowledge, methods, processes and models produced by the laboratory allow concrete actions to preserve or restore the environment, in two areas of application: 1. urban water and hydrosystems, 2. solid waste, polluted sediments and soils. environnement, eau, déchets, pollution, hydrologie, valorisation, économie circulaire, ingénierie environnementale, recherche, sédiment, énergie, matière organique, évaluation environnementale, and anthropocène

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech water management

10 0 9 4
Cervval Cervval

[Automatic translation follows] We are recruiting Cervval develops and implements complexity simulation tools. These real interactive models aim to immerse their users in a faithful and credible reproduction of their problem. This modeling makes it possible to study the entire ecosystem of a subject from different perspectives, in order to promote a decision-making process.

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech it services

34 6 23 41

[Automatic translation follows] Économie verte et croissance durable en Afrique // Green Economy and Sustainable Growth in Africa Supported by young journalists grouped within an editorial team based in Central Africa, AFRIK 21 aims to inform about the issues, initiatives and solutions concerning the energy and ecological transition of the continent. In order to report on the dynamics of the actors, and accelerate the projects of decision-makers: from Cape Town to the Mediterranean, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Indian Ocean. Green Economy and Sustainable Growth in Africa and Économie verte et croissance durable en Afrique

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

43 4 39 4

[Automatic translation follows] Everyday safety for all - Customer satisfaction - Quality work - Team spirit - Electricité de Picardie company. Based in Abbeville, in the Baie de Somme, we develop our expertise around the integration of electrical energy and information technologies in the services of the tertiary universes Electricity, SSI, Access Control, GTB, and VDI

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech

3 1 0 38

[Automatic translation follows] Within VINCI Construction’s French Networks business, CARDEM specialises in removal, mechanical and explosive deconstruction as well as industrial dismantling, pollution control, asbestos removal, recycling and recovery of materials and waste. At CARDEM, taking into account the environmental dimension is essential and is respected at each stage of the work. CARDEM is one of the European leaders in deconstruction. Established in France since 1956, CARDEM also provides its expertise for highly technical operations. The company benefits from extensive experience acquired in designing and supporting projects in all types of deconstruction of buildings, high-rise structures and industrial sites, which …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

35 3 35 350
Climate Change Lab Climate Change Lab

[Automatic translation follows] Learn, make and share solutions to adapt to the effects of climate change. #Fablab #makers #sdg Open forge to make, learn and share solutions to adapt to climate change guided by the sustainable development goals. #commons #openhardware #opensource

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

11 2 10 N/A
Release by Scatec Release by Scatec

Release is a flexible leasing agreement of pre-assembled and modular solar PV and battery equipment. Release designs, finances and installs scalable solar power plants and battery storage and leases out the equipment on short- or long-term contracts. We guarantee equipment performance, provide 24/7 monitoring and operation and maintenance support, and train local resources to perform regular maintenance tasks. Focusing on medium and large energy consumers in emerging markets, we use our experience, competence, and global presence to make reliable solar power available to a larger audience. Release is owned and managed by Scatec ASA.

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Batteries Solar Technologies

2 0 2 38
Nasekomo Nasekomo

Co-founded with nature 🌿 Who we are: A collective of entrepreneurs, scientists, and experts dedicated to a sustainable future. What we do: We rear Black Soldier Fly to produce protein, oil, and fertilizer for the feed and agriculture industries. Where we do it: We chose Bulgaria as home to our first industrial-scale production facility; it’s close to vital markets such as Greece, Turkey and Western Europe, as well as offering advantageous labor and business conditions.

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

3 0 3 40
City Green Light City Green Light

[Automatic translation follows] Brighter cities for a sustainable future City Green Light is a Group that operates in the field of energy saving and efficiency, participated by leading national and international investment funds specialized in the sector. ​ ​We are an Italian company that every day accompanies institutions, organizations and companies in the challenging path of ecological, energy and digital transition.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 0 1 176
Qorium Qorium

Real Leather, Reinvented Leather is loved. Leather is luxury. Leather is everywhere. Unfortunately, making leather is also polluting, challenging and controversial. Qorium creates beautiful, premium, and authentic leather without compromise. Cutting-edge science empowers us to dramatically reduce the vast impacts of today’s leather industry without quality reductions. By removing the cow from leather production, Qorium’s material has minimal climate impacts, low water and chemical usage, no land use, and no animal impacts. Simply put, Qorium reinvents leather. Better product. Better planet. Biotechnology, Cell cultured leather, Leather, Cell grown Leather, Sustainable Leather, and Animal free Leather

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

1 0 1 19
ASCA GmbH & Co. KG ASCA GmbH & Co. KG

ASCA® - die Photovoltaik-Lösung für unbegrenzte Möglichkeiten ASCA GmbH & Co. KG, a German company situated in Kitzingen, is the market leader in the area of organic photovoltaics. ASCA produces bespoke organic solar cells and systems, tailored to customers’ specific requirements. Furthermore, ASCA is active in the area of research and development, in order to continuously provide their customers with creative and innovative solutions. Additionally, ASCA employs an unique manufacturing process, based on a combination of printing, lamination and laser structuring processes. These give a distinct advantage due to their high scalability and, moreover, allow the implementation of custom designs. …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech deeptech greentech manufacturing nanotech Technologies: IoT Solar Technologies

