  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Brands are Conversations 💬

    ✌️ We are a Digital CX agency. Conversations and interactions are our playground. We design, create and host new experiences that fuel conversations between brands & customers.

    👨‍💻 Our multiple offers are structured around specific methodologies and know-how that the agency implements for your projects.

    📱 We optimize your digital channels with a customer-centric approach by identifying opportunities and implementing new solutions.

    🙋‍♀️🙋 From consultants to designers to digital strategists, our multidisciplinary team works in synergy to improve your customer experience.

    💌 A question, a project? Contact us and let's talk about it!

    Chatbot, Digital CRM, Digital Marketing, Social Media Management, Social Media Intelligence, Social Ads, Brand Community, Social Influence Marketing, eCRM, Interaction design, Visual IVR, Digital Care, Customer Support, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, and Selfcare

  • Original language

    Brands are Conversations 💬

    ✌️ Nous sommes une agence CX Digitale. Les conversations et interactions composent notre terrain de jeu. Nous concevons, réalisons et animons de nouvelles expériences qui alimentent les conversations entre les marques & les clients.

    👨‍💻 Nos multiples offres s'articules autour de méthodologies et savoir-faire précis que l'agence met en place pour vos projets.

    📱 Nous optimisons vos canaux digitaux avec une approche customer centric en identifiant les opportunités et en implémentant de nouvelles solutions.

    🙋‍♀️🙋 Du consultant au designer en passant par le digital strategist, notre équipe pluridisciplinaire travaille en synergie pour améliorer votre customer experience.

    💌 Une question, un projet ? Contactez-nous et parlons-en !

    Chatbot, Digital CRM, Digital Marketing, Social Media Management, Social Media Intelligence, Social Ads, Brand Community, Social Influence Marketing, eCRM, Interaction design, Visual IVR, Digital Care, Customer Support, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, and Selfcare

  • CX outsourcing services & solutions - Foundever

    We blend human expertise with AI-driven capabilities to provide brands with comprehensive CX outsourcing services & solutions.

  • https://foundever.com
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