  • Value proposition

    ANU is a world-leading university in Australia’s capital. CRICOS provider 00120C. TEQSA PRV12002.

    The Australian National University is Australia’s only national university and home to some of the world’s leading educators and researchers.

    More than 3,800 staff drive research and learning excellence at the University. Through their effort, ANU is consistently ranked amongst the top 50 research universities in the world.

    The University is committed to attracting, developing and retaining outstanding people and offers flexible employment options for both academic and professional staff.

    ANU staff and students are part of a strong on-campus community. They work and study in a rich environment. The campus is like a small town on more than 147 hectares of parkland with plenty of shops and cafés, a medical centre and multiple sporting facilities.

    Discover more online.


    Arts, Social Sciences, Asia and the Pacific Studies, Business and Economics, Engineering and Computer Science, Law, Medicine and Science, and Physical and Mathematical Sciences

  • The Australian National University

    Embark on an exceptional academic journey at ANU, Australia's world-leading university. Renowned for research excellence, we foster a vibrant learning environment that inspires and challenges.

  • https://www.anu.edu.au/
Corporate interactions
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Research, Research Services
Research, Research Services

18 Mar 2019

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