1 1 0 11
sustainabill – part of VERSO sustainabill – part of VERSO

Sourcing – transparent and sustainable sustainabill – part of VERSO helps procurement teams to actively improve the sustainability along the supply chain by collaborating with their suppliers.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech fintech greentech transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

7 2 5 5
interpanel GmbH interpanel GmbH

The economic, healthy, efficient and unique room climate solution for new and existing commercial buildings. Healthy, efficient and unique room climate solutions for modern and productive workspaces. cooling, radiant cooling, light, acoustics, Green building, radiant heating, Smart controls, IAQ, Thermal comfort, Human centric lighting, LED, Building materials, New materials, and Technology

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

4 0 4 5
Industrial Solar GmbH Industrial Solar GmbH

We provide turnkey solar energy solutions for the industrial sector, especially for process heat and cold. • We provide turnkey solutions for clean energy in the industrial sector, especially for process heat (steam/hot water/thermal oil) and cooling • We help clients reduce energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions by integrating renewables into the energy supply • Our projects combine engineering expertise with efficient technologies that use energy from renewable sources on site • We offer our clients the solutions either as the provision of technology or, in cooperation with financing partners, as energy purchase agreements • We provide tailor-made solutions …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

4 0 3 24 GmbH GmbH

[Automatic translation follows] - easy repairs! We make repairs easy. Together we avoid electronic waste, save valuable resources and protect the environment! GmbH is a dynamic start-up company based in Berlin-Mitte, which was founded in 2014 by the three founders Joseph Hufnagl, Tobias Kronawitter and Moritz Zyrewitz. is a platform with solutions for broken electrical devices: On the one hand, the available repair services can be accessed on site and thus compared, and on the other hand, you can repair things yourself using the instruction videos and spare parts. currently offers repair help for smartphones and …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: IoT

4 2 2 5
EXYTRON Vertrieb GmbH EXYTRON Vertrieb GmbH

[Automatic translation follows] Technology leader for decentralized energy systems from renewable energies We fight for the preservation of our blue planet, for a better future for our children. With our technologies we make a measurable contribution to combating climate change. As the only system supplier, EXYTRON already offers worldwide, patented energy systems for an emission-free energy supply of residential areas, commercial and industrial plants, up to entire settlements or districts. EXYTRON implements tailor-made, turnkey energy supply systems for its customers from a single source. Our team brings together specialists from many disciplines, from physics to chemistry, from mechanical engineering to …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Hydrogen

0 0 0 7

Creating a world without unnecessary food waste and reducing CO2 emission as a result - starting here in Berlin. The impact start-up GmbH (SPRK) aims to redistribute food oversupply and eliminate food waste along the global supply chain in the long term. By reducing food waste, SPRK also saves unnecessary CO2 emissions and natural resources like water and energy. To achieve this goal, SPRK is developing an innovative distribution platform, using artificial intelligence and machine learning. The SPRK technology connects supply chain participants to ensure that food oversupply is redistributed quickly and in line with demand, with systematic consideration …

Type: Startup Activities: agritech civictech cleantech greentech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

5 2 3 30
Utopia GmbH Utopia GmbH

[Automatic translation follows] The leading media company for sustainability. is the leading internet platform for sustainable consumption in German-speaking countries. Utopia gives consumers information and inspiration and makes it as easy as possible for them to make their lives more sustainable. With more than 10 million visitors per month, ( ) is the leading online offering in this area. With UTOPIA: values ​​( we focus our expertise on companies. UTOPIA: values ​​is Utopia's sustainability communication consultancy. We support sustainable brands and responsible companies in communicating their sustainability commitment credibly. We stand for holistic sustainability communication that positions brands …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

15 3 12 75
Vector Center Vector Center

Water Security Intelligence to Transform Risks into Opportunities Is your perception aligned with reality? Vector Center delivers decision-grade intelligence for businesses, governments, and agencies that seek an edge in managing supply chain, reputational, and geopolitical risks at the intersection of water, food, and energy. water, food, energy, geopolitical risks, risk, business intelligence, and intelligence

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Cybersecurity

3 1 3 7

Differential Electrochemical Mass Spectrometry - DEMS We accelerate research and innovation in green energy storage and conversion. LIQUIDLOOP GmbH is at the forefront of sustainable technology and process analytics, with a vision to become the industry leader in the processes of liquid-to-gas separation. We support your research with a Multi Functional Differential Electrochemical Mass Spectrometry - DEMS.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 0 0 9
Breeze Technologies Breeze Technologies

Fighting air pollution with artificial intelligence Breeze Technologies is a technology leader for air quality sensors, air quality data and air quality analytics software. The company leverages the internet of things and artificial intelligence to help cities and businesses create better clean air action plans and a more liveable environment. Breeze Technologies was founded in 2015 and has been recognised as one of the most promising European startups by the European Parliament and the European Commission. Breeze's founders have been listed as Forbes 30 Under 30 and received numerous awards, including from the German Federal President. air quality, environment, smart …

Type: Startup Activities: smart city cleantech greentech it services Technologies: A.I. IoT Sensors

