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EC2027 - Un Quinquennat pour l'Economie Circulaire ! EC2027 - Un Quinquennat pour l'Economie Circulaire !

[Automatic translation follows] For the circular economy to be at the heart of political decisions! EC2027 is a non-partisan collective launched in March 2021 whose goal is to place the circular economy at the center of the concerns of political and institutional decision-makers. It brings together +250 experts from civil society, academia, businesses, the public sector and the non-profit sector. circular economy, public affairs, lobbying, and politics

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

15 2 0 11
Le Grand Rebond Le Grand Rebond

[Automatic translation follows] Catalyst uniting business networks, associations & third places to promote the development of impact projects In response to environmental, social and societal challenges, the Grand Rebond acts as a catalyst uniting committed actors to contribute, through action, to the emergence of a sustainable and humanist economy. Convinced of the need to develop alliances and interconnect ecosystems to promote the transition to a regenerative economy, while protecting biodiversity and developing an inclusive and resilient society, the Grand Rebond: - builds trusting relationships with its partners, grouped into 3 colleges (business networks; associations and ESS actors; third places) - …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

9 4 8 2
Citepa Citepa

[Automatic translation follows] Guiding Air & Climate Action Committed and independent, our association guides the actors of the ecological transition in France and around the world. It assesses the impact of human activities on the climate and air pollution. It produces reference data and develops solutions to promote the reduction of emissions, the improvement of air quality and adaptation to climate change. Our multidisciplinary team participates in the construction of a sustainable world.

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

16 3 12 46
ANEB Association Nationale des Elus des Bassins ANEB Association Nationale des Elus des Bassins

[Automatic translation follows] Small streams make great solidarity. The National Association of Elected Basin Representatives (ANEB) brings together all stakeholders who wish to contribute to the effective implementation of watershed management, at the heart of sustainable territorial development.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

16 8 3 7
Rencontres du Développement Durable Rencontres du Développement Durable

[Automatic translation follows] The largest democratic conference in France dedicated to sustainable development The Sustainable Development Meetings were founded in 2020 by the Open Diplomacy Institute and launched under the high patronage of the President of the Republic on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The RDDs have become the largest democratic meeting to debate the main issues of the transition. These high-level conferences are free and open to all. Sustainable Development, Environment, Ecological Transition, SDGs, and Agenda 2030

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech

20 6 8 N/A
IPSL-Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace IPSL-Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace

[Automatic translation follows] IPSL brings together the activities of eight (+2 teams) public environmental research laboratories in the Paris region. The Pierre-Simon Laplace Institute (IPSL) was created in 1995 by Gérard Mégie, former president of the CNRS. IPSL is a research federation that brings together 8 labs and 2 associated teams in the Île-de-France region (CEREA, GEOPS, LATMOS, LISA, LMD, LOCEAN, LSCE, METIS, LERMA, S&R), or nearly 1,400 people, researchers and teacher-researchers, engineers, technicians and administrative staff, doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows and interns. These laboratories are now located on nearly ten sites in Paris and the Paris region. They rely …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

14 2 7 59
Fnau Fnau

[Automatic translation follows] National Federation of Urban Planning Agencies The National Federation of Urban Planning Agencies (FNAU) brings together around fifty public bodies for study and reflection on the planning and development of large French cities. Most urban planning agencies have the status of an association where, around the communities involved, the State and other public partners in urban development come together. The FNAU is an association of elected officials that offers a privileged place for dialogue on urban issues. It takes a position in the major national and European debates on urban policies and the future of cities. The …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city cleantech greentech

44 12 22 14
Expédition MED Expédition MED

[Automatic translation follows] Stop plastic in the sea Expédition MED is an association that since 2009 has been developing, with its citizen laboratory, scientific and participatory research programs associated with awareness and training campaigns on plastic waste pollution at sea and actions for the implementation of sustainable solutions. Raise awareness and recognition of the problem of plastic waste at sea. Improving knowledge of marine waste and implementing management plans are long-term processes, largely based on research. The harmonization of approaches, the possibility of quantifying the smallest particles or nanoparticles, the assessment of sources and areas of waste accumulation, a better …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

11 3 6 4
Europe Écologie Les Verts Europe Écologie Les Verts

EELV is the french green party. Joins us on EELV (Europe Écologie - Les Verts) is the french green party, member of the European Greens and the Global Greens. To find more info, go to

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

19 3 16 61
Ensemble Pour Le Climat Ensemble Pour Le Climat

[Automatic translation follows] Faced with the emergency, 15 French retail brands are joining forces through the #PourLeClimat operation! Every day, the climate crisis is evident in all four corners of the globe. The observation is clear: more than ever, the time has come to act. Faced with the emergency, 15 French retail companies, members of the Responsible Generation Club, have decided to join forces and co-create 🌳 Together for the Climate 🌳 A mobilization, commitment & action operation, go to the platform:

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

7 0 7 N/A
Electriciens sans frontières Electriciens sans frontières

[Automatic translation follows] International solidarity NGO, fights against inequalities in access to electricity and water in the world. "Putting our skills at the service of international solidarity projects, using access to electricity as a lever for development." Access to energy and water are necessary conditions for fighting poverty and promoting economic development. Today, nearly 1.5 billion people do not have access to electricity and more than a billion do not have drinking water. This is a crucial issue for developing countries and a major challenge for international solidarity. Since 1986, Electricians Without Borders has aimed to facilitate access to energy …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech water management

48 8 39 135
Eco Energie Service Eco Energie Service

[Automatic translation follows] Your specialist in building energy performance. Eco Energie Service is a subsidiary of the NDC Group. It is an expert in the integration of Building Management Systems (BMS), Home Automation for high-end housing and for the Technical Management of Boats (Yacht). The automated and computerized management of the technical installations of a building, a house or a boat allows the control of equipment and improves energy performance by better management of energy consumption. For example, the energy efficiency of a building is based on three distinct axes. The first concerns its structure (insulation), the second its equipment …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

2 1 2 13
CoopaWatt CoopaWatt

[Automatic translation follows] Accelerating the energy transition How can we involve the greatest number of inhabitants and a diversity of stakeholders in a territory around renewable energy production projects? How can we give the keys to the territories so that they can take ownership of this vital economic activity? To answer these questions and build the energy model of tomorrow in the territories, CoopaWatt offers local engineering, specializing in helping to develop and support participatory and citizen renewable energy projects. Its team encourages the emergence of multi-stakeholder groups (citizens, businesses, associations, communities) and supports them in setting up local energy …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

