  • Value proposition

    We create intelligent voice and chat bots for marketing, sales and support in minutes.

    Take your business to the customer. Offer 24/7 availability through messaging apps and voice devices.

    + Connect with over 5 billion people using messaging apps per month in 100+ languages.
    + Scale your market presence in all popular voice and chat channels with one consistent brand voice.
    + Understand your customers better with real-time insights. Track usage, click-throughs, and even emotion.

    Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Chatbots, Voice Skills, Alexa, Google Home, Messenger Apps, Cortana, Direct Marketing, Data-driven, Analytics, Automated Customer Service, AI Assistant, Multiple Channels, Customer Behaviour, Customer Emotion, Efficiencies, and 24/7 Customer Care

  • Home - Chatamo

    Make your business available, everywhere. Create intelligent voice and chat bots for marketing, sales and support in minutes.

  • https://chatamo.com/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Finance, Online Audio and Video Media
Finance, Online Audio and Video Media

4 Jun 2021

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