  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Leader of the reuse of water on site on land and at sea.

    Acqua®.ecology / Biomicrobics® France Leader of water treatment and reuse for land and seafood.
    We design the sanitation of the future, thanks to innovative, ultra -efficient solutions capable of eliminating the pollutants present in wastewater, thus making it possible to reuse water. Completely certified, modular, robust and compact, our solutions contribute to the preservation of the environment and ecosystems as well as to Smartcity, Smartport, Greenbuilding and Greenship of tomorrow.

    Simple, economic and sustainable, our solutions adapt to all environments, whatever the market (individuals, communities, industry, ports, ships, viticulture, health, army, etc.), even in the most extreme environments, while minimizing the costs of the life cycle.

    At the forefront of the regulations, we offer in particular the first solution to the certified world for the reuse of water (biobarrier) and ASMR - ACQU Smart Reuse technology allowing integrated and complete management of water on site.

    Acqua.ecologie® / Biomicrobics® France Leader in the Treatment and Reuse of Water for Land and Marine Sholes.
    We are designing the sanitation of the future, Thanks to innovative, High-Performance Solutions Capable of Eliminatting the Pollutants Present in Wastewater, Thus Making It Possible to Reuse the Water. Fully Certified, Modular, Robust and Compact, Our Solutions Contribute to the Preservation of the Environment and Ecosystems as well as to the Smartcity, Smartport, Greenbuilding and Greenship of Tomorrow.

    Simple, low cost & amp; Robust, our solutions adapt to all around, Whatever the Market (individuals, communities, industry, ports, ships, viticulture, health, army, etc.), Even in the end extremes, While Minimizing Life Cycle Costs.
    At the Forefront of Regulations, we notably offered the World's First Certified For Water Reuse (Biobarrier) and Asmr Technology

    Water treatment, water reuse, engineering, water securing, ultrafiltration, microbiology, biochemistry, ecological products, clean up non -collective, wastewater management, water depollution, resource preservation, water managment , Wastewater Managment, Sustainable Development, Sustainability, Sanitation, Marin, and Water Ballast

  • Original language

    Leader de la réutilisation de l'eau sur site à terre comme en mer.

    ACQUA®.ecologie / BioMicrobics® France leader du traitement et de la réutilisation de l'eau pour les milieux terrestres et marins.
    Nous concevons l’assainissement du futur, grâce à des solutions innovantes, ultra performantes capables d’éliminer les polluants présents dans les eaux usées, permettant ainsi de réutiliser l’eau. Totalement certifiées, modulaires, robustes et compactes, nos solutions contribuent à la préservation de l’environnement et des écosystèmes ainsi qu’aux SmartCity, SmartPort, GreenBuilding et GreenShip de demain.

    Simples, économiques et durables, nos solutions s'adaptent à tous les environnements, quel que soit le marché (particuliers, collectivités, industrie, ports, navires, viticulture, santé, armée, etc.), même dans les environnements les plus extrêmes, tout en minimisant les coûts du cycle de vie.

    A la pointe de la réglementation, nous proposons notamment la première solution au monde certifiée pour la réutilisation de l'eau (BioBarrier) et la technologie ASMR - Acqua SMart Reuse permettant une gestion intégrée et complète de l'eau sur site.

    ACQUA.ecologie® / BioMicrobics® France leader in the treatment and reuse of water for land and marine environments.
    We are designing the sanitation of the future, thanks to innovative, high-performance solutions capable of eliminating the pollutants present in wastewater, thus making it possible to reuse the water. Fully certified, modular, robust and compact, our solutions contribute to the preservation of the environment and ecosystems as well as to the SmartCity, SmartPort, GreenBuilding and GreenShip of tomorrow.

    Simple, low cost & robust, our solutions adapt to all environments, whatever the market (individuals, communities, industry, ports, ships, viticulture, health, army, etc.), even in the most extreme environments, while minimizing life cycle costs.
    At the forefront of regulations, we notably offer the world's first certified solution for water reuse (BioBarrier) and ASMR technology

    Traitement de l'eau, Réutilisation de l'eau, Ingénierie, Sécurisation de l'eau, Ultrafiltration, Microbiologie, Biochimie, Produits Ecologiques, Assainissent non collectif, Gestion des eaux usées, Dépollution de l'eau, Préservation des ressources, Water managment, Wastewater managment, Développement durable, Sustainability, assainissement, marin, and eaux de ballast

  • ACQUA.ecologie - Leader de la réutilisation de l'eau sur site

    Solutions écologiques de pointe pour le traitement de l'eau potable, des eaux usées et la réutilisation de l'eau (ReUse). Patriculiers, Industrie, Viticulture, Agriculture, Ports, Navires

  • https://acquaecologie.fr/
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