14 2 10 11
adopte un bureau adopte un bureau

[Automatic translation follows] Ergonomic, ecological and economical office furniture adopte un bureau is revolutionizing office furniture by reconditioning all the pieces that can be found in an office and more! Ergonomic seats, desks, benches, chairs, meeting tables, sound booths, sofas, relaxation areas, ... everything is there! We work on the entire value chain, from the logistics to remove your furniture, to the renovation in our workshop in Antony and up to delivery to your premises. adopte un bureau is your trusted partner! To guarantee you the most complete offer, we offer premium reconditioned furniture and also sustainable new furniture with …

Type: SMB Activities: greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

3 2 1 15
GUYOT environnement GUYOT environnement

[Automatic translation follows] Collect, sort, recover...And the energy to go even further Collect, sort, recover...And the energy to go even further GUYOT environnement is 530 women and men who put their energy at the service of a circular economy. For 40 years, they have been collecting, sorting and recovering waste to give it a second life. They recycle raw materials. They also transform non-recyclable waste into fuel and will produce the energy that will make them autonomous tomorrow. They even have the energy to go even further in preserving the environment: to reach 100% of recovered waste tomorrow. With 18 …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech

12 4 7 164
Carnot MERS Institute Carnot MERS Institute

The objective of the Carnot MERs Institute (Marine Engineering Research for sustainable, safe and smart seas) is to meet the expectations raised by the major societal and economic challenges of the blue economy. Ingénierie marine, Ingénierie marine durable, Ingénierie marine dérisquée, Ingénierie marine digitale, Recherche partenariale, Innovation, R&D, and Accompagnement aux entreprises

Type: Public Activities: cleantech deeptech greentech

7 2 4 1

Energy, People, Services Founded in 2000, Dolfines (formerly Dietswell) is an independent engineering and services specialist that brings its long experience in the O&G industry to the renewable energy sector. Dolfines is organised in four business lines, Dolfines Oil & Gas Services, Onshore and Offshore Renewable Services, Technical Assistance and Engineering & Technologies. Dolfines Oil & Gas Services (DOGS) designs and operates onshore and offshore drilling rigs for the O&G and geothermal sectors. Under the FACTORIG brand, DOGS provides high-level audits and technical support for drilling rigs. In 2021, Dolfines integrated 8.2 France, an independent inspection, audit and consultancy specialist …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization Hydrogen

2 1 1 80
Coopération Maritime Coopération Maritime

[Automatic translation follows] Support and develop sustainable artisanal fishing. Coopération Maritime is an association under the 1901 law that defends artisanal fishing. Its priorities are the renewal of men and access for young people to responsibilities and ownership of vessels; the renewal of the fleet and the reorganization of the market in a fairer economic framework for the upstream. Coopération Maritime brings together the majority of the French maritime cooperative movement by bringing together some 130 cooperative structures or subsidiaries of cooperatives: - Fishing and marine culture supply cooperatives; - Cooperative armaments; - Federated producer organizations; - Management structures; - …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

21 3 19 12

[Automatic translation follows] The Association for the Study and Conservation of Selachians works for the conservation of sharks and rays Created in 1997 in Brest, APECS works for the conservation of sharks and rays and more broadly for the preservation of marine ecosystems. It contributes to the development of scientific knowledge by implementing research programs and by developing educational and awareness-raising actions aimed at different audiences. Finally, it provides its expertise to support managers and decision-makers in the construction and implementation of management measures. Marine Ecology, Environmental Education, Scientific Research, Participatory Sciences, and Shark and Ray Expertise

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

2 1 1 3

The French south complex system excellence supercluster From a project, built an industrial product ingeniérie système, développement logiciel, architecture, NAVAL, AERONAUTIQUE, SPATIAL, SANTE, AGRICULTURE, ENVIRONNEMENT, ENERGIE, DEFENSE, and SECURITE

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: agritech cleantech greentech

28 7 25 4
AtmoSud AtmoSud

[Automatic translation follows] The Regional Air Quality Observatory in the South Region. AtmoSud is the air quality monitoring observatory of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region, approved by the Ministry of the Environment. Its missions of general interest contribute to improving the quality of life and well-being of each person, as well as to safeguarding biodiversity. Its collegiate structure makes it an independent actor that works alongside all actors - public, economic actors, associations - to promote their commitments in the preservation of air and climate. AtmoSud is the regional reference organization on air and climate: - 50 years of technical and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

31 4 26 48
Fédération Française de Natation Fédération Française de Natation

[Automatic translation follows] The French Swimming Federation represents all Olympic swimming disciplines (race swimming, synchronized swimming, water polo, diving, open water) but also swimming for everyone, from "baby swimmers" to "health swimming".

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

18 10 8 203

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

24 18 4 1
Pour un réveil écologique Pour un réveil écologique

[Automatic translation follows] Collective of students and young graduates mobilized to face ecological crises. Anti-greenwashing account ⚠️ Collective of young people committed to employers and training that meet ecological challenges. Since 2018, more than 30,000 students and young graduates have signed the Student Manifesto for an Ecological Awakening, expressing our desire to “take charge of our future” by integrating ecological issues into our daily lives and our jobs and by calling for society to wake up. We are committed to questioning our comfort zone so that society changes profoundly and we encourage all stakeholders in society to do the same. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

62 21 45 151

Agence de conseil en stratégie de développement durable auprès d'acteurs publics et privés nationaux et internationaux. TRANSITIONS, agence de conseil en stratégie du développement durable, conduit des missions au niveau national et international, auprès de collectivités locales, d’entreprises, de coopératives, de filières et d’ONG pour accompagner les mutations nécessaires et promouvoir des modèles de développement plus durables, plus inclusifs et plus solidaires. TRANSITIONS, a sustainable development consultancy agency, carries out missions at both national and international level, with local authorities, companies, cooperatives, agricultural sectors and NGOs to support the necessary changes and promote more sustainable, inclusive and supportive development models. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

34 1 24 57

Boasting uninterrupted growth since its establishment in 2001, EPSA is a precious collaborator for any organization that wants to increase its performance and profitability, especially thanks to the power of its cutting-edge technology and digital solutions. Today our services have expanded to include a complete surveillance and analysis of all our clients’ activities. We offer bespoke solutions on every level, from purchasing optimization, organizational restructuring and new process rollout (Operations & Procurement), Tax and fiscal optimization (EPSA Tax), reduction of energy consumption through technology and innovation (EPSA Innovation & Energy); to the creation and setup of a personalized, user-friendly digital …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

