  • Value proposition

    Making the useful possible.

    Ignition Program, the sustainable human performance agency.

    Co-founded in 2013 by Caroline Pailloux and Lucas Servant, Ignition Program supports talents and companies in useful professional projects, through recruitment, training, and HR resource tools.

    Born out of a desire to build a world of work with a human face based on authenticity, learning and trust, Ignition Program helps each talent to freely develop their potential and fulfil themselves in their work, while integrating a collective meaning into their professional lives.

    For companies, Ignition Program offers the keys to HR transformation by enabling them to recruit talents who are looking for meaning and impact, who play as a team, and by training their teams for sustainable and serene growth.

    With nearly 90 employees, Ignition Program has already supported 10,000 talents since its creation, and 3,500 companies (such as Doctolib, the startup studio Efounders and Payfit).

    Convinced that other, more sustainable and humanist development models exist for start-ups, Caroline Pailloux founded Club Bootstrap in 2021, which questions the systematic use of fund-raising and advocates progressive and responsible growth. The Club now has over 70 members, including Alain Garnier of Jamespot, Gilles Satgé of Lucca, Fany Pechiodat of MyLittleParis and Thibault Renouf of Partoo.

    Startup, start-up, Bonheur, Dream Job, Fit Humain, Communauté de talents, Accompagnement, Coaching, Top 5%, utilité, durable, performance, agence, management, coaching, and humain

  • Original language

    Rendre l’utile possible.

    Notre ambition chez Ignition Program est d’apporter une contribution durable et utile au monde du travail. Pour cela, nous proposons à nos clients des services RH allant du recrutement à la formation (management, communication non violente, ...) ainsi que de l’accompagnement en structuration RH (ateliers valeurs, séminaires, coaching, mentorat, etc.) permettant de renforcer l’alignement des individus et des organisations.

    Notre raison d’être tient en un mot (inventé pour l’occasion !) : le fairfillement (inspiré du mot anglais “fulfillment”, qui signifie accomplissement, réalisation). Ce mot décrit l’équilibre nécessaire entre épanouissement professionnel et sentiment d’utilité. Car nous croyons dur comme fer que l’un ne va pas sans l’autre. Ils sont, selon nous, les piliers d’une performance saine et durable des organisations.

    Nous avons formé 1 500 managers, accompagnés 3 500 entreprises et 10 000 talents depuis notre création en 2013. Et depuis juin 2024, Ignition Program est une entreprise B Certifiée.

  • Agence de recrutement et formation en management | Ignition Program

    Les experts RH de Ignition Program vous accompagnent pour recruter des talents et former vos managers

  • https://ignition-program.com/
Corporate interactions BETA
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