  • Diario SPORT

    Created in 1979
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    2,060,415 5,486
  • Entity types

  • Location

    C. del Consell de Cent, 425, 427, 08009 Barcelona, Spain



  • Employees

    Scale: 51-200

    Estimated: 101

  • Engaged corporates

    3 5
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years, 1 month ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] We are the Sport newspaper. We are all you expect from us

    The Sport newspaper is a newspaper founded in Barcelona in 1979 that informs the detail of everything that surrounds FC Barcelona and sport in general. Sport has been characterized by being the leading sports newspaper in the Catalan press and one of the most important at the Spanish level.

    In its digital version, Sport.es, the company has made a commitment to new technologies and in a few years it has managed to place between the most audience media in Spain on the network. Likewise has profiles in the main social networks such as Facebook or Twitter, where he has established new meeting points with many sports fans, mainly Barça followers.

    Information about FC Barcelona, ​​football information, information on basketball, tennis information, handball information, athletics information, and many more sports

  • Original language

    Somos el Diario SPORT. Somos todo lo que esperas de nosotros

    El Diario SPORT es un diario fundado en Barcelona en 1979 que informa al detalle de toda lo que rodea al FC Barcelona y el deporte en general. SPORT se ha caracterizado por ser el diario deportivo líder en la prensa catalana y uno de los más importantes a nivel español.

    En su versión digital, SPORT.es, la empresa ha hecho una apuesta por las nuevas tecnologías y en pocos años ha conseguido situarse entre los medios con más audiencia de España en la red. Asímismo cuenta con perfiles en las principales redes sociales como Facebook o Twitter, en donde ha establecido nuevos puntos de encuentro con muchos aficionados al deporte, principalmente seguidores del Barça.

    Información sobre el FC Barcelona, Información sobre Fútbol, Información sobre Baloncesto, Información sobre Tenis, Informacion sobre Balonmano, Información sobre Atletismo, and Muchos más deportes

  • SPORT | Noticias del Barça, La Liga, fútbol y otros deportes

    Diario SPORT. Versión online del periódico deportivo. Todas las noticias del Barça, última hora y del mundo del deporte en general

  • https://www.sport.es/es/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Bank, Banking
Bank, Banking

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25 Nov 2024

BUSI By Clermont Auvergne Innovation
BUSI By Clermont Auvergne Innovation
Startup accelerator & VC, Business Consulting and Services
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Startup accelerator & VC, Business Consulting and Services

13 Apr 2017

Sec-1 | part of Claranet Cyber Security
Sec-1 | part of Claranet Cyber Security
Computer & Network Security
Sec-1 | part of Claranet Cyber Security
Computer & Network Security

19 Dec 2016

Banco Sabadell
Banco Sabadell
Bank, Information Technology and Services
Banco Sabadell
Bank, Information Technology and Services

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L'Usine Digitale
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Online Audio and Video Media
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