49 12 32 434
Cercle Promodul / INEF4 Cercle Promodul / INEF4

[Automatic translation follows] Succeeding in energy, environmental and digital transitions for healthy and efficient buildings The Cercle Promodul/INEF4 Endowment Fund, thanks to its patrons and through its operational structure, invests in today's issues and explores tomorrow's challenges to contribute to the development of the building sector. We work in the general interest to promote the place of humans at the heart of the energy, environmental and digital transitions of the building. Innovation is at the heart of our collaborative work to help the building industry face its transitions by highlighting needs, removing obstacles and promoting the emergence of innovative solutions …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

48 2 46 5
Echangeur BNP Paribas Personal Finance Echangeur BNP Paribas Personal Finance

Prospective center, we study consumer and technological trends to help retailers to innovate for a better commerce. Echangeur BNP Paribas Personal Finance is a technological and marketing center that analyses the latest trends in retail and anticipates their impacts on commerce. We support retailers in their innovation processes by providing key insights on new consumer's behaviors as well as a in depth vision of new tech. ━ To learn more about our Data Protection Policy: Seminars, New Technologies, Design Thinking, Events, Marketwatch, Innovation, Retail, Conferences, Customer Knowledge, Workshops on Innovation, Store Tours, NRF, Websummit, CES, SXSW, Shoptalk, Showroom, AR, …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: A.I.

62 8 55 0
Aryam Adaptive & Regenerative Solutions Aryam Adaptive & Regenerative Solutions

Leveraging data & AI to implement adaptation measures to climate change and biodiversity degradation We are a mission-driven company. We use data and AI to accelerate the implementation of adaptation measures to cope with climate change and biodiversity degradation and to promote a regenerative economy respectful of the planet boundaries and people essential needs. We partner with states, local authorities, non governmental organisations, leading experts and industrials to bring solutions to sustainability challenges and build an ecologically safe and socially just future. We offers a continuum of data-enabled solutions adapted to every key step of the implementation journey of sustainable …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

2 1 1 3
Attac France Attac France

[Automatic translation follows] Attac is committed to social and environmental justice and takes action against the power of finance.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

29 7 11 12

Water for life Think about the African village of the future. Innovate based on expertise in drinking water and energy built up over 40 years. Provide sustainable solutions.

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech water management Technologies: Decarbonization

17 3 15 45

POLYMEM is a company specialized in hollow fiber membrane filtration for water treatment and bioprocessing sectors. The company is based in France and is a subsidiary of the Repligen group. POLYMEM is the Center of Excellence for Membranes and the only French manufacturer of hollow fiber membranes for water treatment and bioprocessing applications and bioTechnologies in the pharmaceutical industry. Ultrafiltration, Membranes Fibres Creuses, Traitement de l'eau, Hollow fiber membranes, Water treatment, Filtration for Bioprocess, Filtration pour Bioprocédés, Reuse / Réutilisation, Séparation de gaz, Gas separation, Contacteur membranaire, and Membrane contactor

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech water management

11 4 7 59

AQWA (Assessment for Quality Water Access) is a French association created in 2015 by 4 students and young workers. For one year, from September 2016 to September 2017, we will conduct missions that aim to assess the social impact of innovative initiatives and businesses, and that will last between 5 and 7 weeks. We are part of the new generation of "Explorers” of the association (IM)PROVE (formerly called Planète d’Entrepreneurs), with which we share values, mission and methodology. Since its creation by students from HEC Paris in 2009, (IM)PROVE has been helping entrepreneurs all around the world, as well as …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

4 1 4 29
Windstack Windstack

Windstack is the platform where people and turbines work together sharing real-time data and knowledge in order to make the wind industry smarter Software, Internet, Internet of things, Renewable energy, industrial internet, Wind energy, and Wind power

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: IoT

0 0 0 2
Nordsense Nordsense

Making the World's Waste Collection Greener, Cleaner, and Smarter Nordsense is on a mission to redefine the waste management industry with smart sensors and data. We believe a data-driven approach is the key to kickstarting a smart waste management revolution and making waste collection greener, cleaner, and smarter. With almost 90% of the world’s waste collected at the wrong time, Nordsense was born out of a desire to address the inefficiency and lack of sustainability in traditional waste management. The Silicon Valley funded start-up was established in 2015 in Denmark and offers a complete end-to-end waste optimization solution based on …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics IoT Sensors

1 0 0 19
K2 Management K2 Management

For the best energy projects We support our clients in their efforts to develop and operate energy projects that achieve the best possible return on investment. We offer global independent consultancy services to wind developers, utilities and investors within the entire value chain. We are 100 percent customer focused, dedicated and committed in our role as Owner’s, Buyer’s or Lender’s Advisor. Project Management, Project Engineering, Project Implementation, Operations & Asset Management, Due Diligence, Risk & Interface Management, Health & Safety, Environment and Quality, Yield Analysis, SCADA, Owner's Engineer, Lender's Technical Advisor, and Technical Advisor

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech fintech greentech healthtech

7 0 6 146
NorthQ Solutions NorthQ Solutions

Empowering data-driven buildings! NorthQ is a leading-edge PropTech company that delivers a wide range of building and energy management solutions for the real estate sector. With in-house developed hardware, software and cloud products, NorthQ covers all the steps needed for the reduction of energy waste, CO2 emissions and operational inefficiency across any number of properties. With this ability to provide a 360°solution that follows the explicit needs of our customers, we continuously work towards transforming building data into valuable insights that drive savings. NorthQ was awarded by the United Nations with the Sustainable Development Goals Tech Award in 2019, which …

Type: Startup Activities: it services cleantech constructiontech greentech smart home Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics IoT

13 0 10 6
infinityPV infinityPV

Transforming Ideas into Reality, One Layer at a Time. infinityPV is a Danish company with core focus on printed electronics. We address a broad range of products ranging from materials to characterization and production hardware. At infinityPV, we see it as part of our mission to ensure that printed electronics becomes part of our energy future. Organic Solar cells, Printing, Polymer Solar Cells, Inks, Transparent Electrodes, Printed Electronics, Solar Simulator, Thin film, roll-to-roll, R2R, and SMU

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Solar Technologies

4 0 4 16
Tomorrow Tomorrow

Tomorrow builds tech products to empower organisations and people to understand and reduce their carbon footprint. Tomorrow is a tech company leveraging the power of data and machine learning to automatically quantify the climate impact of our daily choices. Created in 2016, Tomorrow regroups data scientists, machine learning engineers and climate change experts to automate carbon accounting and facilitate scalable climate action. Tomorrow started by investigating electricity (see but is quickly expanding into other verticals. Data Science, Data Visualisation, Climate Change, Global Warming, Carbon Accounting, Sustainability, Machine Learning, Forecasting, Statistics, and Data Analysis