19 9 4 11
Urban Change Lab GmbH Urban Change Lab GmbH

YOUR IDEA...CHANGING PERSPECTIVES The Urban Change Lab helps you to precisely realise your practical ideas for hand-crafted items. Your concept will be crafted by an artisan in Africa (e.g. Kenya, Ghana or Nigeria). If you like, you can establish contact with your artisan in the process. A positive side-effect of this: not only do you receive a beautiful product, you also contribute directly to economic development in Africa. Furthermore, your concept will contribute to the local inspiration, and ideally be attractive to other customers, who may buy the product you developed. In this way, your idea could become the basic …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: cleantech greentech

0 0 0 3
Bayernwerk Bayernwerk

[Automatic translation follows] We make it possible for around 7 million people in the Bavarian regions to be reliably supplied with energy, for their smartphone batteries to be charged in the morning and for their electric cars to drive. The energy transition is succeeding: Around 400,000 decentralized generation plants are already feeding green electricity into our grid. With innovative solutions, Bayernwerk is developing the energy system of tomorrow. The Bayernwerk Group offers an exciting mix of different companies and orientations: from grid operations - expansion, maintenance and further development of energy networks - to customer solutions and electromobility. You too …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech water management Technologies: Decarbonization

5 1 5 1,193
soulbottles • soulproducts GmbH soulbottles • soulproducts GmbH

refill and create change • soulbottles Trinkflaschen sind gut für dich & die Umwelt! 100 % schadstofffrei & 1 € Spende refill and create change! soulbottles are not only saving our planet a lot of plastic, but are also produced in a fair, sustainable and climate-neutral way. Printed or engraved with unique designs by artists from all over the world, soulbottles are a wonderful companion for every day. What’s even better: every soulbottle finances water, hygiene and sanitation projects by Viva con Agua. Be the change, one sip at a time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ soulproducts GmbH • Volkmarstr. 1-7 • 12099 Berlin …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

8 6 5 17
Vytal Global Vytal Global

Tired of all the packaging waste? We offer a sustainable reusable solution for take-away & delivery. ✌️♻️ We are Vytal – the global operating system for reusables and the software solution powering the circular economy! 🌍 Imagine a world where Food & Beverage packaging waste is a thing of the past. At Vytal, we’re making that vision a reality. Our cutting-edge software goes beyond supporting restaurants, supermarkets, caterers, and canteens – we're also revolutionizing events by turning them into sustainable showcases, with logistics and cleaning services fully integrated! Whether it's food delivery, takeout, our smart reusable containers and seamless container …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech cleantech foodtech greentech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

13 4 9 61
Ambibox GmbH Ambibox GmbH

DC Technology Young engineering meets industrial manufacturing We are a young company from Mainz, Germany, developing advanced solutions for decentralized energy systems. Our team consists of experts from the automotive, renewable energy and semiconductor manufacturing sectors and are very experienced. As specialists in the field of power electronics with extensive laboratory and testing technology, we have developed a DC modular system consisting of hardware and software components. This enables us to realize our vision of a sustainable energy supply that is decentralized, highly efficient and economical. We offer both complete functional products and customizable components, as well as our knowledge …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech it services manufacturing Technologies: Embedded Systems Semiconductors

2 0 1 26
etventure etventure

We co-create digital business models and innovation projects. And we enable people to be fit for the digital future. "Changing the game": Digital consultant and company builder EY etventure identifies, develops and scales cross-industrial digital business approaches. With its four business divisions – Startup Innovation, Corporate Innovation, Teams for Innovation and Space for Innovation – EY etventure has mapped the entire value chain for innovative projects. Its corporate clients include Deutsche Bahn, Daimler Financial Services, Haniel, Migros, Hilti, Viessmann, the SMS group, Putzmeister, and the steel manufacturer Klöckner. EY etventure was founded in 2010 and is proud member of the …

Type: Startup Activities: consulting cleantech e-commerce edtech greentech

49 10 39 76
Little Sun Little Sun

We bring clean energy to communities living without electricity. Founded by Olafur Eliasson. Little Sun is an organisation established by artist Olafur Eliasson and engineer Frederik Ottesen to spread clean, affordable energy across the world. Since 2012, Little Sun has distributed over 1.2 million personal solar devices worldwide to students, refugees, teachers, and community health workers in areas without electricity. Through these efforts, Little Sun has generated 58 million additional study hours for children, reduced 800,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions and stimulated $150 million in household-level savings by substituting kerosene with clean energy. creativity, solar energy, global togetherness, energy …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

1 0 1 92

Kraftblock - rethinking energy-storage. KRAFTBLOCK is an energy storage system that is able to decarbonize industries like steel, glass or ceramics, food, chemicals or paper. It will even help renewables to have their break-through in industrial heating. The modular and easily scalable system is based on a newly developed storage material that consists of app. 85% upcycled materials. It can store up to 1.2 MWh thermal energy at a temperature level up to 1,300 °C. Due to its modular character, a single module might also be used as a mobile storage unit, that enables you to charge the storage in …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Batteries Decarbonization

18 5 16 31
GreenCom Networks GreenCom Networks

We’ve moved to Please follow us there. Most recent news: GreenCom is excited to announce we are now part of Enphase, a leading global energy technology company. We are a leading energy IoT company developing the energy system of the future. With our white-label energy IoT platform, our customers, utilities, OEMs or ESCOs, can integrate millions of distributed assets like solar PV, battery storage, electric vehicles or heat pumps. Furthermore, our platform visualises and optimises energy flows for customers and end customers. We enable white-label end customers services like energy communities, as well as smart green heating, smart charging …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech smart city energytech greentech Technologies: IoT Solar Technologies Sensors

