  • ZeeMono

    Created in 2016
  • BETA

    To investigate (B)
    Some signals may appear as inconsistent with a regular activity
  • Social networks

    608 114
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    18 ter Rue des Trembles, 38100 Grenoble, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 2

  • Engaged corporates

    4 8
  • Added in Motherbase

    4 years, 11 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] How to be sure to have a good day with your sports instructor? "By choosing the right one!" »»

    In real life, finding the ideal teacher is not necessarily obvious, but Zeemono has the solution! The website allows you to search online the profile of the professional that will suit you best. Choose and book the teacher that best meets your expectations in order to progress at your own pace and according to your wishes. Photos, comments from previous customers and info of all kinds will allow you to guide your choice. In particular, you can find your ski, tennis, golf, kitesurfing instructor, swimming, your high mountain guide, your sports coach and many others.

    Zero waiting, zero constraint. In a few clicks, go to the profiles of the monitors that suit you at any time and anywhere.

    Today, no one chooses a hotel without consulting Tripadvisor, tomorrow no one will reserve a sports lesson without consulting Zeemono!

    Website, connection, sports, sports coach, bess, de, BPJEPS, community, startup, CRM, online agenda, online booking, and taking appointments

  • Original language

    Comment être certain de passer une bonne journée avec son moniteur de sport ? « En choisissant le bon ! »

    Dans la vrai vie, trouver le professeur idéal n’est pas forcément évident, mais ZeeMono a la solution ! Le site web vous permet de rechercher en ligne le profil du professionnel qui vous conviendra le mieux. Choisissez et réservez l’enseignant qui correspond le mieux à vos attentes afin de progresser à votre rythme et selon vos souhaits. Photos, commentaires des clients précédents et infos en tous genres vous permettront de vous guider votre choix. Vous pourrez notamment trouver votre moniteur de ski, de tennis, de golf, de kitesurf, de natation, votre guide de haute montagne, votre coach sportif et bien d’autres.

    Zéro attente, Zéro contrainte. En quelques clics, accédez aux profils des moniteurs qui vous conviennent à tout moment et en tout lieu.

    Aujourd’hui, plus personne ne choisit un hôtel sans consulter Tripadvisor, demain plus personne ne réservera un cours de sport sans consulter ZeeMono !

    Site web, Mise en relation, Sports, Coach sportif, BESS, DE, BPJEPS, Communauté, Startup, CRM, Agenda en ligne, Réservation en ligne, and Prise de RDV

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
France Assureurs France Assureurs

18 Dec 2015

Clothing, footwear, Sporting Goods Manufacturing
Clothing, footwear, Sporting Goods Manufacturing

8 Apr 2017

Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
National and local authorities, Government Administration
Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
National and local authorities, Government Administration

23 May 2017

Public business cluster, French Cluster, IT Services and IT Consulting
Public business cluster, French Cluster, IT Services and IT Consulting
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

28 Nov 2014

Grenoble Ecole de Management
Grenoble Ecole de Management
Education Administration Programs
Grenoble Ecole de Management
Education Administration Programs
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

14 Jun 2017

CCI de Grenoble
CCI de Grenoble
Chamber of commerce, Government Administration
CCI de Grenoble
Chamber of commerce, Government Administration
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

14 Jul 2016

Hiscox Assurances France Hiscox Assurances France
Not capitalistic

18 Mar 2015

Groupe SNCF
Groupe SNCF
Transport, Truck Transportation
Groupe SNCF
Transport, Truck Transportation
Not capitalistic

18 Mar 2015

France Digitale
France Digitale
Startup accelerator & VC, Non-profit Organizations
France Digitale
Startup accelerator & VC, Non-profit Organizations

4 May 2016

BFM Business
BFM Business
Media, Broadcast Media Production and Distribution
BFM Business
Media, Broadcast Media Production and Distribution

10 Mar 2016

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Social network dynamics