  • Privatum*

    Created in 2017
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
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    17 1,622
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  • Location

    Eurostraat 1, 3500 Hasselt, Belgium



  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 22

  • Engaged corporates

    0 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    4 years, 7 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Our business is protecting yours.

    At Privatum, we understand that information is the foundation of modern business. Protecting that information is crucial to your success and peace of mind.
    With a dedicated team of over 30 highly qualified professionals, we are here to guide you through the world of cybersecurity, GDPR, ISO 27001 and information security.
    Our strength lies in our pragmatic approach, where we place the unique business processes of each client at the heart of our strategy. We believe that effective security should integrate seamlessly with your daily activities, without hindering efficiency.
    What makes us unique? Our holistic and positive approach, with a team where legal and technical knowledge merge into a perfect whole.
    We don't see problems, we see opportunities! Because information security offers numerous unprecedented possibilities for companies. And we are happy to help you discover them. By advising and supporting you in our typically sincere and qualitative way.

    GDPR, Data protection, Data protection officer, GDPR compliance check, Privacy audit, Privacy & data protection consultancy, Project Management, Business Analysis, Data Analysis, Functional Analysis, Product Management, ISO27001, GRC, DPO as a service, CISO as a service, and Ethical Hacking

  • Original language

    Our business is protecting yours.

    Bij Privatum begrijpen we dat informatie de basis vormt van de moderne zakenwereld. Het beschermen van die informatie is cruciaal voor uw succes en gemoedsrust.
    Met een toegewijd team van meer dan 30 hooggekwalificeerde professionals zijn wij er om u te begeleiden in de wereld van cybersecurity, GDPR, ISO 27001 en informatiebeveiliging.
    Onze kracht ligt in onze pragmatisch aanpak, waarbij we de unieke bedrijfsprocessen van elke klant in het hart van onze strategie plaatsen. Wij geloven dat effectieve beveiliging naadloos moet integreren met uw dagelijkse activiteiten, zonder dat dit de efficiëntie belemmert.
    Wat maakt ons uniek? Onze holistische en positieve approach, met een team waarin juridische en technische kennis tot een perfect geheel samen smelten.
    Wij zien geen problemen, wij zien opportuniteiten! Want informatieveiligheid biedt tal van ongekende mogelijkheden voor bedrijven. En wij helpen graag u deze te ontdekken. Door u op onze typisch oprechte en kwalitatieve manier te adviseren en te ondersteunen.

    GDPR, Data protection, Data protection officer, GDPR compliancy check, Privacy audit, Privacy & data protection consultancy, Project Management, Business Analyse, Data Analyse, Functionele Analyse, Product Management, ISO27001, GRC, DPO as a service, CISO as a service, and Ethical Hacking

  • Privatum – Welcome to Privatum – your trusted partner in Privacy and Information Security. Our expert consultancy and management services cover all aspects of your business, ensuring comprehensive protection and legal and security compliance on all fronts.

    Welcome to Privatum – your trusted partner in Privacy and Information Security. Our expert consultancy and management services cover all aspects of your business, ensuring comprehensive protection and legal and security compliance on all fronts.

  • https://privatum.be/
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