8 3 3 7
Sunride Sunride

Sunride is a software system/platform that makes it super simple to organise and manage solar group installations. Sunride will enable people to install solar panels on every rooftop in every town worldwide, hence supplying the people who live in these buildings with clean, renewable solar power. Hence, Sunride transforms solar projects to become micro-utilities. renewable energy, energy, sharing economy, co-ops, smart metering, Mieterstrom, and summenzählermodell

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization Solar Technologies

1 0 1 3
E-Lyte E-Lyte

E-Lyte Innovations develops and produces the perfect electrolyte solution for each energy storage system! E-Lyte is a full-service partner in the field of electrolyte solutions for energy storage technologies, such as Li-ion, Na-ion and next-generation batteries as well as supercapacitors. Electrolyte solutions developed and produced from E-Lyte are highly efficient products for improving current storage technologies and to enable innovative storage solutions of tomorrow! More than 50 years’ combined experience in batteries, strong cooperation partners, a unique testing infrastructure and a cutting-edge production facility for electrolyte solutions make E-Lyte a trusted and sustainable partner. E-Lyte sees sustainability not as a …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Batteries

4 1 4 32
Solaga Solaga

[Automatic translation follows] Solaga - Living Walls Solaga improves the climate with algae pictures and the Urban Algae Filter. Visit our crowdfunding page, support us and share this great product: We are a startup from Berlin that develops algae systems for better air and energy. With our algae picture and numerous projects, we pursue the vision of covering the world with a green carpet of algae in order to improve the health and general well-being of people indoors and outdoors. Topic areas: - self-sufficient/biological air purification through algae pictures in the interior - high-quality air filter systems for urban …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Bio sourced materials

6 0 5 9
SINN Power SINN Power

[Automatic translation follows] Renewable Energy Solutions | We customize renewables SINN Power supplies the world with renewable energy – on land and on water. The portfolio of the photovoltaic specialist includes: rooftop photovoltaics, open space / agri-photovoltaics, various special photovoltaic solutions (conveyor belt photovoltaic systems, fence photovoltaics) and floating photovoltaic systems. Areas of application for the floating photovoltaic platforms include artificial lakes such as gravel ponds, sea bays, dams or the high seas (offshore / nearshore). The company SINN Power was founded in 2014 by Dr.-Ing. Philipp Sinn. Over the years, SINN Power has developed into one of the leading …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization Solar Technologies

3 2 1 43
Paprcuts GmbH Paprcuts GmbH

Made in Europe. Providing the better and more colorful accessory. Hi and Hello! We are Paprcuts. A small company that was founded by Nils Wagner in 2011 witht he idea to make the world a bit more colorful, smarter and more sustainable by producing cool products just around the corner in Berlin and Europe instead of far away somewhere else. We are dedicated to work in a good vibes only work conditions and try to make the world a bit more beautiful & innovative each day. During the pandemic we created our second baby - 4WA. A sneaker brand that …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 0 0 10
Cirplus Cirplus

Circular Plastics Cirplus is Europe's largest digital procurement platform for circular plastics. The Hamburg-based company already brings together more than 3,000 plastics converters, product manufacturers, recyclers and waste management companies from over 100 countries. The aim is to create reliable, cost-effective and scalable supply chains for high quality recycled plastics using digital technologies to reduce - and ideally eliminate - plastic in the environment. Cirplus is also the initiator of DIN SPEC 91446 - the world's first standard for high quality plastics recycling and digitisation. The company has received several awards for its commitment to greater digitalisation, standardisation and sustainability …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech cleantech greentech Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency IoT

30 4 26 13
JPM Silicon JPM Silicon

Grüne Technologien für einen nachhaltigen Umgang mit den endlichen Ressourcen unseres Planeten. As technology developers, we develop future technologies in the field of silicon production and recycling. We develop and implent technologies for raw material production. This includes primary production from renewable raw materials and secondary production from by-products and waste materials. Our focus is on silicon production and its use in solar cells. Our vision is to create the world’s first carbon-neutral silicon producer. As a raw material company, we produce and supply silicon and related raw materials. We produce silicon metal by recycling silicon waste from solar cell …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Semiconductors Solar Technologies

10 0 7 2

Water To Data. PYDROs self powered monitoring solutions make water networks visible and help preserving water. According to the UN, more than 4 billion people are facing water scarcity at least one month of a year. At the same time, more than 30% of potable water is lost during distribution causing high energy costs and unnecessary CO2 emmissions. PYDRO develops self-powered sensing and acting systems to be placed into water networks to make these networks smarter and enable water utilities to manage their networks more efficient... PYDROs PT1 sends data in real time without the need of a power supply …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech water management Technologies: Data Analytics

7 0 7 6
Earth Ratings Earth Ratings

E-commerce with a purpose: turn your shopping habits into a force for good! Sustainability ratings for consumer products Earth Ratings aims to help every consumer make the most informed choice about how they spend their money. From your online shopping to who you bank with, we will help you find a company that most represents your values. We want to ensure that economic activity is pursued in a responsible manner, so that we can minimise harm and maximise benefit, for the planet and all of its inhabitants. Online commerce in Europe and the US is estimated to have generated € …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Data Analytics

