AksjeNorge er en ikke-kommersiell stiftelse som arbeider for økt kunnskap om #aksjer og #aksjemarkedet i Norge. Gir ikke personlige råd. @KrisSkaug fører ✏️" title="" class="btn" data-container="body" data-html="true" data-id="86095" data-placement="top" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" style="color:#b3d4fc" tabindex="0" data-original-title="AksjeNorge"> 9,117 1,574
Entity types
Tollbugata 2, 0105, 0152 Oslo, Norway
Scale: 2-10
Estimated: 14
Engaged corporates
3Added in Motherbase
5 years agoAllmenn opplysning om aksje- og finansmarkeder.
A non-commercial foundation contributing to financial markets knowledge
AksjeNorge «EquityNorway» is a non-commercial NGO. Our objective is to increase financial literacy in Norway, focusing on how the securities markets operate and how private individuals can invest in these markets, in order to motivate to increase private ownership.
AksjeNorge was established in 1993 by several exchange listed companies, LO and NHO, Oslo Børs, VPS, the Shipowners Association, Gjensidige, KLP, Statoil, fund managers and brokerage firms. We have a long term perspective and work closely toward our three target audiences; the general public, schools and students, as well as employee share ownership.
What is AksjeNorge? AksjeNorge («EquityNorway») aims at increasing the Norwegian public’s knowledge about equities and the securities markets.