  • Abomics Oy

    Created in 2013
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    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
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    94 887
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  • Location

    Tykistökatu 4b, 20520 Turku, Finland



  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 15

  • Engaged corporates

    0 2
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years ago
  • Value proposition

    Supporting medication decisions.

    Precision medicine is available for your patients today.

    Pharmacogenetics is the science that combines genetics with pharmacology. Your genes dictate how you react to a certain medicine. This is individual for all of us, and this science can be used to personalize the medication for patients as individuals.

    Pharmacogenetics is disrupting medication as the cost of genetic testing has dropped from thousands of euros to hundreds of euros. Scientific evidence shows that pharmacogenetics gives better clinical outcomes for the patient and better cost efficiency for society. Particularly in treatment of depression and geriatric polypharmacy. Evidence is strong also in the treatment of coronary heart disease, and stroke.

    We at Abomics make pharmacogenetics an easy tool for doctors in their daily clinical work. Based on a simple blood test, we provide doctors with a patient specific report that shows whether a specific medicine is suitable for a patient or not and how the dosage should be adjusted.

    Abomics PGx – Pharmacogenetic interpretation service for personalized precision medication.

    Abomics GeneRx – Pharmacogenetic clinical decision support database.

    Our core end customers are:
    - Psychiatrists (depression)
    - Geriatricians (polypharmacy)
    - Cardiologists (coronary heart disease)
    - Neurologists (stroke).

    Our direct customers are:
    - Clinical laboratories
    - SW providers:
    o EHR / electronic prescribing systems
    o Medical Database and DSS providers

    Pharmacogenetics, Pharmacogenetic interpretation services, Pharmacogenetic database services, Precision medicine, Mental health, Pharmacogenetics API for EHR, Polypharmacy, Geriatric polypharmacy, Personalised health care, Personalised medication, and pharmacogenomics

  • Etusivu - Abomics

    Yksilöllinen lääkitys on tänään jokaisen lääkärin ja potilaan saatavilla. Sama lääke ja annos ei toimi kaikilla samalla tavalla. Geenit vaikuttavat siihen, miten elimistömme reagoi mm. masennus- ja särkylääkkeisiin sekä sydän- ja verisuonisairauksien lääkkeisiin. Abomics tarjoaa yhteistyössä laboratorioiden kanssa verinäytteeseen perustuvan farmakogeneettisen testin, josta lääkäri saa lausunnon lääkehoidon suunnittelun tueksi. Farmakogeneettinen testi Miten testiin? Lääkäreille For

  • https://abomicspgx.com/fi/
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IT Services and IT Consulting
IT Services and IT Consulting

20 Jan 2024

IT services, IT Services and IT Consulting
IT services, IT Services and IT Consulting

20 Jan 2024

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