2 1 0 2
Hamburger Energiewerke GmbH Hamburger Energiewerke GmbH

[Automatic translation follows] We are shaping Hamburg's energy future. Shaping the city's energy future together We, Hamburger Energiewerke, are a 100 percent municipal energy supplier and feel committed to the Hanseatic city and its citizens. Our aim is to be the designer and driver of Hamburg's energy transition and to do our part to limit global warming. With innovative ecological solutions, we are a role model in the transformation of energy systems. Our comprehensive range of services makes us the central contact for all Hamburg residents on all questions relating to energy supply. For our city, we make a strong …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Solar Technologies

1 0 1 365
ecoligo ecoligo

ecoligo is leading the clean energy revolution in emerging markets with solar energy solutions. ecoligo is leading the clean energy revolution in emerging markets with solar energy solutions that generate economic and environmental returns, all financed by crowdinvestors. By working in the world’s fastest-growing economies, ecoligo stops harmful CO2 emissions from ever being released in countries that will be decisive in efforts to save the planet as we know it. Solar Energy, Crowdinvestment, Climate & Renewable Energy Finance, RE projects in developing countries, Fintech, and Impact Investing

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech fintech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

18 8 11 63

We believe in the transformative power of fashion. Turnkey sustainable manufacturing. With a commitment to ethical production, certified organic, regenerative, recycled, or circular fibers and climate change mitigation/renewable energy, MetaWear is the world’s leading sustainable fashion manufacturing platform. We are a 1-stop-shop for stylish GOTS, screen-printed and/or dyed t-shirts, private label apparel and home goods - covering all textile categories. From farm to finished product, and with an office and team on the ground in India, MetaWear’s “Intel inside” business model is an unparalleled “plug and play” production platform for designers, brands and retailers to integrate social and environmental strategies …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech fashtech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 0 0 5

JUDY is the collection of ready-kits with everything you need for natural disasters and home emergencies. Designed by emergency preparedness experts, JUDY is a collection of ready-kits, go-bags and our NEW 1000W portable power station, specifically designed with everything you need for natural disasters and home emergencies. With natural disasters happening more frequently, and with bigger impact, having the right suppliers and emergency plans is more important than ever. That's why we're dedicated to making preparation a household essential.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

0 0 0 47
MIWA Technologies, a.s. MIWA Technologies, a.s.

We stop the waste before it happens. MIWA is a complete retail solution based on a clean and effective way of selling the goods while minimizing single-use packaging. It is a solution based on a circular economy strategy leveraging smart technology and reusable containers rotating in closed loops. We have developed a standardized reusable packaging with RFID for distribution of food and non-food products in bulk; this packaging works in tandem with unique electronic dispensers that are placed in shops. Thanks to data-driven operational efficiency and focus on brand/product quality tracking and communication, the system enables so-called packaging-free sales for …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech retail transporttech Technologies: Wireless

8 1 8 26
Rada Building s.r.o. Rada Building s.r.o.

Securing high-risk structures. We are the leader in the Czech and Slovak markets in the field of securing high-risk structures. Our specialization lies in securing the load bearing structures, specifically post-tensioned roof trusses. Our main principle is not to only identify the structural issue but also design and execute an effective solution. We collaborate with a diverse range of experts in the fields of structural engineering, building dynamics, and civil construction. We boast experienced assembly teams and collaborate with a range of steel structure manufacturers with extensive industry expertise. Life-Cycle of Structural Systems, Civil Engineering, Real-Estate Development, Reusable Structures, Recyclable …

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech cleantech consulting greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

2 2 0 4
Perpetual Biotechnologies Perpetual Biotechnologies

Founded in 2015, as a renewable clean technology company, our mission is to develop sustainable algae derived products and ideas that will embrace the nature and help humanity. Algae, Nutraceuticals, Cosmetics, Pharmaceuticals, and Cleantech

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech biotech deeptech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 0 0 2
Strawberry energy Strawberry energy

Enhancing the experience of people in public spaces by developing smart street furniture. We develop solar urban furniture for smart cities. Strawberry energy has a mission to enhance the experience of people in public spaces by creating a network of smart street furniture to keep them connected. Proudly, for the last 13 years we have delivered smart city solutions in over 90 cities in 30 countries across 5 continents. We are excited to expand to more cities, blending into any public space and representing a smart step towards a green future. Powered by solar energy our Smart Benches enable charging …

Type: Startup Activities: smart city cleantech energytech greentech martech proptech Technologies: Wireless Solar Technologies IoT

15 3 10 33
EnergyMed Solutions EnergyMed Solutions

[Automatic translation follows] We are the guardian of energy for patient safety EnergyMed is a multidisciplinary team, related to electrical engineering and medical equipment, focused on providing energy solutions to the medical-hospital sector.