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics Decarbonization

3 2 1 1
Sustainia Sustainia

We Simplify Sustainability - Since 2009 We simplify sustainability. We are researchers, case writers, and communicators who provide strategic and operational guidance to ambitious companies and organisations that wish to transform and grow sustainably. Sustainability, Climate, solutions, opportunities, Resilience, risk analysis, benchmarking, strategy, ESG, CSRD, Communications, ESRS, BRSR, and SFDR

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech constructiontech fashtech consulting edtech greentech healthtech transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

26 4 15 12
Kaffe Bueno Kaffe Bueno

Unlocking Coffee's Health Potential since 2016. Upcycling Coffee Into Bioactive & Functional Ingredients. Established in 2016, Kaffe Bueno is the first company to ever fully breakdown and valorise spent coffee grounds into active and functional ingredients for personal care, advanced materials, animal and human nutrition. Through cutting-edge technology and patented applications of the unique coffee molecules, Kaffe Bueno is the pioneer and leader of the coffee upcycling movement. Our mission is to unlock coffee's health potential where harmful emissions are minimised and coffee’s by-product usability is maximised. By extending coffee's economical life, we will be able to give back to …

Type: Startup Activities: biotech cleantech deeptech greentech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

8 4 7 30
Aarhus Vand Aarhus Vand

We want to perform the role of a water ambassador, water innovator and water supplier in collaboration with others. Aarhus Vand is a Danish public limited company owned by Aarhus Municipality. Our mission is to offer and develop resource-efficient services throughout the entire water cycle, creating a climate-adapted, sound environment, growth and export, all of which will be of benefit to customers and stakeholders. We produces more than 15 million cubic metres per year of great tasting drinking water. We have 19 well fields, approx. 100 abstraction wells, 9 waterworks, 10 elevation tanks plus a 1,500-kilometre transmission system. To measure …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech water management Technologies: Decarbonization

1 1 1 208
FairFleet FairFleet

Europe’s largest Drone-as-a-Solution provider for aerial data collection and intelligent asset inspection. FairFleet is constantly innovating and covering entire cycle processes on a single platform: from consulting and flight approvals to data capturing and subsequent data analysis. B2B clients from industries such as real estate, insurance, energy or infrastructure advisory benefit from solutions offered by FairFleet, always guaranteeing absolute legal certainty by obtaining official permits globally. The platform set up by FairFleet empowers various personas in different industries to receive relevant aerial solutions and autonomous drone missions through a one-stop-shop. With more than 4500 certified, insured and professionally trained drone …

Type: Startup Activities: agritech cleantech drones greentech it services martech proptech spacetech Technologies: Drones Data Analytics Solar Technologies

12 3 10 14
Drift+Noise Drift+Noise

24/7 sea-ice and weather information for activities in polar regions Drift +Noise is the company behind IcySea ( IcySea provides timely sea-ice and weather information for shipping and other activities in the polar regions reducing cost and risk in a Polar Code compliant way. Sea Ice Data Provider, Polar Geophysics, Remote Sensing, and Operational Ice Maps

Type: Startup Activities: spacetech cleantech greentech Technologies: Data Analytics

4 1 3 8
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung Mitteldeutsche Zeitung

Mitteldeutsche Zeitung is an internet company based out of Poststr. 8, Dessau-Roßlau, Eilenburg, Germany.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech

2 1 0 94

1NCE is the only provider of connectivity and software for IoT at a global flat rate. 1NCE is the only provider of connectivity and software for IoT at a global flat rate – offering fast, secure, and reliable cellular connectivity and software services in more than 168 countries worldwide. The 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat fee is designed to last over the entire lifetime of an IoT device with a one-off payment of $10 for 10 years, making IoT applications affordable and scalable for smart utilities, asset tracking, vehicle telematics and other uses. The company – founded in 2017 by our …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech telecommunications Technologies: IoT

3 1 2 298

[Automatic translation follows] Sustainability software for ESG reporting, supply chain and climate management 🌱 Since 2010 ␥ WHO WE ARE 💚🏢 VERSO is a sustainability software pioneer and full-service provider for sustainable transformation in medium-sized companies. 💡📊 With 100% CSRD and LkSG compliant software, strategic consulting & services for sustainability and supply chain management, reporting, climate accounting and sustainability communication, we support you in making your sustainability visible. 🚀🧩 Founded in 2010 by Andreas Maslo and Florian Holl in Munich, VERSO has set itself the goal of accelerating the sustainable transformation of the economy and simplifying it for companies. ␥ …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

5 0 5 83
World Future Council World Future Council

We bring the interests of future generations to the centre of policy making by providing & sharing the best solutions The World Future Council (WFC) consists of up to 50 respected personalities from all five continents. They come from governments, parliaments, the arts, civil society, science and the business world. Together they form a voice for the rights of future generations. The World Future Council is a charitable foundation dependent on donations. Climate and Energy, Sustainable Ecosystems, Peace and Disarmament, Sustainable Economies, Future Justice, Rights of Children, and Ending Violence Against Women

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

6 1 3 54
Demain Autrement Demain Autrement

[Automatic translation follows] Consulting, research and training agency dedicated to the environmental strategy of companies and organizations. We help companies and organizations to better understand the implications of today's changes such as climate, regulations, consumption, etc. to gradually move towards a more sustainable model by choosing the best options such as carbon indicators, product or service selection criteria, the circular economy, labels and also calculations of overall performance.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech edtech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 1 0 1
bmp greengas GmbH bmp greengas GmbH

Working together for a green future. #makingbiogashappen bmp greengas is one of the leading marketers of biomethane in Europe and an expert in green gases. We have been developing efficient solutions for tomorrow's energy supply since 2007. In concrete terms, we support companies in producing and switching to a sustainable energy supply with biomethane, bio-CNG, bio-LNG, green hydrogen and SNG. To this end, we conclude flexible contracts with biomethane producers and take care of everything from secure acceptance, transport and balancing to fail-safe delivery for use in power and heat generation, mobility and industry. We are convinced that we are …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Hydrogen

5 0 4 48
Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal

We find, implement, and operate solutions for the safe disposal of radioactive waste. BGE is a federally owned company tasked with the management and disposal of radioactive waste. Founded in July 2016 with the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety as its sole shareholder, BGE assumed responsibility for the Asse II mine, Konrad and Morsleben repositories in April 2017. In addition, BGE is charged with product control as well as implementing Germany‘s site selection procedure for a repository site for mainly heat-generating radioactive waste and spent fuel in accordance with the Site Selection Act (StandAG) that …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech

3 0 1 484
ecoworks ecoworks

[Automatic translation follows] Industrial building renovation for CO2-neutral living ecoworks is the first German provider of net zero modernizations of multi-family houses. Net zero modernizations rely on industrial prefabrication, modular construction and highly efficient energy systems to renovate multi-family houses with up to four floors within a few weeks: Over the course of a year, a house modernized by us generates at least as much electricity as its tenants use for space heating, hot water and household electricity.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech constructiontech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

13 6 10 143
GeoClimaDesign AG GeoClimaDesign AG

[Automatic translation follows] Endless energy / climate ceiling for the future GeoClimaDesign AG develops and produces highly efficient surface heating and cooling systems for the building sector. Our entire product range is based on capillary tube technology and includes our BLUEMAT capillary tube mats, which we manufacture in Fürstenwalde/Spree. GeoClimaDesign products are always complete systems and follow the plug-and-play approach. This makes us trendsetters in the heating and cooling industry, because this philosophy enables planners and tradespeople to work quickly and easily. Our focus is particularly on the energy upgrading of existing buildings. With the help of our climate ceiling, …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

10 0 10 7

[Automatic translation follows] To change the world, let's start from the roots Agricooltur® is a company specialized in the design and construction of cutting-edge aeroponic cultivation systems. Since 2018, thanks to our innovative and patented technology, we have been helping our customers to obtain high-quality crops in a sustainable and low-impact way, saving up to 98% of water compared to traditional cultivation methods, drastically reducing the use of pesticides and CO2 emissions related to transport and logistics. Our team of engineers, agronomists and architects offers customized solutions for the specific needs of each customer: we are able to offer advice …

Type: Startup Activities: agritech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 0 0 21
BroodMinder BroodMinder

Every Hive Counts BroodMinder is focused on providing beekeepers with innovative monitoring solutions to help manage beehives effectively. Our products are designed to gather data from beehives, providing insights into the health and condition of the colony. We assist beekeepers in making informed decisions regarding hive management, identifying early signs of trouble, and providing an opportunity to take timely action to support the well-being of the bees. Ruche connectée, Capteurs pour ruche, Apiculture de précision, Biosurveillance, Environnement, Pollinisation, Technologies, Digital, Connected hive, Precision beekeeping, Pollination, and hive monitoring

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Data Analytics

5 4 1 3
NOUS Energy NOUS Energy

Awakening the planet one ingredient at a time Nous Energy is an Italian foodtech start-up that has developed Koncentra®, the healthy and sustainable alternative to caffeine. Optimized for the Food & Beverage and Nutraceutical industries, Koncentra® is a powdered ingredient that offers similar benefits to caffeine on focus and memory, without its typical side effects on heart, gut, and sleep. As Koncentra® is completely independent of the coffee supply chain, it offers an ESG-friendly innovation that reduces our customers' environmental impact. Our long-term goal is to become zero waste by 2028, developing new healthy ingredients for our clients and customers …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 0 1 4
SunStyle SunStyle

SunStyle designs and manufactures industry-leading solar roofing shingles for residential and commercial buildings. Welcome to SunStyle, where innovation meets sustainability. Our integrated solar roofing solutions offer a seamless blend of beauty and function, delivering functional aesthetics that elevate every architectural style. With a proven track record of reliable performance, SunStyle sets the standard for high-quality materials and efficient energy production. Our sustainable approach provides a clean energy solution for a brighter, greener future. As a pioneer in the industry, SunStyle is dedicated to revolutionizing solar roofing, offering a range of benefits that set us apart. INTEGRATED: Seamlessly merging solar panels …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech energytech manufacturing Technologies: Solar Technologies

0 0 0 31
Pyrum Innovations AG Pyrum Innovations AG

Innovative recycling technology company based in Germany, Luxemburg and France. The Pyrum Innovations Group is specialized in the invention, engineering, development, construction and operation of self-developed recycling technologies. The use for this technology was initially limited to the recycling of used tyres and has been expanded over the years to plastic wastes, carbon fibre reinforced plastics, bitumen, and some other complicated wastes. The technology is ready to use and is being installed in recycling factories all around the globe. Our technology recycles tires 100% turning them into natural resources (oil, gas and coal) while saving 95% of CO2 emissions. The …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

6 2 5 31

thermal insulation from nature “We want to improve energy efficiency and home comfort, while helping to protect the environment by recycling waste paper into the highest quality cellulose fibre insulation.” We believe that the development potential in the construction sector in Romania should be directed towards the implementation of projects in the most sustainable and environmentally friendly way. Whether for new or existing residential, commercial or office building projects, the solutions that are selected also need to be evaluated in terms of waste efficiency, minimising environmental impact during operation/use, as well as socially and administratively optimal environmental impact. izolatii termice, …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech constructiontech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 0 0 3
scrappel GmbH scrappel GmbH

[Automatic translation follows] Shorten routes, reduce CO2 emissions & transport costs, simply swap. scrappel is a digital B2B platform that enables companies in the waste paper industry to easily save logistics costs and CO2 when transporting waste paper. The scrappel algorithm identifies SWAP options for users and suggests them. The swaps result in new and, above all, shorter transport routes for the waste paper. This helps to avoid CO2 emissions, meaning that scrappel users actively contribute to environmental protection and save logistics costs at the same time. Curious? Visit us at

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 0 0 2
Carbon Mobile Carbon Mobile

Enabling next-gen connected-devices using sustainable high-performance materials. For the very first time, replacing metals with sustainable composite materials in connected devices has become possible. Carbon Mobile's Innovation and IP solves the decades-old electrical/antenna incompatibility issues with advanced composites, allowing us to unlock carbon fiber integration in electronics-enabled industries, enabling new design possibilities and have immediate light-weighting and e-waste savings of up to 38% on typical electronics with no additional CapEx required. We are now working with industry-leading OEM brands in the market to enable light-weighting and e-waste reduction for all. Manufacturing, Composites, Electronics, Industrial Design, Hardware Prototyping, and Consumer-Electronics

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: IoT New Materials

3 0 2 14
AMCS (formerly Quentic) AMCS (formerly Quentic)

Sustainability that means business | Software as a Service (SaaS) for EHSQ and ESG management At AMCS we are focused on Performance Sustainability– enabling resource-intensive industries to boost sustainability and profitability. Built on two decades of experience, our purpose-built software solutions are designed by people who understand your business. Providing practical technology solutions for municipalities, EHS, ESG, and the resources, waste, recycling, transportation, manufacturing, and utilities industries. Headquartered in Ireland, and with offices in Europe, the USA, and Australasia, AMCS is a global market leader with over 1,300+ mission-driven team members. The combined expertise of our team allows AMCS to …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech regtech Technologies: SaaS

