  • Manger NU!

    Created in 2016
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    262 1,575
  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    9 Rue Parrot, 75012 Paris, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 53


  • Engaged corporates

    7 9
  • Added in Motherbase

    3 years, 11 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] The connected fridge in zero-dropping companies. 🌱

    We recruit! Jobs@manger-nu.fr

    NAKED! offers a tech solution (impact) to all players in business catering.

    NAKED! is the H24 and zero waste connected canteen in business via a smart fridge.

    NAKED! Offers this innovative sales channel to caterers who wish to offer cooked dishes from fresh products.
    It is a turnkey service that includes the connected fridge, an ergonomic software platform, the payment system, and customer support.

    It is the economical and easy to install restoration solution for companies with more than 30 employees.

    Discover us on www.manger-nu.fr!

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------

    NAKED! Offers A Tech Solution to Caterers Specialized in Companies Catering.

    NAKED! IS A Connected and Zero Waste Canteen, available H24 in Companies via A Smart Fridge.

    NAKED! Offers an innovative Sales Channel to the Actors of Food Services for Companies and Caterers who Wish to Offer Meals made from Fresh Products. It is all-in service composed of a connected fridge, a software, a mobile application and a payment system.

    It is an Economic and Easy to Install Catering Solution for Companies of More than 100 Employees.

    Discover more on www.manger-nu.fr!

    Company restoration, canteen, well-being at work, jars meal, balanced diet, startup, fresh, homemade products, technology, connected object, and zero-drop

  • Original language

    Le frigo connecté en entreprise zéro-déchet. 🌱

    On recrute ! jobs@manger-nu.fr

    NU! propose une solution tech (Ă  impact) Ă  tous les acteurs de la restauration en entreprise.

    NU! est la cantine connectée H24 et zéro déchet en entreprise via un frigo intelligent.

    NU! propose ce canal de vente innovant aux traiteurs qui souhaitent proposer des plats cuisinés à partir de produits frais.
    C'est un service clé en main qui comprend le frigo connecté, une plateforme logiciel ergonomique, le système de paiement, et le support client.

    C'est la solution de restauration économique et facile à installer pour les entreprises de plus de 30 salariés.

    DĂ©couvrez-nous sur www.manger-nu.fr !


    NU! offers a tech solution to caterers specialized in companies catering.

    NU! is a connected and zero waste canteen, available h24 in companies via a smart fridge.

    NU! offers an innovative sales channel to the actors of food services for companies and caterers who wish to offer meals made from fresh products. It is an all-in service composed of a connected fridge, a software, a mobile application and a payment system.

    It is an economic and easy to install catering solution for companies of more than 100 employees.

    Discover more on www.manger-nu.fr !

    Restauration d'entreprise , Cantine , Bien-être au travail, Bocaux repas , Alimentation équilibrée , Startup , Produits frais , Fait maison , Technologie, Objet connecté, and Zero-déchet

  • Le frigo connectĂ© zĂ©ro dĂ©chet - NU!

    NU! a imaginĂ© un frigo connectĂ© permettant aux acteurs de la restauration d'implanter une solution de vente autonome, 24 h/24, zĂ©ro-dĂ©chet.

  • https://manger.nu/
Informations supplémentaires

Une solution de frigo connecté pour des repas frais dédié au espaces de travailles.

Cible: Les entreprises de plus de 30 salariés et les traiteurs.

Points mis en avant: Repas frais, zéro déchet (récipient réutilisable en verre) et une logistique écologique.

Comment ça marche?

  • Le traiteur prĂ©pare les plats pour le frigo.
  • L'Ă©quipe logistique de NU! rĂ©cupère les plats et remplissent le frigo dans l'entreprise.
  • L'employĂ© de l'entreprise tĂ©lĂ©charge et crĂ©e un compte dans l'appli NU!.
  • L'employĂ© ajoute un plat dans son panier.
  • L'employĂ© rĂ©cupère son repas et en fermant la porte du frigo le paiement est effectuĂ© sur l'application.
  • L'Ă©quipe logistique de NU! RĂ©cupère les rĂ©cipients pour les redonner au traiteur.
  • Business model: Ce service est proposĂ© sous forme d'abonnement.

    Tarifs et prestataire de paiement: Il faut les contacter.

    Avancement: la solution à installé des frigo dans 13 villes en Europe, et des sociétés comme Wework, Société Générale, Capgemini et Sodexo ont déjà adopté la solution.

    Corporate interactions BETA
    Corporate TypeTweets Articles
    FoodTech Dijon Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
    FoodTech Dijon Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
    Media, French Tech, Food and Beverage Manufacturing
    FoodTech Dijon Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
    Media, French Tech, Food and Beverage Manufacturing

    3 Oct 2024

    Food Hotel Tech
    Food Hotel Tech
    Food Hotel Tech

    12 Jan 2024

    Plan A
    Plan A
    IT services, Software Development
    Plan A
    IT services, Software Development

    29 Sep 2023

    Le Figaro
    Le Figaro
    Media, Newspaper Publishing
    Le Figaro
    Media, Newspaper Publishing

    29 Sep 2023

    Bouygues Telecom
    Bouygues Telecom
    Telecoms, Telecommunications
    Bouygues Telecom
    Telecoms, Telecommunications

    15 Sep 2023

    Telecoms, Telecommunications
    Telecoms, Telecommunications

    15 Sep 2023

    Deutsche Bank
    Deutsche Bank
    Bank, Financial Services
    Deutsche Bank
    Bank, Financial Services

    29 Sep 2023

    Finance, IT Services and IT Consulting
    Finance, IT Services and IT Consulting

    29 Sep 2023

    Telecoms, Law Practice, Telecommunications
    Telecoms, Law Practice, Telecommunications

    15 Sep 2023

    Ville de Paris
    Ville de Paris
    National and local authorities, Government Administration
    Ville de Paris
    National and local authorities, Government Administration

    17 Oct 2023

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