  • Value proposition

    Their life. Your skills. Our technology.

    CARMAT is a French MedTech that designs, manufactures and markets the Aeson® artificial heart. The Company’s ambition is to make Aeson® the first alternative to a heart transplant, and thus provide a therapeutic solution to people suffering from end-stage biventricular heart failure, who are facing a well-known shortfall in available human grafts. The world’s first physiological artificial heart that is highly hemocompatible, pulsatile and self-regulated, Aeson® could save, every year, the lives of thousands of patients waiting for a heart transplant. The device offers patients quality of life and mobility thanks to its ergonomic and portable external power supply system that is continuously connected to the implanted prosthesis. Aeson® is commercially available as a bridge to transplant in the European Union and other countries that recognize CE marking. Aeson® is also currently being assessed within the framework of an Early Feasibility Study (EFS) in the United States. Founded in 2008, CARMAT is based in the Paris region, with its head offices located in Vélizy-Villacoublay and its production site in Bois-d’Arcy. The Company can rely on the talent and expertise of a multidisciplinary team of more than 200 highly specialized people.

    Manufacturing and sales for total artificial heart and Medical Device

  • Original language

    Their life. Your skills. Our technology.

    CARMAT est une medtech innovante, dont l’objectif est de proposer le 1er cœur artificiel total biocompatible et auto-régulé, incluant les ventricules droit et gauche et dont la conception vise à se rapprocher au maximum du cœur humain.
    Comptant près de 15 années de développement, ce projet est issu de la collaboration du Professeur Alain Carpentier et du Groupe EADS, dans la mise en œuvre de biomatériaux et de technologies de pointe appliquées au domaine du cœur artificiel.

    CARMAT is an innovating medtech company whose aim is to offer the first biocompatible, auto-regulated total artificial heart including right and left ventricles designed to be as close as possible to the human heart.
    With almost 15 years of development, this project has come from collaboration between Professor Alain Carpentier and the EADS Group in the use of advanced biomaterials and technologies applied to the artificial heart.

  • Home - Carmat :Carmat

    Carmat : le 1er cœur artificiel bioprothétique autorégulé, au plus proche du cœur humain

  • https://www.carmatsa.com/
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