4 1 2 198
Green City Solutions GmbH Green City Solutions GmbH

We grow fresh air! #CityTree #CityBreeze #WallBreeze 🍃 We grow fresh air - with moss, naturally. More than half of humanity lives in cities – and the trend is rising. Cities are clearly the living space of the future. And yet our most important resource, the air we breathe, is in many places so polluted that breathing is harming our health. In the future we have in mind, fresh air in urban areas is available to everyone. That’s why we developed the world’s first regenerative bio-tech filters for verifiable improvements in air quality. #WeGrowFreshAir with CityTree, CityBreeze and WallBreeze. Moos, …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech deeptech biotech greentech it services smart city Technologies: NFC IoT

41 4 35 33
COBI.Bike GmbH COBI.Bike GmbH

A Bosch Company In 2014, COBI.Bike GmbH was founded as a start-up in Frankfurt by Andreas Gahlert, Carsten Lindstedt, Heiko Schweickhardt and Tom Acland. Since its acquisition by Bosch eBike Systems in November 2017, the company has been a 100% subsidiary of Robert Bosch GmbH. The company promotes the networking of people, services and products on bikes or eBikes. About the Product The smart biking system COBI.Bike stands for connected biking and connects smartphones, apps and sensors to bikes and eBikes. It consists of the COBI.Bike hub, the thumb controller and the app. COBI.Bike ensures that you remain connected …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech transporttech greentech Technologies: IoT Sensors Wireless

0 0 0 16
Hybrid Power Units BV Hybrid Power Units BV

[Automatic translation follows] Silent and emission-free energy supplies We supply a mobile energy supply based on storage batteries. We combine electricity sources such as sun, grid, generator and possibly wind to charge our batteries. With the charged batteries we can supply power anywhere, without noise, without emissions, without hassle.

Type: Startup Activities: energytech greentech cleantech Technologies: Batteries

0 0 0 5

Ready For Tomorrow ROTOBOOST was established in 2009 in Norway by a dedicated team of engineers united by a vision for a clean energy future. Their ambition was to spearhead a shift to a new economy powered by hydrogen—the universe's most plentiful element. This dream envisions a harmonious coexistence of all life on Earth beneath a perpetually blue sky preserved for future generations. Hydrogen, Decarbonization, Energy Technology, Oil & Gas, Marine & Offshore, Bio Fuel, Steel, and Pre-combustion Carbon Removal

Type: Startup Activities: energytech cleantech greentech Technologies: Hydrogen

0 0 0 12
Hytrade Hytrade

We accelerate the green energy transition We combine robust technology with advanced trading strategies to maximize profits and control the risks associated with volatile power markets. Our focus is in helping our clients to navigate in a fast paced and uncertain business environment. This we do by combining cloud-native solutions with intraday trading and probabilistic forecasting. Green Hydrogen, SaaS, Optimization, Green transition, and Start up

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech energytech Technologies: Hydrogen SaaS

0 0 0 5
Antfarm Antfarm

Antfarm builds AI-powered robots that drastically improve recycling.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Robotics A.I.

0 0 0 3
Circtec Circtec

Scaling Sustainability CIRCTEC stands as a pivotal partner in sustainability, utilizing advanced technology to transform end-of-life tyres into sustainable drop-in fuels and circular chemicals, aimed at reducing the environmental footprint of industries seeking circular solutions. Biofuel, Recovered Carbon Black, Sustainable Carbonaceous Materials, Tyre Pyrolysis, Circular Economy, and Renewable Fuel

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech energytech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 1 0 7
Clyde Hydrogen Systems Clyde Hydrogen Systems

Building breakthrough green hydrogen production systems Clyde Hydrogen System’s breakthrough decoupled electrolysis technology delivers high pressure green hydrogen at scale and at low cost.

Type: Startup Activities: energytech greentech cleantech Technologies: Hydrogen

0 0 0 6

Climate Tech | Recycling CO2 in sustainable feedstock | CCU ♻ Battling global warming will be the toughest environmental challenge that our society has ever faced. Europe has set its objectives to reduce CO2 emissions, reaching a carbon-neutral society by 2050. D-CRBN is a cleantech company that has developed cutting-edge technology that enables the conversion of CO2. This innovative process uses plasma to split CO2 molecules into their original building blocks. These building blocks can be re-used to create valuable products such as e-fuels, chemicals, or polymers to ultimately achieve a circular and more sustainable economy.

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

5 0 5 11
UCR Group UCR Group

Pioneering breakthrough set of energy-saving technologies and advanced materials that deliver positive impact. UCR has pioneered composite material research, developing intermolecular bonding and material conversion, for coatings to increase the efficiency of pumps and motors, and increasing operational life. These materials are created in processes that have a significantly reduced power requirement thanks to UCR's energy enhancement technology. Ultimately, increasing the performance of components leads to lower overall power requirement and reduced climate impact across the industry supply chain.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech energytech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 0 0 5
Apleum Apleum

Making Carbon-Neutral Fuels and Chemicals from Water, Carbon Dioxide and Renewables Apleum Technologies is a clean technology startup that aims to address climate change by utilizing carbon dioxide and producing clean fuels and chemicals. The company is constructing an electrolyzer that transforms carbon dioxide into fuels and chemicals with the help of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power.

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech energytech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 0 0 3
LionVolt B.V. LionVolt B.V.

Next-Gen Solid-state Batteries LionVolt is an innovative battery start-up company GROUNDBREAKING 3D SOLID-STATE TECHNOLOGY FOR NEXT-GEN BATTERIES. Founded in the spring of 2020, our Mission is to develop and scale 3D solid-state batteries that deliver high performance, fast charging, intrinsic safety, and are sustainable. We are backed-up with 7 years of R&D, which gives us a solid basis to accelerate. Our Vision is to start establishing a scalable giga factory within the next five years and to become a key player within the global battery industry.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech energytech Technologies: Batteries Decarbonization

0 0 0 28
HDM Solar HDM Solar

Nationwide Solar distributors. HDM Solar are the UK's leading Solar PV equipment supplier. We have an extensive range of stock of solar panels and associated equipment. Our helpful team based in Yorkshire can help with all your solar needs. Call 0800 0016 802. Solar, Solar PV, Solar Panels, Renewable Energies, Batteries, and Green Technologies

Type: Startup Activities: energytech cleantech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies Batteries