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech cleantech greentech

2 1 1 12
Amperecloud Amperecloud

All-in-one operating system for renewable energy. Empowering Efficiency in Energy Asset Management At Amperecloud, we are dedicated to revolutionizing energy asset management through cutting-edge solutions. We firmly believe that staying at the forefront of technology should be effortless for our partners. That's why we provide a comprehensive suite of key technologies that ensure cost efficiency, simplicity, and technological sophistication in managing and selling renewable energies. We understand the importance of efficient energy management and recognize that success in the renewable energy sector relies on leveraging the best available technologies. That's why we offer cloud-based solutions that are user-friendly, technologically advanced, …

Type: Startup Activities: energytech cleantech greentech Technologies: Batteries Solar Technologies

0 0 0 58
HyProMag Ltd HyProMag Ltd

Developing the recycling supply chain and short loop recycling of neodymium iron boron (NdFeB) rare earth magnets HyProMag are establishing short loop recycling facilities for NdFeB magnets at Tyseley Energy Park in Birmingham, UK and other locations using the patented HPMS (Hydrogen Processing of Magnet Scrap) process to provide a sustainable solution for the supply of NdFeB magnets and alloys for a wide range of markets including, for example, automotive and electronics. Short loop magnet recycling is expected to have a significant environmental benefit, requiring an estimated 88% less energy versus primary mining to separation to metal alloy to magnet …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 0 0 7
Hydrowheel UK Hydrowheel UK

Sustainable Power for Sustainable Growth Developing the world's first inflatable waterwheel. - Hydrowheel emphasises lower costs, durability, easy installation and continuous power production rather than prioritising efficiency. This will produce a faster return on investment in wetter, less sunny climates like Scotland but also a more accessible electricity source in emerging markets with less developed infrastructure. Hydrowheel is as tough as a RIB or inflatable raft but also compact and easily transported. Being inflatable, it floats supporting its own weight, tethered across streams and rivers and requires no expensive supporting structure or water channels to be built. This produces less …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 0 0 1
Astatine Ltd Astatine Ltd

Focused on carbon reduction and enabling the renewable energy transition. Astatine is a leading innovator in energy and C02 reduction solutions, particularly in the decarbonisation of industrial high - grade heat (incl. steam). We design innovative technical and commercial solutions to optimise energy efficiency and cost saving while delivering a C02 emissions reduction roadmap. In line with Climate Policy, we work with clients to focus on Scope 1,2 and 3 C02 emissions guidelines to ensure they are in compliance with and have verifiable metrics under Science Based Targets (SBTs). Our engineers have successfully managed and executed large scale energy projects …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech energytech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 0 0 32
EET - Efficient Energy Technology GmbH EET - Efficient Energy Technology GmbH

We make renewable energy simple, safe and reliable for everyone! We – that is Florian, Stephan and Christoph – have spent many years at Graz University of Technology studying renewable energies and the bottom line is: there have long been extremely promising technologies to tackle climate change – but unfortunately, they are still under-utilized in everyday life. The purchase of a solar system consisting of electricity storage, inverter, solar panel, etc. is often very expensive and for city dwellers anyway no option because of the space. For this reason, we decided to start EET and make our own contribution! In …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization Solar Technologies

1 0 0 39
MyGug MyGug

MyGug is a product turning food waste into renewable energy for food business schools and homes An award winning company with an excellent sustainable solution to food waste management for settings such as food business schools and homes.

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech energytech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 0 0 2
Energía Limpia para Colombia Energía Limpia para Colombia

[Automatic translation follows] Digital and independent media This is the Clean Energy channel We are a digital and independent media. This space presents news, stories, trends and advances about renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainability. It is also an opinion. We believe, today – without fanaticism or fundamentalism – that energy must be increasingly cleaner so that we can live well tomorrow. More than a means of communication Promotes the use of clean energy Promotes Efficient Management of Energy Demand Encourages public debate on clean energy, seeking to influence policies Trains journalists/general public Promotes sustainability We speak to: Consumers Regulators …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

3 1 2 3

[Automatic translation follows] l Environmental consulting l Carbon projects l Carbon footprint l Strategic alliances l Environmental innovation l Owner of the CO2CERO® and VERDE DE VERDAD® brands. We are a Colombian AGROFORESTRY COMPANY created in 2011, with experience in establishing forestry, commercial and conservation plantations, nationwide. We provide agroforestry operation services, environmental and forestry consulting, as well as the design and development of projects for the commercialization of carbon certificates. Forestry operation, PSA / Forestry compensation, Carbon footprint calculation, Environmental education, Carbon certificates, VERDE DE VERDAD® Seal, Planting Days, Talks on Climate Change, Water Footprint Calculation, Sustainability Reports, Environmental …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

4 0 3 63

One day ,everything and everyone will transmit a signal. SENSORO is committed to uniting the physical and digital world with advanced sensing technologies. Connectivity with our environments at home, in public, at work, and everywhere in between, brings improved comfort, security, and health. It allows businesses to reduce operating costs and boost productivity. SENSORO’s Alpha Suite delivers a comprehensive solution to enhance our world and elevate our lives. The Alpha Suite forms an industrial-grade wireless sensor network that merges ultra-long-range communication with proximity Bluetooth Low Energy technology. With the Alpha Suite, SENSORO provides a simple to implement, easily managed and …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech smart city proptech agritech constructiontech energytech greentech Technologies: Sensors IoT Wireless

