  • Jim Fannin Brands, Inc.

    Created in 1974
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    Up & running (A)
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  • Location

    1815 S Meyers Rd STE 520, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181, USA

    Oakbrook Terrace

    United States of America

  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 4

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  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years ago
  • Value proposition

    Your success is the only mission!

    Jim Fannin Brands, Inc. is a portfolio company named for Jim Fannin, best-selling author, speaker, entrepreneur, life strategist, educator, business consultant, peak performance coach and philanthropist.

    We provide concrete, proven solutions to individual, team and corporate challenges in life, business and sports powered by Jim’s proprietary S.C.O.R.E.® Success System with its 90-Second RuleTM tools and techniques. These powerful thought management tools empower you to reach high daily standards to enjoy a life of simplicity, balance and abundance.

    Your success is our only mission. Period.

    Over five decades of enabling individuals and groups to swiftly change their lives for the better, Jim Fannin Brands, Inc. is about amazing change and positive results.

    Jim Fannin has personally coached the "best of the best"​ since 1971, from 28 MLB All-Stars, NFL All-Pros, NBA All-Pros, 7 tennis pros in the world's top 10, 10 golfers to win their first pro tournament, the world's #1 golfer, and thousands of CEOs and executives from 50 industries and 350 of the Fortune 500 in peak performance.

    Get the Life in the Zone Audio Course Here: https://courses.zonecoach.com/offers/ubfEvW9h

    Keynote Speaker, Executive Coaching, Platform Speaker, Personal Coaching, Professional Coaching, Author, Motivational Speaker, Celebrity Coaching, Life Coaching, Visualization, Thought Management, Intuition Training, Sports Coaching, and Enterpreneurship

  • Home - Jim Fannin - #1 Mental Coach Life, Sports & Business

    Jim Fannin customizes Life Blueprints for individuals & groups with proven mental coaching for life, sports & business.

  • https://www.jimfannin.com/
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