0 0 0 29
Balun Energy Balun Energy

Harness the power of machine learning for a green energy future (Formerly Phileas) Renewables are necessary for the energy transition and are getting more popular. But, they also create new challenges. The weather is unpredictable and difficult to forecast. And if the production deviates from reality, producers have to pay a penalty. We help our customers improve their forecasting and avoid these costs. Balun uses advanced Machine Learning technology to provide asset-level forecasts for the next hour, day, or week. Production forecasting is the core tool to enable electricity management in a renewable world. Balun gives customers the necessary insights …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech energytech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning SaaS

2 0 0 7

Environmentally responsible answer to scarcer resources, the global increase in electronic waste and its toxic content. The dramatically increasing number of end-of-life products pose people and the environment with unprecedented challenges. Every year, up to 50 million tons of electronic waste are produced in industrialized countries. Previous recycling methods fail to provide cost-effective holistic recovery opportunities. Our technology is a forward-looking and environmentally responsible answer to scarcer resources, the global increase in electronic waste and its toxic content. Technology, Raw Materials, Solar, Sustainable, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Process Engineering, Future, and Research

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: New Materials

0 0 0 9
Renewcast Renewcast

We predict your value We are an Italian company with an international footprint and a global vision. We provide superior performance in renewable power short-term and day-ahead forecasting through our ML empowered Saas platform. Our market launch service platform is a short-term (hour ahead) and day-ahead wind power generation forecasting service, powered by a proprietary AI Saas Platform, with unmatched performance, reliability and ease of access & utilization. We have a nMAE (capacity weigthed MAPE) of max 5% (weekly/monthly average) vs an average of 12-18% in day ahead wind power forecasting. Our is a "premium-price-for-premium-performance" business model. We will be …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech energytech Technologies: SaaS A.I.

0 0 0 10
Return Return

We are a club of optimists building an energy transition invest & build platform. Return is an energy transition invest & build platform. To return the planet to its original state the entire world needs to change the way it does business. Return partners with mission-driven entrepreneurs in clean energy generation, storage and distribution to help grow faster, and realize more renewable projects. Our Energy Storage platform: • SemperPower - Energy storage, the Netherlands • Lion Storage - Energy storage, the Netherlands • J&P Batterie Projekte - Energy storage, Germany Our Generation & Distribution platforms and projects: …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech energytech smart city Technologies: Solar Technologies Decarbonization SaaS

0 0 0 48

Streamlining grid connections and accelerating the clean energy revolution. VOLTQUANT is a leading provider of grid intelligence solutions that empower developers to accelerate the transition to clean energy. Our platform leverages geospatial and grid data to provide developers with streamlined insights into optimal energy project locations and simplify grid connections, ensuring faster, more efficient, and more successful energy integration. Renewable Energy, Grid Intelligence, Energy Project Development, Geospatial Data, Regulatory Compliance, Grid Connections, Land Data, Environmental Impact, and Cleantech

Type: Startup Activities: energytech cleantech greentech Technologies: Data Analytics

2 0 0 12
TRS - Tyre Recycling Solutions SA TRS - Tyre Recycling Solutions SA

Transforming the scrap tire into a valuable and sustainable resource The founding of Tyre Recycling Solutions SA came as the result of an observation: the current scrap tyre recycling solutions available are wasteful, inefficient or even non-existent, and most often not profitable without public funding. To enable a sustainable recycling of the materials contained in scrap tyres, TRS develops proprietary technologies to deliver output products with greater value. TRS processes and treats the scrap tyres rubber so it becomes part of a sustainable circular economy. Tire Recycling Technologies, Cleantech, Rubber compounding, Polymer modification, Biodevulcanization, sustainability, and Circular economy

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

2 0 0 19
Altilium Clean Technology Altilium Clean Technology

Critical Metals Supplier to Electric Vehicle Batteries Altilium is a UK based Clean Technology group decarbonising the electric vehicle supply chain and supporting the transformation of the global energy sector from fossil-based to zero-carbon. By recycling existing waste streams, such as old EV batteries and mine waste, we will supply domestic, sustainable and low carbon critical mineral to a battery supply chain.

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization Batteries

0 0 0 26
Open Climate Fix Open Climate Fix

Building AI solutions for a greener electricity grid. Open Climate Fix is a non-profit research and development lab. We build AI solutions helping the electricity grid to transition to 100% renewable power generation. Our first focus was our solar forecasting product, Quartz Solar, which is used by National Grid Electricity System Operator in the UK and has halved their forecasting errors. Every part of the organisation is designed to maximise climate impact, such as our open and collaborative approach, our rapid prototyping, and our attention on finding scalable & practical solutions. By using an open-source approach, we can draw upon …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech energytech Technologies: Decarbonization A.I.

1 0 1 15

Leading provider of ESG solutions that make your sustainability work manageable and comprehensible. We are a specialized sustainability system provider delivering solutions for the entire Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) segment. By combining innovative software with analytical expertise and guidance, we offer comprehensive services for every step of your company’s sustainability journey, including: • GHG Emissions Accounting • ESG reporting • Supply Chain Due Diligence • CSRD reporting • CDP reporting • Setting Science-based targets • Compliance with EU Taxonomy • Carbon offsetting to Net-Zero • Sustainable strategy development CEMAsys was established in 2007 as one of the first specialized …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 0 0 101
Erguvan Erguvan

Digital infrastructure for corporate climate action Voluntary carbon markets are opaque as they are dominated by OTC deals resulting in hefty brokerage fees and hidden margins. Matchmaking, integrity and settlement issues as well as counter-party risks are prevalent. On the other hand, access to carbon accounting solutions that offer integrated carbon offsetting features is low globally. Our flagship product, ECM is a secure and transparent environmental commodities trading platform that directly connects end buyers and project developers, offering all participants a frictionless, efficient and low-cost transaction environment. We also provide Azalt: ESG Software, a suite of analytical carbon accounting and …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

3 0 3 48
Adsorbi Adsorbi

The future of air pollution removal Our mission is to to accelerate the world's transition to clean air by capturing gaseous air pollutants. Our innovation is a cellulose based material from the Nordic forest that removes gaseous air pollutants in a highly efficient and sustainable way.

