  • Hampshire County Council

    Created in 1889
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    81,921 39,237
  • Entity types

  • Location

    8ud, The Castle, Winchester SO23 8UH, UK


    United Kingdom

  • Employees

    Scale: 10001+

    Estimated: 8,861

  • Engaged corporates

    2 6
  • Added in Motherbase

    3 years, 7 months ago
  • Value proposition

    Hampshire County Council provides a wide range of services that make a difference to residents'​ lives on a daily basis, including education, transport, planning, social care, libraries, waste management and trading standards.

    Hampshire is one of the country's leading local authorities, delivering public services to the 1.3 million residents of Hampshire (excluding Portsmouth and Southampton). We are proud to provide these services, some of them rated as being among the best in the country, across this diverse, historic and vibrant county.

    Our key priorities for promoting economic prosperity and protecting the environment are:

    -To develop the infrastructure and services required for economic, transport and housing growth, and promote a globally competitive environment for investment in the county.

    -Provide opportunities for all to develop the skills needed to play a full part in Hampshire's economic success.

    -To conserve and use natural resources more efficiently, protecting Hampshire's environment and quality of life.


    -Hampshire is the fourth most visited county in the UK.

    -£750 million of County Council capital investment is stimulating the Hampshire economy.

    -Approximately 60% of the Council's spending is with local small and medium sized businesses.

    -150,000 streetlights have been replaced, with energy consumption reduced by 21% and savings of £140,000 in carbon tax each year.

    -Less than 8% of the county's household waste is sent to landfill, the lowest figure for any county council in England.

    education, social care, libraries, highways, trading standards, architecture, legal services, archives , countryside, and engineering

  • Hampshire County Council | Hampshire County Council

    The Hampshire County Council homepage. Education and learning. Social care and health. Jobs. Waste prevention and recycling. Transport and roads.

  • https://www.hants.gov.uk/jobs
  • Website is disabled or domain is for sale
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
IT services, Consumer Electronics, Software Development
IT services, Consumer Electronics, Software Development

16 Nov 2020

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