2 2 0 43
Gradiant Gradiant

Gradiant is a Different Kind of Water Company. With a full suite of differentiated and proprietary end-to-end solutions for advanced water and wastewater treatment, powered by the top minds in water, the company serves its clients' mission-critical operations in the world's essential industries, including semiconductors, pharmaceuticals, food & beverage, lithium and critical minerals, and renewable energy. Gradiant’s innovative solutions reduce water used and wastewater discharged, reclaim valuable resources, and renew wastewater into freshwater. The Boston-headquartered company was founded at MIT and has over 1,000 employees worldwide. Learn more at Cleantech, Cleantech Water, Desalination, Water Reuse, Zero Liquid Discharge, Industrial …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech water management Technologies: Semiconductors

4 0 4 492
Wenu Work Wenu Work

Digitalizamos tus consumos eléctricos con nuestra tecnología IoT propietaria, facilitando la toma de decisiones. At Wenu Work we incorporate solutions that increase productivity in your company and diminish impact to the environment. Today's organizations have the real need and responsibility to lower their energy consumption costs. That is why we develop solutions that benefit both, organizations and the planet. We want to position innovation as a core engine that enhances sustainability at all levels of society and constantly cares for the environment by creating and integrating technology and disruptive solutions . We created the most innovative and lowest cost sensor …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech smart city greentech it services Technologies: Sensors IoT

2 1 2 14
TriCiclosB TriCiclosB

[Automatic translation follows] Garbage is a Design Error® It all started in 2009 in Chile with the purpose of creating a company that was based from the statutes on the concept of the triple result (social, environmental and financial). Our name TriCiclos and all the practices we have developed since then come from that legal commitment. Thanks to this, we were the first B Company to be certified outside of North America, which fills us with pride. We work to promote the Circular Economy at a global level, guaranteeing that the materials that go through our recycling operations can be …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

12 4 4 68
MC Smart Controls SpA MC Smart Controls SpA

MC Smart Controls is a forward thinking company based in Chile that is introducing a variety of innovative technologies such as smart irrigation controllers, lighting, and off grid solutions to Latin America, beginning with Chile and branching out to the rest of the southern hemisphere. Our mission is to save water, power and chemicals for residential, commercial, municipal, and agricultural facilities. Water is our number one resource that gets taken for granted and everyone should be responsible for how we conserve water or squander it. MC Smart Controls has partnered up with SmartCloud Irrigation LLC. and RAINPALS LLC. located in …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech water management Technologies: Sensors

0 0 0 2
LONO Côte d'Ivoire LONO Côte d'Ivoire

Transformez vos sous-produits en revenus supplémentaires LONO is a biotechnology company in Côte d'Ivoire, converting organic waste into electricity and fertilizer. Agriculture, Biotechnology, and Sustainability

Type: Startup Activities: biotech deeptech agritech cleantech greentech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

4 1 4 15
WeAct AG WeAct AG

Shaping a better future with fun WeAct AG is an ETH Spinoff based in Zürich. We help organizations that intend to establish a sustainable corporate culture, by developing scalable software based solutions that initiate change from the boardroom to the shop floor. We engage employees by creating innovative experiences for participants, which combine gamification, team dynamic and a learn-by-doing process. Sustainability, Employee engagement, Software development, and Gamification

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech games greentech it services Technologies: SaaS

1 0 1 1
greenmatch AG greenmatch AG

Let's scale up Investments in Renewables! The web-based software for financial modelling, asset & portfolio management of renewables. With greenmatch you can model the financial part of your projects - independent of technology, project stage and country. greenmatch offers you a highly flexible integrated financial model with certified, standardised algorithms. With greenmatch you can: - calculate performance indicators - structure project financing - plan and optimise liquidity - aggregate projects to portfolios - calculate scenarios and sensitivities - track the financial performance of operating assets - offer or search for projects on the marketplace Solutions for project developers, investors, banks …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech fintech greentech Technologies: SaaS Solar Technologies

2 0 1 10
Evove Evove

Filtering the unfilterable We envisage a day when precision membrane technology underpins circular economies and accelerates the transition to the new energy economy by harvesting critical minerals and drastically decarbonising desalination and the processing, treatment and recycling of liquids. #Decarbonise #Transform #Recover #Environment

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: 3D Printing

4 0 4 38
Sunhero Sunhero

Powering the planet. One roof at a time. Sunhero's mission is to provide easy and affordable access to high quality rooftop solar for homes and businesses. Discover the potential of solar self-consumption! Solar Energy

Type: Startup Activities: greentech energytech Technologies: Solar Technologies

1 1 0 78
Fiberwood Ltd Fiberwood Ltd

The more sustainable way to insulate buildings and protect packages. We are a Finnish startup that upcycles side streams of the mechanical wood industry to create 100% ecological and recyclable insulation and packaging materials free from fossil-based materials. Fiberwood contributes towards a more sustainable future by using side streams, producing high-value products energy-efficiently, and accelerating the potential of wood-based construction.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech constructiontech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

0 0 0 12

The only fully automatic handwashing solutions that combines hygiene & sustainability. Smixin is committed to improve health and sustainability through preventing disease. By developing connected, efficient and economic handwashing systems we are aiming to become the number 1 hygiene partner worldwide. Not only are we a strong advocate of handwashing around the globe, but we also provide a controlled handwashing process, accessible for everyone. Our unique handwash solutions deliver the highest standards of sanitation with a minimum of time, soap and water. By applying IoT technology we grant our clients instant data access and enable behavior change. Improving hand hygiene …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: IoT