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 0 1 8
plasNifix AG plasNifix AG

Your expert team for plasma-assisted nitrogen fixation We at plasNifix have developed a plasma assisted nitrogen fixation method to produce ammonia (and other simple nitrogen containing molecules) at lower temperatures with significantly lower energy consumption, allowing for the exclusive use of green energy. We plan to produce ammonia more sustainably, environmentally friendly, and without the otherwise necessary use of natural gas. Compared to traditional production, our process can have an enormous, positive impact on our environment and the climate.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech deeptech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 0 0 3
Yamna Yamna

Green hydrogen and derivatives project development and investment platform Yamna is a green hydrogen and derivatives project development and investment platform focused primary on EMEA markets (large scale green ammonia projects for export or domestic offtake; and distributed captive green hydrogen projects for industrial use) taking an early mover position in attractive segments with strong fundamentals. Yamna is a pioneer in the hydrogen revolution bringing unparalleled experience across the renewables and process industries. Yamna business model is to develop, build and operate assets dedicated to producing green hydrogen (GH2) and green ammonia (GH3) at scale for sale to high quality …

Type: Startup Activities: energytech cleantech greentech fintech Technologies: Hydrogen Solar Technologies

4 0 3 13
Crowmie Crowmie

Empowering investors with accessible, liquid, and secure renewable energy investment. Real impact, real returns. Crowmie is a Green-Fintech that is revolutionizing the way of impact investing. The Valencia-based startup provides accessibility and liquidity to investments in renewable energy assets. Imagine you could invest in highly impactful projects just as you can through closed-end funds or traditional crowdfunding, but with the flexibility of an ETF. By employing blockchain technology, Crowmie enables anyone to invest from 1000€ in tokenized photovoltaic projects on a platform that allows you to liquidate investments again with just a few clicks. The startup strives to accelerate the …

Type: Startup Activities: energytech fintech cleantech greentech Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

0 0 0 5
BIGakwa BIGakwa

efficient and sustainable food production Big Akwa is a food-tech innovation start-up that economically and environmentally revolutionizes land-based aquaculture by introducing industrial symbiosis between the aquaculture and the process industry.

Type: Startup Activities: agritech foodtech greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 0 0 1
BlueBird Power BlueBird Power

Be in charge of your energy Our mission is to accelerate the integration of clean energy. We believe in an energy system that is decarbonised, decentralised an digitised. Our solutions result in smarter, cheaper and more sustainable energy use in and around the home. We are always open to new ideas and opportunities, so feel free to reach out.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech energytech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 1 0 3
Ignitis Group Ignitis Group

Ignitis Group is a renewables-focused integrated utility. The group’s core activities include power and heat production and supply, power and natural gas trading and distribution, and power system maintenance and development. The development of green energy is a priority for Ignitis Group with an aim to become the region’s main competence center for new energy and a leader in distributed energy solutions in the Baltic Sea region and beyond. Group companies operate in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland and Finland. Group innovation fund invests in energy startups in the UK, Norway and France. Renewable energy, Power generation, Energy storage, E-mobility charging, …

Type: Startup Activities: energytech greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

2 2 0 1,768
CuRe Technology - Polyester Rejuvenation CuRe Technology - Polyester Rejuvenation

We want to CuRe used polyester, join the polyester rejuvenation revolution ♻. CuRe Technology – is a consortium of world-leading recycling innovators and experts led by Morssinkhof Group and DuFor/ Cumapol Group, with strategic partners Niaga and NHL Stenden University of Applied Science. We want to recycle any kind of used polyester and make this the new normal. We want to CuRe any type of used polyester by purifying it and converting it into high-grade, ready-to-use 100% rPET which can replace PET from fossil-derived sources. Join our polyester rejuvenation revolution! Thermoplastic polyester, Food grade, Continuous recycling process, Circular, Low energy, …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech

2 1 1 19
Farmless Farmless

Decoupling food production from agricultural land by turning renewable energy into food. For too long, have we relied on vast tracts of land to grow our food. We've plowed and tilled the earth, destroyed the soil and torn up forests to make room for (animal) agriculture. This unchecked and unsustainable expansion of our food system has led to a devastating loss of biodiversity on our planet, with countless species facing extinction as a result of the destruction of their natural habitats. This ends now. Let's decouple food production from agricultural land and rewild back our planet.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech agritech energytech Technologies: Decarbonization

6 4 0 17
Proxima Fusion Proxima Fusion

Building stellarators to power the future Building stellarator fusion power plants—the clearest, most robust path to commercial fusion energy. Fusion Energy, Clean Energy, and Climate Tech

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech energytech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 1 0 57

Eco-friendly machine made reusable and paper bag producer in Europe, Lithuania BAGFACTORY is a machine made non-woven R-PP, R-PET and paper bag manufacturer in Lithuania. With our factory and production team located in Lithuania, Europe we are able to accept custom-made orders to fulfil the customers’ needs and requirements. BAGFACTORY cares about the planet, hence the business direction is towards producing the finest quality machine made reusable and paper bags in Lithuania. We are proud that we are able to play a role to achieve a better and greener earth through our works! Non-woven pp promotional bags, Non-woven pp eco-bags, …

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

0 0 0 17
Resrcle Resrcle

B2B Platform for Circularity in Textiles We are a purpose driven Community of change-makers of the Textile Industry. Because of the industry's present quick-moving, linear approach, 87% of the world's textile waste is land-filled or incinerated, causing a major negative impact on the environment, society, and the economy. Our mission is to revolutionize the textile industry by enabling and connecting companies that wish to cut costs, eliminate waste, and have a positive impact on people and the planet. circulareconomy, sustainablesourcing, consultingservices, community, greentech, and digitalplatform

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech fashtech Technologies: SaaS

0 0 0 3
Geothermal Engineering Ltd Geothermal Engineering Ltd

Delivering geothermal power, heat and lithium for a cleaner future. Geothermal Engineering is bringing the most experienced geothermal engineers together with leading industry partners to develop the UK's first large-scale geothermal energy plant in Cornwall. Geothermal Engineering's flagship UK project is a deep geothermal power plant located at the United Downs Site, near Redruth in Cornwall. The United Downs project will involve: * Drilling and testing the deepest onshore wells in the UK, the deepest of which is 5,275m * The development of a 2MW electric, 11MW thermal geothermal power plant

Type: Startup Activities: energytech cleantech greentech

0 0 0 15

Dipteron is a Start-up with the goal of providing an application for detecting Aedes mosquito risk areas Dipteron is a Start-up founded in January 2018 and has developed an application for detecting the risk areas of the Aedes mosquito based on artificial intelligence that combines satellite data and ground data.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Data Analytics

3 2 1 1

Decarbonising buildings in a scalable way DABBEL AI has developed a building automation software that achieves annual energy savings of 10 - 38 kWh/m2, reducing energy costs and CO2 emissions and meeting the increasing demand for energy efficient buildings and certifications. The solution can be implemented in commercial buildings worldwide within a week without additional hardware. There are no upfront costs and the first results are reported within 4 weeks. The technology sits on top of existing Building Management Systems (BMS), transforming static control of BMS into highly demand-based, proactive control without additional hardware. The software is based on an …

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech cleantech proptech greentech it services Technologies: A.I. Decarbonization IoT

11 4 8 10