
    Created in 2005
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

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  • Location

    3 Rue Buffon, 91400 Orsay, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 19


  • Engaged corporates

    1 1
  • Added in Motherbase

    3 years, 10 months ago
  • Value proposition

    Expert in Video Content Analytics for Security and Safety needs: perimeter protection, smart & safe city.

    EVITECH is specialised in video analytics for global security : sensitive sites protection, public spaces and transports, fire start detection, oil & gas process monitoring (leaks detection, fire starts).

    EVITECH owns a successful set of prestigious references, among which government premises, big defense security system providers, sensitive energy sites or big construction actors.

    For twelves years now, EVITECH develops and commercializes one of the most performant and robust video analytics solutions for sensitive sites protection and crowd management. Created out of a MinDef-funded project, EVITECH aims at providing highly efficient solutions in image processing, to optimize the efficiency of protection systems, at a reasonable cost for the end user.

    EVITECH’s solutions are probably the only ones able to guarantee their performance results, allowing for the user to choose knowingly in a complex and rich activity field.

    Also, EVITECH owns a solid reputation for the quality of its support team, in terms of reactivity and caretaking of our customers, whether they be recent or more ancient.

    Finally, EVITECH’s team is also composed of a dozen researchers and software engineers, to design and provide industrial solutions at innovation’s best level.

    video analytics, fire start, oil & gas monitoring, public spaces and transport, and people counting

  • Original language

    Expert français de l'analyse vidéo pour la Sécurité Publique et Privée: protection de sites, Safe City

    EVITECH est spécialisée dans l'analyse intelligente d'images pour la sécurité globale : protection de sites sensibles, espace et transports publics, détection de départs de feux industriels, supervision de process hydrocarbures (détection de fuites, feux).

  • Evitech - Vidéo surveillance intelligente - Accueil

    Spécialiste en surveillance vidéo intelligente. Analyse d'images et interfaces opérateurs, détection de port d'armes, controle de distancation sociale...

  • https://www.evitech.com/fr/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Ministère de la Défense Ministère de la Défense

7 Oct 2022

Environmental Services
Environmental Services

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