1 0 1 14
the fortunate planet AG the fortunate planet AG

Making circularity commonplace by empowering you with our digital solutions. Founded in 2020 TFP is a green tech start up where people and technology meet to solve global challenges - together. We are empowering communities and individuals to contribute for a sustainable future by using our digital solutions. Some people would even call it - playfully. TFP partners with companies, municipalities and recycling companies to increase the recycling rate of all types of waste. App Development, Recycling, Waste management, Online Marketing, E-Commerce, Smart City, Digitalization, and Circular Economy

Type: Startup Activities: smart city cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 0 1 3
ImagineCargo ImagineCargo

Consumer Choice. Delivered. Delivering consumer choice made easy. End to end shipping solution helping e-commerce businesses improve their customer journey by offering advanced delivery options. Fast, flexible, sustainable and transparent delivery options directly from the warehouse. marketing strategy, corporate strategy, business process mapping, competitive intelligence, market research, business transformation, coaching, training, sustainability, sustainable transportation, express package delivery, cycle logistics, supply chain, and logistics

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech martech cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

3 1 2 1
Dalou's Dalou's

[Automatic translation follows] Fresh and inspiring employee catering in Zurich We deliver fresh breakfast, lunch and aperitif to your office in Zurich. Whether for your client meetings or company events, we will inspire you🥰 order now on #StartYourDayFresh food and beverage, Food delivery, B2B service, Logistics, Breakfast, Catering, Events, Delivery, Local, and Sustainability

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech delivery transporttech cleantech greentech

2 1 2 4
Catalytic Finance Foundation Catalytic Finance Foundation

a finance initiatives incubator and technical assistance provider. Catalytic is a non-profit foundation based in Switzerland. As a finance initiatives incubator and technical assistance provider, our mission is to accelerate the design and deployment of finance vehicles for sustainable infrastructure at the subnational level. Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Waste Management, Sustainable Development, and Technical Assistance

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

14 4 6 21
Haelixa Ltd Haelixa Ltd

DNA-based physical traceability solution for full supply chain transparency from raw material to retail. Haelixa provides product traceability solutions based on DNA to support supply chain transparency and product integrity. Haelixa is a spin-off of the renowned ETH Zurich. The standards for the product and services are the high quality you would expect from a Swiss business. Textile & apparel - We help you to make fashion more sustainable. Diamonds & coloured stones - Our markers reassure your customers by providing provenance proof Gold - The Haelixa technology endows your gold with a label of origin and integrity Other industries …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech cleantech fashtech greentech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

19 3 13 20
The Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) The Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB)

Advancing the just and sustainable transition to a net-positive world. The Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) is a global membership organisation that drives the sustainable transition to a bio-based and circular economy. Our sustainability framework has been developed by our multi-stakeholder membership community – a diverse range of organisations across multiple supply chains, regions and industries that are lighting the way for a global sustainability movement. Underpinned by the RSB Principles & Criteria, we use this foundation to develop projects, new knowledge and solutions that equip key decision-makers to deliver positive impacts. bioeconomy, sustainability, certification, membership, partnership, book and claim, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: cleantech civictech greentech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

22 0 19 38

Reducing food costs and wasted resources for the hospitality industry. Founded in 2017, KITRO is a Swiss-based company tackling the global issue of food waste. With operations in over 20 countries, KITRO supports the hospitality and food service industry with their food waste management. 🥦 Advanced Food Waste Tracking Leveraging cutting-edge artificial intelligence developed in Switzerland, the KITRO TARE combines scale and camera technology to accurately track and measure food waste in commercial kitchens. Without any manual effort from the staff, 100% of the food waste is tracked and identified. 📊 Actionable Insights from Data Harness the power of data-driven …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech cleantech foodtech greentech Technologies: A.I.

11 4 7 38
Kloros Kloros

Reach the forest's full potential Kloros’ mission is to manage forests in a sustainable way. With a close-to-nature forestry (Pro silva), we believe we can optimise French forests’ carbon sequestration and enable forests to reach their full potential développement durable, forêt, contribution carbone, neutralité carbone, sylviculture, pro silva, RSE, label bas-carbone, gestion forestière, compensation carbone, bilan carbone, biodiversité, reforestation, plantation, préservation des forêts, environnement, écologie, reboisement, and boisement

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 1 0 7
Versant (Abundant Earth) Versant (Abundant Earth)

[Automatic translation follows] Solution for identifying land with high ecological restoration potential. We support infrastructure project developers in making the best decisions within the regulatory framework of the ERC Sequence. Our solution enables the identification of the best and most relevant land to implement compensatory measures.

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: Data Analytics

2 1 0 7
Hipli Hipli

[Automatic translation follows] Sending a parcel has never been so simple, nor so responsible. 🌱 300,000 tons. That's the amount of waste generated by 1.5 billion parcels that are sent each year in France. That's a lot. Too much for us. So, at Hipli we designed a parcel that can be reused 100 times. Each time it is reused, it is packaging that is neither manufactured nor thrown away. A Hipli parcel is up to 25kg of waste avoided and -83% carbon emissions compared to a cardboard box. The impact on the planet is what gave life to this project. …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech e-commerce greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

39 18 28 19