  • AdVitam.fr

    Created in 2016
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    438 1,759
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    75008 Paris, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 6


  • Engaged corporates

    9 8
  • Added in Motherbase

    4 years, 10 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] The funeral very gently.

    Advitam is the 1st funeral agency that allows you to organize a loved one serenely and simply, freely from home, without being influenced by a seller.

    Our observation
    The organization of funeral is complicated, opaque, archaic, very expensive and above all the traditional actors in the sector often make their interests pass before yours, by offering you not essential articles at often prohibitive prices. Advitam offers bereaved families a simple, transparent, and cheapest solution as possible to manage the funeral of a loved one.

    Advitam fights to provide more services and simplicity to families, so that they can focus on the essentials: their loved ones.

  • Original language

    Les obsèques tout en douceur.

    AdVitam est la 1ère agence de pompes funèbres qui vous permet d’organiser sereinement et simplement les obsèques d’un proche, librement depuis chez vous, sans vous faire influencer par un vendeur.

    Notre constat
    L’organisation d’obsèques est compliquée, opaque, archaïque, très chère et surtout les acteurs traditionnels du secteur font bien souvent passer leurs intérêts avant les vôtres, en vous proposant des articles non indispensables à des prix souvent prohibitifs. AdVitam propose aux familles endeuillées une solution simple, transparente, et la moins chère possible pour gérer les obsèques d’un proche.

    AdVitam se bat pour apporter plus de services et de simplicité aux familles, afin qu’elles puissent se concentrer sur l’essentiel : leurs proches.

  • Advitam | Pompes Funèbres responsables

    Les funérailles transparentes et plus abordables qui rendent les choses un peu plus douces. Dès 1699 €. Conseillers disponibles 7j/7.

  • https://advitam.fr/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Roland Berger
Roland Berger
Consulting, Business Consulting and Services
Roland Berger
Consulting, Business Consulting and Services
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

12 May 2020

Groupe TF1
Groupe TF1
Media, Broadcast Media Production and Distribution
Groupe TF1
Media, Broadcast Media Production and Distribution
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

4 Nov 2018

France Digitale
France Digitale
Startup accelerator & VC, Non-profit Organizations
France Digitale
Startup accelerator & VC, Non-profit Organizations
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

11 Mar 2020

Le Figaro
Le Figaro
Media, Newspaper Publishing
Le Figaro
Media, Newspaper Publishing
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

1 Nov 2018

BFM Business
BFM Business
Media, Broadcast Media Production and Distribution
BFM Business
Media, Broadcast Media Production and Distribution
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

8 Nov 2017

Startup Palace
Startup Palace
Startup accelerator & VC, Business Consulting and Services
Startup Palace
Startup accelerator & VC, Business Consulting and Services
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

16 Jun 2021

21 Jan 2023

Silver Valley
Silver Valley
International Trade and Development
Silver Valley
International Trade and Development
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

17 Mar 2021

HEC Paris
HEC Paris
Higher Education
HEC Paris
Higher Education
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

30 Nov 2016

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Social network dynamics